Author Topic: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union  (Read 41958 times)


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The Mainstream Media
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2018, 04:40:21 AM »
The way things are going, Italy could be out of the European Union before Britain

The Telegraph

Italy has been plunged into turmoil with new elections expected

 Jeremy Warner
29 MAY 2018 • 6:02 PM
"Last night was the darkest in the history of Italian democracy”, Luigi Di Maio, head of Italy’s populist Five Star Movement, said on Monday. For once, this was not just Italian hyperbole. He’s right, but not entirely for the reasons he meant.

It is indeed a profoundly threatening moment, not just for modern Italy, but for the European Union as a whole. Not because the Italian president, Sergio Mattarella, has ridden rough-shod over democratic convention by blocking the appointment of a eurosceptic finance minister, or because he has turned to Carlo Cottarelli, a former big wig at the International Monetary Fund, to form a caretaker government; something similar has happened before in the bedlam of Italy’s political circus.

Rather, it is because the current, incendiary confluence of political, financial and economic forces is a much more dangerous mix than anything we have seen before in the single currency’s troubled, near twenty-year history, threatening to blow the whole thing apart from within.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2018, 07:31:53 PM »
As Italy’s populists take power, Europe is on edge

ROME — Finished at last with their three-month job of forming a government, Italy’s populists on Friday recited oaths, shook hands and began a job that could prove even more challenging: running the euro zone’s third-largest economy while risking a deep conflict with the European Union.

Italy’s new government has signaled it doesn’t intend to leave Europe’s single currency, easing the most acute concerns. But even with that threat averted for now, Italy’s populist coalition, in a bid to fulfill campaign promises, could test Europe on issues ranging from migration to spending.

For a continent already strained by Britain’s exit from the E.U. and an increasingly uncertain relationship with the United States, Italy represents a different kind of peril. It is a core European Union member willing to push back against European Union policies and norms. In a note of congratulations Friday, European Council president Donald Tusk said it was a “crucial time” for Italy and the E.U.

“We need unity and solidarity more than ever,” Tusk said.

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Italy’s populists, so far, have offered Europe conflicting signs about the approach they will take. The dramatic deal to form a government — and win sign-off from President Sergio Mattarella — was only clinched when the leaders swapped out a fierce euro critic for the finance minister job. Italy’s new government also chose as foreign minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi, whom one analyst on Friday called “a piece of the Italian-European establishment if ever there was one.”

But the two parties that overturned Italy’s political power structure also have reason to stick with the anti-Europe message, because that is what helped bring them to power. The anti-establishment Five Star Movement and the hard-right League have talked relentlessly about renegotiating European rules and fiscal limits. They have called on Europe to help find a more equitable solution for settling migrants and ease the burden on Italy, a top entry point for immigrants crossing the Mediterranean. The League, in particular, has taken a strident anti-migrant stance, campaigning on the deportation of 600,000 people.

Five Star Movement leader Luigi Di Maio, left, and League party leader Matteo Salvini attend the swearing-in ceremony for Italy's new government. (Alessandro Di Meo/AP)
“These guys were supposed to overturn the world,” said Giovanni Orsina, a professor at the LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome, who said he already sees some indications of normalization. “They promised the moon and now they get to govern. They will need to show voters they are moving.”

Just before the ceremony in which law professor Giuseppe Conte was sworn in as prime minister, one of the new government’s leading figures, Matteo Salvini, used a Facebook post to criticize European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker. Juncker had been quoted in one news outlet as suggesting that Italians should work harder and be less corrupt — a comment Juncker’s spokesman said was misrepresented. But Salvini, on his official Facebook account, called Juncker’s comments “shameful and racist.” Salvini’s post included his familiar hashtag, #Italiansfirst.

Much of the concern about Italy’s new government stems from its promise of a powerful injection of spending, including new subsidies for the poor and unemployed. The coalition wants to repeal an unpopular pension restructuring that was drawn up during the height of the euro crisis as a way to bolster Italy’s coffers. The proposed changes are a potent nod to voter frustration in a country where the economy has scarcely grown in two decades. But the D.C.-based Peterson Institute for International Economics, in a research paper, said last week that the coalition’s fiscal plans were a “recipe for a debt crisis” that would “put it on collision course with financial markets and the European Union,” which has rules designed to keep debt in check.

“I think Europe is worried,” said Massimo Franco, a columnist at the Corriere della Sera newspaper. “Italy knows well that we still have to deal with Europe. But the problem will be about expenditures.”

As the new government was sworn in, Milan’s major stock exchange was up 1.5 percent on the day, and Italian borrowing costs — which had spiked during a topsy-turvy week — were falling closer in line with other European countries.

Ministers line up during the swearing-in ceremony at Rome's Quirinale Presidential Palace on Friday. (Gregorio Borgia/AP)
Meantime, at the Quirinale, Italy’s presidential palace, Conte and 18 cabinet members were lining up for a ceremony that resembled any other government initiation in Rome. The walls of the room were gilded. Crystal chandeliers hung overhead. Italian and European Union flags flanked a desk where, one by one, the new government members approached and vowed to “respect the letter of the constitution.”

When posing for photos, Five Star leader Luigi Di Maio stood at the far end of the front row, next to Salvini. Both tried to hold back their smiles. After it was over, reporters spotted Salvini walking out of the palace and asked him how long he thought the new government would last.

“At least 10 years,” he said.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2018, 07:34:58 PM »
Fucking Epic. The beginnings of The Downfall of The European Union before our very eyes.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #28 on: June 01, 2018, 07:47:32 PM »
Big Ups to this guy right here. Dr. Steve Turley

I stumbled upon him recently and, wow, one of the best minds in the the political game.

We need to begin to step outside the paradigm of the mainstream media.

Shut it off fellas. Stop clicking, stop watching.

They starve and ultimately go away without us.

The people have taken back the narrative.

If you have a content creator that your respect, whether he/she have 100 subscribers or 100,000 subscribers....SHARE!!!


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #29 on: June 10, 2018, 03:32:14 PM »
Ontario election results: populist Doug Ford to become premier

Doug Ford – the brother of controversial former Toronto mayor Rob Ford – is the new leader of Canada’s most populous province, winning a majority government in a local show of strength for the divisive wedge politics that have rattled much of the world.

Ontario’s Conservatives, led by Ford, won 76 of the 124 seats in the province, with 99% of the polls reporting. Buoyed by promises that included slashing income taxes, reducing the price of gasoline, boosting spending on healthcare and transit and repealing carbon pricing, the Conservatives won 41% of the vote, bringing an end to 15 years of Liberal rule in the province.

“This victory belongs to the people,” Ford told supporters on Thursday. “Together we made history. We have taken back Ontario, we have delivered a government that is for the people.”

Ford – a businessman who rails against the elite and regularly peppers his speeches and interviews with boasts and falsehoods – is the brother of the late Rob Ford, the former Toronto mayor who made headlines around the world after he admitted to smoking crack cocaine while in office.

In his victory speech, Ford thanked his brother. “I know my brother Rob is looking down from heaven. I’m just getting chills talking about him right now,” he said. “I know Rob is celebrating with us tonight. We owe so much to Rob’s legacy.”

Throughout the campaign Ford’s brand of populism prompted a slew of comparisons to Donald Trump, as the Canadian leader took aim at safe injection sites and opposed legislation to create protest-free zones outside abortion clinics. But in contrast to Trump, he campaigned hard among Canada’s immigrant communities who hold considerable sway in several ridings in the province.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #30 on: June 10, 2018, 03:35:01 PM »
Italy shuts ports to migrant boat, asks Malta to open its doors

Reuters) - Italy will refuse to let a humanitarian ship carrying more than 600 migrants dock at its ports and has asked the Mediterranean island of Malta to open its doors to the vessel, government officials said on Sunday.

Malta brushed off the request, saying it had nothing to do with the rescue operation, opening the prospect of a diplomatic rift between the two European Union allies.

The move by Italy's new interior minister, Matteo Salvini, who is also head of the far-right League, represents an opening gambit to make good on his electoral promises to halt the flow of migrants into the country

Malta takes in nobody. France pushes people back at the border, Spain defends its frontier with weapons," Salvini wrote on Facebook. "From today, Italy will also start to say no to human trafficking, no to the business of illegal immigration."

More than 600,000 migrants have reached Italy by boat from Africa in the past five years. Numbers have dropped dramatically in recent months, but rescues have increased in recent days, presenting Salvini with his first test as minister.

"My aim is to guarantee a peaceful life for these youths in Africa and for our children in Italy," Salvini said, using the Twitter hashtag "We are shutting the ports".

However, Salvini does not have authority over the ports and it was not immediately clear if his line would hold. The mayor of Naples, who has repeatedly clashed with the League leader, said he would welcome in the humanitarian boat.

"Naples is ready, without funds, to save lives," he said.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2018, 06:05:18 PM »
Italy shuts ports to migrant boat, asks Malta to open its doors

Reuters) - Italy will refuse to let a humanitarian ship carrying more than 600 migrants dock at its ports and has asked the Mediterranean island of Malta to open its doors to the vessel, government officials said on Sunday.

Malta brushed off the request, saying it had nothing to do with the rescue operation, opening the prospect of a diplomatic rift between the two European Union allies.

The move by Italy's new interior minister, Matteo Salvini, who is also head of the far-right League, represents an opening gambit to make good on his electoral promises to halt the flow of migrants into the country

Malta takes in nobody. France pushes people back at the border, Spain defends its frontier with weapons," Salvini wrote on Facebook. "From today, Italy will also start to say no to human trafficking, no to the business of illegal immigration."

More than 600,000 migrants have reached Italy by boat from Africa in the past five years. Numbers have dropped dramatically in recent months, but rescues have increased in recent days, presenting Salvini with his first test as minister.

"My aim is to guarantee a peaceful life for these youths in Africa and for our children in Italy," Salvini said, using the Twitter hashtag "We are shutting the ports".

However, Salvini does not have authority over the ports and it was not immediately clear if his line would hold. The mayor of Naples, who has repeatedly clashed with the League leader, said he would welcome in the humanitarian boat.

"Naples is ready, without funds, to save lives," he said.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2018, 03:13:05 PM »
Austria Police, Army to Stage Border Defence War Games as Balkans Warn 80,000 Migrants Headed North

Austrian troops will carry out exercises preparing the nation’s border defence against a migration influx later this month after Balkans police warned 80,000 third-world migrants are heading towards Western Europe.
With up to 1,000 police officers, soldiers, and riot police set to take part in June, the drill will be Austria’s largest ever border patrol exercise, according to Kronen Zeitung, Austria’s best-selling newspaper.

The announcement came following a security conference in Slovenia at which police chiefs from countries along the Balkans migration routes warned they had seen a significant upsurge in the number of border crossings.

Speaking after the conference, Federal Criminal Police Office (BK) director Franz Lang said that the situation in the Balkans is “critical”, with 80,000 asylum seekers currently making their way through the region towards Western Europe.

“Everyone [at the conference] concluded there was cause for concern,” he said, telling the Austria Press Agency that countries including Albania reported the number of migrant arrivals having more than doubled since this time last year.

“It is mostly young males travelling alone that police see on this ‘mosque route’, many of whom could be considered to be potential jihadists,” Lang added.

Interior Minister Herbert Kickl said the border drill will show the country is “serious” about stopping illegal immigration, stating: “We must be prepared for the possibility of sudden, huge migration flows,” in the event that fledgeling border forces in neighbouring Balkans nations lose control of the situation.

Units from the new border force, which has been named ‘Puma’, “will be positioned in such a way that ensures any applications for asylum will be a case for the Slovenians”, according to the Freedom Party (FPÖ) minister.

“There will be no waving people through and registering them,” he added, contrasting the “genuine defensive stance” on illegal immigration taken by the right wing government compared to that of its Social Democratic Party-led (SPÖ) predecessor.

On Friday, Austria’s conservative-populist governing coalition announced that it is to close seven extremist-linked mosques and expel dozens of foreign-funded imams as part of a plan to tackle radical Islam in the country.

Commenting on the measure, conservative People’s Party (ÖVP) chief and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said that parallel societies “have no place in our country”, while FPÖ leader Heinz Christian Strache said the government would no longer “tolerate hate speech under the guise of a religion”.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #33 on: June 15, 2018, 05:49:09 AM »
In Merkel migrant row, Germans back tough policies: poll

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has faced a backlash for allowing in more than one million people fleeing war and misery in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere since 2015

As Chancellor Angela Merkel fights to save her government in a heated battle over immigration, an opinion poll Friday showed most Germans support the tougher line of her rebel interior minister.

The survey found that 62 percent of respondents were in favour of turning back undocumented asylum seekers at the border, in line with the stance of Interior Minister Horst Seehofer who is openly challenging Merkel.

And 86 percent want faster deportations of rejected asylum seekers, a process now often held up by bureaucratic hurdles, according to the Infratest dimap poll.

The survey heightens pressure on Merkel, who has faced a backlash for allowing into Germany more than one million people fleeing war and misery in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere since 2015.

The mass influx sparked the rise of the far-right and anti-Islam AfD party, which entered parliament last September.

Merkel's welcome to refugees also infuriated Seehofer and his CSU, the sister party of her Christian Democrats in the southern state of Bavaria, the main entry point for most arrivals.

In an unprecedented split between the CDU and CSU, Seehofer has openly defied Merkel with a demand to allow border police to turn back migrants who lack valid identity papers or are already registered in another EU country.

Merkel argues that Germany must not take the sudden and unilateral step of rejecting most asylum seekers at the border, which would heighten the burden for frontline countries like Italy, Greece and Spain.

She has pledged instead to seek bilateral agreements with these countries and a wider solution by the EU, which holds its next summit on June 28-29.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #34 on: June 16, 2018, 10:57:08 AM »
'We might have a new situation' German MP predicts Merkel could be OUSTED end of NEXT WEEK

Speaking on BBC World at One, the German politician claimed clashes between Angela Merkel and German interior minister Horst Seehofer could result in a "new political situation" in Germany by the end of next week.

The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) politician said it was still unclear in Berlin what the essence of the disagreement between the Chancellor and Mr Seehofer was and that other members of the coalition had been left "in the blue".

Mr Whittaker said: “We are in a serious situation because the question of the migration crisis evolved into a power question.

“The question is who is leading the Government? Is it Angela Merkel or is it Horst Seehofer?

Angela Merkel could be replace as German Chancellor as soon as next week, claims Kai Whittaker
“Everybody seems to be standing firm and that’s the problem.”

Asked what the German Chancellor and her interior minister are clashing over, he replied: “We don’t know really. There is a master plan to solve the migration crisis, which consists of 63 ideas of Horst Seehofer.

“We don’t know that concept yet, so we are a bit in the blue.

“This must have to do with the coming election in Bavaria because it is vital for the Conservatives to win an overall majority because that’s why they have a national importance.

“This kind of has the potential to diminish the authority of her and Horts Seehofer and it could well be that at the end of next week we have a new situation.
The question is who is leading the Government? Is it Angela Merkel or is it Horst Seehofer?

“Probably a new Chancellor.”

Mr Seehofer, of the Christian Social Union (CSU), has often voiced his hostility towards Mrs Merkel’s open border policy, which brought more than a million refugees in the country in 2015.

He pushed for police forces to have the power to turn away undocumented migrants at the border if they are already registered in another European Union country.

But Mrs Merkel opposes to such measure and has held emergency talks with members of her party to look for support.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #35 on: June 16, 2018, 11:07:05 AM »
Interesting articles on world wide immigration issues.
THanks for taking the time to post 'em Poly.
I actually learned some new stuff on this issues.

I personally see nothing wrong with nations controlling borders and being selective with immigration.

I'm totally against separating children from parents at the border however.
The USA should simply turn them away, unless it's a repeat border crosser.
Once people have a proven record of 2-3 or more illegal crossings, they need to be locked up.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #36 on: June 16, 2018, 11:18:58 AM »


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #37 on: June 16, 2018, 11:51:36 AM »
Interesting articles on world wide immigration issues.
THanks for taking the time to post 'em Poly.
I actually learned some new stuff on this issues.

I personally see nothing wrong with nations controlling borders and being selective with immigration.

I'm totally against separating children from parents at the border however.
The USA should simply turn them away, unless it's a repeat border crosser.
Once people have a proven record of 2-3 or more illegal crossings, they need to be locked up.

Thanks Howard, I really appreciate it.

Yes, I am trying to add a little bit of variety to the forum by shining a light on some of these other issues the world is facing(particularly Europe).

One of the best YouTube content creators out there. Black Pigeon Speaks videos really are top notch and he has a really solid grasp on the same issues addressed in this thread.

If anyone else has an interesting video they would like to post, by all means please do so.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The Mainstream Media
« Reply #38 on: June 16, 2018, 03:52:16 PM »
You must not have been watching his speeches. I did and he was anything but a retard. Seemed like a genius to me compared to all the whores in Washington. Supporting Trump was a completely natural fit for males with healthy Testosterone levels and there was never any alternative or second thought. It was just natural that he should be President. I am glad there are still men with healthy Test levels in USA!!

I missed this when it was 1st posted

Your exactly right.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #39 on: June 16, 2018, 08:05:53 PM »
Fucking Epic. The beginnings of The Downfall of The European Union before our very eyes.

Lol at the people in the background cringing.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #40 on: June 16, 2018, 10:44:25 PM »
At some point if half of a country is "migrating" north into europe.....that's not seeking asylum. Stay and fight for your country.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #41 on: June 18, 2018, 03:03:48 PM »
Populist Conservative Iván Duque Elected President of Colombia

Iván Duque, a populist conservative, won Colombia’s presidential election Sunday with about 54% of the vote. He defeated former guerrilla member and past Bogotá mayor Gustavo Petro with a platform focused on economic revival and reform of the country’s recent rebel peace deal.

Duque, 41, will become one of the youngest presidents in the country’s history. A newcomer to politics, Duque worked at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington before being elected to Colombia’s senate in 2014. His political rise is thanks much in part to former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, who mentored Duque.

Many fear Duque will be a puppet of Uribe, a politician known for his strength and harsh tactics against guerrilla rebels. Uribe was president for two terms from 2002 to 2010, but is constitutionally barred from running for a third term. Uribe is also known as an adamant critic of the country’s 2016 peace deal with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), and Duque has carried this criticism into his own platform.

The peace deal formally ended more than 50 years of rebel warfare that left more than 250,000 dead, but Duque says the deal is too soft on “FARC terrorists.” Many accused of war crimes have avoided prison, and past guerrilla fighters now sit in the Colombia congress. The reform of the peace deal was a primary part of Duque’s presidential running platform. Duque says his party “does not want to tear the agreement to shreds” but rather “make it clear that a Colombia at peace is a Colombia where peace meets justice.”


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #42 on: June 19, 2018, 04:13:25 AM »
Anti-Immigrant View Adopted by Denmark's Biggest Political Party

(Bloomberg) -- Having anti-immigration policies has gone well and truly mainstream in Denmark.

The country’s biggest political group, the opposition Social Democrats, this week ended long-standing ties with the Social Liberals that count European Commissioner Margrethe Vestager among their members. The move followed the latter group’s perceived soft views on immigration.

Instead, Social Democrat leader Mette Frederiksen has publicly acknowledged a closer bond with the Danish People’s Party, which has talked of dragging Denmark out of the Schengen agreement and targets a drastic reduction in the number of immigrants and asylum seekers allowed into the country. (It’s worth noting that a former Social Democrat prime minister, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, back in 1999 attacked the DPP for its harsh views on immigration, using a metaphor to imply the group would never be fit for polite society.)

With general elections due no later than June 2019, most polls show that Frederiksen has a good chance of becoming Denmark’s next prime minister. If she defeats the center-right coalition of Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen, Frederiksen said this week she intends to form a one-party government, without the Social Liberals. At the same time, she has made clear she’d be happy to accept parliamentary support from the DPP.

Defending her decision to turn her back on the Social Liberals, Frederiksen said, “The differences have become too big.” She said her new affiliations have brought the Social Democrats more “in line with the view of Danes on immigration, and we will continue on that route.”

Read more on the Social Democrats’ shift on migration

Coalition governments are the norm in Denmark. After trying to run a government that consisted only of his Liberal Party, Lokke Rasmussen in late 2016 conceded the project was untenable, and expanded his administration to become a three-party coalition that rules with the support of the Danish People’s Party in parliament.

Kristian Thulesen Dahl, the leader of the DPP, has welcomed Frederiksen’s stricter views on immigration, though for now he says he will continue to back Lokke Rasmussen.

But Danish media have been full of political commentary noting that there’s a good deal more chemistry between Frederiksen and Thulesen Dahl than between the DPP leader and Lokke Rasmussen.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #43 on: June 19, 2018, 04:25:53 PM »
Great more good news from Denmark.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #44 on: June 19, 2018, 05:54:19 PM »
Is it too late for Mother Europe? Europa Erwachen!


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2018, 04:03:12 AM »
Anti-EU Swedish Democrats surge to first place ahead of election

The anti-EU, anti-mass migration Swedish Democrats have surged to first place ahead of Sweden’s election in September.

YouGov have them up by 6 points on 29%. The Social Democrats are lagging behind on 22%, giving the Eurosceptics a large 7 point lead.

This is highly significant as the party has just called for a referendum on EU membership

The anti-EU, anti-mass migration Swedish Democrats have surged to first place ahead of Sweden’s election in September.

YouGov have them up by 6 points on 29%. The Social Democrats are lagging behind on 22%, giving the Eurosceptics a large 7 point lead.

This is highly significant as the party has just called for a referendum on EU membership.

Party Leader Jimmie Åkesson describes the EU as a “a large web of corruption” and told the Swedish media: “We pay an enormous amount of money and get overwhelmingly little back.”

Euroscepticism is rising across Europe. Help us to keep bringing you the latest.

Politics in Europe is changing rapidly. A big win for the Swedish Democrats could rock Brussels to the core. Where Brexit Britain leads, others will follow!


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2018, 12:46:21 PM »
Anti-EU Swedish Democrats surge to first place ahead of election

The anti-EU, anti-mass migration Swedish Democrats have surged to first place ahead of Sweden’s election in September.

YouGov have them up by 6 points on 29%. The Social Democrats are lagging behind on 22%, giving the Eurosceptics a large 7 point lead.

This is highly significant as the party has just called for a referendum on EU membership

The anti-EU, anti-mass migration Swedish Democrats have surged to first place ahead of Sweden’s election in September.

YouGov have them up by 6 points on 29%. The Social Democrats are lagging behind on 22%, giving the Eurosceptics a large 7 point lead.

This is highly significant as the party has just called for a referendum on EU membership.

Party Leader Jimmie Åkesson describes the EU as a “a large web of corruption” and told the Swedish media: “We pay an enormous amount of money and get overwhelmingly little back.”

Euroscepticism is rising across Europe. Help us to keep bringing you the latest.

Politics in Europe is changing rapidly. A big win for the Swedish Democrats could rock Brussels to the core. Where Brexit Britain leads, others will follow!

Wonderful news.

It’s clear the swedes are waking up & have had enough
Even if it’s a little late.

Soon another country is going to leave EU - then watch it implode.
Happy Days.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #47 on: June 27, 2018, 09:25:43 AM »
Italy’s Salvini: ‘Within a Year, We’ll See if a United Europe Exists’

Italy’s right-wing populist leader and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has suggested the European Union (EU) may not have “a future in its current form” and said the next 12 months are crucial in determining how the bloc changes.
He made the comments following a discussion about the ongoing migrant crisis that is causing tension between the bloc’s leaders, slamming other nations for placing the burden on Italy, and insisting his country “cannot take on a single additional [asylum] case”.

“In the coming months, it will be decided if Europe still has a future in its current form or whether the whole thing has become futile,” the League leader told Spiegel Online.

“It’s not just about the budget for the next seven years. Next year will see new European Parliament elections. Within one year, we will see if a united Europe still exists or if it doesn’t.”

Mr Salvini, who has praised U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s approach to immigration, also restated his view that NGO ships, including several operated from Germany, should not be operating off the coast of Libya as they “support the migrant traffickers and boost the incentive to risk a crossing”.

Italy has continued to deny such ships the right to dock on their shores, with the German ship Lifeline, carrying 234 migrants picked up off the coast of Libya, forced to dock in Malta just this week.

“After the NGO Aquarius ship was sent to Spain, now it’s the Lifeline NGO that will go to Malta, and this outlawed ship will eventually be seized,” tweeted Mr Salvini Tuesday. “For women and children who are really fleeing the war, the doors are open, for all the others, no! #stopinvasion


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #48 on: June 27, 2018, 05:56:20 PM »
Italy’s Salvini: ‘Within a Year, We’ll See if a United Europe Exists’

Italy’s right-wing populist leader and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has suggested the European Union (EU) may not have “a future in its current form” and said the next 12 months are crucial in determining how the bloc changes.
He made the comments following a discussion about the ongoing migrant crisis that is causing tension between the bloc’s leaders, slamming other nations for placing the burden on Italy, and insisting his country “cannot take on a single additional [asylum] case”.

“In the coming months, it will be decided if Europe still has a future in its current form or whether the whole thing has become futile,” the League leader told Spiegel Online.

“It’s not just about the budget for the next seven years. Next year will see new European Parliament elections. Within one year, we will see if a united Europe still exists or if it doesn’t.”

Mr Salvini, who has praised U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s approach to immigration, also restated his view that NGO ships, including several operated from Germany, should not be operating off the coast of Libya as they “support the migrant traffickers and boost the incentive to risk a crossing”.

Italy has continued to deny such ships the right to dock on their shores, with the German ship Lifeline, carrying 234 migrants picked up off the coast of Libya, forced to dock in Malta just this week.

“After the NGO Aquarius ship was sent to Spain, now it’s the Lifeline NGO that will go to Malta, and this outlawed ship will eventually be seized,” tweeted Mr Salvini Tuesday. “For women and children who are really fleeing the war, the doors are open, for all the others, no! #stopinvasion

Heart warming to read.

Europe EU is fcuked the sooner it collapses the better.


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Re: The Rise of Nationalism, Populism; Fall of The European Union
« Reply #49 on: June 29, 2018, 12:47:10 PM »
EU Reaches Deal On Migration, Strengthens External Borders

The European Union finally reached a deal on migration after nearly nine hours of hard-fought talks on the second day of their Summit on Friday.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte told the EU on Thursday that he could not accept any of the joint council conclusions until he agreed on a migration plan, which stalled the conference until the next day. (RELATED: Italy Sabotages EU Sabotages Summit, Cancels Migration Meeting)

Italian leadership made it clear in recent weeks that the EU sharing equal responsibility of rescuing migrants at sea and at the border is a red line for them and their cooperation, which the new agreements now comply with.

The conclusions agreed upon by the 28-member states seek to strengthen Europe’s external borders “to prevent a return to the uncontrolled flows of 2015 and to further stem illegal migration on all existing and emerging routes,” the European Council conclusion read.

EU leaders also agreed to set up control centers dispersed throughout the 28 nations on a voluntary basis “where rapid and secure processing would allow, with full EU support, to distinguish between irregular migrants, who will be returned, and those in need of international protection,” it says.

The conclusions also address secondary movements of those seeking asylum, meaning when asylum seekers travel country to country seeking resettlement or protection elsewhere, in this case somewhere else within the EU.

The Council agreed that these movements threaten the integrity of the Common European Asylum System, and “member states should take all necessary internal legislative and administrative measures to counter such movements and to closely cooperate amongst each other to that end.”

Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, who’s anti-immigration League party campaigned on banning migrants from Africa and deporting those already in Italy, said he was “satisfied and proud of our government’s results in Brussels,” according to Reuters.

Italy feels it is no longer alone anymore, and can return to being a “protagonist” rather than the source of division, which it has been in recent weeks.

French President Emmanuel Macron, who staunchly criticized Salvini for his refusal to accept migrants ships, also appeared satisfied with the conclusions, saying that European cooperation had won the day. He tweeted on Friday that the EU had “found the right balance between responsibility and solidarity.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel also acknowledged that the agreement was a welcomed sign of cooperation, but she is still hesitant about division amongst the states.

“We still have a lot of work to do to bridge the different views,” she told Reuters.

The pressure to come out of the meetings with an agreement on migration was significant for Merkel, who was given a deadline by her Bavarian coalition partner, Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, to have a deal by the end of the summit.