Author Topic: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory (aka The Big Lie)  (Read 230019 times)

Dos Equis

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1150 on: September 16, 2021, 02:53:55 PM »
Best mean mug ever.  lol

Special prosecutor John Durham charges ex-attorney for Clinton campaign with lying to FBI
Michael Sussmann, who worked as an attorney for the Hillary Clinton campaign, is accused of a single felony count in a grand jury indictment.

Special Prosecutor John Durham has charged Washington lawyer Michael Sussmann with lying to the FBI. | (U.S. Department of Justice via AP)
Updated: 09/16/2021

Straw Man

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1151 on: September 16, 2021, 03:06:04 PM »
Best mean mug ever.  lol

Special prosecutor John Durham charges ex-attorney for Clinton campaign with lying to FBI
Michael Sussmann, who worked as an attorney for the Hillary Clinton campaign, is accused of a single felony count in a grand jury indictment.

Special Prosecutor John Durham has charged Washington lawyer Michael Sussmann with lying to the FBI. | (U.S. Department of Justice via AP)
Updated: 09/16/2021

So Michael Sussmann did the exact same thing as Michael Flynn

Pretty much every right winger here thought Flynn did nothing wrong by lying to the FBI

I disagree

Flynn was wrong to lie to the FBI (to which he PLED GUILTY) and if Sussman  is found to have lied to the FBI that's just as wrong

If Sussman is convicted and Biden chooses to pardon him I assume that none of our right wing posters will have any problem with that.

Dos Equis

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1152 on: September 16, 2021, 04:33:03 PM »
Best mean mug ever.  lol

Special prosecutor John Durham charges ex-attorney for Clinton campaign with lying to FBI
Michael Sussmann, who worked as an attorney for the Hillary Clinton campaign, is accused of a single felony count in a grand jury indictment.

Special Prosecutor John Durham has charged Washington lawyer Michael Sussmann with lying to the FBI. | (U.S. Department of Justice via AP)
Updated: 09/16/2021

Oh snap.  So this guy was definitely pushing Hillary Clinton's Big Lie.  Then lied about it. 

Hillary Clinton
It's time for Trump to answer serious questions about his ties to Russia.

1:32 PM · Oct 31, 2016·TweetDeck
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Straw Man

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1153 on: September 16, 2021, 05:14:23 PM »
Oh snap.  So this guy was definitely pushing Hillary Clinton's Big Lie.  Then lied about it. 

Hillary Clinton
It's time for Trump to answer serious questions about his ties to Russia.

1:32 PM · Oct 31, 2016·TweetDeck
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LOL @ Big Lie

Good luck trying to rebrand that phrase

Trump is branded with the BIG LIE and no one cares about Hillary anymore

If this guy is convicted I hope Biden pardons him just so that I can enjoy the hypocrisy when Trumptard piss and moan about it

Dos Equis

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1154 on: September 17, 2021, 10:33:21 AM »
New Durham indictment exposes second leg of Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion dirty trick
Indictment alleges Democrat lawyer was paid by Clinton campaign to develop documents on alleged Russia collusion computer
By John Solomon
Updated: September 16, 2021 -


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1155 on: September 18, 2021, 03:10:36 PM »
LOL @ Big Lie

Good luck trying to rebrand that phrase

Trump is branded with the BIG LIE and no one cares about Hillary anymore

If this guy is convicted I hope Biden pardons him just so that I can enjoy the hypocrisy when Trumptard piss and moan about it

What about YOURS MEGA BIG LIE about Russian Bounty Hunters in Afghanistan ?.

Dos Equis

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1156 on: September 20, 2021, 11:08:32 AM »
Clinton lawyer's indictment reveals 'bag of tricks'
September 18, 2021

Dos Equis

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1157 on: September 21, 2021, 08:03:36 PM »
Dem plot to ‘Steele’ the White House: Anatomy of a political dirty trick
By Andrew C. McCarthy
September 20, 2021

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1158 on: September 22, 2021, 12:41:50 PM »
Russiagate, More Like Watergate
The indictment of Michael Sussmann sheds new light on the outrageous pre-election activities of Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, which have a familiar ring
Matt Taibbi
Sep 22   

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan
CNN Chief Media Reporter Brian Stelter hopped on the set of Reliable Sources last weekend, and offered his take on Special Counsel John Durham’s recent indictment of former Perkins Coie attorney Michael Sussmann, calling Durham’s probe a “total bust.” This was in the context of accusing other networks like Fox and OAN of a pattern of “lie, rinse, repeat.”

I was sick last week and didn’t get around to reading the Sussmann case until Tuesday. I can’t imagine Stelter has read it, since the whole thing is about complicity on his side of the media aisle in years of repeat errors and lies, including multiple editorial double-downs even after a major story was publicly exposed as factually incorrect. A long list of press figures — from Stelter’s own CNN colleague and shameless intelligence community spokesclown Natasha Bertrand, to reporters from The New Yorker, Time, MSNBC, Fortune, the Financial Times, and especially Slate and The Atlantic — were witting or unwitting pawns in a scheme to sell the public on a transparently moronic hoax, i.e. that Donald Trump’s campaign was communicating mysterious digital treason to Russia’s Alfa Bank via a secret computer server.

The story sounded absurd from the start, and was instantly challenged by experts. Even outlets normally hostile to Donald Trump like the New York Times and the Washington Post correctly steered clear of it initially. However, plenty of other reporters fell for it and kept falling for it, including Stelter’s own CNN. We’ve known this story was false since at least December 9th, 2019, when Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz told us that “the FBI investigated whether there were cyber links between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, but had concluded by early February 2017 that there were no such links”:

Horowitz’s conclusion was particularly embarrassing for CNN, which cited “sources close to the investigation” in March of 2017 — well after the FBI had already decided there was nothing there, according to Horowitz — to report the “FBI investigation continues” into the “‘odd’ computer link.” Moreover, when the original main source for the Alfa story, a “computer expert” who went by the name “Tea Leaves,” refused CNN’s requests for an interview for that piece, the network explained in apparent seriousness that “fear has now silenced several of the computer scientists who first analyzed the data,” as if a combo squad of Russian spies and Trump goons might put bullets in their heads.

We find out from this indictment that those sources were terrified, all right, only not of Russians or Trump, but of being found out. In fact, the “academics” who were the sources for Franklin Foer’s original October 31, 2016 Slate article, “Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?”, were so concerned a nonsense allegation of secret Trump-Russia communication wouldn’t pass a public smell test that one of them proposed faking the story to make them “appear to communicate,” literally using the word “faking” in an email.

They ended up not going that far, but the “research” they did produce was so weak that one of them complained that they couldn’t “technically make any claims that would fly public scrutiny,” even if reporters and others lived down to their expectations and proved “not smart enough to refute our ‘best case’ scenario.” The researcher’s email went on, in a line that summed up much of the Russiagate phenomenon:

The only thing that drives us at this point is that we just do not like [Trump]… Folks, I am afraid we have tunnel vision. Time to regroup?

The intrepid reporting heroes who bought this manure-sack from these people were the ones to whom Rachel Maddow said, with a straight face, “We are blessed to have journalists as talented as you… writing about this.”

Twitter avatar for @aaronjmate
Aaron Maté
"We are blessed as a country to have journalists as talented as you and Franklin Foer writing about this."
-@maddow in 2018 to Dexter Filkins on his and Foer's stories about secret Trump-Russian bank contacts -- a DNC-funded scam that is now subject to a federal indictment.
September 17th 2021

219 Retweets753 Likes
The indictment makes a conspicuous point of elucidating a long list of characters in and around the Clinton campaign who were privy to Sussmann’s Trump-Alfa project. In one passage, Durham explains who’s on an email chain about the subject dated September 15, 2016, after Sussmann had given the story to the New York Times and four days before Sussmann would deliver it to the General Counsel of the FBI:

On or about September 15 , 2016, Campaign Lawyer-1 exchanged emails with the Clinton Campaign’s campaign manager, communications director, and foreign policy advisor concerning the Russian Bank-1 allegations that SUSSMANN had recently shared with Reporter-1.

Campaign Lawyer-1 is Marc Elias, the General Counsel for the Hillary Clinton campaign. Durham also lists former Clinton campaign manager and current Harvard fellow and House Majority PAC president Robby Mook, former Clinton communications director and current Showtime The Circus co-host Jennifer Palmieri, and former Clinton foreign policy advisor and current National Security Advisor to Joe Biden Jake Sullivan.

The indictment also mentions extensive email correspondence with Fusion-GPS, which eventually provided “another white paper… concerning purported ties between Russian Bank-1’s parent company and the Russian government.” This became part of the package Sussmann delivered to the FBI General Counsel on September 19th, in a hard copy that “contained no date or author’s name.” Sussmann allegedly didn’t mention the Clinton campaign, the Tech Executive, the academics, or Fusion-GPS, and told the FBI he was coming in as a “good citizen and not as an advocate for any client.”

There’s nothing in the indictment to say that any of these people were read in on the most damning communications with the Trump-Alfa sources, in which they talked about things like the story not passing “public scrutiny” or being a “red herring” that might best be “ignored.” There’s no proof, in other words, that someone like Jake Sullivan knew Sussmann was about to knowingly deliver a false story to the FBI.

However, it is a reasonable inference that the Clinton campaign knew the FBI was not going to be told they were Sussmann’s client. If the campaign’s general counsel Elias was looped in to all of Sussmann’s activities, and all of these aforementioned people knew Sussmann had both gone to the press and to the FBI with this story, I defy any of them to provide an innocent explanation for their failure to disclose that the Clinton campaign was the source of the story once it was made public.

These people didn’t just keep quiet about that fact, but actively lied to the public about it. The deception went all the way up to Hillary Clinton herself, who tweeted about the original report from Foer in Slate. Hillary’s tweet, which is still up — this should tell people a lot — contains a lengthy statement from Sullivan:

Twitter avatar for @HillaryClinton
Hillary Clinton
Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.
November 1st 2016

11,885 Retweets15,583 Likes
It’s been suggested that the case against Sussmann is weak because his alleged crime was lying to the FBI, when the FBI knew full well he was working for the Clinton campaign. This doesn’t exculpate Sussmann, it inculpates the FBI, for doing what it did throughout the Russiagate scandal: participating in the fiction that sources like Sussmann or Christopher Steele were financed by someone other than the Clinton campaign. In the Steele case, remember, the FBI went so far as to conceal the Clinton campaign’s role from the FISA court on at least three occasions (see page 260 of the Horowitz report), and director James Comey went so far as to publicly insist Steele’s report was “first funded by the Republicans,” among many other examples.

Russiagate was a daisy-chain of deceptions. The Clinton campaign systematically planted phony stories about things like the Trump-Alfa business, the pee tape/blackmail tale, and Carter Page’s supposed role as a Trump-Russia conduit; the FBI went along with the fiction that inquiries launched on these matters did not originate as paid research from the Clinton campaign; and a parade of news media figures were culpable either as dupes or witting participants in these frauds, which in the case of the Alfa stunt was executed in a “hurry” to affect a presidential election.

The only thing preventing all of this from being thought of as a scaled-up version of Watergate is the continued refusal of institutional America to own up to the comparison. Dick Nixon’s low-rent escapades like the “Canuck letter,” distributing fliers offering free “balloons for the kiddies” on behalf of Hubert Humphrey in black neighborhoods, or sending masses of pizzas to Ed Muskie’s hotel, all paled in comparison to the massive, ongoing campaign of fake news stories — political sabotage — planted by Clinton campaign figures in 2016 and beyond. The fact that the accompanying program of illegal surveillance was effected by lying to obtain FISA authority instead of a “third-rate burglary” and a bug doesn’t improve the situation. If the target had been anyone but Donald Trump, no one would bother even trying to deny how corrupt all this was, and continues to be.

Dos Equis

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1159 on: September 22, 2021, 01:17:31 PM »
Russiagate, More Like Watergate
The indictment of Michael Sussmann sheds new light on the outrageous pre-election activities of Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, which have a familiar ring
Matt Taibbi
Sep 22   

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan
CNN Chief Media Reporter Brian Stelter hopped on the set of Reliable Sources last weekend, and offered his take on Special Counsel John Durham’s recent indictment of former Perkins Coie attorney Michael Sussmann, calling Durham’s probe a “total bust.” This was in the context of accusing other networks like Fox and OAN of a pattern of “lie, rinse, repeat.”

I was sick last week and didn’t get around to reading the Sussmann case until Tuesday. I can’t imagine Stelter has read it, since the whole thing is about complicity on his side of the media aisle in years of repeat errors and lies, including multiple editorial double-downs even after a major story was publicly exposed as factually incorrect. A long list of press figures — from Stelter’s own CNN colleague and shameless intelligence community spokesclown Natasha Bertrand, to reporters from The New Yorker, Time, MSNBC, Fortune, the Financial Times, and especially Slate and The Atlantic — were witting or unwitting pawns in a scheme to sell the public on a transparently moronic hoax, i.e. that Donald Trump’s campaign was communicating mysterious digital treason to Russia’s Alfa Bank via a secret computer server.

The story sounded absurd from the start, and was instantly challenged by experts. Even outlets normally hostile to Donald Trump like the New York Times and the Washington Post correctly steered clear of it initially. However, plenty of other reporters fell for it and kept falling for it, including Stelter’s own CNN. We’ve known this story was false since at least December 9th, 2019, when Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz told us that “the FBI investigated whether there were cyber links between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, but had concluded by early February 2017 that there were no such links”:

Horowitz’s conclusion was particularly embarrassing for CNN, which cited “sources close to the investigation” in March of 2017 — well after the FBI had already decided there was nothing there, according to Horowitz — to report the “FBI investigation continues” into the “‘odd’ computer link.” Moreover, when the original main source for the Alfa story, a “computer expert” who went by the name “Tea Leaves,” refused CNN’s requests for an interview for that piece, the network explained in apparent seriousness that “fear has now silenced several of the computer scientists who first analyzed the data,” as if a combo squad of Russian spies and Trump goons might put bullets in their heads.

We find out from this indictment that those sources were terrified, all right, only not of Russians or Trump, but of being found out. In fact, the “academics” who were the sources for Franklin Foer’s original October 31, 2016 Slate article, “Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?”, were so concerned a nonsense allegation of secret Trump-Russia communication wouldn’t pass a public smell test that one of them proposed faking the story to make them “appear to communicate,” literally using the word “faking” in an email.

They ended up not going that far, but the “research” they did produce was so weak that one of them complained that they couldn’t “technically make any claims that would fly public scrutiny,” even if reporters and others lived down to their expectations and proved “not smart enough to refute our ‘best case’ scenario.” The researcher’s email went on, in a line that summed up much of the Russiagate phenomenon:

The only thing that drives us at this point is that we just do not like [Trump]… Folks, I am afraid we have tunnel vision. Time to regroup?

The intrepid reporting heroes who bought this manure-sack from these people were the ones to whom Rachel Maddow said, with a straight face, “We are blessed to have journalists as talented as you… writing about this.”

Twitter avatar for @aaronjmate
Aaron Maté
"We are blessed as a country to have journalists as talented as you and Franklin Foer writing about this."
-@maddow in 2018 to Dexter Filkins on his and Foer's stories about secret Trump-Russian bank contacts -- a DNC-funded scam that is now subject to a federal indictment.
September 17th 2021

219 Retweets753 Likes
The indictment makes a conspicuous point of elucidating a long list of characters in and around the Clinton campaign who were privy to Sussmann’s Trump-Alfa project. In one passage, Durham explains who’s on an email chain about the subject dated September 15, 2016, after Sussmann had given the story to the New York Times and four days before Sussmann would deliver it to the General Counsel of the FBI:

On or about September 15 , 2016, Campaign Lawyer-1 exchanged emails with the Clinton Campaign’s campaign manager, communications director, and foreign policy advisor concerning the Russian Bank-1 allegations that SUSSMANN had recently shared with Reporter-1.

Campaign Lawyer-1 is Marc Elias, the General Counsel for the Hillary Clinton campaign. Durham also lists former Clinton campaign manager and current Harvard fellow and House Majority PAC president Robby Mook, former Clinton communications director and current Showtime The Circus co-host Jennifer Palmieri, and former Clinton foreign policy advisor and current National Security Advisor to Joe Biden Jake Sullivan.

The indictment also mentions extensive email correspondence with Fusion-GPS, which eventually provided “another white paper… concerning purported ties between Russian Bank-1’s parent company and the Russian government.” This became part of the package Sussmann delivered to the FBI General Counsel on September 19th, in a hard copy that “contained no date or author’s name.” Sussmann allegedly didn’t mention the Clinton campaign, the Tech Executive, the academics, or Fusion-GPS, and told the FBI he was coming in as a “good citizen and not as an advocate for any client.”

There’s nothing in the indictment to say that any of these people were read in on the most damning communications with the Trump-Alfa sources, in which they talked about things like the story not passing “public scrutiny” or being a “red herring” that might best be “ignored.” There’s no proof, in other words, that someone like Jake Sullivan knew Sussmann was about to knowingly deliver a false story to the FBI.

However, it is a reasonable inference that the Clinton campaign knew the FBI was not going to be told they were Sussmann’s client. If the campaign’s general counsel Elias was looped in to all of Sussmann’s activities, and all of these aforementioned people knew Sussmann had both gone to the press and to the FBI with this story, I defy any of them to provide an innocent explanation for their failure to disclose that the Clinton campaign was the source of the story once it was made public.

These people didn’t just keep quiet about that fact, but actively lied to the public about it. The deception went all the way up to Hillary Clinton herself, who tweeted about the original report from Foer in Slate. Hillary’s tweet, which is still up — this should tell people a lot — contains a lengthy statement from Sullivan:

Twitter avatar for @HillaryClinton
Hillary Clinton
Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.
November 1st 2016

11,885 Retweets15,583 Likes
It’s been suggested that the case against Sussmann is weak because his alleged crime was lying to the FBI, when the FBI knew full well he was working for the Clinton campaign. This doesn’t exculpate Sussmann, it inculpates the FBI, for doing what it did throughout the Russiagate scandal: participating in the fiction that sources like Sussmann or Christopher Steele were financed by someone other than the Clinton campaign. In the Steele case, remember, the FBI went so far as to conceal the Clinton campaign’s role from the FISA court on at least three occasions (see page 260 of the Horowitz report), and director James Comey went so far as to publicly insist Steele’s report was “first funded by the Republicans,” among many other examples.

Russiagate was a daisy-chain of deceptions. The Clinton campaign systematically planted phony stories about things like the Trump-Alfa business, the pee tape/blackmail tale, and Carter Page’s supposed role as a Trump-Russia conduit; the FBI went along with the fiction that inquiries launched on these matters did not originate as paid research from the Clinton campaign; and a parade of news media figures were culpable either as dupes or witting participants in these frauds, which in the case of the Alfa stunt was executed in a “hurry” to affect a presidential election.

The only thing preventing all of this from being thought of as a scaled-up version of Watergate is the continued refusal of institutional America to own up to the comparison. Dick Nixon’s low-rent escapades like the “Canuck letter,” distributing fliers offering free “balloons for the kiddies” on behalf of Hubert Humphrey in black neighborhoods, or sending masses of pizzas to Ed Muskie’s hotel, all paled in comparison to the massive, ongoing campaign of fake news stories — political sabotage — planted by Clinton campaign figures in 2016 and beyond. The fact that the accompanying program of illegal surveillance was effected by lying to obtain FISA authority instead of a “third-rate burglary” and a bug doesn’t improve the situation. If the target had been anyone but Donald Trump, no one would bother even trying to deny how corrupt all this was, and continues to be.

I'm actually really surprised that Durham is making progress and starting to hold some people accountable.  I'd like to see more, but this almost sounds like racketeering. 

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1160 on: September 27, 2021, 11:30:36 AM »
Biden Security Adviser Jake Sullivan Tied to Alleged 2016 Clinton Scheme to Co-Opt the CIA and FBI to Tar Trump
The ties between Joe Biden and Jake Sullivan, the White House Security Adviser now indicted by John Durham’s grand jury.
By Paul Sperry
September 26, 2021


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1161 on: September 27, 2021, 01:31:47 PM »
47 pages of "nope, didn't happen".

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1162 on: September 29, 2021, 11:21:14 PM »

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1163 on: September 30, 2021, 07:37:04 PM »
Durham targets Clinton campaign law firm in fresh round of subpoenas
Documents come after Durham charged Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann with lying to FBI
By Michael Lee | Fox News

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory (aka The Big Lie)
« Reply #1164 on: October 04, 2021, 11:06:01 AM »
Trump: Revoke Pulitzers For ‘False Reporting’ On Russia Hoax
By  Joseph Curl
Oct 4, 2021

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory (aka The Big Lie)
« Reply #1165 on: October 04, 2021, 11:42:51 AM »
Trump: Revoke Pulitzers For ‘False Reporting’ On Russia Hoax
By  Joseph Curl
Oct 4, 2021
They should but they won't.  The whole media knew it was a hoax all along.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory (aka The Big Lie)
« Reply #1166 on: October 04, 2021, 11:56:50 AM »
They should but they won't.  The whole media knew it was a hoax all along.

And they didn't care.  There was a lot of "ends justifies the means" conduct during Trump's administration. 

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory (aka The Big Lie)
« Reply #1167 on: October 04, 2021, 12:11:29 PM »
Kash Patel to Newsmax: Durham's Subpoenas Show He's Following the Money
By Sandy Fitzgerald    |   Monday, 04 October 2021

Special counsel John Durham's latest round of subpoenas in the ongoing investigation into the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election show powerful moves because of his calls for bank records, as the "best way to prove criminal corruption is to follow the money," former prosecutor and chief of staff for the Department of Defense Kash Patel said on Newsmax Monday.

"The moves he's taking as you highlighted with subpoenaing of bank records are powerful," Patel said on Newsmax's "Wake Up America." "They speak for themselves and are more powerful than any testimony ... in this case, the Democratic lawyers and the Hillary Clinton campaign lawyers led the money right to Durham."

The new round of subpoenas come after Durham charged Hillary Clinton's former campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann in an indictment alleging he lied to federal investigators in September 2016, when he gave them data that he claimed showed a connection between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank in Russia.

The new subpoenas follow Durham's charging former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann with lying to federal investigators at a meeting in September 2016, in which he gave FBI agents data that he claimed showed a link between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank in Russia.

In his subpoenas, Durham is seeking documents from Sussman's former law firm, Perkins Coie, the firm represented both the Democratic National Committee and Clinton's presidential campaign. The law firm was also the one that hired the research company that paid former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, who wrote the discredited dossier about then-candidate Donald Trump.

Patel said Monday that while there are many people becoming frustrated at the length of the Durham investigation, two years "is not a long time" for such a probe, and two indictments have already been made.

"He's looking at a large-scale conspiracy case," said Patel. "Let's take the Michael Sussman indictment, for example. Lying to the FBI is a case that's brought frequently and it's usually a two-to-three-page indictment. John Durham issued a 27-page indictment, It's what we call a speaking indictment, and I, as a federal prosecutor, did the same when I wanted to educate the American public on the ongoings of my current investigation."

Patel noted that the indictment highlighted the actions of eight individuals, and now Durham is seeking bank records.

"When I was running the 'Russiagate' investigation for Chairman [Devin] Nunes, I took the deposition, I questioned Michael Sussman, the same deposition that was cited by John Durham in his indictment," said Patel. "I think Jake Sullivan, the current national security advisor, who had been deposed as well, is in a similar situation about lying, either to the FBI or to the American public."

The best way to prove that, though, is through bank records, and in this case, Durham is saying that the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign "paid Michael Sussman to start this fraudulent investigation, and then [he] lied to the FBI," said Patel.

The Sussman indictment also came because the investigation would have been going after its "easiest target," said Patel, and he thinks the attorney will cooperate.

"I don't think Michael Sussman wants to spend a single day in prison, so it's likely that he will cooperate with the John Durham investigation like others are, and help him make a larger scale conspiracy case," said Patel.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory (aka The Big Lie)
« Reply #1168 on: October 04, 2021, 12:31:30 PM »
LOL - I love how THE TRAITOR is trying to rebrand THE BIG LIE

The BIG LIE is and always will be THE TRAITORS LIE that the election was stolen

Every recount and audit just further proves that THE TRAITOR IS THE LIAR

THE TRAITOR is also the only person who tried to steal the 2020 election

Hopefully someday he'll actually pay the price for his TREASON

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory (aka The Big Lie)
« Reply #1169 on: October 04, 2021, 12:44:00 PM »
Dos Equis completely dominating this thread


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1170 on: October 04, 2021, 12:52:51 PM »
Best mean mug ever.  lol

Special prosecutor John Durham charges ex-attorney for Clinton campaign with lying to FBI
Michael Sussmann, who worked as an attorney for the Hillary Clinton campaign, is accused of a single felony count in a grand jury indictment.

Special Prosecutor John Durham has charged Washington lawyer Michael Sussmann with lying to the FBI. | (U.S. Department of Justice via AP)
Updated: 09/16/2021

The guy has no mouth so how could he 'tell' a lie?  ;D

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1171 on: October 04, 2021, 01:26:48 PM »
The guy has no mouth so how could he 'tell' a lie?  ;D

That's the prosecutor Durham, not the defendant Sussman. 

Dos Equis

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory (aka The Big Lie)
« Reply #1172 on: October 08, 2021, 12:38:12 PM »
Durham Probes Pentagon Computer Contractors in Anti-Trump Conspiracy
Above, 'Tech Executive-1' alludes to leaving his job last month amid John Durham's Russia probe.
By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
October 7, 2021


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1173 on: October 08, 2021, 01:10:53 PM »
That's the prosecutor Durham, not the defendant Sussman.

Thanks for the correction. Then it is hard to tell whether Durham lies or not. I was commenting on the fact that the guy in the photo's mouth is completely hidden.


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1174 on: October 08, 2021, 01:46:12 PM »
Thanks for the correction. Then it is hard to tell whether Durham lies or not. I was commenting on the fact that the guy in the photo's mouth is completely hidden.

What matters is that his eyes are open.

I'm sure you and straw want him to get to the bottom of this.  8)