Author Topic: ESFitness - Been in hospital for weeks - what did I miss?  (Read 250268 times)

Simple Simon

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #626 on: September 03, 2017, 09:45:48 AM »
I bet he is getting fat as fuck. 8 eggs, 4 sausages, cake, .....That is just for breakfast.

Lunch is a hamburger, two Cokes, two orders of mashed potatoes, two dildos, and some barbecue sauce on the side.

Why hasn't he told us about his dinner menu? The guy is getting billed hundreds of thousands of dollars, and he seems not to care.....

I am starting to think, that ES's life is so lonely, he actually looks forward to going to the hospital.

It definitely appears to be a pattern.

That's what you don't understand that boy me and you don't have the same genetics I don't get fat as fuck the way people like you do. I couldn't get fat ass fucked if I tried and believe me I've tried especially when I took five years to focus on powerlifting and nothing book powerlifting after a shoulder injury put me out for 8 months and I couldn't press anything (10 pound dumbbell included ) without excruciating stabbing ice pick pain in my right shoulder, using nothing but prison food and dr-prescribed HRT 200mg cyp every 2 weeks. I tried to put on as much size,regardless of body fat, as possible. Even though my waist got up to 41 42 inches, I still ALWAYS had visible serratus, and the top 2 sometimes the top 4 abdominal muscles were visible... At a bodyweight of 230-235... But, still had separated, cap'd delts & seperated, hangin tri's (youve seen my pics). Despite really not giving a shit WHAT I looked like.

So you see Mr Shaun Chaffee, you & I are not built alike. we are as different physically as we are mentally. Trying to a attribute your physical & emotional characteristics to somebody like me is just going to lead you to further disappointment in life & likely lead to more of your uncontrolled to drinking.

Simple Simon

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #627 on: September 03, 2017, 10:08:59 AM »
That's what you don't understand that boy me and you don't have the same genetics I don't get fat as fuck the way people like you do. I couldn't get fat ass fucked if I tried and believe me I've tried especially when I took five years to focus on powerlifting and nothing book powerlifting after a shoulder injury put me out for 8 months and I couldn't press anything (10 pound dumbbell included ) without excruciating stabbing ice pick pain in my right shoulder, using nothing but prison food and dr-prescribed HRT 200mg cyp every 2 weeks. I tried to put on as much size,regardless of body fat, as possible. Even though my waist got up to 41 42 inches, I still ALWAYS had visible serratus, and the top 2 sometimes the top 4 abdominal muscles were visible... At a bodyweight of 230-235... But, still had separated, cap'd delts & seperated, hangin tri's (youve seen my pics). Despite really not giving a shit WHAT I looked like.

So you see Mr Shaun Chaffee, you & I are not built alike. we are as different physically as we are mentally. Trying to a attribute your physical & emotional characteristics to somebody like me is just going to lead you to further disappointment in life & likely lead to more of your uncontrolled to drinking.

so, at your very fattest you weighed 230-235.

thanks for clarifying that.


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #628 on: September 03, 2017, 10:41:07 AM »
That's what you don't understand that boy me and you don't have the same genetics I don't get fat as fuck the way people like you do. I couldn't get fat ass fucked if I tried and believe me I've tried especially when I took five years to focus on powerlifting and nothing book powerlifting after a shoulder injury put me out for 8 months and I couldn't press anything (10 pound dumbbell included ) without excruciating stabbing ice pick pain in my right shoulder, using nothing but prison food and dr-prescribed HRT 200mg cyp every 2 weeks. I tried to put on as much size,regardless of body fat, as possible. Even though my waist got up to 41 42 inches, I still ALWAYS had visible serratus, and the top 2 sometimes the top 4 abdominal muscles were visible... At a bodyweight of 230-235... But, still had separated, cap'd delts & seperated, hangin tri's (youve seen my pics). Despite really not giving a shit WHAT I looked like.

So you see Mr Shaun Chaffee, you & I are not built alike. we are as different physically as we are mentally. Trying to a attribute your physical & emotional characteristics to somebody like me is just going to lead you to further disappointment in life & likely lead to more of your uncontrolled to drinking.

The give HRT in CA prisons? So they actually test your hormone levels?


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Re: Been in hospital last 12days... what'd i miss? what's with Piana? etc???
« Reply #629 on: September 03, 2017, 10:57:26 AM »
question 1?  yea, a lil.. been told that quite a bit.

question 2? I dunno.... I'm not really afraid to die.

question 3? yea, I do... which is why I do the things I to and take the risks I do to provide from them.... in a twisted way.

you have to understand, I'm a felon. a well known felon. my options are limited. I AM however GOOD at what I do. my UGL is top notch. I'm a top personal trainer with a superion knowledge of training. and I mean training EVERYBODY, I adapt. I train old ladies, men, kids, rehab guys,, ect... crossfit, ect... and I have other things in the works.

there's no way I could make the money I make working a "normal" job for a felon. you know?

How does a felon have a concealed carry permit? Most states do not allow an extrapolation defense to drunk driving of rising alcohol. Very curious what state you live in that does.

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Re: Been in hospital last 12days... what'd i miss? what's with Piana? etc???
« Reply #630 on: September 03, 2017, 11:05:18 AM »
How does a felon have a concealed carry permit? Most states do not allow an extrapolation defense to drunk driving of rising alcohol. Very curious what state you live in that does.

Felons cannot own guns. 


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #631 on: September 03, 2017, 11:16:10 AM »
I have a question for you, brother.

You'll have to let me know if you answer it on video - I'd rather you did not if the nurses and shit are watching, though - but

Do you expect to go back to prison?  How long do you think you can sustain life on the outside whilst funding it through illegit means?  I seem to remember reading you claim that you couldn't do anything but that, because you are a felon -but I have to think that is unlikely.

Reason I ask is that I spent a half hour with you last night, listening to what you say and I see a fella who seems decent enough but I also see a fella who is cruising for a bruising - and maybe having part of his leg missing is that bruising, but posting instagram ads on an account with a ton of pictures of yourself seems very brash when clearly, you have a good enough head on your shoulders to not be so foolish.  Yeah, sure, who is browsing instagram looking for crime?  It's just well, if you take risks like that - maybe you take risks elsewhere? 

I guess there is a silver lining, though - you now have pictures a gigantic fucking hole in your hip, so I'm guessing that posting gear ads next to those photos will not be met with a large amount of business (regardless of the assertions that it was not your product) :)

Can't answer the prison questions on video and the business questions I can answer on video but I'd have to use vague terms.

Do I expect you to go back to prison? No. I do not. It is a risk & I'm hyper-aware of. Do my best to mitigate as many risks as possible. I don't associate, much less do any business with "risky" people.such as people who are involved with, or use recreational drug or even people who drink. All it would take is bigot stopped for a DUI maybe two stops at a DUI checkpoint or something and they of booze in their bloodstream or they get into a car accident or something and they have Coke or whatever that was in their center console now it's in plain view on the front seat on the floor and the officer sees it and any of those cases where the officer could search the car they may have certain products or supplements of mine in the car and because they get caught with the other stuff my supplements Maybe a little more rare for them to come across and the D.A. may want to get a "rare" case on his books or in his win column and offer up a deal for the guy who had a simple .10 BAC DUI, or had something as little as a quarter gram of cocaine possession charge. They're going to ask where the other stuff came from, "tell us that and will let the other charges slide." And what's that guy going to do most likely is going to point the finger right at me for my supplements.

So I typically deal with people who I know, more people I know of who are friends of friends and who I can bet. Typically people who use supplements have jobs and are stable because it takes some planning and foresight two deal with these products. It's not like somebody is buying a few doses of Drol at a time every single day, or a bottle of Cyp every single week, and a bottle of Tren every other week etc... Riskiest person I've dealt with is "Barney" (we all called him "Barney"...  the purple dinosaur, because he run moderate doses but his blood pressure was sky-high and the dude was more purple than me when I'm on full blast). I've known into it with Barney since 2011 and he's a solid dude, about 51yrs old ( a large percentage of my clients are in their fifties, come to think of it. And you know what? not a goddamn single one of them behaves like "Be There" does) owns his own business, owns his own home, takes care of his shit and has like three or four Sons. all in their early twenties including one kid who's not really his son but he's been a father figure to him anyways, & shit, even me at certain points over the years. Anyways he's a nice guy and had this girlfriend who turned out to be a crackhead a legitimate crack addict. After they broke up he let her sleep on the couch in one of his downstairs spare rooms because he didn't have the heart to kick her out on the street despite her being a huge liability and constantly causing fights and doing anything she could to aggravate him. Including getting to a point where she called nine-one-one and had him charged with domestic violence and I believe the charges were dropped however she got a restraining order put on him even though she didn't move out of his house and They confiscated all of his guns. Now this woman was well aware of what he used and what he had in the house however just like me he has friends in law enforcement and when they searched his residence and came across his products I forget what exactly happened but either they has what it was and he said "testosterone boosters" or they looked at it and said nothing and closed the drawer. I forget, but the fact he was never charged with anything... for Fox sake they didn't even kick the girl out of the house even though she had a restraining order on him and it was pretty obvious he did nothing to her there's no marks on her or anything and he's a big scary looking dude with a hot temper, but they didn't even  make her leave the house even though she had a restraining order against him . (like I said, I have friends in law enforcement and things like that are easy to check)

Online stuff is rare, & but even then the people are vetted as much as possible. and if I unable to verify who they are, or what they do, then sorry, I'm "out of stock" or I'm "out of business".

Besides, online stuff is done as anonymously as possible. One of the most valuable tidbits of information and attorney has ever explained to me has been do value of plausible deniability. Which means I'm not the only one who may have the password and access to various accounts. Verifiable by postings and logins from different IP addresses different do you license website can tell what kind of device you are logging in from what model computer what model telephone etc. Hand upon search they may never find that model telephone or computer and may never find any record of you ever owning such a device. I do Run every business I'm in like a regular business, which means spreadsheets re; inventory, gross/net profit, etc... And I keep nothing where I live. I could explain to you how to form a corporation in Nevada (because Nevada corporations are somewhat "anonymous"... you'll have to Google that for more info), and pay yourself from that Co. I would need a whiteboard to probably explain how all that stuff works I know it have to wear a ski mask and shit while explaining it and post it on another YouTube channel and Link it to mine or whatever maybe the easiest way or else it be an entirely new thread to explain how all that shit works...... But, long story short is my main objective is maintaining anonymity. This is the internet after all and nothing on the Internet is real it could all be for entertainment purposes and I could be playing a role or character, same way Rich Piana played a character.

As far as risks are concerned items to business I take very few risks as far as the law is concerned or at least I try to mitigate those risks as best possible. But aside from legal legally speaking sure I take risks if you don't take risks you have no reward. Such as with investing When I was a Proprietary Equity Trader and managed a fund with quite a bit of money involved, even though it was other people's money that i was taking risks with, if something went South, not only did they lose money ( however never put myself in a position where they might risk their principal investment)  but I will lose money as well in the form of fees & commissions... And it wasn't like I was in the position to be getting more investors, so whatever risks I took were very very calculated.

And as far as me being a felon, I don't have the same options everybody else has as far as careers go and employment opportunities go. Yes I am certifications and personal training and Sports Nutrition and I'm a licensed security guard, and I could probably spend less than $500 and within 3 hours have 5 new foo-foo certifications that aren't really required or recognized by many but at least they would look good on my wall or on my resume but at the end of the day they may account for 10 or 15% of me getting a regular job the other 85-90% lies on presentation, appearance, and my ability to talk. For instance my started prop Trading/day-trading, to them Not only was I a felon convicted of armed robbery and steroid possession, but I also looked like your typical dumb Meathead weightlifter who could barely add together the weight plates on a barbell, however when I started speaking to them and explain to him what it is I could and would do with their investment and Zara talking about profits, and risk management, PE ratios, quarterly reports, balance sheets, "shorting" stock positions, "long" positions, "alpha", etc... They were surprised & I gained their confidence (& produced excellent returns for them over the course of about 3yrs). The same way I explained my business two others and had my former business partner as well as the local Mexican Cartel "Jefe" asking and asking if they could invest 15 to $20,000 in my business once I showed them what kind of profit margin I'm running..... and the same way potential training clients look at me as a dumb Meathead weightlifter, until they hear me speak, and quickly realize I've probably read more than a few endocrinology, pathology, kinesiology, and pharmacology textbooks, and not only do I remember what I've read, but I understand it, and can explain it to them in a way that they, as a lay person can understand it. That being said my options, even getting my foot in the door, are still Limited. But, I do the best I can & I try to make the best out of whatever situation I'm in.

* used voice text for about 95% of this and tried to go back and correct whatever spelling, punctuation, & grammatical I could catch


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Re: Been in hospital last 12days... what'd i miss? what's with Piana? etc???
« Reply #632 on: September 03, 2017, 11:18:39 AM »
How does a felon have a concealed carry permit? Most states do not allow an extrapolation defense to drunk driving of rising alcohol. Very curious what state you live in that does.

I don't know where you gather that I have a concealed carry permit now. However at the time of them of my arrest I did have a concealed carry permit as well as a C&R license and a trunk full of military surplus rifles and assault rifles and CZ 52 pistols ready for resale.


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #633 on: September 03, 2017, 11:20:11 AM »
show us some photos of these clients transformations, you know, the before and after pictures all Its have on their FB and Instagram pages.

What the fuck makes you think I'm going to post pictures of my clients on get big or any other place? With or without their fucking consent? You seriously are the dumbest guy I have ever come across any of these message boards in the past 23 years


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #634 on: September 03, 2017, 11:41:00 AM »
The give HRT in CA prisons? So they actually test your hormone levels?

Wasn't in a CA prison. I came in with a prescription for HRT and actually the one they found initially was for testosterone patches which cost the prison a good $460 a month or something I quickly made the suggestion to go to bi-weekly testosterone injections and would save the prison a good chunk of change considering a bottle of testosterone would run them 70 to $90 once every 20 weeks. There were surprised I was actually requesting injections I guess they assumed most people don't like to get shots. So for a good five years straight I got blood work done every two or three months. It was always a pain in the ass when a new doctor and would come in and take over because new doctors always liked to disregard the previous doctor's orders and wanted to write their own orders. Must be an Ego-Thing. I was really bummed out when the first doctor left cuz I was a woman blonde hair blue eyes not really my type at all however she was super touchy feely and after she found out I had degenerated discs in my neck, she had me take off my shirt and id get damn near a full neck back shoulder massage for a good 20mins every time I saw her ( which after that first time turned into about once every 3 weeks LOL go to take what you can get in there... Nursing staff was always very good to me. I can write hours an hour or two stories about that LOL)... and she would do this right in front of the nurse or a physician's assistant or Nurses Aide or med tech or whoever was there just awkwardly trying not to watch haha... Which is probably why she got fired, because I'm sure I wasn't the only one..

Sorry talking about this kind of brought up old memories and I went off on a tangent... But anyways every new doctor would change up something. One doctor would say we don't care how high the testosterone says "all we're concerned about is how low it goes and we want to avoid and going any lower than six or seven hundred in between shots so if it goes up to 1400 or 1800 or whatever after the first shot that's fine so long as it doesn't drop below six or seven hundred by the time we do the next injection." Which I agree with 100% haha. So doctors would increase the dose from 200 mg every 2 weeks to 250mg every two weeks and another doctor would change it to $300 grams every 3 weeks and another doctor would change it to 150 mg every seven days until finally resting on the tried-and-true 200mg once every two weeks.

They also liked to fiddle with my T4 dosage. With that I would probably get blood work done once every 6 weeks which was kind of a pain in the ass cuz I wasn't supposed to eat breakfast before the test but that was usually okay because I had tons of commissary food back in my Locker. Only time I was really pissed was days when we had pancakes or french toast for breakfast and I had to miss that (those days I'd usually go to the chow hall in the morning anyways and sell my tray for a dollar fifty, 3 sodas, or half a bag of coffee... Or 10milks on mornings of my choosing)...

Sorry I went off on another tangent. Questions like these bring back memories of how things in prison work. I should just write a fucking book and get it all out of my system haha.

Anyways they would like to fuck with my thyroid dose to try to manipulate my TSH production and all that shit so my T4 Synthroid dose would bounce around from 50 micrograms twice a day to Aiden 2 or 76 or some shit micrograms once a day ( I remember it was an odd dose pill like that something you wouldn't expect like 82 or 76 or 88 micrograms)... this went on for a good three and a half years before they finally settled on 50 micrograms twice a day.


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Re: Been in hospital last 12days... what'd i miss? what's with Piana? etc???
« Reply #635 on: September 03, 2017, 11:43:15 AM »
Felons cannot own guns. 

Yea, just like the speed limit sign on side of the freeway said 70 that means your vehicle CANNOT go past 70 miles per hour right? ::)

Or just because your license is suspended that means you CANNOT operate a motor vehicle also right? ::)

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #636 on: September 03, 2017, 11:46:39 AM »
Wasn't in a CA prison. I came in with a prescription for HRT and actually the one they found initially was for testosterone patches which cost the prison a good $460 a month or something I quickly made the suggestion to go to bi-weekly testosterone injections and would save the prison a good chunk of change considering a bottle of testosterone would run them 70 to $90 once every 20 weeks. There were surprised I was actually requesting injections I guess they assumed most people don't like to get shots. So for a good five years straight I got blood work done every two or three months. It was always a pain in the ass when a new doctor and would come in and take over because new doctors always liked to disregard the previous doctor's orders and wanted to write their own orders. Must be an Ego-Thing. I was really bummed out when the first doctor left cuz I was a woman blonde hair blue eyes not really my type at all however she was super touchy feely and after she found out I had degenerated discs in my neck, she had me take off my shirt and id get damn near a full neck back shoulder massage for a good 20mins every time I saw her ( which after that first time turned into about once every 3 weeks LOL go to take what you can get in there... Nursing staff was always very good to me. I can write hours an hour or two stories about that LOL)... and she would do this right in front of the nurse or a physician's assistant or Nurses Aide or med tech or whoever was there just awkwardly trying not to watch haha... Which is probably why she got fired, because I'm sure I wasn't the only one..

Sorry talking about this kind of brought up old memories and I went off on a tangent... But anyways every new doctor would change up something. One doctor would say we don't care how high the testosterone says "all we're concerned about is how low it goes and we want to avoid and going any lower than six or seven hundred in between shots so if it goes up to 1400 or 1800 or whatever after the first shot that's fine so long as it doesn't drop below six or seven hundred by the time we do the next injection." Which I agree with 100% haha. So doctors would increase the dose from 200 mg every 2 weeks to 250mg every two weeks and another doctor would change it to $300 grams every 3 weeks and another doctor would change it to 150 mg every seven days until finally resting on the tried-and-true 200mg once every two weeks.

They also liked to fiddle with my T4 dosage. With that I would probably get blood work done once every 6 weeks which was kind of a pain in the ass cuz I wasn't supposed to eat breakfast before the test but that was usually okay because I had tons of commissary food back in my Locker. Only time I was really pissed was days when we had pancakes or french toast for breakfast and I had to miss that (those days I'd usually go to the chow hall in the morning anyways and sell my tray for a dollar fifty, 3 sodas, or half a bag of coffee... Or 10milks on mornings of my choosing)...

Sorry I went off on another tangent. Questions like these bring back memories of how things in prison work. I should just write a fucking book and get it all out of my system haha.

Anyways they would like to fuck with my thyroid dose to try to manipulate my TSH production and all that shit so my T4 Synthroid dose would bounce around from 50 micrograms twice a day to Aiden 2 or 76 or some shit micrograms once a day ( I remember it was an odd dose pill like that something you wouldn't expect like 82 or 76 or 88 micrograms)... this went on for a good three and a half years before they finally settled on 50 micrograms twice a day.
Now you are saying you got steroids from the medical team while I'm prison?


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #637 on: September 03, 2017, 11:48:27 AM »
so, at your very fattest you weighed 230-235.

thanks for clarifying that.

I see now you're going to say that when I was 230-235 I was always fat.... I guess your peanut sized brain inside that grapefruit-sized skull of yours cannot comprehend the possibility that body composition is able to change. I'm not surprised. Guess that explains why you are not, never have been, and never could be a trainer


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #638 on: September 03, 2017, 11:49:39 AM »
Now you are saying you got steroids from the medical team while I'm prison?

Just test cyp, usually Phizer, for HRT.


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #639 on: September 03, 2017, 11:50:33 AM »
Just test cyp, usually Phizer, for HRT.

I believe people said you got your church in prison as well I believe he was in New York somewhere unless you was in Federal outside of New York

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #640 on: September 03, 2017, 12:41:05 PM »
What the fuck makes you think I'm going to post pictures of my clients on get big or any other place? With or without their fucking consent? You seriously are the dumbest guy I have ever come across any of these message boards in the past 23 years

Because all PTs post their clients pictures with their consent, its what PTs do, its how they validate their methods, its why people decide to use them, according to you you have been a PT for 20 plus years and not once have you ever advertised.

Seriously, why would anyone pay you for advice unless tyou had a track record of a successful career?

PTs who don't advertise are drug dealers...

I do my best to leave you alone but you keep dragging me back, again I find myself getting annoyed by your stupidity, congratulations, you are now trolling me...

And a guy who had an armed stand off with police would never get a concealed carry permit, unless you dropped the Hogie of course.

And a guy with multiple DUIs wouldn't have a license either.

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #641 on: September 03, 2017, 12:43:03 PM »
I see now you're going to say that when I was 230-235 I was always fat.... I guess your peanut sized brain inside that grapefruit-sized skull of yours cannot comprehend the possibility that body composition is able to change. I'm not surprised. Guess that explains why you are not, never have been, and never could be a trainer

you have evidence to prove otherwise?

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #642 on: September 03, 2017, 12:54:36 PM »
not a goddamn single one of them behaves like "Be There" does) owns his own business, owns his own home, takes care of his shit and has like three or four Sons.

We own our home, have a great well paying job, I have a son , step son and three grandchildren,
Im not a gun totting felon who no one trusts, I don't drive around with my children and their friends on a suspended license.
I don't make videos criticising the care Im getting at hospital , by the way you should be careful about that, if the hospital found out you were making videos slatting the care you were getting they may start looking at a law suit... ;)


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #643 on: September 03, 2017, 12:57:48 PM »
Be There is living the dream.

I aspire to be like Be There both as a young man and old man.

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #644 on: September 03, 2017, 01:00:10 PM »
Be There is living the dream.

I aspire to be like Be There both as a young man and old man.

thanks you, I have a great life, I also have my own teeth....


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #645 on: September 03, 2017, 01:20:44 PM »
thanks you, I have a great life, I also have my own teeth....

PM with the secrets to happiness and success.

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #646 on: September 03, 2017, 01:29:03 PM »
PM with the secrets to happiness and success.
once you realise that expectation leads to disappointment you are there.


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #647 on: September 03, 2017, 01:32:13 PM »
I'm not sure about all trainers but certainly Kamali posts his clients' 'progress' photos on a daily basis, multiple times a day, on his Instagram. I question that he'd have the time to text each other for permission in advance, unless they signed off on him posting all the material he took of them in the future after signing on to his services. There was some guy in Romania who used to post here and constantly flooded the boards with pics of his client(s) as well, probably without their permission.

Simple Simon

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #648 on: September 03, 2017, 01:39:20 PM »
I'm not sure about all trainers but certainly Kamali posts his clients' 'progress' photos on a daily basis, multiple times a day, on his Instagram. I question that he'd have the time to text each other for permission in advance, unless they signed off on him posting all the material he took of them in the future after signing on to his services. There was some guy in Romania who used to post here and constantly flooded the boards with pics of his client(s) as well, probably without their permission.

he now has three accounts on here.


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #649 on: September 03, 2017, 01:44:17 PM »
he now has three accounts on here.
I forget his name but I remember he'd constantly post this brown kid with a tiny build then argue to death about dosages, prep, etc. There was another huge guy with a beard as well but I can't place him, looked like a pro.