Author Topic: ESFitness - Been in hospital for weeks - what did I miss?  (Read 250708 times)


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #850 on: September 07, 2017, 06:24:16 AM »
galeniko was a straight up ace, c'mon, don't use his name in vain. His stories on here with women were as outlandish as the ones in this thread but he was hilarious about it and never took it seriously. Moreover, they were probably true considering how he looked and how shallow women are about guys with sixpacks and hair on their head. Tall tales cease being funny when the story teller gets livid at discrepancies pointed out in his story.

Grape Ape

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #851 on: September 07, 2017, 07:11:53 AM »
A reminder to everyone to mind their tone when talking about the great Galeniko.


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #852 on: September 07, 2017, 07:16:16 AM »
After reading 35 pages of this thread,I feel like breaking the spines of multiple German Shephards.


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #853 on: September 07, 2017, 09:23:53 AM »
Whizzo I don't like you but I honestly pray I'm not reading a thread on Monday about you being dead because a hurricane drifted a great white in your vicinity and it devoured you.

You may want to head to higher ground.

I neither like or dislike Shizzo, but I do hope the hurricane carries him off and deposits him battered and bruised but not seriously hurt 30 miles from his house, and after the long arduous trek walking home the tail end of the hurricane lands a fridge-freezer on him just as he sets food on his doorstep

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #854 on: September 07, 2017, 09:57:05 AM »
I neither like or dislike Shizzo, but I do hope the hurricane carries him off and deposits him battered and bruised but not seriously hurt 30 miles from his house, and after the long arduous trek walking home the tail end of the hurricane lands a fridge-freezer on him just as he sets food on his doorstep

Sounds almost Oz-like.  I suppose the first thing he'd say is, "Oh Scroto!  I don't think we're in Ken's ass anymore!"


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #855 on: September 07, 2017, 10:29:37 AM »
answering questions isn't providing evidence, the guy claims to be a PT and sports nutritionist with hundreds of clients, hes a drug dealer FFS, lets not dress it up like an open wound like the one in his hip.

His bullshit isn't even on a scale of bullshit, its way beyond bullshit.

Galeniko never made any such stupid claims about being wealthy of having huge TVs, why would anyone have to call him out?

He could have said he got that gaping wound in his quad from a grizzly bear attack whilst hunting in Alaska!  Now that would be embellishment. :D

He admits selling "sports supplements" and becoming a PT is not that difficult.

Simple Simon

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #856 on: September 07, 2017, 10:53:08 AM »
He could have said he got that gaping wound in his quad from a grizzly bear attack whilst hunting in Alaska!  Now that would be embellishment. :D

He admits selling "sports supplements" and becoming a PT is not that difficult.

and training Fabio and Linda Lee (Bruce Lees widow) after a chance meeting in a coffee shop?

Dave D

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #857 on: September 07, 2017, 11:22:20 AM »

and training Fabio and Linda Lee (Bruce Lees widow) after a chance meeting in a coffee shop?

Im curious who he's meeting with his prolonged hospital stay.


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #858 on: September 07, 2017, 11:35:12 AM »
After reading 35 pages of this thread,I feel like breaking the spines of multiple German Shephards.

No surprises there.

Cuz I heard that when you were in rehab you were arrogant and a d1ck to everybody, including German Shepherds....


Simple Simon

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #859 on: September 07, 2017, 11:56:14 AM »
Im curious who he's meeting with his prolonged hospital stay.

its his visiting time

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #860 on: September 07, 2017, 12:38:26 PM »
Has he had any visitors?


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #861 on: September 07, 2017, 12:40:09 PM »
I'm just genuinely curious, not hating at all, just wondering how you are able to retain your clients, I know its a cut throat business, and trainers are a dime a dozen, I would imagine clients being understanding, but going with out a trainer for even a few weeks, I'm sure you will see some drop in numbers? I know my trainer buddy, when a client cancels on him he still chargers them for the session, like I was saying I know its very competitive.

This is the longest I've been out since I've lived here. With the thyroid thing I woke up Monday morning had hard time walking hips weren't working thought my lower back from a legs on down were asleep or something walked it off was that work on time that day. Wednesday morning woke up could not move my legs from my chest down with much much worse eventually could crawl to the living room unlock my front door and call for a ride to the hospital period in the ER they gave me an IV some electrolytes and whatnot drill whole bunch of blood like 13 or 14 vials worth of blood write a whole bunch of tests thought I had an infection in my spine similar to what Cormier had. After a couple hours notice I can move my legs try to stand up I can stand up I could walk went to the restroom he came back and asked if I need to stay here to wait for the test results or if I could leave to go back to work which is what I did was that work that afternoon. Next day Thursday. Doctor called me with results from the previous day said my CK levels were super super high which of the time we're only 1200 (on about  August 21st or 22nd last month my CK levels were about 33,000) and I need to flush that CK shit out of my blood so I need to pound as much water as possible, also said my T4 and TSH levels were "zero- negative", whatever that means, so I started drinking maybe four or five of the 22 oz bottles of water we had at the gym thought I felt the hell of a lot better and co-workers said I looked like I put on a good 10 lb. Was doing my taxes at my desk in the trainers area went to stand up and couldn't. Felt like my quads weren't firing at all for some reason push myself up using a desk thinking my legs has fell asleep from sitting so long walked about 5 feet and legs gave out from under me and fell down like an accordion push myself up looked around nobody saw I thought it was funny trying to get it on security camera but I was out of range. Walked out to my truck to get more paperwork and 2 feet outside the front door of the gym same thing happened legs fell out run rings me eyeclops like an accordion in front of to gym members I thought I was funny played it off like I tripped on my shoelace push myself up walk to my truck got the papers came back was fine the rest of the day until I got home that night. Fell three times at home. Fell into my front door in a door knob couch the shit out of my ribs. Push myself up thought it was fine taking my plate into the kitchen soon as I put the plate on the countertop I turn around and I fall on the hardwood floor thought I broke my arm knock the wind out of myself. Got up made my way back to the living room after getting up off the couch after a while fell again at the crawl to the couch and pull myself up with my arms. Went to bed that night woke up at 1 a.m. had to pee realized I could not move my lower body at all was 100% paralyzed from about my mid chest on down including my left arm. Waited an hour or so and called friend of mine who's a nurse in Massachusetts because I knew she would probably be awake which she was. Told her what happened day before about the doctor telling me to pound water she told me I likely depleted it all the potassium forom my body and reason I could still feel my legs if I touch them or whatever or my lower body but they weren't working was because there was no potassium or at least not enough. No potassium I would be dead obviously my heart would stop. He told me I needed to call nine-one-one because there is likely I would stop breathing and eventually my heart would stop. I waited in bed hoping to get a little movement in my legs until about 7 a.m. then realize my alarm clock was across the room and would go off at 7:30 and would not go off until it was stopped. I managed to pull the sheets off done bed and make a little lasso type deal and throw it across the room and last Soul it around my alarm clock and yank it out of the wall. Didn't want to call nine-one-one because I didn't want them to break the door down or break a window or something. And slowly used my shoulders to inch myself up on the bed until I got to the wall then continue to push myself up with my right hand and it's by inch until I can get my head on the wall and use my head to pull myself up on the wall and lean on the wall and get my legs locked like stilts because I knew if I fell there was no way I was going to get up. also took the charger and cord to my cell phone and used it to wrap my cell phone around my wrist and tie it off because if I drop that there is no way I was going to be able to pick it up either. Use my sofa to brace myself to get close to the front door to unlock it then went back to the sofa and waited for a ride to the ER. This was about 10 a.m. go to the hospital explain what happened with the whole previous few days thread a whole bunch of tests even did a spinal tap (which fucking sucks don't ever fucking do a spinal tap because you will have a migraine headache for 20 or 30 days after) to check for an infection in my spine did CT scans all that shit eventually at about 7 that night they gave me a tablet of potassium because I noticed my potassium levels are a little bit low and about 10 or 15 minutes later I noticed my foot was moving like I was agitated or bored or something and realized (holy shit I can move my legs) nurse asked if I wanted to get up and try walking I said yeah sure what the hell. Got up walked like normal. They ended up admitted me because they wanted to make sure there wasn't something else wrong that they missed. Eventually doctor comes back in my room says I solved it what you have is "thyrotoxic periodic paralysis". I stay in the hospital Friday night doing another CT scan or two next day with Saturday and did a couple more CT scans with the contrast dye and all that shit. Doctor said they wanted to do more CT scans with more contrast dye and at that time I had already like fucking 4-5 CT scans. Top to bottom c-spine to lower back. They asked me about my neck and a degenerated discs between C6 C7 and C5 C6 and C4 C5 and was I aware blah blah blahs yes I'm well aware. Doctor brings up steroid use and how much Anadrol I'm using I said what the hell does that have to do with anything. He says I don't need to be here to take this blah blah blah I said fine that's cool leave. They come back and tell me they need to do more CT scans but they can't do anymore today it'll be first thing in the morning when the CT scan fella or Radiology whatever it is gets there. Sunday morning comes and goes Sunday afternoon they tell me he'll be here later. So then comes around like a Sunday night about 6 or 7 p.m. ask where is it CT guy you guys want to do more CT scans you told me he was going to be here first thing in the morning morning came away and afternoon came away now it's evening I seriously down he's going to come in tonight. Then they say what a most likely be tomorrow he wasn't working today I said "why the hell did you tell me on Saturday that he was going to come in on Sunday and then all day today (Sunday) you been telling me he's going to be here anytime. I don't appreciate being lied to I have clients waiting for me I can be back to work who's going to pay my bills? are you going to pay my bills? are you going to pay my rent? I get to feeling you just want to the fuck out of my insurance got until 9 tonight to do the CT scan or I'm leaving AMA and you can just use me and we call it the courts figure it out". 9 p.m. comes and goes I had my girlfriend there at the time who came up from San Diego the night before so I packed my shyt and we left and I was back to work the next day. Actually come to think of it, same ex-gf that's visited me a couple times while I've been in here, also visited me that time I was in the hospital on the Saturday afternoon before my girlfriend at the time arrived.

So, only missed 1 day with that shit.

And with the time I was in the hospital with sepsis again it was a Saturday when I went to the hospital (I typically go out of town weekends and stay with gfs from Friday till late Sunday nights/Monday mornings).  they admitted me that Saturday I agreed to stay the next day Sunday when I found out my cellulitis had turned into sepsis and I would need quite a few days of IV antibiotics and initially I agree to stay until Sunday night or Monday morning and see if the infection or my white blood cell count with drop by Monday morning it was still Rising. I forget the number it was in the twenties though I believe 22 or 24. I agreed to stay and get the IV antibiotics and stayed for I believe 3 days or 4 days until I convinced the doctors to cut me loose with oral antibiotics once my white blood cell count had been dropping for two consecutive blood test and was then down to I believe 16 or 17. Most likely I've talked about all this year so you can verify the numbers and shit if you like just use the damn search feature. Each time I stay in contact with every single one of my clients or customers. These are people who have prepaid for things it's not like you pay for each session as you go as far as training goes and there are contracts involved regarding refunds and such (at least with trsining).

Funny how a small handful of 50yr old men with mental illnesses like to play on the internet and think giggle. Ill respond now and when I have time, but i really don't give a fuck. Maybe ill just let you guys wonder how many people have the password to this account and let others reply for me.


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #862 on: September 07, 2017, 12:42:14 PM »
Holy shit. ^

I've never seen the words CT scans that many times in one space. Even the arrangement of them in that post reads like a secret message written on a prison letter with disappearing urine ink.


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #863 on: September 07, 2017, 12:44:39 PM »
evidence or shut the fuck up....

Lol @ you believing for some reason that your approval means anything whatsoever to me or anybody fucking else on the goddamn planet. You're a fucking nobody who takes photos of himself in the shittiest place of your home. Who the fuck does that? You're going to have a nice big home and take pictures of yourself with a shitty fucking resolution like you got a fucking Motorola Razr from 2006 in the shittiest fucking placing your home?

Your mental illness prevents you from using logic apparently.


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #864 on: September 07, 2017, 12:45:18 PM »
I'm hoping this question is in jest because your asking a guy that has answered every question thrown at him in this epic thread which will soon exceed 40 pages. Insurance in the US for a single males is egregiously expensive so he must have as decent, predictable income to pay for it.

He hasn't hidden anything so not sure why your chasing him around this thread. He lives in CA which is very expensive so he has a humble dwelling. I don't remember any members riding Galeniko for the condition of his apartment when he filmed his infamous videos.

Didn't you know eastern block style minimalist kitchens are in now. :D

Using logic with illogical people is a dead end road

Simple Simon

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #865 on: September 07, 2017, 12:45:26 PM »
This is the longest I've been out since I've lived here. With the thyroid thing I woke up Monday morning had hard time walking hips weren't working thought my lower back from a legs on down were asleep or something walked it off was that work on time that day. Wednesday morning woke up could not move my legs from my chest down with much much worse eventually could crawl to the living room unlock my front door and call for a ride to the hospital period in the ER they gave me an IV some electrolytes and whatnot drill whole bunch of blood like 13 or 14 vials worth of blood write a whole bunch of tests thought I had an infection in my spine similar to what Cormier had. After a couple hours notice I can move my legs try to stand up I can stand up I could walk went to the restroom he came back and asked if I need to stay here to wait for the test results or if I could leave to go back to work which is what I did was that work that afternoon. Next day Thursday. Doctor called me with results from the previous day said my CK levels were super super high which of the time we're only 1200 (on about  August 21st or 22nd last month my CK levels were about 33,000) and I need to flush that CK shit out of my blood so I need to pound as much water as possible, also said my T4 and TSH levels were "zero- negative", whatever that means, so I started drinking maybe four or five of the 22 oz bottles of water we had at the gym thought I felt the hell of a lot better and co-workers said I looked like I put on a good 10 lb. Was doing my taxes at my desk in the trainers area went to stand up and couldn't. Felt like my quads weren't firing at all for some reason push myself up using a desk thinking my legs has fell asleep from sitting so long walked about 5 feet and legs gave out from under me and fell down like an accordion push myself up looked around nobody saw I thought it was funny trying to get it on security camera but I was out of range. Walked out to my truck to get more paperwork and 2 feet outside the front door of the gym same thing happened legs fell out run rings me eyeclops like an accordion in front of to gym members I thought I was funny played it off like I tripped on my shoelace push myself up walk to my truck got the papers came back was fine the rest of the day until I got home that night. Fell three times at home. Fell into my front door in a door knob couch the shit out of my ribs. Push myself up thought it was fine taking my plate into the kitchen soon as I put the plate on the countertop I turn around and I fall on the hardwood floor thought I broke my arm knock the wind out of myself. Got up made my way back to the living room after getting up off the couch after a while fell again at the crawl to the couch and pull myself up with my arms. Went to bed that night woke up at 1 a.m. had to pee realized I could not move my lower body at all was 100% paralyzed from about my mid chest on down including my left arm. Waited an hour or so and called friend of mine who's a nurse in Massachusetts because I knew she would probably be awake which she was. Told her what happened day before about the doctor telling me to pound water she told me I likely depleted it all the potassium forom my body and reason I could still feel my legs if I touch them or whatever or my lower body but they weren't working was because there was no potassium or at least not enough. No potassium I would be dead obviously my heart would stop. He told me I needed to call nine-one-one because there is likely I would stop breathing and eventually my heart would stop. I waited in bed hoping to get a little movement in my legs until about 7 a.m. then realize my alarm clock was across the room and would go off at 7:30 and would not go off until it was stopped. I managed to pull the sheets off done bed and make a little lasso type deal and throw it across the room and last Soul it around my alarm clock and yank it out of the wall. Didn't want to call nine-one-one because I didn't want them to break the door down or break a window or something. And slowly used my shoulders to inch myself up on the bed until I got to the wall then continue to push myself up with my right hand and it's by inch until I can get my head on the wall and use my head to pull myself up on the wall and lean on the wall and get my legs locked like stilts because I knew if I fell there was no way I was going to get up. also took the charger and cord to my cell phone and used it to wrap my cell phone around my wrist and tie it off because if I drop that there is no way I was going to be able to pick it up either. Use my sofa to brace myself to get close to the front door to unlock it then went back to the sofa and waited for a ride to the ER. This was about 10 a.m. go to the hospital explain what happened with the whole previous few days thread a whole bunch of tests even did a spinal tap (which fucking sucks don't ever fucking do a spinal tap because you will have a migraine headache for 20 or 30 days after) to check for an infection in my spine did CT scans all that shit eventually at about 7 that night they gave me a tablet of potassium because I noticed my potassium levels are a little bit low and about 10 or 15 minutes later I noticed my foot was moving like I was agitated or bored or something and realized (holy shit I can move my legs) nurse asked if I wanted to get up and try walking I said yeah sure what the hell. Got up walked like normal. They ended up admitted me because they wanted to make sure there wasn't something else wrong that they missed. Eventually doctor comes back in my room says I solved it what you have is "thyrotoxic periodic paralysis". I stay in the hospital Friday night doing another CT scan or two next day with Saturday and did a couple more CT scans with the contrast dye and all that shit. Doctor said they wanted to do more CT scans with more contrast dye and at that time I had already like fucking 4-5 CT scans. Top to bottom c-spine to lower back. They asked me about my neck and a degenerated discs between C6 C7 and C5 C6 and C4 C5 and was I aware blah blah blahs yes I'm well aware. Doctor brings up steroid use and how much Anadrol I'm using I said what the hell does that have to do with anything. He says I don't need to be here to take this blah blah blah I said fine that's cool leave. They come back and tell me they need to do more CT scans but they can't do anymore today it'll be first thing in the morning when the CT scan fella or Radiology whatever it is gets there. Sunday morning comes and goes Sunday afternoon they tell me he'll be here later. So then comes around like a Sunday night about 6 or 7 p.m. ask where is it CT guy you guys want to do more CT scans you told me he was going to be here first thing in the morning morning came away and afternoon came away now it's evening I seriously down he's going to come in tonight. Then they say what a most likely be tomorrow he wasn't working today I said "why the hell did you tell me on Saturday that he was going to come in on Sunday and then all day today (Sunday) you been telling me he's going to be here anytime. I don't appreciate being lied to I have clients waiting for me I can be back to work who's going to pay my bills? are you going to pay my bills? are you going to pay my rent? I get to feeling you just want to the fuck out of my insurance got until 9 tonight to do the CT scan or I'm leaving AMA and you can just use me and we call it the courts figure it out". 9 p.m. comes and goes I had my girlfriend there at the time who came up from San Diego the night before so I packed my shyt and we left and I was back to work the next day. Actually come to think of it, same ex-gf that's visited me a couple times while I've been in here, also visited me that time I was in the hospital on the Saturday afternoon before my girlfriend at the time arrived.

So, only missed 1 day with that shit.

And with the time I was in the hospital with sepsis again it was a Saturday when I went to the hospital (I typically go out of town weekends and stay with gfs from Friday till late Sunday nights/Monday mornings).  they admitted me that Saturday I agreed to stay the next day Sunday when I found out my cellulitis had turned into sepsis and I would need quite a few days of IV antibiotics and initially I agree to stay until Sunday night or Monday morning and see if the infection or my white blood cell count with drop by Monday morning it was still Rising. I forget the number it was in the twenties though I believe 22 or 24. I agreed to stay and get the IV antibiotics and stayed for I believe 3 days or 4 days until I convinced the doctors to cut me loose with oral antibiotics once my white blood cell count had been dropping for two consecutive blood test and was then down to I believe 16 or 17. Most likely I've talked about all this year so you can verify the numbers and shit if you like just use the damn search feature. Each time I stay in contact with every single one of my clients or customers. These are people who have prepaid for things it's not like you pay for each session as you go as far as training goes and there are contracts involved regarding refunds and such (at least with trsining).

Funny how a small handful of 50yr old men with mental illnesses like to play on the internet and think giggle. Ill respond now and when I have time, but i really don't give a fuck. Maybe ill just let you guys wonder how many people have the password to this account and let others reply for me.

a lot, bearing in mind you told everyone here you only had a few shots of test in a while...

And who's going to pay for it?
Your dad, like he always does.


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #866 on: September 07, 2017, 12:47:00 PM »
a giant tv is honestly not impressive at all in this day and age bro

Funny how I was about to say the same.

A guys single 8 week minimal cycle would pay for a 65" plasma (I like plasma over LCD/led)

Of course Jeffery they still waiting for prices to drop two pull the trigger on a 46-inch LCD. In the meantime he's happy with his half refrigerator sized 35 in TV


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #867 on: September 07, 2017, 12:49:19 PM »
a lot, bearing in mind you told everyone here you only a few shots of test in a while...

And who's going to pay for it?
Your dad, like he always does.

That was in 2012 moron

Simple Simon

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #868 on: September 07, 2017, 12:50:28 PM »
That was in 2012 moron

excuse me for not reading it all....



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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #869 on: September 07, 2017, 12:54:31 PM »
excuse me for not reading it all....


Yet you highlight portion that you believe will further your point?

Simple Simon

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #870 on: September 07, 2017, 12:57:45 PM »
Yet you highlight portion that you believe will further your point?

thats the only bit that caught my eye when I skimmed it, why the fuck do you think I didn't pick up on the context?

I never read all your shit, ever...


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #871 on: September 07, 2017, 01:00:23 PM »
thats the only bit that caught my eye when I skimmed it, why the fuck do you think I didn't pick up on the context?

I never read all your shit, ever...

Yes you do you have three ring binders filled with printouts love all nine or ten thousand posts on this account (I've deleted a good 2-3000, as you know), complete with a glossary and index dog-eared pages with highlighted quotes.

Pathetic for a 53yr old man

Simple Simon

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 12 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #872 on: September 07, 2017, 01:02:31 PM »
Yes you do you have three ring binders filled with printouts love all nine or ten thousand posts on this account (I've deleted a good 2-3000, as you know), complete with a glossary and index dog-eared pages with highlighted quotes.

Pathetic for a 53yr old man

No, I just have one photo of you looking your absolute best, 215lbs at 15% BF.


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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 843 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #873 on: September 07, 2017, 01:24:17 PM »

Simple Simon

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Re: ESFitness - Been in hospital last 843 days... what did I miss?
« Reply #874 on: September 07, 2017, 01:27:24 PM »