Author Topic: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers  (Read 34076 times)

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #50 on: September 25, 2017, 09:46:15 PM »
Actually yes I do.  8)

Trump is the most brilliant politician of your lifetime, whether you choose to accept it or not.

where is the time machine?

you're referring to the past

do I really need to explain the concept of time

I'm holding off on the most "brilliant politician" award until he actually accomplishes something for this country

We're only about 7 month in so I'm going to cut him some slack for another few months but from my perspective I see what looks like unprecedented incompetence, dereliction of duty and corruption


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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #51 on: September 25, 2017, 09:57:03 PM »
where is the time machine?

you're referring to the past

do I really need to explain the concept of time

I'm holding off on the most "brilliant politician" award until he actually accomplishes something for this country

We're only about 7 month in so I'm going to cut him some slack for another few months but from my perspective I see what looks like unprecedented incompetence, dereliction of duty and corruption

No, that would be Obama.

Unbelievable amount of damage he did to his own party.

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #52 on: September 25, 2017, 10:01:37 PM »
No, that would be Obama.

Unbelievable amount of damage he did to his own party.

I don't recall mentioning the democratic party

I did mention accomplishing something for the country

I assume you think Obama sucks and that's fine with me

tell me what Trump has accomplished for the country (that's the one specific thing I mentioned in my post)

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #53 on: September 25, 2017, 11:26:51 PM »
Self created "conflict" a la Trump

some thing he's always done

Are we talking about the crisis in Puerto Rico or the story that came out today about the ~ 6 people in his administration (including his son-in-law and daughter) using private email for official White House business or the ~ 100 people that were arrested at the Senate Finance Committee meeting today or the failure (again) of Repubs attempt to negotiate with themselves over the repeal of the ACA?

Jesus Christ you're off the charts stupid. Once again you make me look like a Rhodes Scholar with every post,

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #54 on: September 26, 2017, 01:06:19 PM »
Trump calls NFL kneeling 'disgraceful,' disrespectful to veterans
Fox News

President Trump doubled down Tuesday on his criticism of NFL players kneeling during the national anthem, calling the protests “disgraceful” and blatantly disrespectful to veterans who fought for flag and country.

“I don’t think you can disrespect our country, our flag, our national anthem,” Trump said at a Rose Garden press conference.

The president, in response to criticism in the media, insisted he was not preoccupied with the controversy – and is focusing instead on the federal government’s hurricane response in the Caribbean.

But explaining his decision to speak out on the anthem protests, Trump cited all those who have died or been injured fighting for the United States. 

“They were fighting for our country, they were fighting for our flag, they were fighting for our national anthem,” he said, referring to injured soldiers he’s visited at Walter Reed. “For people to disrespect that by kneeling during the playing of our national anthem I think is disgraceful.”

Echoing an earlier tweet, he said the NFL should not allow players to kneel, saying he was “ashamed” by the protests. 

Meanwhile, Trump said “we are totally focused” on storm recovery.

After announcing earlier in the day he’ll head to storm-ravaged Puerto Rico next Tuesday, he said in the Rose Garden that he’ll also visit the U.S. Virgin Islands.

“We’re doing everything in our power to help the hard-hit people in both places,” Trump said. “… We will get through this.”

The president spoke during a joint press conference with visiting Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.

His comments on the NFL mark the latest turn in a rapid-fire debate over anthem protesters that kicked up last Friday when Trump said football players disrespecting the flag should be “fired.” Specifically, he said NFL owners should push to “get that son of a b---- off the field.”

The president’s remarks touched off an escalating standoff with team owners and players alike, with hundreds kneeling or locking arms or even sitting out the anthem entirely since Friday.

Earlier Tuesday, Trump called on the NFL to change its own rules to prohibit kneeling during the national anthem, while swiping at the Dallas Cowboys after the team -- along with owner Jerry Jones -- kneeled before the anthem ahead of their game against the Arizona Cardinals on Monday night.

Trump said there is "great anger" in the stands over these spectacles.

The president covered a wide range of other topics in Tuesday’s press conference, including North Korea.

Following a new series of threats from Pyongyang, Trump warned that the U.S. is “totally prepared” for a military option, though that is not the preferred course.

“If we take that option, it will be devastating … for North Korea. That’s called a military option, if we have to take it, we will,” he said.

Of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Trump said, “He’s saying things that should never, ever be said.”

Trump was meeting with Rajoy, meanwhile, to discuss several common concerns including trade and the fight against terrorism.

Spain last month was the victim of attacks that killed 16 people in the tourist haven of Barcelona and a nearby town. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Trump said Tuesday they are "very, very unified in the fight."

Trump also mentioned his desire to renegotiate trade deals the U.S. has with other countries, but suggested that isn't the case with Spain.

On trade, Trump says he's had a "good nine months" with Spain.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #55 on: September 26, 2017, 01:10:33 PM »
Good commentary.

NFL anthem controversy: Does the left ever want to win elections again?
Stephen L. Miller By Stephen L. Miller, Fox News

For all of Donald Trump’s often baffling social commentary, he could not have asked for better opponents in an ongoing culture war that has the political left crying foul. On everything from statues, to sports protests, the left seems eager to somehow try to out-do Trump’s bombastic absurdity. Everyone from activists to journalists and Democrat Party members have decided that moderation is all but DOA and the cultural pendulum which swung far left for eight years is swinging back right with equal velocity.

The national anthem protests by NFL players this weekend is just the latest example of overreach (a word only seen in media to describe the right’s response to Democrat scandals) by a side of the political aisle that has been drummed down to their largest governing minority since World War II. Trump’s comments in Alabama resurrected a mostly dormant discussion about NFL players kneeling in protest over perceived police brutality that started with 49ers backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick last year, in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.

The kneel down gesture was always puzzling to me, as the national anthem isn’t played at sporting events to honor police officers. It’s in large part to honor men and women serving in the nation’s armed forces (more on that in a minute) which give us the freedom to gather in stadiums or around our televisions every Sunday and scream at grown men chasing each other with a ball.

My question to the Democrats (and media) is simple: What voters in that big chunk of the country turned red do you plan to win back on a platform of kneeling for the national anthem, revoking due process, removing monuments of our founders, or backing Kim Jong Un in a nuclear showdown?

I don’t need to debate the merits or the wisdom behind Kaepernick’s actions.There’s been too much of that already. But what is up for debate is the wisdom of the political left throwing in with a gesture that still, to this day and despite what you see on cable news and social media, remains largely unpopular with the voting public. In 2016, a Quinnipac poll found that only 38 percent of those supported NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem. A Reuters poll found that 72 percent found the protest to be unpatriotic but also that 64 percent agreed there should be no punishment or fine.

Thanks to Trump’s reinvigoration of the debate, it didn’t take long for pundits on the left to start suggesting that taking a knee during the national anthem is now a direct protest of Trump himself. D.C. Bureau chief for Mother Jones, David Corn outright stated “The kneel will now become a sign of opposition to Trump,” effectively hijacking the gesture from black activists. Washington Post social justice reporter Wesley Lowery called on colleagues to demand a reasoning from players who chose not to kneel. No word yet if Lowery chose to ask Pittsburgh Steelers tackle and former Army Ranger and Bronze Star recipient Alejandro Villanueva why he chose to stand for the anthem in the tunnel, the only player from the team to do so. Villanueva’s jersey sales have now skyrocketed in only a day. Jon Schwarz from the left leaning site The Intercept wrote “The National Anthem is a Celebration of Slavery”

The left has chosen to make kneeling for the national anthem now a referendum on Trump himself. A larger problem for them, and the NFL in general, is they picked this fight on a day meant to honor Gold Star mothers.

Americans can differentiate between the man in the Oval Office and the country he represents. They can acknowledge problems with community policing, or the commander-in-chief's tweets while also honoring men and women in uniform overseas and more to the point, they know the politicization of the sport they used to love didn’t start with Donald Trump.

This is not a fight they will win, but like removing monuments of the founders , journalists (including Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg and CNN morning show host Chris Cuomo) excusing Antifa under the guise they are no different than the Greatest Generation storming Normandy on D-Day, endorsing North Korea’s Kim Jong Un over Trump, or writing off ‘jihad’ as a noble struggle, they continue to pick unpopular battles in culture and against a large chunk of the country they lost with Hillary Clinton in 2016.

On top of all this, Democrats also seem to be embracing such noble causes as coming out against due process for Americans accused of crimes, such as sexual assault. In response to Education Secretary Betsy Devos tossing Obama era Title IX practices on college campuses, Senator Diane Feinstein tweeted, “Sec. DeVos is putting rights of the accused above those of sexual assault victims. Absolutely unconscionable.” Beyond apparently never bothering to read "To Kill a Mockingbird," Feinstein is demanding her party stand up against the right of due process, the very thing, as it turns out, Kaepernick was protesting.

My question to the Democrats (and media) is simple: What voters in that big chunk of the country turned red do you plan to win back on a platform of kneeling for the national anthem, revoking due process, removing monuments of our founders, sympathizing with jihad, glorifying property-destroying (and journalist-punching) thugs or backing Kim Jong Un in a nuclear showdown? The more the left has ramped up its cultural war, the more their governing power has diminished. Who cares if the Affordable Care Act wiped them from the electoral map, as long as Jimmy Kimmel gets his sick burns in.

Donald Trump’s election should have been a giant wake up call to both the media and the left that the causes they care about and blast out with their bylines are not the issues Americans care about. They may view Donald Trump’s twitter commentary as beneath the office of the presidency, but they can forgive a lot when the other party is demanding they bend the knee.

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #56 on: September 26, 2017, 03:59:58 PM »
Yet another self hating white liberal. Take the black and Puerto Rican cock out of your mouth, and stop pretending that your "base" is a bunch a Harvard grads when they're really just ghetto rats, feminazis and libtard dicklickers.

I know it's an inconvenience truth for you but even white men without Mensa level IQs outperform the various factions of your garbage can joke of a "base."
Thanks for making my point. This is the mentality of trumps minions.


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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #57 on: September 26, 2017, 06:21:40 PM »
I don't recall mentioning the democratic party

I did mention accomplishing something for the country

I assume you think Obama sucks and that's fine with me

tell me what Trump has accomplished for the country (that's the one specific thing I mentioned in my post)

He has done a brilliant job embarrassing us 

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #58 on: September 26, 2017, 06:24:20 PM »
Bottom line is , this is just another liberal failure and now it's damaging the NFL. They decided to inject politics into sport thinking they get overwhelming support but instead it's leading to loss of revenue.


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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #59 on: September 26, 2017, 06:31:56 PM »
Trump 100% spot on as usual.

Dos Equis

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #60 on: September 26, 2017, 06:33:08 PM »
Bottom line is , this is just another liberal failure and now it's damaging the NFL. They decided to inject politics into sport thinking they get overwhelming support but instead it's leading to loss of revenue.

I agree.  The NFL is hemorrhaging.


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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #61 on: September 26, 2017, 10:42:56 PM »

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #62 on: September 27, 2017, 04:32:54 AM »
Thanks for making my point. This is the mentality of trumps minions.

No, the point shithead is that you're very quick to label white people dumb but you don't have the balls to say the same thing about blacks and Hispanics even though you know damn well as a group they underperform academically and are much more politically incorrect than whites.

Here's your "base" in action:

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #63 on: September 27, 2017, 09:17:45 AM »

Fuzzy Nuts

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #64 on: September 27, 2017, 09:36:54 AM »
No, the point shithead is that you're very quick to label white people dumb but you don't have the balls to say the same thing about blacks and Hispanics even though you know damn well as a group they underperform academically and are much more politically incorrect than whites.

Here's your "base" in action:

Ok, i'll admit it, black and hispanic trump voters are dumb.

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #65 on: September 27, 2017, 10:45:03 AM »
It Begins. Owner of Historic US Clothing Company Pulls Ads from NFL Games
gateway pundit ^ | 9-27-17 | Jim Hoft
Posted on 9/27/2017, 12:30:42 PM by doug from upland

Allan Jones is CEO of Hardwick Clothing and Check Into Cash payday loan company announced on Tuesday his is through with sponsoring the wardrobes and advertising on the NFL.

Hardwick Clothing is America’s oldest suit maker.

In his statement Jones said, “Our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!” The Times Free Press reported:

Two years ago, Cleveland, Tenn., businessman Allan Jones was proudly showing off his newly acquired Hardwick Clothing-brand suits by providing the wardrobe for NBC’s on-air talent during the network’s broadcasts of NFL football games.

But after NFL players and coaches challenged President Donald Trump and many took a knee during the national anthem played before their games over the weekend, Jones said he is through sponsoring the wardrobes or advertising on stations that air the National Football League.

Jones, CEO of the payday lending chain Check Into Cash and owner of Hardwick Clothes — America’s oldest suit maker — tweeted his criticism and change of heart Tuesday.

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #66 on: September 27, 2017, 11:10:37 AM »
Ok, i'll admit it, black and hispanic trump voters are dumb.

Cross of Iron posted a few of this guys' quotes on another thread. Some really good stuff:

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #67 on: September 27, 2017, 11:25:44 AM »
It Begins. Owner of Historic US Clothing Company Pulls Ads from NFL Games
gateway pundit ^ | 9-27-17 | Jim Hoft
Posted on 9/27/2017, 12:30:42 PM by doug from upland

Allan Jones is CEO of Hardwick Clothing and Check Into Cash payday loan company announced on Tuesday his is through with sponsoring the wardrobes and advertising on the NFL.

Hardwick Clothing is America’s oldest suit maker.

In his statement Jones said, “Our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!” The Times Free Press reported:

Two years ago, Cleveland, Tenn., businessman Allan Jones was proudly showing off his newly acquired Hardwick Clothing-brand suits by providing the wardrobe for NBC’s on-air talent during the network’s broadcasts of NFL football games.

But after NFL players and coaches challenged President Donald Trump and many took a knee during the national anthem played before their games over the weekend, Jones said he is through sponsoring the wardrobes or advertising on stations that air the National Football League.

Jones, CEO of the payday lending chain Check Into Cash and owner of Hardwick Clothes — America’s oldest suit maker — tweeted his criticism and change of heart Tuesday.

OMG !!!!!

Hardwick Clothing Suits (Who??) pulls ads


Plenty of much larger sponsors such as Nike fully support the NFL against Trump

“Nike supports athletes and their right to freedom of expression on issues that are of great importance to our society.”

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #68 on: September 27, 2017, 11:31:28 AM »
Nike needs the idiots to keep buying $150 sneakers

OMG !!!!!

Hardwick Clothing Suits (Who??) pulls ads


Plenty of much larger sponsors such as Nike fully support the NFL against Trump

“Nike supports athletes and their right to freedom of expression on issues that are of great importance to our society.”

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #69 on: September 27, 2017, 11:38:53 AM »
Nike needs the idiots to keep buying $150 sneakers

Aren't their shoes more of an NBA thing that NFL (as far as the consumer products are concerned)

When Trump made this idiotic stand against the NFL it was one of his classic bully moves.

At the time there were only a handful of guys in the entire league (maybe around 10) who were kneeling during the anthem.

Now he's got entire teams, coaches and owners against him

Already against him were the MAJORITY of voters who didn't choose him to be POTUS

In the next few months as we see a very slow recovery in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico there will be even more people waking up to the fact he is a fraud

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #70 on: September 27, 2017, 11:50:18 AM »
Aren't their shoes more of an NBA thing that NFL (as far as the consumer products are concerned)

When Trump made this idiotic stand against the NFL it was one of his classic bully moves.

At the time there were only a handful of guys in the entire league (maybe around 10) who were kneeling during the anthem.

Now he's got entire teams, coaches and owners against him

Already against him were the MAJORITY of voters who didn't choose him to be POTUS

In the next few months as we see a very slow recovery in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico there will be even more people waking up to the fact he is a fraud

It's more about the demographics of their customer base:

According to Forbes, a sizable chunk of Nike's revenue comes from its Jordan Brand subsidiary, which controlled 58% of the U.S. basketball shoe market in 2012 and is immensely popular with African American males in particular. The Jordan Brand grew between 25-30% in 2012, and generated more than $1.75 billion globally including apparel (Jordan Brand sneakers alone generated $1.25 billion in wholesale revenue in the U.S. in 2012). Michael Jordan, an icon of the African American community and the primary reason why Nike became the shoe brand of choice in the black community, annually earns an estimated $60 million from royalties associated with his Nike deal.


The truth is that companies really don't want to get involved in stuff like this. Their only goal is profits and they  don't really care who is handing over the money. However, this is a situation where there's really no choice in the matter. They have to come out on one side or the other. They're just doing what's best for their income statement.

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #71 on: September 27, 2017, 11:54:30 AM »
It's more about the demographics of their customer base:

According to Forbes, a sizable chunk of Nike's revenue comes from its Jordan Brand subsidiary, which controlled 58% of the U.S. basketball shoe market in 2012 and is immensely popular with African American males in particular. The Jordan Brand grew between 25-30% in 2012, and generated more than $1.75 billion globally including apparel (Jordan Brand sneakers alone generated $1.25 billion in wholesale revenue in the U.S. in 2012). Michael Jordan, an icon of the African American community and the primary reason why Nike became the shoe brand of choice in the black community, annually earns an estimated $60 million from royalties associated with his Nike deal.


The truth is that companies really don't want to get involved in stuff like this. Their only goal is profits and they  don't really care who is handing over the money. However, this is a situation where there's really no choice in the matter. They have to come out on one side or the other. They're just doing what's best for their income statement.

so companies pander to their customer base and Trump panders to Trumptard base (which is a minority of voters)

Dos Equis

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #72 on: September 27, 2017, 12:13:27 PM »
It Begins. Owner of Historic US Clothing Company Pulls Ads from NFL Games
gateway pundit ^ | 9-27-17 | Jim Hoft
Posted on 9/27/2017, 12:30:42 PM by doug from upland

Allan Jones is CEO of Hardwick Clothing and Check Into Cash payday loan company announced on Tuesday his is through with sponsoring the wardrobes and advertising on the NFL.

Hardwick Clothing is America’s oldest suit maker.

In his statement Jones said, “Our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!” The Times Free Press reported:

Two years ago, Cleveland, Tenn., businessman Allan Jones was proudly showing off his newly acquired Hardwick Clothing-brand suits by providing the wardrobe for NBC’s on-air talent during the network’s broadcasts of NFL football games.

But after NFL players and coaches challenged President Donald Trump and many took a knee during the national anthem played before their games over the weekend, Jones said he is through sponsoring the wardrobes or advertising on stations that air the National Football League.

Jones, CEO of the payday lending chain Check Into Cash and owner of Hardwick Clothes — America’s oldest suit maker — tweeted his criticism and change of heart Tuesday.

Good.  Probably the first of many.  The NFL deserves this for failing to enforce its own rules and allowing this nonsense to get out of control. 

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #73 on: September 27, 2017, 12:23:04 PM »
so companies pander to their customer base and Trump panders to Trumptard base (which is a minority of voters)

The same way you pander to your base:

The race/ethnicity of known Robbery suspects is primarily Black (69.2%). Hispanic suspects account for an additional (24.9%) of the suspect population. White suspects account for (4.0%) of all Robbery suspects while Asian /Pacific Islanders accounted for (1.8%) of known Robbery suspects

The CDC confirms that, following an extended period of general decline, the overall homicide rate -- as well as the homicide rate within each racial group -- has increased from 2014 to 2015. In 2015, the homicide rates were (per 100,000 population):

20.9 for blacks (non-Hispanic)

4.9 for Hispanics

2.6 for whites (non-Hispanic)

5.7 for all racesf

Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate - Women's health

Straw Man

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #74 on: September 27, 2017, 12:41:58 PM »
The same way you pander to your base:

The race/ethnicity of known Robbery suspects is primarily Black (69.2%). Hispanic suspects account for an additional (24.9%) of the suspect population. White suspects account for (4.0%) of all Robbery suspects while Asian /Pacific Islanders accounted for (1.8%) of known Robbery suspects

The CDC confirms that, following an extended period of general decline, the overall homicide rate -- as well as the homicide rate within each racial group -- has increased from 2014 to 2015. In 2015, the homicide rates were (per 100,000 population):

20.9 for blacks (non-Hispanic)

4.9 for Hispanics

2.6 for whites (non-Hispanic)

5.7 for all racesf

Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate - Women's health

LOL - grasping much
I don't have a "base"
I'm a dude on an obscure message board just like you

BTW - what point are you trying to make with this post

I'm not following the logic on why people can't kneel during the national anthem if "Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate" or any of the other stats you posted

or maybe you're just pandering to your base of like minded racists on this board