Author Topic: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers  (Read 34121 times)

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #75 on: September 27, 2017, 01:03:30 PM »
LOL - grasping much
I don't have a "base"
I'm a dude on an obscure message board just like you

BTW - what point are you trying to make with this post

I'm not following the logic on why people can't kneel during the national anthem if "Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate" or any of the other stats you posted

or maybe you're just pandering to your base of like minded racists on this board

The point I'm trying to make dicklicker is that you're very quick to call people who support Trump dumb but you don't want to acknowledge that a large part of your base, the people who voted the same way you did, is an abomination.


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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #76 on: September 27, 2017, 09:19:02 PM »
Bottom line is , this is just another liberal failure and now it's damaging the NFL. They decided to inject politics into sport thinking they get overwhelming support but instead it's leading to loss of revenue.

Been while, please remind me of your military service?

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #77 on: September 28, 2017, 08:24:54 AM »
Greenfield: End the NFL
Sultan Knish ^ | 9/27/17 | Greenfield
Posted on 9/28/2017, 9:28:57 AM by Louis Foxwell

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

End the NFL

Posted by Daniel Greenfield
An Army recruit starts off with a salary under $20,000. Thousands of active duty military personnel are on food stamps. Millions of veterans rely on them to feed their families and themselves.

That’s how we treat the best of us. Here’s how we treat the worst of us.

An NFL rookie’s minimum salary is $465,000. And the majority of NFL players are usually bankrupt a few years after retirement because they blew through most of their money. Dozens of NFL players are arrested every year on charges ranging from murder to rape to animal abuse.

2017 was a banner year for the NFL with three times as many arrests as last year.

Along with the usual drunk driving and disorderly conduct arrests, there were 7 arrests for assault/battery, 6 for drugs and 5 for domestic violence.

The Seattle Seahawks announced that they weren’t going to “participate in the national anthem” because of the “injustice that has plagued people of color in this country”. While they lost that game, they are one of the top ranked teams in arrests. Alongside the Los Angeles Rams, the Green Bay Packers and the New York Jets, all of whom showed some solidarity with the anti-American protests, these top NFL criminal teams have racked up arrests for domestic violence, drugs, DUI and assault and battery.

It’s no wonder that so many of the NFL’s millionaire scumbags are eager to join Colin Kaepernick’s protests against the justice system by degrading our anthem.

It’s because they’re criminals.

And it’s no wonder that the NFL stands behind its thugs. If a team can shrug at abusing women, what’s a little anti-American tantrum by a prize property that makes them millions of dollars?

The only question is why are the rest of us subsidizing it?

NFL teams loot millions from taxpayers to fund their stadiums. The Seahawks have a point about injustice. And the injustice is that taxpayers had to spend $390 million on their stadium.

Who will let Washington taxpayers take a knee and opt out of being exploited by the Seahawks?

Ten New Orleans Saints players sat out the anthem. New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton expressed pride in the players who rejected the United States of America. The Saints not only enjoy a stadium paid for by a billion in taxpayer money in a city with one of the highest poverty rates in the country, but are exempt from sales tax. And receive millions every year in “inducement payments” to stay put.

Sweetheart deals like these are not uncommon. The NFL comes with a pass on property taxes (those are for little people) and taxes in general. Until 2015, the NFL was a non-profit. "Professional football leagues" was actually inserted into the Internal Revenue Code to provide a special non-profit status. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell got paid $44 million in one year. That made him the highest paid non-profit exec in the country.

The entire NFL is an illegal trust. It’s a monopoly that was illegally legalized by Congress.

That monopoly allows the NFL and its teams to cash in on television licensing and team gear. After the NFL uses its illegal monopoly to rip off broadcasters, ESPN rips off cable subscribers.

ESPN pays the NFL almost $2 billion a year. Even if you don’t watch ESPN, you’re paying $9 a month for it because of yet another illegal monopoly. If you subscribe to cable or live in a major city, the odds are good that your pocket is being picked by the millionaire racists “taking a knee” against America.

But the monopolies are dying.

ESPN is bleeding subscribers. The NFL’s anti-American turn is alienating fans. And cable is collapsing.

The NFL is built on government taking money from people and giving it to the industry. Its leftward tilt isn’t an accident. It’s a calculated move. Who are the folks most likely to bail out an industry? They’re on the left. Not the right. If your monopoly is dying, it’s time to go left and hate America.

Anthem bashing is popular with the left. And it’s very popular with the social justice bloggers who increasingly dominate sports journalism, and not just on ESPN. Hating America will score points with the left. It’ll buy the NFL more protectionism from the media and the 2020 Democrats.

The only question is why do we need the NFL?

Once upon a time there was a football free market. Multiple leagues competed with each other. And the NFL was just one of many. The NFL-AFL merger created a monster monopoly that has worked to crush any independent league through its control over broadcasting and venues.

That's what happened with the United States Football League which won an anti-trust court case against the NFL, but was forced under anyway.

The man at the center of the fight against the NFL was New Jersey Generals owner Donald Trump.

The illegal monopoly that created the NFL was the work of Senator Russell Long, the son of radical criminal Dem kingpin Huey Long, who illegally took over his father’s Senate seat (previously held by his mother) and spent almost four decades in the Senate with no qualification except his last name.

The NFL got a monopoly in exchange for New Orleans getting a franchise.

Congressman Hale Boggs, the corrupt Louisiana Dem boss who went to war with the FBI, got it through in the House by appealing, “The Republicans are out to get me. I need this to save me."

And Boggs held things up until he got assurances from the NFL commissioner that the franchise was in.

That’s the corrupt Democrat deal that created the NFL monopoly. Of course the NFL thinks the justice system is unfair. It was created by a crime and it’s full of criminals.

Before the anthem protests, the NFL was just one of the corrupt legacies of Democrat rule. It’s a reminder of the fact that social justice politics, whether it’s Obama’s “You Didn’t Build That” or Huey Long’s “Share Our Wealth”, is nothing more than organized thievery from the working class.

But the NFL is no longer just a corrupt monopoly. Instead it’s becoming a radical anti-American organization that uses its taxpayer-subsidized stadiums and monopoly broadcasting rights to spread hatred toward this country and disrespect to the soldiers who fought and died for it.

America could have tolerated the NFL’s corrupt thievery. But there’s no way Americans should be subsidizing this diseased leftover of Democrat corruption when it spews hate at the United States.

It’s time for the NFL’s anti-trust exemption to go the way of Ma Bell.

Break up the corrupt Democrat monopoly of the NFL and demolish the barriers to the formation of independent leagues by taking on the NFL, ESPN and its broadcasting partners in crime.

It’s time for the NFL to take a knee and for the free market to rise.

Football must become an American sport again.

(This article originally appeared at Front Page Magazine.)

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #78 on: September 28, 2017, 08:39:10 AM »
Four Reasons the NFL is Dead Wrong on Protests
The Revolutionary Act ^ | 9/28/17
Posted on 9/28/2017, 11:14:27 AM by Liberty7732

NFL football is the most popular American sport, so popular that only two days separate the end of one weekend on Monday Night Football and the beginning of the next on Thursday Night Football. The extension from formerly just a Sunday afternoon sport has meant the National Football League has become a giant money machine for players, owners and commissioners.

But the NFL has made what may ultimately become the fatal error of becoming an outward political entity. The NFL is now a full-bore politically liberal organization that — literally — bans dissent it disagrees with but allows protests its fan base disagrees with. It’s the classic modern liberal misreading of the American people.

The media establishment laughingly now wants to blame President Trump for the division in the country regarding the NFL, as though this all started last week. Trump certainly threw some gas on a fire, but all of us football fans have been watching with frustration the existing fire that was burning a divide in America.

The NFL, led by Commissioner Roger Goodell, could have doused the initial flames with a tiny tea cup of water. But it did not because it is now driven by a clearly manifested liberal ideology — and there is no better way to divide Americans and destroy a popular pastime than to do what it is doing.

Here are four reasons the NFL — from players to Commissioner Goodell — is dead wrong to be kneeling during the National Anthem to protest police killing black men.

1. NFL is overtly hypocritical in speech it bans Remember, protesting is political speech. It is protected by 1st Amendment from government control and everyone cherishes that right. But it is not protected by private enterprises, such as sports leagues or businesses. The hypocrisy is clearly seen in what the NFL actually has stopped.

The NFL banned the Dallas Cowboys from wearing a decal last year on their helmets honoring the murdered Dallas police officers. The NFL banned players from wearing socks with Sept. 11 on them in memorial of those killed in the 9-11 Islamist terrorist attacks. The NFL forced Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III to turn his Christian T-Shirt inside out for a press conference. Let’s not pretend this is free speech or protest. This is some free speech and protest. The NFL is more than happy to come down like a sledgehammer on speech that might, in the most general way, be considered right of center politically. But it then allows speech that might broadly be considered left of center.

This makes the NFL leadership a classic modern liberal organization acting in political ways to further an agenda with no adherence whatsoever to principles. They are closer to the anti-free speech codes on college campuses than they are to their fan base. This represents an ongoing problem for the League.

2. NFL is killing its ratings Viewership and attendance at NFL games continues to decline as the protests continue to escalate. In fact, they cratered this past weekend in a way that ought to be shocking to League leadership.

The Associate Press reports:

“Through three weeks, viewership for national telecasts of NFL games is down 11 percent this season compared to 2016, the Nielsen company said on Tuesday. Nielsen said the games averaged 17.63 million viewers for the first three weeks of last season, and have dipped to 15.65 million this year.”

That is a drop of two million viewers year over year. The hugely popular Sunday Night Football game dropped 8 percent compared to just the previous week, when it was already down from last year.

3. NFL is killing its loyal fan base In response to the entire Pittsburgh Steelers’ team (minus one Army Ranger veteran) staying off the field for the National Anthem, a wave of long-time, hardcore Steelers fans have been burning Steelers jackets, hats and other gear. One fan since 1966 burned all of his Steelers’ stuff.

Season-ticket holders around the country burned their expensive and once-beloved tickets.

And somewhat eye-openingly, New England Patriots’ fans loudly booed players kneeling for the National Anthem. The boos just cascaded down onto the field in waves.

It’s one thing for fans from a blue-collar, rust-belt flyover city like Pittsburgh to do this. But in elite, liberal coastal Boston? Yes. Because football fans are on average to the right of center politically, and certainly when it comes to patriotism and national symbols.

The NFL seems unaware of this.

One Steelers player now famously stood in the tunnel with his hand over his heart during the National Anthem. Starting offensive lineman Alejandro Villanueva was an Army Ranger before entering the NFL, serving three tours of duty in Afghanistan.

Last season, he made comments critical of San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick, whose anthem protest lit the fire for other players to follow suit. “I don’t know if the most effective way is to sit down during the national anthem with a country that’s providing you freedom, providing you $16 million a year … when there are black minorities that are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan for less than $20,000 a year,” Villanueva told ESPN.

By last Monday afternoon, the largely unknown offensive lineman’s jersey was the best-selling jersey in the NFL, beating out Tom Brady and other household names.

That is fans openly communicating in clear terms to the League that they do not support what it is allowing. The NFL apparently has forgotten that there is no NFL without the fans. But the fans have not forgotten. And they are putting the League on notice.

4. Last but not least, the actual issue being protested is a myth We are told that there is an epidemic of cops killing unarmed black men. This storyline is the genesis for Black Lives Matter, but more to the point, it is the initial issue driving the kneeling or sitting during the National Anthem.

But it’s not true.

The Wall Street Journal’s Jason Riley, a black columnist, explains through facts and data — not anecdotes and perceptions — what most of the media refuses to.

“In New York City, home to the nation’s largest police force, officer-involved shootings have fallen by more than 90% since the early 1970s, and national trends have been similarly dramatic.

“A Justice Department report published in 2001 noted that between 1976 and 1998, the teen and adult population grew by 47 million people, and the number of police officers increased by more than 200,000, yet the number of people killed by police “did not generally rise” over this period. Moreover, a ‘growing percentage of felons killed by police are white, and a declining percentage are black.” A separate Justice study released in 2011 also reported a decline in killings by police, between 1980 and 2008. And according to figures from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate at which police kill blacks has fallen by 70% since the late 1960s.”

Heather MacDonald, of the Manhattan Institute, is a foremost researcher on the issue and reports stunning facts opposite of the media/Democrat narrative. For instance, 12 percent of white and Hispanic homicide victims are killed by cops. But only 4 percent of black homicide victims are killed by cops. A police officer is 18 times more likely to be killed by an armed black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer. You can see many more of her stats at this Prager U video.

These are facts, not emotions or perceptions or Youtube videos. It’s understood that Democrats do not use contextual facts that actually tell the full truth because dividing by race has been a political ploy for three generations now. The media, essentially Democrats with press credentials, also doesn’t report contextual facts. Social media is social media.

So here’s another fun fact that can be used even on Twitter: A black person is more likely to be hit by lightning than to be killed by a cop in the United States of America. That’s how rare it is.

Yet because of social media and unconscionable hyper media coverage of individual events, blacks now think that if they are pulled over by a cop there’s a good chance they will be shot. This is the alleged “social injustice” that has brought NFL players to disrespect the flag, the National Anthem and the country that has given them freedom and wealth and hope.

NFL fans understand this, at least at the gut level. If the NFL doesn’t get its act in line with its fan base — which represents an awful lot of Americans — it will stop being the most popular sport in the nation. And it will do so for no sound reason but partisan politics.

Just the worst.

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #79 on: September 28, 2017, 11:29:19 AM »
Four Reasons the NFL is Dead Wrong on Protests
The Revolutionary Act ^ | 9/28/17
Posted on 9/28/2017, 11:14:27 AM by Liberty7732

NFL football is the most popular American sport, so popular that only two days separate the end of one weekend on Monday Night Football and the beginning of the next on Thursday Night Football. The extension from formerly just a Sunday afternoon sport has meant the National Football League has become a giant money machine for players, owners and commissioners.

But the NFL has made what may ultimately become the fatal error of becoming an outward political entity. The NFL is now a full-bore politically liberal organization that — literally — bans dissent it disagrees with but allows protests its fan base disagrees with. It’s the classic modern liberal misreading of the American people.

The media establishment laughingly now wants to blame President Trump for the division in the country regarding the NFL, as though this all started last week. Trump certainly threw some gas on a fire, but all of us football fans have been watching with frustration the existing fire that was burning a divide in America.

The NFL, led by Commissioner Roger Goodell, could have doused the initial flames with a tiny tea cup of water. But it did not because it is now driven by a clearly manifested liberal ideology — and there is no better way to divide Americans and destroy a popular pastime than to do what it is doing.

Here are four reasons the NFL — from players to Commissioner Goodell — is dead wrong to be kneeling during the National Anthem to protest police killing black men.

1. NFL is overtly hypocritical in speech it bans Remember, protesting is political speech. It is protected by 1st Amendment from government control and everyone cherishes that right. But it is not protected by private enterprises, such as sports leagues or businesses. The hypocrisy is clearly seen in what the NFL actually has stopped.

The NFL banned the Dallas Cowboys from wearing a decal last year on their helmets honoring the murdered Dallas police officers. The NFL banned players from wearing socks with Sept. 11 on them in memorial of those killed in the 9-11 Islamist terrorist attacks. The NFL forced Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III to turn his Christian T-Shirt inside out for a press conference. Let’s not pretend this is free speech or protest. This is some free speech and protest. The NFL is more than happy to come down like a sledgehammer on speech that might, in the most general way, be considered right of center politically. But it then allows speech that might broadly be considered left of center.

This makes the NFL leadership a classic modern liberal organization acting in political ways to further an agenda with no adherence whatsoever to principles. They are closer to the anti-free speech codes on college campuses than they are to their fan base. This represents an ongoing problem for the League.

2. NFL is killing its ratings Viewership and attendance at NFL games continues to decline as the protests continue to escalate. In fact, they cratered this past weekend in a way that ought to be shocking to League leadership.

The Associate Press reports:

“Through three weeks, viewership for national telecasts of NFL games is down 11 percent this season compared to 2016, the Nielsen company said on Tuesday. Nielsen said the games averaged 17.63 million viewers for the first three weeks of last season, and have dipped to 15.65 million this year.”

That is a drop of two million viewers year over year. The hugely popular Sunday Night Football game dropped 8 percent compared to just the previous week, when it was already down from last year.

3. NFL is killing its loyal fan base In response to the entire Pittsburgh Steelers’ team (minus one Army Ranger veteran) staying off the field for the National Anthem, a wave of long-time, hardcore Steelers fans have been burning Steelers jackets, hats and other gear. One fan since 1966 burned all of his Steelers’ stuff.

Season-ticket holders around the country burned their expensive and once-beloved tickets.

And somewhat eye-openingly, New England Patriots’ fans loudly booed players kneeling for the National Anthem. The boos just cascaded down onto the field in waves.

It’s one thing for fans from a blue-collar, rust-belt flyover city like Pittsburgh to do this. But in elite, liberal coastal Boston? Yes. Because football fans are on average to the right of center politically, and certainly when it comes to patriotism and national symbols.

The NFL seems unaware of this.

One Steelers player now famously stood in the tunnel with his hand over his heart during the National Anthem. Starting offensive lineman Alejandro Villanueva was an Army Ranger before entering the NFL, serving three tours of duty in Afghanistan.

Last season, he made comments critical of San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick, whose anthem protest lit the fire for other players to follow suit. “I don’t know if the most effective way is to sit down during the national anthem with a country that’s providing you freedom, providing you $16 million a year … when there are black minorities that are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan for less than $20,000 a year,” Villanueva told ESPN.

By last Monday afternoon, the largely unknown offensive lineman’s jersey was the best-selling jersey in the NFL, beating out Tom Brady and other household names.

That is fans openly communicating in clear terms to the League that they do not support what it is allowing. The NFL apparently has forgotten that there is no NFL without the fans. But the fans have not forgotten. And they are putting the League on notice.

4. Last but not least, the actual issue being protested is a myth We are told that there is an epidemic of cops killing unarmed black men. This storyline is the genesis for Black Lives Matter, but more to the point, it is the initial issue driving the kneeling or sitting during the National Anthem.

But it’s not true.

The Wall Street Journal’s Jason Riley, a black columnist, explains through facts and data — not anecdotes and perceptions — what most of the media refuses to.

“In New York City, home to the nation’s largest police force, officer-involved shootings have fallen by more than 90% since the early 1970s, and national trends have been similarly dramatic.

“A Justice Department report published in 2001 noted that between 1976 and 1998, the teen and adult population grew by 47 million people, and the number of police officers increased by more than 200,000, yet the number of people killed by police “did not generally rise” over this period. Moreover, a ‘growing percentage of felons killed by police are white, and a declining percentage are black.” A separate Justice study released in 2011 also reported a decline in killings by police, between 1980 and 2008. And according to figures from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate at which police kill blacks has fallen by 70% since the late 1960s.”

Heather MacDonald, of the Manhattan Institute, is a foremost researcher on the issue and reports stunning facts opposite of the media/Democrat narrative. For instance, 12 percent of white and Hispanic homicide victims are killed by cops. But only 4 percent of black homicide victims are killed by cops. A police officer is 18 times more likely to be killed by an armed black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer. You can see many more of her stats at this Prager U video.

These are facts, not emotions or perceptions or Youtube videos. It’s understood that Democrats do not use contextual facts that actually tell the full truth because dividing by race has been a political ploy for three generations now. The media, essentially Democrats with press credentials, also doesn’t report contextual facts. Social media is social media.

So here’s another fun fact that can be used even on Twitter: A black person is more likely to be hit by lightning than to be killed by a cop in the United States of America. That’s how rare it is.

Yet because of social media and unconscionable hyper media coverage of individual events, blacks now think that if they are pulled over by a cop there’s a good chance they will be shot. This is the alleged “social injustice” that has brought NFL players to disrespect the flag, the National Anthem and the country that has given them freedom and wealth and hope.

NFL fans understand this, at least at the gut level. If the NFL doesn’t get its act in line with its fan base — which represents an awful lot of Americans — it will stop being the most popular sport in the nation. And it will do so for no sound reason but partisan politics.

Just the worst.

Nailed it.

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #80 on: September 28, 2017, 12:14:54 PM »
NFL Sacked! Businesses Cut Ties With NFL, Let Fans Cancel Over Protests
By Aly Nielsen | September 28, 2017

NFL sponsors are feeling pressure to respond after more than 200 players, coaches and team owners knelt in protest during the anthem on the weekend of Sept. 23. While most NFL sponsors have so far not ended their sponsorships, at least three organizations have reacted and others are being pressured.

One company, the Phil Long Ford dealership in Denver, announced it would not renew its sponsorship of Denver Broncos defensive star Von Miller after he knelt during the National Anthem on Sept. 24, Yahoo sports reported.

Louisiana based Schilling Distributing Company chose to pull all Bud Light products featuring NFL and New Orleans Saints messaging, local station KJFY News said on Sept. 26. DirectTV meanwhile is reportedly giving refunds to customers who wanted to cancel their Sunday Ticket NFL subscriptions because of the protests.

Phil Long Ford, founded by WWII veteran Phil Long, released a statement saying Miller was a “good person,” but that “when we bring in celebrities to represent us we run the risk of being misrepresented.”

The dealership also reaffirmed its support for a veteran service center founded by its principal owner and concluded, “This would be a great time for our community to show support for our military community by supporting this cause or others that continue to serve them after they serve us.”

Schilling Distributing, a veteran owned company, said in a statement, “while Bud Light has been an official partner of the NFL and New Orleans Saints for years, there is no need for us to ask our retailer partners to promote such controversial organizations to help sell product.” Schilling is instead offering retail items that have statements like “Proud to Serve Those Who Serve” and “This Bud’s for You, Louisiana.”

Other organizations linked to the NFL are also receiving pushback after the protests.

DirectTV is reportedly allowing some users to cancel their Sunday Ticket NFL subscriptions “if they cite players’ national anthem protest as the reason,” The Wall Street Journal reported Sept. 26.

So far DirectTV has yet to release an official explanation and “DirecTV service representatives contacted by The Wall Street Journal had different understandings of the policy.” Some thought full refunds were available, while others said the refunds were prorated for the remainder of the season. Still others said the rules had not changed and no refunds were available.

Multiple users contacted The Journal directly to claim they had received refunds and others said the same thing on Twitter.

Madison Gesiotto ✔ @madisongesiotto
Update: you can, in fact, cancel your NFL Sunday Ticket with refund through @DIRECTV if you cite the protests as your reason for cancelling.
12:24 PM - Sep 26, 2017
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Paul @PaulcTynan
Replying to @jjmoc13 @ChuckNASCAR
Cancelled my @DIRECTV NFL ticket this morning. Got a $188.00 credit
3:20 PM - Sep 25, 2017
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MB Taurus @HeirloomCore
Replying to @Rambobiggs
DIRECTV is letting us cancel NFL pkg. had to threaten to go with cable. Took half hour of arguing with them. They are getting lots of calls.
6:52 AM - Sep 25, 2017
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Viewers are also canceling their subscriptions to the NFL-owned RedZone channel “which provides live action and scoring from every game on Sundays” because of the protests, The Journal said.

USAA members have been using petitions, USAA forums and Twitter to demand the financial institution pull its NFL sponsorship. According to Tweets and statements from USAA representatives, it does not intent to end its sponsorship.

26 Sep
 😈maKOTO @50_hi1
Replying to @madisongesiotto @DIRECTV
Why haven't companies that support & provide services 2 military personnel like USAA, pulled their NFL sponsorship??

USAA ✔ @USAA_help
We have no plans to end our role as the Official Military Appreciation Sponsor of the NFL.
5:39 PM - Sep 26, 2017
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“Our purpose in becoming a league sponsor was to honor and appreciate the military community, and that will continue to be our focus,” a USAA representative wrote on USAA’s Member Community forum.

“Please also know that we’ve contacted the NFL to emphasize the significance of the national anthem and the vital position it plays in acknowledging our country, as well as the men and women who have fought to safeguard our liberties. We have no plans to end our role as the Official Military Appreciation Sponsor of the NFL.”

Other NFL sponsors including Under Armour, Ford, Nike, Hyundai, Anheuser-Busch and Bose have all issued statements supporting both the American flag and the players’ right to free speech, Yahoo Finance reported on Sept. 25. None have withdrawn their support.

NFL sponsors are in a bind because fans both “in favor of and against the protests are sharing the same list of NFL sponsors, calling for a total boycott,” according to a Sept. 25 report by Bloomberg. “Hashtags #BoycottNFLSponsors and #PunchThemInTheWallet are circulating on both pro-Trump and pro-player social media.”

JPMorgan derivatives strategist Shawn Quigg told Bloomberg Markets on Sept. 27 that investors should “bet against CBS Corp. stock ahead of this weekend’s NFL broadcasts” due to the boycott encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell has also urged fans to “turn off the NFL” on Oct. 1 and to commit to “
  • ne week without football to support our flag.”

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #81 on: September 28, 2017, 12:17:24 PM »
Louisiana High School to Punish Athletes for Protesting During Anthem

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #82 on: September 28, 2017, 12:21:33 PM »


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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #83 on: September 28, 2017, 03:29:58 PM »

That would have been a good post if that were his real mother.

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #84 on: September 28, 2017, 03:34:22 PM »

Are you saying you are a proud bitch ?

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #85 on: September 28, 2017, 04:06:49 PM »
That would have been a good post if that were his real mother.

So Adoptive parents are not "real" parents?

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #86 on: September 29, 2017, 02:17:06 AM »
The flag is a symbol of freedom which includes the freedom of political protest

If by "freedom of political protest " you mean hysterical anti-Trump butt-hurt, then yes, THAT is what's going on. Period.
This 'Take a knee' bs isn't about free speech or police brutality  ::)

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #87 on: September 29, 2017, 07:33:57 AM »
BOMBSHELL: NFL Camera Operators Were Instructed NOT to Show One Thing During Protests
IJR ^ | 09/28/17 | Caleb Hull
Posted on 9/29/2017, 10:08:22 AM by Enlightened1

The NFL ratings dropped substantially after a record number of players protested the national anthem on Sunday, and polls have even shown that the majority of Americans believe that players should stand for the national anthem. During the Patriots versus Texans game, it was blatantly obvious what fans thought of the players kneeling for the national anthem.

As “The Star-Spangled Banner” played, fans noticed 17 Patriots players kneeling. Then the stadium of approximately 60,000 began booing and screaming, “Stand up!” Watch:

But now, Sporting News is reporting that it spoke with a “behind-the-scenes TV staffer” and found that the NFL was so desperate to hold onto its fans watching at home that they told their cameramen not to show the crowd during the national anthem.

Sporting News writes:

One behind-the-scenes TV staffer at another stadium told Sporting News that camera operators were ordered to avoid crowd shots in case they showed fans counterprotesting the protests.

NBC Sports, CBS Sports, Fox Sports and ESPN pay billions each year to televise live NFL games. The league saw this weekend's unprecedented anthem coverage as a golden opportunity to demonstrate unity among players, coaches and owners — and opposition to Trump's comments.

If crowd shots were indeed purposely avoided, it was a wise business decision by the networks not to bite the hand that feeds them their most popular programming, but a weak move from a journalistic standpoint. By covering one of the most significant days in NFL history with rose-colored glasses, the networks cheated viewers. We got an incomplete picture of what really happened in stadiums on Sunday and Monday.

Despite the networks allegedly avoiding crowd shots, many people caught onto the fans' reaction and took to social media:

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #88 on: September 29, 2017, 07:46:07 AM »
Florida Sheriff’s Office Will not Escort Miami Dolphins Until They Stand for National Anthem
u republican dot com ^ | 9-28-17
Posted on 9/29/2017, 1:02:57 AM by doug from upland

The Miami Dolphins are also part of the unpatriotic movement started by Colin Kaepernick that involves refusing to stand at attention for the national anthem. However, they are all starting to feel the consequences of their actions, with the Florida sheriffs office announcing that they will not be escorting the Dolphins to their games unless they stop with the disrespectful behavior. The local Miami police union supported the decision of the Broward County Sheriff’s Office and will not be doing any escorting either, reports The Sports Hall.

President of the International Union of Police Associations, Jeffrey Bell said, “I respect their right to have freedom of speech. However, in certain organizations and certain jobs you give up that right of your freedom of speech temporary while you serve that job or while you play in an NFL game.”

After four of their players protested the national anthem, the Dolphins organization released a statement in which they mentioned that while they encourage all players to stand it is not mandatory and is personal choice:

“We encourage all members of our organization to stand at attention during the national anthem out of respect and appreciation for the freedoms we are afforded as Americans. We also recognize that it’s an individual’s right to reflect during the anthem in different ways. We respect these liberties and appreciate the sacrifices that everyone has made for our country, especially on this day of remembrance. We hope today’s events will continue a respectful and thoughtful dialogue in our community on unity, inclusiveness and togetherness.”

The police association is well within their rights, and yet the liberals criticize their decision while at the same time they are praising the athletes for exercising their freedom of speech. If they advocate for freedom of speech and freedom of expression, that freedom has to extend to everyone.

The reality is, other than these athletes getting their fifteen minutes of fame, nothing productive is coming of their protests.

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #89 on: September 29, 2017, 08:06:57 AM »
Shock Report:NFL's Oakland Raiders Threw the Game...
Armstrong and Getty ^ | 9/29/17
Posted on 9/29/2017, 9:43:43 AM by Mrs.Z

Inside sources say that the Oakland Raiders offensive line threw the game against the Redskins after QB Derek Carr refused to kneel for the National Anthem.

 :o  :o  :o  :o

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #90 on: September 29, 2017, 08:13:24 AM »
Kaepernick donates $25,000 to group honoring convicted cop-killer
The Washington Times ^ | 28 September 2017 | Valerie Richardson
Posted on 9/29/2017, 8:53:14 AM

Colin Kaepernick started out taking a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality, but his activism has since expanded to encompass a wide range of leftist causes, including a group named after a convicted cop-killer.

The Colin Kaepernick Foundation donated in April $25,000 to Assata’s Daughters, a Chicago “direct action” resistance organization honoring Assata Shakur, who escaped prison and fled to Cuba after being found guilty in the 1973 murder of Officer Werner Foerster.

The grant includes $2,500 for CopWatch, a program that trains volunteers to follow and video police, and $15,000 for teen training, part of the group’s commitment to “develop and train young people, ages 4-19, in the Black queer feminist tradition and in the spirit of Assata.”

Apparently Mr. Kaepernick is also a fan: He retweeted a July 16 message wishing Shakur a happy birthday.

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #91 on: September 29, 2017, 12:06:35 PM »
NFL Thursday Night Ratings Plunge
Show Buzz Daily ^ | 9/29/2017

Posted on 9/29/2017, 3:00:36 PM

CBS: The preliminary number for THURSDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL at 3.4 looks bad compared to last year’s final 6.1 rating for the parallel week, but it’s more in line with the CBS premiere game in 2016, which had an early 3.8.

 :D  :D  :D  :D

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #92 on: September 29, 2017, 12:37:29 PM »
NFL national anthem protest denting ticket sales
CBS ^ | Sept 29, 2017 | Jonathan Berr
Posted on 9/29/2017, 3:31:00 PM by 11th_VA

Operators of two of the largest U.S. ticket marketplaces say they are seeing declines in orders for NFL games amid festering controversy over the national anthem.

NFL ticket sales at TickPick slumped 17.9 percent this week compared with the prior week, their steepest decline since 2014, while sales at TicketCity plunged 31 percent. For pro football games in September, ticket sales at TicketCity are down 16 percent from a year ago. TickPick's NFL sales rose this month, but by the smallest margin since 2015. The vendors' data reflect tickets sold in the secondary market, as opposed to direct sales from NFL teams.

The slump in ticket sales underscores the pressure facing the NFL over the anthem protests, which were started last year by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. The league's television ratings also appear affected, with viewership down 11 percent so far this season and some fans are calling for a boycott of the NFL's corporate partners.

"There are people who are saying that this is my form of entertainment and I don't want politics in my entertainment," said TickPick co-CEO Brett Goldberg, emphasizing that he doesn't personally share that viewpoint, in an interview.

A new poll by CBS News found that Americans are unhappy with both the protests during the anthem and President Trump's comments on the issue.

Views hinge on partisanship, but also shift with how Americans view the intentions, not just the actions, of the players and president. Most Americans say that the players' intention is to try to call attention to racism. However, Republicans also feel the players are trying to disrespect the flag and the military, too – and strongly disapprove.

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #93 on: September 29, 2017, 12:44:28 PM »
The point I'm trying to make dicklicker is that you're very quick to call people who support Trump dumb but you don't want to acknowledge that a large part of your base, the people who voted the same way you did, is an abomination.

so in other words you are personally disgusted by and hate the people who didn't vote for your candidate


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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #94 on: September 29, 2017, 02:22:12 PM »
Shock Report:NFL's Oakland Raiders Threw the Game...
Armstrong and Getty ^ | 9/29/17
Posted on 9/29/2017, 9:43:43 AM by Mrs.Z

Inside sources say that the Oakland Raiders offensive line threw the game against the Redskins after QB Derek Carr refused to kneel for the National Anthem.

 :o  :o  :o  :o

Better look to see who bet what, if so.

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #95 on: September 30, 2017, 09:46:38 AM »
Shannon Sharpe: American Flag is a ‘Racist,’ ‘Peace of Cloth’ ‘Nobody Fights For’
The Politistick ^ | 09/29/17 | Matthew K. Burke
Posted on 9/30/2017, 9:08:29 AM by Enlightened1

The co-host of FN1’s Undisputed, former NFL player Shannon Sharpe, went on a hateful rant on Friday in regards to the anti-American NFL National Anthem protests, angrily arguing that the American flag is no big deal anyway, that it’s just a “piece of cloth” that “nobody fights for” and that it’s a symbol that’s somehow “racist” to boot.

“The flag, you see, to a lot of people, symbols, patriotism but what does that symbol actually mean?” Sharpe asked stunned co-host Skip Bayless. “What does — what does – okay — you keep telling me that the flag means so much and it’s opportunity and freedom and liberty. Okay. Can you honestly say that everybody in America has freedom and liberties and opportunity?”

“No,” Bayless calmly answered.

“Well, if you can’t can’t answer that, then we have a problem and we would like to have it addressed,” Sharpe shouted.

Shannon Sharpe, a former NFL tight end who spent all but two of his 12 seasons with the Denver Broncos, continued his hateful rant against the flag:

“And stop trying to sweep it under the rug. But, see, as long as you paint that narrative, oh, it’s the Anthem, I can’t — no — anybody that does something to the Anthem — well, we know what the anthem was originally written for and who it was written by, okay? The flag, okay? We understand what the flag? What does it represent?

When did this narrative come to be that the military and the police own the flag and only them? I can go buy a flag and I can hang it up in my backyard. We need to stop this, Skip. We need to — the flag is a piece of cloth and nobody fights for a piece...”

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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #96 on: September 30, 2017, 06:49:21 PM »

My response, if I were an owner of an NFL team (or, really, the owner of any business that Trump, in his capacity as President, tried to fuck with) would have been simple:

Instead of offering his unsolicited opinion on how I should do my job, President Trump ought to focus on actually doing his. The American people elected him after he told us of the many problems we had as a country and which only he was qualified to solve. Well, Donald, you're the President. Get to solving those problems, and stay the hell out of my business.



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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #97 on: September 30, 2017, 11:11:11 PM »
My response, if I were an owner of an NFL team (or, really, the owner of any business that Trump, in his capacity as President, tried to fuck with) would have been simple:

Instead of offering his unsolicited opinion on how I should do my job, President Trump ought to focus on actually doing his. The American people elected him after he told us of the many problems we had as a country and which only he was qualified to solve. Well, Donald, you're the President. Get to solving those problems, and stay the hell out of my business.




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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #98 on: September 30, 2017, 11:49:41 PM »
My response, if I were an owner of an NFL team (or, really, the owner of any business that Trump, in his capacity as President, tried to fuck with) would have been simple:

Instead of offering his unsolicited opinion on how I should do my job, President Trump ought to focus on actually doing his. The American people elected him after he told us of the many problems we had as a country and which only he was qualified to solve. Well, Donald, you're the President. Get to solving those problems, and stay the hell out of my business.


Right. And nobody except left wing partisan hacks would give a damn about your silly little diatribe and Trump still would use this whole ordeal to his political advantage.


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Re: Tell That Son of a B***h He's Fired': Trump Blasts NFL Anthem Kneelers
« Reply #99 on: October 01, 2017, 08:36:09 AM »
Right. And nobody except left wing partisan hacks would give a damn about your silly little diatribe and Trump still would use this whole ordeal to his political advantage.

I wouldn’t care. Standing on principle is more important to me. Trump is President, not King, and his opinions on how private businesses should run are irrelevant. Somebody ought to tell him.