Author Topic: Israel - Gaza Border - 60+ killed by Israeli Snipers  (Read 30980 times)


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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #75 on: May 15, 2018, 07:42:22 AM »
Arabs seem to always send their kids into harms way.
Whenever you see scenes of violence there there's always little kids running around. They are sacrificing the children on purpose. WTF are the parents thinking? Even Abbas recently tried to discourage this idiotic practise.

With that said, Israel is problematic in many ways - the double standards of the jews (ethnonationalism is fine for them, evil for the west) really pisses off thinking people. I don't give a shit about either side.

Arthur Jones was also offering his fighter piolet service to either side aRAB and jooooooo

And he said he trusted neither side so ended up telling both sides to fuck off

Also hated catholics and shouted for joy when  kennedy  got picked off

Both true stories

werewolf operative

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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #77 on: May 15, 2018, 08:06:28 AM »
Glad Israel is protecting their border. If they didn't they would be overrun. Hamas wants casualties to parade in front of the camera. Don't want to get shot. Stay away from the wall. 

werewolf operative

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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #78 on: May 15, 2018, 08:07:21 AM »
They can all get nuked for all I care. Sick of listening to their nonsense over all the years.

This. Glass the whole fucking region.


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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #79 on: May 15, 2018, 08:16:20 AM »
What I find strange is a number of individuals in this thread who generally detest msm suddenly believe their spins/slants when it comes to Israel.

werewolf operative

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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #80 on: May 15, 2018, 08:27:11 AM »
Pathetic evangelicals shilling for israel, muh armageddon...

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #81 on: May 15, 2018, 09:57:58 AM »



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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #82 on: May 15, 2018, 10:09:59 AM »
Glad Israel is protecting their border. If they didn't they would be overrun. Hamas wants casualties to parade in front of the camera. Don't want to get shot. Stay away from the wall. 
we need this foothold in the arab world.

werewolf operative

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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #83 on: May 15, 2018, 10:39:34 AM »
we need this foothold in the arab world.

Yeah, we need them...that's why this country has spent over four trillion dollars fighting their wars. That's why it's our boys dying over there and not there's. That's why Europe is being flooded with refugees and everytime you turn around there's another terror attack. Thanks jews.

werewolf operative

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Re: 50 massacred by israeli soldiers
« Reply #84 on: May 15, 2018, 11:23:58 AM »
International law? The UN? The most anti Semitic organization in the world? The organization that has the Human Rights Council that includes Afghanistan, Angola, Cuba, The Republic of Congo, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan, Rwanda, Venezuela... all bastions of human rights, Democracy and freedom. I wistfully dream that Trump will go to a new level of historic greatness and withdraw from the useless and corrupt UN and kick out all those despots, tyrants and crooks and turn that immoral Headquarters in NY into a giant shopping mall with movie theatres, Walmart, McDonalds, Verizon..., as a tribute to unabash Capitalism and what makes our country so great and prosperous.

You describe Israel as a country that "cannot be described as anything other than an evil, barbaric, rogue state." OK, fair enough, you are an educated man and that's your opinion. But if you had no other choice where would you rather live? Israel, or any of those human rights watchdogs that I just mentioned, or any of the other Arab countries that surround Israel for that matter?

And just for my edification, please spell it out for me: what are the specific occupied regions Israel needs to withdraw from and what do you think will be the results of that withdrawal?

And just to be clear, we obviously different profoundly of this issue so I am not looking to insult you. I just want to be crystal clear and get it on the record what we both believe and what should be done to
achieve peace or at least put an end to the "massacres". So please answer specifically the questions posed in bold and please feel free to do the same with me.


Every fucking time, muh six gorillion...

Netanyahu tells Putin: Iran wants to carry out another Holocaust

Netanyahu Warns Putin That Iran Wants to Destroy 6 Million Jews

Keep sucking zionist cock.

werewolf operative

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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #85 on: May 15, 2018, 12:15:50 PM »


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Re: 41+ massacred by israel soldiers
« Reply #86 on: May 15, 2018, 01:38:31 PM »
58 dead muslims , everyone 1 of them will get 72 virgins  :o

58 X 72 = 4176 VIRGINS ( my maths must be wrong  :P)

 ;D ;D
 ;D ;D


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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #87 on: May 15, 2018, 01:51:28 PM »
This is like blaming Gondor for killing 50+ raiding orcs.


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Re: 41+ massacred by israel soldiers
« Reply #88 on: May 15, 2018, 02:22:45 PM »
You are complete muslim moron.

when leftist tards troll... lol


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Re: 41+ massacred by israel soldiers
« Reply #89 on: May 15, 2018, 02:32:34 PM »
when leftist tards troll... lol

Fatwa on me would be good, go & see imam  ;D


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Re: 41+ massacred by israel soldiers
« Reply #90 on: May 15, 2018, 02:37:34 PM »
Fatwa on me would be good, go & see imam  ;D

when leftist tards troll... lol


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Re: 41+ massacred by israel soldiers
« Reply #91 on: May 15, 2018, 02:42:57 PM »

So, no fatwa on me  :'( :'( :'(

Would U die to get 72 virgin pussies  ;D


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Re: 41+ massacred by israel soldiers
« Reply #92 on: May 15, 2018, 02:43:59 PM »
So, no fatwa on me  :'( :'( :'(

Would U die to get 72 virgin pussies  ;D

when leftist tards troll... lol


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Re: 41+ massacred by israel soldiers
« Reply #93 on: May 15, 2018, 02:59:33 PM »
;D ;D

Lower my gear intake and stopped bb and now I am back to practicing boxing

Hired a real good coach to hone and perfect my punching skill and technique

Coach says I got damn good power in my overhand right and my right uppercut, so first we work on perfecting my punching skill and technique then we will add power to my left hook 😎😎😎

Bodybuilding training is dull as fuck Boxing training is much much more enjoyable even though it is hard as fuck

You still thinking about cutting down to junior flyweight for superior knockout power??


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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #94 on: May 15, 2018, 03:05:01 PM »
the israelis have all the money, military and power in this conflict. It will never change, which saddens me, since I hate war.


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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #95 on: May 15, 2018, 04:09:47 PM »
I think the West Bank will eventually be under the flag of Israel. Neither side really wants the two state solution. Jewish Israelis keep encroaching with settlements so that the eventuality of logical borders slips away. Palestinians have never made the least attempt to seize the moment. If you talk to them individually, they are still steeped in an attitude of wishing away the very existence of Israel, yet many commute to jobs in the more prosperous Israeli economy and many would probably never really want to retreat into a separate backwater economy of their own.

But, in the future, Israel will need to have, a “George, let the n...ers vote” moment like we had here in the US in 1965 or the nation will descend into chaos. When the Southern states were still trying to keep blacks from voting, Lyndon Johnson called Governor George Wallace into his office in DC and said, “George, just let the ni.....ers vote.” George, of course, did not listen and continued to be an obstructionist. Johnson, leveraging off the moral power of Dr. King, then pushed through the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the rest is history.

This will need to happen in Israel and it will be difficult because it will present demographic challenges and it will mean a multi-cultural society like we have here. But it’s the only way.

But, as with blacks and whites in the US, there are the strong bonds of history. And, after all, both groups are actually semites.


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Re: 50 massacred by israeli soldiers
« Reply #96 on: May 15, 2018, 05:43:19 PM »
well the UN seems to be just fine when the US wants to use it to legitimise economically isolating or bombing this or that country into oblivion. i agree the UN has been corrupted to some extent, mainly by the US protecting israel. the veto should be abolished.

in what specific instances do you think the UN has shown itself to be anti semitic? you do realise that criticising israel does not automatically mean you have a problem with jews? you realise there were plenty of jews protesting themselves yesterday at the opening of the US embassy in jerusalem.

it's completely irrelevant where i'd prefer to live. i'm sure many people that fitted the ideal, thought nazi germany was a great place to live. that doesn't in any way detract from the atrocities committed by the state.

iirc the currently occupied territories are the west bank, golan heights and east jerusalem. i believe an israeli withdrawal from those regions would greatly reduce the conflict if not end it (for all intents and purposes) and tbh it doesn't even matter what the result would be. the bottom line is israel is taking the p1ss out of the rest of world. sticking two fingers up as it barbarises the palestinians into submission. completely flouting and ignoring international law.

Ok, you present some legitimate challenges and I'll try to address each one as time permits.

Why do I think the UN is anti-Semitic? Of the 193, mostly unfree countries in the UN, only one has been singled out as especially egregious in regard to human rights and freedom, Israel. A country that is 20% Arab and free to serve in the Knesset (where they routinely heckle speakers like Netanyahu during sessions), has a free press, Democratic, religious freedom is respected (how many synagogues are in "Palestine"?), women have equal rights, gays live openly.... This is the country where nearly 40% of all Human Rights Council resolutions have been directed at. Forty percent!

The Human Rights Council has a permanent agenda that governs every regular session that is compose of
ten items. One of these permanent agenda items is ALWAYS reserved for the criticizing of Israel.  This resolution, which was sponsored by Organisation of the Islamic Conference, passed by a vote of 29 to 12 with five abstentions on 6/30/2006. This is a specific mandate to investigate human rights violations by Israel only during every regular council session.

In 2001 there was that infamous Durban conference in South Africa to address the issue of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance. Their final determination found that ONLY Israel was guilty of these issues. Not Sudan, Russia, North Korea, China, Pakistan ... virtually every member of the UN. Just Israel. The only democratic state in the region. The only country whose very existence is questioned. The only
country openly threatened with annihilation.

And what has the UN done about that? Nothing. This is why I believe the UN, in regard to Israel, to be nothing more than a global platform to condemn that country. An anti-Semitic organization.

I will address your other points when I can.


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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #97 on: May 15, 2018, 06:21:32 PM »
Everyone of those anti American arabs is wearing Levi's , invented by Jew Levi Strauss  ::)


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Re: 50+ MASSACRED by israeli soldiers
« Reply #98 on: May 15, 2018, 06:54:40 PM »
The ADL are the worst for this. They constantly advocate for liberal border control in Europe and the US but are strongly supportive of Israel protecting it's own borders. Some Jewish/Zionist conservatives like Ben Shapiro will also demonize identity politics in the US while ignoring that Israel is built on the concept of identity.

Ben has stated multiple times that being Jewish means nothing to him, from a racial/tribal perspective. He has stated the he considers himself a Jew but only from a pragmatic point of view.


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Re: 50 massacred by israeli soldiers
« Reply #99 on: May 15, 2018, 07:54:17 PM »
well the UN seems to be just fine when the US wants to use it to legitimise economically isolating or bombing this or that country into oblivion. i agree the UN has been corrupted to some extent, mainly by the US protecting israel. the veto should be abolished.

in what specific instances do you think the UN has shown itself to be anti semitic? you do realise that criticising israel does not automatically mean you have a problem with jews? you realise there were plenty of jews protesting themselves yesterday at the opening of the US embassy in jerusalem.

it's completely irrelevant where i'd prefer to live. i'm sure many people that fitted the ideal, thought nazi germany was a great place to live. that doesn't in any way detract from the atrocities committed by the state.

iirc the currently occupied territories are the west bank, golan heights and east jerusalem. i believe an israeli withdrawal from those regions would greatly reduce the conflict if not end it (for all intents and purposes) and tbh it doesn't even matter what the result would be. the bottom line is israel is taking the p1ss out of the rest of world. sticking two fingers up as it barbarises the palestinians into submission. completely flouting and ignoring international law

I don't think it is irrelevant asking where you prefer to live. I think a lot of times one will say things that they don't really mean when the same claim is posed in a different context. You claim that Israel is an evil, barbaric, rogue state. OK, but compared to what? To whom? Compared to Canada? Compared to North Korea? In this case, since the issue is "Palestine" then lets do a fair comparison. Would you have more human rights in Israel or "Palestine" or any Arab states for that matter? In fact, lets really push the issue. If you were an Arab would you  have more human rights in any of the Arab States than you would have in Israel? Where you would rather live puts you in a real world practical situation in what you really think is a more decent and humane country. If you believe that "Palestine" is a more decent and humane country than Israel and you would rather live there instead of Israel then I have to accept that and that would make you consistent and presumably honest. But I want it on record for the sake of clarity that this is what you think so it is not irrelevant. Now, just to be clear, this is a separate issue from any arguments in regard to international law. It is just to clarify Israel's "decency" on how it treats it's people in comparison to it's detractors and enemies.

And I think your analogy is flawed. I am sure there were many who thought that Nazi Germany was a great place to live just as I'm sure there are many male Arabs that believe Saudi Arabia is a paradise. But I don't think they considered their respective countries as evil, barbaric and rogue and are quite happy and content where they are.