Author Topic: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration  (Read 6572 times)


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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #25 on: July 02, 2018, 03:15:11 AM »
.....and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout, "save us"....and I'll whisper, "No".

Yes indeed.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #26 on: July 02, 2018, 03:16:21 AM »
Europe has a long tradition of liberal politics and anti-nationalism (post WWII, obviously). The people clearly aren't interested in borders when they willingly voted to be part of a supra-national super-union using the same currency and ruled by a clique of hard-left politicians in a building located in one country.

But this is the USA. The land of cowboys, country music, rednecks, gun-toting militas and minutemen. How the fuck did this happen?

The JEW WORLD ORDER happened.

Feminism started by Jews lead to women betraying their men.

Changes to immigration laws in the 60's spearheaded by Jews.

White Guilt (which is mostly based on lies) spearheaded by Jewish media.

WWII in which Americans and British fought AGAINST Germany used as an attack AGAINST Americans and British today!  Oh you whites better not have a sense of racial solidarity or else we'll call you NAZIS too!!!  

Basically a major organized psychological attack against white people by international Jews (who at the same time STRONGLY support a racially homogeneous Israel).

They want to BROWN all white nations until ISRAEL is the only white nation standing  and then Israel will be the rulers of the world.


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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #27 on: July 02, 2018, 03:44:52 AM »
More propaganda to destroy the soul of white people.

White people don't have a culture.  Only Asians Africans etc have a culture.

Well white people DO have a culture.  The nations they built, the ways of life they built (all of which the Jews, blacks, asians etc want to be amongst), the religion they practiced, the standards they created, the music they created, the literature they created.  Their ancient myths etc etc.  Yet if a white wants to strongly promote a sense of White culture they are called a racist!  

Minister for culture in Sweden ( a Pakistani!) says there are some DARK things in Swedish ancient ways (trying to infer if you are Swedish and love your ancient traditions you are a NAZI).  Well that Paki's traditions are way way DARKER and more DISTURBING than Swedish traditions.  Yet a Paki in Sweden will be told he has a rich culture and the Swedes will be told by their own government they have NO culture.

All attacks against the minds and souls of white people.

Imagine the damage all this does to white children!


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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #28 on: July 02, 2018, 03:50:21 AM »
And so we have these propagandised, brainwashed, self hating soul damaged drones bleating for their own demise and the destruction of their own children's futures.  They want their own white children to be abused minorities in their own lands.

And oh how whites will be abused!  The compassion we show to foreigners WILL NOT be shown to us by these foreigners if they atttain majority population.  The proof of this already exists in their own native lands.


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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #29 on: July 02, 2018, 05:18:48 AM »
ad hominem is part and parcel on a message board. I am sorry if that offends you.

so killing an FBI agent is the same thing as crossing the border? this is an absurd false equivalence, alas another conservative talking point.

protesting the law? how about protesting trump's version of the law. I don't recall this type of mess under Obama, Bush. Trump.
Child separation as a deterrent is Trumps grand plan (stephen millers)

again another idiotic comparison. seat belts? if trump is so big on zero tolerance, he should throw don jr. into the slammer for treason.

I am not asking cops to not be cops. dont recall that.
strong borders is not this self inflicted idiocy that is currently taking place.

conservative thinking in a nutshell

any news organization that exposes trump as a unethical, racist lying criminal = fake news

go back to alex jones, he has a new theory for you

ad hominem to start a reply = your argument is DOA
It's the law. Go kill some FBI agents and let me know how that works for you, since it's the same thing i.e. federal law.
So they're protesting the law. OK, so why don't they protest the obligation to drive with a seatbelt or a driver's license, too?
I'm not sure what I're asking cops to stop being cops, basically. You're insane.

Cite a source to justify this gross libel and then justify why anyone would believe NPR, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC or any of the mainstream outlets that are clearly agenda-based since their talking heads all gladhand each other in a perpetual echo chamber.
And you know this because....

Liberals are nuts.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #30 on: July 02, 2018, 05:19:01 PM »
you don't understand what a baseless attack, or you have thin skin (like Trump)
you start a racist thread on a bodybuilding gossip board, and don't like getting attacked?

your use of the straw man argument is commendable. you also get points for implying immigrants will murder FBI agents (a truly "random" equivalent comparison)
clever. but unsurprisingly, still a weak argument.
enforcing the law, with Jeff Session's 'zero tolerance' spin on it, is new. an end to "catch and release"
that is a fact plain and simple.

I will help you out by providing you some reading material, that you will no doubt scream bias, as it does not support your agenda.

I am still waiting for you to provide examples of child separation as a deterrent under Bush, Clinton or Obama.

you didn't entertain zero tolerance for treason?
I wonder why not, maybe because keeping brown people out of the country is more important than calling out treasonous behavior?
I'll help you - remember 2 things can be true at once. This is not a binary argument.

please point out where I agree to the notion of abolitioning ICE?
ICE is simply doing what they are told to do.
The root cause of the problem is in the white house, and AG's office.
ICE will be just fine once this clusterf*ck of administration is deposed.

your comments make me question if you are a luddite or so devoted to trump that anything negative about his is "fake news", hence a fox addict.
you can disprove your own statements by actually watching some "mainstream" news.

Though if you want actual intelligent conservative commentary, I recommend you read a few columns from George Will and (the late great) Charles Krauthhammer.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2018, 02:12:44 PM »
if you don't realize that your animus towards dark skinned people is racist, then I can't help you.
you talk about the law, yet you are ok with a criminal president?

you fail to understand that you are what is called a hypocrite for using a strawman argument, then displaying faux outrage (another right wing special) at one being used on you

the law is the law. i like that. now if only you paid as much attention to the laws against treason and corruption, you would have some credibility.

you can rationalize twisted logic all you want. Sessions spin on the law is a tactic to deter immigration.

you can't address Trumps 3000 + lies, because you hes on your "team". the fallacy of a blind follower. at least you got 2 supreme court picks.

coordinating with Russia to win an election is known as treason, not sure if you know this, but don jr "loves it"

you lie when you say you support a legal system.

if you support trump, then you support neo-nazis and are ok with sexually assualting women (following your very own logic)
I like how you are unable to detect your amusing levels of hypocrisy.

you bore me.


  • Getbig V
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #32 on: July 03, 2018, 04:09:34 PM »
if you don't realize that your animus towards dark skinned people is racist, then I can't help you.
you talk about the law, yet you are ok with a criminal president?

you fail to understand that you are what is called a hypocrite for using a strawman argument, then displaying faux outrage (another right wing special) at one being used on you

the law is the law. i like that. now if only you paid as much attention to the laws against treason and corruption, you would have some credibility.

you can rationalize twisted logic all you want. Sessions spin on the law is a tactic to deter immigration.

you can't address Trumps 3000 + lies, because you hes on your "team". the fallacy of a blind follower. at least you got 2 supreme court picks.

coordinating with Russia to win an election is known as treason, not sure if you know this, but don jr "loves it"

you lie when you say you support a legal system.

if you support trump, then you support neo-nazis and are ok with sexually assualting women (following your very own logic)
I like how you are unable to detect your amusing levels of hypocrisy.

you bore me.


Womp Womp


  • Getbig IV
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2018, 02:20:54 AM »
liberal media has brain washed them... what is right(even though its wrong).. so they feel the need to be "super heros".. and protest.... and they live in rich white neighborhoods with no immigrants due to their wealthy status..... so therefore they are paid by someone/corp... to fund their behavior... many believe its George Soros... who funds all this BS..Antifa/BLM...etc... look it up its mind boggling, yet sad. he got banned from his home country of Hungary due to these actions... do research ....who would want immigrants allowed into their community??speaking zero English and their laws are completely different from ours? DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH!!!(who wants people with DIVERSITY still stuck in the stone age) what does that accomplish??? tell me... rape...low iq.... high crime rates... its a plan by the (((higher ups))) .....research before you debate me...ive got a mouth full.... ill own you with FACTS and sources.

im sad to see UK bros deal with this bs.
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  • Getbig V
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2018, 03:57:10 AM »
liberal media has brain washed them... what is right(even though its wrong).. so they feel the need to be "super heros".. and protest.... and they live in rich white neighborhoods with no immigrants due to their wealthy status..... so therefore they are paid by someone/corp... to fund their behavior... many believe its George Soros... who funds all this BS..Antifa/BLM...etc... look it up its mind boggling, yet sad. he got banned from his home country of Hungary due to these actions... do research ....who would want immigrants allowed into their community??speaking zero English and their laws are completely different from ours? DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH!!!(who wants people with DIVERSITY still stuck in the stone age) what does that accomplish??? tell me... rape...low iq.... high crime rates... its a plan by the (((higher ups))) .....research before you debate me...ive got a mouth full.... ill own you with FACTS and sources.

im sad to see UK bros deal with this bs.

Not just UK unfortunately.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #35 on: July 04, 2018, 03:59:28 AM »
liberal media has brain washed them...

Yes the (((liberal))) media is our enemy.  They want to see whites become a minority, and then eventually, completely genocided.

Look to South Africa to see your future.


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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #36 on: July 04, 2018, 08:22:24 AM »
The feeling's mutual, and this time you didn't even try to rebut anything I wrote. I can do this all week, though, so keep it coming.

you simply keep repeating yourself over and over, simply spouting talking points from fox
you feigned umbrage, to avoid debating my points.

It has become overwhelming clear that you don't understand basic immigration laws of the US, nor do you desire to learn.
Unfortunately, i have little time to educate you.

you can be summarized as follows:
1)upset with white people protesting the separation of brown children from their parents
2) fine with treasonous behavior of POTUS, as long as less brown people in USA i.e. MAGA

you are what is called a fake patriot, also known as a racist


  • Getbig IV
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #37 on: July 04, 2018, 08:47:33 AM »
Trump desire to satisfy his racist bones, and appease the base (xenophobic nationalists like you)
resulted in this  fucking mess with children being separated from their families.

that is what they are protesting amigo.

I am not sure how you seemed to have missed that.

you should stop watching fox and friends to source talking points.
not exactly a paragon of truth.

Then again, our commander in chief pays more attention to that than his intelligence briefings.
so you are in good company.

did this happen under Obama? but somehow due to liberal/biased wasnt shoved down our throats(at that time), like it is now with a non-liberal president? making it him look evil? was it kept hidden?

ive got plenty of ammo/facts/sources
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #39 on: July 04, 2018, 02:31:56 PM »
Look at that picture. It's mostly obese, she beasts and effeminate, limp wristed Gaylords protesting. The ball and chain thats prevents us from progress and advancement at every opportunity.

You can't be civil with these brain dead zombies. They only understand the same language the pussy riot folks understood when they tried protesting.

It was the same group here in NYC when they were protesting the NRA.  They just jump from one cause to the next.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #40 on: July 05, 2018, 12:46:50 AM »
It happened under Obama, under Bush, and under Clinton. Obama deported more people (mostly "BROWN") in his first 6 months than Trump in nearly 2 years. Who was behind the media silence? Who bought off the cameramen and journalists not to film these rallies and make them news 24/7? Who didn't talk about impeaching him for separating families in ICE detention centers? Who didn't show him HANDCUFF MEN FOR FIFTEEN HOUR FLIGHTS and not even getting a cup of water? The liberal billionaires, obviously.

Yes the (((liberal billionaires))).


  • Getbig IV
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #41 on: July 05, 2018, 05:21:10 AM »

very intelligent comeback, almost as intelligent as your weak arguments


  • Getbig V
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #42 on: July 05, 2018, 08:09:54 AM »


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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #43 on: July 05, 2018, 10:34:15 AM »
White Privilege!

Irish immigrants circa 1900 coming up from a 16-hour shift in the Virginia coal mines.

They were paid in company coins which could only be used in the company store and for company housing.

They were virtual slaves, but they kept their families together, went to church every Sunday, and sent their kids to school to be educated thus ensuring that future generations would live free and prosper.



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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #44 on: July 06, 2018, 04:28:00 AM »
White Privilege!

Irish immigrants circa 1900 coming up from a 16-hour shift in the Virginia coal mines.

They were paid in company coins which could only be used in the company store and for company housing.

They were virtual slaves, but they kept their families together, went to church every Sunday, and sent their kids to school to be educated thus ensuring that future generations would live free and prosper.

Great pic.

Hard times.


  • Getbig V
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #45 on: July 06, 2018, 04:42:53 AM »
White Privilege!

 :o :o :o unbelievable


  • Getbig V
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #46 on: July 06, 2018, 05:36:12 AM »
Child laborers sorting coal nuggets at  Pennsylvania coal mine circa 1900.

"Breaker Boys"

12 hour shifts, 7 days a week.

No health insurance, no disability coverage, no safety regs.  No work, no pay.

Get killed?  They'd dump your body at your front door.

Fascinating times during the industrial revolution.  This is what built the country into a powerhouse.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #47 on: July 06, 2018, 08:08:48 AM »

dodge and weave, a sign of cowardice


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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #48 on: July 06, 2018, 08:14:29 AM »
Most people are at work and don't have time for this protesting horse shit.

Thankfully, the sane people outnumbered these ones for the 2016 election.

And, they should hopefully do the same in 2020.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: White people in the U.S. out in force to support illegal immigration
« Reply #49 on: July 06, 2018, 08:30:52 PM »
White Privilege!

Irish immigrants circa 1900 coming up from a 16-hour shift in the Virginia coal mines.

They were paid in company coins which could only be used in the company store and for company housing.

They were virtual slaves, but they kept their families together, went to church every Sunday, and sent their kids to school to be educated thus ensuring that future generations would live free and prosper.

great pics and info.. id like to use this for my future arguments with current "liberals" do you have any sources to validate this... i really want to use this for my future arguments..
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