Author Topic: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius  (Read 46640 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #425 on: January 21, 2019, 07:56:37 PM »
you're a convicted criminal who's been to prison . . .

Isn't that a right of passage?


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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #426 on: January 21, 2019, 09:14:09 PM »
Once  again, how is he getting "massacred"?  ::)

Well, not counting ND and myself:

Youre braindead you liberal, islam loving cuck.

I think I speak for the rest of this board in proclaiming you the most brain dead. You have no idea how stupid you really are. Being an inbred Paki, retardation is in your DNA.

you're a convicted criminal who's been to prison . . .

Good ol’ Plonker. Always seeking to take an ass-reaming.

Paki AND filthy Muzzie.

Talk about losing before the game’s even begun.

Yes you are lower cucker. You're lower than human feces. Cockroach > you

First of all you should be publicly executed for having the nerve to exist on British soil or the Earth for that matter. Your existence offends me. You are wasting oxygen that could be better used somewhere else. Kill yourself you lobster colored turd!

Bro I have your pictures, you're no Brad Pitt  ;) You look like Vin Diesel's down syndrome brother

Plonker is a Clunker.

To plonker I just wanted to say its time to delete your account the ass reaming you are getting is more than any person should receive.
 I'm sure you enjoy ass play but this is just to much to bare......

Oh also Wearing Crocs is like getting a blow job from a dude..

Youres truly everyone on get big

This thread is brutal  ;D


ND savagely annihilating Conker!!

Plonker the Pakilover.

Conker getting destroyed in this thread.


Conker the PakiPlonker.

Vincent Schiavelli if he was a bald roasted midget dipped in tar.

Crocs?  Dude.

Hahahahaha awesome

Hahaha if you say so whatever makes you feel better,even you got to admit kwons post was funny and the blokes the spitting double of you haha

”When words are scarce they are seldom spent in vain hes trying to convince himself not others that was his 1st mistake ..

This battle of over the hill getbiggers is just what getbig needs!  Keep it going guys!  I have pellius winning by a country mile right now!  2 warriors engaging in battle!  Where's Joon and Josh to get in on this??

That wasn't meant for him you pile of donkey dong and yes you look like a bag of smashed assholes


Plonker is a true retard.

This thread ranks as one of the most brutal ownings in Getbig history!  ;D

ND and Pellius repeatedly crushing Conker.

This is sad.  Posting videos of an average house, with the hopes of internet redemption?  

Meltown status = Atomic   :-\

LOL @ Mr "Don't care about what Getbig thinks of me", he's been trying to get some acceptance for a long time now.

Here, let me show you what my house looks to "some strangers on internet".

I don't care of peace lol!

He cares more than 99 % of Getbig :D

He craves props and acceptance looking like that (a roasted midget version of schiavelli)

LOL @ Mr "Don't care about what Getbig thinks of me", he's been trying to get some acceptance for a long time now.

Here, let me show you what my house looks to "some strangers on internet".

I don't care of peace lol!

He cares more than 99 % of Getbig Che

Conker was completely destroyed in this thread.

One of the biggest ownings in Getbig history.

Plonky, that's typical 4-5 m wide British working class place , narrow stairs tell me all.
Definitely not Chelsea area. Real size 'king size' bead would be just 2 big for that bedroom.
Central heating , brrrrrrr................ freezing cold  :P, dark too.
Victorian era house  ;)  + small backyard 4 X 4 m, no garage or car space  ;).

And wooden floors and steps too  :-\, typical suburban London house. Small rooms, narrow, and winding up several floors.

In the street, every house outside will look exactly the same for several blocks with the odd occasional leafless tree to break up the bleak monotony.

Yeah, cold -dark - lifeless, no sun,no balcony's/verandas,no grass,no trees,no wildlife,kids don't run around & play Cowboys/Indians or ride bikes, no skateboard ramps................... ...etc,etc,.........................simply depressive environment  :-[

Exactly. The most depressing streets I've ever seen in my life, add in the almost permanent grey sky and cold weather and it's horrific.

Even the most average home in Hawaii would be infinitely better than anywhere in London or the UK.

Hawaii has beautiful scenery and nature, beautiful beaches with palm trees, great weather, great food and basically a paradise compared to the abysmally bleak architecture and atmosphere of the UK.

Yeah, nobody from Caribbean* climate would do mockery of Hawaiian housing & lifestyle .

Life in shorts/T-shirt/sandals vs British cold  :P

Fresh Hawaiian food vs marmalade/baked beans   :-\


(*Plonker pretends to be Caribbean)  ::)

Conker trying desperately to change the subject in this thread  ;D

Gets exposed as looking like absolute shit with a down-syndrome face, then posts videos of an average suburban house to try validate himself.

plonker won't recover . . .  

Rent to own couch of peace.

Plonker barely clinging to life after being smashed over multiple thread pages.

Didn't really notice this thread before. Is it essentially about Conker uploading videos of his house because of his insecurities? Thats legit weird to have to try and validate yourself to go that far.

All while he says "he doesn't care what Getbiggers think" and "he doesn't need validation" and that he's "killing" everyone... :D

Just wonderful.

Anyone with any sense at all would slink away silently after the beating you took here yesterday.

That anorexic little Croc wearing Hobbit got his shit pushed in!

You’re going to need to wait for the next bus Frodo, midget men are so creepy.

Who dat?  Looks kinda like Vin Diesel or whatever that bald actor's name is.  He is an ugly cuss.

Conker needed a special thread because he is getting destroyed across Getbig  ;D

So that's Conker?  Ugh...

Thanks for the info, man!

Ha Ha Ha
Plonker Conker Crying to the mods

The same Plonker that says I’m Not A Bodybuilder  ::)
And Takes PED’s / Posts Bodybuilding pose pics / goes to a gym to get bigger muscles.
Lives in a Mansion & Yet Posts pics stood out the back of some near derelict Building.

FFS it laugh a Minute with this Dimwit Plonker.

He lives in Bromley, Bromley is a shithole. I was there a few weeks ago

you are the most pathetic and sad person ever on this board

Conker, you're not going to win this because to be quite truthful with you it's not a contest by any stretch of the imagination.

I suggest you become a Conservative and embrace all the good that entails.  No, really.  It doesn't take shit to be liberal.  You just hate everyone that is normal and accept all manner of wrong as right.  

Do as you desire.  Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.  FTN. I would rather be on the side of right than wrong.

Plonker has Tranny pics saved !!! ??
Really.....  IF so oh dear - even worse than I Though He Was.

Yup, just relaxing in my little grass shack watching the rest of the UFC fights from last night while you sit up all night on getbig.

Time in London, United Kingdom now
Monday, January 21, 2019

Time in Hawaii, United States now
Sunday, January 20, 2019


  • Getbig V
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #427 on: January 22, 2019, 12:12:52 AM »
bromley is nice! i used to work a bit down there years ago. nice town centre.

Perhaps "nicer" than Hawaii  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #428 on: January 22, 2019, 12:20:38 AM »
Yes, very constructive use of your time.

12:24 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2019 (GMT)
Time in London, UK

& is freezing cold 2'C   :P  , ah Hawaiian paradise  :D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #429 on: January 22, 2019, 12:35:35 AM »
Conker, you're not going to win this because to be quite truthful with you it's not a contest by any stretch of the imagination.

you are 100% correct here. it is no contest and you can't win against the likes of ND and pellius because even though they know full well(and it's clear from the pics) they would both give their right arm to have a physique of my standard, to them just getting me to engage and waste my time is seen is a victory.

they've gone from you look like sht ,you're ugly, your house is a dump. i've posted up evidence that proves i'm streets ahead of both of them in each of these areas... all they have left now is "well we're making you waste time".... ::)

they're not bothered that they've had to waste similar or probably more time in this thread themselves, as they're also well aware that my time is of way way more value then theirs.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #430 on: January 22, 2019, 12:48:26 AM »
Oh God! How desperate! I wasn't on anything at that time.

It's amazing how psychotically delusional you are. You just make things up and say things that the world around knows its just not true. Like denying how you are getting massacred on this thread, how obsessed you are with how others see and think about you, and how your life is now reduced to spending sleepless nights in front of a keyboard.

Your poor wife and kids, having to watch this bald, burnt, ogre hunched over a computer screen all day and night frantically responding to every post on GetBig.

12:32 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2019 (GMT)

take it how you want pellius but you have gyno in that pic and a very bad case too. TBF at least you were actually holding a bit muscle back than but you either had gyno or nipples that are naturally shaped like cow udders.

BTW you don't need to be on gear or even have ever taken gear to get gyno

PS all those quotes from fagg0ts that you took the time to collage together....i take all of those comments as compliments . it just shows how many people i have butt hurt over the years with my political views.

i'm glad those scum (mostly racists) "despise" me. that is like a badge of honour to me.

pps i don't include sf1900 or tapeworm in that. sf is a harmless troll and tapeworm is one funny as fuk dude.


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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #431 on: January 22, 2019, 01:18:00 AM »
take it how you want pellius but you have gyno in that pic and a very bad case too. TBF at least you were actually holding a bit muscle back than but you either had gyno or nipples that are naturally shaped like cow udders.

BTW you don't need to be on gear or even have ever taken gear to get gyno

PS all those quotes from fagg0ts that you took the time to collage together....i take all of those comments as compliments . it just shows how many people i have butt hurt over the years with my political views.

I'm glad those scum (mostly racists) "despise" me. that is like a badge of honour to me.

pps i don't include sf1900 or tapeworm in that. sf is a harmless troll and tapeworm is one funny as fuk dude.

You are Beyond Thick & Stupid - A List as Long as Your arm of posters
Berating you & Mocking you, Yet you see it as a badge of honour  ::)

In virtually every thread I've seen you post in The vast majority of other
Posters are against you no matter what the subject is.  ::)

It's you who is seeking validation from mainly anonymous members
Continually posting how wealthy you are / how much property you have /
What nice area you live in / how good your physique is / how much better you
Are than others Etc Etc
You very clearly have a lack of self confidence / worth & likely Suffer from
Small Cock syndrome as everything you post has to be Bigger & Better than
Everyone Else.

You're a pathetic individual trying desperately to seek validation & portray
Yourself as better than what you actually are.

Go Seek Help.
This is free Psychological Advice.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #432 on: January 22, 2019, 01:43:47 AM »
think of it like this. you and all the other fkwits on that list, spend all day posting about how great white people, how intelligent white people are, what white people have achieved , how hopeless  black people are. blah blah blah.

when you all look like sht and have all acheived nothing in your own lives

i post about how i look, what i have achieved, what i've done,  in my life. what's more commendable ?

and i have let most on that list know, at some point or other, that i think you're complete scum, the sht on the bottom of my shoe. if i wanted your "validation" why would i tell you that?

take a little while to reflect on that  ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #433 on: January 22, 2019, 03:07:30 AM »
I doubt Conker is right about everything he posts, as no one is, but he stands his ground, despite being attacked.

He's kind of like Vince Goodrum, except in better shape.  :D :D

Vince is the most bullet-proof getbigger by a very wide margin.  He has defeated all challengers for many years.


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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #434 on: January 22, 2019, 03:58:33 AM »
think of it like this. you and all the other fkwits on that list, spend all day posting about how great white people, how intelligent white people are, what white people have achieved , how hopeless  black people are. blah blah blah.

when you all look like sht and have all acheived nothing in your own lives

i post about how i look, what i have achieved, what i've done,  in my life. what's more commendable ?

and i have let most on that list know, at some point or other, that i think you're complete scum, the sht on the bottom of my shoe. if i wanted your "validation" why would i tell you that?

take a little while to reflect on that  ;)

You're on a bodybuilding message board trying to convince total strangers who are inconsequential in your life how much better you are than them. This is the height in insecurity.

Take a while to reflect on that.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #435 on: January 22, 2019, 04:16:30 AM »
think of it like this. you and all the other fkwits on that list, spend all day posting about how great white people, how intelligent white people are, what white people have achieved , how hopeless  black people are. blah blah blah.

when you all look like sht and have all acheived nothing in your own lives

i post about how i look, what i have achieved, what i've done,  in my life. what's more commendable ?

and i have let most on that list know, at some point or other, that i think you're complete scum, the sht on the bottom of my shoe. if i wanted your "validation" why would i tell you that?

take a little while to reflect on that  ;)

Haha no


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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #436 on: January 22, 2019, 04:18:43 AM »
Conker now even using the race card.  ;D

Obviously has quite an inferiority complex.


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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #437 on: January 22, 2019, 05:01:54 AM »
Conker now even using the race card.  ;D

Obviously has quite an inferiority complex.

& hates:

- populism/nationalism

- Tommy Robinson

- America

- Hawaii (  ??? must be good weather ) 

- roasted piglets


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #438 on: January 22, 2019, 05:47:44 AM »
Haha no

What, do you think I haven't let most on that list know that I think they're scum?

Even though we've had a couple run ins before I actually think you come across as an ok dude.

I didn't go down the list name for name.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #439 on: January 22, 2019, 05:50:47 AM »
You're on a bodybuilding message board trying to convince total strangers who are inconsequential in your life how much better you are than them. This is the height in insecurity.

Take a while to reflect on that.

Not "trying" . I have convinced .

If you're too stupid to recognise that. Oh well. Who gives a sht.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #440 on: January 22, 2019, 05:52:49 AM »
What, do you think I haven't let most on that list know that I think they're scum?

Even though we've had a couple run ins before I actually think you come across as an ok dude.

I didn't go down the list name for name.

No mate was just in about myself not everyone on list I remember trading a few light hearted insults (I’ve a bad memory so apologies if this wrong)but never anything serious, likewise mate


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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #441 on: January 22, 2019, 07:06:39 AM »
Not "trying" . I have convinced .

If you're too stupid to recognise that. Oh well. Who gives a sht.

The only thing you've convinced anyone of is how insecure you are. Congrats all your money and you still can't buy good genetics


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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #442 on: January 22, 2019, 12:43:57 PM »

The only thing you've convinced anyone of is how insecure you are. Congrats all your money and you still can't buy good genetics

He didn't convince anyone on 'his money' either, just a regular suburban home in the area, nothing out of the ordinary. Don't know what he was trying to prove exactly.

He wasn't worried though, just staying up till 3AM for a week posting on Getbig  ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #443 on: January 22, 2019, 01:37:39 PM »
i said my house is a pretty typical suburban london house. just property is very expensive here.

to put it into perspective. for the vaue of my place i could buy this house in SA and have change left over.

i'm sure that's slumming it compared to your place, griffin


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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #444 on: January 22, 2019, 01:51:08 PM »
i said my house is a pretty typical suburban london house. just property is very expensive here.

to put it into perspective. for the vaue of my place i could buy this house in SA and have change left over.

Why not relocating to Islamabad  !!!.

Humble Narcissist

  • Getbig V
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #445 on: January 22, 2019, 01:51:46 PM »
i said my house is a pretty typical suburban london house. just property is very expensive here.

to put it into perspective. for the vaue of my place i could buy this house in SA and have change left over.

i'm sure that's slumming it compared to your place, griffin
I hate houses with that much glass.  People can look right in at any time and know if you are home or what your doing not to mention heating it in the winter.


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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #446 on: January 22, 2019, 01:54:05 PM »
i said my house is a pretty typical suburban london house. just property is very expensive here.

to put it into perspective. for the vaue of my place i could buy this house in SA and have change left over.

i'm sure that's slumming it compared to your place, griffin

OMG mean people said bad things about me on the internet. Look I'm better than you see , look !!!  ::)

Fucking pathetic. I've seen a LOT of people on this site with massive inferiority complexes and insecurity issues but fuck me you take the cake here. Trying so desperately and failing so miserably.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #447 on: January 22, 2019, 02:10:44 PM »

Why not relocating to Islamabad  !!!.

for my house could get this cosy little abode in islamabad

fk it i'm off! ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #448 on: January 22, 2019, 02:12:12 PM »
I hate houses with that much glass.  People can look right in at any time and know if you are home or what your doing not to mention heating it in the winter.

yeh. i would doubt that house is overlooked by much, going on the design. plus i think SA is pretty much hot all year round


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Re: Part deux: I wish I could quit you. Conker and pellius
« Reply #449 on: January 22, 2019, 02:12:56 PM »
ND and Conker becoming the new ESF and BeThere in this thread LOL