Author Topic: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01  (Read 41811 times)


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #150 on: September 17, 2019, 03:27:43 PM »
yes thousands of gallons of jet fuel to keep the radiators warm

Fucking hell mate, seriously...
Who said that?! It could have been placed there in barrels. Just speculating. They could have brought it in after hours when the local secretary was not there lol! And how many barrels would you need? I have no idea I am not an expert just speculating. It's not like sending a man to the moon. I would think not that difficult to coordinate. Easier than magically flying a large airliner a few feet off the ground over a populated area (impossible).

Then again it could have been a new type of missile.

The Tomahawk cruise missile is unusual in that it uses turbine powered by a liquid fuel known as JP-10. Normal aviation fuel, JP-5 or Jet-A kerosene, produces about 125,000 BTUs per gallon, 10 percent more than gasoline. JP-10, otherwise called exo-tetrahydrodicyclopentadiene,  pushes this number up by another 10 percent. It's the best around, but costs around $25 a gallon.

The Tomahawk Block III is loaded with more than a thousand pounds of JP-10 on launch, giving it a range of more than 800 miles. So, if the target is only 400 miles away, the missile may have some five hundred pounds of fuel left on impact. That leftover could make quite a bang. A rough calculation suggests the total energy content of that much jet fuel is several times greater than the Tomahawk's explosive warhead (approximately a thousand pounds of PBXN-107 plastic-bonded explosive). However, creating such an explosion would mean turning all the fuel into a vapor cloud and detonating it efficiently. And therein lies the trick.


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #151 on: September 17, 2019, 03:35:11 PM »
US False flag attacks and proposed false flag attacks have been around for decades.

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The possibilities detailed in the document included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.[2] The proposals were rejected by John F. Kennedy.[3][4][5]

Thirty years ago, it all seemed very clear.

“American Planes Hit North Vietnam After Second Attack on Our Destroyers; Move Taken to Halt New Aggression”, announced a Washington Post headline on Aug. 5, 1964.

That same day, the front page of the New York Times reported: “President Johnson has ordered retaliatory action against gunboats and ‘certain supporting facilities in North Vietnam’ after renewed attacks against American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.”

But there was no “second attack” by North Vietnam — no “renewed attacks against American destroyers.” By reporting official claims as absolute truths, American journalism opened the floodgates for the bloody Vietnam War.

A pattern took hold: continuous government lies passed on by pliant mass media…leading to over 50,000 American deaths and millions of Vietnamese casualties.

The official story was that North Vietnamese torpedo boats launched an “unprovoked attack” against a U.S. destroyer on “routine patrol” in the Tonkin Gulf on Aug. 2 — and that North Vietnamese PT boats followed up with a “deliberate attack” on a pair of U.S. ships two days later.

The truth was very different.

Rather than being on a routine patrol Aug. 2, the U.S. destroyer Maddox was actually engaged in aggressive intelligence-gathering maneuvers — in sync with coordinated attacks on North Vietnam by the South Vietnamese navy and the Laotian air force.

“The day before, two attacks on North Vietnam…had taken place,” writes scholar Daniel C. Hallin. Those assaults were “part of a campaign of increasing military pressure on the North that the United States had been pursuing since early 1964.”

On the night of Aug. 4, the Pentagon proclaimed that a second attack by North Vietnamese PT boats had occurred earlier that day in the Tonkin Gulf — a report cited by President Johnson as he went on national TV that evening to announce a momentous escalation in the war: air strikes against North Vietnam.

But Johnson ordered U.S. bombers to “retaliate” for a North Vietnamese torpedo attack that never happened.

Prior to the U.S. air strikes, top officials in Washington had reason to doubt that any Aug. 4 attack by North Vietnam had occurred. Cables from the U.S. task force commander in the Tonkin Gulf, Captain John J. Herrick, referred to “freak weather effects,” “almost total darkness” and an “overeager sonarman” who “was hearing ship’s own propeller beat.”

One of the Navy pilots flying overhead that night was squadron commander James Stockdale, who gained fame later as a POW and then Ross Perot’s vice presidential candidate. “I had the best seat in the house to watch that event,” recalled Stockdale a few years ago, “and our destroyers were just shooting at phantom targets — there were no PT boats there…. There was nothing there but black water and American fire power.”

In 1965, Lyndon Johnson commented: “For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there.”

But Johnson’s deceitful speech of Aug. 4, 1964, won accolades from editorial writers. The president, proclaimed the New York Times, “went to the American people last night with the somber facts.” The Los Angeles Times urged Americans to “face the fact that the Communists, by their attack on American vessels in international waters, have themselves escalated the hostilities.”

An exhaustive new book, The War Within: America’s Battle Over Vietnam, begins with a dramatic account of the Tonkin Gulf incidents. In an interview, author Tom Wells told us that American media “described the air strikes that Johnson launched in response as merely `tit for tat’ — when in reality they reflected plans the administration had already drawn up for gradually increasing its overt military pressure against the North.”

Why such inaccurate news coverage? Wells points to the media’s “almost exclusive reliance on U.S. government officials as sources of information” — as well as “reluctance to question official pronouncements on ‘national security issues.'”

Daniel Hallin’s classic book The “Uncensored War” observes that journalists had “a great deal of information available which contradicted the official account [of Tonkin Gulf events]; it simply wasn’t used. The day before the first incident, Hanoi had protested the attacks on its territory by Laotian aircraft and South Vietnamese gunboats.”

What’s more, “It was generally known…that `covert’ operations against North Vietnam, carried out by South Vietnamese forces with U.S. support and direction, had been going on for some time.”

In the absence of independent journalism, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution — the closest thing there ever was to a declaration of war against North Vietnam — sailed through Congress on Aug. 7. (Two courageous senators, Wayne Morse of Oregon and Ernest Gruening of Alaska, provided the only “no” votes.) The resolution authorized the president “to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression.”

The rest is tragic history.

Nearly three decades later, during the Gulf War, columnist Sydney Schanberg warned journalists not to forget “our unquestioning chorus of agreeability when Lyndon Johnson bamboozled us with his fabrication of the Gulf of Tonkin incident.”

Schanberg blamed not only the press but also “the apparent amnesia of the wider American public.”

And he added: “We Americans are the ultimate innocents. We are forever desperate to believe that this time the government is telling us the truth.”

Soul Crusher

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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #152 on: September 17, 2019, 04:19:14 PM »
This discussion is almost pointless.

Watched yesterday on Netflix the doc on Freeway Rick Ross.

Again, reliable sources saying the crackcocaine in the 80s, on South Central  Los Angeles were 'sort' of a scheme so the Reagan could send some of the money to the 'Contras' in Nicaragua in the mid 80s to fight communism over there.

I dont trust governments at all, so to each its own..

I don’t trust the govt either.   But to me - if you want to blame incompetence - sure.   But some evil genius plot - no.  Too many people to make it happen at cters want us to believe


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #153 on: September 18, 2019, 10:44:01 PM »
Who said that?! It could have been placed there in barrels. Just speculating. They could have brought it in after hours when the local secretary was not there lol! And how many barrels would you need? I have no idea I am not an expert just speculating. It's not like sending a man to the moon. I would think not that difficult to coordinate. Easier than magically flying a large airliner a few feet off the ground over a populated area (impossible).

Then again it could have been a new type of missile.

The Tomahawk cruise missile is unusual in that it uses turbine powered by a liquid fuel known as JP-10. Normal aviation fuel, JP-5 or Jet-A kerosene, produces about 125,000 BTUs per gallon, 10 percent more than gasoline. JP-10, otherwise called exo-tetrahydrodicyclopentadiene,  pushes this number up by another 10 percent. It's the best around, but costs around $25 a gallon.

The Tomahawk Block III is loaded with more than a thousand pounds of JP-10 on launch, giving it a range of more than 800 miles. So, if the target is only 400 miles away, the missile may have some five hundred pounds of fuel left on impact. That leftover could make quite a bang. A rough calculation suggests the total energy content of that much jet fuel is several times greater than the Tomahawk's explosive warhead (approximately a thousand pounds of PBXN-107 plastic-bonded explosive). However, creating such an explosion would mean turning all the fuel into a vapor cloud and detonating it efficiently. And therein lies the trick.

Here is little something just for you, who think that eyewitnesses didn't know if there were a missile passing by, or passenger jet:

This is exactly what those people see, only different place. Do you still think that they can't recognize what they see? If you can't, they can because most of them had working healthy brains without any kind of handicap. I don't say that you have handicap, but you have to be among 10 most stupid people on this planet  ;D 


Mass   2,900 lb (1,300 kg), 3,500 lb (1,600 kg) with booster
Length   Without booster: 18 ft 3 in (5.56 m) With booster: 20 ft 6 in (6.25 m)
Diameter   20.4 in (0.52 m)

Boeing 757:

Width    148 in / 3.76 m fuselage, 139.3 in / 3.54 m cabin[30]
Length    155 ft 3 in / 47.3 m    178 ft 7 in / 54.4 m
Height    44 ft 6 in / 13.6 m
Wing    124 ft 10 in / 38.0 m span, 1,994 sq ft (185.25 m2) area,[190] 25° sweep,[191] 7.8 AR
MTOW    255,000 lb / 115,660 kg    273,000 lb / 123,830 kg

Quite a difference? If that is flying 40 feet above your head, you don't recognize it? Ok..


  • Getbig V
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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #154 on: September 18, 2019, 11:09:26 PM »

Here is little something just for you, who think that eyewitnesses didn't know if there were a missile passing by, or passenger jet:

This is exactly what those people see, only different place. Do you still think that they can't recognize what they see? If you can't, they can because most of them had working healthy brains without any kind of handicap. I don't say that you have handicap, but you have to be among 10 most stupid people on this planet  ;D 


Mass   2,900 lb (1,300 kg), 3,500 lb (1,600 kg) with booster
Length   Without booster: 18 ft 3 in (5.56 m) With booster: 20 ft 6 in (6.25 m)
Diameter   20.4 in (0.52 m)

Boeing 757:

Width    148 in / 3.76 m fuselage, 139.3 in / 3.54 m cabin[30]
Length    155 ft 3 in / 47.3 m    178 ft 7 in / 54.4 m
Height    44 ft 6 in / 13.6 m
Wing    124 ft 10 in / 38.0 m span, 1,994 sq ft (185.25 m2) area,[190] 25° sweep,[191] 7.8 AR
MTOW    255,000 lb / 115,660 kg    273,000 lb / 123,830 kg

Quite a difference? If that is flying 40 feet above your head, you don't recognize it? Ok..
You are extremely slow. Try to keep up! The theory is there was a decoy plane that flew over the Pentagon. People saw the plane, then heard an explosion and concluded it was the plane that flew into the building after the media and powers that be claimed it was a plane. But in reality it was a missile or a smaller object.

There is only one stupid moron in this discussion and that is you Ropooo. You are so stupid that you can't be honest what your own two eyes show you. There is zero chance that an airplane flew at that ridiculous low angle and crashed into the Pentagon. It is an impossible maneuver for a plane of that size. There is also zero evidence of a plane in the surveillance video footage. Two videos from two cameras were released and there is a difference between them which indicates photoshopping.

I am right, and you are wrong. I am a lot  smarter then you will ever be Ropoopoo. Just give up already you are outclassed!


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #155 on: September 18, 2019, 11:15:53 PM »
I don’t trust the govt either.   But to me - if you want to blame incompetence - sure.   But some evil genius plot - no.  Too many people to make it happen at cters want us to believe
And that is why you'll get fucked in the ass over and over again by the gubment. It is actually the opposite. They are evil. They know what they are doing. Why do you think the powers that be want to flood the west with Muslims. Because they are stupid? LMAO. They want people like you gone. And you are too stupid to realize they are at war with you.

What about the Clinton suicides? Did she suicide / silence all the witnesses because she was incompetent or evil? Her husband was probably president when 911 was planned.

Sounds to me like you are giving the government a free pass by excusing their behavior as incompetent? That's not how I roll. I believe in Vlad the Impaler type of justice. The government is evil and needs to be held accountable for their crimes. That means public executions.


  • Getbig V
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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #156 on: September 18, 2019, 11:18:47 PM »

Here is little something just for you, who think that eyewitnesses didn't know if there were a missile passing by, or passenger jet:

This is exactly what those people see, only different place. Do you still think that they can't recognize what they see? If you can't, they can because most of them had working healthy brains without any kind of handicap. I don't say that you have handicap, but you have to be among 10 most stupid people on this planet  ;D 


Mass   2,900 lb (1,300 kg), 3,500 lb (1,600 kg) with booster
Length   Without booster: 18 ft 3 in (5.56 m) With booster: 20 ft 6 in (6.25 m)
Diameter   20.4 in (0.52 m)

Boeing 757:

Width    148 in / 3.76 m fuselage, 139.3 in / 3.54 m cabin[30]
Length    155 ft 3 in / 47.3 m    178 ft 7 in / 54.4 m
Height    44 ft 6 in / 13.6 m
Wing    124 ft 10 in / 38.0 m span, 1,994 sq ft (185.25 m2) area,[190] 25° sweep,[191] 7.8 AR
MTOW    255,000 lb / 115,660 kg    273,000 lb / 123,830 kg

Quite a difference? If that is flying 40 feet above your head, you don't recognize it? Ok..
I am glad you pointed out the size of the Boeing 757. Now show me where that large plane is in the surveillance video! Idiot!


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #157 on: September 19, 2019, 01:06:48 AM »
You are extremely slow. Try to keep up! The theory is there was a decoy plane that flew over the Pentagon. People saw the plane, then heard an explosion and concluded it was the plane that flew into the building after the media and powers that be claimed it was a plane. But in reality it was a missile or a smaller object.

There is only one stupid moron in this discussion and that is you Ropooo. You are so stupid that you can't be honest what your own two eyes show you. There is zero chance that an airplane flew at that ridiculous low angle and crashed into the Pentagon. It is an impossible maneuver for a plane of that size. There is also zero evidence of a plane in the surveillance video footage. Two videos from two cameras were released and there is a difference between them which indicates photoshopping.

I am right, and you are wrong. I am a lot  smarter then you will ever be Ropoopoo. Just give up already you are outclassed!

I’m no aviation expert- Only something seems more than a little off watching that video
And what is said - why Would they not release other Footage of the inbound plane
And it hitting the building - That in its self is odd.


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #158 on: September 19, 2019, 01:10:18 AM »
And that is why you'll get fucked in the ass over and over again by the gubment. It is actually the opposite. They are evil. They know what they are doing. Why do you think the powers that be want to flood the west with Muslims. Because they are stupid? LMAO. They want people like you gone. And you are too stupid to realize they are at war with you.

What about the Clinton suicides? Did she suicide / silence all the witnesses because she was incompetent or evil? Her husband was probably president when 911 was planned.

Sounds to me like you are giving the government a free pass by excusing their behavior as incompetent? That's not how I roll. I believe in Vlad the Impaler type of justice. The government is evil and needs to be held accountable for their crimes. That means public executions.

they are actually fucking you in the ass and then going straight to your mouth for a blow job, you are running around like a headless chicken trying to prove something that doesnt exist, they have given you just enough doubt in the official story for you to think you are bright enough to "know" the truth.
You sir are dumber than everyone else


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #159 on: September 19, 2019, 01:14:37 AM »
And that is why you'll get fucked in the ass over and over again by the gubment. It is actually the opposite. They are evil. They know what they are doing. Why do you think the powers that be want to flood the west with Muslims. Because they are stupid? LMAO. They want people like you gone. And you are too stupid to realize they are at war with you.

What about the Clinton suicides? Did she suicide / silence all the witnesses because she was incompetent or evil? Her husband was probably president when 911 was planned.

Sounds to me like you are giving the government a free pass by excusing their behavior as incompetent? That's not how I roll. I believe in Vlad the Impaler type of justice. The government is evil and needs to be held accountable for their crimes. That means public executions.

I tend towards agreeing with what you’re saying - Very Clearly we’ve seen & Definitely found out
That Government Lies To People about many different things - Why well we’d have to ask them.
From what I’ve seen & read I highly doubt it was a Very Large Plane Flown by a very Novice
Pilot that managed an advance level flying manoeuvre & as asked where are the engines
From Said plane & landing gear which are the main parts that are not totally wrecked.

Yes I’ve Got My Tin Foil Hat On - Just For Safety.
Before anyone asks.  ;D


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #160 on: September 19, 2019, 01:37:46 AM »
You are extremely slow. Try to keep up! The theory is there was a decoy plane that flew over the Pentagon. People saw the plane, then heard an explosion and concluded it was the plane that flew into the building after the media and powers that be claimed it was a plane. But in reality it was a missile or a smaller object.

There is only one stupid moron in this discussion and that is you Ropooo. You are so stupid that you can't be honest what your own two eyes show you. There is zero chance that an airplane flew at that ridiculous low angle and crashed into the Pentagon. It is an impossible maneuver for a plane of that size. There is also zero evidence of a plane in the surveillance video footage. Two videos from two cameras were released and there is a difference between them which indicates photoshopping.

I am right, and you are wrong. I am a lot  smarter then you will ever be Ropoopoo. Just give up already you are outclassed!

Well, I rather be extremely slow, than extremely stupid as you are. Just tell me where that decoy- plane went after extremely low flight over the pentagon, which was extremely in synch with the missile, which didn't make an explosion at all, but which also have 17 tons of kerosene on it's backpack? 757 doesn't vanish in thin air even they have been flying over the pentagon, because there is quite a lot of people watching, quite a lot of ground to cover before the first hiding place. You can't realize even that, that these eyewitnesses saw the plane just as close as those people in the video. If you have seen passenger jet so close, you will never forgot it, because it is a fucking impressive sight. You have to deny this reality to get your moronic theory work, and you don't even understand how stupid thing that is to do  ;D


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #161 on: September 19, 2019, 02:16:26 AM »
I am glad you pointed out the size of the Boeing 757. Now show me where that large plane is in the surveillance video! Idiot!

Where you need that video, if you have 83 eyewitnesses? That video was taking two pictures per second. For live picture you need 24 pictures per second. If plane is flying 250 meters per second, and width of the picture area is 100 meters, in how many frames you plane is visible? Look at the video, you stupid  ;D


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #162 on: September 19, 2019, 02:33:20 AM »
You are extremely slow. Try to keep up! The theory is there was a decoy plane that flew over the Pentagon. People saw the plane, then heard an explosion and concluded it was the plane that flew into the building after the media and powers that be claimed it was a plane. But in reality it was a missile or a smaller object.

There is only one stupid moron in this discussion and that is you Ropooo. You are so stupid that you can't be honest what your own two eyes show you. There is zero chance that an airplane flew at that ridiculous low angle and crashed into the Pentagon. It is an impossible maneuver for a plane of that size. There is also zero evidence of a plane in the surveillance video footage. Two videos from two cameras were released and there is a difference between them which indicates photoshopping.

I am right, and you are wrong. I am a lot  smarter then you will ever be Ropoopoo. Just give up already you are outclassed!

And you underline your smartness by presenting this utterly crappy video, where some village idiot try to prove something with the video, which resolution is too crappy to prove anything.  He call it "security video analysis", while it is just crap and proves nothing. If you can't see what is in the picture, how can you claim that there is this and that? And still there is 83 eyewitnesses, who saw the passenger jet. "However, thanks to a new report and expert analysis, these videos have been PROVEN to have been edited. "...yes..Not the originals, but the copy which this blockhead is analysing. I mean how fucking stupid man can be and still living? ? ;D ?


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #163 on: September 19, 2019, 05:04:09 AM »
No way a plane as big as the 757, operated by a rookie could fly that low, plus no visible debree. Something else hit Pentagon.


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #164 on: September 19, 2019, 05:05:50 AM »
No way a plane as big as the 757, operated by a rookie could fly that low, plus no visible debree. Something else hit Pentagon.


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #165 on: September 20, 2019, 12:55:03 AM »
No way a plane as big as the 757, operated by a rookie could fly that low, plus no visible debree. Something else hit Pentagon.

So if you say so, if you don't believe it doesn't happen, reality changes by your wish? Try that method with some another context, like paying taxes. I don't believe paying taxes...and look what happen. You morons should understand, that there were tons of visible debris, plane parts etc. and there is tons of pictures about them. Point is that you don't see them in the tin foil hat- web pages, because truth isn't exactly their agenda. There is tons of evidence, and then there is word of the bunch of village idiots, who say there isn't.. So who you should believe? I rather believe the evidence, than village idiots, but you can do what ever you like. No matter what you do, truth remains to be the same: it is proved time after time that there were 757 which hit the pentagon. You should also thin where exactly your theory will change from terrorist attack to conspiracy, because it seem to me that you are little lost in this matter. 1. There isn't any evidence about explosions in the twin towers, in fact there is more evidence that there wasn't any. 2. there is no mystery what so ever about collapse of WTC7 3. there is no mystery at all about flight 93, so do this conspiracy start with attack to the pentagon? Do you understand the difference between "it has been proved" and "they say so"? Foil hat's say this and that, but they haven't prove anything since 2001. 0 evidence. That is, and that remain to be a fact.


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #166 on: September 20, 2019, 02:19:13 AM »
So if you say so, if you don't believe it doesn't happen, reality changes by your wish? Try that method with some another context, like paying taxes. I don't believe paying taxes...and look what happen. You morons should understand, that there were tons of visible debris, plane parts etc. and there is tons of pictures about them. Point is that you don't see them in the tin foil hat- web pages, because truth isn't exactly their agenda. There is tons of evidence, and then there is word of the bunch of village idiots, who say there isn't.. So who you should believe? I rather believe the evidence, than village idiots, but you can do what ever you like. No matter what you do, truth remains to be the same: it is proved time after time that there were 757 which hit the pentagon. You should also thin where exactly your theory will change from terrorist attack to conspiracy, because it seem to me that you are little lost in this matter. 1. There isn't any evidence about explosions in the twin towers, in fact there is more evidence that there wasn't any. 2. there is no mystery what so ever about collapse of WTC7 3. there is no mystery at all about flight 93, so do this conspiracy start with attack to the pentagon? Do you understand the difference between "it has been proved" and "they say so"? Foil hat's say this and that, but they haven't prove anything since 2001. 0 evidence. That is, and that remain to be a fact.

We all decide what we want to believe, i don’t want to convince you or anyone else into something because i don’t care about you or anyone else. I just stated my beliefs and i don’t think that a 757 hit Pentagon and i don’t believe that both towers were brought down just by those planes. I trust the controlled demolition version more. The end.


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #167 on: September 20, 2019, 05:11:19 AM »
We all decide what we want to believe, i don’t want to convince you or anyone else into something because i don’t care about you or anyone else. I just stated my beliefs and i don’t think that a 757 hit Pentagon and i don’t believe that both towers were brought down just by those planes. I trust the controlled demolition version more. The end.

Yes, it is your own business how and how much you want to underline your stupidity. Don't let anybody stop you to do that, ever, so you can live a life of an ignorant moron till the end. No one can stop you, if you don't let them to do so..  ;D


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Re: We Will Never Forget 9.11.01
« Reply #168 on: September 20, 2019, 05:47:29 AM »
We all decide what we want to believe, i don’t want to convince you or anyone else into something because i don’t care about you or anyone else. I just stated my beliefs and i don’t think that a 757 hit Pentagon and i don’t believe that both towers were brought down just by those planes. I trust the controlled demolition version more. The end.

try Occams Razor