Author Topic: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi  (Read 71427 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #225 on: January 18, 2020, 05:14:01 PM »
I’m a socially awkward obese virgin living in my mothers basement surrounded by piss bottles. I’m unemployed and blame the jews for my lack of success in life.

I just started reading Jordan Peterson’s book
and am hoping I can start cleaning my room and avoid being radicalized online by alt-right extremists.

I'll pray for you.

sancho ed

  • Getbig III
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #226 on: January 18, 2020, 07:21:50 PM »
Trumps done a lot for those zionist jews. You got sheldon adelson, netanyahu, and the rest of those neocon dual nationals telling him what to do. Trumped moved the embassy to Jerusalem, declared the golan heights israels, passed the "antisemitic" law that criminalizes you for criticizing israeli government, and now trying to get him to go to war with their enemy iran. Making israel great again!!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #227 on: January 18, 2020, 07:34:15 PM »
whats going on in this thread, oi vey



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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #228 on: January 18, 2020, 10:05:55 PM »
Trumps done a lot for those zionist jews. You got sheldon adelson, netanyahu, and the rest of those neocon dual nationals telling him what to do. Trumped moved the embassy to Jerusalem, declared the golan heights israels, passed the "antisemitic" law that criminalizes you for criticizing israeli government, and now trying to get him to go to war with their enemy iran. Making israel great again!!


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #229 on: January 18, 2020, 10:17:12 PM »
Trumps done a lot for those zionist jews. You got sheldon adelson, netanyahu, and the rest of those neocon dual nationals telling him what to do. Trumped moved the embassy to Jerusalem, declared the golan heights israels, passed the "antisemitic" law that criminalizes you for criticizing israeli government, and now trying to get him to go to war with their enemy iran. Making israel great again!!

Trump passed a law that criminalizes criticizing Israel?

That's why you losers have no credibility. You just lie. Just make things up. Even worse you make things up that are demonstrably false. Nobody, but fellow brainwashed cultist believes this.

Is it so hard to believe that Trump supports Israel not because Netanyahu tells him to, but that he actually believes it is the right thing to do? I'd do the exact same thing as Trump and I've never talked to Netanyahu or any of the dark forces of Jewry.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #230 on: January 18, 2020, 10:23:22 PM »
Trump passed a law that criminalizes criticizing Israel?

That's why you losers have no credibility. You just lie. Just make things up. Even worse you make things up that are demonstrably false. Nobody, but fellow brainwashed cultist believes this.

Is it so hard to believe that Trump supports Israel not because Netanyahu tells him to, but that he actually believes it is the right thing to do? I'd do the exact same thing as Trump and I've never talked to Netanyahu or any of the dark forces of Jewry.


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #231 on: January 18, 2020, 10:44:55 PM »

Nice try. You left out the part of the Bill that requires that such acts just have to be included in the Annual Report on religious freedoms in European countries as they have been conveniently excluded previously, i.e., Jewish discrimination didn't count.

The claim that it is illegal in America to criticize Jews is just beyond laughable. If that were the case you, and your fellow brainwashed cohorts, would be subject to criminal prosecution just by this thread alone.

You guys are such a joke it's just beyond laughable. You claim that Jews are evil and are trying to destroy the White race yet there you are enjoying and profiting from the gifts and contributions Jews have made. You claim that there is a law making it illegal to criticize Jews and Israel and here you are doing just that. All on a board created by a Jew.

Your stupid is like being dead. When you're dead you don't know your dead but it's others in your life that suffer for it. You're so stupid that you don't even know how stupid you are but the rest of us have to suffer for it.

Public Law No: 115-434 (01/14/2019)
Combating European Anti-Semitism Act of 2017

This bill requires the Department of State to include in its Annual Report on International Religious Freedom information about each European country where there have been particularly significant threats or attacks against Jewish persons or institutions. The report shall include information about the security needs of such Jewish communities, U.S. efforts to partner with European law enforcement agencies and civil society groups, European public awareness initiatives to promote pluralism and tolerance, and efforts by European governments to adopt and apply a working definition of anti-Semitism.

Once again: Pellius > Brainwashed Cultist


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #232 on: January 18, 2020, 11:16:55 PM »

Once again: Pellius > Brainwashed Cultist

Mahalo my friend , can you imagine when he discovers German Jews as members of AfD  ;D

AfD aka Nr.1 enemy of Angela Merkel & socialists/globalist in the Deutsche Bundestag.

Socialist use to call them Nazis , but NOW  ;D !.

OBW, who is threatening & attacking French Jews !!!, White French Nationalist or globalists/muslims ("hard" guess).

sancho ed

  • Getbig III
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #233 on: January 18, 2020, 11:41:16 PM »
Trump passed a law that criminalizes criticizing Israel?

That's why you losers have no credibility. You just lie. Just make things up. Even worse you make things up that are demonstrably false. Nobody, but fellow brainwashed cultist believes this.

Is it so hard to believe that Trump supports Israel not because Netanyahu tells him to, but that he actually believes it is the right thing to do? I'd do the exact same thing as Trump and I've never talked to Netanyahu or any of the dark forces of Jewry.

sancho ed

  • Getbig III
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #234 on: January 18, 2020, 11:42:50 PM »
Trump passed a law that criminalizes criticizing Israel?

That's why you losers have no credibility. You just lie. Just make things up. Even worse you make things up that are demonstrably false. Nobody, but fellow brainwashed cultist believes this.

Is it so hard to believe that Trump supports Israel not because Netanyahu tells him to, but that he actually believes it is the right thing to do? I'd do the exact same thing as Trump and I've never talked to Netanyahu or any of the dark forces of Jewry.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #235 on: January 18, 2020, 11:51:26 PM »
Well, I thank you for your honesty. I'm sorry that your condition forced you to "retire" at such an early age. It's tough to go through life with no meaning and being useless and not contributing to society. That explains why you were so susceptible to a cult.
But I hope you at least help your mom with the various household chores so that at least you are useful to someone.

And I also appreciate that you recognize that, although I am not a Jew, that I  greatly admire them for their invaluable contributions to this world, not only the numerous inventions and discoveries they have made but their greatest contribution of all -- Ethical Monotheism.

And another breathtaking achievement, one that is so astonishing and improbable as to defy imagination, is that despite it all, despite the centuries and centuries of various groups and societies trying to exterminate them, is that they are still here. Still here and, according to you, dominating and controlling the world despite representing just .2% of the world population (with the U.S. and Israel representing 94%).

They are truly God's chosen people. God blessed the Jews and blesses all who bless them.

Since your insinuation implies that you disagree with my Jew statements of factual, objective reality that exists, I can only assume you're a far leftist American, homosexual, coward, brainwashed, or otherwise shell of a man that would likely die within 5 minutes of being placed in a timeline at any date before the 1900s.

Keep rubbing your rat claws together fantasizing about the clanging of shekels from your jew banker overlords.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #236 on: January 19, 2020, 12:10:58 AM »
Nice try. You left out the part of the Bill that requires that such acts just have to be included in the Annual Report on religious freedoms in European countries as they have been conveniently excluded previously, i.e., Jewish discrimination didn't count.

The claim that it is illegal in America to criticize Jews is just beyond laughable. If that were the case you, and your fellow brainwashed cohorts, would be subject to criminal prosecution just by this thread alone.

You guys are such a joke it's just beyond laughable. You claim that Jews are evil and are trying to destroy the White race yet there you are enjoying and profiting from the gifts and contributions Jews have made. You claim that there is a law making it illegal to criticize Jews and Israel and here you are doing just that. All on a board created by a Jew.

Your stupid is like being dead. When you're dead you don't know your dead but it's others in your life that suffer for it. You're so stupid that you don't even know how stupid you are but the rest of us have to suffer for it.

Public Law No: 115-434 (01/14/2019)
Combating European Anti-Semitism Act of 2017

This bill requires the Department of State to include in its Annual Report on International Religious Freedom information about each European country where there have been particularly significant threats or attacks against Jewish persons or institutions. The report shall include information about the security needs of such Jewish communities, U.S. efforts to partner with European law enforcement agencies and civil society groups, European public awareness initiatives to promote pluralism and tolerance, and efforts by European governments to adopt and apply a working definition of anti-Semitism.

Once again: Pellius > Brainwashed Cultist

Jew gifts?  I’m the supposed braindead idiot.  Cultist? Were you not an “ELF” at one stage?

Nobody says it's racist, brainwashed to talk about the Italian mafia.  It just so happens there's a Jewish mafia running the media, political system, and financial system that is more crooked and powerful than the Italian mafia ever dreamed of.  If they fail to police their own kind and don't place all these sith lords like Soros in a dungeon, the world will eventually collecively punish them again. 

It's a Machiavellian issue.  They operate as a hive mind collective, so just tossing one in jail probably does nothing.  You can't beat collectivists without a collectivist solution.  That is why collective punishment was used against them the first time and is likely the only way to fix the problem at all.  If you're happy being a Jew servant and being financially and cognitively raped for your entire existence, then good for you, but not everyone is a beta male servant boy.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #237 on: January 19, 2020, 12:26:17 AM »

Since your insinuation implies that you disagree with my Jew statements of factual, objective reality that exists, I can only assume you're a far leftist American, homosexual, coward, brainwashed, or otherwise shell of a man that would likely die within 5 minutes of being placed in a timeline at any date before the 1900s.

Keep rubbing your rat claws together fantasizing about the clanging of shekels from your jew banker overlords.

See how stupid you are? I know, you don't? Stupid people that are brainwashed by a cult don't know how stupid they are and how stupid their claims are. I've already mentioned how I support Trump and nobody, but a stupid brainwashed, cultist would ever accuse me of being Left Wing. I'm mostly accused of being a far rightwing conservative -- which is true.

Go be stupid somewhere else. Find a board that isn't run by a Jew you pathetic hypocrite.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #238 on: January 19, 2020, 12:28:34 AM »

Mahalo my friend , can you imagine when he discovers German Jews as members of AfD  ;D

AfD aka Nr.1 enemy of Angela Merkel & socialists/globalist in the Deutsche Bundestag.

Socialist use to call them Nazis , but NOW  ;D !.

OBW, who is threatening & attacking French Jews !!!, White French Nationalist or globalists/muslims ("hard" guess).

I don't think it matters. When you are stupid and have been brainwashed your mind isn't your own.

So many weak willed people so easily indoctrinated.


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #239 on: January 19, 2020, 12:35:18 AM »

Jew gifts?  I’m the supposed braindead idiot.  Cultist? Were you not an “ELF” at one stage?

Nobody says it's racist, brainwashed to talk about the Italian mafia.  It just so happens there's a Jewish mafia running the media, political system, and financial system that is more crooked and powerful than the Italian mafia ever dreamed of.  If they fail to police their own kind and don't place all these sith lords like Soros in a dungeon, the world will eventually collecively punish them again. 

It's a Machiavellian issue.  They operate as a hive mind collective, so just tossing one in jail probably does nothing.  You can't beat collectivists without a collectivist solution.  That is why collective punishment was used against them the first time and is likely the only way to fix the problem at all.  If you're happy being a Jew servant and being financially and cognitively raped for your entire existence, then good for you, but not everyone is a beta male servant boy.

You were wrong and misrepresented the Bill which is what brainwashed cultists do. Now you're just flapping your brainwashed views that were implanted in you by a cult. Nobody is persecuting Italians religious freedom. All races and religions are supposed to represented that are being prosecuted for their religion -- except Jews. This Bill changes that. Now Jews have to be included with the others that are being prosecuted and oppressed for their religion with Christians at the top of the list.

You're still losing brainwashed cultist racist.

sancho ed

  • Getbig III
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #240 on: January 19, 2020, 12:57:24 AM »
Rothschilds got palestine through balfour declaration after ww1. Israel was created after ww2. Just an amazing coincidence huh? Jews had nothing to do with either world war, or bolshevism, or the armenian genocide. To these zionist apologists the jews are always victims smh


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #241 on: January 19, 2020, 01:21:31 AM »
Rothschilds got palestine through balfour declaration after ww1. Israel was created after ww2. Just an amazing coincidence huh? Jews had nothing to do with either world war, or bolshevism, or the armenian genocide. To these zionist apologists the jews are always victims smh

Israel was only created after WW2. I guess you haven't read the Bible. It mentions Israel countless times. I think Biblical times were before 1945.

How do you manage to function being so dumb? How old were you and who was it that brainwashed you?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #242 on: January 19, 2020, 01:35:57 AM »
You were wrong and misrepresented the Bill which is what brainwashed cultists do. Now you're just flapping your brainwashed views that were implanted in you by a cult. Nobody is persecuting Italians religious freedom. All races and religions are supposed to represented that are being prosecuted for their religion -- except Jews. This Bill changes that. Now Jews have to be included with the others that are being prosecuted and oppressed for their religion with Christians at the top of the list.

You're still losing brainwashed cultist racist.

Excuse me, were you an “Elf” at any stage?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #243 on: January 19, 2020, 01:48:34 AM »
Excuse me, were you an “Elf” at any stage?

And that's all you got? Everybody with any sense knows that all that elf, jedi, stuff was being facetious. gh15 had a lot of fans and made a lot of sense and gave never before insights into the bbing world. And you want to compare that with your brainwashed conspiracy where .02% of the world's population controls the world.

Losers like you with weak minds and a weak will needs an excuse for their failures. It's never their fault or their responsibility. It's always something or someone else. With Backs it's White oppression. With women it's men. Weak losers like you always need a scapegoat. For you, it's the Jews. The Jews, the Jews, the Jews. A tiny minority that has been persecuted and targeted for extinction since the beginning of time somehow manages to be everywhere and control everything. If that's really the case you should worship them and try to be more like them.

But you won't be like anything. You'll just continue to be a sad, pathetic loser blaming others for your failures.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #244 on: January 19, 2020, 01:58:01 AM »
And that's all you got? Everybody with any sense knows that all that elf, jedi, stuff was being facetious. gh15 had a lot of fans and made a lot of sense and gave never before insights into the bbing world. And you want to compare that with your brainwashed conspiracy where .02% of the world's population controls the world.

Losers like you with weak minds and a weak will needs an excuse for their failures. It's never their fault or their responsibility. It's always something or someone else. With Backs it's White oppression. With women it's men. Weak losers like you always need a scapegoat. For you, it's the Jews. The Jews, the Jews, the Jews. A tiny minority that has been persecuted and targeted for extinction since the beginning of time somehow manages to be everywhere and control everything. If that's really the case you should worship them and try to be more like them.

But you won't be like anything. You'll just continue to be a sad, pathetic loser blaming others for your failures.

LoL, I’m the cultist? Right, dismissed you low IQ insect.  60+ yrs old!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #245 on: January 19, 2020, 02:13:44 AM »
why were jews put in concentration camps?

You mean those jews, who faked holocaust hand in hand with nazis, and somehow make nazis take the blame about it? Here is some more information about those fake people and fake camps:

I mean who we should listen? Moronic brats of the internet, or those who were there at the time, who wrote the history as it was  then and there, not 50-70 years later, writing nonsense about the things which happen decades before they were even born? These asswipes here think they are smart, but in real life they are losers, living with their parents, just unemployed white trash filled by prejudices they have found from the internet and adopted without any hesitation..

Marvin Martian

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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #246 on: January 19, 2020, 02:54:30 AM »
As much as we butt heads i like your arguments here in this one. Not sure how anyone can disagree with what he’s saying. Ridiculous

Great post. I doubt you and I would click in person but it’s encouraging to see people on opposite sides able to agree on specific things.its almost 5am and time to train so no time to elaborate

Have a great Sunday you bunch of freaks!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #247 on: January 19, 2020, 07:51:51 AM »
OK, peace despite our differences. Very noble of you. Now, will you give me your ab routine?

Roflmao. This thread needs some light fun jeez

I’m just shocked people are disagreeing with your points


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #248 on: January 19, 2020, 01:43:42 PM »
LoL, I’m the cultist? Right, dismissed you low IQ insect.  60+ yrs old!

LOL@ "dismissed". Looks like you followed gh15 pretty closely yourself.

And, yes, you are a brainwashed cultist. You conspiracy nut jobs are laughed at by the majority of the population. This thread is full of assumptions and claims that are just made up. No facts to back up anything. Just internet posts by fellow conspiracy nut jobs that no one takes seriously.

But keep talking. I love exposing sad little losers like you that need a scapegoat for their failures.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #249 on: January 19, 2020, 02:03:35 PM »
LOL@ "dismissed". Looks like you followed gh15 pretty closely yourself.

And, yes, you are a brainwashed cultist. You conspiracy nut jobs are laughed at by the majority of the population. This thread is full of assumptions and claims that are just made up. No facts to back up anything. Just internet posts by fellow conspiracy nut jobs that no one takes seriously.

But keep talking. I love exposing sad little losers like you that need a scapegoat for their failures.

You seem to be having a complete meltdown, or perhaps it’s the high levels of estrogen you’re experiencing from being a beta cuck most of your life.  I actually fear for your well being.  I’m greatly disturbed by this article and am assuming this is your repressed homosexuality and deteriorating mind coming into fruition.

If you could just message back and let getbig know you’re ok.  It’s just a thread don’t get so worked up it drives you into a homicidal state.