Author Topic: The Devotionals Thread  (Read 238772 times)


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #200 on: April 13, 2007, 06:02:01 AM »
The Cradle of Hope
by Max Lucado

Christ rose first; then when Christ comes back, all his people will become alive again.
1 Corinthians 15:23 TLB

Let’s go to the tomb, for Jesus lies in the tomb.
Still. Cold. Stiff. Death has claimed its greatest trophy. He is not asleep in the tomb or resting in the tomb or comatose in the tomb; he is dead in the tomb. No air in his lungs. No thoughts in his brain. No feeling in his limbs. His body is as lifeless as the stone slab upon which he has been laid.

The executioners made sure of it. When Pilate learned that Jesus was dead, he asked the soldiers if they were certain. They were. Had they seen the Nazarene twitch, had they heard even one moan, they would have broken his legs to speed his end. But there was no need. The thrust of a spear removed all doubt. The Romans knew their job. And their job was finished. They pried loose the nails, lowered his body, and gave it to Joseph and Nicodemus.

Joseph of Arimathea. Nicodemus the Pharisee. Jesus had answered the prayer of their hearts, the prayer for the Messiah. As much as the soldiers wanted him dead, even more these men wanted him alive.

As they sponged the blood from his beard, don’t you know they listened for his breath? As they wrapped the cloth around his hands, don’t you know they hoped for a pulse? Don’t you know they searched for life?
But they didn’t find it.

So they do with him what they were expected to do with a dead man. They wrap his body in clean linen and place it in a tomb. Joseph’s tomb. Roman guards are stationed to guard the corpse. And a Roman seal is set on the rock of the tomb. For three days, no one gets close to the grave.

But then, Sunday arrives. And with Sunday comes light ??? a light within the tomb. A bright light? A soft light? Flashing? Hovering? We don’t know. But there was a light. For he is the light. And with the light came life. Just as the darkness was banished, now the decay is reversed. Heaven blows and Jesus breathes. His chest expands. Waxy lips open. Wooden fingers lift. Heart valves swish and hinged joints bend.

And, as we envision the moment, we stand in awe.

We stand in awe not just because of what we see, but because of what we know. We know that we, too, will die. We know that we, too, will be buried. Our lungs, like his, will empty. Our hands, like his, will stiffen. But the rising of his body and the rolling of the stone give birth to a mighty belief: “What we believe is this: If we get included in Christ’s sin-conquering death, we also get included in his life-saving resurrection. We know that when Jesus was raised from the dead it was a signal of the end of death-as-the-end. Never again will death have the last word. When Jesus died, he took sin down with him, but alive he brings God down to us” (Rom. 6:5–9 MSG).


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #201 on: April 14, 2007, 10:34:56 PM »
On Universal Law

"Be they individuals or countries, those who become successful or wealthy at the expense of others do not really profit, for inevitably the time comes when, even on the material plane, they must relinquish all they have taken, piece by piece. On the other hand, a true spiritualist strives never to wrong others in any way but instead always asks himself what he can do for them. Even when he greets them, looks at them, smiles at them, shakes their hand or speaks to them, his undying wish is to offer them something good, something luminous. As a result, he blossoms, grows, advances and rises in himself, because he obeys the law of love, the true law of love, which is to give. But in giving he receives, because the light of the sun descends on him like a river, pure and crystalline. "

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #202 on: April 15, 2007, 06:28:37 PM »
On The Manifestation Of Our Virtues

"We can compare human beings to trees, with their roots, trunk, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. But even though all humans have roots, a trunk and branches, how many are visited by the springtime? Most of them are devoid of fruit and flowers, and sometimes leaves as well. They are winter trees, sad, dark and unadorned.

Each of you has the capacity to blossom, but you must work hard, gain great knowledge and sacrifice a great deal of time if your flowers are to open, exhale their fragrances and form fruits. And what are these fruits? They are the manifestations of our virtues."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #203 on: April 18, 2007, 06:44:47 AM »
Living with what we Don't Understand
This devotional was written by Jim Burns & Jim Liebelt

“…the Lord our God is righteous in everything He does.” Daniel 9:14

I wish we all could have lived the rest of our lives without hearing of another tragic campus shooting. But, here we go again. I don't know anyone who isn't moved by the recent shootings at Virginia Tech University. Once again, we are struck with grief that so many lives were cut short in this senseless act of violence. Once again, we have felt overwhelmed by the magnitude of this tragedy. And personally, my heart goes out to the victims and the families’ lives that will be forever changed by this event.

In times like this, my brain starts to short-circuit. Why do these tragic things happen to people? Where is God when these things happen? Honestly, I have to admit, I don’t understand.

Sure, theologians have explanations. Because of sin, we all deserve God’s wrath. Anything good we experience is due to God’s grace and mercy (I believe these things, by the way!). But, tragedies like the Virginia Tech shootings still don’t compute. I can’t get my brain around them. Some might see these issues as a roadblock to faith, because they can’t “believe” in a God who would allow such tragedies. I just heard one radio talk show host state that events like this are why he is an agnostic. But, do you know what I’ve discovered? It’s okay that we don’t always understand. Even though I don’t understand – and can be frustrated and angry at these tragedies – I still believe.

In fact, I think that part of a life of faith in God includes living with things we don’t understand. Take for example the Biblical account of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt. The Bible makes it clear that God “hardened” Pharaoh’s heart. Pharaoh won’t let the Israelites leave Egypt. God, then holds Pharaoh responsible for his stubbornness and punishes him and all of Egypt as well. From a human perspective something seems wrong with the picture, but I still believe God is righteous – always doing what is right. In fact, God defines the meaning of what is “right.” He sees the big picture. I cannot. He understands completely. I do not. He is God. I am not.

Perhaps, you – like me – are making a list of things that you don’t understand, filing them away so you can ask God about them when you stand before Him one day. I don’t think God has a problem with this! When you encounter frustrations about life – and you find things you don’t understand – share them with God. He’s big enough to handle them. Then, resolve to believe that God, who is righteous, will always do the right thing. Live by faith, not by sight.


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #204 on: April 19, 2007, 01:43:41 AM »
On Influences

"In the name of freedom, their own freedom, so many people claim that nothing can influence them! But what these ignoramuses fail to realize is that influence is the law of life: they are constantly influenced by everything they eat, breathe, touch, taste, listen to, look at and read. Often it is simply because they know nothing of the influences they are acting under that they believe they are so free.

Without realizing it, then, some people are subject to certain good influences, fortunately for them! For, if they were aware of these influences, they might reject them out of their ridiculous desire for independence."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #205 on: April 19, 2007, 12:20:51 PM »
Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord
by Dr. Adrian Rogers, "Love Worth Finding"

"Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved." Psalm 55:22

It was terrible at Simon Peter's funeral. Jesus was there and He said, "It's a shame that Peter had to die so young. He was just getting the hang of walking on the water. I shouldn't have told him to get out of the boat." It was one of the saddest funerals.
Now, I hope you're saying, "Wait a minute ... that's not right!" because we all know that Peter didn't drown when Jesus called him out of the boat. (Matthew 14:22-33.)

And you won't drown either when Jesus calls you to do something humanly impossible. Peter may not have walked very far on water, but I would venture to say that he walked farther than anyone else has ever walked on water!

Don't worry about getting out of the boat if that is what God calls you to do. It is safer on the waves with Jesus, than in the boat without Him.

Has God called you to do something and you have not done it because you didn't think you could? Maybe He's called you to trust Him though it may appear hopeless. Maybe He's called you to rejoice over something for which you feel nothing but sadness. Maybe He's called you to speak up for your faith, when you know it will result in great loss or shame. Ask God to give you strength to trust Him to provide all that you need for what He has asked you to do ( Proverbs 3:5-6).


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #206 on: April 19, 2007, 10:33:22 PM »
On Putting Spiritual Values First

"Why is it that, while desiring peace, freedom and happiness for themselves and others, people often pass these states by and deprive others of them as well? It is because they still haven’t understood that they will only find these precious goods when they decide to give priority to the spiritual life over all material gain, social success and so on.

Many will say: ‘But we understand that material possessions and fame cannot satisfy our deep aspirations.’ Then why do they behave as if they don’t? We see them endlessly preoccupied with their material conditions. Even if they succeed, not only do they never feel truly free, happy and at peace but they endlessly upset the lives of others. When they wake up in the morning, couldn’t they decide now and then to try, at least for that day, to put their spiritual values first? "

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #207 on: April 20, 2007, 08:32:49 AM »
Oh, so true!!!!!  This is a great devotional.   ;D

Identity Crisis
By Laura J. Bagby - I have to admit, I love finding out more about the personality types, but I honestly think I need to quit cold turkey.

When finding yourself in some self-analyzing test becomes an obsession, well it's time to re-prioritize. In my voracious search for self I bought every personality book I could find and I have taken every possible test. I have found out what kind of leader I am, what animal I most resemble, what color best fits my personality, and on the spiritual end, even what Bible character I am most like.

But what's next? What shape I am? What vegetable? It could conceivably continue infinitely.

What's ironic is that the search for better self-understanding only led me into confusion and depression. The results didn't match up. One survey said I was an introvert; another confirmed I was an extrovert. One swore that I was a bold leader; the other seemed to think I would rather hang back in the crowd. And on and on. I would put the book down and still wonder who I really was.

You know what I think? I think human nature is just too complex to get down on paper, and the more we try to find ourselves in some arbitrary categories, the more miserable we shall become. I can attest because eventually we always want to become what we are not.

The answer to the continual search for an identity is always Jesus Christ. What does God say about you and I? Well, He might not tell you whether you are a sanguine or an intuitive thinker or an influential leader, but what He will tell you means more than all the secular books on self-understanding.

Don't get me wrong. There is a place for such analysis. Just don't place your whole value there. God tells us that we are His children. We are co-heirs with Christ. We are in fact new creations. This is our true identity.

I like God's personality test best. All I have to do is give myself to the Lord, and He makes me more like Jesus Christ everyday. My personality quirks and foibles are now His business. He takes care of the rest.

"For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God" (Col. 3:3, NIV).


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #208 on: April 25, 2007, 11:38:03 AM »
The magic of a thankful spirit is that it has the power to replace anger with love, resentment with happiness, fear with faith, worry with peace, self-preoccupation with concern for the needs of others, guilt with an open door to forgiveness, jealousy with joy at another's success, inferiorities with dignity.

-Donald E. Demaray


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #209 on: April 26, 2007, 01:20:09 AM »
On Expectations and Discovery

"You must not think that happiness will necessarily come in the form you expect. There are so many possibilities available to you, but you don’t see them and don’t want to see them. You cling to the notion of happiness you yourself have created. You hope a certain door is going to open, but it remains closed. So why stand wailing at this door when there may be others nearby that will open to you?

Suppose you are expecting good things from someone, and not only does this person fail to give them to you but he is most unpleasant. Well, instead of brooding over this disappointment, look around you a little more carefully: there are certainly others who are ready to help you. If you spend all your time sending unkind thoughts to those who have upset or disappointed you, you won’t see all the other friends who come your way. This is just one more way that our ordeals are useful: they force you to do or discover things you would otherwise never do or discover."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #210 on: April 26, 2007, 09:29:59 PM »
On Perserverence

"At any moment you can be overcome by discouragement. Well, you must tell yourself right away that this will not last. Take refuge somewhere within yourself, as if you were hibernating, and stay there until you recover the breath of life.

Discouragement is like winter, but after winter spring returns. It arrives sooner or later, depending on the year. Sometimes it comes very late, but eventually it always comes. This is why you must never completely lose hope. Sooner or later your zest will return. So many people have given up only moments before the forces of spring were about to re-emerge in them! What a shame… They were finally about to be saved, but they foresaw nothing of this renewal and allowed themselves to go down.

So, whatever your torments, never allow your inner skies to darken. Tell yourself: ‘Perhaps all is not yet lost; let’s wait awhile.’ And little by little the darkness will dissipate, and the cold will recede."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #211 on: April 30, 2007, 09:07:31 AM »
The magic of a thankful spirit is that it has the power to replace anger with love, resentment with happiness, fear with faith, worry with peace, self-preoccupation with concern for the needs of others, guilt with an open door to forgiveness, jealousy with joy at another's success, inferiorities with dignity.

-Donald E. Demaray
Great wisdom in this quote, Stella!!!!  :D


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #212 on: May 03, 2007, 05:57:52 AM »
All Power, Authority, and Dominion
by Dr. Adrian Rogers, "Love Worth Finding"

"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Luke 10:19

Have you ever thought about the Great Commission being a mission impossible? But it isn't because of the basis in which Jesus gave it. You see, Jesus said that all power, authority, and dominion is given unto Him in heaven and earth (see Matthew 28:18-20). Dominion was first given to man, but man gave it over to the devil in the Garden of Eden. Jesus received it back from the Father and gave that authority to each of us. Does Jesus have authority over the devil? Yes! Then, so do you. Does Jesus have the victory? Yes! Then, you have the victory. Is Jesus Christ enthroned? Yes! Then, you are enthroned. The victory is yours through Jesus Christ.

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what your fears are, then confess them as sin. Repent, then reach up and take hold of His right hand that is outstretched to sustain you and give you the victory!


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #213 on: May 03, 2007, 05:59:55 AM »
“Understanding is the reward of faith. Therefore seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand.” Augustine of Hippo ++

“Faith is always at a disadvantage; it is a perpetually defeated thing which survives all conquerors.” —G.K. Chesterton


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #214 on: May 06, 2007, 01:57:43 PM »
On Divine Standards

"For years, standards used the world over have been kept in the Office of Weights and Measures at Sèvres. Because no one has the right to calculate a kilo or metre arbitrarily, all instruments used for weight and measurement must be regulated to very precise standards. The appliances, machines and vehicles we use in everyday life must also be checked from time to time, and in some cases every day.

Like this Office of Weights and Measures, there is also a cosmic centre by which we must set our standards. It is said in the sacred books that God used weights, measures and numbers in the creation of the universe. All of creation came out of this divine House of Weights and Measures, so it is to this that we must elevate ourselves in order to inspect our inner instruments – our intellect, heart and will. Not just once, but three, five, ten times a day, it is critical that we adjust these instruments to divine standards."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #215 on: May 08, 2007, 12:20:27 AM »
On Attitude

"There are so many circumstances in life that can upset us! You must never complain at such times, however, because by doing so you close your inner doors to any improvement in your state. When someone offends you or treats you unfairly, it is normal to feel disappointed, sad and hurt. But if you talk about it everywhere you go, bewailing your plight, you do nothing but aggravate your wound.

So what should you do? Put the whole thing aside, and, when you meet your neighbours and friends, instead of going into all the details about how cruelly you have been treated, forget about it for the time being. Most likely they are suffering over something themselves, so ask yourself how you can help and encourage them. The kind words you speak to others will do you good as well, for they will help to heal your wounds."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #216 on: May 08, 2007, 04:54:14 PM »
On Angelic Food

"We eat every day, but don’t be shocked if I tell you that we are eaten as well. Yes, we too serve as food for other entities, for the angels. They partake of our good thoughts and sentiments, of everything in us that is inspired by wisdom and love. Angels think of us as plants that produce flowers and fruits. When they come to pick our fruits, they do not break our branches. On the contrary, they water us and care for us, so that the fruits we produce are even more succulent. But there are also ‘angels’ of another sort: entities of darkness, or demons. Because they too must nourish themselves, they feast on humans whose malicious schemes and negative emotions are delectable fare for them. They sap all their energy and leave them exhausted. While nothing is more desirable than serving as food for the angels of light, nothing is worse than being devoured by the spirits of darkness."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #217 on: May 10, 2007, 08:31:43 AM »
Prosperity Preaching: Deceitful and Deadly
by: John Piper

When I read about prosperity-preaching churches, my response is: “If I were not on the inside of Christianity, I wouldn’t want in.” In other words, if this is the message of Jesus, no thank you.

Luring people to Christ to get rich is both deceitful and deadly. It’s deceitful because when Jesus himself called us, he said things like: “Any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:33). And it’s deadly because the desire to be rich plunges “people into ruin and destruction” (1 Timothy 6:9). So here is my plea to preachers of the gospel.

1. Don’t develop a philosophy of ministry that makes it harder for people to get into heaven.

Jesus said, “How difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!” His disciples were astonished, as many in the “prosperity” movement should be. So Jesus went on to raise their astonishment even higher by saying, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” They respond in disbelief: “Then who can be saved?” Jesus says, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God” (Mark 10:23-27).

My question for prosperity preachers is: Why would you want to develop a ministry focus that makes it harder for people to enter heaven?

2. Do not develop a philosophy of ministry that kindles suicidal desires in people.

Paul said, “There is great gain in godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.” But then he warned against the desire to be rich. And by implication, he warned against preachers who stir up the desire to be rich instead of helping people get rid of it. He warned, “Those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs” (1 Timothy 6:6-10).

So my question for prosperity preachers is: Why would you want to develop a ministry that encourages people to pierce themselves with many pangs and plunge themselves into ruin and destruction?

3. Do not develop a philosophy of ministry that encourages vulnerability to moth and rust.

Jesus warns against the effort to lay up treasures on earth. That is, he tells us to be givers, not keepers. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:19).

Yes, we all keep something. But given the built-in tendency toward greed in all of us, why would we take the focus off Jesus and turn it upside down?

4. Don’t develop a philosophy of ministry that makes hard work a means of amassing wealth.

Paul said we should not steal. The alternative was hard work with our own hands. But the main purpose was not merely to hoard or even to have. The purpose was “to have to give.” “Let him labor, working with his hands, that he may have to give to him who is in need” (Ephesians 4:28). This is not a justification for being rich in order to give more. It is a call to make more and keep less so you can give more. There is no reason why a person who makes $200,000 should live any differently from the way a person who makes $80,000 lives. Find a wartime lifestyle; cap your expenditures; then give the rest away.

Why would you want to encourage people to think that they should possess wealth in order to be a lavish giver? Why not encourage them to keep their lives more simple and be an even more lavish giver? Would that not add to their generosity a strong testimony that Christ, and not possessions, is their treasure?

5. Don’t develop a philosophy of ministry that promotes less faith in the promises of God to be for us what money can’t be.

The reason the writer to the Hebrews tells us to be content with what we have is that the opposite implies less faith in the promises of God. He says, “Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:5-6).

If the Bible tells us that being content with what we have honors the promise of God never to forsake us, why would we want to teach people to want to be rich?

6. Don’t develop a philosophy of ministry that contributes to your people being choked to death.

Jesus warns that the word of God, which is meant to give us life, can be choked off from any effectiveness by riches. He says it is like a seed that grows up among thorns that choke it to death: “They are those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by the . . . riches . . . of life, and their fruit does not mature” (Luke 8:14).

Why would we want to encourage people to pursue the very thing that Jesus warns will choke us to death?

7. Don’t develop a philosophy of ministry that takes the seasoning out of the salt and puts the light under a basket.

What is it about Christians that makes them the salt of the earth and the light of the world? It is not wealth. The desire for wealth and the pursuit of wealth tastes and looks just like the world. It does not offer the world anything different from what it already believes in. The great tragedy of prosperity-preaching is that a person does not have to be spiritually awakened in order to embrace it; one needs only to be greedy. Getting rich in the name of Jesus is not the salt of the earth or the light of the world. In this, the world simply sees a reflection of itself. And if it works, they will buy it.

The context of Jesus’ saying shows us what the salt and light are. They are the joyful willingness to suffering for Christ. Here is what Jesus said, “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. You are the salt of the earth. . . . You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:11-14).

What will make the world taste (the salt) and see (the light) of Christ in us is not that we love wealth the same way they do. Rather, it will be the willingness and the ability of Christians to love others through suffering, all the while rejoicing because their reward is in heaven with Jesus. This is inexplicable on human terms. This is supernatural. But to attract people with promises of prosperity is simply natural. It is not the message of Jesus. It is not what he died to achieve.

© Desiring God

By John Piper. © Desiring God. Website:


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #218 on: May 15, 2007, 10:06:25 AM »
Good info Colossus.  Are you familiar w/ministrywatch?


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #219 on: May 22, 2007, 12:27:50 PM »
Good info Colossus.  Are you familiar w/ministrywatch?
Thanks, Stella.  :)  I haven't heard of ministrywatch before.  What is it?


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #220 on: May 25, 2007, 08:11:57 AM »
It’s a Jungle Out There
by Max Lucado

The story is told of a man on an African safari deep in the jungle. The guide before him had a machete and was whacking away the tall weeds and thick underbrush. The traveler, wearied and hot, asked in frustration, “Where are we? Do you know where you are taking me? Where is the path?!” The seasoned guide stopped and looked back at the man and replied, “I am the path.”

We ask the same questions, don’t we? We ask God, “Where are you taking me? Where is the path?” And he, like the guide, doesn’t tell us. Oh, he may give us a hint or two, but that’s all. If he did, would we understand? Would we comprehend our location? No, like the traveler, we are unacquainted with this jungle. So rather than give us an answer, Jesus gives us a far greater gift. He gives us himself.

Does he remove the jungle? No, the vegetation is still thick.

Does he purge the predators? No, danger still lurks.

Jesus doesn’t give hope by changing the jungle; he restores our hope by giving us himself. And he has promised to stay until the very end. “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:20 NIV).

We need that reminder. We all need that reminder. For all of us need hope.

Some of you don’t need it right now. Your jungle has become a meadow and your journey a delight. If such is the case, congratulations. But remember???  We do not know what tomorrow holds. We do not know where this road will lead. You may be one turn from a cemetery, from a hospital bed, from an empty house. You may be a bend in the road from a jungle.

And though you don’t need your hope restored today, you may tomorrow. And you need to know to whom to turn.

Or perhaps you do need hope today. You know you were not made for this place. You know you are not equipped. You want someone to lead you out.

If so, call out for your Shepherd. He knows your voice. And he’s just waiting for your request.

From Traveling Light
Copyright (W Publishing Group, 2001) Max Lucado


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #221 on: June 06, 2007, 03:30:08 AM »
Prosperity Preaching: Deceitful and Deadly
by: John Piper

When I read about prosperity-preaching churches, my response is: “If I were not on the inside of Christianity, I wouldn’t want in.” In other words, if this is the message of Jesus, no thank you. ...<snipped for brevity>

That was a colossally fantabulous post!  :)   
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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #222 on: June 06, 2007, 03:34:44 AM »
On the Separation of the Spirit from the Physical Body

"Spirituality does not consist in separating the spirit from the physical body. Eating and drinking any old thing, sleeping on the bare ground, enduring extremes of heat and cold and living in deplorable hygienic conditions: many hermits have lived like this in the past and continue to do so. Of course, this is one way we can learn to master the needs of the physical body and the temptations of sensual pleasures, but these are not the best conditions if the spirit is to make itself heard. An exhausted, suffering body in a state of decay is not the temple in which the spirit will come to manifest itself, and I do not recommend these ascetic practices to anyone.

It is important to be reasonable, to maintain balance and do what is necessary to keep our body in good health. Then, when the spirit has inspirations and revelations to bring us, our physical body will serve as the receptive, obedient matter through which it can best express itself."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #223 on: June 06, 2007, 06:13:53 AM »
That was a colossally fantabulous post!  :)   
My girlfriend & business partner just finished building 2 schools in Thailand this year. You earn more to give more
glad you liked it. 

where ya been?


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Re: The Devotionals Thread
« Reply #224 on: June 06, 2007, 06:22:16 AM »
Thanks, Stella.  :)  I haven't heard of ministrywatch before.  What is it?
oops sorry Ro for the late reply. rates/reviews about 500 ministries and lets you know also if there are any "alerts" on any and if there are they suggest that you give to a diff. ministry.

They also rate the transparency and efficiency of the ministry reviewed.  Pretty interesting site!

Hi Ro and Jag!