Author Topic: Covid 19 - We are all screwed - discuss  (Read 501390 times)


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3300 on: April 24, 2020, 06:41:50 PM »
The portrait of a great leader

Home Alone at the White House: A Sour President, With TV His Constant Companion

How the crisis will shape tomorrow's workplaces
Trump says social distancing guidelines may be extended into summer
WASHINGTON — President Trump arrives in the Oval Office these days as late as noon, when he is usually in a sour mood after his morning marathon of television.

a person standing in front of a window: President Trump’s internal polling has shown his approval rating sliding in some swing states.© Anna Moneymaker/The New York Times President Trump’s internal polling has shown his approval rating sliding in some swing states.
He has been up in the White House master bedroom as early as 5 a.m. watching Fox News, then CNN, with a dollop of MSNBC thrown in for rage viewing. He makes calls with the TV on in the background, his routine since he first arrived at the White House.

But now there are differences.

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The president sees few allies no matter which channel he clicks. He is angry even with Fox, an old security

ork, closely monitoring for a sporadic compliment or snipe.

Confined to the White House, the president is isolated from the supporters, visitors, travel and golf that once entertained him, according to more than a dozen administration officials and close advisers who spoke about Mr. Trump’s strange new life. He is tested weekly, as is Vice President Mike Pence, for Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Slide 1 of 50: A bust of President Abraham Lincoln is visible behind House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif. as she arrives on Capitol Hill, Thursday, April 23, 2020, in Washington. (
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1/50 SLIDES © Andrew Harnik/AP Photo
A bust of President Abraham Lincoln is visible behind House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as she arrives on Capitol Hill on April 23 in Washington D.C.
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The economy — Mr. Trump’s main case for re-election — has imploded. News coverage of his handling of the coronavirus has been overwhelmingly negative as Democrats have condemned him for a lack of empathy, honesty and competence in the face of a pandemic. Even Republicans have criticized Mr. Trump’s briefings as long-winded and his rough handling of critics as unproductive.

His own internal polling shows him sliding in some swing states, a major reason he declared a temporary halt to the issuance of green cards to those outside the United States. The executive order — watered down with loopholes after an uproar from business groups — was aimed at pleasing his political base, people close to him said, and was the kind of move Mr. Trump makes when things feel out of control. Friends who have spoken to him said he seemed unsettled and worried about losing the election.

But the president’s primary focus, advisers said, is assessing how his performance on the virus is measured in the news media, and the extent to which history will blame him.

“He’s frustrated,” said Stephen Moore, an outside economic adviser to Mr. Trump who was the president’s pick to run the Federal Reserve before his history of sexist comments and lack of child support payments surfaced. “It’s like being hit with a meteor.”

Mr. Trump frequently vents about how he is portrayed. He was enraged by an article this month in which his health secretary, Alex M. Azar II, was said to have warned Mr. Trump in January about the possibility of a pandemic. Mr. Trump was upset that he was being blamed while Mr. Azar was portrayed in a more favorable light, aides said. The president told friends that he assumed Mr. Azar was working the news media to try to save his own reputation at the expense of Mr. Trump’s.

a woman standing in front of a mirror posing for the camera: Hope Hicks, a counselor to the president, in 2018. She has taken over managing Mr. Trump’s schedule.© Doug Mills/The New York Times Hope Hicks, a counselor to the president, in 2018. She has taken over managing Mr. Trump’s schedule.
Aides said the president’s low point was in mid-March, when Mr. Trump, who had dismissed the virus as “one person coming in from China” and no worse than the flu, saw deaths and infections from Covid-19 rising daily. Mike Lindell, a Trump donor campaign surrogate and the chief executive of MyPillow, visited the White House later that month and said the president seemed so glum that Mr. Lindell pulled out his phone to show him a text message from a Democratic-voting friend of his who thought Mr. Trump was doing a good job.

a large white building: Mr. Trump usually starts and ends his day watching television.© Anna Moneymaker/The New York Times Mr. Trump usually starts and ends his day watching television.
Mr. Lindell said Mr. Trump perked up after hearing the praise. “I just wanted to give him a little confidence,” Mr. Lindell said.

The Daily Briefings

The daily White House coronavirus task force briefing is the one portion of the day that Mr. Trump looks forward to, although even Republicans say that the two hours of political attacks, grievances and falsehoods by the president are hurting him politically.

Mr. Trump will hear none of it. Aides say he views them as prime-time shows that are the best substitute for the rallies he can longer attend but craves.

Mr. Trump rarely attends the task force meetings that precede the briefings, and he typically does not prepare before he steps in front of the cameras. He is often seeing the final version of the day’s main talking points that aides have prepared for him for the first time although aides said he makes tweaks with a Sharpie just before he reads them live. He hastily plows through them, usually in a monotone, in order to get to the question-and-answer bullying session with reporters that he relishes.

The briefing’s critics, including Mr. Cuomo, have pointed out the obvious: With two hours of the president’s day dedicated to hosting what is still referred to as a prime-time news briefing, who is going to actually fix the pandemic?

Even Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, one of the experts appointed to advise the president on the best way to handle the outbreak, has complained that the amount of time he must spend onstage in the briefings each day has a “draining” effect on him.

They have the opposite effect on the president. How he arrived at them was almost an accident.

Mr. Trump became enraged watching the coverage of his 10-minute Oval Office address in March that was rife with inaccuracies and had little in terms of action for him to announce. He complained to aides that there were few people on television willing to defend him.

The solution, aides said, came two days later, when Mr. Trump appeared in the Rose Garden to declare a national emergency and answer questions from reporters. As he admonished journalists for asking “nasty” questions, Mr. Trump found the back-and-forth he had been missing. The virus had not been a perfect enemy — it was impervious to his browbeating — but baiting and attacking reporters energized him.

“I don’t take responsibility at all,” Mr. Trump told White House correspondents in answer to one question.

His first news conference in the briefing room took place the next day, on a Saturday, after Mr. Trump arrived unannounced in the Situation Room, wearing a polo shirt and baseball cap, and told the group he planned to attend the briefing and watch from a chair on the side. When aides told him that reporters would simply yell questions at him, even if he was not on the small stage, he agreed to take the podium. He has not looked back since.

When Mr. Trump finishes up 90 or more minutes later, he heads back to the Oval Office to watch the end of the briefings on TV and compare notes with whoever is around from his inner circle.

The New Pecking Order

That circle has shrunk significantly as the president, who advisers say is more sensitive to criticism than at nearly any other point in his presidency, has come to rely on only a handful of longtime aides.

Hope Hicks, a former communications director who rejoined the White House this year as counselor to the president, maintains his daily schedule. His former personal assistant, Johnny McEntee, now runs presidential personnel.

Ms. Hicks and Mr. McEntee, along with Dan Scavino, the president’s social media guru who was promoted this week to deputy chief of staff for communications, provide Mr. Trump with a link to the better old days. The three are the ones outside advisers get in touch with to find out if it’s a good time to reach the president or pass on a message.

Mark Meadows, Mr. Trump’s new chief of staff, is still finding his footing and adjusting to the nocturnal habits of Mr. Trump, who recently placed a call to Mr. Meadows, a senior administration official said, at 3:19 a.m. Mr. Meadows works closely with another trusted insider: Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and de facto chief of staff.

“They have been really confined and figuratively imprisoned,” Matthew Dallek, a political historian at George Washington University, said about presidents who have kept close to the White House in times of crisis.

While many officials have been encouraged to work remotely and the Old Executive Office Building is empty, the West Wing’s tight quarters are still packed. Mr. Pence and his top aides, usually stationed across the street, are working exclusively from the White House, along with most of the senior aides, who dine from the takeout mess while the in-house dining room remains closed. Few aides wear masks except for Matthew Pottinger, the deputy national security adviser, and some of his staff.

The Day Ends as It Began

As soon as he gets to the Oval Office, the president often receives his daily intelligence briefing, and Mr. Pence sometimes joins him. Then there are meetings with his national security team or economic advisers.

Throughout the day, Mr. Trump calls governors, will have lunch with cabinet secretaries and pores over newspapers, which he treats like official briefing books and reads primarily in paper clippings that aides bring to him. He calls aides about stories he sees, either to order them to get a world leader on the phone or to ask questions about something he has read.

Many friends said they were less likely to call Mr. Trump’s cellphone, assuming he does not want to hear their advice. Those who do reach him said phone calls have grown more clipped: Conversations that used to last 20 minutes now wrap up in three.

Mr. Trump will still take calls from Brad Parscale, his campaign manager, on the latest on polling data. The president will in turn call Mr. Meadows and Kellyanne Conway about key congressional races.

The president’s aides have slowly lined up more opportunities to keep him engaged. Last week, a small group of coronavirus survivors were led into the White House, and Mr. Trump took one of them to see the White House physician. Then Mr. Trump hosted a celebration of America’s truckers on the South Lawn.

After he is done watching the end of the daily White House briefing — which goes seven days a week, sometimes as late as 8 p.m. — Mr. Trump eats his usual comfort foods, including French fries, in his private dining room off the Oval Office. He asks staff members who may still be around for an assessment of how the briefing went.

Lately, aides say, his mood has started to brighten as his administration moves to open the economy. His new line, both in public and in private, is that there is reason to be optimistic.

“And at the end of that tunnel, we see light,” Mr. Trump said in the Rose Garden last week.

If he is not staying late in the West Wing, Mr. Trump occasionally has dinner with his wife, Melania Trump, and their son, Barron, who recently celebrated his 14th birthday at home.

By the end of the day, Mr. Trump turns back to his constant companion, television. Upstairs in the White House private quarters — often in his own bedroom or in a nearby den — he flicks from channel to channel, reviewing his performance.

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  • Getbig V
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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3301 on: April 24, 2020, 07:06:09 PM »
Trump was told by some expert that coronavirus dies in sunlight and high temps. Just like any other virus. He then ran with the idea without thinking about how what he was sayi g would sound. He did not say anything about bleach.

Maybe he did and maybe he didn't. Bleach is considered by many to be the ultimate disinfectant because it kills every virus and every germ and doesn't require the dwell time other disinfectants do to work. He did say something about injecting a disinfectant. That's probably just enough to encourage some idiots to run out and buy some household bleach and some syringes so they can self medicate. After all, one couple drank fish tank cleaner because it contained chloroquine phosphate which is also found in an antimalarial medication that Trump suggested could be used to fight COVID-19.

Teutonic Knight 1

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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3302 on: April 24, 2020, 08:51:02 PM »
Maybe he did and maybe he didn't. Bleach is considered by many to be the ultimate disinfectant because it kills every virus and every germ and doesn't require the dwell time other disinfectants do to work. He did say something about injecting a disinfectant. That's probably just enough to encourage some idiots to run out and buy some household bleach and some syringes so they can self medicate. After all, one couple drank fish tank cleaner because it contained chloroquine phosphate which is also found in an antimalarial medication that Trump suggested could be used to fight COVID-19.

Nancy's ice cream collection and her new $ 24 000 fridge is far more interesting subject  ;)

Methyl m1ke

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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3303 on: April 24, 2020, 09:18:53 PM »
Maybe he did and maybe he didn't. Bleach is considered by many to be the ultimate disinfectant because it kills every virus and every germ and doesn't require the dwell time other disinfectants do to work. He did say something about injecting a disinfectant. That's probably just enough to encourage some idiots to run out and buy some household bleach and some syringes so they can self medicate. After all, one couple drank fish tank cleaner because it contained chloroquine phosphate which is also found in an antimalarial medication that Trump suggested could be used to fight COVID-19.

Trump never suggested anyone drink tank cleaner. Stop talking out your ass.


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3304 on: April 24, 2020, 11:42:57 PM »
Trump never suggested anyone drink tank cleaner. Stop talking out your ass.

You're reading with your ass. I never said Trump suggested people drink fish tank cleaner. If you just a smattering of reading comprehension, you'd see that I made it very clear that there are people who do stupid things and the couple who did this are a good example of those people. 


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3305 on: April 25, 2020, 12:20:08 AM »
Maybe he did and maybe he didn't. Bleach is considered by many to be the ultimate disinfectant because it kills every virus and every germ and doesn't require the dwell time other disinfectants do to work. He did say something about injecting a disinfectant. That's probably just enough to encourage some idiots to run out and buy some household bleach and some syringes so they can self medicate. After all, one couple drank fish tank cleaner because it contained chloroquine phosphate which is also found in an antimalarial medication that Trump suggested could be used to fight COVID-19.

people who do things like that shouldnt be in the gene pool anyway..


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3306 on: April 25, 2020, 12:28:17 AM »
people who do things like that shouldnt be in the gene pool anyway..

Perhaps you are right. But since he was and his wife is a senior they likely already added to the gene pool. Their stupidity (or desperation) has no affect on the gene pool.


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3307 on: April 25, 2020, 12:39:33 AM »
Perhaps you are right. But since he was and his wife is a senior they likely already added to the gene pool. Their stupidity (or desperation) has no affect on the gene pool.

el numero uno

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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3308 on: April 25, 2020, 12:54:34 PM »
I think that he had been listening to the medical experts discuss certain potential strategies that could be used in the future. But lacking their scientific background, he jumbled his wording as he attempted to repeat what he had heard them previously saying.

He didn’t need to say anything. The doctor already said everything that needed to be said.

It was taken out of context.

Teutonic Knight 1

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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3309 on: April 25, 2020, 01:41:06 PM »
It was taken out of context.

Saggy is just too much anti Trump, he could be working for China   >:(.


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3310 on: April 25, 2020, 01:48:22 PM »
Why is it usually disgusting degenerate filt that hates trump?

Dick eaters and ghetto trash. No normal dude that wakes up and goes to work hates him. Some may dislike him, but the real anti-trumpers are all undesirables.


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3311 on: April 26, 2020, 02:09:58 AM »
Why is it usually disgusting degenerate filt that hates trump?

Dick eaters and ghetto trash. No normal dude that wakes up and goes to work hates him. Some may dislike him, but the real anti-trumpers are all undesirables.
I can’t stand Trump.  And I am not even American. 


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3312 on: April 26, 2020, 07:11:11 AM »
Soon my friends.. TPTB will win the ultimate war and you will be at their mercy


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3313 on: April 26, 2020, 07:20:21 AM »
I'm not so sure that what Trump said was taken out of context as you claim it was.
No matter how you look at it, it seems he said something really stupid.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3314 on: April 26, 2020, 07:32:43 AM »
I'm not so sure that what Trump said was taken out of context as you claim it was.
No matter how you look at it, it seems he said something really stupid.
Trumptards  trying to spin the unspinnable.
He said something very stupid ,they don't have to defend it ,just admit it and move on.


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3315 on: April 26, 2020, 08:36:54 AM »
Maybe he did and maybe he didn't. Bleach is considered by many to be the ultimate disinfectant because it kills every virus and every germ and doesn't require the dwell time other disinfectants do to work. He did say something about injecting a disinfectant. That's probably just enough to encourage some idiots to run out and buy some household bleach and some syringes so they can self medicate. After all, one couple drank fish tank cleaner because it contained chloroquine phosphate which is also found in an antimalarial medication that Trump suggested could be used to fight COVID-19.

Regardless of who said it - If any retards just go act on using Hazardous Chemicals without verifying exact facts they deserve all they get. What’s it going to get to if every thing has to be spelt out in baby language so Stupid idiots don’t go harm themselves. If they’re that totally stupid they going to do themselves serious harm one way or another sooner or later.  It’s just nature acting to cull the thick ones out of the gene pool,
Like it or not Medical science / is going against nature by constantly keeping the sick / weak etc alive & allowing them to reproduce which just goes against nature completely.
Only The Strongest Survive in Nature .


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3316 on: April 26, 2020, 08:54:05 AM »

Regardless of who said it - If any retards just go act on using Hazardous Chemicals without verifying exact facts they deserve all they get. What’s it going to get to if every thing has to be spelt out in baby language so Stupid idiots don’t go harm themselves. If they’re that totally stupid they going to do themselves serious harm one way or another sooner or later.  It’s just nature acting to cull the thick ones out of the gene pool,
Like it or not Medical science / is going against nature by constantly keeping the sick / weak etc alive & allowing them to reproduce which just goes against nature completely.
Only The Strongest Survive in Nature .

Science goes against nature in a lot of ways.

You probably would not be alive if they didn't.

So with your own logic, you should be dead.

el numero uno

  • Getbig V
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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3317 on: April 26, 2020, 09:00:58 AM »
I'm not so sure that what Trump said was taken out of context as you claim it was.
No matter how you look at it, it seems he said something really stupid.

I guess I wasn't clear enough.

Trump did say something stupid. But to me it sounded like he was inferring things and asking for confirmation from his advisers.

He did not explicitely say "you need to inject bleach" or something like that. He literally said "Is there a way we can do something like that?" before his comment about the desinfectant, and "it'd be interesting to check that" and "sounds interesting"afterwards. So that's what I think it's been taken out of context.

For the record, I'm not a Trump supporter.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3318 on: April 26, 2020, 10:47:58 AM »
Soon my friends.. TPTB will win the ultimate war and you will be at their mercy

Money paper and coins are so laden with germs, there is no way you'd want to handle it right now. Plastic requires minimal touching and the scanner and stylist can be disinfected between users. This is what is happening at the grocery stores in my town. COVID-19 will probably change how commerce is conducted forever.

Yesterday, I wanted a Subway sandwich. The ordering, delivery and transaction involved a minimal of human contact. Ordered and paid for it online, picked it up at the store at the scheduled time. Signed the receipt with my own pen. When I got home I unwrapped it onto a plate and then washed my hands really well before eating it. The store clerks make the sandwich wearing disposable gloves. The opportunity for a transfer of germs was almost totally minimized. 


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3319 on: April 26, 2020, 10:53:36 AM »


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3320 on: April 26, 2020, 11:02:42 AM »
Trumptards  trying to spin the unspinnable.
He said something very stupid ,they don't have to defend it ,just admit it and move on.

Fuck off Chetard, lol.


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3321 on: April 26, 2020, 11:07:06 AM »

What's really going on is that scientists/virologist/doctors are being pressured by the government leadership to provide answers that are as yet unknown. Couple that with people who have no idea what they are talking about with regards to this issue are giving the public completely asinine and false information which is often completely contrary to what little scientific knowledge is available, Trump is one great example of this stupidity. And since many people believe everything he says is the truth are eating it up.

Big Karma

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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3322 on: April 26, 2020, 01:06:35 PM »
Basically it’s an economic war with the US, Japan and Europe against China. The investment side of China’s economy is a disaster as a result of failed central planning for the last 10 years. Their banking sector is 4 times the size of GDP and is loaded with bad loans. As a result, the currency is way overvalued.

The shutdown and devaluation is going to kill the other half of China’s economy, the export sector. The economic pain is the “sacrifice” we have to make for this war. Interesting, how this crisis occurred almost immediately after trade talks between the US and China broke down.

The other option would’ve been to allow the dollar, Euro and Yen to appreciate dramatically against the Yuan. The problem with that is that it would increase the real value of debt for countries that already have high Debt loads and also make exports not competitive with China. It’s really a race to the bottom.

As an aside, I have to laugh at the tools who are calling people conspiracy theorists  because they have the nerve to question why  death rates from this virus are higher in black and Hispanic areas of new York city than they are in the area of China where the virus actually started.

I appreciate how you're taking a fairly optimistic view, when it comes down to it. 

As for the guys who receive media messages as some sort of guiding light of truth, while immediately attacking everything else as "conspiracy", I don"t know what to say.  Makes me wonder what'll become of us if that mindset wins out.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3323 on: April 26, 2020, 01:15:52 PM »
I guess I wasn't clear enough.

Trump did say something stupid. But to me it sounded like he was inferring things and asking for confirmation from his advisers.

He did not explicitely say "you need to inject bleach" or something like that. He literally said "Is there a way we can do something like that?" before his comment about the desinfectant, and "it'd be interesting to check that" and "sounds interesting"afterwards. So that's what I think it's been taken out of context.

For the record, I'm not a Trump supporter.

any one for chlorinated chicken ?

Teutonic Knight 1

  • Getbig IV
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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3324 on: April 26, 2020, 01:25:00 PM »
I can’t stand Trump.  And I am not even American.

Jealous of Melania  ;)