Author Topic: Caffeine increases carbohydrate utilization during exercise  (Read 2201 times)


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Caffeine increases carbohydrate utilization during exercise
« on: April 21, 2006, 06:19:12 AM »
..."Caffeine appears to enhance carb’ metabolism during exercise by speeding the movement of glucose molecules across the intestine and into the blood stream"...


  • Getbig II
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Re: Caffeine increases carbohydrate utilization during exercise
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2006, 11:48:06 PM »
that's an upside, but if you're looking to eat like mad, like me, a hard gainer, caffeine also inhibits you're appetite. and i know this is a fact, not from reading articles, but because i used to drink like two pots a day to stay awake at work. when i'd start drinking at 3 pm, i wouldn't be hungry one bit until i stopped drinking at 9 pm and got home at 10 pm. then, i'd feel like i hadn't eaten for a week and pig the hell out! i don't drink coffee anymore cuz i don't need to stay awake that bad cuz i don't have a job right now. after i stopped drinking coffee, i think i gained like 10 lbs.
P.R.: ate four lbs p-butter in 3 days


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Caffeine increases carbohydrate utilization during exercise
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2006, 11:12:33 AM »
chrisg, what do you mean when you say you are a "hard gainer"? what is your size, age, stats? for me, i was a "lightweight" up until i was about 21 or so. then, i gained slowly. i'm just 5'6, but i'm 38 now, and i weigh 185. (it took me a long time to gain the size i have now)! as you age, your metabolism changes, and you gain weight faster, i think.  ( i still eat like a horse, and have the appetite of a 16 or 17 year old kid, but it's tougher to maintain the muscle mass now).


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Re: Caffeine increases carbohydrate utilization during exercise
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2006, 07:25:20 PM »
chrisg, what do you mean when you say you are a "hard gainer"? what is your size, age, stats? for me, i was a "lightweight" up until i was about 21 or so. then, i gained slowly. i'm just 5'6, but i'm 38 now, and i weigh 185. (it took me a long time to gain the size i have now)! as you age, your metabolism changes, and you gain weight faster, i think.  ( i still eat like a horse, and have the appetite of a 16 or 17 year old kid, but it's tougher to maintain the muscle mass now).

by hard gainer, i mean i have major difficulty gaining weight (unless of course there's a drug involved as you'll see) i'm 6'4 3/4", right now 160 lbs, age 25. got taller my soph/junior year, but have always been skinny. when i graduated from h.s., i was 150 lbs. i was skinny but my quads and hams were massive from being in cross country and track all through h.s. seemingly, i had no visible fat anywhere, had a nice six pack, but you could see my ribs somewhat.

i stayed that way until 2001 when i was put on a mood stabilizer med that increased my appetite significantly and i went from 150 to 220 in under a year. but i was only somewhat working chest and bi's at the time. that was the first time i had [major] belly fat. after that, my doc said i was fat and put me on a drug that decreased my appetite. i went all the way down to 180 and then got off that crap. after that, my meds were changed frequently until about 6 months ago when i dropped the dosage of one myself cuz i was sick of losing weight, slowly but surely. but i lost another 10 lbs anyway cuz i still have to remain on it cuz i just do.

it used to be my lower half (waist down) had the strongest muscles--now it's my mainly just chest and tri's. my back has never been strong. i can't even do one wide grip chin. and just when i was starting to do squats to work the lower back (prob weakest body part), just free weights, my general practitioner says i have to get an MRI and no physical activity until i get the results. says if they don't find a slipped disc, i will have to go into physical rehab.

you say you weigh 185. i know this sounds crazy, but i wish i was 185 and i'm 6'4". i just wish i had started lifting hardcore when i was 220. my dream is to make 300, but i'm not even thinking about that right now. just living minute to minute. you're right about metabolism though. mine has changed a little. but sometimes i don't know if it's my age or the meds that are screwing with it. i f*cking hate drugs. i dunno how i got off track here, but good luck to you and maintaining that muscle of yours.
P.R.: ate four lbs p-butter in 3 days


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Re: Caffeine increases carbohydrate utilization during exercise
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2006, 03:48:05 PM »
dude, i'm sorry if i sound like i'm prying into your business, but why did the doc put you on these meds? do you still need to be on them? i'd say, imo, that the meds are probably one reason why you are having problems gaining weight. when you said almosy 6'5, i was like"holy shit", you are kinda thin for that height.  i have a few friends that suffer from depression(bi-polar), etc, and need meds to help stabalize them, but they also say the meds make them sick and not too hungry. i'd say just keep on trying. do you take any supplements? (protein powders, etc?) that's how i gained dude. my 185 ain't all muscle bro. (i have a 38 waist)! :'(  but i look better no than i did like 15 years ago. i'd post a pic, but i do not have a scanner. (if you have a picture, please post it). i'd just like to see it.  keep strong bro!   8)


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Re: Caffeine increases carbohydrate utilization during exercise
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2006, 03:52:18 PM »
p.s. - by the way, 185 doesn't sound crazy bro for a man of your height! you say 300lbs, and i think that would be cool for your height! (why did the doc say you were fat at 220lbs?! was the guy crazy?!!! 220lbs is not fat for your height bro!) if you see this doc, PUNCH HIM OUT NEXT TIME!!!)  >:(


  • Getbig II
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Re: Caffeine increases carbohydrate utilization during exercise
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2006, 11:50:08 PM »
I'm on meds for really high anxiety. One of the meds is used for bipolar, which I don't have, but it helps with the anxiety. I'm not depressed though. That one is the one that decreases my appetite. I'm on another one that is a mood stabilizer, but also has many other benefits. And the last one is just for generalized anxiety. Once I stopped taking the last one because the pharmacy gave me the wrong drug (it looked the same, except it didn't have these numbers like normally) and I lost 15 pounds in 7 days from withdrawal. Someone told me kids sell these tablets on the street for $10 per 1 mg. I take 2 mg twice daily. But this stuff makes them high and makes me better. I have about 30 samples of the drug that increased my appetite so much back in 2001. The same doc gave them to me after I got really skinny again. But, they wouldn't do much good. I'd be on them for a month, one a day, and then I'd be out. He said I was fat when I was 220 because my gut was so big. Unfortunately, I don't many pics of myself from back then. The pics I do have are from my older bro's wedding. I could enlarge them and use them for inspiration or something on my bedroom wall. I could post a pic of what I look like now, but I'm pretty self-conscious. How about I just post a pic of Gunter Schlierkamp w/ the neck too and then put my head on top? Hehe. It would still look weird. I look at those wedding pics all the time. Yeah, maybe I barely had much muscle, but I was still tall and 70 pounds heavier than a year before. My arms were huge, broader shoulders, thicker neck and chest. That's about all you can see in it. Even my face is more puffed out. I've heard that if you take a sh*tload of B-12, that can increase your appetite, but who knows. I take weight gainer w/ protein in it, but NOW, wtf is the point of taking weight gainer w/ protein when I'm not supposed to be doing any physical activity. I still do dips every day (no leaning forward, I try to strictly work the triceps) and occasionally push-ups.
P.R.: ate four lbs p-butter in 3 days


  • Getbig II
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Re: Caffeine increases carbohydrate utilization during exercise
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2006, 11:54:37 PM »
When I said I know 185 sounds crazy, I meant that I should way much more than that, so wishing that I was that much sounds pretty weird. But, the fact that I weight so little now, an extra 25 pounds I wouldn't mind. Hell, I wouldn't mind an extra 10 pounds--at least I might notice a difference. Five pounds, I probably wouldn't notice anything.
P.R.: ate four lbs p-butter in 3 days


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Caffeine increases carbohydrate utilization during exercise
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2006, 03:10:17 PM »
wow, i'm sorry that you have to b on the shit youtake for high anxiety. have you tried any kind of relaxation stuff? ( tapes or anything)? not to be too nosey, but are you a friend of dr bob and bill w? (do you know what i mean when i say this?) i am a recovering alkie myself, and i can relate with feelings of depression and anxiety once in a while. i have never had to take any meds for my condition though. lifting weights has helped me with me depression and has gotten me to where i am today. just keep going strong bro! can u do ANY physical activity at all? (push ups, sit ups, chin ups, anything???!!) i feel for you bro! would it help if i prayed for ya? just hang in there!  :)


  • Getbig II
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Re: Caffeine increases carbohydrate utilization during exercise
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2006, 11:30:43 PM »
The doctor said no weights whatsoever, although I don't see how doing sitting alternate bb curls is gonna mess w/ my back, etc. I have this "thing"--can't remember what it's called, that I bought from a boxing company (heavy metal bars, bolts, washers, nuts, pads and grips for support) and put it together myself. It allows me to do wide-grip chins, which I said I can't even manage, regular chins, dips, leg lifts and sit-ups. I just use it for dips. Every day. Used to be able to do three sets of fifteen 6 months ago. Then, I lost my job, lost motivation, and stopped until about a month ago. I'm up to three sets of six now. My tri's are a bit harder and a little more defined, but I seriously don't even know if it's worth it to be consuming more than RDA for protein. I do push-ups once in a while with push-up bars, but I don't do crunches cuz I'm afraid I might strain my back.

As far as drinking goes, I used to be a binge drinker, as you asked, but unlike a lot of kids, I didn't start drinking til after college, which I wasn't able to finish. After a certain point, I'd just drink exponentially until I passed out or someone brought me home. Don't drink like that anymore. That's not the cause of the anxiety. I don't think it's hereditary. Pretty much had a nerv breakdown in college and I've been on prescription drugs ever since 1999. Unfortunately, I'm told I'll prob be on this stuff for the rest of my life, unless they make great strides in nanotechnology and I get some chips planted in my brain to control the release of neurotransmitters, hehe. But, I've already accepted what they said. I just hate it though when I tell people my situation (if they ask) and they're like there's no miracle drugs out there that will increase your appetite up to par. But there are: HIV patients and cancer patients take certain drugs that do just that. Unfortunately, my condition isn't "serious" enough to need that kind of help. Maybe if I lose another 20 pounds (not on purpose), my doc will take some sort of action.

I've never listened to relaxation tapes, but breathing correctly seems to help a lot and just sitting in front of a movie really seems to slow the flood of thoughts cuz I'm focused what's going on. Thanks for your offerings of prayer and what not. If my anxiety level were about half what it normally is, this reply would be about four sentences I think. Sorry bro. 
P.R.: ate four lbs p-butter in 3 days


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Re: Caffeine increases carbohydrate utilization during exercise
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2006, 01:04:59 PM »
it's ok bro! just keep doing what you are doing. (i'm no doctor, but who told you that you had to be on the meds for the rest of your life???!!!) this doctor that told you this sounds like a real doctor killpatient! (like i said, beef yourself up and PUNCH HIM/HER OUT!!!) i'd have to disagree with this bro! i know people who took stuff like that who no longer need it now, or just have cut down there dosage. i'd experiment with other doctors, and get other opinions! (i can't see being on meds for anixiety the rest of your life.!) i guess i just don't understand what it is you have. sorry bro...i hope you see where i am coming from. i do suggest you keep on lifting weights though!(my counselor told me that exercise releases endorphines in the brain, and makes you fell less anxious and depressed.)  keep experimenting with different things to help your appetite. good luck!   :)