Author Topic: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.  (Read 206016 times)


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2275 on: November 13, 2023, 01:40:44 PM »
Why are you taking all these FNG pictures of yourself all the time?   At least you bought a belt for once.  The stache looks awful.   I guess Em not being in the picture any more you gave up on the model look.    :)

You guys claim I have a botched surgery and a 40 inch gut. I am showing that is not the case. I see you are talking about another mans wife online pussy


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2276 on: November 13, 2023, 01:42:13 PM »
You guys claim I have a botched surgery and a 40 inch gut. I am showing that is not the case.


44 inch relaxed gut


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2277 on: November 13, 2023, 01:50:00 PM »
You guys will claim I haven't shared a pic because I am out of shape. I share one showing I am in shape then its hey you are a weirdo sharing pics. The this idiot shows pics of me in clothes and claims I have a gut despite me being shredded 2 seconds later when I take off the shirt it's just nonsense. Then it's oh you have lost 20lbs bullshit I am 220lbs. I haven't lost shit other than a Hernia.


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2278 on: November 13, 2023, 01:53:08 PM »
You guys will claim I haven't shared a pic because I am out of shape. I share one showing I am in shape then its hey you are a weirdo sharing pics. The this idiot shows pics of me in clothes and claims I have a gut despite me being shredded 2 seconds later when I take off the shirt it's just nonsense. Then it's oh you have lost 20lbs bullshit I am 220lbs. I haven't lost shit other than a Hernia.

Agreed, just lost the legs, arm and hair


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2279 on: November 13, 2023, 06:23:02 PM »
untrained off gear and exactly the same as you were training full time and juiced to the gills

Sounds legit

But I don’t look the same the Hernia is gone now. Also not bulking and definitely training condition is good

Bhanksian truth-by-omission:

"untrained" - denied
"off gear" -
"and exactly the same" - denied


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2280 on: November 13, 2023, 08:05:16 PM »
The hernia operation is botched because of the continued pain and discomfort causing him to abandon training.  That ain't going away regardless of the cosmetics.  Will never be able to train "heavy" again.

1. "sheared from the bone Tricep"
2. Restless Leg syndrome
3. Shaky hands from childhood
4. Bone on Bone knees and surgeries (Titanium/adamantium rods)
5. Torn right pec ("missing half a pec")
6. Surgical re-attachment of right tricep
7. 3 Shoulder surgeries, one on the right side the other 2 were on the left side.
8. Cut bicep tendon from a shoulder surgery
9. Barrett’s esophagus
10. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
11. Crohnes disease
12. Bile reflux
13. Hiatal hernia
14. Umbilical hernia
15. Polyps and cyst (pre-cancerous)
16. Bleeding ulcer
17. Bloody shits, nausea and indigestion and vomiting
18. shin splints in the forearms
19. magnesium and other mineral deficiencies
20. Stingray puncture of left or right foot (he can't remember, see dementia below and "225x15" and 7=10-11)
21. Anemia
22. Anxiety
23. Depression
24. Arthritis
25. Something with the neck from demolition derby (whiplash)
26. ACUTE Organ failure hacking up bile
27. Dementia/Alzheimers (possibly vaping induced)
28. Anorexia
29. "precancerous polyps and cyst throughout digestive system"
30. 2 Herniated bulging disc one lower back and one in the neck possibly causing nerve damage and atrophy on the right arm
31. Astigmatism
32. Broken toe from hopping out of bed
33. Possibly Infected veinless cutless bicep
34. Thrombosed Hemorrhoid
35. Missing esophageal sphincter
36. Male pattern baldness
37.  Erectile dysfunction
38.  Hands and arms completely numb in sleep
39.  Bulimia
40.  Agoraphobia  (not Agorgophobia though)
41.  Lactose Intolerant
42.  Baker's cyst
43.  Cleggian shoulder dislocation
44.  Two-step "sliding knee"
45.  "temporary Injury in the quad" (as of 6/28/23)
46.  Throwing up in the morning (daily ritual before dbol breakfast)
47.  Insomnia due to left shoulder aches
48.  Legs still don't bend right
49.  Starvation requiring midnight cooking meals
50.  can’t hear out of left ear and there is a constant ringing
51.  minor tendon strain pull in the right arm
52.  Sore throat
53.  Debilitating sunburn
54.  110 resting heartrate after coffee
55.  Bench press shakes from Adrenalin or Sugar Imbalance
56.  Elevated liver enzymes and high Hematocrit
57.  Pituitary gland doesn’t seem to be making anything
58.  Tennis elbow/stress fracture
59.  Tweaked right bicep from setting denied World Record Strict Curling in wrong weight class
60.  Red area around the [hernia operation] wound with some yellow puss and a swollen lymph node
61.  Infected hernia side incisions
62.  2 cm meniscus tear
63.  Tennis elbow requiring cortisone injections every 6 months for 2 years
64.  Delts have been dislocated and they do not sit the same in the joint. One is always rolled forward and the other is always rolled backward.
65.  abs hurt when he coughs
66.   foreign objected surgically implanted into abdomen
67.  Acute abdomen pain forcing two day break in post-surgery comeback training
68.  Medically too lean
69. sick the last few mornings with acid reflux in ndigestuin and no appetite (sic)
70.  Dead arm
71.  Botched hernia operation


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2281 on: November 14, 2023, 05:35:52 AM »
I agree with Marty that the standing military press should be added to the contest.

That's a good lift for me.

My push press is over 250-lb right now. That used to be the qualifying lift for entry into the open/heavyweight Ontario's Strongest Man, along with a 585-lb deadlift, until they changed the criteria. Now you have to compete in two regional shows to qualify, and they have weight classes. Weight classes start at 80-kg / 176.4-lb, up to super-heavyweight, which is 265+.

Before, anyone who could push press 250-lb and deadlift 585-lb could enter Ontario's Strongest Man. Prior to around 2007-2010, you could just sign up and enter it.

B. Hank disparages weight classes, but not everyone wants to be 280+, and be running tons of sauce. B. Hank then disparaged me personally by saying "There is no 160-lb Strongman."

Excuse me - I compete in 80-kg /176.4-lb [lightweight] Strongman, and I can assure Brian that it's a real class of Strongman.

Check out how strong some of these guys are, then consider that they are only 176-lb or lighter:

I just found that unnecessarily disrespectful when he said "There is no 160-lb Strongman." It's 176.4-lb, but he just had to diminish what I compete in by exaggerating the low body weight of the class.

Could you imagine I said to Brian "True bodybuilding isn't some regional show with five competitors." I wouldn't say that because it would be a dick thing to say. Purposely diminishing his effort by making his competition seem inferior. I could have said that, but I don't attack people for no reason [everyone I have attacked on here start unprovoked beefs with me when I am being respectful to them].

As for my standing military press - I'll try for 225-lb on my next delts workout to see what I can do. I would think I can get it, strictly.

Brian bashing my seated overhead dumbbell presses and diminishing my weight class is why I selected to make an example of him.

Check out some of those world level lightweights, Hulkotron. They do a Farmer's Walk with 285-lb per hand [570-lb total weight]. Keep in mind that they uses to do 265-lb at World's Strongest Man as late as 2002-2006. Today, they do about 400-lb per hand [800-lb total weight].

Currently, I can get 285-lb per hand for 80-ft in 60 seconds. But the top guys in my weight class in the world can get it in sub-15 seconds.

Even Lawrence Shahlaei said he probably couldn't do it faster [and would need to add 100-lb to beat them].

Obviously the open guys are much stronger. But the lightweight 176-lb guys [my class] are actually very impressive handling pretty heavy weight. Walking with 570-lb is no joke.

I strongly Brian cannot even lock out 285-lb per hand with the Farmer's implement, let alone walk with it. Meanwhile, I can complete an 80 foot course with that weight within the 60 second timeframe.

Like I said, that's why I had to make an example of Brian.

Though I might not quite be strong enough to win the 80-kg Nationals, I could make weight within a month, and out of the 20 top lightweights in Canada, I'm confident I could be Top #4-10.

So I was very confident I could beat Brian. He felt the need to trash my class, and that's why I wanted to publicly beat him.

Him diminishing my weight class, and bashing my pressing form when my presses are my best lift made me want to show him up publicly. Aa for being a lightweight  Lol, as if everyone wants to be some 280+lb zit covered gym rat with an enlarged heart, taking 20+ years off his lifespan.

I'm quite happy being sub-200-lb. From what I can tell, my health is still what it was when I was 170-lb [every medical test is in the optimal range], and I happen to like the look.

Brian projects a lot. He assumes because be wants to be as big and shredded as possible that everyone shares the same goals.

Walter also thinks I'm one of those guys. Thinks I'm lying when I say I rarely run gear, and that I hate to eat. Meanwhile, why did I suddenly become 200-lb after being 170 from 2007-2017?

Because  I purposely selected to be 170, and now I purposely selecting to be 200. And if I ran a cycle, I'd be 220 within eight weeks.

I don't understand why some people don't comprehend that not everyone shares their goals.

Hulkotron - you have made self-deprecating remarks about your own strength...but I'm assuming that's intentional?

You already have a Top 1% bench press. Why risk injury to push it? For me - I have reasons, but I absolutely understand why you would be happy staying in the Top 1%. It's not like your health will go up if you bench 405.

For me, as I said, I like the 200-lb look. I have a penchant for my new look. Yes...a "penchant", lol. I assume people unhappy with their physiques or accomplishments would go online pretending to be a woman for ~11 years, and lie and claim to have a 4.33s 40-yard dash time [0.11s away from Usain Bolt's time, lol], etc.

Believe it or not [Brian], I am happy with how I look. It's a healthy weight, and a TRUE "everyday, easy to maintain without gear" look:


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2282 on: November 14, 2023, 05:53:08 AM »
I hit a bench press PR last night: 355-lb.

I'm very happy about it! No complaints.

355-lb video:

Here's 265 to 345:

I also did 265 for eight STRICT [paused] reps at the end of my set.

I feel that I can get 250 x15 *strict* reps [no bounce] right now.

I am likely just at 225x25 [bounced] reps right now.

I'll be trying a 365-lb lifetime PR next week!

I'm confident I can get it. I will then add 5-lb per set until I fail.

Since I'm so close to 375-lb right now [my ultimate goal], I may just try it each week until I successfully reach my goal. I don't see myself catching Big Ro! But if I can get 375 to his 396, I will be very happy with the results of my work ethic through this challenge thread/contest.

If I fail to not add 5-lb on any given week, I'll drop down to 300-350, and try to get as many reps as possible.

Everything is going great though! That 355 bench along with my 555 deadlift were both very satisfying to hit!  :)

Screenshots below of my 325/345/355 bench press singles from last night. For videos, check my Instagram page:


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2283 on: November 14, 2023, 06:06:11 AM »
Good benching MattC.

Grape Ape

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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2284 on: November 14, 2023, 06:11:17 AM »
Matt, please tell your gym that the 1970s hotel hallway association called, and would like their carpet back.

We expect a full rubber floor installed by end of January.


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2285 on: November 14, 2023, 06:18:50 AM »
That's a good lift for me.

My push press is over 250-lb right now. That used to be the qualifying lift for entry into the open/heavyweight Ontario's Strongest Man, along with a 585-lb deadlift, until they changed the criteria. Now you have to compete in two regional shows to qualify, and they have weight classes. Weight classes start at 80-kg / 176.4-lb, up to super-heavyweight, which is 265+.

Before, anyone who could push press 250-lb and deadlift 585-lb could enter Ontario's Strongest Man. Prior to around 2007-2010, you could just sign up and enter it.

B. Hank disparages weight classes, but not everyone wants to be 280+, and be running tons of sauce. B. Hank then disparaged me personally by saying "There is no 160-lb Strongman."

Excuse me - I compete in 80-kg /176.4-lb [lightweight] Strongman, and I can assure Brian that it's a real class of Strongman.

Check out how strong some of these guys are, then consider that they are only 176-lb or lighter:

I just found that unnecessarily disrespectful when he said "There is no 160-lb Strongman." It's 176.4-lb, but he just had to diminish what I compete in by exaggerating the low body weight of the class.

Could you imagine I said to Brian "True bodybuilding isn't some regional show with five competitors." I wouldn't say that because it would be a dick thing to say. Purposely diminishing his effort by making his competition seem inferior. I could have said that, but I don't attack people for no reason [everyone I have attacked on here start unprovoked beefs with me when I am being respectful to them].

As for my standing military press - I'll try for 225-lb on my next delts workout to see what I can do. I would think I can get it, strictly.

Brian bashing my seated overhead dumbbell presses and diminishing my weight class is why I selected to make an example of him.

Check out some of those world level lightweights, Hulkotron. They do a Farmer's Walk with 285-lb per hand [570-lb total weight]. Keep in mind that they uses to do 265-lb at World's Strongest Man as late as 2002-2006. Today, they do about 400-lb per hand [800-lb total weight].

Currently, I can get 285-lb per hand for 80-ft in 60 seconds. But the top guys in my weight class in the world can get it in sub-15 seconds.

Even Lawrence Shahlaei said he probably couldn't do it faster [and would need to add 100-lb to beat them].

Obviously the open guys are much stronger. But the lightweight 176-lb guys [my class] are actually very impressive handling pretty heavy weight. Walking with 570-lb is no joke.

I strongly Brian cannot even lock out 285-lb per hand with the Farmer's implement, let alone walk with it. Meanwhile, I can complete an 80 foot course with that weight within the 60 second timeframe.

Like I said, that's why I had to make an example of Brian.

Though I might not quite be strong enough to win the 80-kg Nationals, I could make weight within a month, and out of the 20 top lightweights in Canada, I'm confident I could be Top #4-10.

So I was very confident I could beat Brian. He felt the need to trash my class, and that's why I wanted to publicly beat him.

Him diminishing my weight class, and bashing my pressing form when my presses are my best lift made me want to show him up publicly. Aa for being a lightweight  Lol, as if everyone wants to be some 280+lb zit covered gym rat with an enlarged heart, taking 20+ years off his lifespan.

I'm quite happy being sub-200-lb. From what I can tell, my health is still what it was when I was 170-lb [every medical test is in the optimal range], and I happen to like the look.

Brian projects a lot. He assumes because be wants to be as big and shredded as possible that everyone shares the same goals.

Walter also thinks I'm one of those guys. Thinks I'm lying when I say I rarely run gear, and that I hate to eat. Meanwhile, why did I suddenly become 200-lb after being 170 from 2007-2017?

Because  I purposely selected to be 170, and now I purposely selecting to be 200. And if I ran a cycle, I'd be 220 within eight weeks.

I don't understand why some people don't comprehend that not everyone shares their goals.

Hulkotron - you have made self-deprecating remarks about your own strength...but I'm assuming that's intentional?

You already have a Top 1% bench press. Why risk injury to push it? For me - I have reasons, but I absolutely understand why you would be happy staying in the Top 1%. It's not like your health will go up if you bench 405.

For me, as I said, I like the 200-lb look. I have a penchant for my new look. Yes...a "penchant", lol. I assume people unhappy with their physiques or accomplishments would go online pretending to be a woman for ~11 years, and lie and claim to have a 4.33s 40-yard dash time [0.11s away from Usain Bolt's time, lol], etc.

Believe it or not [Brian], I am happy with how I look. It's a healthy weight, and a TRUE "everyday, easy to maintain without gear" look:

There is no such thing as a 176lb strongman much less 170lb just like there is no such thing as a 154lb bodybuilder unless you are a fucking midget which you are not. You are nowhere near 176lb you are 30lbs over that weight class that is not your weight class. I wrestled 145lbs in high school is that my weight class now??? Also your dumbbell "shoulder" presses were trash they never came near your shoulder.

And how have you taught me a lesson and made an example out of me by staging a weightlifting contest I can't compete in while I recover from surgery? Yeah you showed me.


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2286 on: November 14, 2023, 06:25:09 AM »
I hit a bench press PR last night: 355-lb.

I'm very happy about it! No complaints.

355-lb video:

Here's 265 to 345:

I also did 265 for eight STRICT [paused] reps at the end of my set.

I feel that I can get 250 x15 *strict* reps [no bounce] right now.

I am likely just at 225x25 [bounced] reps right now.

I'll be trying a 365-lb lifetime PR next week!

I'm confident I can get it. I will then add 5-lb per set until I fail.

Since I'm so close to 375-lb right now [my ultimate goal], I may just try it each week until I successfully reach my goal. I don't see myself catching Big Ro! But if I can get 375 to his 396, I will be very happy with the results of my work ethic through this challenge thread/contest.

If I fail to not add 5-lb on any given week, I'll drop down to 300-350, and try to get as many reps as possible.

Everything is going great though! That 355 bench along with my 555 deadlift were both very satisfying to hit!  :)

Screenshots below of my 325/345/355 bench press singles from last night. For videos, check my Instagram page:

Great lift but we are doing equipped lifts now?? Are you going to bust out the slingshot for the 365?


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2287 on: November 14, 2023, 07:00:28 AM »
There is no such thing as a 176lb strongman much less 170lb just like there is no such thing as a 154lb bodybuilder unless you are a fucking midget which you are not. You are nowhere near 176lb you are 30lbs over that weight class that is not your weight class. I wrestled 145lbs in high school is that my weight class now??? Also your dumbbell "shoulder" presses were trash they never came near your shoulder.

And how have you taught me a lesson and made an example out of me by staging a weightlifting contest I can't compete in while I recover from surgery? Yeah you showed me.


nah hes not a bodybuilder


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2288 on: November 14, 2023, 08:10:39 AM »
The hernia operation is botched because of the continued pain and discomfort causing him to abandon training.  That ain't going away regardless of the cosmetics.  Will never be able to train "heavy" again.

1. "sheared from the bone Tricep"
2. Restless Leg syndrome
3. Shaky hands from childhood
4. Bone on Bone knees and surgeries (Titanium/adamantium rods)
5. Torn right pec ("missing half a pec")
6. Surgical re-attachment of right tricep
7. 3 Shoulder surgeries, one on the right side the other 2 were on the left side.
8. Cut bicep tendon from a shoulder surgery
9. Barrett’s esophagus
10. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
11. Crohnes disease
12. Bile reflux
13. Hiatal hernia
14. Umbilical hernia
15. Polyps and cyst (pre-cancerous)
16. Bleeding ulcer
17. Bloody shits, nausea and indigestion and vomiting
18. shin splints in the forearms
19. magnesium and other mineral deficiencies
20. Stingray puncture of left or right foot (he can't remember, see dementia below and "225x15" and 7=10-11)
21. Anemia
22. Anxiety
23. Depression
24. Arthritis
25. Something with the neck from demolition derby (whiplash)
26. ACUTE Organ failure hacking up bile
27. Dementia/Alzheimers (possibly vaping induced)
28. Anorexia
29. "precancerous polyps and cyst throughout digestive system"
30. 2 Herniated bulging disc one lower back and one in the neck possibly causing nerve damage and atrophy on the right arm
31. Astigmatism
32. Broken toe from hopping out of bed
33. Possibly Infected veinless cutless bicep
34. Thrombosed Hemorrhoid
35. Missing esophageal sphincter
36. Male pattern baldness
37.  Erectile dysfunction
38.  Hands and arms completely numb in sleep
39.  Bulimia
40.  Agoraphobia  (not Agorgophobia though)
41.  Lactose Intolerant
42.  Baker's cyst
43.  Cleggian shoulder dislocation
44.  Two-step "sliding knee"
45.  "temporary Injury in the quad" (as of 6/28/23)
46.  Throwing up in the morning (daily ritual before dbol breakfast)
47.  Insomnia due to left shoulder aches
48.  Legs still don't bend right
49.  Starvation requiring midnight cooking meals
50.  can’t hear out of left ear and there is a constant ringing
51.  minor tendon strain pull in the right arm
52.  Sore throat
53.  Debilitating sunburn
54.  110 resting heartrate after coffee
55.  Bench press shakes from Adrenalin or Sugar Imbalance
56.  Elevated liver enzymes and high Hematocrit
57.  Pituitary gland doesn’t seem to be making anything
58.  Tennis elbow/stress fracture
59.  Tweaked right bicep from setting denied World Record Strict Curling in wrong weight class
60.  Red area around the [hernia operation] wound with some yellow puss and a swollen lymph node
61.  Infected hernia side incisions
62.  2 cm meniscus tear
63.  Tennis elbow requiring cortisone injections every 6 months for 2 years
64.  Delts have been dislocated and they do not sit the same in the joint. One is always rolled forward and the other is always rolled backward.
65.  abs hurt when he coughs
66.   foreign objected surgically implanted into abdomen
67.  Acute abdomen pain forcing two day break in post-surgery comeback training
68.  Medically too lean
69. sick the last few mornings with acid reflux in ndigestuin and no appetite (sic)
70.  Dead arm
71.  Botched hernia operation
72. Split Personality - as 2 retards sharing account

1 more added.  ;D

Dave D

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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2289 on: November 14, 2023, 08:30:00 AM »
Matt are you stronger at 204 than you were at 176 (I mean pound for pound).


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2290 on: November 14, 2023, 09:02:22 AM »

nah hes not a bodybuilder
Makkawy weighed around 165.


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2291 on: November 14, 2023, 09:03:43 AM »
Bhank should only be able to see and respond to ESfitness posts and visa versa.  If they post in each other ms threads it’s only a matter of time until they get into it. 


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2292 on: November 14, 2023, 12:01:24 PM »

nah hes not a bodybuilder

Midget I already said unless you are a fucking midget you dumb twat


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2293 on: November 14, 2023, 12:37:42 PM »
Midget I already said unless you are a fucking midget you dumb twat
6ft 195lbs


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2294 on: November 14, 2023, 01:04:50 PM »
6ft 195lbs

Which has what to do with anything?


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2295 on: November 14, 2023, 02:13:47 PM »
Which has what to do with anything?
its evidence that you can take off a bicyle tyre with the handle of two spoons to mend a puncture

Also before you put the inner tube back always run your finger on the inside of the tyre in case there are any small nails that could re-puncture the tyre again

So add 1 yolk to every two whites when making a banana loaf


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2296 on: November 14, 2023, 02:39:29 PM »
Good benching MattC.

Thanks Hulkotron!

I feel I can still go up a little bit without putting on any additional body weight. I think I'll get 375 @199. There are two guys in my city that did that: Niall Beatty got 370 @170 and 385 @185 [after pressing 365 under contest rules @185 that same day], and Dan Skaarup got 400 @200, and an astonishing 475 @205 [after pressing 455 under contest rules, also that same day, in the same contest as Niall].

475 @205...this is a JustPlaneJane level of accomplishment.

Video of the above lifts:

So if I can get 375 @199, I'd be very pleased as a sub-200-lb lifter.

One issue I have is - I don't want to weigh over 200-lb, because it's a trade-off for health/speed/mobility [stuff like that], but I want to make some improvements. I'm limiting myself with my body weight constraint, but my reasons for staying sub-200 are valid.

So I need to accept that I will plateau somewhere, and it could be soon. I'm going to push that as far up as I can, but my constraints are. [1] ~200 body weight or lower, [2] maintain the strength clean of gear or supplements.

The "everyday look, easy to maintain without a ton of gear" that we joke about pros having.

I don't mind running a light gear cycle, or taking a month of creatine or something, but I want to max out at lifts I can maintain until I'm 50-60 years old.

I'm starting Grape Ape's deadlift modifications this week, and I hope I can push my DL as close to 600 as possible.

I always want to get stronger, but optimal health underlies everything I do.

Photos of Niall Beatty - who benched 385 at 185. I'm told he is natural. I don't get how guys like John Haack deadlift 900 @200. I'll be very grateful if I get 600 @200.


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2297 on: November 14, 2023, 03:00:26 PM »
Here's a 225-lb for reps challenge we did for charity in Thunder Bay in 2012. I got 14 reps while weighing 167-lb, and start at just before the 10-minute mark:

And Walter Sobchak thinks I used steroids to get my strength. LMAO...yeah, at 167-lb, I was on juice.  ::)

What an absolute pathetic weakling the man who owns the Walter Sobchak account is to think you need steroids to be at that level, lol.

But he benches 165-lb for one, maybe two. So you can't blame him.

Also, reading the comments touches on what I've mentioned before - people are not so much impressed with my poundages, but my strength for my size.

That's why people watch me train and take note. My lifts are OK, but they are a lot more impressive given how "ordinary" I am in size/weight.

IMO, people can relate to me.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2298 on: November 14, 2023, 03:22:39 PM »
Great comments about me from the video above.  ;D Yet more proof that Walter/Jane [same person/man] bashing me is utterly delusional. The very last comment relates to Walter/Jane and his lie about a 4.33s 40-yard dash, lol. Yet people on here actually believe him, and then think they are slow and can't compete. All because of online liars like Walter/Jane, SquadFatter, etc. I'm telling you - online bullshit gets in EVERYONE'S heads. Example: I knew I was strong. But I had NO IDEA that only one active Getbigger currently out-benches me [BigRo]. I expected 5-10. But the bullshit claims by losers like Walter get in people's heads.

He claimed to "warm up with my workout." LOL...the fucking tool benches 170, max.

I have no idea how that one guy knew about my wrestling background [second upload below]. That was a long time ago. But if you spend years grappling, you never really forget it.

One thing is for certain - if Walter ever doxxed himself or wanted to fight me, he'd be on the ground bleeding. On some level, he's completely aware of that. Also, N-O-B-O-D-Y talks shit to people like that in real life.

I'm very easy to find in my city. I'm at either Northside Fitness in the Prince Arthur Hotel, or at the Canada Games Complex all the time. Anyone who wants to talk to me in person is welcome to. But I should point out: I won't tolerate anyone attacking my family in real life, and I don't give a fuck about going to jail. Any other attacks, I would tolerate. Walter would be badly hurt if I ever saw him in real life - but ONLY for the comments about my family. Everything else is cool with me. NOT that Walter would ever come up to me in person. I'm still laughing at how Walter claimed to have a 114-lb girlfriend in the CONCLUSIVELY NEVER HAPPENED "Chicago Meet-up of Getbiggers."

That to me is literally the ultimate satisfaction - no matter what Walter says to me, I just think about how he made up having a girlfriend, and claimed a weight of 114-lb for her, because he literally has no clue what women weigh.  ;D

Why would a person TERRIFIED of posting his picture on here bring his GIRLFRIEND to a public meeting, where pictures of her could be taken and circulate on here, where she would be bashed mo matter WHAT she looked like. So buddy makes up having a 114-lb girlfriend, again, because he has no clue what adult women actually weigh because he rarely fucks them.  ;D Again, Walter being caught in that lie was huge satisfaction to me.  :)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #2299 on: November 14, 2023, 03:25:55 PM »
Great comments about me from the video above.  ;D Yet more proof that Walter/Jane [same person/man] bashing me is utterly delusional. The very last comment relates to Walter/Jane and his lie about a 4.33s 40-yard dash, lol. Yet people on here actually believe him, and then think they are slow and can't compete. All because of online liars like Walter/Jane, SquadFatter, etc.

No idea how that one guy knew about my wrestling background. That was a long time ago. But if you spend years grappling, you never really forget it.

One thing is for certain - if Walter ever doxxee himself or wanted to fight me, he'd be on the ground bleeding. On some level, he's completely aware of that. Also, N-O-B-O-D-Y talks shit to people like that in real life.

I'm very easy to find in my city. I'm at either Northside Fitness in the Prince Arthur Hotel, or at the Canada Games Complex all the time. Anyone who wants to talk to me in person is welcome to. But I should point out: I won't tolerate anyone attacking my family in real life, and I don't give a fuck about going to jail. Any other attacks, I would tolerate. Walter would be badly hurt if I ever saw him in real life - but ONLY for the comments about my family. Everything else is cool with me.

Matt, if someone asked you if your family took the jab would this be an attack on your family?

 I also think it’s deplorable for you forcing your kids to get the jab..

Pathetic cuck..