Author Topic: london has gone from 70% white to 30% and it's great according to bill maher  (Read 2278 times)


  • Getbig V
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  • Child of Y'srael
When did this way of thinking actually start?

You didn't see thinking like this in White countries in the 50s, 60s, 70s etc.

Sweden in the 60s and 70s was great, some immigrants here and there but not hordes.

Kwon, "white people" took alot of others spaces and alot of other's property and alot of other's lives and alot of others cultures and history. Once that happened, they wanted that to be "the way" indefinitely. That's absolutely not how things work. You should blame your leaders for selling you out and the you know whose for selling you up the river. 

Now you have loudmouths like me on the internet destroying the revisionist narratives telling people the truths of history, empowering them in numerous ways while your governments and leaders work to destabilize your countries, United States included with migrant immigration, police state, socialism soon to be communism while they sit atop their ivory towers and let you all take the punishment for what they did and sooner than later, you'll be 2nd class citizens with everyone else. It will be elite and then everyone else.

The good thing is, for obedient Israelites and Gentiles that follow them is that while there will be hell on earth for a short time, including the anti christ himself, along with false flags of the likes which we haven't ever seen or imagined, The real Christ will return and establish his kingdom on this earth. Let me tell you, he ain't no pink booty white boy. He's what many on this board would refer to as a N I G G E R.

I'm sure for many of you this is hard to accept. But let me assure you it's very true. It would behoove you to get in a Bible and read with understanding and not with bigoted eyes and mind and get right with Christ. 


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 6592

Kwon, "white people" took alot of others spaces and alot of other's property and alot of other's lives and alot of others cultures and history. Once that happened, they wanted that to be "the way" indefinitely. That's absolutely not how things work. You should blame your leaders for selling you out and the you know whose for selling you up the river. 

Now you have loudmouths like me on the internet destroying the revisionist narratives telling people the truths of history, empowering them in numerous ways while your governments and leaders work to destabilize your countries, United States included with migrant immigration, police state, socialism soon to be communism while they sit atop their ivory towers and let you all take the punishment for what they did and sooner than later, you'll be 2nd class citizens with everyone else. It will be elite and then everyone else.

The good thing is, for obedient Israelites and Gentiles that follow them is that while there will be hell on earth for a short time, including the anti christ himself, along with false flags of the likes which we haven't ever seen or imagined, The real Christ will return and establish his kingdom on this earth. Let me tell you, he ain't no pink booty white boy. He's what many on this board would refer to as a N I G G E R.

I'm sure for many of you this is hard to accept. But let me assure you it's very true. It would behoove you to get in a Bible and read with understanding and not with bigoted eyes and mind and get right with Christ.
Give me a break.  We all are a collection of atoms. Before the Solar System was created, it was a Solar Nebula consisting of a bunch of Periodic Table elements. The Creator won't look like a mere human, no matter what color. That's very limited thinking. The Creator is above the Universe, outside of it.

And btw, all humans are related. We have a common ancestor with snakes, trees, ants, spiders, lions, etc. Your car came from the same Nebula that you came from. In a way everything in our Solar System is related to each other. All the Solar Systems in the Milky Way in turn have a common origin. All the galaxies, including the Milky Way and Andromeda, have a common origin - The Big Bang.

Interesting Fact: It takes the Solar System about 240 million years to complete one orbit of the Milky Way (a galactic year), so the Sun is thought to have completed 18–20 orbits during its lifetime and 1/1250 of a revolution since the origin of humans.

That's nuts!


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 6592
coming from two jews who don't want israel to have the same thing, fuck off with this shit

We all know about this. But if nothing is done to prevent it, then it is survival of the fittest. Nature does not give a fuck. Either do something about it or stop bitching!

None Dare Call It White Genocide

THE OVERARCHING goal of the “open borders” movement is to flood millions of non-Whites into all traditionally White nations. Make no mistake — this is not mere coincidence. It is White genocide by design, worldwide in application. The United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Australia: White people founded and populated these nations. All of these nations operated under the implicit mandate, and sometimes explicit in law, that they existed as White nations for the posterity of the White founding stock. All of these nations have had overwhelmingly White populations for the vast preponderance of their national history. Now, in the beginning of the twenty-first century, all of these traditionally White nations face demographic upheavals through massive non-White immigration. The White populations of these countries are slated to become minority populations in just a few generations.

Why is the push for unrestricted immigration focused so strongly and so specifically upon the traditionally White nations?

Some say the traditionally White nations are economically advanced and therefore desirable destinations for immigration. This observation is mostly accurate. However, it does not explain the entire story because there are many other advanced nations that are traditionally non-White, yet face no pressure to absorb foreign populations.

Japan is one of the most highly advanced economies in the world. It is a well-known and well-documented fact that Japan faces a grave population decline. There are not enough young Japanese to assume the lower rungs of the workforce. A heavily elderly Japanese population looms on the horizon, destined to strain the retirement and pension system. The Japanese reproductive rate is far below the replacement rate. Over time, Japan’s population will continue its precipitous descent. Under the orthodox globalist economic doctrine, Japan’s situation beckons for a massive influx of cheap foreign labor. Yet somehow the international political discourse barely broaches the topic of massive non-Japanese immigration to Japan. There is no strong international or domestic pressure (or imperious demand) for Japan to import millions of Africans or South Americans. Japan is not singled out for genocide via massive non-Japanese immigration. Japan is not the target. Japan is free to remain Japanese. It is only White nations that are targeted for genocide.

Egalitarians claim “the race problem” will disappear if the traditionally White nations assimilate and interbreed with non-White populations. Some imagine this will produce a utopia of brown-skinned beauties — society “without race” by homogeneous default. Others recognize this scenario as the systematic eradication of the White race — White genocide.

To bolster the credibility of the latter position, put the shoe on the other foot. Assume for the sake of argument that in a stunning reversal, political correctness now dictates that Africans are “racist oppressors.” Africans disproportionately enjoy material niceties, unfairly subjugate other races, and an invisible “African privilege” pervades the air which mysteriously oppresses all other races. In this hypothetical world, “institutional racism” means that Africans are predisposed to success and worldly gain from birth, as a result of current political power relationships. Now, follow the usual prescription for healing with plans for coercive diversity and watch the fireworks begin!

The continent of Africa can solve “the race problem” by a massive influx of non-Africans. These non-Africans will assimilate and interbreed with Africans over time. The end result will be a utopia of mocha-skinned beauties — society without race by homogeneous default. Everyone will hold hands in unity, hatred will be a thing of the past, and racial oppression will no longer be an option.

A sharp mind quickly realizes that this “solution to the race problem” in the African example is actually the Final Solution for Africans. That is, the systematic eradication of the African people — African genocide. No rational Black man would agree with such a genocidal campaign. No reasonable Black man would stand by and cheer on the destruction of his or her fellow Africans. No race deserves genocide. Every race has the right to exist biologically, ethnically, and culturally.

International law defines genocide as an international crime against humanity, with grave punishment for violations. As far as the international recognition of the reality of race goes, ask the ghosts of Saddam Hussein or Wilhelm Frick if the Kurds or Jews, respectively, are mere social constructs. Race is an internationally-recognized reality and is a major factor in the crime of genocide. In the future, the political and economic elites that are responsible for the policies of White genocide may face trial before an international tribunal. The 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II states:

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

The present immigration and political policies of many traditionally White nations, especially the United States, are in violation of part (c) and possibly part (d). White nations have been subverted to conditions that heavily favor non-White immigration, restrict White birthrates, and encourage and support non-White birthrates, and are thus calculated to bring about the physical destruction of the White race. There are many quotations of politicians, professors, and pundits advocating this very point — the end of the White race. Genocide is not always an act of traditional murder. The United Nations Convention on Genocide covers violent genocide with parts (a) and (b). However, the remaining definitions cover indirect and incremental methods to clarify that any form of genocide is punishable under international law.

The United States employed an explicitly pro-White immigration policy for the entirety of its two centuries of existence — until the treasonous 1965 Immigration Act, which reversed the previous safeguards and subverted American immigration policy so it would henceforth discriminate against White Europeans. Prior to the 1965 Act, American immigration policy favored White European immigration for the explicit purpose of maintaining the racial status quo of the American population. The behind-the-scenes architects of the 1965 Act realized that overwhelmingly non-White legal immigration would inevitably reduce the White American population over time. The political front men of the 1965 Act, such as Ted Kennedy, falsely assured the American public that the new immigration policy would not upset the racial balance of America. In 1965, America was approximately 90 per cent. White. Just a few generations later, America is now about 65 per cent. White. In one more generation, White Americans will be a minority in their own country.

Illegal aliens create further demographic chaos, as White Americans are crowded out and out-bred by millions of Mestizo illegal aliens from Central and South America. Despite overwhelming public desire to seal the border and to deport and deny entry to illegal aliens, the federal government has willfully ignored its mandate to protect against all threats, foreign and domestic. Non-White legal immigrants and tens of millions of Mestizo illegal alien invaders will dispossess the White American majority in the next few decades. White Americans will become a minority in their own nation much faster than they would by legal immigration alone, even under the 1965 Act.

Overwhelmingly non-White legal immigration and millions of non-White illegal aliens are inherently destructive to the White American population. Welfare and social benefit policies financially reward the generally poorer non-White groups for having large numbers of children. Preferential hiring policies set aside jobs for non-Whites. Lax enforcement of employment law allows non-Whites to undercut the wages of White people. One appalling aspect of these trends is that most of these policies, such as welfare, food stamps, and free emergency medical care, are predominantly financed by Whites. White American taxpayers labor under conditions calculated to bring about their genocide as the progressive income tax discourages the most productive White Americans from having children.
Educated, self-reliant, and law-abiding White American taxpayers face the greatest disincentives to having large families. Instead, they work hard but are forced to financially support criminals, illegal aliens, and welfare abusers. The taxes paid by hardworking White citizens are transferred to illiterate illegal aliens and their “anchor babies” that will produce an ever-increasing number of welfare recipients and future criminals.

The White American population dwindles while the non-White populations exponentially increase, further straining the welfare system, crowding prison cells, diluting educational standards, and destroying formerly safe White neighborhoods. White Americans face incremental genocide by design, which is precisely why so many fail to recognize the creeping trend. Genocide need not be associated with machetes, firing squads, or executions. The type of genocide White Americans face is far more subtle — which makes it all the more dangerous.

To deny White citizens of White nations the right to preserve themselves — biologically, ethnically, and culturally — is a true example of racism and hatred. Genocide is never acceptable. What can be more “racist” than the systematic eradication of an entire race? White Americans need not be ashamed of identifying on a racial basis, as every other race in America has a political license to do so. La Raza, the League of United Latino American Citizens, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith are all bound by racial or ethnic ties.

White Americans are now approaching minority status in the nation their forefathers fought for and built from the ground up. If current birthrates continue, White Americans will be a tiny minority group in a few generations, in a completely unsustainable position. They will likely be unable to survive. White Americans must be free to object to the current policy of White genocide — and without being shouted down as “racists,” a term which is little more than a political tool to silence White advocacy.

If the denunciation of genocide rests upon the assumption that all races have the right to exist, why must the White citizens of traditionally White nations accept White genocide with open arms? It is defamatory and dishonest to slander any White person who objects to massive inflows of non-White immigration as a “racist.”

White people and White nations seem to be uniquely burdened with the “responsibility” of lethal self-sacrifice on a genocidal scale. The term “racist” is a thinly-veiled attempt to silence a person who wishes to protect his or her race from extinction — a person who opposes genocide.

White Americans must be free to describe racial injustices committed against White people. Introduce the term “anti-White” to mainstream political discourse in the only way possible — by starting with private conversation. The mainstream media attempts to mold public opinion, but when there is an seismic shift in American thought, the press has no choice but to bow to popular pressure. Demand an end to anti-White policies and White genocide.

White Americans have the same claims to identity, organization, advocacy, and existence as any other group in America. Take a principled, adamant, and vocal stand against White genocide. Talk to neighbors and inform friends. Write letters to editors, television producers, media figures, and especially politicians. Let the muffled White voice clear its throat and speak up clearly and forcefully after decades of silence. Turn the tables and take back the moral high ground. The truth is dangerous, which is precisely why slurs like “racist” are currently used to shout down reasonable opposition to White genocide. Brush aside such denunciations, or better yet, mount the offense with a counterattack.

Anyone who opposes a return to traditional American immigration policies is supporting White genocide. Anyone who supports amnesty for tens of millions of illegal aliens is enabling White genocide. The current American immigration policy discriminates against White Europeans and is bringing about White genocide. There is nothing more “racist” than genocide, because it is the destruction of an entire race. If someone shouts “racist!” in a petty attempt to silence debate, explain that a real racist is someone who wants to commit genocide against the entire White race. Stop White genocide — one conversation, one talking point, one letter, one complaint, one comment, one remark, and one person at a time. Stay on a consistent message against White genocide. The future of the White race, if there will be one, depends on you.


  • Getbig V
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  • the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever
get in a Bible and read with understanding and not with bigoted eyes and mind



  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4647
Only 30 % whites left now in London = Even more Whites will emigrate the coming years, until it's 0 %

Whenever a region has a Mussie Majority , Whites are treated like shit and the region itself turns to shit

Rapes, Assaults, Robbery, Vandalism, Murder, Sharia-demands etc

Only place safe is away from each big city, living in the countryside, but even that will be eventually ruined

Soon England will be a Mussie-country

As the coloureds get richer, they'll start to take over the rural places as well lol.

In sweden it'll be tough to find any blonde hair blue eyed folk in 50 years.


  • Getbig V
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  • Dog sees 🐿️
As a brown person eat shit, but seriously Muslims and Hindus will turn your country to india. Latin America despite it's racial shit has a fraction of the problems countries in Europe have. You need a common religion.

I'm reading a book about the Crusades and it is just stomach turning hearing how Muslims are basically exactly like they were then. No signs of societal progress in any shape or form, meanwhile Christians are completely different than they were in the dark ages. We've become a modern day Jerusalem only we have no ability to fight back. Just wait until they find their Saladin.

great training song 8) 8) 8)

"i will not cease from mental fight" just fucking bring it!!!! gonna own the behind neck press within a few hours will be pressing my bodyweight for reps very soon its so cool to be strong 8)


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 26540
  • Dog sees 🐿️
British Empire: went from ruling over 25% of the world’s real estate to a nation of white cucks, feminists, and Third Worlders. Good going Churchill! Papa H cared about Britain more than you did, drunk retard!


i was called out in uni for my WASP surname and supposedly i did all this shit to the lesser kinds :D :D :D


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 50249
  • Team Hairy Chest Henda
As the coloureds get richer, they'll start to take over the rural places as well lol.

In sweden it'll be tough to find any blonde hair blue eyed folk in 50 years.

It's just a Question of Time


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 15273
  • "Don't Try"
What happened here in Sweden is fucking tragic. And I'm actually a minority myself as my parents are Finnish and I heard taunts in school about Finns but I didn't take it to heart. It's completely normal. People have different perspectives but even though I'm born in Sweden I was always a Finn, still am. I don't insist that I'm exactly the same as an ethnic Swede. Of course, ethnic Swedes now think it was a dream society when Finns were the largest immigrant group (during WWII Sweden adopted a lot Finn orphans and later needed the labor of Finns), as opposed to now when
Mohammed is the most common name of all newborns. Finns were and are overrepresented in prison, it was a lot of murder in drunken rage against family members and aquaintances. But Finns were still much "closer" to Swedes than what we have today, culturally, and assimilated well.

Some say they don't see color, they see the person. I say I always see the color first. If I'm interacting with a black, I'm constantly aware of the difference between us. I was not brought up with racism, it was the opposite. They say racists are often racist due to unfamiliarity with other groups, they are afraid of the unknown. But what happened to me, and most everyone I know, with increased familiarity came increased contempt towards arabs or Africans or what have you. I see a Somali and I immediately feel an impenetrable wall between us, we are not the same. And lol, I'm bothered by Somalis constantly, like just this morning I hear them running and screaming (how they converse) in the apartments over and under me. A 3 room apartment usually has at least 30-50 visitors a day and they are constantly banging and clanging in the stairwell morning and night. It usually goes on from 5am to 2am at night.
Somali kids are constantly running and screaming and climbing over each other. Kids play, I get that, but it's different, something genetic I believe. Africans like to climb Lol. I saw a meme pic here the other day, black teens climbing over each other and screaming. It's typical scene in say McDonalds, the decibels are off the chart. It's

Do you guys think childrens behavior is at least partly genetic and tied to race? I think so.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 26540
  • Dog sees 🐿️
What happened here in Sweden is fucking tragic. And I'm actually a minority myself as my parents are Finnish and I heard taunts in school about Finns but I didn't take it to heart. It's completely normal. People have different perspectives but even though I'm born in Sweden I was always a Finn, still am. I don't insist that I'm exactly the same as an ethnic Swede. Of course, ethnic Swedes now think it was a dream society when Finns were the largest immigrant group (during WWII Sweden adopted a lot Finn orphans and later needed the labor of Finns), as opposed to now when
Mohammed is the most common name of all newborns. Finns were and are overrepresented in prison, it was a lot of murder in drunken rage against family members and aquaintances. But Finns were still much "closer" to Swedes than what we have today, culturally, and assimilated well.

Some say they don't see color, they see the person. I say I always see the color first. If I'm interacting with a black, I'm constantly aware of the difference between us. I was not brought up with racism, it was the opposite. They say racists are often racist due to unfamiliarity with other groups, they are afraid of the unknown. But what happened to me, and most everyone I know, with increased familiarity came increased contempt towards arabs or Africans or what have you. I see a Somali and I immediately feel an impenetrable wall between us, we are not the same. And lol, I'm bothered by Somalis constantly, like just this morning I hear them running and screaming (how they converse) in the apartments over and under me. A 3 room apartment usually has at least 30-50 visitors a day and they are constantly banging and clanging in the stairwell morning and night. It usually goes on from 5am to 2am at night.
Somali kids are constantly running and screaming and climbing over each other. Kids play, I get that, but it's different, something genetic I believe. Africans like to climb Lol. I saw a meme pic here the other day, black teens climbing over each other and screaming. It's typical scene in say McDonalds, the decibels are off the chart. It's

Do you guys think childrens behavior is at least partly genetic and tied to race? I think so.

behavior is gentetic and environmment both i'd say more genetic though

according to AJ everything is genetic

here's the thing the shitty jew s a blocks freedom of speech so truths are hidden like the truth about race and iq and actually the jews have the highest iq's of all tribes


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 50249
  • Team Hairy Chest Henda
What happened here in Sweden is fucking tragic. And I'm actually a minority myself as my parents are Finnish and I heard taunts in school about Finns but I didn't take it to heart. It's completely normal. People have different perspectives but even though I'm born in Sweden I was always a Finn, still am. I don't insist that I'm exactly the same as an ethnic Swede. Of course, ethnic Swedes now think it was a dream society when Finns were the largest immigrant group (during WWII Sweden adopted a lot Finn orphans and later needed the labor of Finns), as opposed to now when
Mohammed is the most common name of all newborns. Finns were and are overrepresented in prison, it was a lot of murder in drunken rage against family members and aquaintances. But Finns were still much "closer" to Swedes than what we have today, culturally, and assimilated well.

Some say they don't see color, they see the person. I say I always see the color first. If I'm interacting with a black, I'm constantly aware of the difference between us. I was not brought up with racism, it was the opposite. They say racists are often racist due to unfamiliarity with other groups, they are afraid of the unknown. But what happened to me, and most everyone I know, with increased familiarity came increased contempt towards arabs or Africans or what have you. I see a Somali and I immediately feel an impenetrable wall between us, we are not the same. And lol, I'm bothered by Somalis constantly, like just this morning I hear them running and screaming (how they converse) in the apartments over and under me. A 3 room apartment usually has at least 30-50 visitors a day and they are constantly banging and clanging in the stairwell morning and night. It usually goes on from 5am to 2am at night.
Somali kids are constantly running and screaming and climbing over each other. Kids play, I get that, but it's different, something genetic I believe. Africans like to climb Lol. I saw a meme pic here the other day, black teens climbing over each other and screaming. It's typical scene in say McDonalds, the decibels are off the chart. It's

Do you guys think childrens behavior is at least partly genetic and tied to race? I think so.

Listen Van

You know this deep down inside your heart

The way things been going in Sweden, nobody (from the real swedes) has ANYTHING against Finns nowadays (no more drunkards with koskenkorva and knives-prejudice/insults :D), actually real Swedes wish Sweden was MORE like Finland these days.

Swedes ADMIRE Fins for their Sisu and how they are, with a backbone and courage to stand up for yourself, something severely lacking in the general Swede today.

Real Swedes (those that care about Sweden and society) LOVE Fins, Danes, Norwegians, and myself i have always wanted that we could replace ALL mussies in Sweden with Fins instead.

All my Finnish Friends are TOP NOTCH

Replace all Mussies with Fins and all Somali Monkeys with Danes and Sweden can regenerate and become great again.


  • Getbig III
  • ***
  • Posts: 797
What happened here in Sweden is fucking tragic. And I'm actually a minority myself as my parents are Finnish and I heard taunts in school about Finns but I didn't take it to heart. It's completely normal. People have different perspectives but even though I'm born in Sweden I was always a Finn, still am. I don't insist that I'm exactly the same as an ethnic Swede. Of course, ethnic Swedes now think it was a dream society when Finns were the largest immigrant group (during WWII Sweden adopted a lot Finn orphans and later needed the labor of Finns), as opposed to now when
Mohammed is the most common name of all newborns. Finns were and are overrepresented in prison, it was a lot of murder in drunken rage against family members and aquaintances. But Finns were still much "closer" to Swedes than what we have today, culturally, and assimilated well.

Some say they don't see color, they see the person. I say I always see the color first. If I'm interacting with a black, I'm constantly aware of the difference between us. I was not brought up with racism, it was the opposite. They say racists are often racist due to unfamiliarity with other groups, they are afraid of the unknown. But what happened to me, and most everyone I know, with increased familiarity came increased contempt towards arabs or Africans or what have you. I see a Somali and I immediately feel an impenetrable wall between us, we are not the same. And lol, I'm bothered by Somalis constantly, like just this morning I hear them running and screaming (how they converse) in the apartments over and under me. A 3 room apartment usually has at least 30-50 visitors a day and they are constantly banging and clanging in the stairwell morning and night. It usually goes on from 5am to 2am at night.
Somali kids are constantly running and screaming and climbing over each other. Kids play, I get that, but it's different, something genetic I believe. Africans like to climb Lol. I saw a meme pic here the other day, black teens climbing over each other and screaming. It's typical scene in say McDonalds, the decibels are off the chart. It's

Do you guys think childrens behavior is at least partly genetic and tied to race? I think so.

That living situation sounds like hell, don't know how you can tolerate it

And im guessing those kids wouldn't do too well on the stanford marshmallow experiment


  • Getbig V
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  • Liberals..Dumbest People on the Planet! MAGA
coming from two jews who don't want israel to have the same thing, fuck off with this shit

Maher has always been a C unt!


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 11280
  • Liberals..Dumbest People on the Planet! MAGA

We wanted 2-3 but My wife was crazy ill the entire pregnancy. She had an elected C-section and my daughter was pulled out blue, not breathing and they had to work on her.

After that experience I told my wife I was fine with just one kid, didn’t want to risk harm to her or a baby. I gave her 3 opportunities (of a few months each one) but no second one happened so we moved on.

We have financially secured our daughter and her future children though so it’s not a question of money or help when it comes to her future family planning. I see many rich Boomers who have ‘fur babies’ for grandchildren (aka dogs). It’s as much their fault as it is their kids, they’ll have multi millions in property yet give nothing to their kids. In turn they get dogs as grandkids.
One and done also. Only race having multiple kids are the blacks and poor people.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 4647
What happened here in Sweden is fucking tragic. And I'm actually a minority myself as my parents are Finnish and I heard taunts in school about Finns but I didn't take it to heart. It's completely normal. People have different perspectives but even though I'm born in Sweden I was always a Finn, still am. I don't insist that I'm exactly the same as an ethnic Swede. Of course, ethnic Swedes now think it was a dream society when Finns were the largest immigrant group (during WWII Sweden adopted a lot Finn orphans and later needed the labor of Finns), as opposed to now when
Mohammed is the most common name of all newborns. Finns were and are overrepresented in prison, it was a lot of murder in drunken rage against family members and aquaintances. But Finns were still much "closer" to Swedes than what we have today, culturally, and assimilated well.

Some say they don't see color, they see the person. I say I always see the color first. If I'm interacting with a black, I'm constantly aware of the difference between us. I was not brought up with racism, it was the opposite. They say racists are often racist due to unfamiliarity with other groups, they are afraid of the unknown. But what happened to me, and most everyone I know, with increased familiarity came increased contempt towards arabs or Africans or what have you. I see a Somali and I immediately feel an impenetrable wall between us, we are not the same. And lol, I'm bothered by Somalis constantly, like just this morning I hear them running and screaming (how they converse) in the apartments over and under me. A 3 room apartment usually has at least 30-50 visitors a day and they are constantly banging and clanging in the stairwell morning and night. It usually goes on from 5am to 2am at night.
Somali kids are constantly running and screaming and climbing over each other. Kids play, I get that, but it's different, something genetic I believe. Africans like to climb Lol. I saw a meme pic here the other day, black teens climbing over each other and screaming. It's typical scene in say McDonalds, the decibels are off the chart. It's

Do you guys think childrens behavior is at least partly genetic and tied to race? I think so.

Sweden is a big place. You ever thought of moving to a white part. That sounds like a nightmare lol.

One day you might wake up to an Abdi sitting at your kitchen table like:


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 15273
  • "Don't Try"
Sweden is a big place. You ever thought of moving to a white part. That sounds like a nightmare lol.

One day you might wake up to an Abdi sitting at your kitchen table like:

For reasons this still seems the best living situation for now. And like many have noticed there are few areas that are immigrant free. Certainly all public places are infested with foreign people, ethnic Swedes avoid places like downtown. All public transport feels like 90% foreigners. A vistitor to my town would think it's like 80% black.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 26540
  • Dog sees 🐿️
For reasons this still seems the best living situation for now. And like many have noticed there are few areas that are immigrant free. Certainly all public places are infested with foreign people, ethnic Swedes avoid places like downtown. All public transport feels like 90% foreigners. A vistitor to my town would think it's like 80% black.

in poland they'd get thier asses beat for harassing white girls


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 956
  • Team Suckmymuscle Nunchuk Masters&Chicken Blasters

Kwon, "white people" took alot of others spaces and alot of other's property and alot of other's lives and alot of others cultures and history. Once that happened, they wanted that to be "the way" indefinitely. That's absolutely not how things work. You should blame your leaders for selling you out and the you know whose for selling you up the river. 

Now you have loudmouths like me on the internet destroying the revisionist narratives telling people the truths of history, empowering them in numerous ways while your governments and leaders work to destabilize your countries, United States included with migrant immigration, police state, socialism soon to be communism while they sit atop their ivory towers and let you all take the punishment for what they did and sooner than later, you'll be 2nd class citizens with everyone else. It will be elite and then everyone else.

The good thing is, for obedient Israelites and Gentiles that follow them is that while there will be hell on earth for a short time, including the anti christ himself, along with false flags of the likes which we haven't ever seen or imagined, The real Christ will return and establish his kingdom on this earth. Let me tell you, he ain't no pink booty white boy. He's what many on this board would refer to as a N I G G E R.

I'm sure for many of you this is hard to accept. But let me assure you it's very true. It would behoove you to get in a Bible and read with understanding and not with bigoted eyes and mind and get right with Christ.

i bet you live in a white neighbourhood