Author Topic: Sergio Olivia still big!  (Read 107366 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2006, 09:54:51 AM »
What did the great Sergio take? And how did he train. Would mean a lot if you could at least answer one of my questions as Sergio is my favorite bodybuilder. Thanks.
just push some weight!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2006, 09:55:10 AM »
I'm new to this board but the reason I'm here is to set the record straight about a few things. A friend of mine, who's a member, mentioned this post so I thought I would provide some facts. I met Sergio Oliva (not Olivia) in 1974 at Chicago Health Club. He was, as he would say, "unbelievable." There was no doubting this. He had a wasp waist that connected to the most perfect chest and shoulders. Not to mention his huge arms. When you first meet him your jaw drops and all you can do is stare in disbelief at this human sculpture of perfection.

 Sergio never ever took Synthol and I can guarantee he never knew what that crap was. He never used GH either. I know this first hand and I also know everything he took.

 Sergio defected to the US from through the Cuban Olympic Team in the 60s. He was a Lt. in Batista's army. The scar on his right bicep is from a shotgun blast caused by a rebel soldier. He was told he would never use that arm again but it's actually his bigger arm. The other arm has a better shape. This was the first time he was shot. The second time was in 1986 by his wife Arlene.
He can never return to Cuba or he would be jailed. He couldn't even attend his mother's funeral.
After his move to Chicago he later became a Chicago Cop (through political connections) after a short stint as a Tailor. At the time he wanted to become a cop, there was an age requirement and he was too old so he had to come up with a birth certificate to show he was younger. His fake birth certificate made him 10 years younger. His bodybuilding age was always 10 years younger. I don't believe his birthday was on the 4th of July but was just an easy date for him to remember. Sergio is actually close to 70 + or - a year or two.

Sergio is the cousin of famous baseball player Tony Oliva but they never had a relationship.

After I moved back to Illinois from Arizona in 1985 I trained at Oliva's Power and Beauty Gym. In 1986 wife Arlene shot him just below the liver with a .38 during a domestic dispute. Sergio contracted pneumonia in the hospital and they had to cut through his lat muscle. This is one of the main reasons he couldn't make a comeback since the lat atrophied and hung like a boob. He and Arlene reconciled for a while and had their daughter. A short time after his return to training I became his training partner and he mentioned that Arlene was going to be gone soon for good and asked me to manage his club. Soon after that he and Arlene did split for good.
 We became close friends and I handled all of the gym business, most of his personal business and my wife was his accountant.

Sergio has grown up kids from his first marriage but he wasn't close to them. He's retired from the Police Department now and lives with his daughter Julia and son Sergio JR. in Chicago.
 Sergio's photo above was taken around 2000 and the guy next to him in the photo is his long time friend Jack who lives in Florida. Sergio has had just about every joint replaced so he really can't train heavy or he'll destroy the replacement joints. I was recently told I need shoulder replacement but I'm going to wait since the doctor said I would have to give up training the way I'm accustomed to. Thanks to all the injectable Testosterone.
I hope this information clears up some of the rumors. I do agree that Sergio is one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time and truly genetically gifted. If you have any questions please post them and I'll come back to check.

Superb post. Just wondering what you mean by bolded sentence?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2006, 09:55:37 AM »
I can't believe he got back together with a women who shot him WTF?

Tough love   ;D
just push some weight!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2006, 10:18:22 AM »
What did the great Sergio take? And how did he train. Would mean a lot if you could at least answer one of my questions as Sergio is my favorite bodybuilder. Thanks.

  He took synthol and he trained by lifting bottles of synthol ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2006, 10:19:55 AM »
  He took synthol and he trained by lifting bottles of synthol ;D

Please don't compare Flex Wheeler or Kevin Levrone to Sergio.
just push some weight!


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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2006, 10:21:36 AM »
I don't believe his birthday was on the 4th of July but was just an easy date for him to remember. Sergio is actually close to 70 + or - a year or two.

He looks excellent for being that age.

A few questions if I may --

I've heard several times that Sergio had a falling out with Weider, and an ugly one at that. In fact, Sergio is report to dispise Weider to great lengths. What do you know about this? Why is this so, if it's true?

I believe the 1972 Mr. O was Sergio's best showing by a slight margin. He bought an awesome physique to that show and should have won but was robbed [many claim] by The Governor. Was Sergio pissed about this as much as was reported? Did he feel it was a Weider doing?

What did Sergio have against Lee Haney and his reign as Mr. Olympia? He's [Sergio Oliva] stated in the past that Haney should have won some Sandows but not all?

How did he aquire the nickname "The Myth?"

After arriving in Florida, why did he make the move to Chicago not long after? I believe it was the late 1960's, correct?

In his prime, how strong was Sergio? Any facts and figures?

Which physique, if any, does Sergio admire of todays crop? I know he's publically stated Flex Wheeler and Shawn Ray [though I cannot recall where I read it] but anyone else?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2006, 10:22:37 AM »
He looks excellent for being that age.

A few questions if I may --

I've heard several times that Sergio had a falling out with Weider, and an ugly one at that. In fact, Sergio is report to dispise Weider to great lengths. What do you know about this? Why is this so, if it's true?

I believe the 1972 Mr. O was Sergio's best showing by a slight margin. He bought an awesome physique to that show and should have won but was robbed [many claim] by The Governor. Was Sergio pissed about this as much as was reported? Did he feel it was a Weider doing?

What did Sergio have against Lee Haney and his reign as Mr. Olympia? He's [Sergio Oliva] stated in the past that Haney should have won some Sandows but not all?

How did he aquire the nickname "The Myth?"

After arriving in Florida, why did he make the move to Chicago not long after? I believe it was the late 1960's, correct?

In his prime, how strong was Sergio? Any facts and figures?

Which physique, if any, does Sergio admire of todays crop? I know he's publically stated Flex Wheeler and Shawn Ray [though I cannot recall where I read it] but anyone else?

 Brutal number of questions ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #32 on: May 12, 2006, 10:28:58 AM »
Some answers..

In Conversation with Sergio Oliva
By Brian D. Johnston

BDJ: How did you meet Arthur Jones; what lead to your involvement with him?

SO: Jones initially contacted me from Deland, Florida. He wanted me to fly to Daytona olvement with him? Beach to check out what he was doing, and to give an opinion of his machines. So, I flew down and tested them, and I found them to be quite different from other, regular machines. He then asked if I wanted to go through one of his routines while under his supervision. And I said, "yes." It was very intensive... very powerful... and very different from other routines.

BDJ: Provide an example of a routine you did at that time.

SO: Jones would put you in a routine starting with legs. The exercises were carried to the point where you could not possibly do any more reps -- to the point of not being able to move the weight. A routine, for instance, would have you start with a squat to muscular failure. Then when you were finished, he would put you in the Nautilus squat machine and that combination would beat the hell out of you. By the time you finished, you would not have the energy to do anything. Then he has you immediately doing the regular free weight bench press, followed by a Nautilus chest machine... then more exercises for the remainder of the body.

BDJ: So, Jones had you alternate between free weights and machines?

SO: He would only recommend the machines, but I wanted to use free weights also. But when we started to get close to the competition, there was no way I could do both... no way. The machines alone would do it for me. If you don't use the machines the way we did, then it's a piece of cake and you can easily include other exercises in between. But with Jones's method, there is no way... you keep going until you can no longer move. And when you think you're going to rest, he has you going to another machine! By the time you get to the other machine, you feel like you're going to die, pushing yourself to the maximum again. When finish, all you can do is lay down on the floor.

BDJ: Did Jones train in your presence, and if so, did he train that hard?

SO: He had his own routine and method of using those machines. I saw other people use the machines, but it was not the same way that Jones used them. He had a machine for each muscle, and they way he used them and instructed people to use them, it felt like you were going to throw up. Sometimes he would get people to use machine after machine, and when you thought you were finished, he would get you to do a squat! It was unbelievable.

BDJ: A legendary workout had you train immediately after Casey Viator, performing a full body workout. Reports indicate that you could not complete the workout very well and was reduced to using relatively light weights in order to complete it. Is that account very accurate?

SO: Yes. That was my very first workout when I went down to Florida. Casey already lived there with Jones and was used to the workouts. I wanted to also workout, and I thought, "Jesus Christ!" I believed that I could not do it, having trained so hard for so long. That's when he put me through all the machines. By the time I got to the last one, I thought I was going to throw up on the floor. But as you continue going every day, your power, endurance, determination increases so much that you are able to handle that kind of routine. It was the way that he did it that was different. Too many people used them like they were using free weights  pumping and resting.

BDJ: I believe you may be the only person to officially develop a muscular arm with a height (from the top of the biceps to the bottom of the triceps) greater than the height of one's head. Did this phenomenon occur while training with Jones?

SO: This occurred with Jones, around the time of the 1972 Mr. Olympia in Essen, Germany. You see, Jones tricked everybody. He would invite them down and pay for the trip to test his machines. Everyone went down... Columbu, Arnold, Zane... everybody. And as soon as you arrived he would start measuring your arms cold, then he would tell you how much you can increase in a couple of days, and nobody would believe it. All those Weider magazines claiming 21-22" arms would have everyone coming down to 18-19"... and the only 20.5" cold was my arm. After going through his workouts, my arm was almost an inch bigger, and that happened for everybody. Arnold's arm was 19.75", and Weider had him in the magazines with 22.5". It was ridiculous -- all their measurements came down when Jones measured them. It was during that time that Jones measured my arms and my head, and I couldn't believe that my arms were bigger than my head... I didn't pay attention up to that point.

BDJ: I believe your initial meeting with Jones was around the same time that Arnold beat you during that very controversial Mr. Olympia in Essen, Germany?

SO: Yes, it was around then that we started training together, but was actually about a year before when I started training with Arthur to prepare for the Mr. Universe in London.

BDJ: The one picture I remember of you from Essen, Germany was when you held your arms up over your head -- it was very striking. You're also, perhaps, one of the few who can hold that pose and look good?

SO: Ah, yes, the Victory Pose. A lot of bodybuilders try to do it, but the problem with the Victory Pose is that you have to have so much muscle. Your lats have to be tremendous, and the waist very tiny. Plus the lats have to be linked to tremendous triceps and the chest has to be huge; otherwise you look flat from the front when you raise the arms. And when you work your way up, the forearms have to be huge, otherwise they look small connected to the triceps. And that pose came out of no where; I did it, but don't know how or why. I was posing in a country in the 1960s, I lifted my arms up, and everybody went bananas! From that day on everybody started calling me the Myth, and named it the Victory Pose. And after that if I didn't hold that pose they wouldn't let me off the stage (laughter).

BDJ: Judging from past photos, I believe you were your biggest while training with Jones.

SO: No question about it. And it's too bad... I should have stayed with him. When I went to London in 1970 for the Mr. Universe, everyone knew I beat those guys, including Bill Pearl... I was given second place. From there I was to go to the 1971 Mr. Olympia, in Paris. I spoke to Serge Nubret who asked that I go to the Mr. Olympia since Joe Weider wouldn't be there to fix the contest. I then flew to Paris, and while there Joe found out I was going to compete. And he refused... he would not let me compete. He said I was suspended for a year because I competed in the non-IFBB sanctioned Mr. Universe in London the year before. He used any kind of trick. He allowed me to do a posing exhibition, but not compete. In 1972, the Mr. Olympia promoter called everyone to go, and everyone did. But Joe didn't want Arnold to go, but Arnold wanted to compete. (I have nothing against Arnold, he has done very well; many people used him in the beginning, then he used them.) Arnold competed in Essen. By that time, the training I had with Jones allowed me to win the contest by miles. People are still talking about Essen '72. Even Arnold himself said that he didn't win, that it was nothing but politics... it was nothing but politics, but they gave it to him. After that contest Weider put the promoter out of the promotion business. Serge Nubret used to be the big man when it came to running contests. Weider also put him out of the business because Serge did not want to run the contests the way Weider wanted to run them  his way with the placings predetermined.

BDJ: After you left Jones's instruction and went your own way, did you continue training with a HIT approach, or did you return to volume training?

SO: Well, I went back to free weights because I did not have access to his machines. I was definitely more powerful after the experience and was lifting more on the free weights than ever before. I did maintained the same intensity afterward, however.

BDJ: The reason I brought that up is that previous issues of muscle magazines, and throughout various Weider encyclopedias and books, it suggested that you performed a much higher volume of training, up to 15-20 sets per muscle group.

SO: I definitely did not do that many sets, but don't forget I didn't have the machines, which were much more intense -- requiring less volume in comparison to free weights. So I had to make up for the reduction in quality. It's politics, the Weider bullshit magazines. But they control everything. If you try and fight it they will do everything to get you out of the way. They control all the contests, equipment and bodybuilders. And bodybuilders have to go with Weider because where else are they going to compete? They have to bend and go with them. But me, I did not care. When I went to Weider I was already Sergio Oliva, so he could not say that he 'made' me. People already knew me from before and that I was with the AAU before going for the IFBB. He could not use me, perhaps to the point where he could claim that he took me out of my mamma's belly.

BDJ: Well, Weider claims to be Trainer of Champions.

SO: When he took Arnold under his wing, Arnold was already competing in London, England for Mr. Universe. He only trained a few people, but that's the propaganda. They also call him the 'Master', but I don't know the master of what... maybe the master of breaking your back and your brains. A lot of politics, and it's too bad. For the younger bodybuilders they have no choice. If you use the drugs, have the physique and want to make money, then you have to go with him. Otherwise, don't use the drugs because you won't have any other place to go. It's all Weider: the Mr. Olympia, Mr. Universe, Night of Champions. They have every body back and front.

BDJ: What opinion do you have of Arthur Jones?

SO: Anything I have to say about Jones is good. He is the only honest man I met in bodybuilding. If he says "I'm going to pay you so much", he does. If he says that he's going to train you a particular way, and next year you're going to look a certain way, then you will look that way. He's the type of person you like to be around; the type of person you like to deal with since he won't screw you or use you. Totally different from those other assholes. And everyone who went down to Florida knows that. And it's too bad... if Jones was the one running all the competitions, there would have been a lot of changes. He should have been the one to run the Mr. Olympia and other contests.

BDJ: What is your opinion on the competitors of today, compared to your competition days?

SO: When I see what they are going through, and what they have to take to be what they are... I wouldn't want it. You can even see how differently the muscle develops on bodybuilders of today versus those of the sixties. The amount of steroids that they use is way over the limit. And that's why you see those physiques... they're tremendous.

BDJ: I find most of the physiques today look like one another; almost clone-like. Competitors of the sixties and seventies each had a special unique look or style.

SO: Yes, they all look the same. And if they have a little bit of shape, they all have the same kind of shape! They all have the same look. And it's hard to differentiate one from the other.

BDJ: What are your thoughts on some of the past Mr. Olympias, in regards to political tampering? How about the 1979 Mr. Olympia between Zane and Mentzer?

SO: Mentzer all the way. There is no doubt about it. But don't forget, Mike came from the outside; Zane was with Weider. Don't let anybody fool you. Zane, Arnold, Columbu, Haney... all those guys were under contract. Now, Lee Haney is my friend and I have a lot of respect for him, but there is no way in the old days that Lee Haney would have won the Mr. Olympia. His physique is unproportional -- a man with a back, but no arms or calves. Then there's Dorian Yates. He has a belly like a cow and no arms. That is not a complete physique. That is not proportional or symmetrical. But being under contract.... Now, if they put Zane and Mentzer together in a contest that was not Weider dominated then Mike would have won. Zane knows that, and Zane is my personal friend.

BDJ: Do you think Haney deserved any of the Mr. Olympia wins?

SO: He may have deserved some Mr. Olympias, but not all... not the guys he competed against. But, he knows. Everybody knows.

BDJ: Could you relay your own experience with drug use?

SO: This is an area of great interest for people. I don't care who wants to take steroids, because that's a personal choice... that's his life. Now, today, everybody has access to them. I even saw in one of the big magazines that Arnold denies having used them, but Arnold was one of the first to bring steroids over to America. And everybody in the old days used them: Zane, Columbu, myself, Arnold, Larry Scott, Harold Poole, Dave Draper, and even Steve Reeves. There's no way to deny it. It wasn't much, nothing like today. But the development of drugs is much different. I used decca and dianabol, and that was something really big at the time; and decca was not considered that bad. It was even prescribed by doctors to help make your bones strong. Today you have guys weighing 200 pounds, and six months later they weigh 250-300 pounds! So you know these guys are taking something unbelievable. When they say they haven't taken any thing, you know that it's phony.

BDJ: I could only imagine what you would look like if you have access to the drugs of today.

SO: Geez... I wouldn't even want to think about it. My God... (laughter). We used to talk about the big deal of taking decca and dianabol. Now the talk is about growth hormone. I see what they are using... the way they look... I tell you, it's scary... I would pass on that. Anybody can go work out and get a physique without steroids, and that is what I recommend. The drugs today is not worth the money or the way it makes you look. The consequences later are going to be big.

BDJ: I notice a lot of people take steroids because they are too lazy to train hard  mostly teenage boys.

SO: Yes that's what it is. But they're making a double mistake. When you take steroids you have to train even harder... otherwise the excess weight later turns into fat. If you train hard, eat well with quality protein, and take a good vitamin and mineral, then you can achieve a good physique. And a good physique comes from about 45% of your genes, whereas the rest is from training. So, if you're going to be something, then you're going to be something. If you're not, then you're not. But with all those steroids, you're going to be one of the group... you're not going to be different. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone... to my friends or any of my family.

BDJ: You're still training to this day. Tell us about it.

SO: I'm 60 years old and I go to the gym five days a week. I enjoy going to the gym very much. When I competed I trained 5 days a week, year round. I'm not like some of the competitors who only trained for six months for a contest then laid back.

BDJ: Physique wise, who do you consider to be the best bodybuilder?

SO: There are a few. One of the best right now is Flex Wheeler. I also like Shawn Ray and Ron Coleman. I compare myself to Flex Wheeler, a little bit. He reminds me of myself, with a tiny waist. My back was much bigger, though. He is the only one with a really complete physique.

BDJ: Your last year of competition was 1985. I've heard from some spectators that they did not care whether you won the contest; it was worth attending just to see the legendary Oliva. Tell us about that.

SO: I could have entered that contest much better, and much bigger... that night was not the same physique that I always carried. I felt sick, like a Zombie. I followed my wife's suggestion in changing my diet. I've always had a problem with my diet. Thank God I had good genes to be able to eat what I want. So it seemed everything that I ate, I turned it into muscle. Anyway, she wanted me to follow the diet that Frank Zane followed. But she made a mistake. The diet was all right for Frank Zane's metabolism, but for me, it was not doing the job. I had no power to train and I felt too weak to workout... it was a disaster. If I did it my way, I would have looked unbelievable. The second thing is, and I found this out, that even if I looked like King Kong and cut, they would have given me the same placing. Weider indicated no other placing for me but eighth.

BDJ: A similar thing happened to Mentzer in Sydney, Australia, in 1980 when they gave him fifth place.

SO: That's right, and believe it my friend. And I could not do any better than eighth place because all those guys on the stage are the same ones endorsing his vitamins, proteins, magazines, equipment... I didn't do anything for him, because he didn't do anything for me. As a matter of fact, he took away from me. But I decided to come back for that contest. And who picks the judges? Weider. So, how can you win?

BDJ: What projects and plans do you have for the immediate future?

SO: I regularly do seminars and guest appearances. And I do my seminars different from everyone else. I tell it like it is and allow the audience to ask me questions. Other bodybuilders only talk about the good things. I talk about the good and the bad. People don't always want to hear about the blue and the red, but the black and the white. That is why I'm asked to do seminars all over the world, and people really enjoy them. I'm also working with someone on a book about my life story and competition days. I was supposed to do this book before, but I like to say things they way they are and it was difficult to get interested writers willing to put it all on the line. I don't push or drink protein powders and I won't endorse things I don't believe in. So, in a business sense, I was bad for the business. And this also affected some of the contests in which I competed. The book will discuss these things, but also my Olympic lifting days before bodybuilding, when I prepared for the Pan American games, when I prepared in Russia, all the sports I did in Cuba to escape... basketball, volleyball, boxing, running... I was doing everything, but the competition was too high. I did so much in life that it is not necessary to add or take away from my stories, but it is hard to find someone willing to print the truth. I will tell about the politics and the contests Joe fixed. A lot of people will be against it, and a lot of people are going to know a lot that they don't already know. also, I'm also still working on the police force with about 6-7 years to go.

BDJ: Thank you for your time.
just push some weight!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2006, 10:47:44 AM »
Sergio used to pump up for 2 hours before a contest, and actually look less impressive onstage beacuse of this, he lost alot of cuts, especially in his legs. Arnold did use this to Sergios disadvantage


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #34 on: May 12, 2006, 10:49:15 AM »
Sergio used to pump up for 2 hours before a contest, and actually look less impressive onstage beacuse of this, he lost alot of cuts, especially in his legs. Arnold did use this to Sergios disadvantage

  Why didn't you tell him to stop? :-\


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2006, 11:14:23 AM »
I did bro, but he said he did it to give the other guys a fair chance.  ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #36 on: May 12, 2006, 11:16:23 AM »
I did bro, but he said he did it to give the other guys a fair chance.  ;)

 He paid for his arrogance. That's a shame :-\


  • Getbig II
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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #37 on: May 12, 2006, 11:43:10 AM »
Wow, so many questions in such a short time. I'll try to answer as many as I can remember.

In the 70s Sergio used Dianabol since there really wasn't mush else to use. When we were training we used Anadrol 50, Sustanon, Test, Halotestin, Deca, Winstrol V and a few others. Pretty much what ever we could get our hands on. We had a Pharmacist about two blocks from the gym who would fill up our bag.
 Sergio didn't really need drugs to be big and he didn't respect guys that thought this was the only way to make gains. One of the most amazing things I can remember about training with his was watching his arms pump up. His arms would grow and grow during the workout. Quite a sight.

His workouts were always brutal. If I complained about the pace, he'd go crazy and bury me. We did Chest and Back on the same day, triceps and bicep on another and Legs and shoulders. We trained six days a week and each body part twice a week. Between 20 and 30 sets per body part. About an hour and a half per body part. Some supersetting was involved.
Before his arthritis got bad he hit it hard and heavy. When he did squats it looked like he invented the movement. Perfect form all the way.
Watching him squat barefoot with his heels on a 2x4 looked painful but his feet were like leather and pretty gross. I said his toenails looked like sawblades.
He always trained barefoot.

Sergio had a falling out with the Weider's over many things but it started with Sergio's early demands for $$$ from photos and the communication barrier due to Sergio's poor English. Sergio didn't trust anyone and especially since he was new to this country. I guess he thought everyone was out to screw him.
Then Sergio did some unsanctioned competitions and they decided to ban him from the IFBB during his peak. I think this was a bad decision for everyone involved but Weider went on to make his fortune while Sergio was pounding the beat as a cop and making very little off his name. In the 70s Weider used to call Sergio at Chicago Health Club and Sergio would come to the front desk and when he found out it was Joe, he'd hang up on him. They finally agreed to get together in the mid 80s and I know Sergio was embarrassed with his placing in the 85 Olympia.
I remember when I was training with Sergio a new Muscle and Fitness Magazine came out and it had what was supposed to be Sergio's workout routine. It said that Sergio didn't do bench press and that was on a day we were benching. I showed him the article and he laughed. Laughed all the way to the bank. I really think the Weider's brought Sergio back to humiliate him and make as much off of his name as they could. He was very popular in New York.
I remember in 1989 when Weider came out with a new clothing line and some workout equipment they asked Sergio to make an appearance at Fox Valley Mall in Illinois. I went with him and a limo picked us up. For this appearance Sergio was only paid $500. This is to a guy who received $3,000 for an appearance in the 60s. Sad but true.

He was offered a part by Arnold in Predator but made too many demands and wanted too much money so they told him to forget about it. They found another bald black actor for a lot less. Sergio did several Spanish Movies. One was Called El Pader Negro or something close to that. I never saw any of them but I hear they're pretty bad. I'm sure you can find them in a Spanish Video Store, if you really want to have a laugh.

To the guy that had dinner with Sergio, I'll bet there was a mess on the table after dinner. I ate with him too many times and it always looked like a bear invaded a picnic. He never believed in tipping either so I was always afraid to return to a restaurant with him for fear or receiving a saliva or snot burger.

I know he never really thought much of Lee Haney and always commented on how he liked Shawn Ray. I remember Albert Beckles visiting the gym once and Sergio was off in the corner laughing at how small guys in the Olympia were. the stories were never ending.

I don't know what brought Sergio to Chicago from Florida but it was probably for opportunity.

The Myth was a name he was given since no one really believed that there was a guy this big. His arms measured larger in diameter than his head.

Larry Scott didn't like Sergio or what he brought to the sport but you can't please everyone.

Sergio won the Mr America uncontested. He had to enter contests at the last minute or under another name since no one wanted to go up against the MYTH. I remember that he told me the competitions he did in Mexico were a joke and the guys were real small. He easily received 200 trophy's and some are truly amazing, made of marble and brass with horse drawn chariots. Nice stuff compared to the shit they hand out now.

Too bad he missed out on the best years of his life, married a goofy bitch and things went the way they did. History of the sport may have been different had he just went along for the ride. He always said Arnold was a lucky son-of-a-bitch. I think it was a lot more than luck.


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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #38 on: May 12, 2006, 11:45:16 AM »
 Great post, CS!


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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #39 on: May 12, 2006, 11:51:11 AM »

I saw the 72 Olympia on tape and Sergio clearly won but Arnold outsmarted him and Weider also knew he could make more money with a young white kid that he could mold to his own advantage. No one was going to make Sergio change his ways and Sergio thought his body alone could take him to the top. He needed a good handler.


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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #40 on: May 12, 2006, 11:54:55 AM »
This is some damn good reading, thanks for sharing your stories with us CS.
tiny-tit bounty hunter


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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #41 on: May 12, 2006, 11:56:59 AM »
Awesome thank you for the reply and all the information! Sergio was the king of bodybuilding! Hey what kind of strengh did he have? I know he trained more for the pump.
just push some weight!


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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #42 on: May 12, 2006, 12:04:40 PM »
We were doing bent over rows with 405

Always pretty heavy weights but in the end it was sad. Now I'm going through what he went through in the late 80s. I have no cartilage in my shoulders and this is from the crap I put in my system in the 80s. It's bone on bone and I have to get cortisone injections so I can train and sleep until I decide to have the joints replaced.

Enjoy it while you can.


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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #43 on: May 12, 2006, 01:23:12 PM »
We were doing bent over rows with 405

Always pretty heavy weights but in the end it was sad. Now I'm going through what he went through in the late 80s. I have no cartilage in my shoulders and this is from the crap I put in my system in the 80s. It's bone on bone and I have to get cortisone injections so I can train and sleep until I decide to have the joints replaced.

Enjoy it while you can.

 :-\ Damn bro that sucks. And you blame the juice on it, why? because it masked the pain and you didn't know if it was too much?

Also if you could tell me just a little more about the feats of strengh and when you trained with him. I heard he was doing 315 inclines like it was nothing. You must've been pretty freaking strong to keep up with the Myth!
just push some weight!

hipolito mejia

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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #44 on: May 12, 2006, 01:40:35 PM »
He looks excellent for being that age.

A few questions if I may --

I've heard several times that Sergio had a falling out with Weider, and an ugly one at that. In fact, Sergio is report to dispise Weider to great lengths. What do you know about this? Why is this so, if it's true?

I believe the 1972 Mr. O was Sergio's best showing by a slight margin. He bought an awesome physique to that show and should have won but was robbed [many claim] by The Governor. Was Sergio pissed about this as much as was reported? Did he feel it was a Weider doing?

What did Sergio have against Lee Haney and his reign as Mr. Olympia? He's [Sergio Oliva] stated in the past that Haney should have won some Sandows but not all?

How did he aquire the nickname "The Myth?"

After arriving in Florida, why did he make the move to Chicago not long after? I believe it was the late 1960's, correct?

In his prime, how strong was Sergio? Any facts and figures?

Which physique, if any, does Sergio admire of todays crop? I know he's publically stated Flex Wheeler and Shawn Ray [though I cannot recall where I read it] but anyone else?

Judging from those questions, It look's like you know more of Sergio than Sergio himself!!!


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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #45 on: May 12, 2006, 01:55:43 PM »
guy sittting beside him is wat chris cook will look like in 40yrs lol


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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #46 on: May 12, 2006, 02:17:41 PM »
The Myth was  definetly at the front of the line when they gave out the good genes. Still crazy(big) after all these years.


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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #47 on: May 12, 2006, 02:25:09 PM »
CS: great stories man....i have some questions

what exercised did he use for the different body parts....also what poundages did he handle on bench press, squat and deadlifts. What weights did he use for curls, skullcrushers? Is it true he did 10-12 reps with 315lbs in the military press? Did he use alot of dumbbell exercises?
What rep ranges did he use? Did you guys go to failure?


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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #48 on: May 12, 2006, 02:26:30 PM »
Alexxx, I know my joint problems are directly related to using that cheap crap Testosterone Cypionate. I'm just thankful it didn't destroy my heart, hips and knees. I only train four days a week now and each body part once a week but I make the most of my time in the gym. After training with Sergio I became a high priced trainer off of what I learned from him. I'm no longer training people since I got tired of it and now a days it seems everyone's a trainer.
I thought I was going to learn the great secret of bodybuilding when I trained with Sergio and I actually did. I learned that it was nothing but hard work and that if you didn't kick your own ass every time you went to the gym, you were going nowhere.
Look around the gym you train at. How many guys look the same as the day they started? Most of them.
How many come and go? Got a membership for Christmas but decided working out just wasn't for them and gone by New Years. Couldn't make the commitment. It's a lifestyle I've been living for 30 + years.
 Sergio's gym had no air conditioning and we would workout until we were about to puke and beyond.
You never know what's going to happen ten or twenty years from when you took that stuff. Would I do it again knowing what I do now? HELL NO! Man, think of it, shoulder replacement. Sergio had his shoulders done over ten years ago. I'm only 53. The doctor told me shoulder replacement is for someone 60 to 80 years old. Ex-rays showed no cartilage and the shoulders are bone on bone. I used to easily press 225 behind the neck but now I can't do anything behind the neck.
Squats are out since I can't reach my hands back far enough to hold the bar so now I'm left with leg press and hack squat but like i said, I make the most of it. Remember, don't cry later for the shit you do now. I'm not.


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Re: Sergio Olivia still big!
« Reply #49 on: May 12, 2006, 02:31:30 PM »
Alexxx, I know my joint problems are directly related to using that cheap crap Testosterone Cypionate. I'm just thankful it didn't destroy my heart, hips and knees. I only train four days a week now and each body part once a week but I make the most of my time in the gym. After training with Sergio I became a high priced trainer off of what I learned from him. I'm no longer training people since I got tired of it and now a days it seems everyone's a trainer.
I thought I was going to learn the great secret of bodybuilding when I trained with Sergio and I actually did. I learned that it was nothing but hard work and that if you didn't kick your own ass every time you went to the gym, you were going nowhere.
Look around the gym you train at. How many guys look the same as the day they started? Most of them.
How many come and go? Got a membership for Christmas but decided working out just wasn't for them and gone by New Years. Couldn't make the commitment. It's a lifestyle I've been living for 30 + years.
 Sergio's gym had no air conditioning and we would workout until we were about to puke and beyond.
You never know what's going to happen ten or twenty years from when you took that stuff. Would I do it again knowing what I do now? HELL NO! Man, think of it, shoulder replacement. Sergio had his shoulders done over ten years ago. I'm only 53. The doctor told me shoulder replacement is for someone 60 to 80 years old. Ex-rays showed no cartilage and the shoulders are bone on bone. I used to easily press 225 behind the neck but now I can't do anything behind the neck.
Squats are out since I can't reach my hands back far enough to hold the bar so now I'm left with leg press and hack squat but like i said, I make the most of it. Remember, don't cry later for the shit you do now. I'm not.

Wow I had now idea. Sorry to hear than man.
just push some weight!