Author Topic: 240 Threads vs King Kamali - What happened?  (Read 54815 times)

tom joad

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Re: 240 or bust can you please answer these questions for me?
« Reply #300 on: June 14, 2006, 04:49:42 PM »
there are some q's for you 240 is back, just answer them so the people on getbig can now where you stand on these questions.

matt pee

do ya want 240 to answer them under oath?

Matt P

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Re: 240 or bust can you please answer these questions for me?
« Reply #301 on: June 14, 2006, 05:00:49 PM »
do ya want 240 to answer them under oath?

you think that is what would take to get him to not lie?

i just think he should answer those questions period. a lot of people on the boards are wondering. he should set the facts straight. if he is a man.

matt pee

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Re: 240 or bust can you please answer these questions for me?
« Reply #302 on: June 14, 2006, 05:06:14 PM »
Matt Pee.


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Re: 240 or bust can you please answer these questions for me?
« Reply #303 on: June 14, 2006, 05:11:18 PM »
Who is 240???

Awesome avatar man lol


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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #304 on: June 14, 2006, 05:19:11 PM »
king -> public figure

statute of limitations on anything funny expired 6-12 months ago. 

what am i missing?

A backbone  ;D


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Re: 240 or bust can you please answer these questions for me?
« Reply #305 on: June 14, 2006, 05:43:01 PM »
whatever dude, just throw that stupid word around like everyone else. it doesn't even make sense. Next time I ask a question, don't answer it, I am not too fond of you.

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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #306 on: June 14, 2006, 06:30:04 PM »
you think that is what would take to get him to not lie?

i just think he should answer those questions period. a lot of people on the boards are wondering. he should set the facts straight. if he is a man.

matt pee

Somehow, I doubt 240 will.

Adam Empire

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Re: Can 240 or bust be sued by Kamali.....well....
« Reply #307 on: June 14, 2006, 07:02:06 PM »
A lot of stuff has been going around and a lot of questions have been asked.  Well, I researched the issue and I've got some answers

1.  Kamali can indeed sue 240 or Bust even if he's in another state.  The attorney would simply file the suit in the state Rob is in.  Any testimonies can be done via video-conference.  So the distance issue isn't a factor.

2.  Does Kamali have a case????  Well maybe...  240 has posted numerous nasty comment regarding him as well as created photo-morphed pictures and etc as well.  That does technically fall under libel/ slander

3.  Can it become class action??? Possibly... Anyone that 240 has pissed off can join in like Matt T, Bob Chick, even me although I wouldn't (I like 240),

4.  Can Rob fight back.....Yep....In fact he can file criminal charges.  Kamali has made numerous threats against him such as showing up at his house with a video-camera and tape him and his friends beating the shit out of him.

Well that's it for now.... ;D

Monster assclownage.
Motherboy (the band).

Undercover Supp Guy

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Re: Can 240 or bust be sued by Kamali.....well....
« Reply #308 on: June 14, 2006, 07:07:32 PM »
A lot of stuff has been going around and a lot of questions have been asked.  Well, I researched the issue and I've got some answers

1.  Kamali can indeed sue 240 or Bust even if he's in another state.  The attorney would simply file the suit in the state Rob is in.  Any testimonies can be done via video-conference.  So the distance issue isn't a factor.

2.  Does Kamali have a case????  Well maybe...  240 has posted numerous nasty comment regarding him as well as created photo-morphed pictures and etc as well.  That does technically fall under libel/ slander

3.  Can it become class action??? Possibly... Anyone that 240 has pissed off can join in like Matt T, Bob Chick, even me although I wouldn't (I like 240),

4.  Can Rob fight back.....Yep....In fact he can file criminal charges.  Kamali has made numerous threats against him such as showing up at his house with a video-camera and tape him and his friends beating the shit out of him.

Well that's it for now.... ;D

1.  Attorney's generally practise in one state, filing in FL means hiring FL attorney
2.  No, you have to have a claim to file a case.  I'm curious what his damages are and how he accounts for them?
3.  Not sure on this one but see #2
4.  District Attorney's file criminal charges stupid..


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Re: Time to start the 240 defense fund...
« Reply #309 on: June 14, 2006, 07:27:15 PM »
Interesting point.

A public figure must show "actual malice" — that you published with either knowledge of falsity or in reckless disregard for the truth. This is a difficult standard for a plaintiff to meet.

Do blogs have the same constitutional protections as mainstream media?
Yes. The US Supreme Court has said that "in the context of defamation law, the rights of the institutional media are no greater and no less than those enjoyed by other individuals and organizations engaged in the same activities."

What's the statute of limitation on libel?
Most states have a statute of limitations on libel claims, after which point the plaintiff cannot sue over the statement. For example, in California, the one-year statute of limitations starts when the statement is first published to the public. NY/NJ: 1 year also.

Calling a political foe a "thief" and "liar" in chance encounter (because hyperbole in context)
Calling a TV show participant a "local loser," "chicken butt" and "big skank"
Calling someone a "bitch" or a "son of a bitch"

Since libel is considered in context, do not take these examples to be a hard and fast rule about particular phrases. Generally, the non-libelous examples are hyperbole or opinion, while the libelous statements are stating a defamatory fact.

How do courts look at the context of a statement?
For a blog, a court would likely start with the general tenor, setting, and format of the blog, as well as the context of the links through which the user accessed the particular entry. Next the court would look at the specific context and content of the blog entry, analyzing the extent of figurative or hyperbolic language used and the reasonable expectations of the blog's audience.

Context is critical. For example, it was not libel for ESPN to caption a photo "Evel Knievel proves you're never too old to be a pimp," since it was (in context) "not intended as a criminal accusation, nor was it reasonably susceptible to such a literal interpretation. Ironically, it was most likely intended as a compliment." However, it would be defamatory to falsely assert "our dad's a pimp" or to accuse your dad of "dabbling in the pimptorial arts." (Real case, but the defendant sons succeeded in a truth defense).

And yes, I extended an apology to King after the first threatening PM, and I wrote him again tonight.
This is going to be an epic day in getbig history.

Sounds like your worried, ROb.  ;D

Im not sure whats happening, but- some people are sensitive to thngs, and believe it or not, many more rediclous suits have been filed and won! Not to make you worried, but , its true. I dont think your in that much danger, but if someone knows the right people in the legal./ justice system, they can make your like miserable, no matter how petty it seems...

good luck man.


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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #310 on: June 14, 2006, 07:30:36 PM »
bobbybennet, you want to know what a meltdown is?Go read the thread where Vince calls out Guy Grundy from the 1st page onwards.That getbigger, is an owning of which I have only seen 2 here, 240 was the 1st.


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Re: 240 or bust can you please answer these questions for me?
« Reply #311 on: June 14, 2006, 08:43:39 PM »
I Love The True Adon

Matt P

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Re: 240 or bust can you please answer these questions for me?
« Reply #312 on: June 14, 2006, 08:58:08 PM »
1. Did you or did you not post personal info of getbig members(phone number,home address, work number,ip address, family info)?

2.Did you or did you not post naked pics of yourself on getbig?

3.Did you or did you not lie about going to college or gym lifts?

4.Did you or did you not make dumb gifs and slides about members on here?

5.Did you or did you not lie that you have a stomach disease ?

6.Did you or did you not call the judges on a certain competitor on getbig and act like you are him , telling them you use aas for a drug tested show?

7.Did you or did you not make gay comments like "dont go to low on squats because of butt thickness" "shawn take your shirt off" "it is a tongue in the cheek shawn"?

8.Did you or did you not make a lie that you are married and have a baby?

9.Did you or did you not cheat on your so called wife with a member on getbig?

10.Did you or did you not tell Shawn Ray that you was going to post photoshop pics of his wife in a non tasteful way?

11.Did you or did you not bash the pros and certain members on here and play like you are their friend in another thread(like you are the innocent victim)?

12.Did you or did you not tell a competitor on here that you was going to go to their show and beat them down or even worst?

13.Did you or did you not make dumb comments towards people on here "Im concern about matt t head growth" "Im concern about mike health"

14.did you or did you not make gimmick accounts to make getbig feel sorry for you so called disease?

15.Did you or did you not have a meltdown and delete everything on the y board and cry like a lil girl to ron that everybody was picking on you?

Hedge please make this a sticky because 240 or bust seems to ignore these tough questions.

hey 240 is Rob. here are the questions. the board is still waiting for you to answer them.

matt pee


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Re: 240 or bust can you please answer these questions for me?
« Reply #313 on: June 14, 2006, 08:59:35 PM »
...with cheese

Are you Mrs. Getbig 2006? Good for you. Was the competition stiff?


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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #314 on: June 14, 2006, 09:13:04 PM »

sgt. d

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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #315 on: June 15, 2006, 05:13:47 AM »
rob zircoolio if you had to go to court you wouldnt do so well :-\



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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #316 on: June 15, 2006, 05:23:17 AM »
I say this .... 240 and all those here, we should never bring this guys name up, nor speak of him just cause that above all things would be the most damage we can do to any BB who is fourth teir material.... I already stopped talking about that person . WE need a concerted effort to just not talk about him...


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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #317 on: June 15, 2006, 06:55:30 AM »
Sorry if i missed it, but can someone please direct me to the link where 240 answered the above questions. I am too tired to search.


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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #318 on: June 15, 2006, 07:21:06 AM »
Sorry if i missed it, but can someone please direct me to the link where 240 answered the above questions. I am too tired to search.
come on guys, I can't find it anywhere. I need to know if this dudes yellow.


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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #319 on: June 15, 2006, 08:49:03 AM »
Sorry if i missed it, but can someone please direct me to the link where 240 answered the above questions. I am too tired to search.

He hasn't. But I bet he's made a complaint!

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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #320 on: June 15, 2006, 09:17:18 AM »
He hasn't. But I bet he's made a complaint!

Kevin, you're now joining in with 15-year old assclowns in their efforts.   The IFBB is shrinking, AMI is sinking, the O will look like a Goodwill flea market, and you are continuing to ruing your reputation in the field by joining in with children in their efforts to extract information about my personal life.

Horton, have a cookie, get a soda pop, and reconsider what people are starting to see you as.

Matt P

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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #321 on: June 15, 2006, 09:53:33 AM »
Kevin, you're now joining in with 15-year old assclowns in their efforts.   The IFBB is shrinking, AMI is sinking, the O will look like a Goodwill flea market, and you are continuing to ruing your reputation in the field by joining in with children in their efforts to extract information about my personal life.

Horton, have a cookie, get a soda pop, and reconsider what people are starting to see you as.

hey 240 is ROb/FPOS. stop dodging the questions you spineless FPOS. the board wants to know. come on FPOS. answer these questoins:

1. Did you or did you not post personal info of getbig members(phone number,home address, work number,ip address, family info)?

2.Did you or did you not post naked pics of yourself on getbig?

3.Did you or did you not lie about going to college or gym lifts?

4.Did you or did you not make dumb gifs and slides about members on here?

5.Did you or did you not lie that you have a stomach disease ?

6.Did you or did you not call the judges on a certain competitor on getbig and act like you are him , telling them you use aas for a drug tested show?

7.Did you or did you not make gay comments like "dont go to low on squats because of butt thickness" "shawn take your shirt off" "it is a tongue in the cheek shawn"?

8.Did you or did you not make a lie that you are married and have a baby?

9.Did you or did you not cheat on your so called wife with a member on getbig?

10.Did you or did you not tell Shawn Ray that you was going to post photoshop pics of his wife in a non tasteful way?

11.Did you or did you not bash the pros and certain members on here and play like you are their friend in another thread(like you are the innocent victim)?

12.Did you or did you not tell a competitor on here that you was going to go to their show and beat them down or even worst?

13.Did you or did you not make dumb comments towards people on here "Im concern about matt t head growth" "Im concern about mike health"

14.did you or did you not make gimmick accounts to make getbig feel sorry for you so called disease?

15.Did you or did you not have a meltdown and delete everything on the y board and cry like a lil girl to ron that everybody was picking on you?

Hedge please make this a sticky because 240 or bust seems to ignore these tough questions.

matt p

sgt. d

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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #322 on: June 15, 2006, 02:24:57 PM »
240 why do you also post as special ed, ieffinhatecardio,bigdumbbell, and furby?

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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #323 on: June 15, 2006, 02:28:55 PM »
240 why do you also post as special ed, ieffinhatecardio,bigdumbbell, and furby?

sgt d,

I do it because I enjoy breaking the laws of physics while posting opposite opinions on getbig.

sgt. d

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Re: 240 Threads re King Kamali incident
« Reply #324 on: June 15, 2006, 02:32:15 PM »
sgt d,

I do it because I enjoy breaking the laws of physics while posting opposite opinions on getbig.

Well it was nice knowing you, when tamila get a hold of you, we wont see you anymore  ;D