...or trenabol acetat/winny/primo depo
I have never used any of these compounds. Just Test Enanthate, Deca, Dbol. I have never done an all out cutting cycle either obviously so I am rather curious to hear some feedback on this specific combination and its effects on your physique as opposed to what I have taken. I know that a cutting cycle is only as good as your diet and cardio (and T3, clen and diueretic usage for competitors) but is it that different as opposed to gains with Test E, Deca or Dbol? I would love to compete and am curious about these compounds from a real world usage point of view (not just what is written on roid sites and magazines) Thanks in advance bros.
to hendog, test e/deca/dbol is widely use stack, i think it is the most popular stack around the world !cycle could supply good gains, mass size and strenght, in base it is an mass cycle ! (dbol and test).... guys rather take mass than cuts cycles !also if u r 1st time on roids you gonna take an mass cycle !cutts cycle is 2nd cycle !do one mass cycle and than one cutts cycle ! u r next !That was my whole goal from the start to get a good foundation of mass so I stuck with a cycle sceme that works. I chose not to do a cut cycle for my second, or third for that matter because I didn't feel I was big enough even afterwards. I was going for sheer size and gained quite a bit from those kinds of cycles but as far as winny, tren, primo, halos, GH, Slin, Diueretics (of any form), T3 usage for cuts I have no experience. Of course I can't help but feel that I will never be big enough and can always be bigger, but I would like to be dense and big. Right now my bf% is 10 to 11 % at a weight of 230lbs. It is hard to decide when to cut and when to build if being big and lean is your ultimate goal because without the mass your cuts aren't as profound (at least in my mind) u r next now bro
If you're going to use Test for cutting then I'd use Prop.
Not trying to be a smart as but reason being?
Most people usually gain less water (bloat less) when taking Prop.
I'm also planning to do a cutting cycle in about two months with Test Prop (among other things).
test prop is preffered form of test for dieting/cutting phases of training, giving the user less water and fat retention than :test e , cyp, sust...test prop / tren acetat = a bomb
weight ?
yes man, you current heigh ?? u only 230 lbs !
5'10", shoe size 13 and mother maiden name is ... well I wish I had a mother.
i am 13 too !!5'10 and 230 lbs , looks good to me, are you mass opsesive ??
test prop / tren acetat = a bomb