Author Topic: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)  (Read 135198 times)

Jay Em

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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #125 on: November 13, 2006, 01:14:50 PM »
knny17, I hate these web tags but I don't know your name so excuse me.

Yes, Steve's life partner would be the woman he shared his life with for, I
believe, apx. 12 years prior to his death. Her name was Deborah and without
going into depth, because I want to respect her in her absence, I think she
would actually laugh at the assertion that Steve ever took, or probably even
tried, drugs/steroids. He pretty much followed his life like an expert archer,
and seldom deferred from his target and bullseyes, which were health, fitness,
muscular body strength.

And, if he did ever TRY, TRY something like steroids, it would have been a quick
hit and miss, or forget attempt. But no, even that makes NO sense with him.
He was quite bright, especially concerning matters of the body, and knowing
the active ingredient of steroids and their impact on added strength and
muscular bulk...he just didn't need it, not even want it. Check his "Classic
Physique" book and he thought size for size sakes was wrong.

But, and personally that word does not belong in this conversation and equation,  and IF, another word that doesn't, Steve did TRY steroids it wouldn't
have made a centimeter comparison to the buttload fulls taken by others,
especally those who just can't accept that someone like Reeves never did.

It also would have gone against traditional and conventional wisdom of his times. And he was very much BOTH. He would have known that it was
artifical enhancement/replacement of hormone/test and he would have dropped
the idea or the "experiment" quicker than bodybuilding at 24 when he left the sport for Hollywood. And at 24 and plenty of his own hormones and genetics working for him, not to mention hardcore training, he'd figure WHY? And he'd be right.

One more thing. In apx. 1975 when talking to John Grimek on the phone upon
turning in my story on World Wrestwrestling out of Petaluma, we were joking
about this one competitor I wrote about who was...slightly crazy, for lack of
a better term, and John said something like, "well, maybe the guy is on drugs
or something and can't rely on his own abilties? It seems a lot of guys are
doing that these days." We talked and joked some more (Grimek had a great,
great sense of humor), and he hit upon training hard and that usually seperated
the men from the boys. Reeves came up and his visit to York. John was really
impressed with Steve and how hard he trained and absolutely dedicated him-
self to the task at hand. Then he said something like, if he had (that wristwrestler) the work ethic and diet strictness of Reeves, he wouldn't ever
have to take drugs. John Carl Grimek would have given an absolute NO to the premise that Steve Reeves would have ever taken or even tried steroids. I'd
bet my 60-year-old butt on it! I think it would have been the same case with
pretty much everyone from that era, but especially those bodybuilders into the
physical culture aspect of the sport, like Reeves. He was hardcore natural, as
in, per given by genes and effort.

If, again, IF, is a dirty two-letter word here for this alleged debate, Reeves
ever tried drugs/steroids, it would'nt have been enough to make a piss-ant

Cleanest Natural

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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #126 on: November 13, 2006, 01:53:46 PM »
sorry to be blunt...but you are not familiar with hormones/hystory of hormones and such...if your argument is what reeves wrote in his book. Another example at how brilliant the weiders created this wonderfull illussion we call bodybuilding.


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #127 on: November 13, 2006, 03:07:35 PM »
knny17, I hate these web tags but I don't know your name so excuse me.

Yes, Steve's life partner would be the woman he shared his life with for, I
believe, apx. 12 years prior to his death. Her name was Deborah and without
going into depth, because I want to respect her in her absence, I think she
would actually laugh at the assertion that Steve ever took, or probably even
tried, drugs/steroids. He pretty much followed his life like an expert archer,
and seldom deferred from his target and bullseyes, which were health, fitness,
muscular body strength.

And, if he did ever TRY, TRY something like steroids, it would have been a quick
hit and miss, or forget attempt. But no, even that makes NO sense with him.
He was quite bright, especially concerning matters of the body, and knowing
the active ingredient of steroids and their impact on added strength and
muscular bulk...he just didn't need it, not even want it. Check his "Classic
Physique" book and he thought size for size sakes was wrong.

But, and personally that word does not belong in this conversation and equation,  and IF, another word that doesn't, Steve did TRY steroids it wouldn't
have made a centimeter comparison to the buttload fulls taken by others,
especally those who just can't accept that someone like Reeves never did.

It also would have gone against traditional and conventional wisdom of his times. And he was very much BOTH. He would have known that it was
artifical enhancement/replacement of hormone/test and he would have dropped
the idea or the "experiment" quicker than bodybuilding at 24 when he left the sport for Hollywood. And at 24 and plenty of his own hormones and genetics working for him, not to mention hardcore training, he'd figure WHY? And he'd be right.

One more thing. In apx. 1975 when talking to John Grimek on the phone upon
turning in my story on World Wrestwrestling out of Petaluma, we were joking
about this one competitor I wrote about who was...slightly crazy, for lack of
a better term, and John said something like, "well, maybe the guy is on drugs
or something and can't rely on his own abilties? It seems a lot of guys are
doing that these days." We talked and joked some more (Grimek had a great,
great sense of humor), and he hit upon training hard and that usually seperated
the men from the boys. Reeves came up and his visit to York. John was really
impressed with Steve and how hard he trained and absolutely dedicated him-
self to the task at hand. Then he said something like, if he had (that wristwrestler) the work ethic and diet strictness of Reeves, he wouldn't ever
have to take drugs. John Carl Grimek would have given an absolute NO to the premise that Steve Reeves would have ever taken or even tried steroids. I'd
bet my 60-year-old butt on it! I think it would have been the same case with
pretty much everyone from that era, but especially those bodybuilders into the
physical culture aspect of the sport, like Reeves. He was hardcore natural, as
in, per given by genes and effort.

If, again, IF, is a dirty two-letter word here for this alleged debate, Reeves
ever tried drugs/steroids, it would'nt have been enough to make a piss-ant

this is the last time i respond to this topic after some of you beg me to in private messeges.
i chose to quote this specific dude for no particular reason so dont get all offended on me.

if,,when,,why,,where,, all this words dont matter. the only place i would put the IF word is in this sentence,,,:if you cant see for yourself what it takes to be the leader of the pack when it comes to bodybuilding,,,then you dont know your sport/industry. infact then it was the leader of the pack and few other lucky ones,,,now days it is any one in the pack,,,even the local thomas county georgia ymca night champ is on.

you put lots of nonesense,,i knew,,i trained,,,myfriend was eating dinner with,,my granma cooked,,it dont matter.

steve reeves never had kids
steve reeves was absorbed with himself
steve reeves was a womanizer  ,,which i support in a way,,
steve reeves was experiementing with hormones
steve reeves was a loner,,no one knew his personality well because he was a loner that liked animals more than people
steve reeves walked day and night thinking how he can make himself bigger (yes 220 6% in 1940 was very big and still is to this day even at 6'1)

lastly,,ingeneral for all of you lifters of the late 70s-2000s,,,,when you enter a gym tellin your buddies and hoes around that you are not jacked and you dont touch juice,,you gotta remember that growth, igf1lr3 and insulin are  A HELL OF A LOT better than juice for building muscle/size and also are legal for use for "research" in many states and countries around the world.
so simply get off the olympus my friends,,ive seen it all,,heard it all,,,every day we got 10 steve reeves come to us buying their goodies and then email us 2 hours later asking how come its not there yet,,,this is body-building,,,every one for himself.

fallen angel

Jay Em

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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #128 on: November 13, 2006, 06:37:12 PM »
Maybe longtime ironager, Australian gym owner and equipment designer and
competitive bodybuilder himself, Vince Basile, said it best:

Everybody's an expert in the iron game.

gh15, you just recited a few points about Reeves well known and acknowledged by others. And his personal history bears this out, no secret

But it has nothing to do with Reeves taking drugs; and of course, based on your own theories and points, proves zero.

Also, using philosophy of... if A then B, then B then C = D; yours just comes
around again to A. In otherwords, we come back around 360 degrees and
we haven't progressed any further towards our, or a, distination.

Nothing personal, but it seems your last comment about all those "Reeves"
types coming in, etc., etc., indicates you are in the drug or supplement
industry, and seem to have some issues with bodybuilding or bodybuilders
(and understandable...). But with the 10 Reeves' reference, maybe your
issues don't stop there and are much deeper? Some of your comments were
very revealing and I think I may have some more glues as to where you are
coming from. However, I personally don't believe you have headed in the right
direction. I would guess though that you are definately older than me (60+),
are not American (or at least American-born; not a value-judgement, just an
observation), and have had extensive exposure (for lack of a better term) to
the bodybuilding experience, in perhaps various capacities. You may even be
an industry player, old, new or both, that has disguised his true identity by
writing in a way that would askew the casual observer or even the veteran
investigator. Your stumbling around doesn't blur my thinking or opinions, tho.
I'd bet a whey shake that I'm 100% right, or at least 75%.

And sevastase, I'm not familiar with hormones, huh? My reference to hormones
was, as in...testosterone, the male hormone. My reference to the Reeves book
was in relation to that and all the other points I made. That's it. If you want to argue at least keep facts in context. And what did that have to do with the
price of tea in China? I wasn't trying to split the atom or further quantify the
main ingredient that defines a man, I just provided a little analogy.

'Nuff said.


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #129 on: November 13, 2006, 06:49:49 PM »


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #131 on: November 14, 2006, 05:13:12 AM »
I met George Eiferman in his gym in Las Vegas in the early 90s.

I introduced myself, told him of my background in the field, etc.,
and we ended up discussing many things, much of which centered
around how the iron game WAS and how it had...ummm...
progressed. The one distinct thing I recall George saying (after
bringing up the impact of drugs on the sport, as in competition),
was he said something to the effect that he knew everyone
couldn't be a Steve Reeves but drugs weren't the answer (in
a comparative analogy to older, simpler, less complicated and
competitive times).

The objective journalist in me immediately shot back: "Steve Reeves
of course never took drugs?"

George shot back just as quick with a good natured smirk on his face.
"Are you kidding; with his genetics? Besides, Steve was really into
natural health and foods and the physical culture aspect of body-
building. He would have never taken drugs, especially to impact his
own hormone (test) levels." He said a few other things in basic support
of that; things like he and Steve were close friends; that they had
fun, especially with women, but that even liquor was a distant stranger
to his lips, as well as some so-called cutting edge nutritional products.
He finished it off with something like Reeves treated his body like a
temple. That he would have been the LAST person to even try
something like drugs.

Now, of course, my above quote was not word for word, but it's pretty
close and captures the jest of what he said. George was a very nice,
soft spoken guy and had a reputation that was not tarnished in the
least. And he and Steve were close buddies. Yet, George wasn't the
type of guy to lie; he probably couldn't have if a gun was put to his
head. His integrity was without question.

And George and Steve were buds throughout Steve's competitive
career. Keep in mind too that back in those times and up to the time
I met George, steroids were legal. In otherwords, taking drugs would
have had no lawful or legal impact, therefore, no consequences. If
Reeves would have taken, used, tried, experimented in any way, George
would have known; and if he (Reeves) did, George would have simply
said so.

Also, if Reeves tried the stuff, don't you think others, especially in the
competitive arena would have said so. Listen, in that small community
(bodybuilding) someone would have known and it would have gotten out,
and about. Those other bodybuilders had enough to worry about Reeves'
genetics, let alone outside, artifical  enhancements.

I don't share this lightly...but I visited the Reeves Ranch after his death,
taking pictures and doing an extensive expose. I also talked to some
people close to Reeves, including caretakers and even his horse vet.
Steve was actually quite a health fanatic and it was obvious all over the
place, including those who knew him best, including his life partner. He was
so incredibly fussy he had to make his own protein drinks from scratch; he
didn't trust others that much when it came to his own body. He was, shall
we say, extremely conservative and cautious. And he was very proud, strong.

Back in the 80s when he contracted with MD magazine (when they were
calling themselves "Natural") to provide articles and his own limited product
line (extremely modest), he left after they (MD) once again changed their
focus away from the natural to more mainstream. He was strict, legit and
the real deal. Look back at some of those issues and read, my friends. He
hated what drugs had done to the sport and made his opinions very clear.

I'll share something else, when I was editor of Muscle Digest (early 80s),
I had heard through the grapevine that Steve wouldn't even lend his name
to nutritional products because he may not have believed in them or taken
them. The guy couldn't be bought. He was seemingly an extremely straight
shooter. Drugs did not fit into his philosophy. Naturally, truly fit did, but with
hard work and absolute dedication. Drugs to Reeves were totally counter-
dictory to why he started bodybuilding in the first place.   

Steve also does NOT fit the profile of a user, in any amounts, in any way.
He also never showed any, as the law refers to, as...patterns of behavior.

Patterns of behavior is used in courts all the time and helps to establish
a timeline of possibles and probables. The mental and medical communities
also use patterns of behavior to help establish facts and ascertain truths
from untruths.

Reeves never has in his personal profile any patterns of behavior that would
indicate or even suggest that he may have been a drug (steroid) user or
even experimentor. It doesn't even romotely fit his M.O.

However, his entire life does illustrate patterns of behavior that suggest
just the opposite. We could go on and on.

In my opinion and I believe in a profound way, this topic does not even
dignify a discourse or argument. It simply is without any logic or merit.

Very nice post, actually one of the most enjoyable to read in this whole thread. No accusions, no 'absolute truth', just a good story.

Thank you.


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #132 on: November 14, 2006, 05:17:55 AM »
Great pic Knny187!

Actually autographed by both legends.

And here I thought my pic with Reg Park and autograph was the bomb...


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #133 on: November 14, 2006, 05:24:19 AM »

this is the last time i respond to this topic after some of you beg me to in private messeges.  Thank you. ;D

steve reeves never had kids
steve reeves was absorbed with himself
steve reeves was a womanizer  ,,which i support in a way,,
steve reeves was experiementing with hormones
steve reeves was a loner,,no one knew his personality well because he was a loner that liked animals more than people
steve reeves walked day and night thinking how he can make himself bigger (yes 220 6% in 1940 was very big and still is to this day even at 6'1)

Where are your arguments? All you do ist just state some opinion and then say the reason that you stated it makes it a fact!
Where is the connection between having no kids and being egocentric and doing roids?
I know many people who have no kids, you want to tell me they are all on drugs?
Are you telling me all loners are on steroids? Everyone who wants to get bigger is??

You don't have on argument, and that's why you stopped posting in this thread.
I'm glad some other people turned this around again.


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #134 on: November 14, 2006, 05:37:17 AM »
Where are your arguments? All you do ist just state some opinion and then say the reason that you stated it makes it a fact!
Where is the connection between having no kids and being egocentric and doing roids?
I know many people who have no kids, you want to tell me they are all on drugs?Are you telling me all loners are on steroids? Everyone who wants to get bigger is??

You don't have on argument, and that's why you stopped posting in this thread.
I'm glad some other people turned this around again.

I know many people who have kids that might start taking drugs! ;D


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #135 on: November 14, 2006, 05:38:13 AM »
I know many people who have kids that might start taking drugs! ;D

haha, good catch.

Jay Em

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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #136 on: November 14, 2006, 12:29:25 PM »
Thanks much, DonkeyKong. I really appreciate your words.

You know its one thing to try and write something that attempts to make
sense, and make every effort to carefully articulate an argument/debate, using whatever is at your disposal and put into the proper context, and properly
referenced, i.e., according my opinion, so and so said..., etc.

But its quite another to have someone reading it, pick it up as delivered, and
totally understand the message and points, etc. It make the effort expanded
worthwhile. And DK, it takes some insight and intelligence on your part (no
reflection on me, no pat on the back, just appreciation).

Also, it was implied earlier on that certain aspects of argument were not valid
because they were hearsay or second-hand, etc. Well, if that point is to be
brought out then it should apply all-around, shouldn't it??

And if we are debating a story with a premise of accusation and NO FACTS then we are reduced to only using these in our arguments, aren't
we? Again, if reason, logic, common sense, hearsay, opinions based con-
versations and everything else that you can throw into the mix helps to
form/create patterns of behavior, then at least you can formulate answers
and come to conclusions. And if you have enough you can reasonably conclude
that you hve reached decisions beyond any reasonable doubt.

Considering the limited resources we had and used for this debate, and
reflecting upon the fact that there are many many more people and stories
out there that would support Reeves never taking drugs as opposed to those
that wouldn't, I would surmise that we've reached that...reasonable doubt.


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #137 on: November 14, 2006, 03:37:59 PM »
Where are your arguments? All you do ist just state some opinion and then say the reason that you stated it makes it a fact!
Where is the connection between having no kids and being egocentric and doing roids?
I know many people who have no kids, you want to tell me they are all on drugs?
Are you telling me all loners are on steroids? Everyone who wants to get bigger is??

You don't have on argument, and that's why you stopped posting in this thread.
I'm glad some other people turned this around again.

the reason i stopped writing on this post is that i only come on this boards and check the gossip section,,as you can see anytime i have something to say i write it with out trying to be too polite,,,

my point has been made long ago the day i was writing this thread,,,it never changed since and the thread remained here because people are not stupid.

the facts i mentioned about reeves (no kids,,self centered,,womanizer,,,loner) were mentioned because those are the only things known about him as an absolute and the "pattern of behavior" you love to mention here is nothing more than big words on small screen.

if you wanna talk about real pattern of behaviors of people who do bodybuilding,,,you gotta look in the mirror at every single competetive bodybuilder on earth,,,and even the none competetve,,, the patterns of behavior are very very similar to all and steve reeves WAS one of us. was always one of us,,will always be one of us.
he used a lot less,,,a lot rougher compounds,,,alot more experiemnting,,,alot less knowledge,,but oh he had his share of hormones.

im kinda surprized redbaron (if its him) wouldl throw himself into this discussion trying to articulate something for the defense of reeves with the amazing genetics that didnt even see 90,,or 80,,,let him rest my friend,,let himrest

*jerald ford = amazing genetics ;)
**donky i hope you love my answer i worked on it 2 min and few seconds and again forgot to check for spellings :D
fallen angel


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #138 on: November 15, 2006, 01:54:07 AM »
Gerald Ford is 93 years old & counting...gonna surpass Reagan as oldest living US President ever. :o
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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #139 on: November 15, 2006, 07:42:22 AM »
sorry to be blunt...but you are not familiar with hormones/hystory of hormones and such...if your argument is what reeves wrote in his book. Another example at how brilliant the weiders created this wonderfull illussion we call bodybuilding.

Unfortunately you werent around back in the day so your opinion on what Reeves did or didnt do is no more valid than mine. But for some reason you love to ride G15s coat tails. Actually you dont seem to know anymore about bbing than anyone else on this board.

G15 by the way you speak I can tell you werent around then either( I dont think you ever claimed to be) So once again your opinion is just that. I know, I know you have been there and done everything regarding bbing and juice. But unless you have something like cold hard facts your argument doesnt hold much water!


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #140 on: November 15, 2006, 10:34:39 AM »
Maybe someone on here knows someone who was there, that could clarify matter. Although, as I've said before, either way I'm not losing sleep.


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #141 on: November 19, 2006, 03:13:16 AM »
So what is the truth? Is gh15 to be believed or are the allegations/insinuations all just some hot air on his part?
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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #142 on: November 22, 2006, 02:04:49 PM »
Re-read all the previous posts, Golden.

What do you think? Make a decision. You have enough info there to make
a small book.

But it's your call. Will it be a fiction or non-fiction account.


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #143 on: November 22, 2006, 03:29:13 PM »
I for one am a non-believer and see nothing to prove that Steve was on the juice at any time. Just a bunch of comments that he'd get upset enough about to call "Foul" and possibly seek legal action if he was still alive.

I knew Steve personally and spent some time with him on a couple of occasions before he passed away and I even asked him for his views on the present roid situation without asking him if he ever took them himself.

As I said before, he was pretty sad about the use of roids in bodybuilding.

These are the facts from my personal contact with Steve, so do with them as you may. I would be darn surprised if he ever took them and have not heard that he ever did from anyone who ever knew him personally.

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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #144 on: November 23, 2006, 02:20:22 AM »
I for one am a non-believer and see nothing to prove that Steve was on the juice at any time. Just a bunch of comments that he'd get upset enough about to call "Foul" and possibly seek legal action if he was still alive.

I knew Steve personally and spent some time with him on a couple of occasions before he passed away and I even asked him for his views on the present roid situation without asking him if he ever took them himself.

As I said before, he was pretty sad about the use of roids in bodybuilding.

These are the facts from my personal contact with Steve, so do with them as you may. I would be darn surprised if he ever took them and have not heard that he ever did from anyone who ever knew him personally.

you're in a better position than most to make a judgement call, but it appears the jury's still out on this one.

in any case, one can certainly see why steve was becoming somewhat distressed at what he was seeing.

he was alive to see bodybuilding become an industry more obsessed with drugs and size for size's sake than physical culture. something that he was passionate about it became a freakshow before his very eyes and that's gotta hurt.

the cold hard reality is that every athletic endeavour has to progress. it's the nature of the beast. jumpers MUST jump higher, sprinters MUST sprint faster, throwers MUST throw get the point.

if he did use testosterone or anything else, there IS one thing we can all be certain of, that it wasn't in the same stratosphere as what was to become.

is that a defence to his (possible) use of testosterone? no, but imo he doesn't need one. he probably drank alcohol and coke (which contained cocaine back then) 2 FAR more harmful drugs than testosterone and no one would have thought anything of it.

face it, this is about cheating. people want to believe that their heroes never did ANYTHING so human as using an aid to make things EASIER. heroes don't do that, they do things HARD man. fight wars, famine, move mountains and shit,then they get drunk off their tits and fuck 3 beautiful women for 16 hours straight WITHOUT FUCKING VIAGRA OK. you know, something like what he did in the hercules movies.

damn, one month to go 'til christmas! i wonder what santa claus is going to put in my stocking? ;D


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #145 on: November 23, 2006, 04:51:31 AM »
Are we talking during his competitive years or after?

I think he had good genetics, which would help anyone gain faster. Add a good structure, and he looks that much more impressive. In one pic there are spots on his stomach, like many other pro BBers from any era. Whether they were from an injection is what we're debating here. Either way, he looked great and it was his choice to use it.


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #146 on: November 23, 2006, 09:36:09 AM »
Intelligently put, Beast, but I have a few differences.

First, I seriously doubt that Steve ever drank alcohol of any kind  - beer, wine, or booz. I can't base that belief on anything other than knowing for a fact that he led a very clean (estetic?) lifestyle which was even noted in an east bay newspaper article written about him in the 50's. And a good number of "us kids" back then believed that that was the only way to excell physically.

Most of that newspaper article came from an interview with his mom and she claimed that Steve never had a cold nor a cavity and never ate or drank anything that was harmful to his body. I assume that would include coke and alcohol.

From my very limited association with Steve back then, I can only recall with certainty that he was a very quiet individual who was somewhat of a loner. I can only recall meeting one of his real friends who appeared to be a bulked up powerlifter (Odd lifts back then.) That was the nite in Rio Nido (a kid's summer resort area) when Steve got in a fight and left soon after. I was in the vicinity and heard the scuffle but only got to the scene of the incident after it was all over, but all of us who knew Steve and looked up to him talked about it for the next couple of weeks.

One thing we are all kind of overlooking here is "the time periods involved". Back in the 50's the world was slowly coming out of a victorian age where "gentlemen" wore hats and the ladies never showed  their "clevage". The only folks into drugs back then were musicians and hose occupations that required long periods of travel on the road. (At least that is how I recall it.) Bodybuilding was not acceptable by most people and others were ignorant of what it even was.

Those individuals who joined the Y "to get bigger" would end up in or on one of those mechanical things that would "shake your fat off", or play around with "bowling pins" and expect results. Every Y had some kind of cotton mat offering some comfort while doing situps and wooden racks against the wall to climb on or do leg raises.

Dumbells were solid metal objects and the barbells had to be reajusted everytime you wanted to increase or decrease the weight.

I don't recall ever seeing a mirror until later in the 50's when American Health Studios came in (and shortly went out of) business.

I was seriously involved in the "sport" and cannot recall any mention of the roids until the very late or very early 60's when they were initially mentioned in the Weider publication or by Mabel and Perry in IronMan. If they did exist among the bodybuilding community back then, believe me!, I would have gone a-looken!

Back when we/I started using them, they were legal and easily obtainable. No black market then, but every doctor I knew back then claimed that "steroids do not work" and the AMA was making similar statements.

No one hid the fact that he was on the juice because it was somewhat acceptable by one and all until the IOC and the politicians got involved. Once that happened the demand skyrocketed and the black market was born. And you probably know the rest.

One thing I'll never forget ....... I walked into Golds on 2nd in Santa Monica and there was a girl training right along side of the guys. I think Bill Grant was one of the guys, but the girl was definitely Lisa Lyon (spelling?). That was a major shock as up until then as every gym I ever worked out in was exclusively for the guys.

Sorry for rambling on here but times were so much different then and that must be taken into consideration when arguing who did what and when back then.

I seriously doubt that Reeves ever took roids of any type, nor Coca-Cola, nor alcohol. And I do know for a fact that he chewed his food a minimum of 20 times before swallowing anything as a way of helping his digestive functions. (Where the hell did I ever read that one?!)

If you are interested in seeing how this "sport" was way back then, go to and search "Steve Reeves". Someone posted a French movie there in two parts called "The Most Beautiful Man in the World" (reads better in French). Second part shows some good shots of Steve in that bodybuilding contest and will give  you some idea of how this stuff actually started.

OK, thanks for reading ....

BEAST 8692

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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #147 on: November 23, 2006, 11:29:31 AM »
'OK, thanks for reading ....'

man, thanks for typing. i love this stuff. i hang on every single sentence. ramble on all you want and then some as far as i'm concerned.

i am a bit of a cynic. not in a negative way, i just don't believe in humans being inhuman. i've heard too many people convincingly attest to doing one thing and then it turns out they did quite the opposite.

a friend of mine is deeply religious, often quoting the bible, been on missions, yeah really full on. anyway, he comes around my house to train one day and he's having a go at me for drinking coffee (ritual before training) and says he NEVER drinks coffee because it's a drug and it's stated in verse 9 chapter blah blah. anyway, after he'd finished his sermon i took the opportunity to point out that he was drinking a red bull (his own pre workout ritual). well, he had every excuse in the book and i just lmao since the active drug in both beverages is caffeine. he didn't/wouldn't hear of it.

what was deemed healthy back in the late 40s and 50s was somewhat different to now, but hey, maybe i just never met anyone like steve reeves.


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #148 on: November 23, 2006, 04:52:34 PM »
"And I do know for a fact that he chewed his food a minimum of 20 times before swallowing anything as a way of helping his digestive functions."

up until this sentence,,,your story was beautiful,,,

and beast,,you "met" many like reeves,,larry scott,,frank zane,,gaspari,,you met them all.

last week i was training in some gym and i saw there this 185lb lifter,,,he came in the lockers and talked to me asked questions,,it started with him tellin me he was doing nationals 3 years ago and doesnt/didnt use hormones at all,,,i was like...ok... since i know exactly what each and every person use almost to the t.

it ended after an hour or so at the middle of the gym,,while other guys were taking about gear use,,,he suddenly remembered he has done gh prescribed by a doc,,,and done testosterone/dianabol/halo and some coke and meth when he was training with marcus back in florida,,,and that he ordered igf and the source only sent him 3 kits and forgot the extra bonus forth (for every 3 you buy you get one free)

he had the courage at the end to ask me if i prefer clen tabs or liquid,,,for his girl... :D

the reason i LOVE bodybuilding is the ability to impress society with my size and muscle mass
the reason i HATE bodybuilding is the LIES

i rarely find honest bodybuilders,,i consider myself honest but! to your face among people,,i will lie like a dog

fallen angel


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Re: STEVE REEVES- behind the scenes (only for getbiggers,,only on getbig!)
« Reply #149 on: November 24, 2006, 01:20:26 AM »
"And I do know for a fact that he chewed his food a minimum of 20 times before swallowing anything as a way of helping his digestive functions."

up until this sentence,,,your story was beautiful,,,

and beast,,you "met" many like reeves,,larry scott,,frank zane,,gaspari,,you met them all.

last week i was training in some gym and i saw there this 185lb lifter,,,he came in the lockers and talked to me asked questions,,it started with him tellin me he was doing nationals 3 years ago and doesnt/didnt use hormones at all,,,i was like...ok... since i know exactly what each and every person use almost to the t.

it ended after an hour or so at the middle of the gym,,while other guys were taking about gear use,,,he suddenly remembered he has done gh prescribed by a doc,,,and done testosterone/dianabol/halo and some coke and meth when he was training with marcus back in florida,,,and that he ordered igf and the source only sent him 3 kits and forgot the extra bonus forth (for every 3 you buy you get one free)

he had the courage at the end to ask me if i prefer clen tabs or liquid,,,for his girl... :D

the reason i LOVE bodybuilding is the ability to impress society with my size and muscle mass
the reason i HATE bodybuilding is the LIES

i rarely find honest bodybuilders
,,i consider myself honest but! to your face among people,,i will lie like a dog

Honesty is not a great virtue amongst the bbing crowd, and I'm referring to integrity in general, not just lies about usage.
A lot of 2 faced, unreliable, dishonest individuals.