Author Topic: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty  (Read 19032 times)


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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #125 on: September 04, 2006, 08:05:35 AM »
The magazine timeline:

1] 15 year old boy buys Flex wanting to learn how to train and look like a bodybuilder
2] A year later, after eating tons of brocoli and spending a fortune on snake oil like scamma o, he realises he might also need something called steroids.
3] Buys MD for a couple of issues. Gets a glimpse of what bodybuilding is really like. Gets bored.
4] Discovers the internet - finds out the truth about bodybuilding. Its 90% steroids. The articles in Flex are ghost written. Badly.
5] Becomes a Getbig member and gets the latest gossip the day it happens. Also gets the best pics without having to pay for them. Becomes incredibly pissed off that he ever wasted money on shit like Flex and MD.

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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #126 on: September 04, 2006, 08:07:31 AM »
but i dont think md is shit at least all the training science articles backed up and refernced which is handy when your studying to be a personal trainer


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Re: FLEX vs MD gets dirty
« Reply #127 on: September 04, 2006, 08:09:26 AM »
You're making a mistake again. They are selling profitable magazines.

AMI is selling a profitable magazine.
The BBinsider


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Re: FLEX vs MD gets dirty
« Reply #128 on: September 04, 2006, 08:16:02 AM »
AMI is selling a profitable magazine.



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Re: FLEX vs MD gets dirty
« Reply #129 on: September 04, 2006, 08:30:10 AM »
 "So while I naturally enjoy a good meal, I don’t remember, as Romano alleges, “eyeing the plates like I just got rescued from a deserted island.” I do remember wondering if Mr. Blechman might need a booster seat to reach the table." Priceless.

  This only further serves to prove that Testicular Maldevelopment engages in the same kind of dejecta that they so often accuse Flex of propogating, albeit for different reasons. I can't help but be reminded of that roundtable discussion with Dave Palumbo right before he went away for selling Growth. Anyone remember how that muff-bag John Romano supposedly brought "stacks" of negative feedback that fans were giving "Jumbo" on these BBS's to the restaurant? And how Romano, in a desperate attempt to get us to stop slagging MD, suggested that the negativity was actually envy in disguise? Lest we forget how remarkably coincidental it was that two new Romano-penned articles, "The Romano Factor" and "Page 69", seemed to pop up right after the "Rage Page" disappeared from the mag.

   Romano, get killed, would you please?

FLEX has been "sinking" for the last three years, let some folks here tell it. McGough's article must be in the OCT 06 issue of FLEX. I have the SEP 06 one but haven't seen it in there, yet.

The portion about MD switching directions like Dolly Parton's breasts in a wind tunnels.....NOW, THAT'S PRICELESS!!!!

Mr. McGough has kindly reminded folks that Blechman once swore that no steroid-using bodybuilder would ever be in MD again. Now, all we hear is "Steroids this, Steroids that, my first cycle, GH: Tastes like chicken, etc.".

This was supposed to be the guy to lead the "revolution" (sound familiar?) to right the bodybuilding ship (only a decade ago, it was all about natural bodybuilding, as IFBB pros were supposedly croaking left and right, mimicking the allegedly insane drug use of one Mr. Olympia, Dorian Yates).

As for the claims by MD, I don't know about the other writers. But, if it comes from Romano's pen, I deem it false, until proven true. The memory still sticks in my mind of his less-than-accurate assessment of the North American Championship a decade ago. Despite not even being there, Romano not only claimed that the heavyweight (and overall) champion, John Simmons, should not have won. But, that Simmons actually told the 4th placed finisher, Gerard Dente (who just happened to work for Twinlab) that he should have won.

Romano got slammed in MuscleMag, as several attendees of that 1996 NAC said that Simmons was the winner hands-down. Simmons himself, a fairly quiet man by reputation, wrote MuscleMag to set the record straight. Though he was far more merciful on Romano than the fans were, he made it clear that AT NO TIME did he apologize to Dente (or anyone else). Of course, being as that show was the IFBB[/b] North American Championships, Romano claimed that the fix was in for Dente, because he worked for Twinlab (and Muscular Development......or should I say Muscular Development-Fitness-Health).

So, if Romano is making any claims regarding FLEX's demise, forget the grain; take the WHOLE SHAKER of salt. Romano has a long history of sticking his foot in his mouth. And from what I've seen, the tradition is alive and well.


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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #130 on: September 04, 2006, 08:31:23 AM »
Chris H,

I do not know who you are - so you being stand-offish is petty.

In the end, all the magazines should be striving to get/obtain new interest in working out/exercise and perhaps competative BB.

The working out part might be the sport part of it, standing on a stage, posing is not athletic nor a sport. In fact, less than 5% of all people who ever work out ever enter a contest.

Flex and MD are different as is Fitness Rx for Her and Shape, they all have their +/-'s, however, from a sales perspective none hold a candle to Men's Health - including MnF (Muscle n Fiction as it is known in academic circles). Sadly, since Joe has gotten older and a tad ill and is no longer involved in the day-to-day operations of the magazines, they have fallen from their prestige. The loss of writers and the attempt to deny that people do not normally weigh 275 pounds at a height of 5'10 or 6'2 without being either obese or on drugs is also wrong. Yes, drugs are illegal, but these people do them. The "how to" articles of training, dieting, supplementing, and other items around these are what are instructive to the new and not so new reader.

The internet has taken many buyers away from the magazines as they go to T-Nation, GetBig, and other great sites out there. MD just announced a whole new web presence (sp) to start shortly, should be interesting as MnF and Flex's site are sales oriented and not info and content oriented.

have a great weekend - does AMI release the sales figures and PnL sheets for each magazine in their SEC filings?

Doug "dknole" Kalman
"Go Noles"

I don't know who you are either...though you seem to think I should.  How exactly am I being stand offish? I answer pretty much everything I happen to know the answer to.

and yes, some parts of our sites are sales oriented and meant as a tie in with the mags, but there is also web-only content and bringing coverage of contests the night that they happen is also on our site, which is done just for fans of BB (as far as I know, Ironman is the only other magazine that does this).

Our ultimate goal IS to get more people interested in working out/exercise, but trying to keep it in a positive light.



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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #131 on: September 04, 2006, 08:46:50 AM »
Its a little sad how many of you guys are ready to make fun of flex but most of you talk about how you bought a recent issue.

Flex is a piece of shit and no mistake.  Written by idiots, for the common idiot.  Do yourselves a favour and trash them every time they are mentioned and maybe they'll get the picture - intelligent information, not articles on how Kevin Levrone "flexes his biceps and da chix come runnin" are what real fans want.

I can also confirm that as far as toilet paper goes, its not crash hot either.  Gloss just doesn't work that well.. I'd trade any issue of flex for that 1ply budget sandpaper that you buy when you get cheap. 

I went through a period of experimentation on all grades of paper during university, during this time I purchased an issue of flex and couldn't find one thing that was worth it.  Bodybuilders in lumberjacking clothing doesn't do it for me. 


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Re: FLEX vs MD gets dirty
« Reply #132 on: September 04, 2006, 08:53:35 AM »
so by portraying  drugs as having no role whatsoever, flex is "more responsible"?

Who said that? Besides, if people know that IFBB pros use anabolics, why must FLEX or MD remind of that every single issue?

If the rationale is to allegedly save some newbie from thinking that he can build a pro-style physique sans anabolics, such worry is unwarranted. I've been at newsstands, to buy magazines. And, I've heard more than my fair share of "Steroids" comments by youngsters nearby.

In one instance, two teens were snickering about how unattractive and masculine a lady on the cover of MuscleMag International was. Now, this wasn't a Kim Chivesky/Iris Kyle type. It was none other than a woman, considered as a first-class beauty in bodybuilding circles: Monica Brant-Peckham.

MD's irresponsible coverage would imply that before a youngster even guzzled his first protein shake or lifts those cement weights he got from a garage sale or inherited from his dad/big brother, he better have the syringes in ready supply.

Both mags can use some improvement, but I'd give FLEX the nod, first.


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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #133 on: September 04, 2006, 09:01:07 AM »
Hah, well Mcway, lets face it.. most of these pro's starting using gear pretty early.  MUCH earlier than they will admit.  The fable of reaching your natural potential first is a rarely achieved thing in reality.  If you do want to be a pro chances are you'll get started pretty early.

Flex I dislike because they pander to the halfwit.  Idiots are more likely to buy magazines when all information is for free online though.


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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #134 on: September 04, 2006, 09:04:26 AM »
Its a little sad how many of you guys are ready to make fun of flex but most of you talk about how you bought a recent issue.

Flex is a piece of shit and no mistake.  Written by idiots, for the common idiot.  Do yourselves a favour and trash them every time they are mentioned and maybe they'll get the picture - intelligent information, not articles on how Kevin Levrone "flexes his biceps and da chix come runnin" are what real fans want.

I can also confirm that as far as toilet paper goes, its not crash hot either.  Gloss just doesn't work that well.. I'd trade any issue of flex for that 1ply budget sandpaper that you buy when you get cheap. 

I went through a period of experimentation on all grades of paper during university, during this time I purchased an issue of flex and couldn't find one thing that was worth it.  Bodybuilders in lumberjacking clothing doesn't do it for me. 

As far as the "Flex the biceps; get the girl" stuff goes, that's as old as those "Bugs Bunny" dumbbels with the round globes on the end or the "Charles Atlas" ads from WAAAAAAAAYYYYY back when.

It's still alive today. Markus Ruhl take Lipo-6 and has some thong-clad blonde shrink-wrapped to his side. And, let's not forget our friends at MuscleTech. Apparently, their supplements have a profound effect on black bodybuilders as it literally signals white girls like the Pied Piper's flute spell on rodents.

I even remember Gary Strydom's little blurb on WBF BodyStars, "Big weights, big muscles....PLENTY GIRLS (showing footage of Strydom's 1991 WBF Championship win, where he sports a top hat and cane, while being escorted by two ladies in evening gowns).

As for the lumberjack clothing, it's not that bad. Would you prefer the hot pink spandex ala King Kamali (Is Hot Skinz still around?) or those old-school Zubaz baggies?



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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #135 on: September 04, 2006, 09:32:59 AM »
They have some guys who produces quality at MD.

Romano isn't one of them.

He's a little too creative in his articles, exaggretions are a norm.

Manninen, Wheeler(!), Thomas Fahey.

But Romano? No.


I wouldn't call Wheeler a quality writer - I've never been impressed by his articles. I think just like Romano he gets a little too creative.


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Re: FLEX vs MD gets dirty
« Reply #136 on: September 04, 2006, 10:05:31 AM »
IFBB pros were supposedly croaking left and right, mimicking the allegedly insane drug use of one Mr. Olympia, Dorian Yates).

Dorian wasnt natural? ??? ??? ???

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Re: FLEX vs MD gets dirty
« Reply #137 on: September 04, 2006, 10:13:17 AM »
Dorian wasnt natural? ??? ??? ???

Not sure about Dorian, but I KNOW Tom Prince was natural! I mean, even his good buddy Bob Chick agreed that he was 235 lbs at 18 years old and natural back in high school!


Ron: "I am lazy."

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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #138 on: September 04, 2006, 10:15:43 AM »
The magazine timeline:

1] 15 year old boy buys Flex wanting to learn how to train and look like a bodybuilder
2] A year later, after eating tons of brocoli and spending a fortune on snake oil like scamma o, he realises he might also need something called steroids.
3] Buys MD for a couple of issues. Gets a glimpse of what bodybuilding is really like. Gets bored.
4] Discovers the internet - finds out the truth about bodybuilding. Its 90% steroids. The articles in Flex are ghost written. Badly.
5] Becomes a Getbig member and gets the latest gossip the day it happens. Also gets the best pics without having to pay for them. Becomes incredibly pissed off that he ever wasted money on shit like Flex and MD.

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Same here.....



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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #139 on: September 04, 2006, 10:21:53 AM »
The magazine timeline:

1] 15 year old boy buys Flex wanting to learn how to train and look like a bodybuilder
2] A year later, after eating tons of brocoli and spending a fortune on snake oil like scamma o, he realises he might also need something called steroids.
3] Buys MD for a couple of issues. Gets a glimpse of what bodybuilding is really like. Gets bored.
4] Discovers the internet - finds out the truth about bodybuilding. Its 90% steroids. The articles in Flex are ghost written. Badly.
5] Becomes a Getbig member and gets the latest gossip the day it happens. Also gets the best pics without having to pay for them. Becomes incredibly pissed off that he ever wasted money on shit like Flex and MD.

Ummm....why would this 15-year old boy believe that he'd look like an IFBB pro (or even a top NPC amateur) after ONE YEAR of training?

Perhaps, if this bodybuilder read more articles and fewer gossip columns or less gawking at the latest silicon-stuffed porn st....(ahem)...."fitness model", he'd know that it takes years of dieting and training, STEROIDS or NO STEROIDS, to build a championship physique. Supplements help but are not cure-alls. Like anything else, you have your good, not-so-good, and pitiful supplements.

Those pros have been training for 10, 15, and 20 years (or more). For some strange reason, even though they may take anabolics, they STILL have to eat lots of calories of food in certain proportions. They STILL have to train consistently, hard, and smart. They STILL have to recover from that training (to that end, the anabolics help significantly).

Training like Mr. Olympia will get you injured at worst, burned out at least. I did something similar, until a beginner's workout, in an article by Mike Mentzer in Muscle & Fitness helped to get me on the right track.

Reading the tips in FLEX,  you'll find that you'll need a LOT more food than just broccoli to start you on your goals.


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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #140 on: September 04, 2006, 10:23:05 AM »
I gotta give huge props to DOug and Chris for using their real names.  So many people talk shit behind a computer.  These two guys aren't afraid to say who they are.  That shows balls, and immediately gives them crediability in what they say.  Way more than someone who comes on here saying all kinds of shit with nothing to back it up.  Good job guys.


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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #141 on: September 04, 2006, 12:51:53 PM »
I gotta give huge props to DOug and Chris for using their real names.  So many people talk shit behind a computer.  These two guys aren't afraid to say who they are.  That shows balls, and immediately gives them crediability in what they say.  Way more than someone who comes on here saying all kinds of shit with nothing to back it up.  Good job guys.

Thanks man...
I'll always admit to who I am on the boards...and I try to stay out of the personal issues about this whole situation.

Hopefully somehow, something good comes out of this whole thing.




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Re: FLEX vs MD gets dirty
« Reply #142 on: September 04, 2006, 01:54:07 PM »
I've been at newsstands, to buy magazines. And, I've heard more than my fair share of "Steroids" comments by youngsters nearby.

In one instance, two teens were snickering about how unattractive and masculine a lady on the cover of MuscleMag International was. Now, this wasn't a Kim Chivesky/Iris Kyle type. It was none other than a woman, considered as a first-class beauty in bodybuilding circles: Monica Brant-Peckham.

THAT blows my mind....what the hell?  Iris Kyle, yeah, I'd run screaming too. But little MBP?  Come onnnnn.


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Re: FLEX vs MD gets dirty
« Reply #143 on: September 04, 2006, 02:01:14 PM »
Not sure about Dorian, but I KNOW Tom Prince was natural! I mean, even his good buddy Bob Chick agreed that he was 235 lbs at 18 years old and natural back in high school!



I was a fcuking tool for believing Cicherillo when he came on here and stated that TP was 230+ lbs.

I'm sure Cicherillo believed it himself, he seems like a trusty kind of guy - I mean, Kamali has been telling Cicherillo for years that Kamali is the better of the two.

Cicherillo needs to wake up and smell the coffee - he's a better bodybuilder than Kamali, and TP was lying about his weight.

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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #144 on: September 04, 2006, 02:07:47 PM »
Ummm....why would this 15-year old boy believe that he'd look like an IFBB pro (or even a top NPC amateur) after ONE YEAR of training?

Perhaps, if this bodybuilder read more articles and fewer gossip columns or less gawking at the latest silicon-stuffed porn st....(ahem)...."fitness model", he'd know that it takes years of dieting and training, STEROIDS or NO STEROIDS, to build a championship physique. Supplements help but are not cure-alls. Like anything else, you have your good, not-so-good, and pitiful supplements.

Those pros have been training for 10, 15, and 20 years (or more). For some strange reason, even though they may take anabolics, they STILL have to eat lots of calories of food in certain proportions. They STILL have to train consistently, hard, and smart. They STILL have to recover from that training (to that end, the anabolics help significantly).

Training like Mr. Olympia will get you injured at worst, burned out at least. I did something similar, until a beginner's workout, in an article by Mike Mentzer in Muscle & Fitness helped to get me on the right track.

Reading the tips in FLEX,  you'll find that you'll need a LOT more food than just broccoli to start you on your goals.

i think its the fact that genetics seem to be underplayed in flex e.g if you train consistintly eat well everyone has the same genetic potential

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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #145 on: September 04, 2006, 02:16:19 PM »
KIng does not use Synthol...


Does he use esciline or any other site injection product?


How do you know this?


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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #146 on: September 04, 2006, 02:57:13 PM »
Thanks man...
I'll always admit to who I am on the boards...and I try to stay out of the personal issues about this whole situation.

Hopefully somehow, something good comes out of this whole thing.



Thank you "only me". I truly would love to see more people exercising and from what I see in the gym, more people exercising with better form AND personal trainers to actually pay attention to their clients rather than their cell phones or use that wondering eye around the gym.

I enjoy writing for MD and except for MMI, enjoyed all of the magazines and most of the websites that I have written for. I know the industry side for a long time and the true science side/academic side even better, the reality is that the goal for all of the magazines should be increased point of purchase sales and of course helping to influence the next generation of GetBiggers.

Keith - be well!

Doug Kalman (dknole)


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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #147 on: September 04, 2006, 03:25:46 PM »
I just loved the fact that romano starts raving and shit...and he wasn;t even there! lol
i dunno bout this one but you might wanna post that 80's gym pic of Blechman with a moustache and Romano with a trucker/farmer hat cuz SHIT SON! i think McGough got one up on Romano for that one!


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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #148 on: September 04, 2006, 06:14:25 PM »
I just loved the fact that romano starts raving and shit...and he wasn;t even there! lol
i dunno bout this one but you might wanna post that 80's gym pic of Blechman with a moustache and Romano with a trucker/farmer hat cuz SHIT SON! i think McGough got one up on Romano for that one!

How does McGough know Romano wasn't in the restaurant?  Was McGough there?  Maybe Romano was seated at another table? Things aren't always what they seem.


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Re: FLEX vs MD: The battle gets dirty
« Reply #149 on: September 04, 2006, 06:53:47 PM »
How does McGough know Romano wasn't in the restaurant?  Was McGough there?  Maybe Romano was seated at another table? Things aren't always what they seem.

the guy who came in with David pecker said blechman came with his wife the whole article, you'll see.