Author Topic: WTF???! HBO Real Sports honors Jack LaLanne - are they nuts or something?!!!  (Read 17656 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: WTF???! HBO Real Sports honors Jack LaLanne - are they nuts or something?!!!
« Reply #100 on: November 29, 2006, 03:06:15 PM »
LaLanne had/has the strength of 100 men... :o

Yep   Say that a couple of times before you start to bash the guy. Not you I.  The idiots who are busting his balls and will be lucky to see 51, nevermind 91 and healthy!

What is wrong with you ignorant dumb fvcks!????

Do you mean to try and tell me that Jack LaLanne in his prime with his SKINNY physique (under 200 lbs.) and puny 17-in. arms could begin to compare with our GIANT pro. BB mass-monsters of today weighing over 300 lbs., with 23-in.+ guns, who are ripped-to-shreds and lift gargantuan poundages in their workouts!???

Why, Jack LaLanne hasn’t done shiit for BB compared to our GOD JOE WEIDER!!!   Just look at all “THE TRAINER OF CHAMPIONS” has done for bodybuilding…

(1) he took a bunch of old time-worn bodybuilding principles, re-named them with exciting new names like supersets, tri-sets, double sets, bomb-blitz, etc., and then claimed to have invented them.  Excellent marketing strategy!

(2) he helped switch the emphasis in bodybuilding from outdated, ridiculous, “health and fitness” goals, like that old fool Jack LaLanne preached, to becoming a vascular, drug-fueled, mass monster; and that winning the Mr. Olympia title, at ALL costs, was/is the greatest achievement in life (as it well should be)!!

(3) he helped create an Amazon race of women by taking skinny, young, timid, girls and helped introduce them to bodybuilding and encouraged them to take BB drugs so that they could compete in his contests and win the coveted Ms. Olympia title.  This was done through the introducion of contest judging criterion which pressured these female BB competitors to come in progessively bigger, and bigger, and BIGGER, and tighter every year.  Why just think, the Ms. Olympias of today could probably have beaten Arnold in his prime!  Oh yes, god Joe Weider helped create the marvelous hybrid sex "she-male/she-he". God bless you for this, Joe!

(4) he helped promote, through his wonderful BB mags., the idea of taking HIS food supplements to enhance BB progress so as to make millions off of the general public, while quietly, and covertly, encouraging competing BBers to take larger drug stacks to get progressively, bigger and more vascular. Of course, he needed this money to finance his wonderful dreams of bodybuilding's growth and glory!!  In this way he helped pioneer the important BB mag. "big lie and drug cover-up principle" to help BB mags dupe the general public and fleece them...again, excellent marketing strategy and CERTAINLY no worse, from a moral and ethical standpoint, than what our own federal government does every single day!!

(5) he took the bodybuilding emphasis away from stupid-ass “athletic ability” (speed, strength, and stamina) like that idiot Jack LaLanne preached (along with that other idiot, Bob Hoffman) to where it REALLY should belong…i.e. just “looking good”…and fvck that athletic ability nonsense!!

In summary, it is mainly because of Joe Weider's efforts that bodybuilding is so highly respected in the eyes of the general public today!! Why, in essence, "god Joe" helped create a NEW SUPER RACE of bald-headed, eye-bulging, vein-popping, ripped-to-shreds, "juiced-to-the-gills" 300 lb.+, male BB mass monsters, along with their heavily-muscled, thick-skinned,  gorgeous female BB competitor “she-he” counterparts with their deep husky, sexy, voices!  How dare you SKINNY "health-nuts" try and compare such outstanding accomplishments with SKINNY Jack LaLanne’s continued misguided emphasis on utilizing bodybuilding for the purposes of enhancing one's health, longevity, and athletic ability…what NONSENSE...what a FOOL!!


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Re: WTF???! HBO Real Sports honors Jack LaLanne - are they nuts or something?!!
« Reply #101 on: November 29, 2006, 03:40:30 PM »

hahahah meltdown

haha Don't tell me you are losing things to say.  Keep your posts short less strain on the brain.  Good idea.  Thanks


  • Getbig IV
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Re: WTF???! HBO Real Sports honors Jack LaLanne - are they nuts or something?!!
« Reply #102 on: November 29, 2006, 06:45:07 PM »
haha Don't tell me you are losing things to say.  Keep your posts short less strain on the brain.  Good idea.  Thanks



  • Getbig IV
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Re: WTF???! HBO Real Sports honors Jack LaLanne - are they nuts or something?!!!
« Reply #103 on: November 29, 2006, 08:01:30 PM »
haha Don't tell me you are losing things to say.  Keep your posts short less strain on the brain.  Good idea.  Thanks


…meanwhile, back at the ranch…


  • Getbig IV
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Re: WTF???! HBO Real Sports honors Jack LaLanne - are they nuts or something?!!!
« Reply #104 on: November 29, 2006, 08:14:06 PM »
  I never said you where gay, but since you brought it up...................... .

   I have done much with my life......Fatman. I am a former Marine, ever served your country? NO your just used to being od that is. I have a great job a great house and, a great family. Nuff said.
  What exactly is it that you have done with your life that is so worth bragging about on these boards I just do not see? Could you tell us? Is it that you where a roided up fatass strongman through the 80's and worked out with the retarded butt brothers(barbarians). Or is your greatest claim to fame the shots you did in "Over the Top" that where tossed onto the floor and left for the trash?
  How many people have you alienated in your vastly sucsessfull life? Many I am sure. Your claim to greatness is a mystery, please tell us what your sucsesses where? WTF have you done that makes you think that you are so much better than I or any other on these boards? did melt just a little back there.........."we need a clean up on isle 6..........clean up on isle to the ice cream and bon bons."


  • Getbig V
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Re: WTF???! HBO Real Sports honors Jack LaLanne - are they nuts or something?!!!
« Reply #105 on: November 29, 2006, 08:44:58 PM »
  I never said you where gay, but since you brought it up...................... .

   I have done much with my life......Fatman. I am a former Marine, ever served your country? NO your just used to being od that is. I have a great job a great house and, a great family. Nuff said.
  What exactly is it that you have done with your life that is so worth bragging about on these boards I just do not see? Could you tell us? Is it that you where a roided up fatass strongman through the 80's and worked out with the retarded butt brothers(barbarians). Or is your greatest claim to fame the shots you did in "Over the Top" that where tossed onto the floor and left for the trash?
  How many people have you alienated in your vastly sucsessfull life? Many I am sure. Your claim to greatness is a mystery, please tell us what your sucsesses where? WTF have you done that makes you think that you are so much better than I or any other on these boards? did melt just a little back there.........."we need a clean up on isle 6..........clean up on isle to the ice cream and bon bons."

I see your problem now.  You have a Napolean Complex.  This answers allot of questions.  First off no where on here have I ever said I am better than anyone.  You saying this immediately shows you do not read and need to say things that will make YOU feel better.  That's fine with me.  I have proven myself.  You have done nothing to prove who you are.  No pic. No name. No nothing, except for a gimmic account (xpac2).  But hey I haven't lived in your shoes (definitely to small) so I can't feel your pain.  And please do not come on here saying you were a marine.  That would be a hard thing to believe.  You are way to insecure to be a marine or ex-marine.  So stop with that bullshit.  And hey if bringing together thousands of military personal for a sporting event is serving then yes I have served my country.

You want to learn about who I am then go to the History Board and read.  If you can't read, then have someone read it to you.  You are troll it's that simple.  No mystery who I am.  Get a copy of Time Magazine 1987 Nov. and you can read a little about me.  Article mentions me who I am (or was) and something I was doing in Florida.  You are close to the last person I could care less what you think.  You are a nobody.  Like I said no name no pic a nobody.  And I was assuming you were gay from all your advancements towards me.  Does your imaginary wife know this infactuation you have with me.  Do I know her?  Anyway, I'm sure I will hear back from you or your alter-ego.  You are making coming on here fun again.  Thanks.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: WTF???! HBO Real Sports honors Jack LaLanne - are they nuts or something?!!
« Reply #106 on: November 30, 2006, 06:32:51 AM »
I see your problem now.  You have a Napolean Complex.  This answers allot of questions.  First off no where on here have I ever said I am better than anyone.  You saying this immediately shows you do not read and need to say things that will make YOU feel better.  That's fine with me.  I have proven myself.  You have done nothing to prove who you are.  No pic. No name. No nothing, except for a gimmic account (xpac2).  But hey I haven't lived in your shoes (definitely to small) so I can't feel your pain.  And please do not come on here saying you were a marine.  That would be a hard thing to believe.  You are way to insecure to be a marine or ex-marine.  So stop with that bullshit.  And hey if bringing together thousands of military personal for a sporting event is serving then yes I have served my country.

You want to learn about who I am then go to the History Board and read.  If you can't read, then have someone read it to you.  You are troll it's that simple.  No mystery who I am.  Get a copy of Time Magazine 1987 Nov. and you can read a little about me.  Article mentions me who I am (or was) and something I was doing in Florida.  You are close to the last person I could care less what you think.  You are a nobody.  Like I said no name no pic a nobody.  And I was assuming you were gay from all your advancements towards me.  Does your imaginary wife know this infactuation you have with me.  Do I know her?  Anyway, I'm sure I will hear back from you or your alter-ego.  You are making coming on here fun again.  Thanks.



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  • Getbig V
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Re: WTF???! HBO Real Sports honors Jack LaLanne - are they nuts or something?!!
« Reply #108 on: November 30, 2006, 11:23:15 AM »
You ignorant dumb fvck!!! 

Go to the August 1959 issue of Stength and Health magazine where you will see a picture of me in the Lifting News section of the mag. where I won the Teen Age National Olympic Weightlifting Championships (198-1/4 lb.class) and broke the existing national record in the Clean and Jerk (C&J) by a full 20 lbs.  As I said you drug-bloated pharmaceutical freak, you won't live as long as I've lifted weights NATURALLY!!

1959, you'd be 5 years old.  Now that's some feat ::)
6 meals lift heavy and 1/2 hr cardio


  • Getbig IV
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Re: WTF???! HBO Real Sports honors Jack LaLanne - are they nuts or something?!!
« Reply #109 on: November 30, 2006, 07:25:16 PM »
1959, you'd be 5 years old.  Now that's some feat ::)

Of course, common sense would tell you that I was older than 5 yrs.of age in 1959.  However, I'll keep my actual wrinkly, old fart, age a secret.

"If inclined", I'm sure you can get a photocopy of that portion of the mag. from Terry Todd's McClean Physical Culture Library at the Univ. of Texas in Austin.

Geez  guys, I really do apologize for pumping iron on a regular basis longer than most of dem insecure, strictly RECREATIONAL, BB pharmaceutical freaks actually live!   But hey, dey got dem 23-in. guns...and that's worth at least 30-40 yrs. of livin' isn't it?!