Author Topic: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me  (Read 9270 times)


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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2008, 03:17:17 PM »
LOL your justifications know no limits do they jag, oh thats right except when it comes to the US.

I'm not justifying a darn thing. I'm simply clarifying the misinformation put into this forum. Whether this insertion is  deliberate or done through ignorance, I won't speculate, other than to say it is incorrect. What do people have against the truth?

If im not mistaken this kid is from canada and went over there to fight so your scenario does not apply.

You are mistaken. This kid is from Canada who along with his older brother went to Afghanistan to live with their father. This is a scenario similar to what we see in many families who have been impacted by divorce.

Look at the 2nd and the 3rd in line to succeed to the British throne for instance. They too are the product of a broken home whose parents divorced. The boys were primarily raised by their mother at Kensington Palace. She was their primary caregiver, ...until they approached puberty, when they began to spend more and more time with their father at Highgrove (I think that's it). They even moved in with their father to have the benefit of male parental guidance. While Omar and his older brother were in Afghanistan, they got caught in the invasion, and when soldiers came to their home with guns, they were fired upon, and they fired back.

I don't justify anything, I simply relay the facts of what happened. It is up to officials at Guantanamo and the military courts to determine whether what actions he may or may not have taken can be considered 'guilty' of anything, or whether those actions were justified or not.

I do know that Guantanamo officials previously released his older brother years ago, and that US military officials and Guantanamo jail guards have publicly stated on the record that he is "a good kid" and they felt that the longer he stayed in Guantanamo, the higher the chances of him becoming radicalized.

What does that say? It says US military prosecutors & Guantanamo jail guards do not believe him to be a radical jihadist. If he was one, there would be no room for him 'to become' one, he'd already be it. How frequently do Guantanamo officials call radical jihadists "a good kid"?

If some of my fellow country man killed and mamed innocent civilians on the basis religion or beliefs it is my belief that these people would be rooted out and delt with by our own government.

By "Dealt with" you mean 'prosecuted'? ...or do you mean given a scholarship to 'The School of the Americas' and put on the CIA payroll?" Please clarify ...your vague statement may or may not be considered accurate through any number of scenarios.  ;)


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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2008, 03:24:27 PM »
but ozmo said the guys at gitmo were innocent ??? im so confused

{giggle} That confusion is clearly evident in your posts.  ;)


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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #27 on: July 19, 2008, 03:43:02 PM »
First off his country was CANADA not Afghanistan...LOL you want us to feel sorry for this piece of shit?  :o ::) LOL wow you must walk around 24/7 with a bleeding heart. AGAIN this dude deserves nothing less than to be strapped to the side of a Humvee and used as a human shield. Lets reverse roles for you numbnut, your wife, kids, friend, relatives are killed in an explosion not for murdering someone, not for committing some heinous crime NO just for showing up to work one morning!!! wheres your bleeding heart for these folks?

Well I think the US government thought it was Afghanistan. When they released his older brother from Guantanamo, instead of sending him to Canada, ...they shipped him to Afghanistan.

I understand the point you're trying to make, ...despite the irony of the horrible example you post to justify your call for barbarism.

I think there are a lot of people quite angry that "their wives, kids, friends, relatives are killed in an explosion, not for murdering anyone, not for committing some heinous crime NO just for being asleep in their own bed when bombs landed on their homes in Iraq and Afghanistan."

As for bleeding hearts, They bleed for all the innocent victims of war, ...including innocent civilians caught in the melee, innocent soldiers who thought they were defending their country from a threat only to come to a different conclusion... Let's face it, it's gotta suck thinking you're one of the good guys, ...then truth & reality hits you square in the face. The psychological trauma and post traumatic stress must be hell.


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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2008, 03:49:49 PM »
Of course the retards on this forum are trying to paint this kid as innocent. Last I checked, Canada is a free country. He chose to go to Afghanistan to wage Jihad, his family chose to support Al Qaeda while living in the west, and he chose to lob that grenade that killed a member of our military. I'm disgusted that he's treated as well as he is at Gitmo. If the roles were reversed, he would've been beheaded years ago.....after being tortured repeatedly of course.

If what you allege is true, ...then why has the US government not simply put him on trial, and be done with it?

Could it have anything to do with the judges ruling that the charges levied against him were not illegal?
Could it have something to do with the judge acknowledging that while he was a combatant, he was not an illegal combatant?


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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2008, 05:33:32 PM »

Like many boys raised in single parent households by their mothers, was sent to Afghanistan to live with his father. Many estranged men are often encouraged to take a more active role in parenting their boys, ...especially when those boys reach puberty.

So this is a recurring problem in Canada, huh? You encourage boys to go to Afghanistan to blow up United States soldiers?

For what it's worth his whole families life is not worth the U.S. tax payers money in keeping this shitbag alive.


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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2008, 05:42:22 PM »
So this is a recurring problem in Canada, huh? You encourage boys to go to Afghanistan to blow up United States soldiers?

For what it's worth his whole families life is not worth the U.S. tax payers money in keeping this shitbag alive.

{sigh} It appears reading comprehension is simply not your strong suit. That's OK.
I'm sure there are things that you can do that I'm not quite as competent in... making yourself look like an utterly ignorant & bellicose fool. You got me waaaay beat in that category.

On a positive note, we do agree on one thing. We both agree that US tax payers money shouldn't be squandered.


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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #31 on: July 19, 2008, 05:46:34 PM »
Like many boys raised in single parent households by their mothers, was sent to Afghanistan to live with his father. Many estranged men are often encouraged to take a more active role in parenting their boys, ...especially when those boys reach puberty.

Looks pretty clear cut to me.


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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #32 on: July 19, 2008, 05:58:45 PM »
Like many boys raised in single parent households by their mothers, was sent to Afghanistan to live with his father. Many estranged men are often encouraged to take a more active role in parenting their boys, ...especially when those boys reach puberty.

Looks pretty clear cut to me.

Perhaps a slightly different wording would have been better for someone with such limited comprehension skills.

Like many boys raised in single parent households by their mothers, he was shuttled back & forth between 2 separate households. In his particular case, the other household happened to be in Afghanistan. Many estranged men are often encouraged to take a more active role in parenting their boys, ...especially when those boys reach puberty.

Does that particular wording make sense to you or clarify my statement to you now?

If not, please see the example I used earlier in this thread wherein I mentioned the similarities with the heirs to the British throne.

I hope this clarifies, ...if not, don't be too perturbed.
You wouldn't be the first to find yourself living in a perpetual state of ignorance.



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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #33 on: July 19, 2008, 06:39:45 PM »
So now the Dad, made him throw a grenade and blow up a United States soldier?The kid is innocent and it's his mom's fault for letting him leave Canada to see his Dad? His puberty allegedl had a part in his anger against the United States? His Dad forced him to throw the grenade?
I know your hate for America runs high and you don't mind United States soldiers dying but this kid deserves the death penalty rather than being kept in jail.
And if you can try to sugarcoat the kid, with a story of pity by his parents being seperated and him having to travel now that he has reached puberty to live with his Dad in Afghanistan makes no sense! Something is terribly wrong with your reasoning skills, not my comprehension skills, I'm pointing out your ignorance for even standing up for the kid, when he killed someone - not just a someone but a United States soldier!


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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2008, 10:01:39 PM »
So now the Dad, made him throw a grenade and blow up a United States soldier?The kid is innocent and it's his mom's fault for letting him leave Canada to see his Dad? His puberty allegedl had a part in his anger against the United States? His Dad forced him to throw the grenade?

Where on earth did you come up with such a preposterous theory?

I know your hate for America runs high and you don't mind United States soldiers dying but this kid deserves the death penalty rather than being kept in jail.

I don't hate America, and I don't like to see anyone dying. I'd like to see everyone living lives of peace & prosperity.
Following their dreams and the pursuit of happiness, not dying horrible deaths away from home.


And if you can try to sugarcoat the kid, with a story of pity by his parents being seperated and him having to travel now that he has reached puberty to live with his Dad in Afghanistan makes no sense! Something is terribly wrong with your reasoning skills, not my comprehension skills, I'm pointing out your ignorance for even standing up for the kid, when he killed someone - not just a someone but a United States soldier!

The only thing I have stood up for, is the right of readers in this forum to have the truth.

I sugarcoat nothing. I paint no pitiful stories of broken homes. With the North American divorce rate at 50% if not higher, I would hardly expect people to be surprised or shocked or to exhibit inordinate amounts of sympathy. Divorce is a pretty common occurence throughout many people's lives.

I can see your emotions have reached such a fever pitch, it has blinded you to what has actually been said.  :'(

Perhaps one day after the new President is sworn in, the lies will stop and people will be able to separate fact from fiction, and be able to actually comprehend what has been said instead of hearing BS rhetoric that has been programmed into them by the fear mongerers and propaganda mills that seek to control them by keeping them in shackles and perpetually blinded by rage.

Until then, I wish you a safe & prosperous journey on your road to the clear & lucid truth. May it be a short one!



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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2008, 08:43:18 AM »
wtf does it matter this piece of tried killed american soldiers and if i remember correctly did...he is lucky that he is still alive, this #### should be strapped to the side of a humvee and used as a human shield.

It seems like a waste of resources to me. Military personnel could be put to better use rather than guarding these hundreds of people who've been there so long they have nothing to offer in terms of intel.


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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #36 on: July 21, 2008, 07:40:39 PM »
It seems like a waste of resources to me. Military personnel could be put to better use rather than guarding these hundreds of people who've been there so long they have nothing to offer in terms of intel.

so true, so true...lets put two in their head and be done with it.


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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #37 on: July 21, 2008, 11:53:48 PM »
Was there any doubt that Jag would take the side of the terrorist? Or is it simply her rabid anti-American feelings coming to the surface again? This is what makes her one of the most despised people on Getbig. Her way of debating a topic is to insult anyone who doesnt agree with her.

Oh and Canada is not a "Free country". Canadians dont have rights like Americans do, they have "privileges".(And dont go on about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms either. What a load of bollocks.)

Nordic Superman

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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #38 on: July 22, 2008, 03:30:10 AM »
Was there any doubt that Jag would take the side of the terrorist? Or is it simply her rabid anti-American feelings coming to the surface again? This is what makes her one of the most despised people on Getbig. Her way of debating a topic is to insult anyone who doesnt agree with her.

Oh and Canada is not a "Free country". Canadians dont have rights like Americans do, they have "privileges".(And dont go on about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms either. What a load of bollocks.)

Erm, you are aware she is a moslem?
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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #39 on: July 22, 2008, 03:36:43 AM »
it's funny how all of you have no evidence that he is a jihadist but you just assume that because he's looked up he must be guilty.
The US government got it more times wrong that right, history shows that on more than one occasion, don't be to quick to condem
this teenager.

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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #40 on: July 22, 2008, 05:34:19 AM »
it's funny how all of you have no evidence that he is a jihadist but you just assume that because he's looked up he must be guilty.
The US government got it more times wrong that right, history shows that on more than one occasion, don't be to quick to condem
this teenager.

Found in an Afghan war zone. I tend to believe the US government that he throw a grenade that led to the death of a US service man than the alternative.
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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #41 on: July 22, 2008, 09:16:26 AM »
Found in an Afghan war zone. I tend to believe the US government that he throw a grenade that led to the death of a US service man than the alternative.

okay so he attacked an invading force? Sounds resionable to me and not Jihadist,. and what do you mean with Afghan war zone? The whole country was a warzone.

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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #42 on: July 22, 2008, 09:29:43 AM »
okay so he attacked an invading force? Sounds resionable to me and not Jihadist,. and what do you mean with Afghan war zone? The whole country was a warzone.

So you're on the side of the Taliban, rather than that of the coalition?
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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #43 on: July 22, 2008, 09:46:10 AM »
So you're on the side of the Taliban, rather than that of the coalition?

nope it's not that easy and I know in your worldview there are no gray shades but trust me they exist, i don't give a shit for what country you fight for, all I know are the facts, American Soldiers were in a country they had no business being in the first place, somebody lobbed a Granade at a Soldiers somebody who has signed up willingly to be send at any destination his government sees fit to so he can fight for the interest of the American people.

And as the great George Carlin said once, if you walking around in some foreign land with a gun strapped to your side you better be ready for some action Jack, people tend to be kinda touchy about these things.

I don't give a shit if some guy (or especially a Mercenary) gets his head cut of in a war zone, they signed up to kill and they knew the risks, the families and civies who never signed up to be included in this fuck up have my full sympathy.


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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #44 on: July 22, 2008, 09:52:03 AM »
And as the great George Carlin said once, if you walking around in some foreign land with a gun strapped to your side you better be ready for some action Jack, people tend to be kinda touchy about these things.

George Carlin  ::)

The same hypocrisies he poked fun at, he lavished himself in.

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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #45 on: July 22, 2008, 09:55:38 AM »
nope it's not that easy and I know in your worldview there are no gray shades but trust me they exist, i don't give a shit for what country you fight for, all I know are the facts, American Soldiers were in a country they had no business being in the first place, somebody lobbed a Granade at a Soldiers somebody who has signed up willingly to be send at any destination his government sees fit to so he can fight for the interest of the American people.

And as the great George Carlin said once, if you walking around in some foreign land with a gun strapped to your side you better be ready for some action Jack, people tend to be kinda touchy about these things.

I don't give a shit if some guy (or especially a Mercenary) gets his head cut of in a war zone, they signed up to kill and they knew the risks, the families and civies who never signed up to be included in this fuck up have my full sympathy.

Are you unaware of the atrocities the Taliban committed on the people of Afghan? I assume that you don't agree with the war in Afghan?
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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #46 on: July 22, 2008, 10:00:30 AM »
okay so he attacked an invading force? Sounds resionable to me and not Jihadist,. and what do you mean with Afghan war zone? The whole country was a warzone.
again he lived in canada and went there to fight...

nope it's not that easy and I know in your worldview there are no gray shades but trust me they exist, i don't give a shit for what country you fight for, all I know are the facts, American Soldiers were in a country they had no business being in the first place, somebody lobbed a Granade at a Soldiers somebody who has signed up willingly to be send at any destination his government sees fit to so he can fight for the interest of the American people.

And as the great George Carlin said once, if you walking around in some foreign land with a gun strapped to your side you better be ready for some action Jack, people tend to be kinda touchy about these things.

I don't give a shit if some guy (or especially a Mercenary) gets his head cut of in a war zone, they signed up to kill and they knew the risks, the families and civies who never signed up to be included in this fuck up have my full sympathy.

LOL i guess in your world there is not war, no fighting, no arguements of any kind huh...well in the real world shit dont work like that.

What about the innocent civies and families killed in 9/11 you have no sympathy for them? what about the bombing of the USS COLE no sympathy for them? None for the victims of the countless embassy bombings none for them either? stfu

Nordic Superman

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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #47 on: July 22, 2008, 10:03:57 AM »
LOL i guess in your world there is not war, no fighting, no arguements of any kind huh...well in the real world shit dont work like that.

What about the innocent civies and families killed in 9/11 you have no sympathy for them? what about the bombing of the USS COLE no sympathy for them? None for the victims of the countless embassy bombings none for them either? stfu

Not to mention the atrocities by the oppressive Taliban regime on the people of Afghanistan.

But for Nico's sake... let's forget all that!
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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #48 on: July 22, 2008, 11:14:08 AM »
Not to mention the atrocities by the oppressive Taliban regime on the people of Afghanistan.

But for Nico's sake... let's forget all that!

Nico is the same twat who spends the majority of his time jerking off to ogreish videos. My guess is that his wife's fucking someone behind his back and he blames it on the USA.

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Re: Blubbering Jihadist: "You Don't Care About Me
« Reply #49 on: July 22, 2008, 11:19:10 AM »
Yeah, any money the majority of those gory videos he watches are the results of some jihadist murder spree.

Now I understand, he wants to back the jihadists so he has a fresh supply of gore material he can wank over.
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