Author Topic: Mis-moderation on the political board  (Read 8510 times)


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Mis-moderation on the political board
« on: March 15, 2009, 04:08:00 AM »
As per Hugo's very late and overdue suggestion made on the open board, I am posting this on the complaints board. As to why he never chose to make the suggestion in PM when I asked him, I don't know. It was only AFTER he brought the situation out in the open, did he even suggest I take it to Ron.

Of course, I already had taken it to Ron, but he hasn't responded back, so I'm reposting my PM to Ron as per Hugo's belated instructions.

Here is what was originally sent to Ron, prior to Hugo's suggestion (in green)

Subject: The deletions of my post

Ron, the below quote in blue is a PM I sent to hugo regarding the deletions of my post.


Why did you delete my response to Sampson in Danielson's thread?

It contained absolutely NO Spam whatsoever, ...yet you saw fit to delete it.

I infact took great pains to ensure that I didn't make any sort of a sales pitch.

I merely provided what I considered to be a thorough, yet metaphorical response to Samson's question. I'm beginning to think you are so reactionary that you're not really thinking. You're looking for a reason to interpret everything I say in reference to what I do as spam. you set parameters from within which to operate, ...then as soon as you think about my business, you scream spam and hit the delete key. Just like when I put up a banner in my sig line (as per your instruction) you screamed bloody murder and EVERYONE got their sig lines taken away.

In an attempt to thwart my rights, you ended up losing everyone else's rights in the process. Kind of like the Republicans. They bend themselves out of shape to ensure that anyone who is so much as accused of terrorism, enjoys NO RIGHTS at all, ...and in the process end up eroding their own.

It something to think about anyway.

In any event, ...can you tell me why you felt that post was spam, and how it broke any rules?

Here is his response:

how many times did you delete and repost your post?  How many times did I re-open the thread to read a new response only to see that there was no new response?  About 6 times.  I have better shit to do with my time.

To which I responded:

That didn't answer my question. Had you left the post intact in the first place, you wouldn't have seen a new post indicator at all.

I would think that having better things to do with your time would preclude you from repeatedly and unecessarily deleting posts that break no rules.

Back to my original question. You'll find it above.

He went on to say:

I didn't delete your post the first half dozen times.  I assumed you did or bb.  If bb did it, you shouldn't be reposting it.

Ron, you and I both know I had nothing to do with your deleting M_Valencia's posts, but I'm expected to be vindictively punished by someone who himself breaks the very rules he's charged with enforcing. Does this seem fair to you?
When I reminded him that

You still have not answered my question

He responded with:

I'm not going to answer your fucking question if I didn't already answer your question.  I told you why I locked the thread.  I have no clue how that doesn't answer your question so that's all you get.  Either you or BB deleted that post a half dozen times.  It wasn't me.  If it was you, you got the thread locked.  If it was you after BB deleted, you got the thread locked.

Then he blocked me from responding back cutting off any further discussion.

Ron, if we as posters have to be accountable for our posts, why are moderators not to be held accountable for their moderation?

Ron, I see absolutely nothing unreasonable in my question whatsoever?
How is one to be expected to play by the rules when those rules are not spelled out? Even when the rules are spelled out, those charged with enforcing the rules refuse to clarify the actions they take or explain how one of the rules have been broken. If there has been an infringement that has taken place... by all means point it out. That's all I ask. Is that so unreasonable?

If you like, I can send you a copy of what I wrote, so you can judge for yourself if it was spam. And if you deem it so, could you please clarify for me why it was?


ps: I don't know when Hugo's birthday is, ...but you might want to get him a prescription for valium. His responses on the board lately are giving the impression his nerves have been a little jangled as of late. I could be wrong, but I think the neglectful nature of the other mods on that board has resulted in Hugo being overworked. And if what he says is to be believed, it was Beach Bums selfish and vindictive abuse of his mod powers, in retaliation for your deleting his gimmick posts that contributed to Hugo being irritated at repeatedly having to see what he thought was a new post.

I won't accuse him of stalking the thread with a predatory eye, although I do find it unusual that he would constantly read a thread that he obviously had no desire to even participate in.  :-\

***************** end of original PM to Ron **************

Now, a follow up addendum:

In the thread about Obama's poll numbers falling to earth, Hugo started a fight with tonymctones, and had the audacity to expect tony to back up what Hugo mistakenly believed was his backing of BB.

When tony told him him was acting like a ranting and raving lunatic who was melting all over the place

He had the gaul to say:

coward.  You defended BB but you're to chickenshit to back it up.

Oh the irony!

Well when Tonymctones responded by saying:
YOU NUMB NUT FUCK show me where i defended beach you dip shit? please do.

Any retard can also look at the gallup poll ive posted and see that his rating has dropped. Your a jack ass we all lose for an array of reasons, you being a mod on this board, your posts/meltdowns of late are just ridiculous at least back in the day youd actually debate instead of melting down all over the place, having to listen to you constant olbermann/obama cock sucking.

now mind you, ...I'm still reeling over the irony of these words,
coward.  You defended BB but you're to chickenshit to back it up. I posted this:

and in response to:
YOU NUMB NUT FUCK show me where i defended beach you dip shit? please do.

Your a jack ass we all lose for an array of reasons, you being a mod on this board, your posts/meltdowns of late are just ridiculous at least back in the day youd actually debate instead of melting down all over the place.

I suggested to Tony that:
It could have been a fraudian slip on his part, ...or possibly even a guilty conscience

But do you know how Hugo responded?
You fucking crybaby, what were you doing by jumping in with your comment on me always being right.  You obviously took issue with what I was saying.  So what was I saying?  That's right, you jumped in, addessed ME in an argument with BB and HH...  So yea, you defended and now you're just a chickenshit who can't back up your mouth with facts.

Oh the irony!

So I highlighted, and quoted Hugo's very own words along with this simple comment:
it's easier to quote than simply restate unanswered questions.

Now mind you, throughout all of this, I made not one single mention on the open board about any mis-moderation.
but rather than picking up on a subtle hint that perhaps he was being a tad ironically hypocritical, he responded by publicly calling me a bitch, and flaunting his power over the delete key, like he was some sort of pimp, rather than the melting putz he's been displaying lately. He brings what were previously private discussions out into the open on the political board forcing me to address them there. Dah!

I'm hugo fucking chavez bitch, with power to delete you ;D.  Quit crying and go pester BB over the stupid deleted posts if it wasn't you who did it.  It wasn't me and it's not my fault the thread got locked.  That's all you.  I'll unlock it if you cut the shit, you don't repost shit over and over that has been deleted by a mod. If you have an issue why it got deleted, take it to complaints, do not just repost it over and over.

But since he brought it out in public, I answered his very rude and inappropriate response with:

You yourself admitted you deleted my post and locked the thread.

You also admitted to me that it was BB who deleted it the previous half dozen times.

You also flat out refused to tell me why it was delete worthy, or how it broke the rules.

We all know why BB was deleting my posts, abusing his power over the delete key in retaliation for the assisted suicide / murder of his friend, from the Great Get Big Murder Mystery Caper. ...something we both know I had absolutely nothing to do with. Despite the fact that I went to great lengths to shield his friend from the embarassment of having committed a public suicide, or worse... the embarassment it being revealed that he was possibly murdered by Ron, ...he chose to retaliate against me, ...and you defended it, then melted down, and ran like a chickenshit when asked you to explain to me your actions, or the wrongness of mine.

And do you know how Hugo responded?
I'm not even going to read past this bullshit.  That's exactly what the complaints board is for.  Let me tell you this now.  consider this your warning.  If you don't like that something got deleted, take it to the complaint forum, that's what it's for.  If your answer is to just repost the post over and over, you're welcome to another 30 day ban.

I thought that's what the moderators were for... to address issues within the board?  :-\
It's right there in Hugo's own rules... if you have a problem, take it to one of the mods.
He is supposed to represent the left, BB the right, and OzmO is neutral.
Only if they are unable to handle it should it be escalated to Ron on the complaints board no?

Similar to real life, ...the unqualified and corrupt right is misbehaving, the neutrals are MIA, and the last hope is left to carry all the weight on his shoulders, ...but the burden is proving a tad too heavy

To which I responded with:

Oh Puleaze! What bullshit?! Show me the bullshit I've posted.
I'm not complaining that something got deleted, I'm calling you out for hypocrisy. There is a difference.
If you weren't so drunk with power, and so busy melting down every few seconds, you would realize the difference.

You are behaving like a hypocrite, I call you on it, ...and you threaten me with a 30 day ban?

Bwahahahaha ahahahahaha!

Sorry I can't provide the quote signatures for that last one... Hugo deleted it.  Along with a ton of other stuff.

He's threatening to ban me in an attempt to make this all about me derailing a thread, ...when it was HUGO himself who derailed the thread, by publicly inserting the mis-moderation on the board into the thread itself, ...and lied about it!

He publicly (but not privately) claimed he deleted it to put an end to the circus that was taking place between me and BB, but at the same time he knew darn well that BB was deleting me in retaliation for something you and I both know I did not do. When I suggested that I shouldn't have to bother Ron, or for that matter shouldn't have had to bother either him or OzmO to get to the bottom of the original harassment and unfounded accusations being levelled against me by his fellow mod, harassments and accusations that were precipitated by the very shenanigans being pulled by his fellow mis-behaving mod BB, and that perhaps if his fellow mods were not always so MIA, or abusing the authority with which they were charged, there would not have been a circus to begin with, perhaps he would not be so overworked, and melting down all the time.

There is a category of evidence within the US justice system, something he spoke glowingly about in another thread, considered "inadmissible evidence". Basically it maintains the prosecution is not allowed to enter the evidence into court to make his or her case, ...however, if the defense brings it up, ...they've opened the door, and it's is no longer to be considered inadmissible evidence. It completely admissible. Well, if he didn't want me to be talking about the mis-moderation on the board, ...he shouldn't have brought that discussion out onto the board. That was something HE did, and now he is threatening to ban me? ...for the introduction of inadmissible evidence that he himself introduced? Stated within the rules he made, there were to be no baseless attacks made, however callouts were permissible to make a point, if you spot a serious discrepancy in your opponent, and would like to point it out. I did, but he threatens to ban me for it, because the discrepancy is within him? That's pretty rich don't you think? I think the poor lad is very confused.  :-\

There's was a lot more to it than that, ...but unfortunately... it's all been deleted. Posts are disappearing from all over that thread so fast, it's not funny. I'll tell you what is funny tho... it's the fact that he behaved like a pit bull with a bone repeatedly demanding that Tony answer his question and support why he was as Hugo assessed "supporting BB, but being too chickenshit to back it up". Mind you, ...I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being a pit bull locked onto a bone. Sticktuitiveness and persistence can be qualities to admire, ...and I don't mind admitting, I've developed a bit of the pitbull in me too, ...nothing wrong with that, it's just the hypocritical irony of it all.

He jumped to an unsupported and unsupportable conclusion, possibly from a guilty conscience, i don't know, ...but upon realizing the hypocritical irony of it all, ...threatens to ban me for 30 days.

He wants to ban me for his own hypocrisy? I think the poor lad is very confused.  :-\

Now the posts are disappearing from that thread all over the place. Someone has packed up his toys and gone home.


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2009, 04:18:43 AM »

How long did that take you to do you sad excuse for a woman  :-\


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2009, 07:03:58 AM »
Is this novel a sequel to 'War and peace' ???


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2009, 09:07:19 AM »
Holy shit, someone call the ambulance!! :o


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2009, 09:33:36 AM »
jaguar aren't you happy that the political mods have left a bunch of spam links of yours up?  where is the appreciation for those

huge props to you for not mentioning hugo's mother in this last tirade


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2009, 09:41:36 AM »
Holy shit, someone call the ambulance!! :o

Yes, but only if they are environmentally responsible and use MPG caps 8)


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2009, 09:46:35 AM »
Is this novel a sequel to 'War and peace' ???

Fuckin A.that makes your posts look like one sentence :o


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2009, 09:50:30 AM »

Fuckin A.that makes your posts look like one sentence :o

Yes, I do confess to feeling a little humbled. I hope it's made into a TV mini-series spread over 12 seasons, spanning 6 years - there's enough material in that post for it 8)


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2009, 12:59:14 PM »
In all honesty many regulars on that board feel he should be removed as mod, ive never stated it on here as i really dont expect anything to come of a complaint on this board. Its clear that the majority of others on that board want him removed by the poll started by him that clearly showed most posters dont think he is a good mod and want him removed. He has gone off on me more then once via pm for asking simple questions, and who knows how many countless times on the board. The man actually told me it was his job to be biased as a moderator. The only reason im posting this now is to affirm jags account and like i stated earlier dont expect much if anything to be done.

Reign Down

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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2009, 01:09:04 PM »
OMG this is the single worst meltdown I have seen.

It clearly took her ages to formulate this post.

She has poured her heart and soul into a complaints board about a poxy political board

she bothered to change the colours as if this will help her cause

She is posting PM's (time out imo)

Her attacks on Hugo are silly he is a great mod

it is so pathetic that I can clearly tell she is mentally deranged and should be shot.

ta ta
Ta ta nerds!


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2009, 01:26:45 PM »
Not only is this an EPIC MELTDOWN but it also shows how much of a hypocrite Jaguar is.

In the 11 years I have been here I have NEVER witnessed a member who has done MORE to have posts deleted and censored than Jag. Her rampant "REPORT TO MODERATOR" binges on the GT forums had the mods scrambling to find out just what her problem was. Know what we found out? She HATES oppossing points of view. When she found herself on the losing end of an argument she would PM us or Report to Mod button the hell out of the thread and demand we erase the other member(s) posts! CENSORSHIP AT IS WORST!

Now she is pissing and moaning about how HER posts have been deleted and how nobody has the right to do that to her?! If anyone on Getbig has lost the right to bitch about a post being deleted, its Jag.


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2009, 01:38:16 PM »
jaguar aren't you happy that the political mods have left a bunch of spam links of yours up?  where is the appreciation for those

Boon, that's just the thing... I don't understand how something could be considered to be a spam link,
and no one is willing to explain that to me.


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2009, 01:42:18 PM »
In all honesty many regulars on that board feel he should be removed as mod, ive never stated it on here as i really dont expect anything to come of a complaint on this board. Its clear that the majority of others on that board want him removed by the poll started by him that clearly showed most posters dont think he is a good mod and want him removed. He has gone off on me more then once via pm for asking simple questions, and who knows how many countless times on the board. The man actually told me it was his job to be biased as a moderator. The only reason im posting this now is to affirm jags account and like i stated earlier dont expect much if anything to be done.

I'm not saying Hugo should be removed as mod, ...I just think he's not doing as good a job as he is capable of,
because he is being forced to pick up the slack of the others, and he's being crushed by the burden.

...and in addition to the other mods, he's also not getting the co-operation of the members who post there.

He's not Atlas.


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2009, 01:47:08 PM »
Not only is this an EPIC MELTDOWN but it also shows how much of a hypocrite Jaguar is.

In the 11 years I have been here I have NEVER witnessed a member who has done MORE to have posts deleted and censored than Jag. Her rampant "REPORT TO MODERATOR" binges on the GT forums had the mods scrambling to find out just what her problem was. Know what we found out? She HATES oppossing points of view. When she found herself on the losing end of an argument she would PM us or Report to Mod button the hell out of the thread and demand we erase the other member(s) posts! CENSORSHIP AT IS WORST!

Now she is pissing and moaning about how HER posts have been deleted and how nobody has the right to do that to her?! If anyone on Getbig has lost the right to bitch about a post being deleted, its Jag.

Come On Tapper, Tell the truth! I never requested posts be deleted because I was losing an argument.
I retain the right to request libel be removed. But posts alledging claims for which an individual can be arrested have no business being made or being allowed to be posted in the first place. And when I see racism on the board, regardless of who it is directed towards, I'm going to flag it.


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2009, 02:03:40 PM »
Yes, but only if they are environmentally responsible and use MPG caps 8)

{giggle} Absolutely!  :D


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2009, 02:20:11 PM »
Come On Tapper, Tell the truth! I never requested posts be deleted because I was losing an argument.
I retain the right to request libel be removed. But posts alledging claims for which an individual can be arrested have no business being made or being allowed to be posted in the first place. And when I see racism on the board, regardless of who it is directed towards, I'm going to flag it.

Dont play the victim Jag. You have no right. You're the biggest hypocrite here.....and you know it.


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2009, 02:53:20 PM »
Boon, that's just the thing... I don't understand how something could be considered to be a spam link,
and no one is willing to explain that to me.

i'd think the links in these posts and the video would be considered spam.  i could be wrong tho, since they left them up.

One of the most common themes I've heard over the years from some of the multi-millionaire mentors whose advice I've been blessed to receive is "If you've never gone completely broke at least once before the age of 30,'ll probably never amount to much." Most everyone who has achieved any lasting degree of "success" had tried and failed multiple times over before they got the formula down right. And even then, many continue to experience failures and setbacks. It's not how many times you get knocked off the horse,'s your ability to get back up on it again, doesn't matter how often you've crashed and burnned, ...can you rise like a pheonix out of the ashes? Trump can. He's got the right stuff and he never quits 3 feet from gold.

Even hospitals are negatively impacted. People cut back on elective surgeries.
Even Walmart is feeling the pinch. They just announced the closure of all the Sam's Clubs throughout Ontario.
Even gas companies are negatively impacted... people lose their jobs, ...they don't drive as much.
Those who still have jobs to go to, pool, trade-in their vehicles for more fuel efficient models, and are increasingly pro-active about finding solutions to lower their fuel consumption.

Fortunately, ...there is relief on the horizon tho...  ;D

There is no such thing as a "Recession Proof" business. All businesses are impacted by recession.

Some are impacted negatively, ...while others are impacted positively, ...but all are affected.

It's as I have always said, and will continue to say.

There are some forces that are bigger than we are, and will impact us regardless of what we do.
These forces will either crush us, ...or push us into success, but we cannot control them.
The only thing we can control are the decisions we make that put us in a position to achieve our goals & objectives when these forces strike. We can scream about the coming storm, ...or we can learn to dance in the rain.

That said... regardless of the economic climate, some things will always be in demand.

Commodities.... wheat, grain, fuel etc., Funeral services... Real Estate (depending on what end you're in)

The greatest fortunes have always been made during such times. The difference is simply where the money goes. It's nothing more than a transfer of wealth. In recession or depression, the wealth doesn't go away,'s simply transfered from a lot of people and concentrated into the hands of a few. The trick is to position yourself to attract that wealth, regardless of what phase in the cycle the economy happens to be in.

An industry that traditionally does tremendously well especially during recessionary times... MLM or Network Mktg.

It affords people the opportunity to supplement their income, safeguard their income, rebuild their incomes,
...and to create the leverage they currently don't have. Unfortunately it is also a very misunderstood industry.

jaguar this thread and especially the meltdown thread you had about hugo's mother make you look like a crazy person.  you need to calm down woman.

Eyeball Chambers

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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2009, 05:22:18 PM »
Hugo seems like a fair mod to me.  I've never had a problem with him.


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2009, 05:45:18 PM »
Hugo seems like a fair mod to me.  I've never had a problem with him.
with that in mind you are on the left side of things quite often, as ive stated he thinks its his job to be biased as a moderator so those who lean more right would probably have more problems with him. I.E. Me and the rest of the ppl who voted him out.


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2009, 08:40:59 PM »
i'd think the links in these posts and the video would be considered spam.  i could be wrong tho, since they left them up.

Thank You Boon. Why do you deem them to be spam?

My understanding of spam has always been blatant links that say "buy my product", or say "I sell this for $X" and then inserting a link to the product or service on offer. or "go to www.whatever to get your protein real cheap" or go here to get the best widget etc., etc.,

I honestly in no way consider the 3 feet from gold link or the graphic I included with it to be spam at all.

That link I posted goes to a website that is discussing ideas, philosophies, and mind-sets. A mind-set that was being explored within the very thread itself. It wasn't selling a product or service. People post links all the time throughout political, links to websites that offer a boatload of products or services for sale. Just click on any link posted to Foxnews, newsmax, msnbc... they are serving up a boatload of ads for just about anything under the sun. When's the last time you clicked on a yahoo news link to read content; an article discussing an issue or newstory only to get whacked in the face with an ad for auto insurance, cell phones, or a debt consolidation service? ...but if I post a link to my personal website that does NOT serve up any product or service for sale whatsoever, but instead discusses issues, or philosophical ideas, within the context of a current discussion, it is to be considered spam?  :o

Do you not see the incongruency there, the pavlovian responses demonstrated or the arbitrary discrimination involved?

I'd also like to add, too that I'm not quite sure an accurate perspective can be gleaned by singling out individual posts without reading the full thread and taking into account the entire context within which they were made.
As for the Youtube vid, what do you have against creative youtube vids?
Everyone posts what they consider informative, funny or creative Youtube videoparody's all the time, ...many that contain links to websites, and invitations to visit other sites, but I'm not allowed to post a vid? That video didn't have a link, or an invitation to visit any website at all. I admit it was straddling a very thin line, however, someone unfamiliar with what I do would never be able to make  any sort of a correlation between that video, and any product, service or business at all. If you read that thread in context, do you honestly believe that any newcomer to the board, or to getbig would be able to equate that a parody of a sci-fi movie with my business?

As for the third post you quoted, it came from a thread asking for Recession proof businesses.
Am I not supposed to mention the network marketing industry, something I consider to be one of the most recession proof industries out there, ...simply because I work withn it? I was citing an industry, Not selling a product, or a business. Head hunter contributed to that thread and he spoke about funeral homes being recession proof, and went on to provide reasons why he thought so. Someone else mentioned grocery stores and provided reasons why he thought so. I mentioned MLM, and rather than write a novel the size of war & piece to explain why I felt so, I provided a link. Those interested in hearing why I felt it could be categorized as a recession proof industry are welcome to click it, those who don't care to know don't have to hear why the industry is recession proof. How many people here are interested in knowing why funeral homes, or grocery stores are recession proof, ...but they had to read about it didn't they? I decide to show some courtesy allowing those who might want to know to do so, while sparing those who don't from having to, ...but I'm the one considered the spammer? If someone who worked within the foreclosure industry stated they thought their industry was recession proof, would he be deleted as spamming?

In a thread Danielson started, he spoke about himself being in Real Estate, and said he wasn't complaining but was infact doing well, he just wanted to know how others were being affected by the recession. Why was he not accused of spamming especially since he works in the recession proof industry of Real Estate, and he was the one who infact started the thread? Because like me, ...he wasn't spamming. I'm being unfairly singled out imo whereby everything I post is interpreted as spam.

Sampson asked me what I did for a living. I metaphorically told him what I did without mentioning any product, company, or service because I didn't want to be accused of spam again. I told him if he wanted to know more, he'd have to click on the globe next to my profile name because I didn't think the mods would take too kindly to me inserting a link to my business website into my post. Is it so wrong to advice him to do that. Why else would Ron make website links so prominantly available in people's profiles next to every post they make?


What are you in...the foreclosure business???

No, I'm in the problem solving business. I take people's problems, and provide them with solutions on a global basis.

Although, judging by the amount of businesses we have helped to not only keep afloat, but to also become more profitable and extremely competitive in this economy, wouldn't at all be any sort of leap of the imagination to say I'm in the foreclosure avoidance business.

I help people in over 225 countries and territories all over the globe, to stop doing this...

Although, ...some people have called me a social arborculturalist or gardener, because I have a green thumb.

I just love to plant alot of these...

and they grow into these...

I guess what I really am though is a member of a new breed of professional trend-watchers

This following link reveals some of the criteria I use to determine if a project will provide Brilliant Compensation

You can click the little globe icon next to my profile information to visit my site and learn about my latest project.

No one explained to me why they felt this was inapropriate. or why it was spam?

I did EVERYTHING I could to avoid naming my business or my product, and I was repeatedly deleted.

I once posted a Youtube vid of the family guy to sum up my impression of a report written on the gitmo prisoners. I thought the writers of that report were a bunch of jackasses. Beach Bum split the thread, insulted me by calling it the The Twisted Sister's Spam and shoving it onto another board. How the heck is family guy spam? I don't produce the show.  :o

I had one mod playing games with me, the other mod telling me he couldn't be bothered to deal with it, and the third mod was absent and had been for a while. What was I to do?   :-\

I wasn't selling my product and I made absolutely no mention of my business or my company.

jaguar this thread and especially the meltdown thread you had about hugo's mother make you look like a crazy person.  you need to calm down woman.

Boon, trust me when I tell you, that previous thread was NOT a meltdown, ...although it may have appearanced so.
I'm perfectly calm, I'm simply looking to shed a little light on something that needs it. That's all. No meltdown involved.


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2009, 09:07:03 PM »
Hugo seems like a fair mod to me.  I've never had a problem with him.

I think he endeavors to be, ...sometimes misses the mark, ...but certainly not for lack of trying.
He's devoted alot of energy, care, and thoughtfulness into making that board one of the most popular, and one wherein ideas or concepts are actually discussed rather than a place for just throwing monkey feces and trying to invoke meltdowns. I just think he's not getting the co-operation he needs either from his fellow mods or those who post on the board. On a board that contains such potentially divisive issues that can inflame people's passions, having a fellow mod deliberately trying to piss you off, or one who randomly attacks posters is hardly what I consider co-operation and it hardly reduces the amount of monkey feces flung.  He's not Atlas. :-\


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2009, 10:35:10 AM »
Thank You Boon. Why do you deem them to be spam?

My understanding of spam has always been blatant links that say "buy my product", or say "I sell this for $X" and then inserting a link to the product or service on offer. or "go to www.whatever to get your protein real cheap" or go here to get the best widget etc., etc.,

I honestly in no way consider the 3 feet from gold link or the graphic I included with it to be spam at all.

That link I posted goes to a website that is discussing ideas, philosophies, and mind-sets. A mind-set that was being explored within the very thread itself. It wasn't selling a product or service. People post links all the time throughout political, links to websites that offer a boatload of products or services for sale. Just click on any link posted to Foxnews, newsmax, msnbc... they are serving up a boatload of ads for just about anything under the sun. When's the last time you clicked on a yahoo news link to read content; an article discussing an issue or newstory only to get whacked in the face with an ad for auto insurance, cell phones, or a debt consolidation service? ...but if I post a link to my personal website that does NOT serve up any product or service for sale whatsoever, but instead discusses issues, or philosophical ideas, within the context of a current discussion, it is to be considered spam?  :o

Do you not see the incongruency there, the pavlovian responses demonstrated or the arbitrary discrimination involved?

jaguar, the auto insurance, cell phones and debt consolidation services  are not being sold by people who post on this board.    and your link to your site encourages people to contact you doesn't it?  are you saying you aren't going to try to sell them gas caps and synergy hair cream like in one of boo's epic films ;) if they do?

As for the Youtube vid, what do you have against creative youtube vids?
Everyone posts what they consider informative, funny or creative Youtube videoparody's all the time, ...many that contain links to websites, and invitations to visit other sites, but I'm not allowed to post a vid? That video didn't have a link, or an invitation to visit any website at all. I admit it was straddling a very thin line, however, someone unfamiliar with what I do would never be able to make  any sort of a correlation between that video, and any product, service or business at all. If you read that thread in context, do you honestly believe that any newcomer to the board, or to getbig would be able to equate that a parody of a sci-fi movie with my business?

spam doesn't only affect newcomers.  the reason it is considered spam is because people know you sell those gas caps.

As for the third post you quoted, it came from a thread asking for Recession proof businesses.
Am I not supposed to mention the network marketing industry, something I consider to be one of the most recession proof industries out there, ...simply because I work withn it? I was citing an industry, Not selling a product, or a business. Head hunter contributed to that thread and he spoke about funeral homes being recession proof, and went on to provide reasons why he thought so. Someone else mentioned grocery stores and provided reasons why he thought so. I mentioned MLM, and rather than write a novel the size of war & piece to explain why I felt so, I provided a link. Those interested in hearing why I felt it could be categorized as a recession proof industry are welcome to click it, those who don't care to know don't have to hear why the industry is recession proof. How many people here are interested in knowing why funeral homes, or grocery stores are recession proof, ...but they had to read about it didn't they? I decide to show some courtesy allowing those who might want to know to do so, while sparing those who don't from having to, ...but I'm the one considered the spammer? If someone who worked within the foreclosure industry stated they thought their industry was recession proof, would he be deleted as spamming?

there are 2 links in the last example.  the one that links to your site would be considered spam.

In a thread Danielson started, he spoke about himself being in Real Estate, and said he wasn't complaining but was infact doing well, he just wanted to know how others were being affected by the recession. Why was he not accused of spamming especially since he works in the recession proof industry of Real Estate, and he was the one who infact started the thread? Because like me, ...he wasn't spamming. I'm being unfairly singled out imo whereby everything I post is interpreted as spam.

danielson didn't link to a site where he sells real estate did he?  that is why he was not accused of spamming

Sampson asked me what I did for a living. I metaphorically told him what I did without mentioning any product, company, or service because I didn't want to be accused of spam again. I told him if he wanted to know more, he'd have to click on the globe next to my profile name because I didn't think the mods would take too kindly to me inserting a link to my business website into my post. Is it so wrong to advice him to do that. Why else would Ron make website links so prominantly available in people's profiles next to every post they make?

i think telling sampson to click on your globe for more information is the right thing to do

maybe sometimes you are unfairly single out as spamming but it's because you have done it so much in the past.

Boon, trust me when I tell you, that previous thread was NOT a meltdown, ...although it may have appearanced so.

it was a terrible thread. 


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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2009, 03:18:54 PM »
Holy shit this tool is melting all over the place.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2009, 07:29:17 AM »
jaguar, the auto insurance, cell phones and debt consolidation services  are not being sold by people who post on this board.    and your link to your site encourages people to contact you doesn't it?  are you saying you aren't going to try to sell them gas caps and synergy hair cream like in one of boo's epic films ;) if they do?

The auto insurance, cell phone, and debt consolidation companies encourage people to contact them as well.

Despite whatever level of encouragement that may exist on my site, only those people who want more information will contact me for it. As to whether or not I sell them my product, ...that's another story. Contrary to what you may choose to believe, there have been many over the years who have contacted me in the hopes of acquiring my product, ...and I have suggested that perhaps my product may not be suitable for their needs. In some cases, since it can be ordered online through my business website without my knowledge, I've gone all out in an attempt to deter them away from purchasing it.

And for the record, ...although I continue to use Synergy Products daily, ...I haven't personally sold a single Synergy product since Oct. 2007. Customers throughout the world to whom, I've made previous sales, continue to purchase & use the products, and they are able to do so without my assistance. Even though I've stopped actively building that business, it can continue to grow without me. Distributors in my organization continue to grow their businesses, ...which in turn grows mine, ...and yes, I'm eligible to be compensated on all those sales. That's part of the beauty & brilliance of this incredible industry. It allows people to work to achieve a certain standard or income level, ...while at the same time empowers them to be able to stop working if they choose, ...and still continue to reap an income for the work they've put in. It also empowers people to get paid for consuming the products they love. I've always said there are two types of people:
  • Those who PAY to use products and services of their choice
  • Those WHO ARE PAID to use the products and services of their choice

I prefer to be the latter.

spam doesn't only affect newcomers.  the reason it is considered spam is because people know you sell those gas caps.

Yet when there is neither mention of the caps, nor a link to my business it is considered spam?
That's why I refer to it as a pavlovian response.

there are 2 links in the last example.  the one that links to your site would be considered spam.
danielson didn't link to a site where he sells real estate did he?  That is why he was not accused of spamming

Again, this is where we hold a different perspective, because the link, if followed through does not sell any product or service. Infact, no where within that site will you find a product or service on offer. That is my personal site that exists simply to dispense information. The article I linked was simply an assessment from a court recognized expert, that validates my statements as to why the network marketing industry is a recession proof one. The 2nd link if followed through is a link to another post within this very forum, that further flushes out, and seeks to clarify what is infact a very misunderstood industry.


i think telling sampson to click on your globe for more information is the right thing to do

Isn't it amazing how two different people can look at the same thing, and see things completely different?
Truth be told, I was somewhat hesitant about instructing Sampson to click on that link. I was concerned such blatant or overt instruction to visit my business website would indeed cross the line. The part I was concerned about the most, proved to be the most innocuous, ...yet the parts I considered the most innocuous, turn out to cause the most controversy. Go figure.


maybe sometimes you are unfairly single out as spamming  


but it's because you have done it so much in the past.

...or perhaps that is what people are looking for? It's just like Henry Ford once said:
"If you think you can, or think you can't, ...either way, you're right." --Henry Ford (roughly paraphrased)
By the same token, if you're looking for the glass to be half full, or half empty, that's what you'll see.
I've been singled out for spamming when I'm not, ...because that's what some people want to see, ...and they do.

What many here deem spam isn't. It's a legitimate & warranted defence of my company, and my products.
If people throw unfounded allegations out there from behind cowardly cloaks of anynomity, in an attempt to libel something they know nothing about, it is only right and proper for me to address it. It's bad enough I have to deal with the confusion caused by an individual who ran afoul of the law, who also happened to have the same business name, ...but allowing libelous statements to stand would only further complicate things. The trolls who do this are either seeking to hurt me, or some may genuinely be seeking to protect others, ...or possibly, a combination of both. Their libel may indeed be having the negative impact on me they desired, however, ...regardless of their motivation, I believe their libel does a tremendously larger disservice to both themselves, and the readers of this forum. I think it's a shame that some readers aren't able to make that distinction.

What if? What if my product worked as we claimed? But because of the libel published against it, someone in true need of it chose to forego it's use. Some may walk around patting themselves on the back thinking they saved some guy $20, ...but the reality is that by listening to them, ...he hasn't saved $20, ...he lost $300 because he didn't get any of the benefit my product may have otherwise given him, ...or far worse.

Let's face it... in these economic times, for a lot of people, making ends meet, and the ability to keep their heads above water, stay in business, or even meet the basic needs of themselves and their families is of far greater value than a mere $20 - $300.  Let's hope some who may have listened to the wrong people don't find themselves 6 months to a year down the road unemployed and wondering how they are going to make ends meet. The $20 someone thought they were saving them, might actually be a far greater loss than they could have imagined.

It's not the first time this type of thing has happened on here either. It took 2 years, until finally we saw a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that validated everything I had said up until that point. Two years before JAMA! What should that tell you?

Helen Keller was once asked if she thought there was anything worse than having no sight?
She responded by saying... "Having sight without vision". To that I will also add, the inability to discern.

Without communication, there can be no understanding, so thank you Boon, for your response. It has helped me to understand and view things from another perspective, and I hope has allowed you and others to view things from another perspective as well.



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Re: Mis-moderation on the political board
« Reply #24 on: March 20, 2009, 08:59:27 AM »
Bump for the fourth volume of Jag's intriguing novel 8)