Author Topic: Left-Wing Hate Speech  (Read 93186 times)

Dos Equis

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Left-Wing Hate Speech
« on: June 13, 2009, 01:32:11 PM »

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2009, 01:37:41 PM »
Did you know the tea parties were racist and were only about protesting against a black man? 


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2009, 01:38:40 PM »
  Ingraham and Garofalo are both lesbians.

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2009, 01:44:06 PM »

where's the hate and incitement to violence.

The only clip I saw was a gay gossip columinst making bad jokes.

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2009, 01:46:36 PM »
Did you know the tea parties were racist and were only about protesting against a black man? 


her final comment was

"I'm in favor of any citizen talking if they want to"



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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2009, 02:03:14 PM »
where's the hate and incitement to violence.

The only clip I saw was a gay gossip columinst making bad jokes.

wheres oreillys hate speech or incitement to violence? lol thing is straw you want to say that the right does it but when the left does it you say thats not hate speech nobody will be incited to violence.


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2009, 02:17:56 PM »
Whilst Americans argue and fight over utter silliness like this, the government is sucking your taxes dry, bombing and blowing up some unfortunate innocents in a country most people can't locate on a map and violating your freedoms and liberties. They love it when people waste their time arguing over trivia like this... :-\
I hate the State.

Al Doggity

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2009, 02:19:36 PM »
wheres oreillys hate speech or incitement to violence? lol thing is straw you want to say that the right does it but when the left does it you say thats not hate speech nobody will be incited to violence.

The title of the thread is "left-wing  hate speech". I assumed there would be some on display in here.


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2009, 03:17:24 PM »
The title of the thread is "left-wing  hate speech". I assumed there would be some on display in here.

Beach Bum is just engaging in his usual inflammatory posts.  All sizzle and no steak.  But dammit, Liberals will pay!

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2009, 03:47:30 PM »
Here are some of the things liberals say when votes and/or court decisions do not go their way:

  "Can someone in CA please go burn down the Mormon temples there, PLEASE. I mean seriously. DO IT."
      "I'm going to give them something to be f--ing scared of....I'm a radical who is now on a mission to make them all pay for what they've done."
      "Burn their f--ing churches to the ground, and then tax the charred timbers."
      "I hope the No on 8 people have a long list and long knives."
      "I swear, I'd murder people with my bare hands this morning."
      "Trust me. I've got a big list of names of mormons and catholics [sic] that were big supporters of Prop 8....As far as mormons and catholics...I warn them to watch their backs."

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2009, 03:49:31 PM »
In addition to advocating murder and burning down churches, they also discuss urinating in people's drinks:

Matt Barber, director of cultural affairs for Liberty Counsel, called the statements "hate crimes" for their intent to create violence against someone based on their beliefs.

"This is not just a matter of some people blowing off steam because they're not happy with a political outcome. This is criminal activity," he said. "The homosexual lobby is always calling for 'tolerance' and 'diversity' and playing the role of victim. They claim to deplore violence and 'hate.' Here we have homosexuals inciting, and directly threatening, violence against Christians."

. . .

Liberty Counsel's Barber said, "This is not free speech; these are 'hate crimes' under the existing definition. Imagine if Christian websites were advocating such violence against homosexuals. There'd be outrage, and rightfully so. It'd be national front-page news. Federal authorities should immediately investigate these threats and prosecute the perpetrators to the fullest extent of the law."

. . .

"I hope they all rot in hell, those servants of a lying, corrupt devil! BAN RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM," wrote Angelo.

One contributor went so far as to threaten to take out his frustrations on his own family.

"You want me to come back to Idaho for Christmas? Oh wait, my partner and I can't share the same bed? We can't show any affection or any outward sign of our love for each other? Well sorry family ... no Uncle Adam and all his expensive gifts and delicious cooking for you. Your childrens' presents will now be donations in their name to the equal rights organization of my choosing. As will their and your birthday presents, wedding presents, graduation presents, and everything else I give going forward."

The writer continued, "Remember, I'm angry. And I'm strong from my years at the gym and really am ready to take my frustration out on someone or something."

Barber said the Human Rights Campaign, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and "other leaders within the homosexual lobby" should call immediately for an end to such threats.

There were suggestions of a different type of violence, too.

"Hope the gay waiters at their hotel p---ed in all the drinks they served these cretins," "Jake" wrote about protectors of traditional marriage.
"If you're planning a heterosexual wedding in California … be prepared for picketers. Designate someone to watch the parking lot … You're going to have lots of unexpected expenses. Add $500 to your budget for security. … Be prepared for the flowers not lasting to the reception or the tuxedos showing up two sizes too small or the music at the reception being a way too loud or the cake tasting a little funny," stated another threat. "Be afraid. Be very afraid. We are everywhere."

Another even listed addresses of Mormon facilities. Mormon, Catholic and other religious groups were active in supporting the marriage definition.

"I do not openly advocate firebombing or vandalism. What you do with the information is your own choice," wrote Jeremy.

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2009, 03:52:23 PM »
Two clips showing angry liberals storming a church.  They interrupted the service, threw leaflets, and shouted things like "Jesus is a homo."   

Short version:

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2009, 03:53:37 PM »
Decide if you post that kind of crap again on the board, especially without warning, you will not be posting here for a little while. 

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2009, 03:54:49 PM »
Here you see angry liberals shouting in the face of a little old lady they disagree with, taking her sign, and stomping on it. 

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2009, 03:56:21 PM »
Here is how the liberals in training around a college campus react to people with different viewpoints:


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2009, 03:57:09 PM »
Decide if you post that kind of crap again on the board, especially without warning, you will not be posting here for a little while. 

You can't stand to see the truth about your war criminal hero? Whilst you waste your time arguing about CRAP like this more and more children are being bombed by our drones and planes...but just pretend to be a good Christian and ignore the truth. Fundy idiot.

And Ozmo and Hugo are also moderators here fundy idiot...and believe me I doubt they would object to having your own hypocrisy thrown back in your face. ::)
I hate the State.

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2009, 03:58:15 PM »
You can't stand to see the truth about your war criminal hero? Whilst you waste your time arguing about CRAP like this more and more children are being bombed by our drones and planes...but just pretend to be a good Christian and ignore the truth. Fundy idiot.

And Ozmo and Hugo are also moderators here fundy idiot...and believe me I doubt they would object to having your own hypocrisy thrown back in your face. ::)


Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2009, 04:10:30 PM »
A liberal radio talk show host (later fired) calls for the death of Joe the Plumber:

Joe The Plumber Book, Death Threat Video By KGO Radio Host
by Jack Ryan

Like all good celebrities big and small, Joe the Plumber has hired a publicity team. There is talk of a book deal. Read about that here.

And it all started because a man asks a simple rhetorical question and before he knows it the entire media and people are out to smear his name, beat him, insult him, and invade his personal life, now they are shouting death threats at him.

Obama supporter and San Francisco's KGO radio host Charles Karel Bouley said a few weeks ago that he wanted Joe the Plumber, real name Joe Wurzelbacher, dead.

Karel is a gay activist and writer for the Huffington post shouted that he wanted Joe the plumber dead because Joe asked Obama a difficult question in which he revealed his socialist views.

. . . .

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2009, 04:17:16 PM »
An article from 2003 discussing liberal intolerance to people who disagree with them:

Hate speech of the left

By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist  |  December 28, 2003

IN DECEMBER 1994 I wrote the first of what would become a yearly series of columns on the subject of liberal hate speech. That was the year Republicans swept the midterm elections to win control of Congress, and ideological passions were running high. I had noticed that when a prominent Republican or conservative said something offensive about liberals, it typically set off a storm of media condemnation, while an anti-conservative smear voiced by a liberal or a Democrat rarely drew any protest. There was no end of sour commentary, for example, when Newt Gingrich recommended that Clinton Democrats be portrayed as "the enemy of normal Americans." It was an outrageous remark, and Gingrich deserved the drubbing he received.

But when Jesse Jackson explicitly likened the proposals of the new majority to Nazism and apartheid -- "If this were Germany, we would call it fascism. If this were South Africa, we would call it racism" -- there wasn't even a ripple of disapproval. Julianne Malveaux, a radio host and USA Today columnist, caught no flak when she prayed aloud for the death of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. "I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease," she snarled on PBS.

What was true in 1994 remains largely true today. MSNBC fired right-wing talk host Michael Savage in July, and rightly so, when he told a gay caller to "get AIDS and die, you pig." The liberal Nina Totenberg, on the other hand, suffered no ill effects for saying, during the flap over General Jerry Boykin's views of Islam and the war on terrorism, "I hope he's not long for this world." When the startled host asked if she were "putting a hit out on this guy," Totenberg backtracked and said she only wanted to see him expire "in his job."

But this isn't the first time the NPR diva has publicly wished death on a conservative. "I think he ought to be worried about what's going on in the Good Lord's mind," she said of Senator Jesse Helms in 1995, "because if there is retributive justice, he'll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will."

Such venom should be beyond the pale. But too many liberals would still rather dismiss conservative ideas with an ugly slur than actually grapple with them on the merits. Debating the pros and cons of racial preferences or US foreign policy can be difficult; much easier to simply hiss "Racist!" or "Nazi!" or some equally poisonous insult.

"What you have now" -- this is left-wing activist and actress Janeane Garofalo, analyzing the Republican Party during an appearance at the 92d Street Y in New York this year -- "is people that are closet racists, misogynists, homophobes, and people who love . . . the politics of exclusion identifying as conservative." That was apparently enough to win her a guest-host slot on CNN's "Crossfire," where she offered this thoughtful critique of the Patriot Act: "It is in fact a conspiracy of the 43d Reich."

Ah, yes, the reductio ad Hitlerum. Why meet a conservative with facts or logic when you can simply tar him with the Nazi brush? Thus we had Nancy Giles on the "CBS Sunday Morning show" sourly tying Rush Limbaugh's "edgy" radio manner to you-know-who's. "Hitler would have killed in talk radio," Giles declared. "He was edgy, too." Ellen Gray of the Philadelphia Daily News struck a similar note in commenting on "The Reagans," the canceled miniseries. "If Hitler had more friends," she told The Washington Post, "CBS wouldn't have aired [its Hitler miniseries] either."

Of course no one came in for more Hitler comparisons this year than George W. Bush. Third Reich references were practically a staple of antiwar rhetoric.

The president "is not the orator that Hitler was," acknowledges leftist commentator Dave Lindorff at "But comparisons of the Bush administration's fearmongering tactics to those practiced so successfully and with such terrible results by Hitler and Goebbels . . . are not at all out of line."

Such repugnant comparisons are in fact wildly out of line. But so long as the double standard persists, liberals will continue to make them with impunity.

Of course this complaint can be taken too far. Ed Gillespie, the Republican Party's chairman, has been accusing Democrats of engaging in "political hate speech" when they call Bush a "liar" or a "miserable failure." But there is a world of difference between labeling someone a failure and labeling him Hitler. My objection has never been to political elbow-throwing. What I have tried to argue is that certain kinds of insult -- those that fantasize about people's deaths, or slime them as racists or fascists or terrorists -- do such violence to our public discourse that they should simply be shunned.

Ten years ago almost no one was calling attention to this liberal slander problem; now magazine articles and even books are being written about it. Progress of a sort, I guess. There's room for a lot more.


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2009, 04:28:39 PM »
In addition to advocating murder and burning down churches, they also discuss urinating in people's drinks:

Matt Barber, director of cultural affairs for Liberty Counsel, called the statements "hate crimes" for their intent to create violence against someone based on their beliefs.

"This is not just a matter of some people blowing off steam because they're not happy with a political outcome. This is criminal activity," he said. "The homosexual lobby is always calling for 'tolerance' and 'diversity' and playing the role of victim. They claim to deplore violence and 'hate.' Here we have homosexuals inciting, and directly threatening, violence against Christians."

. . .

Liberty Counsel's Barber said, "This is not free speech; these are 'hate crimes' under the existing definition. Imagine if Christian websites were advocating such violence against homosexuals. There'd be outrage, and rightfully so. It'd be national front-page news. Federal authorities should immediately investigate these threats and prosecute the perpetrators to the fullest extent of the law."

. . .

"I hope they all rot in hell, those servants of a lying, corrupt devil! BAN RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM," wrote Angelo.

One contributor went so far as to threaten to take out his frustrations on his own family.

"You want me to come back to Idaho for Christmas? Oh wait, my partner and I can't share the same bed? We can't show any affection or any outward sign of our love for each other? Well sorry family ... no Uncle Adam and all his expensive gifts and delicious cooking for you. Your childrens' presents will now be donations in their name to the equal rights organization of my choosing. As will their and your birthday presents, wedding presents, graduation presents, and everything else I give going forward."

The writer continued, "Remember, I'm angry. And I'm strong from my years at the gym and really am ready to take my frustration out on someone or something."

Barber said the Human Rights Campaign, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and "other leaders within the homosexual lobby" should call immediately for an end to such threats.

There were suggestions of a different type of violence, too.

"Hope the gay waiters at their hotel p---ed in all the drinks they served these cretins," "Jake" wrote about protectors of traditional marriage.
"If you're planning a heterosexual wedding in California … be prepared for picketers. Designate someone to watch the parking lot … You're going to have lots of unexpected expenses. Add $500 to your budget for security. … Be prepared for the flowers not lasting to the reception or the tuxedos showing up two sizes too small or the music at the reception being a way too loud or the cake tasting a little funny," stated another threat. "Be afraid. Be very afraid. We are everywhere."

Another even listed addresses of Mormon facilities. Mormon, Catholic and other religious groups were active in supporting the marriage definition.

"I do not openly advocate firebombing or vandalism. What you do with the information is your own choice," wrote Jeremy.
Sounds legit to me.

We can do a comparison and then note the differences:

“If I had known there was an entire day-care center, it might have given me pause to switch targets. That's a large amount of collateral damage,”

      “Based on observations of the policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option.”

“I explain this not for publicity, nor seeking to win an argument of right or wrong, I explain so that the record is clear as to my thinking and motivations in bombing a government installation.”

      “I am sorry these people had to lose their lives. But that's the nature of the beast. It's understood going in what the human toll will be.”

“The important thing here is: One person can make a difference.”

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2009, 04:35:03 PM »
Sounds legit to me.

We can do a comparison and then note the differences:

“If I had known there was an entire day-care center, it might have given me pause to switch targets. That's a large amount of collateral damage,”

      “Based on observations of the policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option.”

“I explain this not for publicity, nor seeking to win an argument of right or wrong, I explain so that the record is clear as to my thinking and motivations in bombing a government installation.”

      “I am sorry these people had to lose their lives. But that's the nature of the beast. It's understood going in what the human toll will be.”

“The important thing here is: One person can make a difference.”

I don't need to do a comparison.  There is extremist language and conduct from all corners of the country.  That's not the point.  I'm simply highlighting how folks who are supposedly major proponents of "tolerance" react when people disagree with them.  It includes profanities, calling for acts of violence, actual law breaking, calling and/or hoping for the death of people they disagree with, etc. 


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2009, 04:44:21 PM »
"Bleass [sic] everyone for attending and praying in May to bring justice to Tiller and the closing of his death camp. Sometime soon, would it be feasible to organize as many people as possible to attend Tillers [sic] church (inside, not just outside) to have much more of a presence and possibly ask questions of the Pastor, Deacons, Elders and members while there? Doesn't seem like it would hurt anything but bring more attention to Tiller."

"Tiller is the concentration camp 'Mengele' of our day and needs to be stopped before he and those who protect him bring judgment upon our nation."

"I know that he believed in justifiable homicide ... I know he very strongly believed that abortion was murder and that you ought to defend the little ones, both born and unborn."

The point I'm making is that the rightwing radicals act on their homicidal tendencies and the LEft, well, the left isn't even good at making threats, is it?  Sure the LEft can get carried away.  But it pretty much stops at calling a spade a spade.

And there go you again.

Mocking anyone that makes an effort at tolerance.  Why we should just do away with trying to understand or tolerate anyone.  We should really just insulate ourselves with religious prejudice and associate with like minded people.

Why does it seem that the hate speech of the right is backed up with gun murder and the 'hate speech' of the Left is used to show the seeming contradiction of tolerant people?   Boy the left sure is hypocritical. 

Sort of like a right to lifer shooting another human being to death to defend the priniciple of life.

George Whorewell

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2009, 05:55:13 PM »
According to Decker, hate speech and the left wing are mutually exclusive.

Also, no left winger has ever been intolerant or violent toward anyone else. You must have been listening to that Bill O'Reilly again. 


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2009, 05:57:49 PM »
According to Decker, hate speech and the left wing are mutually exclusive.

Also, no left winger has ever been intolerant or violent toward anyone else. You must have been listening to that Bill O'Reilly again. 
According to me, the qualitative difference is that rightwing nuts act on their hatred to the demise of others.

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2009, 06:05:50 PM »

serious..2 words

Rush Limbaugh

Thats why i dont listen to idiots like this chick above. She is telling her side from the extreme left. Not trying to find truth at all. Fuckin amazing.