Author Topic: Left-Wing Hate Speech  (Read 95269 times)

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #225 on: April 05, 2013, 01:03:59 PM »
Daily Kos Imagines Violent 'Fisting' With Spiked Gloves for the Religious Right 'Bigots'
By Tim Graham | April 04, 2013

For a long time now, it’s been apparent to social conservatives that the gay-marriage lobby is not a movement of tolerance. It won’t be satisfied with Supreme Court-imposed homo-nuptials in 50 states. If groups like GLAAD are the rule, they work to ban the social conservatives out of the “respectable” circles in the media, and make “homophobia” a hate crime.

But you can’t make this argument at the Daily Kos, where “LeftHandedMan” responded to this argument with a “GFY” and a rant about how conservatives should all bend over and “fist” each other with spiked gloves: 

You no good low-rent gaggle of hateful self-serving bigot-for-hire whiny ass titty babies.

Entire election cycles were gleefully covered in slick wall-to-wall homophobia and hatred.

Remember that s--t? Good. Now go f--k yourselves. Here. Here's a ratty leather glove covered in rusty spikes. No. No. Here's two. You can all go bend over and collectively fist each other in a frenzy until all the pain equals all the hate and the stupid you have given us for ages in spades. You all made your bones stoking and exploitating hate. On repressing dissent and dissenters. Please. Cry me a f--king river. A angel's tear sea. It wouldn't even offset Prop 8.

The tab has come due, and it's come due waaaay before you thought it would.

LHM came back around to the hate speech after a few paragraphs:

Eat all your s–t and feel some real f–king shame.

Then, we'll talk about a long and bracing period of naked truth and raw reconciliation.

The reason that all you various professional homophobic pieces of garbage all woke up on the wrong side of history one day is that you earned that harrowingly bleak little sunrise all on your own. If you feel like people are being mean to you, well, get the f--k over it. Because gay people, and the people who love and suppport them, have all had to stomach you, your Maggie Gallaghers, and the rest of your ilk. Own it. You earned everything you are getting back.

And we have long memories. We don't forget how you play the game. How you roll.

Calling you 'Bigots' to your collective faces is just a really, really good f--king start.

If this sounds like “tolerance” is just on the rainbow horizon, you’re not paying attention. It sounds more like social conservatives may need bodyguards. It sounds like this guy would cheer on Floyd Corkins.

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #226 on: April 17, 2013, 12:55:39 PM »
Climate of hate.

Randi Rhodes Explodes: Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michele Bachmann, Peter King! They're All Terrorists!
By Tim Graham | April 17, 2013

On Tuesday's Randi Rhodes show, the left-wing radio host was upset about the sound of talk radio after the Boston bombing. She played clips of Alex Jones saying the mass shootings in Aurora and Newtown were "staged," and then she smeared that on conservative talk radio, who are allegedly exploiting fear for profit.

"Somebody’s gotta make money off of you weasels, somebody’s gotta make money off of you cowards, somebody’s gotta make money off of you people terrified of your own shadow! Somebody’s gotta cash in." Rhodes then suggested a long line of conservatives were terrorists. Rush, Sean, Beck, Peter King, and Michele Bachmann were all listed in this rant:

Why do they want you to be afraid? What's in it for them? Well, besides for personal gain and profit, there's also sponsors, who love when you are afraid. They love when you're afraid because you'll buy guns. They love when you're afraid because you start buying "survival gardens." They love when you're afraid because you buy bunkers. They love when you're afraid because you buy fish ponds. They love when you're afraid because you hate the government so much that you will give them 25 dollars to hate them on your behalf!

There is so much money in terrifying the American people. And in this way - today I'm going to tell you, I think they're all terrorists. I think Glenn Beck is a terrorist. I think Alex Jones is a terrorist. I think Rush Limbaugh is a terrorist. I think Sean Hannity is a terrorist. I think Michelle Bachmann is a terrorist. I think Peter King is a terrorist.

I think all these freaking people who have a stake in terrorizing the American people with false - not flags - facts with made-up bullcrap so that you will give them money, or you will give them your time, or you will shop at their advertisers, or you will vote with them, or you will undo everything that is good about this country simply by you know being racist and angry and scared and cowards and weird! They have so much in play! And they are making a freaking fortune terrorizing you!

Rhodes suggested Americans in general are "terrified of their own shadow." Apparently, that small sliver of enlightened, fearless Americans listen to if she never goes off the deep end.

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #227 on: May 06, 2013, 12:31:36 PM »
Dan Savage Wishes Palin Gets Cancer
By Noel Sheppard | May 05, 2013

Hate-filled leftist gay activist Dan Savage was at it again Saturday.

In response to former Alaska governor Sarah Palin using chewing tobacco as a stunt during her Friday address to the National Rifle Association convention, Savage tweeted, "Now seeing upside of oral cancers":

Woke up to Sarah Palin's voice. She's taken up chewing tobacco now cuz LIBRULS or Bloomberg or something. Now seeing upside of oral cancers.

— Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) May 4, 2013
After taking some heat for this remark, Savage doubled down:

"Bullying has to satisfy three criteria: it has to be verbal or physical aggression, repeated over time, involving a power differential."

— Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) May 4, 2013
So, yeah, I "bullied" Sarah Palin. Yup. That's what I did. #CryBabyCons #TCOT #Whatever

— Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) May 4, 2013
And this guy is actually an anti-bullying advocate.

Talk about hypocrisy!


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #228 on: May 06, 2013, 01:21:53 PM »
Little do these nitwits know that liberalism is cancer.

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #229 on: May 15, 2013, 12:26:30 PM »
Creating a climate for people to commit violence against Tea Party members.

NAACP’s Bond Calls Tea Party ‘American Taliban’, MSNBC’s Roberts Barely Challenges
By Jeffrey Meyer | May 14, 2013

MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts is an openly liberal host who frequently makes disparaging comments towards conservatives and the Republican Party. And as it the modus operandi at the network, he frequently brings on fellow liberals to bash conservatives, often without the benefit of giving a conservative equal time to fire back.

Following shocking revelations that the IRS has been selectively investigating conservative groups for some three years now, Roberts brought on Julian Bond, chairman emeritus of the NAACP, to discuss what Roberts believed, “brings to mind the agency's 2004 probe of the NAACP.” [See video after jump. MP3 audio here.]

Bond, who has been a harsh critic of Republicans and the Tea Party, is known for his extreme and disgusting rhetoric towards conservatives, and today was no different as he blasted the Tea Party as "a group of people who are admittedly racist" and "overtly political." "I think it's entirely legitimate to look at the Tea Party," Bond insisted.

After Roberts asked Bond about what the potential fallout might be for the Obama administration, Bond doubled down on his disgusting rhetoric:

They are the Taliban wing of American politics and we all ought to be a little worried about them.

Roberts barely challenged Bond’s disgusting comments, merely asking him, “Sir, do you think that's a little harsh, calling them the Taliban wing of American politics?” to which Bond retorted, “Not at all. Not at all. The truth may hurt, but it's the truth.”

Readers of NewsBusters shouldn’t be surprised at Roberts’ lack of pushback towards Bond’s despicable comments. In 2011 Roberts made disparaging comments towards the GOP in which he argued the GOP wants to go back to when no women voted and where “slavery was cool.”

Roberts’ refusal to adequately challenge Bond’s anti-conservative hatred is sadly not unexpected as he has a long history of slandering the GOP, but is given a pass by his bosses at MSNBC.

THOMAS ROBERTS: So the IRS’ systemic targeting of certain conservative groups brings to mind the agency's 2004 probe of the NAACP. Now at that time that investigation came less than a month before the presidential election. The IRS looking into the NAACP’s tax status, claiming a speech by the group's leader at the time in which he criticized then President George W. Bush over the Iraq War might have crossed the nonpartisan line. Now two years later the irs cleared the organization of those allegations. Julian Bond is the Chairman Emeritus of the NAACP and was chairman of the organization during that audit. Mr. Bond, it’s good to have you here. And I just want to remind our viewers, play the comments that the IRS saw as politically charged. It was part of your keynote address at the time at the NAACP’s convention in July of '04. Take a look.

JULIAN BOND: Or as defenders have tried to stifle political debate. If you oppose the war, they say you don't support our troops. That's nonsense. If it was up to us, every man and woman stationed in Iraq would be safely at home with their loved ones right now.

ROBERTS: So, sir, past is prologue, auditors notified the NAACP that it would be subject to a 10 percent tax for political expenditures as well as additional penalties. Looking back do you maintain that the NAACP was unfairly targeted given the rocky relationship at the time with president bush and are there parallels to what we're seeing today?

BOND: I don't think there are any parallels to what we're seeing today. Of course we were unfairly targeted. The letter the IRS sent to me, I was the chairman of the NAACP at the time said I had criticized the President of the United States. And I've grown up thinking that was my right as an American citizen. And every American citizen had that right. I thought this was picking on the NAACP. It was close to the election. We're an effective get out the vote apparatus. Most of the people we’re going to turn out to vote are not by our design Democrats but happen to be Democrats. And it was an attempt to weaken us just before the election.

ROBERTS: Sir, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle though they’re coming down on what we're seeing today in the IRS apparently targeting these Tea Party groups. Doing so at a time in 2010 during the mid-term elections where we saw an up rise in the Tea Party sweeping in the Congress. Is there not -- shouldn't there not be the same level of outrage certainly from the White House? I mean, at the time in '04, Congressman Charlie Rangel called the audit a, quote, police state tactic. Do you think that there might be a double standard being looked at here?

BOND: No, I don't think there's a double standard at all. I think it's entirely legitimate to look at the Tea Party. I mean here are a group of people who are admittedly racist. Who are overtly political. Who've tried as best they can to harm President Obama in every way they can. I don't think there are correct parallels between these two incidents. It was wrong for the IRS to behave in this heavy handed manner. They didn't explain it well before or now what they're doing and why they're doing it. But there are no parallels between these two.

ROBERTS: Chairman Bond, what do you think the fallout will be for the Obama administration? Especially during a time where the Tea Party had maybe lost a little air? Do you think that this is going to help inflate that, especially as we ramp up to the midterms for 2014?

BOND I hope not. I hope they don't get anymore air. You know, they are the Taliban wing of American politics and we all ought to be a little worried about them.

ROBERTS: Sir, do you think that's a little harsh, calling them the Taliban wing of American politics?

BOND: Not at all. Not at all. The truth may hurt, but it's the truth.

ROBERTS: Julian Bond, Chairman Emeritus of the NAACP. Sir, thanks for your time on this.

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #231 on: June 13, 2013, 05:59:58 PM »

Maher 'Retarded' Poke at 5-Year-Old Trig Palin Ripped by Mom
Thursday, 13 Jun 2013
By Michael Mullins

Sarah Palin went after Bill Maher Wednesday night via Twitter responding to a report that the left-wing HBO host called her 5-year-old son Trig, who has down syndrome, "retarded" during a comedy performance Saturday night at the Palms Pearl Concert in Las Vegas.

Describing Maher as a "bully," the former Alaskan governor challenged him to meet her when she’s in his "neck of the woods this weekend."

Several hours later, Palin followed up her initial challenge to Maher with another somewhat threatening Tweet.

Hey bully, on behalf of all kids whom you hatefully mock in order to make yourself feel big, I hope one flattens your lily white wimpy a#*.
The report stemmed from former Vegas television host, Ron Futrell, who was thrown out of the show after he began heckling Maher following the alleged comment.

Described as an "outspoken conservative" by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, which broke the story, Futrell told the paper that he could not recall the exact context in which Maher allegedly referred to Palin's son as being retarded.

Futrell added that he was not surprised that Maher would mock special-needs individuals but was shocked that the audience would find it as funny as he says they did.

"I’ve got a son with special needs," Futrell said. "It didn’t surprise me that Maher said it. It surprised me that a lot of people laughed at that joke."

This isn't the first time that Maher has targeted Palin's son Trig.

In September 2008, Maher mocked Trig during a monologue of his HBO show, noting that she has five children including an infant "that has Down syndrome. She had it when she was 43 years old. And it looks a lot like John Edwards."

Palin has long been a target for Maher.

In the spring of 2011, Maher joked "Did you hear this — Sarah Palin finally heard what happened in Japan and she’s demanding that we invade ‘Tsunami,' I mean she said, ‘These ‘Tsunamians’ will not get away with this.’ Oh speaking of dumb . . . ," he said, using a very vulgar term for women.

At the time, Palin responded to the above stated attempt at humor by referring to Maher, without naming him, as a "mosquito" on her Facebook page.

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #232 on: June 13, 2013, 06:08:34 PM »
Mahr is really a revolting pos

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #233 on: June 25, 2013, 05:54:29 PM »
MSNBC’s Dyson on Thomas: ‘Symbolic Jew Invited Metaphoric Hitler to Commit Holocaust Upon His Own People'
By Noel Sheppard | June 25, 2013
There have been a lot of disgusting things said by liberal media members today in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision regarding The Voting Rights Act (Shelby County v. Holder), but none were more offensive than what MSNBC’s Michael Eric Dyson said about Justice Clarence Thomas on the Martin Bashir show.

“A symbolic Jew has invited a metaphoric Hitler to commit holocaust and genocide upon his own people” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MICHAEL ERIC DYSON: Clarence Thomas's actions here today, though consistent, though tragic to me, are even more so in light of the bulk of decisions he's rendered in the name of a judicial vote on the Supreme Court. A symbolic Jew has invited a metaphoric Hitler to commit holocaust and genocide upon his own people.

How disgusting.

Why does NBC tolerate these kinds of vitriolic attacks on public servants by its commentators and contributors?

For the record, here's what Thomas wrote in concurrence with the majority that Dyson and other ill-mannered and badly-behaved liberal media members found so offensive:

I join the Court’s opinion in full but write separately to explain that I would find §5 of the Voting Rights Act unconstitutional as well. The Court’s opinion sets forth the reasons. “The Voting Rights Act of 1965 employed extraordinary measures to address an extraordinary problem.” Ante, at 1. In the face of “unremitting and ingenious defiance” of citizens’ constitutionally protected right to vote, §5 was necessary to give effect to the Fifteenth Amendment in particular regions of the country. South Carolina v. Katzenbach , 383 U. S. 301, 309 (1966). Though §5’s preclearance requirement represented a “shar[p] depart[ure]” from “basic principles” of federalism and the equal sovereignty of the States, ante, at 9, 11, the Court upheld the measure against early constitutional challenges because it was necessary at the time to address “voting discrimination where it persist[ed] on a pervasive scale.” Katzenbach, supra, at 308.

Today, our Nation has changed. “[T]he conditions that originally justified [§5] no longer characterize voting in the covered jurisdictions.” Ante, at 2. As the Court explains: “‘[V]oter turnout and registration rates now approach parity. Blatantly discriminatory evasions of federal decrees are rare. And minority candidates hold office at unprecedented levels.’” Ante, at 13–14 (quoting Northwest Austin Municipal Util. Dist. No. One v. Holder, 557 U. S. 193, 202 (2009)). In spite of these improvements, however, Congress increased the already significant burdens of §5. Following its reenactment in 2006, the Voting Rights Act was amended to “prohibit more conduct than before.” Ante, at 5. “Section 5 now forbids voting changes with ‘any discriminatory purpose’ as well as voting changes that diminish the ability of citizens, on account of race, color, or language minority status, ‘to elect their preferred candidates of choice.’” Ante, at 6. While the pre-2006 version of the Act went well beyond protection guaranteed under the Constitution, see Reno v. Bossier Parish School Bd., 520 U. S. 471, 480–482 (1997), it now goes even further.

It is, thus, quite fitting that the Court repeatedly points out that this legislation is “extraordinary” and “unprecedented” and recognizes the significant constitutional problems created by Congress’ decision to raise “the bar that covered jurisdictions must clear,” even as “the conditions justifying that requirement have dramatically improved.” Ante, at 16–17. However one aggregates the data compiled by Congress, it cannot justify the considerable burdens created by §5. As the Court aptly notes: “[N]o one can fairly say that [the record] shows anything approaching the ‘pervasive,’ ‘flagrant,’ ‘widespread,’ and ‘rampant’ discrimination that faced Congress in 1965, and that clearly distinguished the covered jurisdictions from the rest of the Nation at that time.” Ante, at 21. Indeed, circumstances in the covered jurisdictions can no longer be characterized as “exceptional” or “unique.” “The extensive pattern of discrimination that led the Court to previously uphold §5 as enforcing the Fifteenth Amendment no longer exists.” Northwest Austin, supra, at 226 (THOMAS, J., concurring in judgment in part and dissenting in part). 3 Cite as: 570 U. S. ____ (2013) THOMAS, J., concurring Section 5 is, thus, unconstitutional.

While the Court claims to “issue no holding on §5 itself,” ante, at 24, its own opinion compellingly demonstrates that Congress has failed to justify “ ‘current burdens’” with a record demonstrating “‘current needs.’” See ante, at 9 (quoting Northwest Austin, supra, at 203). By leaving the inevitable conclusion unstated, the Court needlessly prolongs the demise of that provision. For the reasons stated in the Court’s opinion, I would find §5 unconstitutional.

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #234 on: June 27, 2013, 01:14:41 PM »

Maher 'Retarded' Poke at 5-Year-Old Trig Palin Ripped by Mom
Thursday, 13 Jun 2013
By Michael Mullins

Sarah Palin went after Bill Maher Wednesday night via Twitter responding to a report that the left-wing HBO host called her 5-year-old son Trig, who has down syndrome, "retarded" during a comedy performance Saturday night at the Palms Pearl Concert in Las Vegas.

Describing Maher as a "bully," the former Alaskan governor challenged him to meet her when she’s in his "neck of the woods this weekend."

Several hours later, Palin followed up her initial challenge to Maher with another somewhat threatening Tweet.

Hey bully, on behalf of all kids whom you hatefully mock in order to make yourself feel big, I hope one flattens your lily white wimpy a#*.
The report stemmed from former Vegas television host, Ron Futrell, who was thrown out of the show after he began heckling Maher following the alleged comment.

Described as an "outspoken conservative" by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, which broke the story, Futrell told the paper that he could not recall the exact context in which Maher allegedly referred to Palin's son as being retarded.

Futrell added that he was not surprised that Maher would mock special-needs individuals but was shocked that the audience would find it as funny as he says they did.

"I’ve got a son with special needs," Futrell said. "It didn’t surprise me that Maher said it. It surprised me that a lot of people laughed at that joke."

This isn't the first time that Maher has targeted Palin's son Trig.

In September 2008, Maher mocked Trig during a monologue of his HBO show, noting that she has five children including an infant "that has Down syndrome. She had it when she was 43 years old. And it looks a lot like John Edwards."

Palin has long been a target for Maher.

In the spring of 2011, Maher joked "Did you hear this — Sarah Palin finally heard what happened in Japan and she’s demanding that we invade ‘Tsunami,' I mean she said, ‘These ‘Tsunamians’ will not get away with this.’ Oh speaking of dumb . . . ," he said, using a very vulgar term for women.

At the time, Palin responded to the above stated attempt at humor by referring to Maher, without naming him, as a "mosquito" on her Facebook page.

$arah's the RETARD. The adopted kid has Down Syndrome

Fu&k u BB

Toss my salad u worthless piece of sh@t


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #235 on: June 29, 2013, 04:09:51 PM »
Zero evidence and counting.  
Sarah Palin is a retard breeder.  How is a simple scientific fact hate speech?
Some GOP reps might get pleasure out a good spiked fisting.  Again, where is the hate?

Epic failure on your part.

Officially, you've owned yourself once again.

Hillary 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #236 on: July 05, 2013, 12:26:15 PM »
Here you see angry liberals shouting in the face of a little old lady they disagree with, taking her sign, and stomping on it. 


DAYS OF LOT: Seattle gay pride participants viciously beat Christian street preacher
July 4, 2013

SEATTLE, WA, – A street preacher was repeatedly punched in the head and kicked by two men at Seattle’s Pridefest this past Sunday – and the entire confrontation was caught on camera.  In disturbing video footage uploaded on Youtube and reported by Seattle’s KOMO news, two Christian street preachers can be seen standing on a grassy area. One of the preachers holds a sign that says “Jesus saves and heals,” and “Repent or else,” while the other holds a Bible.  At the beginning of the video a large man approaches the two preachers angrily, while another woman repeatedly shoves the man carrying the Bible and demands that the two men leave. The situation continues to heat up, until at one point a number of people attempt to snatch the sign away from the sign-wielding preacher.  When one man succeeds, a melee ensues in which the angry man seen at the beginning of the video runs at and punches the preacher in the head several times while another kicks him repeatedly. Others attempted to break up the fight.  Police arrested 36-year-old Jason Queree, who is suspected of being the main attacker. Quereereportedly has a long history of arrests and convictions for a wide variety of criminal behavior. A second suspect was also arrested. WARNING: The video is full of profanity and shows disturbing violence. Viewer discretion advised. The extreme violence commences at 2:35 into the video.

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #237 on: September 13, 2013, 01:29:06 PM »
He's a 911 Troofer.  Shocking. 

Libtalker Malloy Uses 9/11 Anniversary to Accuse Dick Cheney of Having Flight 93 Shot Down
By Noel Sheppard | September 12, 2013

Liberal radio host Mike Malloy has made some truly asinine comments in his career, but what he said on the twelfth anniversary of 9/11 Wednesday truly takes the cake.

Discussing the tragic events of twelve years ago, Malloy said United Airlines Flight 93 was shot down over Pennsylvania with “orders from a bloodthirsty son of a bitch named Dick Cheney” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MIKE MALLOY (11 September 2013): And that disappearing jetliner and all the disappearing bodies at the Pentagon, right? I'm sorry, I'm just no - and - in Pennsylvania? The conventional wisdom being that oh yeah, well the passengers tried to overtake or overcome the hijackers and everything crashed, when in fact I think even a cursory examination of that crash site, as spread out as it was, would indicate that that plane was shot down by a bloodthirsty, orders from a bloodthirsty son of a bitch named Dick Cheney!

So all of those phone calls from Flight 93 passengers to loved-ones - including from Todd Beamer! - were made up? They never happened?

Honestly, how does a man so deeply deranged have his own radio show?


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #238 on: September 13, 2013, 03:13:53 PM »
Zero evidence and counting.  
Sarah Palin is a retard breeder.  How is a simple scientific fact hate speech?
Some GOP reps might get pleasure out a good spiked fisting.  Again, where is the hate?

Epic failure on your part.

Officially, you've owned yourself once again.

Hillary 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #239 on: October 15, 2013, 10:32:48 AM »
Bill Press: Million Vet Marchers Are 'Idiots,' 'Should Have Been Hanging Ted Cruz in Effigy'
By Noel Sheppard | October 14, 2013

Isn't it funny how liberal media members LOVE protests EXCEPT when conservatives are involved?

Take liberal radio host Bill Press who on Monday actually called participants in the previous day's Million Vet March "idiots" and scolded them for not burning Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tx.) in effigy at the World War II Memorial (transcript and commentary follow with video courtesy Mediaite):

After playing some audio from the protest, Press ranted:

BILL PRESS: God, I’m telling you. So there they go. And then of course they stormed into the World War II Memorial, which, actually, the park police had long ago decided they’re just letting them do it. And they picked up the barricades and they took them down 17th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue and in front of the, and piled them up in front of the White House. They were throwing them at the White House fence and at the White House gates and continuing their protest, which absolutely drives me crazy.

And here’s, here’s what's wrong with it. First of all, those three idiots leading the protests, but they’re not the dumbest ones. The dumbest ones there are the idiots who are protesting, right? These are people, they call them vets. I wonder how many really were veterans. I don’t care if they were veterans. They don’t know what the hell they were doing.

So people that risked their lives for Press's freedom are idiots. Can you imagine that?

But he wasn't finished:

I think they were organized by Heritage Action. They were organized - so that’s Jim DeMint. They were organized by Americans for Prosperity, that’s the Koch brothers. And these people, again, don’t know what the hell they’re doing, don’t know what they’re saying, don’t know that they’re, don’t realize they’re being used by these right-wing organizations, and they’re being used by them to argue against something that’s in their own best interest.

I mean, how dumb can they be? Don’t they realize number one who’s responsible for the shutdown? Don’t they realize that the guy that they were cheering yesterday, Ted Cruz, is the guy behind the shutdown? He’s the guy that, doesn’t everybody know that? Not those idiots. He’s the guy that came up with this idea that has proven to be a colossal failure, that the way to destroy and kill and get rid of Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, is to shut down the government. That was his idea adopted by the House Republicans and it’s a total failure. Total failure.

And we wouldn’t have entered the shutdown yet, but they’ve abandoned the idea of getting rid of ObamaCare. Everybody says it’s never gonna happen. So, who do they, why are they, why are they following Ted Cruz? They should have been hanging him in effigy at the Memorial. They should have been booing him.

Doesn't Press realize that it was the Obama administration that decided to barricade open air monuments in Washington?

Ted Cruz didn't do that. Sarah Palin didn't do that. Mike Lee didn't do that.

Barack Obama did that, and THAT'S what these people were protesting NOT the shutdown.

But Press either doesn't have the intellectual capacity or the honesty to recognize it.

As such, who's the idiot here?

Read more:

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #240 on: October 15, 2013, 10:34:53 AM »
The Vet's were less than pleased that Palin, Cruz and certified tea bag moron Freedom Watch's Larry Klayman showed up and spoke

I'm sure this is not news to the right wingers on this board as I'm sure the vets anger at these idiots was fully covered on Faux News
UPDATED: Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:35 PM EST – The political agenda put forth by a local organizer in Washington DC was not in alignment with our message.  We feel disheartened that some would seek to hijack the narrative for political gain. The core principle is about all Americans honoring Veterans in a peaceful and apolitical manner.  Mr. Cruz, Ms. Palin and some attendees, including political parties may have not been aware of the goals of the marches which took place in over 60+ rallies across the nation.
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Veterans Angry Over Tea Party Takeover Of March On Memorials

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #241 on: October 15, 2013, 10:40:53 AM »
“I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to get up, to put the Quran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up.”

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #242 on: October 16, 2013, 01:21:25 PM »
Bette Midler: 'House GOP Are as Bad as the Taliban'
By Noel Sheppard | October 16, 2013

As NewsBusters readers are well aware, Bette Midler has said some dumb things in her life.

However, I think this is clearly the most absurd thing she has least in the past 24 hours:

For those wanting to vote on the dumbest thing she's EVER said, here are your choices:

Celebs Tweet-down the Shutdown: Blame GOP, Tea Party, Birth Control

Bette Midler: 'In America It’s Easier to Take a Life Than to Get Health Insurance'

Bette Midler: Republicans 'Did Everything They Could to Ensure' We'd Lose World War II

Bette Midler Blames Nation's Mental Health Problems On...Ronald Reagan?

Bette Midler Warns Glenn Beck Could Set Off a Rwanda-Like Civil War in U.S.

And the dumbest thing Bette Midler has ever said is?

(HT Weasel Zippers)


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #243 on: October 16, 2013, 02:29:41 PM »
In a way she is right.

The GOP has done more harm to the US and its citizens than Taliban.

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #244 on: October 16, 2013, 02:32:34 PM »
In a way she is right.

The GOP has done more harm to the US and its citizens than Taliban.

O Rly?  How many American citizens have been killed by the GOP? 


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #245 on: October 16, 2013, 02:33:46 PM »
In a way she is right.

The GOP has done more harm to the US and its citizens than Taliban.

How would that be measured?

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #246 on: October 16, 2013, 02:36:21 PM »
How would that be measured?

A body count?  That's why I asked how many people the GOP killed. 


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #247 on: October 16, 2013, 02:38:50 PM »

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #248 on: October 16, 2013, 02:40:35 PM »

A lot

I looked at the first page of the link.  Absolutely nothing there shows the GOP has killed Americans.  Try again. 


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #249 on: October 16, 2013, 02:41:26 PM »
I looked at the first page of the link.  Absolutely nothing there shows the GOP has killed Americans.  Try again.  

•45,000 people die each year simply because they have no health insurance (American Journal of Public Health 2009)