Author Topic: Updated - Glenn beck has lost 20, not 7, major advertisers  (Read 4236 times)


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2009, 10:57:22 AM »
C'mon Tre you are smarter than this.  You honestly believe he attended the church for that many years and never listened to anything being said? 

If so, just take away the whole "church" aspect and lets just say for the sake of argument it had been a weekly "Neighborhood enrichment program/seminar" that Obama attended for 20 years where Wright said the exact same things.  Honestly, would your opinion be different?

From Newsweek:

For any spiritually minded, up-wardly mobile African-American living in Chicago in the mid-1980s, the Trinity United Church of Christ was—and still is—the place to be. That's what drew Oprah Winfrey, a recent Chicago transplant, to the church in 1984. She was eager to bond with the movers and shakers in her new hometown's black community. But she also admired Trinity United's ambitious outreach work with the poor, and she took pride in upholding her Southern grandmother's legacy of involvement with traditional African-American houses of worship. Winfrey was a member of Trinity United from 1984 to 1986, and she continued to attend off and on into the early to the mid-1990s. But then she stopped. A major reason—but by no means the only reason—was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.


If Oprah had built a root system there and I've got huge aspirations, then I'm certainly going to consider attending as well. 

People are acting like Wright preached the same rhetoric week after week, which I highly doubt to be the case.  Hell, not even the Mormons do that.  In 20 years - assuming he never missed a Sunday - Obama would've been exposed to 1000 different sermons and probably remembers the content of maybe a small handful.  People with intelligent and active minds don't have time to listen to fairy tales, primarily because they've got better things to think about.

Obama used that church for its intended purpose and now he's moved on. 

I don't believe that Obama or Cheney actually hates America.  They both just know that most Americans are unintelligent suckers and have exploited that for personal gain and for the benefit of their friends as well.


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2009, 11:01:45 AM »
While I don't know if he has a deep seated hatred for whites, I think it is patently obvious he does not care for whites. If I spent 20 years at an anti black KKK church as a half black person, what would that make me? He is either ashamed of being half white or only uses his mixed racial identity as a springboard to have credibility with non black voters. 

He does not identify with his half white ancestry in the least; He even changed his name from Barry to Barak.

Don't even get me started on his wife.

I dont agree with Beck entirely, but what he said is not outrageous in the least.


If you sat in the 'KKK church', but did not agree with what was spoken and didn't discriminate against anyone because of race, then it would make you nothing more than a guy who attended that particular church.  Attendance does not equal endorsement, despite what the pigeonholers say. 

He's proud of being an American and he's proud of being an American of color who has risen to the most powerful seat in the world...something which makes him even *prouder* to be American. 


Beck is entitled to his opinion, but the inanity of such a remark cannot be disputed.


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2009, 11:08:39 AM » has collected 75,000 signatures.  They contacted sponsors and 7 have dropped beck.

It seems many people disagree with Becks' statement "Obama is a racist with a deep seeded hatred of white people".

"White people will do you like that". from DIckheads book.


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2009, 12:23:03 PM »

If you sat in the 'KKK church', but did not agree with what was spoken and didn't discriminate against anyone because of race, then it would make you nothing more than a guy who attended that particular church.  Attendance does not equal endorsement, despite what the pigeonholers say. 

He's proud of being an American and he's proud of being an American of color who has risen to the most powerful seat in the world...something which makes him even *prouder* to be American. 


Beck is entitled to his opinion, but the inanity of such a remark cannot be disputed.

Can you give me an example of ANY human being on earth,that attends a church for twenty years without believing what the church teaches,unless hes forced to do so.Then tell me if you dont believe in the man doing the preaching,why have him baptise your kids,why quote him in your book[the title comes from one of Wrights sermons],why listen to his sermons on headphones as you fall asleep.Come on,the guy believed in what Wright taught and stood by him UNTILL Wright acted like an idiot in front of the national press club.

George Whorewell

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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2009, 12:43:10 PM »

If you sat in the 'KKK church', but did not agree with what was spoken and didn't discriminate against anyone because of race, then it would make you nothing more than a guy who attended that particular church.  Attendance does not equal endorsement, despite what the pigeonholers say. 

He's proud of being an American and he's proud of being an American of color who has risen to the most powerful seat in the world...something which makes him even *prouder* to be American. 


Beck is entitled to his opinion, but the inanity of such a remark cannot be disputed.

LOL you have got to be fucking kidding me. If Barry was white and attended some ultra right wing Christian fundamentalist redneck racist church for 20 years and named the pastor of the church as his spiritual adviser, you would have a conniption fit, and theres no way he becomes president. Being part of an ignorant, racist community for 20 years makes you by proxy a racist. Any other interpretation is completely moronic and out of touch with reality.


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2009, 01:03:57 PM »
LOL you have got to be fucking kidding me. If Barry was white and attended some ultra right wing Christian fundamentalist redneck racist church for 20 years and named the pastor of the church as his spiritual adviser, you would have a conniption fit, and theres no way he becomes president. Being part of an ignorant, racist community for 20 years makes you by proxy a racist. Any other interpretation is completely moronic and out of touch with reality.

Absolutely not. 

I love the propaganda-munchers' love affair with the term 'spiritual advisor'.  So what?

Religion - like politics - is a business and it's safe to say that the two go hand-in-hand.  Obama is a savvy businessman and that's why he chose that particular church in the first place. 

We've agreed that people should 'pretty much' be able to worship as they please in America.  Even if a church leader's beliefs aren't mainstream enough for public consumption, so long as it doesn't affect the work (at their real jobs) of the members, it's just not a big deal.

The problem is that you're putting too much stock in 'religion', period, instead of focusing on the political machine which brought Obama to prominence in the first place. 

George Whorewell

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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2009, 01:17:20 PM »
You are totally missing the point and are either letting your blind love of Obama cloud your judgement, or your just an idiot.

If I went to a radical Islamic Mosque that preached terrorism, the destruction of America and Israel and that praised the 911 attacks and I attended that Mosque for 20 years and designated the Imam as my spirtual advisor, would you be stupid enough to think that I didn't agree with the message being preached at that Mosque?

How is it propaganda? Its truth- Its fact and its reality.

By your warped point of view, I could attend a local cross burning with the KKK and watch effiagies of blacks hung from trees-- BUT! I could then claim I didn't believe in the hatred being spewed in my face for 20 years-- I just wanted to make sure I got the racist redneck vote.  ::)

Religion is NOT a business and while it does go hand in hand with politics to an extent, you dont hang around with racists and ignorant hate mongers for 20 years and have the leader of the hate mongers be your spiritual advisor unless you believe in what is being preached. Plain and Simple.

We've agreed that people should 'pretty much' be able to worship as they please in America.  Even if a church leader's beliefs aren't mainstream enough for public consumption, so long as it doesn't affect the work (at their real jobs) of the members, it's just not a big deal.

^BULLSHIT. What we have decided in this country, is that if your the right color or ethnic group, then you can worship as you please and its not a big deal. One of the big reasons Romney didn't win the republican ticket is because he is mormon-- Theres no way he would win the election.

What normal people should find disturbing, even if your interpretation is correct, is that Obama would associate with such slime for 20 years just to get elected. Its politics as usual, pander to whoever can get you elected and lie your ass off for votes. Doesn't seem like much hope and change to me.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2009, 01:20:02 PM »

LOL you have got to be fucking kidding me. If Barry was white and attended some ultra right wing Christian fundamentalist redneck racist church for 20 years and named the pastor of the church as his spiritual adviser, you would have a conniption fit, and theres no way he becomes president. Being part of an ignorant, racist community for 20 years makes you by proxy a racist. Any other interpretation is completely moronic and out of touch with reality.

Case closed.  GW - as usual, you nail these posts. 


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2009, 01:28:29 PM »
Can you give me an example of ANY human being on earth,that attends a church for twenty years without believing what the church teaches,unless hes forced to do so.Then tell me if you dont believe in the man doing the preaching,why have him baptise your kids,why quote him in your book[the title comes from one of Wrights sermons],why listen to his sermons on headphones as you fall asleep.Come on,the guy believed in what Wright taught and stood by him UNTILL Wright acted like an idiot in front of the national press club.


I've known people to leave a church, simply because they didn't like the type of music that the choir sang. Yet, we're supposed to believe that Barack Obama holds none of the ideas, touted by Wright, during the 20 years that the President attended his church.


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2009, 02:00:33 PM »
7 sponsors so far.

we'll see if FOX keeps subsidizing his show when 17, 27, or 37 sponsors leave.

What if!  What if!

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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2009, 02:44:24 PM »
You are totally missing the point and are either letting your blind love of Obama cloud your judgement, or your just an idiot.

Well, we know that's not it! lol 

If I went to a radical Islamic Mosque that preached terrorism, the destruction of America and Israel and that praised the 911 attacks and I attended that Mosque for 20 years and designated the Imam as my spirtual advisor, would you be stupid enough to think that I didn't agree with the message being preached at that Mosque?

How is it propaganda? Its truth- Its fact and its reality.

By your warped point of view, I could attend a local cross burning with the KKK and watch effiagies of blacks hung from trees-- BUT! I could then claim I didn't believe in the hatred being spewed in my face for 20 years-- I just wanted to make sure I got the racist redneck vote.  ::)


You want me to judge you by the company you keep, but I'm instead choosing to judge you by YOUR words and by YOUR actions. 

If you're a local businessman and/or politician and almost everything you've ever done has improved your community fairly for all its people, then I honestly will not care where you spend your Sunday mornings. 

Am I a unique individual?  Yes.  But is my way of thinking where the country needs to be headed?  Absolutely. 

Religion is NOT a business...


Until you can accept that reality, I'm afraid that we won't be able to debate.  Seriously, if you don't recognize that religion is not only business, but BIG business, then you're not going to be able to move forward in a productive discussion. 

^BULLSHIT. What we have decided in this country, is that if your the right color or ethnic group, then you can worship as you please and its not a big deal. One of the big reasons Romney didn't win the republican ticket is because he is mormon-- Theres no way he would win the election.

The Mormons are using their position on gay marriage to gain support within the mainstream Christian community.  They've run a very carefully scripted PR campaign for the past 25 years and now, people are a lot less concerned about their doctrine than previously. 

I could go into more details, but LDS, Inc. is an extremely well-run business, one which takes advantage of the free/cheap labor at its disposal, just like every other business wants to. 

Only the perfect Republican was going to be able to defeat Cheney-Bush in the last election, and as both Drkaje and I have stated, the Republicans really did not want to win it, given where the economy was headed. 

If they're smart, they'll keep Romney off the ticket in 2012 and he'd be the odds-on favorite to win the White House in 2016.  That is my prediction.

What normal people should find disturbing, even if your interpretation is correct, is that Obama would associate with such slime for 20 years just to get elected. Its politics as usual, pander to whoever can get you elected and lie your ass off for votes. Doesn't seem like much hope and change to me.

RIGHT.  Obama is a politician's politician, even moreso than Hillary Clinton, it would seem.  If you look at all his moves from 2004 up to the election, Obama did *everything* necessary to get elected.  Now, Cheney-Bush definitely helped him, no question, but if we'd been in prosperous times, I highly doubt he would've run in 2008.  Clinton would've been the nominee, and she would've been defeated in a pretty close election by Tom Ridge or Dick Cheney. 

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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #36 on: August 13, 2009, 03:43:39 PM »
From Newsweek:

For any spiritually minded, up-wardly mobile African-American living in Chicago in the mid-1980s, the Trinity United Church of Christ was—and still is—the place to be. That's what drew Oprah Winfrey, a recent Chicago transplant, to the church in 1984. She was eager to bond with the movers and shakers in her new hometown's black community. But she also admired Trinity United's ambitious outreach work with the poor, and she took pride in upholding her Southern grandmother's legacy of involvement with traditional African-American houses of worship. Winfrey was a member of Trinity United from 1984 to 1986, and she continued to attend off and on into the early to the mid-1990s. But then she stopped. A major reason—but by no means the only reason—was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.


If Oprah had built a root system there and I've got huge aspirations, then I'm certainly going to consider attending as well. 

People are acting like Wright preached the same rhetoric week after week, which I highly doubt to be the case.  Hell, not even the Mormons do that.  In 20 years - assuming he never missed a Sunday - Obama would've been exposed to 1000 different sermons and probably remembers the content of maybe a small handful.  People with intelligent and active minds don't have time to listen to fairy tales, primarily because they've got better things to think about.

Obama used that church for its intended purpose and now he's moved on. 

I don't believe that Obama or Cheney actually hates America.  They both just know that most Americans are unintelligent suckers and have exploited that for personal gain and for the benefit of their friends as well.

Tre, so you honestly believe that if he witnessed that whack-job Wright hopping around and yelling "Goddamn the United States!" that he wouldn't have taken notice?  Or that his "connections" he met wouldn't have heard that and have it be a topic of conversation as they sipped wine and had some bre?  There is no way on earth that he attended, even casually and sleeping as it appears you believe, and didn't know this was the kind of bullshit that ole "Reverand" Wright was spewing.  Utter nonsense.


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #37 on: August 13, 2009, 04:32:53 PM »
Ha,ha,ha,ha,YEAH after 20 years and after he was FORCED to because Wright made an ass of himself in front of the press club.Obama says he never heard ANY of that in 20 years of Sundays.Not only is Obama a racist but hes a liar as well.By the way,a PROVEN liar with his lie anout the AARP the other day.

Yes.thisis tru!anyone can se that Obama IS aliar anout EVERYTHING!

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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2009, 06:35:49 PM »
Tre, so you honestly believe that if he witnessed that whack-job Wright hopping around and yelling "Goddamn the United States!" that he wouldn't have taken notice?  Or that his "connections" he met wouldn't have heard that and have it be a topic of conversation as they sipped wine and had some bre?  There is no way on earth that he attended, even casually and sleeping as it appears you believe, and didn't know this was the kind of bullshit that ole "Reverand" Wright was spewing.  Utter nonsense.

We definately know that his wife got the message loud and clear. 


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #39 on: August 13, 2009, 06:48:25 PM »
We definately know that his wife got the message loud and clear. 

Women tend to listen more in church than their husbands or boyfriends do. 

Tre, so you honestly believe that if he witnessed that whack-job Wright hopping around and yelling "Goddamn the United States!" that he wouldn't have taken notice?  Or that his "connections" he met wouldn't have heard that and have it be a topic of conversation as they sipped wine and had some bre?  There is no way on earth that he attended, even casually and sleeping as it appears you believe, and didn't know this was the kind of bullshit that ole "Reverand" Wright was spewing.  Utter nonsense.

I'm not an Obama guy by any stretch, but I believe that much of what went on in the church in terms of church teachings was ignored, missed completely, or forgotten by Obama not long after the words were uttered. 

Not bragging, but I know a lot of intelligent people who attend church for reasons other than to get a 'spiritual fill-up'. 

When you've got an active mind or when you have a mind that's focused on big things, you're going to miss a lot of the little stuff that's used to occupy small minds, such as church talk. 

That's a reality that likely runs counter to any thought you've ever had before, yet it's entirely reasonable once you think it through. 

I still attend church from time-to-time, because my daughter's mom takes her there.  I might take a note or two, but for the most part, I'm surfing the internet and writing out work plans on my iPhone. 

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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #40 on: August 13, 2009, 06:55:54 PM »

I usuallu just check out the women around me if I have to go to church.   


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #41 on: August 13, 2009, 06:58:32 PM »
shoot if I had to have another poster speak on my behalf it would be you, your posts and my views often seem to coincide.

as for the bold nothing like fighting racism with racism...ironic isnt it?

this post is more to the end i was trying to go just more articulate  ;D

Just so you are aware, ...affirmative action isn't racism, and it's biggest beneficiaries thus far have been white women.


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #42 on: August 13, 2009, 07:04:20 PM »

He does not identify with his half white ancestry in the least; He even changed his name from Barry to Barak.

Actually, his name is Barack. His name was changed to Barry as a child. As a man... he re-claimed his name.
Just like johnjohn did to become John F Kennedy Jr. Just as I'm sure my neice who I call Candy (cause she's just sooo sweet) will reclaim her name to be called Candace, when she grows up to become a woman.


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #43 on: August 13, 2009, 07:09:33 PM »

LOL you have got to be fucking kidding me. If Barry was white and attended some ultra right wing Christian fundamentalist redneck racist church for 20 years and named the pastor of the church as his spiritual adviser, you would have a conniption fit, and theres no way he becomes president. Being part of an ignorant, racist community for 20 years makes you by proxy a racist. Any other interpretation is completely moronic and out of touch with reality.

If you apply your thinking to Billy Graham and his flock... what does that say about previous presidents?


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #44 on: August 13, 2009, 07:15:28 PM »

Religion is NOT a business

^BULLSHIT. What we have decided in this country, is that if your the right color or ethnic group, then you can worship as you please and its not a big deal. One of the big reasons Romney didn't win the republican ticket is because he is mormon-- Theres no way he would win the election.

How does that explain John F. Kennedy Jr? People said because Kennedy was Catholic, Washington would be controlled by the Vatican, ...that he'd be taking his marching orders from the Pope. Didn't happen did it?


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #45 on: August 13, 2009, 07:15:50 PM »
Just so you are aware, ...affirmative action isn't racism, and it's biggest beneficiaries thus far have been white women.
LOL ahh yes it is in fact racism and fine you want to throw in sexism too thats fine as well...legally discriminating towards a person based on sex or race, what would you call that jag?

Its racism/sexism darlin and there isnt any left wing liberal nut job spin you can put on it plain and simple...

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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #46 on: August 13, 2009, 07:17:21 PM »

How does that explain John F. Kennedy Jr? People said because Kennedy was Catholic, Washington would be controlled by the Vatican, ...that he'd be taking his marching orders from the Pope. Didn't happen did it?

JFK was a war hero.  Obama was a community agitator.  Big difference. 


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #47 on: August 13, 2009, 07:24:53 PM »
LOL ahh yes it is in fact racism and fine you want to throw in sexism too thats fine as well...legally discriminating towards a person based on sex or race, what would you call that jag?

Its racism/sexism darlin and there isnt any left wing liberal nut job spin you can put on it plain and simple...

It is called levelling the playing field and addressing the inequities and injustices of the past, that have created issues that still effect and impact us today. There is nothing wrong with affirmative action as a concept. If there is any fault to be found, is in it's implementation. Medicine is a good thing, however if it is prescribed in incorrect or inadequate dosages, we might experience complications.


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2009, 07:29:14 PM »
JFK was a war hero.  Obama was a community agitator organizer.  Big difference. 


So what you're saying is that it is more honourable to succeed in killing other people abroad,
...than it is to succeed in uplifting and enriching the lives of your fellow countrymen at home?

Both JFK and Obama are heros in their own way, ...and you have no need to fear either one.


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Re: Glenn beck has lost 7 major advertisers
« Reply #49 on: August 13, 2009, 07:55:21 PM »
It is called levelling the playing field and addressing the inequities and injustices of the past, that have created issues that still effect and impact us today. There is nothing wrong with affirmative action as a concept. If there is any fault to be found, is in it's implementation. Medicine is a good thing, however if it is prescribed in incorrect or inadequate dosages, we might experience complications.
im not saying anything of whether it was needed or not but the SIMPLE FACT OF THE MATTER IS IT IS RACISM/SEXISM and that you cannot deny.

Logically you cannot justify racism with racism or sexism with sexism thats circular logic