Author Topic: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism  (Read 6244 times)


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2010, 08:11:01 PM »
well as of late any white male that believes in the constitution and tradition is called racist by general electrics news outlet, so i dont realy think it matters what he said, hell he could probably have a black wife, or black roomates and a black best friend and adopt a black child and general electric media would still spin up some race card.



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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2010, 08:11:15 PM »
well as of late any white male that believes in the constitution and tradition is called racist by general electrics news outlet, so i dont realy think it matters what he said, hell he could probably have a black wife, or black roomates and a black best friend and adopt a black child and general electric media would still spin up some race card.
LOL wouldnt suprise me


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2010, 08:13:41 PM »

How Rand Paul's civil-rights views escaped media scrutiny

The editorial board of Louisville's Courier-Journal didn't mince words following its sit-down with Rand Paul last month. Much of what the Republican Senate candidate supports, it wrote, "is repulsive to people in the mainstream," including "an unacceptable view of civil rights."

And yet Paul's view that the federal government should not have the power to force integregation on private businesses — part of 1964's landmark Civil Rights Act — didn't get the attention of the national press until Wednesday, following interviews with NPR's Robert Siegel and MSNBC's Rachel Maddow. (Watch the exchange with Maddow below. Paul subsequently changed his position Thursday, after an intense 24 hours of media fallout.)

It's not as if the national media ignored the Kentucky contest. To the contrary, Washington political reporters headed out to cover the horse race — who's up, who's down — and wrote extensively on how the election plays into a larger narrative of tea party candidates like Paul fighting against the GOP establishment.

Somehow lost in all that coverage was any focus on Paul's views on the Civil Rights Act. Indeed, a Lexis-Nexis search for "Rand Paul" and "Civil Rights Act" yields no results for the weeks after the Courier-Journal editorial ran.

So if Paul's view is controversial enough to dominate cable news and the political blogosphere all day Thursday, how come it wasn't an issue in the month leading up to Kentucky's primary?

"It's hard to say why the national media didn't pick it up," said Bennie Ivory, executive editor of the Courier-Journal. "It was clearly out there — a major editorial on a really highly visible race."

Ivory added that "it's just interesting how this thing has evolved in the last 24 hours."

Indeed, the main political storyline one minute is Paul's insurgent victory and the next, it's a 46-year-old law. Given Paul's libertarian views, it's relevant to ask what the extension of such beliefs would mean in practice.

Siegel, when reached by phone Thursday, said he wasn't sure why the civil-rights question didn't come up since the Courier-Journal editorial. "It's the first time I've interviewed him," he said. "If I interviewed him a month ago, I would have asked him the same thing."

The reason for asking Paul that question, Siegel said, is because "the overarching question is, 'Just how conservative, how radical, how extremist are you?' "

After putting the question to Paul, Siegel followed up a couple more times. But he didn't have the chunk of time that Maddow did to press on for 15 minutes.

Maddow, in an email to Yahoo! News, said that she's enjoyed her interviews with Paul and his father, Texas Congressman Ron Paul, and explained why she felt it was an important issue to push.

"Anyone campaigning to be part of a federal lawmaking institution should expect to be asked, even pressed, on his or her views of the appropriate reach of federal law," Maddow said.

"For years, I've felt that the relationship between Ron Paul supporters and establishment conservatism is one of the most interesting, relatively unexplored dynamics in modern U.S. politics," Maddow continued. "I intend to keep covering it, and I hope that Rand Paul and Congressman Ron Paul and members of the movement they've inspired will continue to be willing to participate in the conversation."

It's not uncommon for statewide candidates to face a different level of exposure once they appear on the larger national-media stage. That scenario plays out every four years, as elected officials with little name recognition coast to coast take their case to the national electorate in presidential contests. Paul, now in a much more closely watched Senate race, will likely be the focus of increased scrutiny of his views and associations.

For instance, the Washington Post published a letter Paul wrote to the Bowling Green Daily News in May 2002, where he argued against the "Fair Housing Act." In views similar to those expressed on NPR and MSNBC, Paul wrote that "a free society will abide unofficial, private discrimination, even when that means allowing hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin."

Meanwhile, Mother Jones looked at Paul's appearances on the radio show hosted by Alex Jones, whom the magazine dubs an "anti-government conspiracy theorist."

While Paul put out a statement clarifying his views on the Civil Rights Act Thursday, and emphasizing that he wouldn't try to repeal it, the candidate may find that he'll need to respond to more questions on his worldview in the future, depending on what else is dug up.

"I think he's going to have to start answering people's questions now," Ivory said. "He's going to have to. His answers are going to have to be deeper than they have been."


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2010, 08:15:00 PM »
samsons is for discrimination...

for affirmative action and quotas = for racial and sex discrimination.

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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2010, 08:15:13 PM »
playing the race card is the easiest way for people that are up to no good to pit people against each other, if general electric news was realy concerned with real matters of race they would be playing quotes from dr, martin luther king. talking about love, charity, caring, and acceptance of all. not attacking the problem with another problem of equal negativity
down with hussein


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2010, 08:20:35 PM »
its a illogical you brain child

your justifying discrimination with discrimination.......... .............

thats what you were against in the FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LMAO some fuking ppl  :o :o :o ::)

hahaahahah...It is going to be so easy for another nation to take over america with this mentality you have put on display.

Let me give you an analogy to help your comprehension.

You have been robbed of your possessions. You call the cops. You file your complaint that your neighbor broke into your home and stole your expensive items. You present receipts, pictures, all manner of proof that the products stolen are yours. The cops go over to the neighbors home and finds that YES they have your possession in their home, but he can not give them back to you. WHY? Because to take the possessions from your neighbor to return to you would be considered STEALING!!!!!

That is an example of the mentality you have on display with the ILLOGICAL logic that correcting a negative behavior is somehow NEGATIVE ITSELF.

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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2010, 08:24:37 PM »
Dems are scared of Rand Paul in 2012.

The repubs are kicking themselves for running 2 RINOs and not Ron Paul in 2008... he woulda cleaned obama's clock.

You throw in hair and youth... he's Ron paul +1.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2010, 08:28:00 PM »
you know back 50 yrs ago I think that it wouldnt have been possible, today with the media and technology as well as the evolvement of society I dont think it would really make all that much of a difference. Most ppl agree that discrimination shouldnt exist and wouldnt discriminate and with technology and how small the world is these days those that do wouldnt be around to long I suspect.

there are already institutions that discriminate on the basis of race and sex its just mainly against white males so I guess its ok with most ppl who are against discrimination in one form but for it in another...again affirmative action, quotas...
I don't think technology has simplified or made the world as small as you think.  I can see how someone who's lived in big cities mostly would think so, but I could easily shock you with what some people believe.  Different areas have their own issues or problems.  as a quick example, in western Nebraska, I was pretty shocked at their views of women when I lived there.  Not all were like this but many were.  I could not believe some of the shit I heard there.  Even sat through an ass chewing by some fool that was pissed off that the company I worked for hired women.  No I'm not kidding.  Even for some shit like getting a loan.  They didn't want to deal with women.  It better be the husband or father or whatever going in with them and doing the talking.  I found that odd because you can drive a few hours to Wyoming where views on women are completely opposite.


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #33 on: May 20, 2010, 08:37:41 PM »
hahaahahah...It is going to be so easy for another nation to take over america with this mentality you have put on display.

Let me give you an analogy to help your comprehension.

You have been robbed of your possessions. You call the cops. You file your complaint that your neighbor broke into your home and stole your expensive items. You present receipts, pictures, all manner of proof that the products stolen are yours. The cops go over to the neighbors home and finds that YES they have your possession in their home, but he can not give them back to you. WHY? Because to take the possessions from your neighbor to return to you would be considered STEALING!!!!!

That is an example of the mentality you have on display with the ILLOGICAL logic that correcting a negative behavior is somehow NEGATIVE ITSELF.
wow whatever country youre from is screwed with geniuses like you running around...

correcting the behavior is negative if youre using the same behavior youre trying to correct...

you wouldnt be stealing the property as it was already yours...a quota or AA that keeps the best person from getting the job or slot in order to give a person who shouldnt qualify but does b/c of race or sex is discriminatory...

again AA is discrimination...anybody with logical sense can see that...but i guess thats the problem with you not getting it...


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #34 on: May 20, 2010, 08:41:04 PM »
I don't think technology has simplified or made the world as small as you think.  I can see how someone who's lived in big cities mostly would think so, but I could easily shock you with what some people believe.  Different areas have their own issues or problems.  as a quick example, in western Nebraska, I was pretty shocked at their views of women when I lived there.  Not all were like this but many were.  I could not believe some of the shit I heard there.  Even sat through an ass chewing by some fool that was pissed off that the company I worked for hired women.  No I'm not kidding.  Even for some shit like getting a loan.  They didn't want to deal with women.  It better be the husband or father or whatever going in with them and doing the talking.  I found that odd because you can drive a few hours to Wyoming where views on women are completely opposite.
dont get me wrong hugo Im not saying that it wouldnt happen im saying that I dont think it would be rampant...I agree there are always going to be ppl that hold those views and that would if able to discriminate according to them but the vast majority I dont think would and with technology and the shrinking of the world those that do would likely be put out of business...look at arizona and the boycotts and they arent even discriminating anybody...


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #35 on: May 20, 2010, 08:57:17 PM »
hahaahahah...It is going to be so easy for another nation to take over america with this mentality you have put on display.

Let me give you an analogy to help your comprehension.

You have been robbed of your possessions. You call the cops. You file your complaint that your neighbor broke into your home and stole your expensive items. You present receipts, pictures, all manner of proof that the products stolen are yours. The cops go over to the neighbors home and finds that YES they have your possession in their home, but he can not give them back to you. WHY? Because to take the possessions from your neighbor to return to you would be considered STEALING!!!!!

That is an example of the mentality you have on display with the ILLOGICAL logic that correcting a negative behavior is somehow NEGATIVE ITSELF.

You believe women belong at home "servicing" their men and you want to lecture on discrimination?  ::)

Hugo Chavez

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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #36 on: May 20, 2010, 09:02:42 PM »
dont get me wrong hugo Im not saying that it wouldnt happen im saying that I dont think it would be rampant...I agree there are always going to be ppl that hold those views and that would if able to discriminate according to them but the vast majority I dont think would and with technology and the shrinking of the world those that do would likely be put out of business...look at arizona and the boycotts and they arent even discriminating anybody...
I'm not blaming you or disagreeing with you or anything.  I'm still thinking about this and don't feel I'm ready to lay down a final opinion.  So no biggie, we're just talking at this point.

One thing that we do know is that we can see these beliefs become widespread.  It happens all the time through time.  It seems right now we're at a level where it is more limited than it has been at other times.  what will it be in 10 or 15 years?  Who knows.  Plus I also am not sure it's not worth consideration just because 5% or so are victims in this. For the Americans that walk into a business and get their asses kicked out for their color, it might not seem so much of a small problem.


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #37 on: May 20, 2010, 09:12:13 PM »
I'm not blaming you or disagreeing with you or anything.  I'm still thinking about this and don't feel I'm ready to lay down a final opinion.  So no biggie, we're just talking at this point.

One thing that we do know is that we can see these beliefs become widespread.  It happens all the time through time.  It seems right now we're at a level where it is more limited than it has been at other times.  what will it be in 10 or 15 years?  Who knows.  Plus I also am not sure it's not worth consideration just because 5% or so are victims in this. For the Americans that walk into a business and get their asses kicked out for their color, it might not seem so much of a small problem.
I agree with you and the changing views of ppl which could be problematic in the future. I agree that I dont think its worth changing simply so a few can legally discriminate. Which is a point I think paul was trying to make when he kept saying that it was a non issue. If ppl are getting their asses kicked ppl need to get arrested for it whether discrimination is legal or illegal.


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2010, 09:29:11 PM »
 author=tonymctones link=topic=331367.msg4734815#msg4734815 date=1274413061]
wow whatever country youre from is screwed with geniuses like you running around...

Glad to see you recognize genius...and your mentality/IQ is what???

correcting the behavior is negative if youre using the same behavior youre trying to correct...

Again using your logic...A man is raping your wife and has a gun to her head. Should you call the cops or use your gun to stop it? According to your logic doing either of these is wrong, because you are using the same behavior Violence or the police violence) as the person committing the act of violence on your wife, so it is best to let him continue raping her. CAN YOU SEE HOW DUMB YOUR REASONING SOUNDS..?

you wouldnt be stealing the property as it was already yours...

According to your logic it would be stealing, because the act of taking something from someone (regardless of how they obtained it) IS STEALING.

a quota or AA that keeps the best person from getting the job or slot in order to give a person who shouldnt qualify but does b/c of race or sex is discriminatory...

You're grasping for straws as the issue had nothing to do with a person supposedly not being qualified...the issue is race, religion or gender discrimination....stay on topic

again AA is discrimination...anybody with logical sense can see that...but i guess thats the problem with you not getting it...

So you are using your contempt for women as reason to discriminate? As it stands anyone can scream anything as a reason to discriminate, but there is no way you can tell me that sitting in an ALL MALE OFFICE is not telling of your mentality, DESIRES and ways. In your mind ALL WOMEN ARE STUPID AND THEREFORE UNQUALIFIED for a job, education, opportunity, whatever and based upon that your mentality you are justified to DENY them employment or opportunity. Right now white men are crying the loudest about Mexicans "taking their jobs" (it was the Japanese and Chinese a minute ago)...don't be angry, because based on your logic the jobs went to the people most intelligent and capable of doing it.....

You get dummer by the minute TWO TOES...You have missed the entire understanding of the analogy, the explanation and the plain logic. Which only goes to prove you selectively decide what you will and won't understand.



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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2010, 09:33:59 PM »
Should a black restaurant owner be forced to serve members of the Ku Klux Klan?


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #40 on: May 20, 2010, 09:39:18 PM »
LOL jag according to your facebook iq test im above 140  ;)

lol youre not to good with logic are you?

AA and quotas do have to do with qualifications you dipshit...b/c regardless of qualifications they must fill quotas and use AA assuring that the best person for the job doesnt have the best chance to get the job...

lets break it down for you...ppl were discriminating against minorities and women which ppl didnt like, so in order to level the playing field you feel that discriminating against the majority and men is ok?

the reason you want AA and quotas is b/c of discrimination but you use discrimination when you use AA and quotas... ::)


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #41 on: May 20, 2010, 09:40:41 PM »

You believe women belong at home "servicing" their men and you want to lecture on discrimination?  ::)

That's called being a wife and mother. sadly the failure of that responsibility is the reason for the widespread failure of youth and consequently adults in america and europe. Both look at marriage with disdain, look at the responsibility of a father and mother with disdain and it is reflected in the children of both nations. The blatant disrespect of parents, of society, of people of things deemed sacred etc etc. Women have been taught to look down upon the husband adn disrespect him at every turn, proclaim independence and do their own thing all the while neglecting responsibilities at particular the children. It doesn't take long after the fall of the household's head and particularly the mother that the children go awry. Look at your failing education, high fatherless pregnancy rate, violence, crime, limited structure/guidance, failed homes, runaways, drugs, depression, contempt of everyone and everything...all stems from a failed households...


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #42 on: May 20, 2010, 09:45:47 PM »
This was taken from another site but I thought it makes a lot of sense to post here.

As a young black man, who was fortunate enough to grow up in a time where I didn’t have to check for a sign that says "No Colored Allowed" the civil rights act debate has left me conflicted at times. How can I.. a black man be opposed to something that I have directly benefited from? But what it comes down to is, you do not want government forcing you into associations, period. That decision set a major precedent for government to over step their boundaries and interfere and infringe on the individual rights of American citizens/businesses.

It took me a while to come to this conclusion, because growing up, my mother would tell me stories how she would have to walk miles to a store that served blacks when there was a store just right around the corner from her house, but refused to take black people's green money. She told me how mad she would be when her mother asked her to go to the store for milk, sometimes she would get her friend (who was mulatto and very light skinned) to go to the store for her...but it did not always work.

I could not imagine living in a society so fucking backwards and retarded. But we have to realize this was a social ill that not only haunted (and still haunts) nations and cultures all across the world. Skin color prejudice is still prevalent today not only in America, but in every country, even among black and Latin Americans. It's a social ill and social ills cannot be solved by the barrel of a gun (i.e. the government), but through education and enlightenment.

This is what should be celebrated from the civil rights era, it was a true moment of change, when black and white faces came together and said no more, we will boycott, we will march, and we will unify against a common enemy called Racism. Over the years, the government has stolen that success from the movement as if it was the government that turned the tide of racism of prejudice. No it was not the government. What should be mentioned is the hundreds if thousands of businesses who took down their signs voluntarily. Who's to say we would still be a segregated nation today if there was no Civil Right Act, specifically the provision prohibiting businesses that server the public to no discriminate based on race, gender, or religion. The civil rights movement would have kept on fighting, people would have still become much more enlightened, and the forces of the market would have reigned.

 Those businesses that chose to turn away blacks would have eventually failed, and the ones that didn’t would have prospered. Maybe, just maybe, we would be a little less racially obsessed today. Now as far as government buildings, schools and services, housing, no they should not be segregated. The government could have taken a much less forceful option and just promoted equality and non-discrimination, instead of forcing association on to private individuals. And Maybe, blacks would be better off then we are today, maybe we would have focused on building stronger communities instead of integrating ,this is what Malcolm X preached time and time again. Maybe we would have focused more on building more of our own stores, own neighborhoods, own malls, own manufacturing base.. Who knows?


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #43 on: May 20, 2010, 09:50:50 PM »
Should a black restaurant owner be forced to serve members of the Ku Klux Klan?

As long as the white men remove their sheets and conduct themselves like the y are somewhat civilized...sure. I would suggest the Black restaurant owners keep their guns clearly visible and a few patrons keep the rifles aimed at their heads the whole time..

But let me ask you this since you want to operate on STUPID as well. How does the KKK reflect white women, Native People, Hispanics or Blacks in any way shape or form? THe issue is discrimination not blatant violence. IN the case you just posted the restaurant owners would have the right to not only discriminate, but to bar the KKKfrom even coming into their restaurant....that is not discrimination..that becomes a safety/violence issue.

Again like Two Toes you regurgitate stupidity missing the topic completely and then say things for shock value as opposed to a logical argument.


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #44 on: May 20, 2010, 09:53:44 PM »
As long as the white men remove their sheets and conduct themselves like the y are somewhat civilized...sure. I would suggest the Black restaurant owners keep their guns clearly visible and a few patrons keep the rifles aimed at their heads the whole time..

But let me ask you this since you want to operate on STUPID as well. How does the KKK reflect white women, Native People, Hispanics or Blacks in any way shape or form? THe issue is discrimination not blatant violence. IN the case you just posted the restaurant owners would have the right to not only discriminate, but to bar the KKKfrom even coming into their restaurant....that is not discrimination..that becomes a safety/violence issue.

Again like Two Toes you regurgitate stupidity missing the topic completely and then say things for shock value as opposed to a logical argument.
hahahhahah youre the idiot that doesnt see that AA and quotas are discrimination... ::)


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2010, 09:54:59 PM »
As long as the white men remove their sheets and conduct themselves like the y are somewhat civilized...sure.  



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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #46 on: May 20, 2010, 09:55:24 PM »
hahahhahah youre the idiot that doesnt see that AA and quotas are discrimination... ::)

I love the sound of DEFEAT...


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #47 on: May 20, 2010, 10:02:47 PM »
I love the sound of DEFEAT...
hahahhah youre a bigger dip shit than i gave you credit for... ;D


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #48 on: May 20, 2010, 10:09:11 PM »
hahahhah youre a bigger dip shit than i gave you credit for... ;D

mental case


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Re: MSNBC attackign Rand Paul nonstop about racism
« Reply #49 on: May 21, 2010, 12:09:28 AM »
That's called being a wife and mother. sadly the failure of that responsibility is the reason for the widespread failure of youth and consequently adults in america and europe. Both look at marriage with disdain, look at the responsibility of a father and mother with disdain and it is reflected in the children of both nations. The blatant disrespect of parents, of society, of people of things deemed sacred etc etc. Women have been taught to look down upon the husband adn disrespect him at every turn, proclaim independence and do their own thing all the while neglecting responsibilities at particular the children. It doesn't take long after the fall of the household's head and particularly the mother that the children go awry. Look at your failing education, high fatherless pregnancy rate, violence, crime, limited structure/guidance, failed homes, runaways, drugs, depression, contempt of everyone and everything...all stems from a failed households...

Epic failed understanding of why there are two income households these days and not one. Hint: it has nothing to do with a failed responsibility of women to their families.