Thanks for the warning.
I was planning to start with the smallest dose (25 mg) of the Primaforce brand once per day.
It sounds as though DMMA is gentler on the CNS than stims like caffeine & ephedrine, and I tolerate both of those pretty well.
But, I don‘t have an addictive personality and never overuse/abuse anything.
My medical program starts up in about 2 more weeks.
With that, studying, clinicals, working, and training, I’m looking for “something additional” to help out while aiming to keep caffeine intake under 300mg/day.
I’m glad you posted the Primaforce brand because the only other products I’ve come across containing the DMMA are bombarded with a slew of other stimulants.
This will allow me to space it out and benefit more from the desired timing.
I’d still like to know the mechanisms/pathways through which this stuff works.