Author Topic: Sarah Palin = WINNING.  (Read 70438 times)


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Mons = Cohibia.

Well at least it wasn't someone else deleting their account because of the Axio bust.  LOL


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Chill out Toby, we may not slit your throat first when the Revolution comes. Time will be given for you to state your case on decades of spit-shinin' The Man's shoes before the brothers and sisters vote whether or not to cut off your nuts before cutting off your head.  ;)

Revolution? YAWN!!! You and your lazy ilk will do absolutely nothing but WHINE like babies, just as you are now and as the left has been after watching the GOP all but bring Obama to his knees.

The only one who has had his nuts cut off is Mr. Hope-and-Change, thanks to the Tea Party and the GOP.

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Revolution? YAWN!!! You and your lazy ilk will do absolutely nothing but WHINE like babies.

The only one who has had his nuts cut off is Mr. Hope-and-Change, thanks to the Tea Party and the GOP.

Who is lazy?

Soul Crusher

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Take a guess.     

Tell me who the fuck is lazy

Soul Crusher

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Tell me who the fuck is lazy

The current occupant of 1600 PA Ave. for one is one of the laziest people I have ever seen in my entire life. 

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The current occupant of 1600 PA Ave. for one is one of the laziest people I have ever seen in my entire life. 

Is he lazy or is he Hell bent on destroying the cant be both

Soul Crusher

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Is he lazy or is he Hell bent on destroying the cant be both

I think he is the tip of the spear and figurehead more than aything and is just there to fool people into believing all sorts of bogus shit that they otherwise would never go along with.   


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Mons = Cohibia.

Nice try "Pea Brain 2"  ::)

I spoke with Mons shortly before he quit getbig.

He quit GB because quote: "Beach Bum is a coocksuccking motherfuckking racist peice of shiit who tosses black mans salad on the island of Hawaii."

Cohibia happens to disagree with Mons.    

Soul Crusher

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Nice try "Pea Brain 2"  ::)

I spoke with Mons shortly before he quit getbig.

He quit GB because quote: "Beach Bum is a coocksuccking motherfuckking racist peice of shiit who tosses black mans salad on the island of Hawaii."

Cohibia happens to disagree with Mons.    

So, you voting for mama grizzly or no? 


  • Getbig V
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So, you voting for mama grizzly or no? 

I'll let the primary take its course; but, Baby Girl definitely has the inside track with me.

Soul Crusher

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Sarah Palin, genius of the year (Subtle as a hand grenade)
The Daily Caller ^ | December 15, 2010 | John Schlimm

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: No, REALLY, Sarah Palin is a genius!

The fact that this puts a big smile on millions of faces out there while making millions of others want to wipe the smirk right off mine for declaring it only further confirms the magnitude of what this woman has managed to pull off. No Richter scale could even begin to register the ongoing culture shocks induced by the Hockey Mom who exploded onto the national scene nearly three years ago.

But why is Sarah Palin THE Genius of 2010?

Well, for starters, she maintained a one-step lead on all the politicos running around out there. The former half-term Alaskan governor and former vice-presidential candidate should have been relegated to a footnote in history by now, but instead once more made herself the most newsworthy figure in the country, across numerous genres of interest.

Scoff if you will, but we are witnessing the most brilliant political striptease performance in history. And, admit it or not, it’s an act that no one (not even the Palin haters) can take their eyes off of.

This 21st-century vamp is on center stage and she’s slowly peeling off one layer of designer camouflage at a time. Meanwhile, we are all on the edges of our seats just watching to see if a “Palin 2012” bumper sticker is lurking under there somewhere.

As we wait with bated breath, let’s count the top three pathways to Sarah’s triumph as Genius of the Year.

FIRST, Sarah’s tweets and Facebook posts continue to rival any official statements from the president in terms of sheer media salivating alone. The press could ignore her if they wanted to, but they don’t. We are all helpless against her wiles! Even my friends who have no interest or clue about politics know who she is.

Translation: SARAH PALIN IS THE NEW SUGAR, which as we now know triggers the same part of the brain that succumbs to cocaine and morphine.

Diagnosis: We are in for a long, one-day-at-a-time, Sweet Jesus! rehab stint on this one. A tweet here, a Facebook post there and “Pistol Palin” seduces us into tumbling right off the wagon.

Furthermore, Sarah has a slight edge here because she can make up words while the White House, and anyone else over the age of five, really can’t do that. Just try to refudiate that point. In fact, the New Oxford American Dictionary recently awarded the New York Times bestselling author the honor of “Word of the Year” for that little homemade ditty. Shakespearean, indeed!

SECOND, while Sarah wisely realized she’d risk making a fool of herself (STOP your snickering, you haters!) by hitting the dance floor, Momma Grizzly managed to still infiltrate the hottest reality show competition on the planet with a Manchurian Candidate contestant of her own. Teen mom sensation Bristol Palin not only gyrated her way to the coveted number three slot on Dancing with the Stars, leaving a trail of teary-eyed and shocked has-beens in her wake, she fulfilled her daughterly mission by further cementing the Palin brand. And now there’s talk of Todd Palin shaking his tush for DWTS.

THIRD, Sarah still added reality star to her own resume this year as the queen of the deadliest hottest Alaskan adventure show on TV. And just like the poor caribou’s life that she ended on a recent episode, this is where I can bring the argument for her deserved accolade of Genius of the Year to a logical, albeit less violent, ending.

I live in Northwestern Pennsylvania where during the airing of Sarah’s caribou bloodbath episode (not to be confused with her earlier halibut-clubbing-to-death episode) it was hunting season. Yes, I’m from the land where then-Candidate Obama observed that the people cling to their guns and religion, and, I might add, where students get off school for the first day of hunting season.

Do you know what it does to a certain likeminded segment of the population to see a beautiful woman (a.k.a. “Caribou Barbie”) clad in fatigues and full-on makeup, on her stomach in the wilds, handling a BIG gun, all while stalking and blasting away a helpless animal?

Let’s just say it’s the same effect that whips, chains, leather, and handcuffs might have on another segment of the population. (At least with whips and handcuffs no one is harmed, unless they beg for it.).

Aside from this Pubic Relations stunt hunting porn Sarah gifted her devoted base with this holiday season, she was sharp enough to know that by airing the horrific slaughter of a majestic caribou, she would incite the wrath of PETA and animal lovers everywhere. Since the majority of those in this category wouldn’t vote for her anyway should she ever run, they merely, and unknowingly, served as easy pawns in her headline-grabbing game of “LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!,” which she continues to champion. The joke is once again on us!

All said and done, mission completed, she then went off on a year-ending tour to promote her latest blockbuster book and on a humanitarian mission to Haiti — with a big, glossy smile on her face!

Candidates have taken many roads to the White House. However, Sarah Palin’s 2010 strokes of genius may very well contribute to the first time in history where Pennsylvania Ave. is paved with award-winning fake words, reality show antics, and shot-clubbed-gutted-butchered carcasses.

By the way, considering we haven’t heard from Levi Johnston in a while, maybe Sarah went all caribou on his little tush too, off-camera, which would be a bonus reason for bestowing her the honor of Genius of the Year (At least no intelligent life form would have been harmed in that case).


John Schlimm is a member of one of the oldest brewing families in the United States, meaning he sees life through sudsy, gold-colored glasses. A former celebrity publicist, educator , and artist, John is the award-winning author of several books, including his latest, Harrah’s Entertainment Presents…The Seven Stars Cookbook as well as The Ultimate Beer Lover’s Cookbook (named “Best Beer Book in the U.S.” and “Best Beer Book in the World” by the international Gourmand Awards).

Soul Crusher

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Why Do They Hate Sarah So Much?
American Thinker ^ | 12-16-10 | Victor Volsky

What is the reason why the ruling class, including the GOP establishment, hates Sara Palin so passionately? The left and its propaganda machine have always looked down on conservatives, but the attacks on Sarah Palin are unprecedented for sheer malice, scope, and decibel level. Everything about her incenses the left -- her bubbly personality, her high-pitched voice, her lively manner of speech and facial expressions, her colorful biography and way of life, her large family, her unabashed loyalty to Christian and conservative values.

She is ridiculed mercilessly by hordes of comedians who, plumbing new depths of vulgarity, make a nice living exploiting the Palin Derangement Syndrome. The press watches her, eagle-eyed, and pounces at the drop of a hat, twisting the most innocuous slip of the tongue into a monstrous gaffe, almost a federal crime. For all intents and purposes, she is hounded as Public Enemy No. 1. The left views all Republicans as enemies, but Sarah Palin stands apart; she is treated like dirt, like an alien life form. Why?

And why do the feminists outdo even their male allies on the left, evincing astonishing ferocity in attacking Alaska's former governor? One would think Palin is the one person they should defend and extol as a poster child of feminism, an icon of women's liberation.

Indeed, Sarah Palin rose from humble origins eventually to win the office of governor of Alaska and take the number-two spot on the Republican presidential ticket. She overcame all obstacles without any connections, entirely by dint of talent, hard work, and perseverance. She fearlessly took on the GOP establishment and the oil interests that had dominated Alaska for decades, and she beat them all at their own game. She achieved great success and popularity in all public offices she ever held. And on top of all that, she efficiently juggled public service with homemaking duties, married an Eskimo (the left should be particularly ecstatic on this point -- a minority!), and gave her husband a hand in his business undertakings. She raised a large family and does everything a full-blooded Alaskan male is supposed to do, including killing her dinner.

A woman who can successfully challenge and beat any man, climb any mountain, ford any stream, shatter any glass ceiling -- a feminist dream come true, don't you think? And yet, the feminist leaders seethe with boundless hatred for that "upstart." Why? Granted, Palin is a conservative Republican and thus a natural enemy of the left, of which the feminist movement is an integral and prominent part. Still, this explanation somehow fails to account for the extraordinary viciousness of the feminist attitude, for the stupendous amount of vitriol the feminists spew at the mere mention of Sarah Palin's name. There has to be something else. But what is it?

For decades, the political drama in Washington followed a well-defined pattern, with the two major parties playing distinct roles. Under the conventional scenario, the Democrats, noble and high-minded, fight for the "little guy," defend the helpless minorities, feel the pain of the poor and defenseless, selflessly provide succor to the "victims of social injustice," and pursue an internationalist foreign policy. For their part, the Republicans are Wall Street stooges and loyal henchmen of Big Oil and other paragons of greedy capitalism, who rob the poor to give to the rich and follow the imperialist line in the international arena.

From time to time, the Democrats would go too far in their redistributionist schemes, throw public funds around with too much abandon, push the country too far into the morass of economic distress. Then the irate voters would throw them out and hand the reins of power to the Republicans, who would proceed to clean up the mess under withering fire of criticism and ridicule from the sidelines. Once the ship of state was put back on an even keel, the Democrats would return to power and pick up where they left off. This political two-step has continued over many decades, widely perceived as an eternal, providential order of things. To be sure, the Republicans have been contemptuously treated by their adversaries as junior partners. But the operative word is "partners." Though maligned and denigrated, Republicans' political legitimacy has never been called into question.

Then the Obama era dawned. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presented itself to the revolutionary left; its political wet dream finally seemed to be within easy reach. The Democrats controlled all branches of government, and the ongoing economic crisis gave it maximum freedom of maneuver. The new president and his allies grabbed the bull by the horns and set about remaking the country on the radical blueprint. But in their zeal, Obama and the Democrats in Congress badly overreached and made a fatal mistake: they woke up the sleeping giant. The vast, hitherto-silent middle class, alarmed by the inexorable slide of the country into the abyss, woke up and rose to defend the American way of life. The resultant Tea Party movement has been the elite's nightmare come true.

The ruling class love to swear their abiding love for and eternal fealty to the people. They indeed love the "people" -- as an abstract sociological concept. But they despise the populace. Everything about the common people, the denizens of the "flyover country," is alien and offensive to the elites. They can't help contemning those thick-skulled yokels, no doubt rabid racists and homophobes all -- who cling to their religion and their guns, who crow about their stupid moral principles and reject the sacred rights of abortion and gay marriage, who are unable to appreciate the sublime beauty and poignant social message of, say, a crucifix immersed in the artist's urine or a Madonna splattered with elephant dung. So long as the knuckle-draggers stay in their caves and lairs, allowing their betters to rule unopposed, they can be safely ignored. But when they start loudly protesting, threatening the prerogatives of the ruling class, the great unwashed turn into an acute danger.

The left was fit to be tied; it sensed a mortal challenge to its dominance. But a movement is an amorphous mass, difficult to pin down and target. Somebody has to personify it, and so Sarah Palin was chosen to be the face of that horrible entity. When she emerged on the national scene, she was merely a target of widespread ridicule. But with the rise of the Tea Party, derision was augmented by dread. Sarah Palin came to be viewed as the leader of the barbarians at the gates, the commander of the vast hordes of pitchfork-brandishing peasants storming the ramparts of civilized society. In short, in the eyes of the political/cultural aristocracy, she is the embodiment of its worst nightmare: the revolt of the masses against their masters.

This is, above all, why Palin arouses such elemental fear and hatred on the left (and the moderate right, too). To be sure, part of the reason is just plain envy. The darned woman seems to have Teflon skin -- all criticism just rolls off her back without doing any damage.

Worse, everything Palin touches turns into gold. How can one preserve equanimity in the face of her astonishing popularity and jaw-dropping earnings? How can one help wondering about the injustice of it all when "that stupid and ignorant lowbrow from the boondocks" commands such attention, with media hanging on her lips and her every word, her every entry on Twitter or Facebook becomes breaking news -- so much so that she actually seems to be driving the national discourse?

And yet, I submit, the elites detest Sarah Palin primarily out of fear and loathing. They view her as a usurper, as an embodiment of a threat to deprive them of the power and privileges they regard as their God-given right.

And what happens if Sarah Palin actually decides to run for president? Katie bar the door, you ain't seen nothing yet!

Dos Equis

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Nice try "Pea Brain 2"  ::)

I spoke with Mons shortly before he quit getbig.

He quit GB because quote: "Beach Bum is a coocksuccking motherfuckking racist peice of shiit who tosses black mans salad on the island of Hawaii."

Cohibia happens to disagree with Mons.    

I tell you what Mons, I will give you a little rope, but my crystal ball says your time on this board is short.   :)

Soul Crusher

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I tell you what Mons, I will give you a little rope, but my crystal ball says your time on this board is short.   :)

As if making up a fake war record and talking about facializing sarah's kid was not enough? 

Dos Equis

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As if making up a fake war record and talking about facializing sarah's kid was not enough? 

Apparently not.  Not a very convincing gimmick. 

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Why Do They Hate Sarah So Much?
American Thinker ^ | 12-16-10 | Victor Volsky

What is the reason why the ruling class, including the GOP establishment, hates Sara Palin so passionately? The left and its propaganda machine have always looked down on conservatives, but the attacks on Sarah Palin are unprecedented for sheer malice, scope, and decibel level. Everything about her incenses the left -- her bubbly personality, her high-pitched voice, her lively manner of speech and facial expressions, her colorful biography and way of life, her large family, her unabashed loyalty to Christian and conservative values.

She is ridiculed mercilessly by hordes of comedians who, plumbing new depths of vulgarity, make a nice living exploiting the Palin Derangement Syndrome. The press watches her, eagle-eyed, and pounces at the drop of a hat, twisting the most innocuous slip of the tongue into a monstrous gaffe, almost a federal crime. For all intents and purposes, she is hounded as Public Enemy No. 1. The left views all Republicans as enemies, but Sarah Palin stands apart; she is treated like dirt, like an alien life form. Why?

And why do the feminists outdo even their male allies on the left, evincing astonishing ferocity in attacking Alaska's former governor? One would think Palin is the one person they should defend and extol as a poster child of feminism, an icon of women's liberation.

Indeed, Sarah Palin rose from humble origins eventually to win the office of governor of Alaska and take the number-two spot on the Republican presidential ticket. She overcame all obstacles without any connections, entirely by dint of talent, hard work, and perseverance. She fearlessly took on the GOP establishment and the oil interests that had dominated Alaska for decades, and she beat them all at their own game. She achieved great success and popularity in all public offices she ever held. And on top of all that, she efficiently juggled public service with homemaking duties, married an Eskimo (the left should be particularly ecstatic on this point -- a minority!), and gave her husband a hand in his business undertakings. She raised a large family and does everything a full-blooded Alaskan male is supposed to do, including killing her dinner.

A woman who can successfully challenge and beat any man, climb any mountain, ford any stream, shatter any glass ceiling -- a feminist dream come true, don't you think? And yet, the feminist leaders seethe with boundless hatred for that "upstart." Why? Granted, Palin is a conservative Republican and thus a natural enemy of the left, of which the feminist movement is an integral and prominent part. Still, this explanation somehow fails to account for the extraordinary viciousness of the feminist attitude, for the stupendous amount of vitriol the feminists spew at the mere mention of Sarah Palin's name. There has to be something else. But what is it?

For decades, the political drama in Washington followed a well-defined pattern, with the two major parties playing distinct roles. Under the conventional scenario, the Democrats, noble and high-minded, fight for the "little guy," defend the helpless minorities, feel the pain of the poor and defenseless, selflessly provide succor to the "victims of social injustice," and pursue an internationalist foreign policy. For their part, the Republicans are Wall Street stooges and loyal henchmen of Big Oil and other paragons of greedy capitalism, who rob the poor to give to the rich and follow the imperialist line in the international arena.

From time to time, the Democrats would go too far in their redistributionist schemes, throw public funds around with too much abandon, push the country too far into the morass of economic distress. Then the irate voters would throw them out and hand the reins of power to the Republicans, who would proceed to clean up the mess under withering fire of criticism and ridicule from the sidelines. Once the ship of state was put back on an even keel, the Democrats would return to power and pick up where they left off. This political two-step has continued over many decades, widely perceived as an eternal, providential order of things. To be sure, the Republicans have been contemptuously treated by their adversaries as junior partners. But the operative word is "partners." Though maligned and denigrated, Republicans' political legitimacy has never been called into question.

Then the Obama era dawned. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presented itself to the revolutionary left; its political wet dream finally seemed to be within easy reach. The Democrats controlled all branches of government, and the ongoing economic crisis gave it maximum freedom of maneuver. The new president and his allies grabbed the bull by the horns and set about remaking the country on the radical blueprint. But in their zeal, Obama and the Democrats in Congress badly overreached and made a fatal mistake: they woke up the sleeping giant. The vast, hitherto-silent middle class, alarmed by the inexorable slide of the country into the abyss, woke up and rose to defend the American way of life. The resultant Tea Party movement has been the elite's nightmare come true.

The ruling class love to swear their abiding love for and eternal fealty to the people. They indeed love the "people" -- as an abstract sociological concept. But they despise the populace. Everything about the common people, the denizens of the "flyover country," is alien and offensive to the elites. They can't help contemning those thick-skulled yokels, no doubt rabid racists and homophobes all -- who cling to their religion and their guns, who crow about their stupid moral principles and reject the sacred rights of abortion and gay marriage, who are unable to appreciate the sublime beauty and poignant social message of, say, a crucifix immersed in the artist's urine or a Madonna splattered with elephant dung. So long as the knuckle-draggers stay in their caves and lairs, allowing their betters to rule unopposed, they can be safely ignored. But when they start loudly protesting, threatening the prerogatives of the ruling class, the great unwashed turn into an acute danger.

The left was fit to be tied; it sensed a mortal challenge to its dominance. But a movement is an amorphous mass, difficult to pin down and target. Somebody has to personify it, and so Sarah Palin was chosen to be the face of that horrible entity. When she emerged on the national scene, she was merely a target of widespread ridicule. But with the rise of the Tea Party, derision was augmented by dread. Sarah Palin came to be viewed as the leader of the barbarians at the gates, the commander of the vast hordes of pitchfork-brandishing peasants storming the ramparts of civilized society. In short, in the eyes of the political/cultural aristocracy, she is the embodiment of its worst nightmare: the revolt of the masses against their masters.

This is, above all, why Palin arouses such elemental fear and hatred on the left (and the moderate right, too). To be sure, part of the reason is just plain envy. The darned woman seems to have Teflon skin -- all criticism just rolls off her back without doing any damage.

Worse, everything Palin touches turns into gold. How can one preserve equanimity in the face of her astonishing popularity and jaw-dropping earnings? How can one help wondering about the injustice of it all when "that stupid and ignorant lowbrow from the boondocks" commands such attention, with media hanging on her lips and her every word, her every entry on Twitter or Facebook becomes breaking news -- so much so that she actually seems to be driving the national discourse?

And yet, I submit, the elites detest Sarah Palin primarily out of fear and loathing. They view her as a usurper, as an embodiment of a threat to deprive them of the power and privileges they regard as their God-given right.

And what happens if Sarah Palin actually decides to run for president? Katie bar the door, you ain't seen nothing yet!

LMAO No One Hates her... she is funny..

Dos Equis

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LMAO No One Hates her... she is funny..

I somewhat disagree.  People have attacked her, her husband, and her kids.  I hear people rant about her and much of it is just irrational.  Even you have posted her high school transcripts trying to show she is stupid.  Most of it makes no sense.  

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Funny we never have seen anything from Bama but have been asked to take it on faith that he is some type of genius that somehw has reached said status without ever trying a case, ever releasing his SAT or LSAT, never wrote anything academically or legally, etc.   

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Funny we never have seen anything from Bama but have been asked to take it on faith that he is some type of genius that somehw has reached said status without ever trying a case, ever releasing his SAT or LSAT, never wrote anything academically or legally, etc.   

It wouldn't matter if he released his transcripts and test scores (even though they are completely irrelevant).  Do you hear any liberals calling Biden stupid because he was a lousy student? 

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It wouldn't matter if he released his transcripts and test scores (even though they are completely irrelevant).  Do you hear any liberals calling Biden stupid because he was a lousy student? 

No, because libs think they are smart just virtue of the positions they take, as ridulous as that may seem: 

Al Gore:   Dropped out of law school. 

Biden:  caught plagiarising 

Bama:  Refuses to release any of his records. 

Dos Equis

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No, because libs think they are smart just virtue of the positions they take, as ridulous as that may seem: 

Al Gore:   Dropped out of law school. 

Biden:  caught plagiarising 

Bama:  Refuses to release any of his records. 

He also had pretty bad grades.  What's funny is his college and graduate school grades are more of an indicator (if any) than high school grades. I think none of them matter when we're talking about an adult. 

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Palin says she couldn’t get away with crying like Boehner
 Source: The Ticket (Yahoo! News Blog)

________________________ ________________________ ____________________

Sarah Palin, making an appearance on "Good Morning America" as part of her new embrace of the mainstream media, says there's a double standard when it comes to politicians crying in public.

In an interview with interview with Robin Roberts of "GMA," the ex-Alaska governor was asked about incoming House Speaker John Boehner's tendency to get weepy. While Palin said she had "respect" for her fellow Republican's emotional side, she suggested he gets a "pass" because he's a man.

"I don't know if a woman would be given a pass necessarily," Palin said. "That's one of those things where a double standard is applied. I'm sure if I got up there and did a speech, and I started breaking down and cried about how important it is to me that our children and grandchildren are provided great opportunities, I'm sure I would be knocked a little bit for that."

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Nice Vid.