Author Topic: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries  (Read 372347 times)

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #750 on: January 18, 2011, 03:03:38 AM »
Keith was mauled by a bear.

 Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #544 on: June 01, 2005, 10:12:42 PM » Quote 

Watching the Ernie Shavers/Tex Cobb fight from 1980 on ESPN Classic.  I remember Cobb coming to the club I bounced at.  He had he largest head I have ever seen on a human.

Well stunt wants me to tell the bear story.  I could swear i told this one before but I can't find it.  If someone finds it sorry for this wasted space.

One of my best friends has been working with Hollywood animals since the late 70's.  His specialty is bears and chimps.  I have mentioned him before.  he is very popular in the Valley area of LA.  Hehad his own gym called Wrights Gym back in the 70's.  He is still to this day the youngest person to compete in the Worlds Strongest Man.

Most of the time when I visited LA after moving to Hawaii I stayed with him or at least visited him.  He worked in Acton where he had a ranch full of Hollywood animals.  He had a couple of bears, several big cats, an elephant, fully trained attack Rottweiler and a chimp. 

Allot of times I got to feed the big cats.  Now this is the 2nd most scariest time I have ever had in my life.  There is about 10 (5 each side).  chain link cages that measured around 10' wide by around 16' deep and had a ceiling height of about 8'.

There is an aisle of about 8' between the front of the cages that you walk down.  Well with a wheel barrel full of dead chickens I head toward the cages.  Now I am maybe 50' or more away when all of a sudden every single cat is growling as loud as it can.  I swear to god you could feel the sound hit your skin.  It was unreal.  The cats would jump at the cage right at me.  I through the chicken under the fence in each cage.  The tigers would just stare at me growling so loud.  And the male lion was so big.  The paw was the size of my head easy.  When it stood on all fours the top of its head was even with mine.  When it stood on its hind legs it hit the ceiling easy.  Evey time I watch the discovery channel and see the cats i have an entirely different point of view knowing how big and strong they are.

I got to play with Shirikon who starred in Jungle Book but never the lion cause it was unpredictable.

but the bears were my favorite.  The cubs (Fred and Wilma) were allot of fun but was a workout in itself cause all they wanted to do was play non stop.  And at about 100 lbs each they were something else to handle. 

Now they had a Grizzly.  It was about 7' tall and weighed around 700 lbs.  I wanted to play with that one but my friend and his partner suggested no way.  I insisted.  Then the partner lifted his shirt.  This guy was 6'6" and weighed about 180 lbs.  He was really skinny.  When he lifted his shirt there was a huge scare like he got bit by a shark.  What happened was the Grizzly attacked him and literally picked him up in his mouth on his side and was thrashing him all around.  He ended up with a huge scar that took 700 stitches.  After seeing that I insisted not to play with the Grizzly.

So I played with the Black bear instead all day.  His name was Boggie.  He stood nearly 7' tall and weighed over 600 lbs.  We got along all time.  I always played with him with no problems.  I'd punch him and tickle him.  He loved taking marshmellows out of my mouth.  I remember one time as he was going for the marshmellow I enhaled it and hid it in my mouth.  He pinned me down and was using his lips to try to pry open my mouth.  He was getting so frustrated.  finally I gave in and gave it to him.

Well one day when I was visiting and played all day with him I realized  I didn't have any pics of him showing how big he really was.  So I told my friend take a pic of us standing next to each other. 

So as we are standing I decide to put my arm around him like were best buddies.  Well that was a mistake.  it must have surprised him cause he wheeled aruond and took his right paw and slammed it against my chest.  It made a good thud.  He started squeezing me.  At that time he started to go for my neck.  That is when my friend took the picture and threw it down.

Boggie put his jaw aruond my neck and I just went limp.  as you can see in the pic I am screaming.  but the only thing is nothing came out.  he was sqeezing me and the fact I was looking at death I think my vocal ability seized to exist.  Well I am on the ground now with his mouth firmly around my neck and covering my ear.  Well my friend and his partner is yelling at me not to move.  Dah I froze like a fucking popsicle.  Then I start hearing this thud noise. And then all of a sudden I am getting pulled out from under the bear.  My friend and his partner grabbed me and pulled me out. Now the bear is about 3' in front of us on all fours with his head directly in front of us growling and throwing dirt with his right front paw (like a bull).  My friend slowly pulls me away and we crawl under the wooded fence of the ring.

I swear to go my two friends were hyperventalanting and we all just collapsed and just saying how unreal that was.  I found out the thud I was hearing was the both of them beating the bear on top of its skull to let me go.  Needless to say to this day that was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me.

You can't believe how strong these huge wild animals are until you feel it.  Gives you a whole new outlook when watching them on TV from the safety of your home.

And yes this was scarier than the spider bite just not as life changing


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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #751 on: January 18, 2011, 03:34:20 AM »
Vince, this is the first time I had a chance to read this.

Great job! Thanks!

Tony Doherty

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #752 on: January 18, 2011, 03:51:00 AM »
Hey Stunt, I know it has been said already but you are a class act.

Keith was indeed fortunate to have a mate like you.  On behalf of everyone here, thanks for the honest and open updates you have presented.


Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #753 on: January 18, 2011, 04:19:08 AM »
Hi, Stunt, just reading the amazing stories in the history thread was fun. You had heaps of great stories from the old days, too. I had to find most of the photos because they were deleted by admin for some reason. What a pity. When I was in university I would go overboard doing projects if I was interested. Guess I have another project here for my mate Keith.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #754 on: January 18, 2011, 05:11:01 AM »
Story about Chuck Norris.

« Reply #770 on: June 26, 2005, 11:42:18 AM » Quote  

Here is a story I put on another board.  It was so long I figured it had to be here too.

Okay kids, endorsements are given to celebrities who generally will increase sales of the product being endorsed through proper marketing and advertising.  Celebrities are chosen when possible because they have a built in fan base, exposure and marketability.  They are CELEBRITIES.  Some celebrities will not endorse products at all or none unless they actually use them or believe in them.  The most notable would probably be Ed McMahon.  But most will do an endorsement as long as the money is there.  

An example would be Chuck Norris.  For month, SCARAB (the boat company, I am pretty sure this is the one) wanted Chuck to shoot a commercial in Japan.  But Mike E. who was Chuck's attorney and does allot of Chuck's business dealings (not sure if still with him) said no.  They wanted $1 million to do it.  Well then SCARAB came up with giving him one of there boats in lieu of payment.  Chuck liked that offer and did it.

Another one involving Chuck, also involved me.  My friend Joe Copelletta who is a well known director was also the person who directed all the United Way commercials  you seeon Tv involving sports stars.  Well he called me one day saying they are ready to shoot their annual corporate short film (15 minutes) which they show during a huge event in Washington D.C. which they show to Fortune 500 companies.  The theme was "You are my hero"  Bette Midler song.

They wanted Chuck Norris to star in it.  Joe knew that I knew Chuck well and asked me if I could set up a meeting.  So i called Chuck and then set up a meeting between them through Cynthia Chuck's assistant.  They met got along and Chuck did the shoot.  For Free!  

This was Chuck's first time he had ever had to use a teleprompter.  It was a long day for this 15 minute shoot.  Joe gave me a tape of outtakes of the shoot.  Chuck was very funny trying to read the teleprompter without making it look like he's reading it.  One othe thing about this short was it was nominated for somebig award and Chuck did win his only acring award ever A Golden Eagle Award.  He had a full page spread on the back of Variety for that.

Later on at my 30 birthday in Vegas, I was eating with Chuck.  Chuck had just started shootng the show Walker.  Joe had been calling Chuck for months to see if he could direct an episode of walker but never got a call back or anythng from Chuck. So I asked him about Joe directing an episode and said that he had been calling him and never got a call back.  Chuck said Keith I'm sorry I never got a call, I didn't know he did action shows.  he then said i will call him first thing when i get back.  Well Chuck did call Joe and it ended up Joe directed I think 14 episodes of Walker. By the way I didn't get a dime.

You know when you think about it, it is kind of strange that I know so many people.  i have a huge list.  The way I met Chuck originally was through my friend who I grew up with and is a very well known Hollywood stuntman and who i have worked for in the past.  We went to Chuck's house in Lemon Heights and I just became friends.  Then, Chuck knew my connection at the Forum and wanted to bring some friends to the boxing match there one day.  So, he called me and asked if I could get him some tickets (actually 15 of them).  So i asked my business partner who was in charge of the Forum Boxing Mike Garrett (Heisman Trophy winner), and of curse he said yes.  Now before the matches Jerry Buss would give his personal guests and VIP a free get-together dinner at the Forum restaurant.  So we all met there.  Now when Chuck called me he said Keith I have a guy who I want to introduce you too, I think you guys will get along and he can get allot of things done.

So anyway we meet at dinner and he introduces me to Joe K.  At the time Joe K was a very very wealthy and successful businessman who actually supported Chuck in dire times and ran his fan club too.  Me and Joe hit it off really good.  He liked to surround himself with celebrities and VIP's.

Another way met so many celebrities is when I volunteered with the Special Olympics.  I met allot of them there.  It just so happens I end up being friends with them. I mean they give their phone numbers and we go out and such.  I mean Susan Anton invites me over for a BBQ.  How's that.  Ellie May Clampett babysat my daughter, Jacklyn Smith cried all over me and was sqeezing the shit out of me (my girlfriend didn't like that one too much),  me and Arnold co-hosted weightlifting.  I armwrestled Patrick Swayze and Ray Coombs.  Gene Wilder kept tickling me (for some reason).  And a ton more stories.  The Special Olympics actually brought me to Hawaii where I ended up staying.  Charo was a big reason for that.

I think my size and the title had allot to do with it.  i got invited to many charity functions around the country.  I played gold and tennis pretty good too.  It jsut seemed that people liked me. not sure why.  At a golf event up in San Fran. they got me good with some fun stuff.

Plus, being in TV I got to meet allot of others.  i have been pretty lucky.  Like you said about meeting idols.  i have met allot of mine and no one more than Ali.  Reggie Jackson, Deacon Jones (who is so funny), mario Andretti and others.  No real polictical figures except the mayor of Vegas Ron Lurie and a couple of Senators. 

I think everyone has their stories.  I don't think mine are anything that special expect they include a few names people recognize.  Other than that I am pretty boring.

What I like allot is that most everyone remembers me.  I guess that is because I stick out a little more than most.  Sometimes this is nice and other times i wish it wasn't so.  My most memorable is when Ali got so excited when he saw me 3 months after our first encounter in Miami and his wife telling me how much he liked me and talked about me.  That is something i feel great about more than anything.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #755 on: January 18, 2011, 05:15:23 AM »
Keith and stuntmovie sure know a lot of famous people between them.

 Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #777 on: June 26, 2005, 06:16:50 PM » Quote 

Here are Keith's answers to stuntmovie's questions;

Did you ever meet Bruce Lee? .... I did.   NO I WISH (but did see where he grew up, did you do that)Did ya ever meet Jeff Hunter and Phyllis Thaxter? .... I did.  NO?
Did you ever smash into Eddie Fisher's car?........ I did (or almost did).  NO (but daughters mom's house was right below his, and the guy who played Starsky kicked me out of his parking spot one day when i was at the studio picking up a check)
Did ya ever talk story with Rosilland Russel? .... I did. NO
Did you ever hang out with Kim Novak? ........ I did.  NO (does Tony Nowak count)Did you know Doug McCLure? .... I did.  NO
Did ya ever carry Harry James' trumpet?... I did.  NO (but went to a party with Grammy winner Branson Marcilis?)Did ya ever hang with Mike Tyson?  .......... I did.  YES (quite a bit and been to his house)Did ya ever spend time with Bob Hope without a crowd around? ......... I did.  NO (but tried to get to his house in Palm Springs but was turned away)
Did ya ever meet Mickey Dolenz and the Monkees? ...... I did.  NO (he was in England, worked with his daughter Amy and we had a wrap party at his house.  Mickey's mom loved me)Did ya ever drink with Gordon Lightfoot? ........ I did.  NODId ya ever have a beer wth Marlon Brando? .... I did.  NO
Did ya ever hold an Academy Award? ........ I did.  YES AND SOME EMMY'S, AND A GRAMMYDid you ever coach a national winning bodybuilder?.... I did.  NO (but I know you)
DId you ever appear on the Art Linkletter show? .... I did.  NO (but was booked on Johnny Carson, and my Gillette Commercial aired on johnny Carson)DId you ever get loaded at an Italian Embassy and ask for Pizza all nite long? ...... I did.  NO (but I was drunk one night and had 2 large pizzas end up in my toilet)
Did ya ever talk old time bodybuilding story with Steve Reeves? .... I did.  NO (but i talk to you about them)Did you ever ski with the Kennedy's? ......... I did.  NO (but when I first moved to hawaii my agent set me up with a place to live at her friends.  The lady was Blanche Whittaker the wife of Jack Whittaker the 1st American to climb Mt. Everest and owner of REI Sporting Goods.  They were best friends of the Kennedys and the house was filled with items JFK had given them throughout the years.)Did you ever work with Terry (Telly??) Thomas, Pat Boone, Edward Everette Horton, or Pam Austin? ............  I did.  NO (but I like the song Debbie Boone sang, You are the light of my life)
And did you ever meet the guy who played the voice of Cheshier the Cat in the original Disney production of Alice in Wonderland? .... I did, but I forgot his name.  NO (but we had a cat named Alice)Were you ever the private guest of M. Frankovich when he owned and ran one of the major Hollywood studios? ........... I was.  NO (I actually worked in the business)Did you ever work as a sunt coordinator on a major Hollywood production? ....  I did. (Major to me at least!) No (but I did do actual stunts) have you ever had your SAG card...I DID
Did you ever get drunk and puke on ...................... Awe, never mind!!  YES

If you guys can ID any of the above, you're a hell of a lot older than you think your are.

I do gotta admit that hanging with Only in any location always turns out to be an adventure.
And if he ever volunteers to show you around Beverly Hills, ask for the Sonny and Cher Tour and the 90210 producer's house (Spellings?) , and get him to knock on the door of Sly Stallone's. You could get invited inside for a beer or two or chased off the property by a couple of Doberman's. You just won't know until you knock.

When you hang with Keith, you got to be prepared for any eventuality, but laughs are always guaranteed.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #756 on: January 18, 2011, 05:17:00 AM »
Jim Nabors and Jack Lord.

 Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #780 on: June 27, 2005, 11:07:55 PM » Quote 

Well since no one else wants to say anything.  me and Stunt were talking the other day and it brought up a couple of people who I met while living here in hawaii.  I think what is so neat about these two people is that they are two people I watched religiously on TV as a kid.  One was on Hawaii Five-O and the other in Gomer Pyle.

jack Lord spent most of his later years staying in his beach house and painting.  but ocassionally he would go to the grocery store with his wife in his beautiful 1960 something convertible pick cadillac.  he would stay by the car while she went in.  Well twice I saw him there and both times I spent some time talking to him.  he was very nice but I could tell he was very senile.  One of the times we would be talking and all of a sudden he would tell me how many episodes they did of Hawaii Five-O.  He did this at least 10 different times right in the middle of a sentance.  Eevryone that saw him would come over and say Hi.

Jim Nabors has an unreal house on the cliffs of Diamond Head.  His favoriteplace to eat is California Pizza Kitchen.  That too is one of my favorties.  I seen him in their maybe 20 times.  We'd say hi to each other but that was about it.  I was doing a photo shoot one day by his house and he came out to say hi to us.  A very nice guy who also drew allot of attention.

Now I know everyone here has stories about someone famous they met.  They might not completely be in relation to BB or lifting but I know they are interesting.  Plus, maybe Gomer lifted in the Marines.  So share your stories.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #757 on: January 18, 2011, 05:23:54 AM »
The day Keith beat big Cleve Dean at arm wrestling.

 Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #786 on: June 28, 2005, 07:48:04 PM » Quote 

Cleve Dean was perhaps the best known armwrestler in the world. he was 9 time world champion.  he made his name in Wristwrestling up in Petaluma.  he weighed over 600 pounds when we were filming Over the Top.  I did beat him during the Over The TOp world championship in Vegas.  The only thing is they disqualified me after I pinned him in 1:27.  He told them my body hit my arm.  The refs didn't see anything but took his word for it.  The place went ballastic cause everyone knew I beat him.  That match was so hard.  he is huge.  On Wide World of Sports to show how big his hand was they took his ring off his finger and put a quarter through it. 

he was so big I remember talking to these girls and they were looking at Cleve sitting across the way.  Then all of a sudden you could see he was pissing in his pants.  He was just to big to get up and piss.  My strategy to for our match was make him go up to the table and have to wait.  This way he was a little more tired from having to stand up there all that time.  i waited till they almost disqualified me before I went up.  he had 29" biceps (if you could call them that).  he was just so big.  earlier in his career his weighed about 450 or so.

One of my best friend is still to this day the youngest competitor in the WSM events.  he too was an armwrestler.

Schmoe Buster

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #758 on: January 18, 2011, 05:29:11 AM »
Hey Stunt, I know it has been said already but you are a class act.

Keith was indeed fortunate to have a mate like you.  On behalf of everyone here, thanks for the honest and open updates you have presented.


I second that, class act all the way
Thunderdome approved

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #759 on: January 18, 2011, 05:30:14 AM »
Story about Bertil Fox.

 Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #919 on: July 05, 2005, 09:56:13 AM » Quote 

Quote from: Mirz on July 05, 2005, 07:47:58 AM
hey Stunt do you have any Bertil Fox stories? he was one of my favorites from back in the day.

I'm not Stunt but I have my Bertil story I told here before.  It had to have been either 79' or 80'  I was training at the original World Gym.  I was with Kal Skylak(?), Tony Nowak and several others.  This huge black guy comes in and everyone looks at him walking across the gym floor towards the street side where the windows were.  Kal starts to go crazy telling everyone that is Bertil Fox.

This guy is HUGE!  So he stands there and is kind of strectching while looking out the window,  Kal is continuing to tell everyone it's Bertil Fox.  The bench presses were over in front of the windows.  Back then the mindset was, if you can't lift what is on the bar then take it off yourself.  Unlike today, where they like you to take the weight off the bar when you are done.

Well not sure who had just finished but there was 500 lbs on the bar even.  Bertil sits on the end of the bench and starts to stretch more.  Now I would say 90% of the gym is looking at him.  Well he lays down on the bench and does a little more stretching and then grabs the bar.

He pulls himself up a couple times and then hangs his arms down to stretch some more.  Now just about everyone is looking. He grabs the bar and lifts it off the rack then lets it down.  I'm sure everyone was thinking like me, no way is he going to do that with no warm-up.  Then he does it again.  But this time he lowers and I swear to god he did 4 or 5 reps and racked it like it was nothing!

You how people stare at you at the gym when you are lifting allot of weight but when you turn around everyone looks away like they weren't looking at you.  This was so funny cause that what happened.  But, now I am thinking (cause I have done this)  I think he saw us all looking at him in the reflection of the window.  Anyway, that is my only Bertil srory.  He trained there several times I'm sure but only remember this time.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #760 on: January 18, 2011, 05:32:59 AM »
Story about Lyle Alzado.

Quote from: Bossa on July 05, 2005, 08:49:17 AM
Hey Onlyme, I was on another site and they had a thread about the Barbarian brotehrs. One guy posted that Lyle Alzado beat up both of them at the same you know anything about this? You ever see Alzado in the gym? Basicaly he said that Barbarians were house sitting for him and had parties and things got stolen so he confronted them and asked them to come into parking lot and one endedup knocked out

Now with this Lyle story.  But first is is another. I grew up in Manhattan Beach where Lyle lived two blocks down from me.  The Raider camp was in El Segundo, the next town over.  He bought a Rolls Royce identical to a friend of mine.  Max Rep you know who I am talking about.  He came into Tequillie Willies almost everyday.  Always wore bermuda shorts with sandles and a nice dinner jacket.  he was filthy rich.  he lived in Manhattan but I saw his house in Camelback, AZ and it was huge!  Anyway, the Rolls was special color blue convertible.  Lyle used to like to go to Rolling Hills by the haunted church and hike the hills and go down to the ocean.  Well one day he came back to his car after his walk and his Rolls was gone.  I remember in the interview he said he would go their to hike cause he felt no one would bother his car since everyone there had a Rolls.

It was all over the news and in the papers.  A long story short (if that's possible for me).  After the incident, My friend used to get pulled over, he told me, sometimes 5 or more times by the police thinking it was Lyle's car.  ANyway, that was that story. 

Remember Max all the Raiders would come into the club all the time.  Matt Millen was huge.  I also got to be kind of friends with Howie Long.  Howie used to hang with this guy who was the husband to Lindsay Wagner the six million dollar girl.  he was a famous stuntman.  Howie used to tell me I was the craziest guy he had ever met.  I felt good about that compliment.

About the twins story.  I was not there.  But the story I heard from Bob Sear or Ron Gibson or Jim Flarety (I can't remember, maybe all three).  They told me the twins were mistreating the equipment at the gym (Gold's).  Lyle was very close to Pete G.  I guess Lyle got pissed off and they said something to him and he went ballastic and knocked out on e of them.  I heard the other just stood there, then left.  He didn't want no part of Lyle.  This is what I heard, so I don't know if true or not.  Bob was the twins best friend back then.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #761 on: January 18, 2011, 05:37:27 AM »
Story about Pete Koch.

Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #939 on: July 06, 2005, 01:03:10 PM » Quote 

Quote from: Mirz on July 06, 2005, 11:40:24 AM
another football player/actor who was supposed to be very strong was Pete Koch who played Swede in Heartbreak Ridge, anybody have any stories about him/

Wow I can't believe you know who Pete Koch is.  Me and Pete had the same Agent.  He beat me out for numerous commercials and TV Shows.  he was a very big guy. He isnow about 50 punds lighter. He played a fireman in Mel Gibson's Conspirecy Therory.  We finnaly worked together on an Old El Paso Salsa commercial.  we read for the same parts allot.  I did beat him out for a South Western Bell and Apple Computer Commercial (even though they had me play an armwrestler when I went in for a football player).  In regards to that commercial the were looking for a football player and when I showed up for the reading (which ended up only being a slate), I think every Raider was there.  Lyle, Matt Millen, Howie, and others.

I remember I thought I had a good spot on the TV show 9 to 5.  Even the casting director thought I had it in the bag.  Then Pete came in last of the day.  There were allot of lines so I figured at that time I could read better and he was more for his big looks.  Well it ended up he got it (beat me again).  I couldn't believe that they would pick him over me since I read so much better.  Well when the show aired I had to see how he did.  well the literally took every line out and all he had to do was grunt.

On another quick note.  I read for a movie with Kim Basinger (forgot name).  Well it paid great and it was 14 lines.  I rmemeber after the casting director met me she loved me and said it looks great. Well the next day came and she called me.  She said you won't belive the guy who came in this morning he washuge and the director loved his look.  So they gave the part to him. It was my old friend Big John Studd who I did a talk show in Miami with a couple years earlier.  In that business you really learn to be humble and learn to take rejection.  Oh well.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #762 on: January 18, 2011, 05:39:58 AM »
About Don Muraco the Magnificent one.

 Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #954 on: July 14, 2005, 10:20:02 AM » Quote 

I used to see Don all the time but haven't in a few years.  I do see him on TV here promoting Hawaii Wrestling.  It is really bad.  From being at the very top of that world to do what he does now must really be humbling to him.  He looks kind of old and lost allot of weight.  He lives on the North Shore.  He was always really nice to me.  He had incredible traps and shoulder width and thickness when he wrestled.  I will try to find a pic of him.  He was huge.

I forgot something.  Remember that huge vein he had going across his upper chest.  I loved that.  And when I got big I was so proud I had that vein.  Also, I had allot of veins in my forearms even in high school.  I thought you had to have veins to be strong.  I remember one day my mom looking at me looking at my forearms and veins.  She said you know that doesn't make you strong.  You know Paul down at the bank.  He has no viens and doesn't even look like he works out but he is strong.  He can do 2 finger pushups.

I remeber too my mom had one of those square boards that would spin around when you stood on it and twisted.  She would watch Jack Lalanne and workout with him every morning before leaving for her kick back job.  Too bad she was ugly.  But she was small.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #763 on: January 18, 2011, 05:43:38 AM »
Keith wonders if the Weiders ruined bodybuilding for everyone?

« Reply #1004 on: September 10, 2005, 12:39:49 PM » Quote 

This pic shows me that BB was very popular back in the 50's and 60's and that it spread out into the mainstream.  I mean there are families, wives, children and everything watching this show.  And there are many other pics around that shows the same support from "regular" people.  I really think Weider screwed up Bodybuilding for the future


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #764 on: January 18, 2011, 05:55:40 AM »
I second that, class act all the way

x3, you're a great friend stunt.  Thanks for the continued updates.

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #765 on: January 18, 2011, 06:41:26 AM »
Keith was in the show Dynasty. Even had his own trailer for one episode!

Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #1025 on: October 21, 2005, 11:03:16 AM » Quote 

Okay a couple of entertanment stories.  I was just watching Jay Leno and Debra Messing just reminded me.

I was on the TV show Dynasty back in 1988 or so,  I was a football player.  I had 5 lines if I remember right and it was also the first show I did where I got my own trailer all by myself and didn't have to share.  I remember arriving on location looking to where I go and a PA came up to me and siad Mr. Jones your trailer is around the corner.  I go and see my own trailer.  I had to run back to my car and get a camera so I could take a pic.  I had a pic and would post it but I lost it.

Anyway, we are on the field getting ready to shoot a scene.  We are all talking and one of the other players ask Jack Ford(?) if he was really gay.  He played a gay guy on the show and was the owner of the team.  He said no.  The guy said man why would you play a gay on TV.  Everyone is going to think you are a fag.  Jakc replies, for $35,000 a week I play anything.  Everyone just couldn't believe how much money that was and all agreed we'd play fags for that to.

As the scene is going it's my turn to talk and I make a mistake.  So we go again,  Then another guys makes a mistake we go again.  Well this happened about 4 or 5 times in a row.  Well now Jack is getting a little pissed.  Then we start again and he makes a mistake. He gets so embarrased he starts to laugh and blames me for starting the trend and we all started laughing uncontrollably.  You knw the kind where you just can;t stop. After several minutes we all decided to get this scene shot.  So now we are all very serious and Jakc looks at me and just start cracking up.  He ended up going to his trailer and we all went to craft services had a bite to eat and about 15 minutes later we came back and finished.

On a side note: when I went in to read for this part I met went the Shapiros who were the producers.  I go into their office and they ask me a few questions.  They asked me if I played football and I said no I armwrestle.  Mr. Shapiro says, I know where I heard your name before.  He picks up a Time Miagazine that wass on the table and turned the pages to a featured article they did on me and a show I did in Ft. Lauderdale.  It was really neat and they hired me. 

I'll tell the other story tommorrow if I remember.  It's about me getting busted for joyriding.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #766 on: January 18, 2011, 06:43:25 AM »
It's a small world.

Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #1026 on: October 29, 2005, 02:11:35 AM » Quote 

Okay, back around 78' or so I used to train at a club that used to be a Vic tanny's Gym in Hawthorne but changed its name to Renassaise Health Spa.  When I went there it was owned by a very thick guy by the name of Bill Stuges.  He was about 6'3" 260 but had a huge barrell chest and reall skinny legs with no ass.  You know the kind where the pants barely hang on.  Gene Mozee worked there too.  Anyway, I used to help around the club so I never had to pay dues.  It was the typical 70's health club.  Allot of chrome equipment and even a pool.  Where giving private swimming lessons always turned into some kind of kinky sex romp.

Anyway, I was pretty strong back then as was Bill.  But we both couldn't bench 405 yet.  He was really close as was I.  I weighed around 230 at that time.  We used to go to Dinah's for chicken every Tuesday night for their great chicken feast.    Anyway one night we were all eating and we were talking about benching and Bill bet me he would bench 405 before I could.  I said okay.

So we did it.  I trained so hard for this.  IN short I did beat him to 405.  But for the longest time I could only bench 405 with 315 then adding all 10's and 5's.  If I tried it with 4 45's, I would just dump it on my chest.
I don't what would happen.  I wuld even have guys load the bar without even looking at it.  But I still would dump it.  Finally I got over that when I started to train at World Gym in 79'

Later on I talked to Bill and he was benching 500.  He looked exactly the same just stronger.  I actually saw him running down the street.  He told me he wanted to be the first man to bench 500 lbs. and finish the LA Marathon.

Jump ahead to 1993 or so.  I am on Kauai.  I am driving to Waimea Canyon (nickname Grand Canyon of the Pacific).  Anyway I am gong down this road that had nothing anywhere around it.  When all of a sudden I see one of those small trailers that serve food.  SO I turned in to get something to eat and drink.  I am the only one there.  This old man was working inside and he told me he owned it.  Anyway, we start talking and he asks me where I am from.  I tell him Manhattan Beach and Hawthorne, Ca.  He then tells me he is from Torrance but he owned a gym in Hawthorne.  Well I thought I knew every gym in the area, so I ask him the name of it.  He said it was called Renassaise Health Club.  I said no way my friend owns that place.  He said no I owned it first when he bought it frm Vic Tanny and then changed the name and later sold it to Bill Sturges.  I said no way he said yes way and we could'nt believe it.  What a small world we said.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #767 on: January 18, 2011, 06:45:51 AM »
How Keith was tricked into benching 550 for the first time.

 Reply #1028 on: October 29, 2005, 09:38:36 AM » Quote 

Yes that could have been it.  They were those old thick plates.  Sometimes there would be a mix of plates on there.  I know it was mental.  I remeber when  first did 550 they guys told me it was 525 which was my previous best.  They all laughed and went crazy when I did it.  I asked them what they were doing and they said it was 550 and to count the weight.  So Idid and it was.  They all said they knew I could do it.  Ray was laughing the whole time.  The mental state got involved with me allot.  I would try 500 and not do it, but then say to the guys no no I was breathing wrong, then get uder the bar right after dumping it, then lift it after concentrating more on my breathing.  I was really weird that way.

Now the reason why I am not lifting as often is mental.  I need to get back into that "I can't wait to get to the gym mode".  It's all mental to me.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #768 on: January 18, 2011, 06:48:14 AM »
Keith remembers his first workouts in 1973.

Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #1044 on: December 30, 2005, 11:15:08 AM » Quote 

I am just cut and pasting this from another thread I just put it in.  I thought it would be okay here too.

My very first weightlifting mentor was Doc Duran.  He was a trainer at Vince's Gym back in the 50's and early 60's.  He was something else.  Every kid in the neighborhood went to his house where he had a gym (complete with boxing ring) built in his converted garage.  Everyone had a workout book that Doc would look at everyone every night and see what you did in your workout then write your next days workout.  It was really something when I look back at that.  I started training the summer between my freshman and sophmore year in high school.  That was in 1973.

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #769 on: January 18, 2011, 06:48:16 AM »
Love these stories, Vince.  One thing its made me think about is that by all accounts Keith had a great life.....and he did do a lot of things that none of us will ever do.  On one hand, that is awesome because he lived such a great life, but on the other I'm sure that because of him not being able to do any of the things he used to, took a toll on him.  That had to be tough.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #770 on: January 18, 2011, 06:55:16 AM »
Keith was talented. He could make people web sites and that takes a lot of computer know how.

Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #1081 on: January 20, 2006, 12:02:18 AM » Quote 

FUCK! I LOVE THIS STUFF!   Keep it up guys.  I am so happy that Stunt has some guys he can story tell with.  I love when Stunt tells me his war stories.  You guys are all heroes to me man.  By the way I am working on a website wihh some military interest.  My friend who Stunt knows is a loyal military man to thecore.  He asked me to put together a website to honor war heroes.  The site is at www.americanwarheroes.or g  Go take a look and if you have any suggestions by all means tell me.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #771 on: January 18, 2011, 06:58:29 AM »
Keith talks about The Gym in Honolulu.

  Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #1085 on: January 20, 2006, 04:56:20 PM » Quote 

Brock125: Onlyme you have some great stories. The gym in Hawaii with 300 lb dumbells you talked about did the dumbells go up in ten pound increments like 240,250,280,290 and so on. If so what was the most you ever saw someone press with the dumbells? Just curious, Im new here.
 Keith: Yes the DB's went up in10 lb. increments.  The name of theplace was The Gym later changed to World Gym then it close down and the Db's went over to Gold's in Honolulu.  I personally only saw a couple guys do the 240's.  I think I did the 200's but I had to have a guy hand meeach DB anditgot towhere no one wanted to help me.  I was fine and could easily do 8 reps but getting them there was hard.  Plus they were just to big to use.  Coleman came in and did 12 one arm rows with them.  And there were other guys who could do that in there.  Other than benching and rowing the DB's that weighed over 200 no one else used them.  What was neat about the gym too was at the entrance in front of the front desk, thye always had on a bench press whatever the World record was for the benchpress.  It looked neat with all 45's on there

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #772 on: January 18, 2011, 07:03:43 AM »
Keith talks about the gyms in Honolulu.

Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #1112 on: January 25, 2007, 09:11:34 PM » Quote 

Quote from: stilltrainin on January 24, 2007, 10:49:02 AM
Hey Onlyme, I lived and trained in honolulu in 73,74 and 75 and 79.the y.m.c.a. across from Ala Moana shopping center.Had some big boys there,a big tongan powerlifter named Philips, I believe.Also, a guy with 20.5 inch arms named Gil Bayless, super nice guy.All the pro wrestlers would train there while in town,super star Billy Graham and others.John Matuzack was training there one day, kind of a jerk.We were arguing about who could beat George Foreman and he says,me.Saw him walking down Kalakaua later that night with his shirt tied up under his pecs to show his abs,looked kind of swishy.Most of the heavy lifters trained at Nuuanu Y,but we had our share.Is Tommy Kono still around?there was another gym in a strip mall type place,I think it was Deans,also,a former Mr. America named Leong had a tiny gym downtown.Boy,sure brings back memories,in 1980 I ended up at Golds S.D.I knew all the principals involved in that gym,from Edney to Rick Stephenson,Steve Henneberry,Pat Dillon e.t.c. Hey 619,you described that Russian olypic set in the gym.I set the gym record with that set in the incline,45 degree angle,I did 348,srict,weighing 198,drug free.Remember the board on the wall with all the gym records?God,im starting to feel old.

Keith:  Those years were before I got there.  I arrived in Honolulu in 89'.  1st day there went to World Gym on the Ala Wai.  I trained at the same Y you did too.  It is on Atkinson.  I redesigned there gym.  It is actually very nice.  Tommy Kono is still around at the Nuuanu Y.  He is still training guys in Olympic lifting.  Timmy Leongs gym is long gone.  I know the tongan guy you are talking about but can't remember his name but I will.  Stuntmovie will know everyone and anyone you mention from back then.  Wait till he reads this.  Just a shot in the dark.  DId you knw a girl at the Golds in SD named Kim Grady.  Very pretty and blind who liked the gym.  SHe was very friendly and nice to everyone.  I filmed a movie down in Mission Bay back in 1987 or so, which is where I met her.  Jsut checking.  Thansk

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #773 on: January 18, 2011, 07:06:28 AM »
Keith helped redesign gyms re layouts, etc.

 Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #1121 on: January 29, 2007, 03:43:50 PM » Quote 

I took out the wall in the Central Y and made it one big room.  I redesign the gm forthem back in 97 or so.  Still have a few cardio machines in the little room just before going up the few steps into the main gym area.  SOme more cardio in the main hall and even some more in the main gym.  We made that gym really nice and I liked training there.  To bad we couldn't have bought it and made it into a nice club.  Used to play racquetball all the time.  Never used the pool.  Mostly kids in there.  And the restaurant out front had okay food but not as good as years before.  Stunt we used to go there for the MetRx stuff whenI was the distributor.

Vince B

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #774 on: January 18, 2011, 07:10:09 AM »
I know this might sound odd but is stunt going to put a photo of himself up so we can all know what he looks like? Or do we have to go to the funeral? Not sure I would be comfortable going to a funeral of someone I know!  ;D