Author Topic: Understanding Atheism  (Read 14446 times)

big L dawg

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Understanding Atheism
« on: January 26, 2011, 04:24:53 PM »
Understanding atheism, the atheist strawman arguments and what atheism isn't

by snkscore
Sun Jun 14, 2009

In a recent diary, someone made the statement that von Brunn was an atheist as evidence that "dogmatic atheism" is just as dangerous as dogmatic christianity, or something along those lines.

The comments were loaded with people talking about the von Brunn and atheism, but the comments were flooded with incorrect assumptions about atheism and atheists.

So if you are curious about atheism, or if you think you fully understand atheism but want to double check yourslf, or maybe you are an atheist and want to expand/argue what I write below: have at it


The first incorrect assumption I would like to address is the topic of "belief":

    Atheism is a belief system.

Atheism is not a belief system because there isn't anything we are "believing" that could be considered a "system."  Atheism doesn't join people together in a common ideology like religions do because atheists share nothing in common, except their lack of belief in 1 specific thing.  Imagine trying to label other groups based on their lack of belief in 1 specific thing.  You'd have the "Non-bigfoot-believers" and the "Non-mermaid-believers" and the "Non-magic-believers".  These groups wouldn't share anything you could call a belief system.  Same with atheists.

In a way, people will get into a discussion of semantics of whether atheism is a "belief" or not, but really that is only because it is possible to state the any negative belief as a belief in the negative, which kinda works in english even if it doesn't exactly convey the position.

Some definitions of atheism will even say something along the lines of "belief there is no god" but really the issue here, from my perspective, is that there are a finite number of things I believe.  I believe gravity makes things fall, I believe I am losing my hair in the back, I believe my favorite team just lost their 3rd game in a row etc.

But the things I don't believe are infinite.  You could come up with an infinite number of things I don't believe in.  In fact, I could come up with an infinite number of things YOU don't believe in that all deal with pink unicorns!

Don't believe me? 
Do you believe that there is a pink unicorn in front of you right now?
Do you believe that there are 2 pink unicorns in front of you right now?
Do you believe that there are 3 pink unicorns .... forever.

So you could turn ALL of those infinite "lack of beliefs" into "beliefs" by stating the negatives, but none of those define the persons actual finite beliefs.

So, if someone asked me "Do you believe there is no god?" I would probably simply respond "Yes" but really the correct response to convey my position is "I don't believe that there is a god."

Whether or not atheism is a "belief" really isn't a giant deal, but it kinda leads into the next issue which is a big deal:

    Atheists require faith to believe there is no god.

    It takes more faith to be an atheist than to believe in god.

    How can atheists be sure there is no god when they have no proof?

    Atheists are arrogant in thinking they know there is no god when really they don't know.

    Atheists claim to know what cannot be known. 

These statements are all inaccurate. 

This is where "belief" (or our lack of it) comes in to the real discussion.  99.9% of atheists won't claim (with the certainty that religious folks do to the contrary) that they know there isn't a god.

Now, once again, if someone asked me "Is there a god?" I'd probably just say "No", but the full answer would really be something like "I think the chance that there is a god is extremely small." 

Most atheists don't usually respond with the fully qualified answer, which I think leads to people to make the assumption that atheists are 100% sure that god doesn't exist.

This is not the case.  We don't KNOW that god doesn't exist.  I am totally open to the possibility of god existing, (and bigfoot, alien abductions, the lock ness monster, and holistic medicine) and as soon as there is evidence to support any of it, I will reevaluate my position.

So you see, (virtually all) atheists leave open the possibility for god existing.  Some people refer to this view as "weak atheism".  A "strong atheist" on the other hand (of which there are very few) would say "I know there is no god."  These people do in fact require faith to make such a statement because they can't have proof that god doesn't exist (because it's impossible to prove), but the 99.9% of us atheists who leave open that possibility of god don't require any "faith" to hold our position any more than it takes "faith" to not believe in Santa Claus.  You don't have proof that he isn't real, but the odds are pretty low.

    If you aren't sure if god is real or not you aren't an atheist, you are really an agnostic and not an atheist.

In some respects this is true, but I still consider myself an atheist, and maybe after reading this some agnostics will consider themselves atheists too.

One definition for agnostic is:
One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.

By this definition, I am an agnostic. 
But let me pose a question: 

On the topic of leprechauns, do you know they exist or not for certain?

While some would just jump to saying they are sure leprechauns don't exist, the reality is that no one can really be 100% sure that leprechauns or (insert any mythical magical made up thing here) don't exist.  It's impossible to prove.  So, by strict definitions, on the topic of leprechauns, you are all agnostics. 

But that really doesn't accurately describe your position on leprechauns does it?  No, you really don't think leprechauns exist... you aren't really "on the fence" about the issue.  Same for most atheists.  Yes, by leaving open the possibility that god could exist, by definition, we are agnostic, but for all intents and purposes, we are atheists.

    Pol Pot and Stalin were atheists and they murdered tons of people.

This may be true, but they also both didn't believe in the flying spaghetti monster.  Neither of these lack of beliefs directed them to do what they did.   Their lack of blief wasn't the reason they murdered people.  They were sociopaths.

Based on sheer numbers, Christians must be committing murders all the time in the US.  But, usually not because of their religion.  I'm not going to blame christianity or any other religion for something one of it's followers do, unless they are acting based on their religion.

So von Braunn might have been atheist, as one person suggested, but he didn't go to the museum to kill because he was atheist, he went because he was racist.  Scott Roeder on the other hand, killed George Tiller because, in his religious beliefs, Tiller was a mass murderer who had to be stopped.

    How can atheists be moral if they don't believe in the bible which teaches what is right and wrong?

Someone could write an entire book on this topic, but I'll just say that morality is something we have evolved as a trait to help us survive.  Tribes of humans who helped each other out were more likely to survive than those that didn't. 

You'll find that most atheists have a very strong sense of morality, but it isn't dictated to them by a holy book. 

I'd also argue that the 3 main holy books are loaded with immoral lessons.  Genocide, slaughtering women and children, beating slaves to a pulp, rape, sacrificing your own children etc.  Sure there are positive moral stories too, but these books are far from quality lessons on morality in today's society.

    Why does it matter if people are religious or not?  Can't you just leave them alone?

At the most basic level it matters to me because the truth matters to me.  I want to have the most accurate view of the world possible, and that means trying to believe as many true things as possible, and trying to NOT believe as many false things as possible.  And if there isn't evidence for something, I don't think it should be believed.

On a DK level, religion stands in the way of a lot of progressive goals either directly or indirectly.

It directly impacts things like:
-abortion rights
-gay marriage
-stem cell research
-sex education
-AIDS funding in Africa
-science education in school
-middle east relations
-global warming and environmental efforts

But it indirectly impacts EVERYTHING we fight for on this site, because if religion were not allowed into the equation when elections came around, the country would be much farther to the left on issues that have nothing to do with religion (like health care or taxation).

Without religion, Bush would have never won election.  It wouldn't have been close.  How many GOP senators and congressmen have won election in part due to their strong religious positions?  How many "Republicans" do you know who are only Republicans because of their religious beliefs and vote a straight republican ticket because they think its the right thing to do from a religious perspective, even if they know (or don't know) that they are voting against their own self interest?

People will vote for a guy who promises to fight to allow prayer in school, but when elected what he is really doing is voting to kill health care reform, voting in favor of tax breaks for the rich, voting against CAFE standards... none of this has anything to do with religion, but it is religion that put him there.

Also, if you look around the world at countries that have a high level of atheism (where religion is not oppressed by an authoritarian government) you will find they are some of the most progressive, successful, and "happy" places to live.  So I think you could make the case that if the US were to move more in that direction in terms of religion, it would result in good things for the country as a whole.

In summary:
-Atheism is a lack of a specific belief, not a belief system.
-Atheists don't KNOW that there isn't a god.
-Atheists don't need faith to be atheists.
-Atheist murderers don't kill in the name of atheism.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2011, 07:38:54 AM »
Understanding atheism, the atheist strawman arguments and what atheism isn't

by snkscore
Sun Jun 14, 2009

In a recent diary, someone made the statement that von Brunn was an atheist as evidence that "dogmatic atheism" is just as dangerous as dogmatic christianity, or something along those lines.

The comments were loaded with people talking about the von Brunn and atheism, but the comments were flooded with incorrect assumptions about atheism and atheists.

So if you are curious about atheism, or if you think you fully understand atheism but want to double check yourslf, or maybe you are an atheist and want to expand/argue what I write below: have at it


The first incorrect assumption I would like to address is the topic of "belief":

    Atheism is a belief system.

Atheism is not a belief system because there isn't anything we are "believing" that could be considered a "system."  Atheism doesn't join people together in a common ideology like religions do because atheists share nothing in common, except their lack of belief in 1 specific thing.  Imagine trying to label other groups based on their lack of belief in 1 specific thing.  You'd have the "Non-bigfoot-believers" and the "Non-mermaid-believers" and the "Non-magic-believers".  These groups wouldn't share anything you could call a belief system.  Same with atheists.

In a way, people will get into a discussion of semantics of whether atheism is a "belief" or not, but really that is only because it is possible to state the any negative belief as a belief in the negative, which kinda works in english even if it doesn't exactly convey the position.

Some definitions of atheism will even say something along the lines of "belief there is no god" but really the issue here, from my perspective, is that there are a finite number of things I believe.  I believe gravity makes things fall, I believe I am losing my hair in the back, I believe my favorite team just lost their 3rd game in a row etc.

But the things I don't believe are infinite.  You could come up with an infinite number of things I don't believe in.  In fact, I could come up with an infinite number of things YOU don't believe in that all deal with pink unicorns!

Tell that to these people:

An Atheist loves himself and his fellow man instead of a god. An Atheist accepts that heaven is something for which we should work now – here on earth – for all men together to enjoy. An Atheist accepts that he can get no help through prayer, but that he must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue it and to enjoy it. An Atheist accepts that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help lead to a life of fulfillment


The New Jersey Humanist Network is a vibrant and growing community of secular humanists. Humanism is a democratic and ethical life-stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives.   We believe that virtues like morality, kindness, justice and generosity derive from natural human values and reason, and are realized fully only when free from belief in supernatural powers and a spiritual afterlife.  Please join us at any of our meetings which are always open to the public.

That sounds like a "belief" system to me.

In short, "There is no God; man is his own 'savior'. Hence, it's the reason I've suggested that atheism, at its core, is simply MAN WORSHIPPING HIMSELF.

    Atheists require faith to believe there is no god.

    It takes more faith to be an atheist than to believe in god.

    How can atheists be sure there is no god when they have no proof?

    Atheists are arrogant in thinking they know there is no god when really they don't know.

    Atheists claim to know what cannot be known.  

These statements are all inaccurate.  

This is where "belief" (or our lack of it) comes in to the real discussion.  99.9% of atheists won't claim (with the certainty that religious folks do to the contrary) that they know there isn't a god.

Now, once again, if someone asked me "Is there a god?" I'd probably just say "No", but the full answer would really be something like "I think the chance that there is a god is extremely small."  

Most atheists don't usually respond with the fully qualified answer, which I think leads to people to make the assumption that atheists are 100% sure that god doesn't exist.

This is not the case.  We don't KNOW that god doesn't exist.  I am totally open to the possibility of god existing, (and bigfoot, alien abductions, the lock ness monster, and holistic medicine) and as soon as there is evidence to support any of it, I will reevaluate my position.

So you see, (virtually all) atheists leave open the possibility for god existing.  Some people refer to this view as "weak atheism".  A "strong atheist" on the other hand (of which there are very few) would say "I know there is no god."  These people do in fact require faith to make such a statement because they can't have proof that god doesn't exist (because it's impossible to prove), but the 99.9% of us atheists who leave open that possibility of god don't require any "faith" to hold our position any more than it takes "faith" to not believe in Santa Claus.  You don't have proof that he isn't real, but the odds are pretty low.

WRONG!! Atheists don't say "I don't know". They emphatically declare that there is no God (See the aforementioned items from "American Atheists" and the New Jersey Humanists Network).

    If you aren't sure if god is real or not you aren't an atheist, you are really an agnostic and not an atheist.

In some respects this is true, but I still consider myself an atheist, and maybe after reading this some agnostics will consider themselves atheists too.

One definition for agnostic is:
One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.

By this definition, I am an agnostic.  
But let me pose a question:  

On the topic of leprechauns, do you know they exist or not for certain?

While some would just jump to saying they are sure leprechauns don't exist, the reality is that no one can really be 100% sure that leprechauns or (insert any mythical magical made up thing here) don't exist.  It's impossible to prove.  So, by strict definitions, on the topic of leprechauns, you are all agnostics.  

But that really doesn't accurately describe your position on leprechauns does it?  No, you really don't think leprechauns exist... you aren't really "on the fence" about the issue.  Same for most atheists.  Yes, by leaving open the possibility that god could exist, by definition, we are agnostic, but for all intents and purposes, we are atheists.

NOPE!! To be an atheist, you must believe that THERE IS NO GOD. If you believe that there is a God, you're not an atheist. It's just that simple.

    Pol Pot and Stalin were atheists and they murdered tons of people.

This may be true, but they also both didn't believe in the flying spaghetti monster.  Neither of these lack of beliefs directed them to do what they did.   Their lack of blief wasn't the reason they murdered people.  They were sociopaths.

Based on sheer numbers, Christians must be committing murders all the time in the US.  But, usually not because of their religion.  I'm not going to blame christianity or any other religion for something one of it's followers do, unless they are acting based on their religion.

They didn't believe in the flying spaghetti monster. But, they believed that their government was to be in the place of God. And, since they headed the government, the people effectively were to worship them (Stalin and Pol Pot, in their respective countries).

Even Hitler stated that he wanted his people to find salvation in the swastika, instead of the cross. In essence, their governnments (and for all practical purposes) they themselves became God.

So von Braunn might have been atheist, as one person suggested, but he didn't go to the museum to kill because he was atheist, he went because he was racist.  Scott Roeder on the other hand, killed George Tiller because, in his religious beliefs, Tiller was a mass murderer who had to be stopped.

The only difference between the two is that one used humanist doctrine as justification to murder and the other used religious doctrine.

    How can atheists be moral if they don't believe in the bible which teaches what is right and wrong?

Someone could write an entire book on this topic, but I'll just say that morality is something we have evolved as a trait to help us survive.  Tribes of humans who helped each other out were more likely to survive than those that didn't.  

You'll find that most atheists have a very strong sense of morality, but it isn't dictated to them by a holy book.  

The apostle Paul has a term for that: Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. Plus, if man makes the rules, then this guy's morality is no better or worse than that of Hitler, Stalin, or Pol Pot.

And in the words of Jesus Christ, "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?" (Luke 11:13).

I'd also argue that the 3 main holy books are loaded with immoral lessons.  Genocide, slaughtering women and children, beating slaves to a pulp, rape, sacrificing your own children etc.  Sure there are positive moral stories too, but these books are far from quality lessons on morality in today's society.

And these arguments can be easily dissected and shown to be incorrect.

    Why does it matter if people are religious or not?  Can't you just leave them alone?

At the most basic level it matters to me because the truth matters to me.  I want to have the most accurate view of the world possible, and that means trying to believe as many true things as possible, and trying to NOT believe as many false things as possible.  And if there isn't evidence for something, I don't think it should be believed.

On a DK level, religion stands in the way of a lot of progressive goals either directly or indirectly.

It directly impacts things like:
-abortion rights
-gay marriage
-stem cell research
-sex education
-AIDS funding in Africa
-science education in school
-middle east relations
-global warming and environmental efforts

This canard is so easy to rip apart, it's not funny.

- Abortion rights? Gee, complain about "genocide" one minute but give no thought about destroying babies in the womb the next. That's really "progressive" for you. As one recent ad put it, "The most dangerous place for an African-American is the womb". Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sangor, FOR THE EXPRESSED PURPOSE of killing black people. Surprise, surprise!!! She's an atheist, too.

- Gay "marriage"? What part of "one man, one woman" don't you understand? Most gay "marriage" advocates decry polygamy, which makes no sense. They are basically saying that THEY can change the rules of marriage for their purposes; but others can't. Plus, you'll notice that marriage rates overall tend to DROP in places where gay "marriage" is legalized (the very thing gay "marriage" proponents swore wouldn't happen).

- Stem Cell Research? PLEASE!! The only form of that, opposed by people of faith, is embryonic stem cell research (the one kind that hasn't cure one blasted disease TO THIS DAY). Progressives tend to forget about that. Every time stem cell research is cited for a new cure or treatment, progressives run their mouths, forgetting to mention that the cure came from ADULT stem cells. And, they also forget that it was a certain president from Texas who STARTED federal funding for adult stem cell research.

- Sex Education? Sex makes babies!! Progressives seem to forget about that. It never dawned on them that the fewer teens that do the wild thing, the fewer of them get burned with STDs or get knocked up. We've seen such lovely progressive "comprehensive" education, such as "Fistgate" and letting kids 2nd graders put condoms on pickles (OK, they were regular cucumbers). As with too many of their "reforms", it seems progressives put forth mind-bogglingly stupid ideas then act surprised when they don't work.

- AIDS Funding in Africa: Another blatant LIE. Bush gave more to funding AIDS research and treatment in Africa than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT (including Obama). Heck, even AIDS activist and pop star, Bono (hardly a Bush fan) acknowledged Bush's contributions.

- Middle East relations? This guy must be on crack. You think the folks in the Middle East are going to abide by progressive diplomacy? NEWS FLASH!! European countries that have tried that crap are being OVERRUN by Muslim extremists. Within a decade or so, they'll be bowing the knee to Allah or get killed (and you progressives think Christianity is bad? Try Islam, extra strength, no chaser).

- Global Warming? How many times does this have to be exposed for the farce that it is? It's all about trying to hike taxes on people and force them to buy crap that few, if any, would purchase of their own free will.

But it indirectly impacts EVERYTHING we fight for on this site, because if religion were not allowed into the equation when elections came around, the country would be much farther to the left on issues that have nothing to do with religion (like health care or taxation).

Without religion, Bush would have never won election.  It wouldn't have been close.  How many GOP senators and congressmen have won election in part due to their strong religious positions?  How many "Republicans" do you know who are only Republicans because of their religious beliefs and vote a straight republican ticket because they think its the right thing to do from a religious perspective, even if they know (or don't know) that they are voting against their own self interest?

Unfortunately for whining progressives, our constitution allows for FREE expression of religion. We're allowed to have it and YES we can take in people's religious beliefs (in word and practice, in terms of social issues) to cast our votes. We don't leave our constitutional rights at the ballot box. And, if progressives don't like it, TOUGH COOKIES!!!

We determine what our self-interest is, not this writer or any other progressive. Although, one could easily argue that certain demographics vote straight Democratic ticket, because they think it's the right thing to do, even though they suffer more than anyone else, due to progressive policies.

People will vote for a guy who promises to fight to allow prayer in school, but when elected what he is really doing is voting to kill health care reform, voting in favor of tax breaks for the rich, voting against CAFE standards... none of this has anything to do with religion, but it is religion that put him there.

It goes both ways. People will vote for a guy who promised to "take from the rich and give to the poor". Guess what!! That NEVER HAPPENS. Look at the poor people today; look at the high unemployment rates. How many people in the ghettos and trailer parks and poor farms got all that money that progressives were supposedly taking from the rich?

And how many of them have all this health insurance that was promised? Basically NONE, as most of the so-called benefits don't kick into gear for another three years. Furthermore, what about all the people whose insurance has gone SKY HIGH? Wasn't ObamaCare supposed to bring premiums down? It didn't happen. And forcing someone to buy health insurance (or anything else, for that matter) is as unconstitutional as you can get.

Also, if you look around the world at countries that have a high level of atheism (where religion is not oppressed by an authoritarian government) you will find they are some of the most progressive, successful, and "happy" places to live.  So I think you could make the case that if the US were to move more in that direction in terms of religion, it would result in good things for the country as a whole.

Yet, you don't see anyone breaking their necks, risking life and limb, to go to those countries. They do that to come HERE. And, if the progressives loves these atheistic shangri-las so much, ain't nothing stopping them from packing their back and moving.

In summary:
-Atheism is a lack of a specific belief, not a belief system.
-Atheists don't KNOW that there isn't a god.
-Atheists don't need faith to be atheists.
-Atheist murderers don't kill in the name of atheism.

- Dead wrong (See American Atheists and New Jersey Humanist Network, among others)
- Yes they do. Atheists don't speak from doubt.
- Actually they do. They have faith that they are their own saviors.
- With atheism effectively being man worshipping himself, they have killed in the name of their own deification (i.e. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot).


  • Guest
Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2011, 04:41:51 AM »
 Atheists are the low IQ guys! No need to understand those...


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2011, 03:25:00 PM »
One thing you gotta give MCWAY credit for is writing long ass posts.
from incomplete data


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2011, 06:10:49 PM »
I don't know ab that whole article but the last time I met an atheist and ask him if there was a god he told said he hasn't seen any evidence of one and therefore based on the existing evidence there was no god, but did serve the right to change his statement based on the possibility of evidence coming to light.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2011, 02:27:54 AM »
I don't know ab that whole article but the last time I met an atheist and ask him if there was a god he told said he hasn't seen any evidence of one and therefore based on the existing evidence there was no god, but did serve the right to change his statement based on the possibility of evidence coming to light.

God wants a relationship with Man, however it would prove nothing if God was as apparent as a tree in your window. It would mean much less to God if we believed because we HAD to you know. Faith is exactly that- believe regardless of having undeniable proof.

Also God is in many things but some see God others chance/coincidence.

I have a great story on this- my buddy was a captain in the Marines, now switched to Army for career reasons. Last year, he suffered a great tribulation. He had zero income the entire year. Basically some boob in the marines discharged him improperly and left him in limbo.

Long story short, Christmas rolls around and my buddy has ZERO cash for his kids. His kids wanted like two toys specifically, a dartboard and I want to say a train set.

He goes to a place that gives out donated toys, and keep in mind when you get toys you stand in line and are handed something. You do not pick anything out.

He walks up and they hand him a friggin train set! Like exactly what his son had wanted. His daughter oddly enough wanted a dart board. Well fat chance of that, buddy was living with a lady who helps out US servicemen, doesn't charge rent etc, but the idea of darts and holes in the walls-not happening.


Now, I admit, you could POSSIBLY chalk this up to pure coincidence- if you are ignorant and blind. God's work is plain as day here. My buddy could not believe it, he was super excited to tell me the story.

If you hear that story, and think "BS, this story is fake" it is 100% truthful. If you think this is coincidence, then you truly do not believe. They say God shows Himself to those who believe in their hearts. I believe this to be true.

Or perhaps it's commonplace to get some donated toys that, out of millions of possibilities, just happen to be the exact ones your kids wanted, and a MAGNETIC dart board at that. I was dumbfounded, and to be frank a little scared when I heard the story.

I think for many people, myself included, it is actually scary to realize GOD DOES EXIST. It would be one thing for God to walk into my room and introduce Himself, there wouldn't be any way out of that. But the essence of faith I think makes it easier to daydream about God possibly existing, I think He does, would be cool but then again it is a bit frightening. Probably a big reason God does things the way that He does. Mankind probably has a hard time with that- a creator who made EVERYTHING, knows EVERYTHING (who doesn't shudder when they think of the things they might have to fess up to, things they think no one saw) who has ultimate power.

I personally do believe in God but am far from ready to meet Him or what it would be to walk with God and am happy reading the Gospel and trying to make changes in my life. Someday I will be ready, but it's a scary thought nonetheless. At least I am honest, I believe many atheists are that way because they are afraid to face that reality- believing in nothing so that you can do as you please every day is much easier. And less scary.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2011, 03:28:33 AM »
One thing you gotta give MCWAY credit for is writing long ass posts.

Not like big L dawg, whose posts are very short.   ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2011, 05:52:43 AM »
Not like big L dawg, whose posts are very short.   ::)

Not to mention well-referenced.  ::)



  • Getbig IV
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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2011, 06:08:12 PM »
Tell that to these people:

An Atheist loves himself and his fellow man instead of a god. An Atheist accepts that heaven is something for which we should work now – here on earth – for all men together to enjoy. An Atheist accepts that he can get no help through prayer, but that he must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue it and to enjoy it. An Atheist accepts that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help lead to a life of fulfillment


The New Jersey Humanist Network is a vibrant and growing community of secular humanists. Humanism is a democratic and ethical life-stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives.   We believe that virtues like morality, kindness, justice and generosity derive from natural human values and reason, and are realized fully only when free from belief in supernatural powers and a spiritual afterlife.  Please join us at any of our meetings which are always open to the public.

That sounds like a "belief" system to me.

In short, "There is no God; man is his own 'savior'. Hence, it's the reason I've suggested that atheism, at its core, is simply MAN WORSHIPPING HIMSELF.

WRONG!! Atheists don't say "I don't know". They emphatically declare that there is no God (See the aforementioned items from "American Atheists" and the New Jersey Humanists Network).

NOPE!! To be an atheist, you must believe that THERE IS NO GOD. If you believe that there is a God, you're not an atheist. It's just that simple.

They didn't believe in the flying spaghetti monster. But, they believed that their government was to be in the place of God. And, since they headed the government, the people effectively were to worship them (Stalin and Pol Pot, in their respective countries).

Even Hitler stated that he wanted his people to find salvation in the swastika, instead of the cross. In essence, their governnments (and for all practical purposes) they themselves became God.

The only difference between the two is that one used humanist doctrine as justification to murder and the other used religious doctrine.

The apostle Paul has a term for that: Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. Plus, if man makes the rules, then this guy's morality is no better or worse than that of Hitler, Stalin, or Pol Pot.

And in the words of Jesus Christ, "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?" (Luke 11:13).

This canard is so easy to rip apart, it's not funny.

- Abortion rights? Gee, complain about "genocide" one minute but give no thought about destroying babies in the womb the next. That's really "progressive" for you. As one recent ad put it, "The most dangerous place for an African-American is the womb". Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sangor, FOR THE EXPRESSED PURPOSE of killing black people. Surprise, surprise!!! She's an atheist, too.

- Gay "marriage"? What part of "one man, one woman" don't you understand? Most gay "marriage" advocates decry polygamy, which makes no sense. They are basically saying that THEY can change the rules of marriage for their purposes; but others can't. Plus, you'll notice that marriage rates overall tend to DROP in places where gay "marriage" is legalized (the very thing gay "marriage" proponents swore wouldn't happen).

- Stem Cell Research? PLEASE!! The only form of that, opposed by people of faith, is embryonic stem cell research (the one kind that hasn't cure one blasted disease TO THIS DAY). Progressives tend to forget about that. Every time stem cell research is cited for a new cure or treatment, progressives run their mouths, forgetting to mention that the cure came from ADULT stem cells. And, they also forget that it was a certain president from Texas who STARTED federal funding for adult stem cell research.

- Sex Education? Sex makes babies!! Progressives seem to forget about that. It never dawned on them that the fewer teens that do the wild thing, the fewer of them get burned with STDs or get knocked up. We've seen such lovely progressive "comprehensive" education, such as "Fistgate" and letting kids 2nd graders put condoms on pickles (OK, they were regular cucumbers). As with too many of their "reforms", it seems progressives put forth mind-bogglingly stupid ideas then act surprised when they don't work.

- AIDS Funding in Africa: Another blatant LIE. Bush gave more to funding AIDS research and treatment in Africa than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT (including Obama). Heck, even AIDS activist and pop star, Bono (hardly a Bush fan) acknowledged Bush's contributions.

- Middle East relations? This guy must be on crack. You think the folks in the Middle East are going to abide by progressive diplomacy? NEWS FLASH!! European countries that have tried that crap are being OVERRUN by Muslim extremists. Within a decade or so, they'll be bowing the knee to Allah or get killed (and you progressives think Christianity is bad? Try Islam, extra strength, no chaser).

- Global Warming? How many times does this have to be exposed for the farce that it is? It's all about trying to hike taxes on people and force them to buy crap that few, if any, would purchase of their own free will.

Unfortunately for whining progressives, our constitution allows for FREE expression of religion. We're allowed to have it and YES we can take in people's religious beliefs (in word and practice, in terms of social issues) to cast our votes. We don't leave our constitutional rights at the ballot box. And, if progressives don't like it, TOUGH COOKIES!!!

We determine what our self-interest is, not this writer or any other progressive. Although, one could easily argue that certain demographics vote straight Democratic ticket, because they think it's the right thing to do, even though they suffer more than anyone else, due to progressive policies.

It goes both ways. People will vote for a guy who promised to "take from the rich and give to the poor". Guess what!! That NEVER HAPPENS. Look at the poor people today; look at the high unemployment rates. How many people in the ghettos and trailer parks and poor farms got all that money that progressives were supposedly taking from the rich?

And how many of them have all this health insurance that was promised? Basically NONE, as most of the so-called benefits don't kick into gear for another three years. Furthermore, what about all the people whose insurance has gone SKY HIGH? Wasn't ObamaCare supposed to bring premiums down? It didn't happen. And forcing someone to buy health insurance (or anything else, for that matter) is as unconstitutional as you can get.

Yet, you don't see anyone breaking their necks, risking life and limb, to go to those countries. They do that to come HERE. And, if the progressives loves these atheistic shangri-las so much, ain't nothing stopping them from packing their back and moving.

- Dead wrong (See American Atheists and New Jersey Humanist Network, among others)
- Yes they do. Atheists don't speak from doubt.
- Actually they do. They have faith that they are their own saviors.
- With atheism effectively being man worshipping himself, they have killed in the name of their own deification (i.e. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot).

Wowwwww I just took the time to read the whole thing (I tend to skim) lot of VERY relevant and accurate information here. Great post.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2011, 07:41:46 PM »
Tell that to these people:

An Atheist loves himself and his fellow man instead of a god. An Atheist accepts that heaven is something for which we should work now – here on earth – for all men together to enjoy. An Atheist accepts that he can get no help through prayer, but that he must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue it and to enjoy it. An Atheist accepts that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help lead to a life of fulfillment


The New Jersey Humanist Network is a vibrant and growing community of secular humanists. Humanism is a democratic and ethical life-stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives.   We believe that virtues like morality, kindness, justice and generosity derive from natural human values and reason, and are realized fully only when free from belief in supernatural powers and a spiritual afterlife.  Please join us at any of our meetings which are always open to the public.

That sounds like a "belief" system to me.

In short, "There is no God; man is his own 'savior'. Hence, it's the reason I've suggested that atheism, at its core, is simply MAN WORSHIPPING HIMSELF.

WRONG!! Atheists don't say "I don't know". They emphatically declare that there is no God (See the aforementioned items from "American Atheists" and the New Jersey Humanists Network).

NOPE!! To be an atheist, you must believe that THERE IS NO GOD. If you believe that there is a God, you're not an atheist. It's just that simple.

They didn't believe in the flying spaghetti monster. But, they believed that their government was to be in the place of God. And, since they headed the government, the people effectively were to worship them (Stalin and Pol Pot, in their respective countries).

Even Hitler stated that he wanted his people to find salvation in the swastika, instead of the cross. In essence, their governnments (and for all practical purposes) they themselves became God.

The only difference between the two is that one used humanist doctrine as justification to murder and the other used religious doctrine.

The apostle Paul has a term for that: Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. Plus, if man makes the rules, then this guy's morality is no better or worse than that of Hitler, Stalin, or Pol Pot.

And in the words of Jesus Christ, "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?" (Luke 11:13).

This canard is so easy to rip apart, it's not funny.

- Abortion rights? Gee, complain about "genocide" one minute but give no thought about destroying babies in the womb the next. That's really "progressive" for you. As one recent ad put it, "The most dangerous place for an African-American is the womb". Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sangor, FOR THE EXPRESSED PURPOSE of killing black people. Surprise, surprise!!! She's an atheist, too.

- Gay "marriage"? What part of "one man, one woman" don't you understand? Most gay "marriage" advocates decry polygamy, which makes no sense. They are basically saying that THEY can change the rules of marriage for their purposes; but others can't. Plus, you'll notice that marriage rates overall tend to DROP in places where gay "marriage" is legalized (the very thing gay "marriage" proponents swore wouldn't happen).

- Stem Cell Research? PLEASE!! The only form of that, opposed by people of faith, is embryonic stem cell research (the one kind that hasn't cure one blasted disease TO THIS DAY). Progressives tend to forget about that. Every time stem cell research is cited for a new cure or treatment, progressives run their mouths, forgetting to mention that the cure came from ADULT stem cells. And, they also forget that it was a certain president from Texas who STARTED federal funding for adult stem cell research.

- Sex Education? Sex makes babies!! Progressives seem to forget about that. It never dawned on them that the fewer teens that do the wild thing, the fewer of them get burned with STDs or get knocked up. We've seen such lovely progressive "comprehensive" education, such as "Fistgate" and letting kids 2nd graders put condoms on pickles (OK, they were regular cucumbers). As with too many of their "reforms", it seems progressives put forth mind-bogglingly stupid ideas then act surprised when they don't work.

- AIDS Funding in Africa: Another blatant LIE. Bush gave more to funding AIDS research and treatment in Africa than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT (including Obama). Heck, even AIDS activist and pop star, Bono (hardly a Bush fan) acknowledged Bush's contributions.

- Middle East relations? This guy must be on crack. You think the folks in the Middle East are going to abide by progressive diplomacy? NEWS FLASH!! European countries that have tried that crap are being OVERRUN by Muslim extremists. Within a decade or so, they'll be bowing the knee to Allah or get killed (and you progressives think Christianity is bad? Try Islam, extra strength, no chaser).

- Global Warming? How many times does this have to be exposed for the farce that it is? It's all about trying to hike taxes on people and force them to buy crap that few, if any, would purchase of their own free will.

Unfortunately for whining progressives, our constitution allows for FREE expression of religion. We're allowed to have it and YES we can take in people's religious beliefs (in word and practice, in terms of social issues) to cast our votes. We don't leave our constitutional rights at the ballot box. And, if progressives don't like it, TOUGH COOKIES!!!

We determine what our self-interest is, not this writer or any other progressive. Although, one could easily argue that certain demographics vote straight Democratic ticket, because they think it's the right thing to do, even though they suffer more than anyone else, due to progressive policies.

It goes both ways. People will vote for a guy who promised to "take from the rich and give to the poor". Guess what!! That NEVER HAPPENS. Look at the poor people today; look at the high unemployment rates. How many people in the ghettos and trailer parks and poor farms got all that money that progressives were supposedly taking from the rich?

And how many of them have all this health insurance that was promised? Basically NONE, as most of the so-called benefits don't kick into gear for another three years. Furthermore, what about all the people whose insurance has gone SKY HIGH? Wasn't ObamaCare supposed to bring premiums down? It didn't happen. And forcing someone to buy health insurance (or anything else, for that matter) is as unconstitutional as you can get.

Yet, you don't see anyone breaking their necks, risking life and limb, to go to those countries. They do that to come HERE. And, if the progressives loves these atheistic shangri-las so much, ain't nothing stopping them from packing their back and moving.

- Dead wrong (See American Atheists and New Jersey Humanist Network, among others)
- Yes they do. Atheists don't speak from doubt.
- Actually they do. They have faith that they are their own saviors.
- With atheism effectively being man worshipping himself, they have killed in the name of their own deification (i.e. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot).
man, u been talkin to me this whole time?!
follow the arrows


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2011, 08:42:39 AM »

 "Fistgate" and letting kids 2nd graders put condoms on pickles (OK, they were regular cucumbers).

What the hell?

I think for many people, myself included, it is actually scary to realize GOD DOES EXIST. 

I think it can be scary to people to conceive of a Holy God who has Holy Standards.  None of us is able to meet them on our own and that can frighten and offend people.   Thankfully He has made a way for us through faith in Christ.

I have a great story on this- my buddy was a captain in the Marines, now switched to Army for career reasons. Last year, he suffered a great tribulation. He had zero income the entire year. Basically some boob in the marines discharged him improperly and left him in limbo.

Long story short, Christmas rolls around and my buddy has ZERO cash for his kids. His kids wanted like two toys specifically, a dartboard and I want to say a train set.

He goes to a place that gives out donated toys, and keep in mind when you get toys you stand in line and are handed something. You do not pick anything out.

He walks up and they hand him a friggin train set! Like exactly what his son had wanted. His daughter oddly enough wanted a dart board. Well fat chance of that, buddy was living with a lady who helps out US servicemen, doesn't charge rent etc, but the idea of darts and holes in the walls-not happening.


Now, I admit, you could POSSIBLY chalk this up to pure coincidence- if you are ignorant and blind. God's work is plain as day here. My buddy could not believe it, he was super excited to tell me the story.

Great story!


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2011, 08:36:52 AM »
God wants a relationship with Man, however it would prove nothing if God was as apparent as a tree in your window. It would mean much less to God if we believed because we HAD to you know. Faith is exactly that- believe regardless of having undeniable proof.

Why? Why does a god who wants a relationship with man worry about whether he reveals himself first? Why is it important to a god that we first find "evidence" that he exists before we have that relationship? Makes no sense..

And if God insists on playing hide and seek with us, and not revealing himself, why do Christians expend so much effort trying to prove to us he exists? Isn't that contradictory?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2011, 05:15:23 PM »
God wants a relationship with Man, however it would prove nothing if God was as apparent as a tree in your window. It would mean much less to God if we believed because we HAD to you know. Faith is exactly that- believe regardless of having undeniable proof.

Why? Why does a god who wants a relationship with man worry about whether he reveals himself first? Why is it important to a god that we first find "evidence" that he exists before we have that relationship? Makes no sense..

And if God insists on playing hide and seek with us, and not revealing himself, why do Christians expend so much effort trying to prove to us he exists? Isn't that contradictory?

Who gives a fuck?  Apparently, you do.  Here allow me to explain what big L dawg so miserably failed to do with his long cut and paste.

Atheists do not believe in the existence of a God, gods, goddesses, etc.  Nothing divine.  No supreme being.  No creator.  Nothing.

There.  That was simple, was it not?  Of course it was. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2011, 07:30:27 AM »
Who gives a fuck?  Apparently, you do.  Here allow me to explain what big L dawg so miserably failed to do with his long cut and paste.

Atheists do not believe in the existence of a God, gods, goddesses, etc.  Nothing divine.  No supreme being.  No creator.  Nothing.

There.  That was simple, was it not?  Of course it was. 

Short and to the point Reeves, but about as far off topic of my post as you can get.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2011, 12:28:20 PM »
God wants a relationship with Man, however it would prove nothing if God was as apparent as a tree in your window. It would mean much less to God if we believed because we HAD to you know. Faith is exactly that- believe regardless of having undeniable proof.

Where is this from?  Is this in this thread and I missed it?


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2011, 05:29:46 PM »
Short and to the point Reeves, but about as far off topic of my post as you can get.

Within the context of this thread's intent, it is  you that was off topic.  I of course was not and made my point and it was succinct as possible.  As was my point regarding your screen name.   If what you seek is verification of the existence of God (and again, your screen name coupled with your words more than implies this as well as an affinity for James Bond films!  ;D), then a thread on Atheism is not where you will find it.

Good luck in your search!


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2011, 10:51:40 AM »
Who gives a fuck?  Apparently, you do.  Here allow me to explain what big L dawg so miserably failed to do with his long cut and paste.

Atheists do not believe in the existence of a God, gods, goddesses, etc.  Nothing divine.  No supreme being.  No creator.  Nothing.

There.  That was simple, was it not?  Of course it was. 

We know that. And, by default, they believe that man is the most sentient being in existence. Ergo, as stated earlier, atheism is simply man worshipping himself.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2011, 06:12:23 PM »
We know that. And, by default, they believe that man is the most sentient being in existence. Ergo, as stated earlier, atheism is simply man worshipping himself.

I don't believe that man is the most "self aware" being on the planet, neither do I worship myself nor anything or anyone else.  If I had faith the size of the proverbial mustard seed, it would only be there because there was verifiable proof of what I believed in.  I don't see any verifiable proof of the existence of a divine being.  I refuse to be an asshole towards those that have a genuine faith in Jesus, but not for those that are fake Christians and especially so muslims.  The latter are worthless piles of shit as is their chosen profit mohammed and false god, allah.

And yes, I spelled it that way on purpose.   ;D 

Dr Loomis

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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2011, 07:06:02 PM »
Ergo, as stated earlier, atheism is simply man worshipping himself.

How disappointing that must be for them  :-\


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2011, 05:18:05 AM »
I don't believe that man is the most "self aware" being on the planet, neither do I worship myself nor anything or anyone else.  If I had faith the size of the proverbial mustard seed, it would only be there because there was verifiable proof of what I believed in.  I don't see any verifiable proof of the existence of a divine being.  I refuse to be an asshole towards those that have a genuine faith in Jesus, but not for those that are fake Christians and especially so muslims.  The latter are worthless piles of shit as is their chosen profit mohammed and false god, allah.

And yes, I spelled it that way on purpose.   ;D 

If man isn't, then who is? And who's making the rules regarding good vs. evil here?


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2011, 11:45:56 PM »
If man isn't, then who is? And who's making the rules regarding good vs. evil here?

Plenty of creatures are self aware (sentient) and you know this to be so.  As for intelligence, man is the smartest animal on the planet.   A lot of liberal retards think dolphins are smarter but if that's so how come dolphins ain't got iPods?  And man governs himself.  Not always well, but we make and often break (or change) the rules.  We wrote the book on rules.  For example, Moses authored the Pentateuch  which included Leviticus which was expressly designed for the Hebrews but also held many truths for all mankind.

Did God write these books?  Allow me...Just because a fellow named "Art" paints a picture does not make it a genuine "work of art".  So it is with the Bible.  Just because people claim that God wrote those words does not make it so.  I do agree that to a greater degree (especially so the New Testament) wise men wrote those words. 

The Koran on the other hand (the left shit-wiping hand by the way) was written by a raving lunatic and it shows.  It has less wisdom than you'll find on a Bazooka Joe gum wrapper. 

If you are a genuine Christian, know that I am not really "against" your faith.  In fact, I am far more eloquent, far better equipped to support that faith than you'll ever be.  I just choose not to believe in anything outside the goodness of the words of Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples.  Why?  Because just because he said he was the Son of God does not make it so.  But Jesus was a great man.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2011, 08:57:51 AM »
We know that. And, by default, they believe that man is the most sentient being in existence. Ergo, as stated earlier, atheism is simply man worshipping himself.

Since it is quite possible man invented god.. there is no difference between atheism and theism then..


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2011, 11:41:29 AM »
We know that. And, by default, they believe that man is the most sentient being in existence. Ergo, as stated earlier, atheism is simply man worshipping himself.

complete non-sequitor by the way. It does not follow that because a god does not exist then other sentient beings do not and there is no logical reason why somewhere in the universe that is as vast as ours there exists a species that are more sentient. Atheism says nothing about the existence of other beings just a theistic god. No evidence exists for god, hence the term faith. Faith is an irrational belief without evidence, it is by definition irrational. I am a rationalist who can admit when i do not have all the answers unlike the faithful.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2011, 11:42:10 AM »
Plenty of creatures are self aware (sentient) and you know this to be so.  As for intelligence, man is the smartest animal on the planet.   A lot of liberal retards think dolphins are smarter but if that's so how come dolphins ain't got iPods?  And man governs himself.  Not always well, but we make and often break (or change) the rules.  We wrote the book on rules.  For example, Moses authored the Pentateuch  which included Leviticus which was expressly designed for the Hebrews but also held many truths for all mankind.

Did God write these books?  Allow me...Just because a fellow named "Art" paints a picture does not make it a genuine "work of art".  So it is with the Bible.  Just because people claim that God wrote those words does not make it so.  I do agree that to a greater degree (especially so the New Testament) wise men wrote those words. 

The Koran on the other hand (the left shit-wiping hand by the way) was written by a raving lunatic and it shows.  It has less wisdom than you'll find on a Bazooka Joe gum wrapper. 

If you are a genuine Christian, know that I am not really "against" your faith.  In fact, I am far more eloquent, far better equipped to support that faith than you'll ever be.  I just choose not to believe in anything outside the goodness of the words of Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples.  Why?  Because just because he said he was the Son of God does not make it so.  But Jesus was a great man.

Jesus has some pretty stupid quotes that make no sense at all.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2011, 12:01:47 PM »
What's up Necrosis?  Long time no see!    ;D

Jesus has some pretty stupid quotes that make no sense at all.

Like which ones for example?