Author Topic: Radical Islam  (Read 105738 times)

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #250 on: November 26, 2015, 09:20:54 PM »
You know what? I'm as pro everything as anybody else but... as a father... having to sit here and inform myself on how to spot a potential suicide bomber... on Thanksgiving Day.


You've won my disrespect every day of the week.

Racist post reported.

Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. What's a few dead tourists and butchered clitorisis anyway?

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #251 on: December 09, 2015, 05:25:51 PM »
Match made in hell: SoCal terrorists likely forged bond in online jihadist forums
By Hollie McKay
Published December 09, 2015

The online romance between Southern California terrorists Farook Rizwan Syed and Tashfeen Malik was more a meeting of like minds than lonely hearts, with two radical jihadists forming a bond of hate and bloodlust in the dark recesses of the Internet.

Family members have said Syed, 28, and Malik, 29, met online and embarked on a whirlwind digital relationship capped by their 2014 marriage. But if they did, it was not on any dating site resembling those that bring people together every day in the civilized world. Their meeting brought together two already-radicalized soulmates who would go on to kill 14 people and wound 21 more in last week’s massacre at a San Bernardino social services facility

“They were actually radicalized before they started [dating online],” FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Wednesday. “As early as the end of 2013 they were talking about jihad and martyrdom, before they became engaged."

“As early as the end of 2013 they were talking about jihad and martyrdom, before they became engaged."

- FBI Director James Comey
Farook seemingly set up several profiles years ago in his search for a wife – reportedly using sites like, and, which is an Indian-centered matrimonial and dating site "for people with disabilities and remarriage.

A spokesperson for confirmed to that while Farook has an inactive profile not in public view, Malik never belonged to the site and they have no history of any such name or details. In his profiles, Farook described himself as a "devout" Muslim and added that he spends "much free time in the [mosque] memorizing the Quran and learning more about the religion."

 As for Malik, she was an online ghost, and experts said absent her participation in hardcore jihadist chat forums or use of a pseudonym, it is unlikely that she met Farook innocently.

With authorities trying to uncover the origins of their relationship and trying to trace a digital trail the pair tried to destroy, the FBI has revealed that Farook was at least “in contact” with international terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda. Law enforcement authorities told Fox News this week there is a high certainty Malik was “an operative" of some description.

Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook as they passed through O'Hare International Airport in Chicago in July 2014. (CBP/via AP)

Malik was born in Pakistan, while Farook was an American citizen of Pakistani descent. Several Pakistani community leaders in Southern California called it “highly unusual and rare” in their culture for a wife to be older than her husband, even if by only a year. Malik, they added, did not fit the typical portrait of a young woman simply seeking a partner. Yet family members and co-workers say Farook traveled to Saudi Arabia in July of 2014 and "returned with a wife" that no U.S. relatives claim to have previously known. Authorities told Fox News it is extremely unusual for a Pakistani woman, especially from a conservative Islamic home, to travel overseas on a fiance visa - unless it was part of a plan.

Ten months after their marriage, the couple welcomed a baby daughter.

Even before they met, Malik was crafting a low-profile, casting further skepticism on the notion she was actively seeking a husband through traditional matchmaking websites, or the pretense in which she was looking for a spouse.

Friends who knew Malik at Bahauddin Zakariya University in Multan, Pakistan, where she studied pharmacology from 2007 to 2012, told the Washington Post that in 2009, she started adopting a militant and strict adherence to religion, refusing to be photographed and deleting existing photographs in the university database.

After coming to the U.S., Malik chose not to drive, kept her face hidden with only eyes exposed, and did not socialize with the larger Muslim community. Citing religious tradition, Farook family lawyers said Syed did "not want others to talk" to Malik, and associates recall Farook clamming up whenever his spouse came up in conversation.

Only two photographs of Malik in the U.S have surfaced, one from a surveillance video at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. Neighbors barely recall seeing her, let alone meeting her and she is not known to have joined her husband at the local mosque. When Farook's co-workers, who would later become his victims, threw the couple a baby shower after his daughter was born in May, Malik did not attend.

Farook and Malik both pledged their allegiance to ISIS using a Facebook alias as the Dec. 2 attack began, but later tried to erase that and other elements of their online presence in the hours between the attack and their deaths in a shootout with police.

Federal investigators are now poring over two hard drives found at their Redlands home, including one which sources said was "smashed pretty well." Two damaged cell phones found in trash cans near the home may also yield clues. So far, recovered data indicates Farook expressed support for Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas and an abiding hatred of Israel.

However they met and whomever may have brought them together, the picture that is now emerging is one of two hardcore radicals brought together by their mutual desire to kill in the name of radical Islam. Given their movements once together in the U.S., and the arsenal of weapons, ammunition and bombs they accumulated in their home, it seems clear that everything they did was in preparation for the carnage they wrought last week.

"There is no doubt Malik was a committed jihadi, whether she was actually under the direction of anyone, or simply received encouragement from radicals remains to be seen," said Del Wilber, a former U.S. intelligence operative and current military counter-terrorism trainer. "Were they possibly trying to build some sort of 'cover' bona fides? Perhaps."


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #252 on: December 10, 2015, 05:33:03 AM »
There is no radical islam. All muslims are radical, intolerant regarding other beliefs, unrespectfull thowards women, believe America is the root of all evil, anything other than other muslims are enemies and should be killed.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #253 on: December 11, 2015, 09:57:06 AM »
If my Google math is correct, and there about 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, she is saying there 80 million to 400 million Radical Islamists who want to kill us.  Yeah.  Nothing to worry about. 

Dem Rep. Sanchez: 'Between 5 and 20 Percent' of Muslims Willing to Use Terrorism

Image: Dem Rep. Sanchez: 'Between 5 and 20 Percent' of Muslims Willing to Use Terrorism (Getty Images)
By Todd Beamon   |   Thursday, 10 Dec 2015

Rep. Loretta Sanchez says that "anywhere between 5 and 20 percent" of Muslims are "willing to use" terrorism to establish a worldwide caliphate.

"Certainly, we know that there is a small group, and we don’t know how big that is — it can be anywhere between 5 and 20 percent, from the people that I speak to — that Islam is their religion," the California Democrat told Larry King Wednesday in an interview on his "Politicking" show on the Ora digital TV network.

Sanchez, 55, a seven-term congresswoman who sits on the House Homeland Security Committee, was discussing the threat of the Islamic State and President Barack Obama's national speech Sunday in response to the shooting attacks in San Bernardino.

She said these extremist Muslims have "a desire for a caliphate and to institute that in any way possible, and in particular go after what they consider 'Western norms' — our way of life.

"They are not content enough to have their way of looking at the world," she added. "They want to put their way on everybody in the world."

She told King that the percentage of Muslims willing to use violence varies "depending on who you talk to" — adding that "certainly" there are Muslims who are "willing to go to extremes.

"They are willing to use and they do use terrorism, and it is in the name a very wrong way of looking at Islam," Sanchez said.

The United States "must" destroy those radical Muslim who would resort to violence to meet their objectives, she told King.

"It’s no longer a matter of containing, it is a matter of eliminating that threat to America, to Americans and to the peace-loving world."

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #254 on: December 11, 2015, 10:00:05 AM »
How the war against Islamic State became center stage in the 2016 campaign

President Obama addresses the nation from the Oval Office on Sunday. (Pool photo by Saul Loeb/via AP)
By Dan Balz
December 7, 2015

The instantaneous reaction to President Obama’s Oval Office speech on terrorism was as predictable as it was partisan. The battle over how to confront the threats from Islamic State militants has been baked into the politics of 2016.

Republicans see the president as a weak leader pursuing a failing strategy and who stubbornly refuses to call the enemy “radical Islamic terrorists.” The president sees his Republican critics as purveyors of cheap bellicosity who lack effective alternatives to his policies and who are playing into the hands of jihadist recruiters by seeming to attack all Muslims.

The president’s Sunday night speech was one he was required to deliver and one that was likely to change few minds. His public remarks ever since the terrorist attacks in Paris last month have been off-key and lacking in persuasion.

From his news conference in Turkey a few days after those attacks, when he was thrown on the defensive by a series of questions about the administration’s strategy, to his White House remarks the day before Thanksgiving (and less than a week before the San Bernardino, Calif., massacre), when he said there was no credible threat against the homeland, Obama has been fighting a rear-guard action in the battle for public opinion.

On Sunday night, squeezed between an afternoon and evening of football, he stepped to a lectern in the Oval Office and tried again.

Play Video0:502016 candidates react to Obama's address on social media
GOP presidential candidates and House Speaker Paul Ryan responded quickly on Twitter and Facebook to President Obama's televised address Dec. 6. Obama sought to reassure Americans after a deadly California shooting rampage that raised new questions about security against terrorism. (Reuters)
[Obama vows to destroy Islamic State]

He was transparent about the dangers that exist and forceful in his pledge to eliminate them. “The threat from terrorism is real, but we will overcome it,” he said. “We will destroy ISIL and any other organization that tries to harm us.”

He outlined the administration’s four-point strategy: hunting down terrorists wherever they are, training Iraqi and Syrian fighters, allied actions to disrupt Islamic State operations, and the pursuit of joint efforts to bring an end to the civil war in Syria.

“This is our strategy to destroy ISIL,” he said, using another acronym for the Islamic State. “It is designed and supported by our military commanders and counterterrorism experts, together with 65 countries that have joined an American-led coalition. And we constantly examine our strategy to determine when additional steps are needed to get the job done.”

He called on Congress to pass a new authorization for the use of military force — challenging Republicans who have urged him to pursue a more aggressive military posture against the Islamic State to show their willingness to put Americans in harm’s way. But he warned against another “long and costly ground war” in the Middle East.

He decried anything that might cast the struggle as a war between the United States and Islam, seeking to separate what he called the “thugs and killers” of the Islamic State from the vast majority of Muslims. He warned against religious tests that would determine who gains entry to the country. But he also called on American Muslims to confront the dangers within and to fight against extremist ideology in the name of their religion.

He also called again for new measures to restrict access to guns.

What he did not do, however, was notable as well. He did not offer a new strategy. He did not try to address where the strategy he has been pursuing has fallen short and why — or, if he is confident that it is working, address the now wide gap between what he says is happening and how the public perceives what is happening.

At this moment, Obama suffers from a deficit in public opinion on his policy, much as the country lost confidence in the Iraq War policies of former president George W. Bush. Just 40 percent approve of the way he is dealing with terrorism, according to the most recent Washington Post-ABC News Poll. This on the very issue that was for so long his strongest suit even when his overall approval ratings were sagging.

Things are worse when it comes to public perceptions of the president’s handling of the threats from the Islamic State. Just 35 percent approve of the way he is dealing with those threats, while 57 percent disapprove — with 46 percent strongly disapproving. Among independents, 6 in 10 disapprove, 50 percent strongly. Even one-third of Democrats give him negative marks.

In what everyone concedes will be a long struggle against the Islamic State and other such threats, Obama’s opportunities to change public perceptions quickly are limited. Every accomplishment on the ground in the Middle East in containing or rolling back the militants is overwhelmed by attacks like those in Paris and San Bernardino. His speech might have been necessary, but it also appears destined to have a short shelf life.

[Obama struggles to be heard in the debate over Islamic State]

In this environment, Republicans see their own opportunities, and they were quick to strike in the hours after the president finished his speech. From the Republican presidential candidates came a chorus of denunciations, in tweets and written statements. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) appeared on Fox News shortly after the speech and said, “I think not only did the president not make things better tonight, I fear he may have made things worse in the minds of many Americans.”

The gulf between the president and his GOP critics can’t be bridged. He decries, as he did on Sunday night, what he regards as empty rhetoric from his opponents, saying success will not be based on “tough talk” but on an intelligent and persistent strategy. Republicans decry what they see as a president too cerebral and laid back to rally the country against the enemy.

Caught in the middle is Hillary Clinton. Hours before the speech, she said on ABC’s “This Week” that the United States is not winning the war against the Islamic State and indicated that she expected to hear “an intensification of the existing strategy” from the president. Shortly after the speech, Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations tweeted: “two things missing from @potus address: intensification of military strategy; preparing Americans for additional domestic acts of terrorism.”

Over the next 11 months, the American people will have to decide whom they trust to carry on this struggle after the Obama presidency ends and whether anyone has a strategy and the strength of leadership to make it work. The president’s address probably will be remembered as a way station in the debate, but not a turning point.

Dan Balz is Chief Correspondent at The Washington Post. He has served as the paper’s National Editor, Political Editor, White House correspondent and Southwest correspondent.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #255 on: December 11, 2015, 04:35:21 PM »
There is no radical islam. All muslims are radical, intolerant regarding other beliefs, unrespectfull thowards women, believe America is the root of all evil, anything other than other muslims are enemies and should be killed.

there are 1.5 billion muslims.  That means 20% of the planet are radicals.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #256 on: December 17, 2015, 04:32:49 PM »
Geller: Do Muslims Around the World Really Hate the United States? Yes

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16 Dec 2015

In an article entitled, “Do Muslims Around the World Really Hate the United States?”published at Foreign Policy and widely circulated in mainstream media circles, i.e., Yahoo, GOP candidates are being pilloried for their opposition to jihad, sharia, and ISIS infiltration here in the United States.

Countering the reasonable and rational, Foreign Policy warns us that the Muslim world hates us, citing Pew Research Center data and various other surveys of Muslim “publics [that] have been asked whether they have a favorable or unfavorable view of the United States.” But as is to be expected from Foreign Policy, their focus is wrong, as is their analysis of the problem and their proposed solution.

As the Republican candidates debated in Las Vegas Tuesday night, Foreign Policy tried to portray them as overestimating the jihad threat. Its article claimed that “the race has oddly enough turned into a referendum on the roughly 3 million Muslims in the United States — and on the 1.6 billion outside its borders.” This was unwarranted – or so Foreign Policy would have you believe, for while “intense anti-American sentiment can be found in Egypt (53 percent held a very unfavorable view of America in 2014) and Jordan (51 percent very unfavorable in 2015),” such sentiment “has actually ebbed among Muslims in the Palestinian territories and Pakistan. And in both Indonesia and Nigeria, countries with some of the largest Muslim populations in the world, strong majorities voice a favorable view of the United States. In fact, their pro-American sentiment is stronger than that in Germany.”

All this shows that the establishment media is once again missing the point. Let’s talk about these Pew and Gallup surveys of the Muslim world. The question isn’t so much “whether they have a favorable or unfavorable view of the United States,” or whether or not the most recent polls show “intense anti-American sentiment” or “pro-American sentiment.” The question is, whether they have a favorable or unfavorable view of the infidel, and how favorably they view jihad and sharia. That data will reliably reveal what they really think about America.

A November poll by the Pew Research Center revealed significant levels of support for ISIS within the Muslim world. And another poll released in November shows that a third of Syrian refugees are ISIS sympathizers. The Pew poll validates everything I have been saying and blows the fiction that the media, academic and cultural elites have been spinning, as in this Foreign Policy article, clear out of the water. Even worse, you can be absolutely sure that the real extent of this support is higher than the Pew data indicates. Much higher. These Muslims just admit to it. Others do not.

Other surveys show that 58% of Muslims in the U.S. reject criticism of Islam as a right; 46% want such blasphemers punished legally. Twelve percent want them killed. 25% of Muslims in the U.S. think that jihad suicide bombings are justified in some circumstances. Do you think such people love America in any genuine sense?

The gist of the Foreign Policy article is that we have a problem: many in the Muslim world don’t like us, and it must be our fault, and clearly the rhetoric we are hearing in the fight for the GOP nomination isn’t helping. This is placing the blame, the onus on us, when in fact this Muslim hatred for the United States predates this election. It predates 9/11 — what was their excuse then? It predates the Hizballah bombing of our Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983. It predates the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. It goes back to Muhammad.

Articles such as this one in Foreign Policy are designed to shut down and shut up the conversation concerning jihad, sharia, and Muslim immigration. The Republicans have taken a stand against sharia restrictions on speech (“do not criticize Islam”) imposed by the media over the past ten years. When Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)97% declared Tuesday night that “political correctness is killing people,” he nailed it. Actually it’s sharia that’s killing people, but I won’t split hairs. The American public is embracing the candidates’ candor. The GOP opened a window and let the truth in.

The hatred of infidels is a religious imperative in Islam. No matter how fast we dance, appease, pay, accommodate, and submit, the hatred and holy war will not cease. On the contrary, the more we submit and reward the hatred and terror, the more we will have to surrender.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #257 on: December 28, 2015, 08:52:18 AM »
King says terror threat coming from mosques, calls for better surveillance
Published December 28, 2015

New York GOP Rep. Peter King on Sunday called again for better surveillance of mosques in the U.S., suggesting Islamic terrorists visit them and said that critics can “cry all they want” about the tactic amounting to a civil liberties violation.

King, a member of the House’s Homeland Security and Select Intelligence committees, told “Fox News Sunday” that “99 percent” of Muslims in the United States are good people and that he’s friends with people of the Islamic faith.

“But the fact is, (mosques are) where the threat is coming from,” King said.

He also argued that some Americans have a “blind political correctness” on such issues and that civil libertarians and other critics of better mosque surveillance can “cry all they want.”

King pointed out that one of the so-called Boston Marathon bombers, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was told to leave a local mosque following two outbursts, yet members declined to warn authorities.

“If they had known that in advance, you combine that with the fact that the Russians had already told us to be on the lookout for him, we could have possibly prevented the … bombing,” King said.

Tsarnaev and younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev killed three race spectators and injured as many as 264 others in the April 2013 attack.

Mosque members reportedly said Tsarnaev did nothing to suggest he would plot, then lead such an attack.

King’s call for better surveillance follows GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump calling for similar efforts, following the deadly Dec. 2 shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., in which a Muslim husband-wife team killed 14 and wounded 22 others.

He also said the Islamic State terror group’s intentions to attack on U.S. soil “has become clear” to intelligence officials over “the last several months.”

King, a 12-term congressman and former chairman of the lower chamber’s Homeland Security committee, also suggested that he agrees with Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi saying in a purported video this weekend that the roughly 16 months of U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria have done little damage to the terror group.

“I would expect al-Baghdadi to say that,” King said. "We've had some impact, but unfortunately overall he is probably right. … ISIS is stronger.”

King said the group now has more territory under its control and is making “great inroads” in Afghanistan.

He also said the Transportation Security Administration’s plan to now conduct full-body scans on some airline passengers is in part a response to the San Bernardino attack and the Paris bombing attacks weeks earlier in which 160 people died and for which the Islamic State has claimed responsibility.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #258 on: December 31, 2015, 01:15:27 PM »
ISIS Lover Emanuel Lutchman Planned New Year's Machete Attack:  FBI
DEC 31 2015

Federal officials in Rochester, New York, have arrested and charged a local man who was allegedly plotting a New Year's Eve machete attack on diners at a local restaurant in the name of ISIS.

Emanuel Lutchman, 25, an ex-con Muslim convert with mental issues, was charged with attempting to provide material support to the terrorist group, federal prosecutors said.

The FBI says he had pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, wanted to leave to U.S. to live in the caliphate, and was in contact with a reputed ISIS member in Syria — who urged him to kill non-Muslims on the holiday.

"New years [sic] is here soon. Do operations and kill some kuffar," the overseas contact told him, the court papers allege.

Lutchman's grandmother, Beverley Carridice, told NBC News he had been plagued by psychiatric problems since childhood and had recently stabbed himself in the stomach during a suicide attempt.

Raised as a Christian, he converted to Islam while serving a five-year prison sentence for robbery, she said, adding that she had never heard him express any radical thoughts or admiration for ISIS.

He called her after his arrest and said "it was a sting...they set him up," Carridice said.

Lutchman was nabbed with the help of confidential informants who received thousands of dollars from the FBI. One of them paid for the masks, zip-ties, knives, duct tape, ammonia and latex gloves that were allegedly supposed to be used in the attack, the court documents show.

In his conversations with the informants, Lutchman allegedly discussed using pressure cooker bombs or knives in an attack meant to impress his ISIS handlers, the complaint said.

"[T]hat's what my plan, that's on my mind, that's all I been thinking about," he said. "'Cause I'm getting amped up, to accept the fact that's what I gotta do."

On Dec. 28, he allegedly told an informant he wanted to sneak a bomb into a club or bar, kidnap a couple of people and kill them.

"I will take a life. I don't have a problem with that," he said.

The FBI arrested Lutchman on Wednesday and seized a video in which he swore allegiance to al-Baghdadi and claimed responsibility for the planned attack, authorities said.

Lutchman's grandmother said he is the married father of a 2-year-old boy. He had been having marital problems and had recently distanced himself from other family members.

She last saw him in August when he visited her in Florida. He was not taking his psychiatric medications at the time, she said.

She said did not believe her grandson could have masterminded an attack.

"Not on his own," she said. "He's not the type of person. But he's easily persuaded."

"His whole life is ruined," she said, crying.

"The FBI thwarted Emanuel Lutchman's intent to kill civilians on New Year's Eve," said Special Agent in Charge Adam Cohen of the bureau's Buffalo division.

"The FBI remains concerned about people overseas who use the Internet to inspire people in the United States to commit acts of violence where they live."

Lutchman is due back in court Jan. 8 at 11 a.m. The charge of attempting to provide material support to a terrorist organization carried up to 20 years in prison, the Department of Justice said.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #259 on: January 12, 2016, 08:45:46 AM »
Russia claims it is 'highly probable' ISIS are using chemical weapons in Syria after UN confirm deadly sarin gas has been detected in victims


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #260 on: January 12, 2016, 08:49:37 AM »
Russia claims it is 'highly probable' ISIS are using chemical weapons in Syria after UN confirm deadly sarin gas has been detected in victims
Here we go again...

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #261 on: January 13, 2016, 10:17:56 AM »
Imagine if this was a guy who shot at someone at an abortion clinic.  Would have been part of the president's state of the union address.  But no mention of this guy last night.

Police: Suspect in officer's shooting claims allegiance to ISIS
By Ray Sanchez, Jason Hanna and Shimon Prokupecz, CNN
Updated 9:38 PM ET, Fri January 8, 2016 | Video Source: CNN

(CNN)A 30-year-old man who allegedly ambushed and shot a Philadelphia police officer sitting in his patrol car confessed he did it in the name of the Islamic State, presumably referring to the terrorist group ISIS, officials said Friday.

Officer Jesse Hartnett, 33, was hit three times in the left arm on Thursday night and suffered "some very serious injuries that will require multiple surgeries," police Commissioner Richard Ross told reporters.

Despite being seriously injured and bleeding heavily, the veteran officer got out of his patrol car and shot the assailant in the buttocks, Ross said. The gunman was apprehended by other officers, Ross said.

"He was trying to assassinate this police officer," Ross told reporters.

The alleged assailant was armed with a 9mm Glock 17 that was reported stolen from the home of a police officer in 2013.

"It is one of the things that you regret the most, when an officer's gun is stolen that it is used against one of your own," Ross said

Capt. James Clark, commander of the homicide unit, told CNN the suspect said to investigators: "I follow Allah. I pledge my allegiance to the Islamic State and that's why I did what I did."

Clark said: "He just kept on echoing those sentiments and he wouldn't give us anything more than that."

'I'm bleeding heavily'

The alleged gunman was identified as Edward Archer, of Yeadon, a Philadelphia suburb, police said.

Archer allegedly confessed to carrying out what Ross described as a "cowardly act" in the name of Islam.

"According to him, he believed that the police defend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the Quran," the police commissioner said.

Still Images released by police from surveillance video show the gunman -- wearing an ankle-length, white garment -- on a crosswalk taking aim and firing at the patrol car at close range. In one photo, the suspect is standing next to the car with his arm through the lowered driver's side window, close enough to be shooting at point-blank range.

Ross told reporters the video, which is not being released, was "absolutely one of the scariest things I've ever seen."

Hartnett shouted desperately into his police radio moments after the gunman unloaded at least 11 shots, police said.

"Shots fired! ... I'm bleeding heavily!" Hartnett shouts in a recording of his radio call for backup.

"I'm bleeding. Get us another unit out here!"

Harnett's elbow was shattered, his brachial artery -- a major blood vessel in the upper arm -- was hit, and blood vessels and nerves in his arm damaged, according to a Philadelphia law enforcement official.

Still, the officer demonstrated his "valor and courage" by stepping out of his car as the gunman retreated and opening fire, according to Ross. The shooting happened about 11:30 p.m. in west Philadelphia.

"I'm absolutely amazed that Officer Hartnett is here with us today," the police commissioner said.

'Nothing to do with being a Muslim'
The shooting in Philadelphia is the fourth attack believed to have been inspired by ISIS on American soil, including the December 2015 shootings that left 14 dead in San Bernardino, California, the shootings outside a Prophet Mohammed cartoon contest in a Dallas suburb in May 2015, and a hatchet assault on four police officers in New York in October 2014.

Officials said they did not know whether the latest attack was part of a broader conspiracy or whether Archer had contact with terrorists.

Archer traveled to Saudi Arabia in 2011 and Egypt in 2012, FBI Special Agent Eric Ruona said. Ruona could not comment on whether investigators think Archer interacted with any terrorist groups during these trips.

Mayor Jim Kenney said the shooting had nothing to do with Islam.

"It is abhorrent," he said. "It does not represent the religion in any shape or form or any of the teachings. This is a criminal with a stolen gun who tried to kill one of our officers, and it has nothing to do with being a Muslim or following the Islamic faith."

Imam Asim Abdur-Rashid, head of a mosque one block away from an address associated with Archer, condemned the attack at a news conference. He said he did not know whether the alleged shooter attended his mosque.

Arrest history
Gov. Tom Wolf said he is "thankful that Officer Hartnett is alive and not facing life-threatening injuries after being ambushed."

"We wish him and his family the best during his recovery. This alleged intentional act of violence against an officer seeking to help a fellow citizen is horrifying and has no place in Pennsylvania," he said.

Archer was arrested in 2012 after a domestic dispute and later pleaded guilty to assault and carrying a gun without a license, court records show. He was out on probation Thursday and was scheduled to be sentenced Monday after he was found guilty on charges of careless driving, forgery and driving with a suspended or revoked license in a 2014 case.

In the 2012 domestic dispute, Archer "pulled a small black and silver semiautomatic handgun from his waist and pointed it towards the complainant's stomach while grabbing the complainant's shirt," according to the affidavit for probable cause.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #262 on: January 25, 2016, 11:48:06 AM »
ISIS magazine cheers San Bernardino, Paris

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By Julian Hattem

The new issue of the glossy English-language magazine produced by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) includes lengthy praise of the couple who killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif., late last year. 

The two killers “proved that they were ready to sacrifice what was dearest to them for the sake of responding to Allah,” the magazine, Dabiq, cheers in its foreword.

The magazine also makes reference to the “blessed attacks” in Paris in November, which killed 130 people, and confirms the death of “Jihadi John,” the British citizen who became notorious for videos showing him executing ISIS captives.

The latest issue of Dabiq, which was released on Tuesday, did not add any new details to suggest that the San Bernardino shooting was directed by ISIS’s core leadership. Officials in the U.S. have said that the massacre instead seems to have been inspired by jihadists such as ISIS, but that the shooters — Syred Rizwan Farook and Tasfeen Malik — carried it out without coordination from an outside group.

However, the magazine does praise their brutal slayings, which it hoped would “awaken more Muslims in America, Europe, and Australia.”

Dabiq also devotes two pages to eulogize Mohammed Emwazi, also known as “Jihadi John.”

The Kuwaiti-born British man was featured in ISIS videos in recent years beheading captives, including American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff.

The Dabiq article neglects to mention Emwazi’s role as an executioner and propaganda tool for ISIS. Instead, it praises his “affection” for orphans of extremists killed while waging jihad, and claims that Emwazi had been questioned by Britain’s MI-5 intelligence before departing for ISIS's self-proclaimed caliphate.

He was killed in a U.S. drone strike in November, the magazine confirmed.

On one page of the 56-page magazine, the nine attackers in Paris are superimposed over a photo of the city.

“Let Paris be a lesson for those nations that wish to take heed,” it warned.

The magazine also reprinted a Time magazine article by former CIA Director Michael Morell warning that ISIS “poses a major threat to the U.S.”

ISIS has a significant propaganda machine, which it has used to great effect in recruiting extremists from all over the globe to join its ranks.

The edition of Dabiq released on Tuesday is the group’s 13th.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #263 on: February 09, 2016, 09:54:37 AM »
Top intelligence official: ISIS to attempt U.S. attacks this year
By Ryan Browne, CNN
Tue February 9, 2016

Washington (CNN)The top U.S. intelligence official said Tuesday that ISIS was likely to attempt direct attacks on the U.S. in the coming year and that the group was infiltrating refugees escaping from Iraq and Syria to move across borders.

James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, estimated that violent extremists were active in about 40 countries and that there currently exist more terrorist safe havens "than at any time in history."

Testifying on global threats at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Clapper warned that ISIS and its eight branches were the No. 1 terrorist threat, and that it was using the refugee exodus from violence in Iraq and Syria to hide among innocent civilians in order to reach other countries.

Clapper said ISIS was "taking advantage of the torrent of migrants to insert operatives into that flow," adding that they were "pretty skilled at phony passports so they can travel ostensibly as legitimate travelers."

ISIS fighters have reportedly seized Syrian passport facilities with machines capable of manufacturing passports.

ISIS "will probably attempt to conduct additional attacks in Europe, and attempt to direct attacks on the U.S. homeland in 2016," Clapper said.

The testimony follows the director of National Intelligence's release of the "Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community."

The assessment notes that "approximately five dozen" ISIS-linked people were arrested in the U.S. during 2015.

Clapper said that more than 36,500 foreign fighters, including at least 6,600 from Western countries, have traveled to Syria from more than 100 countries since 2012.

On the counter-ISIS campaign in Iraq and Syria, Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, also testifying Tuesday, said it was unlikely that the Iraqi city of Mosul would be liberated in 2016.

While the assessment calls ISIS the "preeminent terrorist threat," Clapper also said that "al Qaeda affiliates are positioned to make gains in 2016."

Clapper called the Yemen-based al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and the Syria-based al Nusra Front the "most capable al Qaeda branches."

The testimony also touched on the Iran nuclear deal, cybersecurity and cyberespionage, North Korea's nuclear and missile program and Russia's military build-up.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #264 on: February 12, 2016, 09:02:19 AM »
CIA director says IS group has used, can make chem weapons

CIA director John Brennan testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on worldwide threats to America and its allies, in Washington, DC on February 9, 2016 (AFP Photo/Molly Riley)

Washington (AFP) - CIA director John Brennan has said that Islamic State fighters have used chemical weapons and have the capability to make small quantities of chlorine and mustard gas, CBS News reported Thursday.

"We have a number of instances where ISIL has used chemical munitions on the battlefield," Brennan told CBS News, which released excerpts of an interview to air in full on the "60 Minutes" news program on Sunday.

The network added that he told "60 Minutes" the CIA believes that the IS group has the ability to make small amounts of mustard or chlorine gas for weapons.

"There are reports that ISIS has access to chemical precursors and munitions that they can use," Brennan said.

Brennan also warned of the possibility that the Islamic State group could seek to export the weapons to the West for financial gain.

"I think there's always the potential for that. This is why it's so important to cut off the various transportation routes and smuggling routes that they have used," he said.

When asked if there were "American assets on the ground" searching for possible chemical weapons caches or labs, Brennan replied: "US intelligence is actively involved in being a part of the efforts to destroy ISIL and to get as much insight into what they have on the ground inside of Syria and Iraq."

The release of the excerpts of Brennan's interview comes two days after similar comments from spy chief James Clapper before a congressional committee.

"ISIL has also used toxic chemicals in Iraq and Syria, including the blister agent sulfur mustard," Clapper, the director of national intelligence, told lawmakers on Tuesday.

He said it was the first time an extremist group had produced and used a chemical warfare agent in an attack since Japan's Aum Supreme Truth cult carried out a deadly sarin attack during rush hour in the Tokyo subway in 1995.

Last year, officials in the autonomous Iraqi region of Kurdistan said blood tests had shown that IS fighters used mustard agent in an attack on Kurdish peshmerga forces in August.

Thirty-five peshmerga fighters were exposed and some taken abroad for treatment, officials said.

At the time of the attack, The Wall Street Journal cited US officials as saying they believed IS had used mustard agent.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #265 on: February 17, 2016, 11:38:14 AM »

'We got rid of 21 terrorists with 1 bullet'
Douglas Ernst

An Islamic State executioner’s head exploded during a class on beheading after a well-aimed shot by a British Special Air Service sniper.

Military sources told the Express that a recent mission into northern Syria involved killing an ISIS recruiter with a Dan.338 rifle as the terrorist was instructing 21 new recruits.

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“One minute he was standing there and the next his head had exploded. The commander remained standing upright for a couple of seconds before collapsing and that’s when panic set in,” a source told the newspaper on Monday. “We later heard most of the recruits deserted. We got rid of 21 terrorists with one bullet. He was an extremely sadistic and ruthless individual, feared by the locals and the jihadis alike.”

The source said three four-man teams needed 12 hours to carry out the successful mission.

The SAS mission rivals a similarly spectacular success in Raqqa last month. An eight-man squad posed as ISIS wives before taking out a high-value target, WND reported Jan. 19.

“Gunmen were on the streets stopping everyone, lining people up against the walls and threatening to kill anyone who had helped the ‘spies,'” a source told the Daily Star Jan. 17.

The target of January’s mission was Siddhartha Dhar, also known as Abu Rumaysah, who left London in September 2014 after he was released on bail for encouraging terrorism.

Rumaysah temporarily became the new “Jihadi John” after ISIS propagandist Mohammed Emwazi was killed in a coalition drone strike in Raqqa last November.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #266 on: March 10, 2016, 04:10:55 PM »
Report details ISIS atrocities against Christians, presses State for ‘genocide’ label
By  Kelley Beaucar Vlahos 
Published March 10, 2016
Holding a bloody shirt he carries with him to remember the Islamic State's crimes against Iraqi Christians, Douglas Bazi described for a Washington audience Thursday how he's suffered at ISIS' hands: He was kidnapped, had his teeth bashed in with a hammer and watched as his church was bombed.

“There is not ‘life’ in Iraq,” Bazi said, noting his congregation has been targeted so often it is called the “church of the martyrs, or the church of the blood.”

Bazi joined Middle Eastern Christian leaders and human rights advocates from the Knights of Columbus on Thursday as the group, along with In Defense of Christians (IDC), released a powerful and comprehensive report they say makes the case that the terror campaign against Christians and other minorities in Syria, Iraq and other parts of the Middle East can only be called one thing: genocide.

The report, along with the personal accounts conveyed at the National Press Club in Washington on Thursday, put even more pressure on the Obama administration to officially label the atrocities as genocide.

The State Department and White House so far have not done so, but are facing a congressionally mandated March 17 deadline to make a decision.

“We are forgotten, and we are alone,” Bazi, a former ISIS hostage and now a priest at an Irbil refugee camp, lamented.

Bazi was joined by Irbil-based Dankha Joola, who pointed out that of the 2 million Christians who lived in Iraq before the war, fewer than 300,000 reside there today -- many victims of killings and kidnappings, others forced to leave their homes by radicals, Al Qaeda, and now ISIS.

Carl Anderson, head of the Knights of Columbus, which produced the 278-page document with IDC, hopes this report will help advance their cause.

"The evidence contained in this report as well as the evidence relied upon by the European Parliament fully support -- I would suggest compel -- the conclusion that reasonable grounds exist to believe the crime of genocide has been committed," Anderson said.

The report lists 1,131 Iraqi Christians killed between 2003 and June 9, 2014, including where they were killed and when. It also incorporates 24 pages of witness statements collected between February and March of this year, and nearly 200 documented attacks -- including destruction of property, sexual assaults, enslavement, torture, imprisonment and killing -- in Iraq, Syria and North Africa. Also included is a documenting of attacks on 125 Iraqi churches from 2003 to 2014.

The report also features a legal brief arguing that the crimes committed rise to the level of the Genocide Convention Implementation Act of 1987, and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

The European Parliament in February already declared that genocide is taking place in the Middle East against Christians, Yazidis and other ethnic and religious minorities at the hands of the Islamic State.

"While we believe this to be the most comprehensive report on this subject to date, covering incidents in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Yemen, we continue to receive new reports and new evidence," Anderson said Thursday. But with new reports pouring in every day, he cautioned: "It may only be the tip of the iceberg."

There have been widespread reports of crucifixions, beheadings and kidnappings, with women and girls forced into marriages with ISIS fighters, or sold into sexual slavery. In Syria, Christians once accounted for 10 percent of the population, but today their numbers have declined to an estimated 1 million or less. Last summer, ISIS kidnapped nearly 300 Christians from Syrian villages and later ransomed them back for $100,000 per person. The money was raised by the Assyrian Christian diaspora.

On March 4, gunmen stormed a Catholic retirement home in Yemen and gunned down 16 people, including four Indian nuns affiliated with the order established by Mother Teresa. According to reports, the city of Aden where the attack occured has seen its Christian population flee.

While groups like the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic organization, press the administration to make the genocide designation, Congress is applying similar pressure.

There are bills with strong bipartisan support in both the House and Senate expressing the sense of Congress that those who commit or support violence against Christians and other ethnic minorities including Yazidis, Turkmen and Kurds for ethnic or religious reasons are committing genocide.

When pressed, Secretary of State John Kerry said in a recent House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing that “you have to get facts from the ground, more than just anecdotal.”

The Knights of Columbus say they were asked to conduct Thursday’s report by David Saperstein, ambassador at-large for religious freedom at the State Department, to give the administration the evidence “on the ground,” and hopes it will clarify matters in Foggy Bottom.

When asked on March 1 why the administration has yet to make the determination, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the word genocide “involves a very specific legal determination that has, at this point, not been reached.”

Advocates say this report proves the legal thresholds have been met, and then some.

“We think the legal question is met and I would reiterate that what is required by the statute is a finding of probable cause, which is not beyond a shadow of a doubt, it that there are reasonable grounds to believe that this crime has occurred and is occurring,” said Anderson, “and I think the facts in this report establish, compellingly, that there are reasonable grounds to believe this crime is being committed.”

The State Department did not return a request for comment, though administration officials have said they recognize and will work to address the violence against Christians and other groups regardless of the words used to describe it.

At least three presidential cadidates -- Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz on the Republican side, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side -- have called on the administration to designate this as a 'genocide.'

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #267 on: March 14, 2016, 06:09:17 PM »
ISIS member, an American citizen, surrenders in Iraq
Published March 14, 2016

March 14, 2016: This image made from video posted on Twitter by a Kurdish fighter shows a man that the Kurdish military says is an American member of the Islamic State group shortly after he turned himself in to Kurdish fighters in northern Iraq. (AP)

A Palestinian-American member of the Islamic State terror group has surrendered to an Iraqi Kurdish military unit in northern Iraq, a Kurdish general said Monday.

The individual was identified as Mohammed Jamal Amin, 27, from Virginia, a source in the Peshmerga forces told Fox News. Amin was born in Virginia to a Palestinian father and Iraqi mother from Mosul, the Turkish news agency Rudaw reported.

Maj. Gen. Feisal Helkani told The Associated Press that Amin surrendered on Monday morning at an inspection point near the town of Sinjar, which was retaken by Iraqi forces from ISIS militants late last year.

Helkani said Amin had been "lurking near the peshmerga lines" since late Sunday night, and his troops first tried to shoot him, assuming he was a would-be suicide bomber. 

"Then in the morning, he walked across and gave himself up," Helkani added.

Helkani said Amin was carrying with him a large amount of cash, three cellphones and three forms of identification, including a United States driver's license. He is currently being held by the peshmerga troops for interrogation.

Amin had mistaken Peshmerga territory for the Turkish border, a Peshmerga commander told Rudaw. The commander added that Amin had entered Syria from Turkey two months ago and traveled to Mosul in Iraq.

In neighboring Syria, meanwhile, Syrian Kurdish fighters battling the Islamic State have told The Associated Press that they are seeing an increase in the number of ISIS members surrendering following recent territorial losses.

Iraqi forces have struggled to retake ground from the Islamic State, which despite a series of territorial losses in Iraq and Syria in the past six months, still controls large swaths of land in both countries.

In Iraq, ISIS has claimed responsibility for a series of suicide attacks that have killed more than 170 people over the past few weeks. Iraqi officials also say the group has launched a number of chemical weapons attacks.

Local officials in the town of Taza in Iraq's north say a recent attack injured more than 600 people. The attacks follow a string of advances by Iraqi forces backed by U.S.-led airstrikes, including in the western city of Ramadi, which was declared fully "liberated" by Iraqi and U.S.-led coalition officials last month.

The extremist group also controls Iraq's second largest city, Mosul, as well as the city of Fallujah, 40 miles west of Baghdad.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #268 on: March 15, 2016, 12:13:08 AM »
Russia claims it is 'highly probable' ISIS are using chemical weapons in Syria after UN confirm deadly sarin gas has been detected in victims

Trump said we should just let Russia handle Isis in Syria. 

And he's the front runner.  So he must be right. 

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #269 on: March 17, 2016, 09:50:23 AM »
Imagine what would happen if we burned the Koran, or drew a cartoon picture of Mohammad, etc. 

Bible bonfire: ISIS video shows Christian books being destroyed, adds fuel to genocide debate
By Perry Chiaramonte  Published March 15, 2016

Having driven the last Christian out of Mosul, ISIS has now released a chilling video showing a bonfire consuming a huge pile of Bibles and other Christian literature.

The video, entitled “Diwan of education destroys Christian instruction books in Mosul,” was made by ISIS’ “morality police,” the infamous Diwan Al-Hisbah, according to Christian Today. It comes as the U.S. is deliberating over whether to label the terrorist group’s actions in Iraq as genocide, a term that has important ramifications under international law.

“It’s another example that ISIS means what they say,” David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA, told “That’s what makes the debate so powerful. They want elimination and they are very serious.”

While ISIS has killed, enslaved and displaced hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Christians, the destruction of religious materials could also be part of a genocide determination.

The House voted unanimously Monday to approve a resolution branding ISIS’ actions as genocide, which the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide defines in part as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.”

‘This has always been genocide.The west has realized that they cannot deny it any longer.”

- David Curry, Open Doors USA
The State Department is under pressure to reach the same conclusion, which could obligate the U.S. to take action.

The video first surfaced last week and shows ISIS militants piling hundreds of books with crosses printed on the cover into a large fire at an unknown location in the northern Iraqi city.

“This video is the first specifically showing the burning of Christian books,” officials for the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor team for the Middle East Media Research Institute said in a statement to

“It is in line with ISIS’ treatment of Christians, which MEMRI regularly monitors in ISIS publications. There is not any particularly new or recent trend in regard to ISIS’s treatment of Christians, which has been consistent in its statements and actions since ISIS declared its caliphate in 2014.”

Mosul, long considered a haven for Iraq’s Christian population, was overrun by militants in 2014. After the takeover, ISIS demanded that Christians convert to Islam, pay a tax known as a jizya, or flee the city. Although Mosul was once considered a center of Christianity in the region, all Christians are believed to be gone from the city.

The Christian population of Iraq has dropped from 1.5 million to 275,000 since ISIS established its caliphate.

“The stated purpose [of ISIS] to eliminate and force the Christians and Yazidi people out of the region,” Curry said. “They are succeeding. The Christian population in the region has greatly diminished.”

If U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry determines their actions amount to genocide, the UN could be forced to address the issue.

"This has always been genocide,” Curry told “The West has realized that they cannot deny it any longer.”

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #270 on: March 22, 2016, 10:19:59 AM »
More from the JV team.

ISIS claims credit for Brussels attacks, as death toll reaches 31
Published March 22, 2016

ISIS claimed credit for Tuesday morning’s rush-hour attacks in Brussels, which left at least 31 dead and more than 180 injured, and authorities in Belgium released a chilling surveillance photo that may show three of the bombers moments before explosions ripped through the European capital’s biggest airport.

The bombings, including at least two at Zaventum airport and another at a Metro Station near European Union headquarters, came four days after the arrest of Salah Abdeslam, the main remaining suspect from November’s attack in Paris, and sent Brussels into full lockdown mode. Hours later, a channel on the encrypted messaging app Telegram that is maintained by ISIS described the operation.

“Islamic State fighters carried out a series of bombings with explosive belts and devices on Tuesday, targeting an airport and a central metro station in the center of the Belgian capital Brussels, a country participating in the international coalition against the Islamic State,” the message read.

“Islamic State fighters opened fire inside Zaventem Airport, before several of them detonated their explosive belts, as a martyrdom bomber detonated his explosive belt in the Maalbeek metro station. The attacks resulted in more than 230 dead and wounded."

The attack at the airport killed at least 15 and left as many as 81 wounded. It was followed by a bombing moments later in a train station that killed at least 20.

“Islamic State fighters carried out a series of bombings with explosive belts and devices on Tuesday, targeting an airport and a central metro station in the center of the Belgian capital Brussels, a country participating in the international coalition against the Islamic State.”

- Message from ISIS claiming credit for attacks

Belgian authorities released a photo that showed three gloved men pushing carts in the airport, prior to reaching security checkpoints. In the image, two men on the left are wearing dark clothing and each sport a black glove on their left hand, which authorities believe could have been worn to hide suicide vest ignition devices.

At least one suicide vest was used during the airport attack, officials have said, and there were reports that authorities detonated an unexploded vest after the attack. The man on the right is wearing lighter clothing, no glove and a hat. Police may be hunting the man in the hat, according to The Telegraph.

This image was released on an ISIS-linked Telegram account shortly after the attacks in Brussels.

Witnesses said the airport attack, which occurred just after 8 a.m., was accompanied by shouts in Arabic and gunfire, and an unexploded suicide belt was reportedly found in the aftermath. Sources also said it was possible one or more of the explosions emanated from suitcase bombs packed with nails.

The claim of responsibility could not be corroborated by authorities, but ISIS has been known to use Telegram for its communications for most of the last year. Telegram is a digital messaging system invented by two Russian brothers now based in Berlin who boast their system encrypts content for storage and transmission. Unlike Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, Telegram does not suspend private accounts or cooperate with government intelligence agencies.

Also posted on the ISIS-linked site immediately after the bombing attacks was an image showing a city or a possible composite of several cities with a message warning “We are already in your city.”

“This image is from a new Telegram social media channel posted today after the attack,” said Veryan Khan, editorial director for the U.S.-based Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium.  “There is no caption, but the graphic appears to be a mixture of different cities, including the river in London’s Thames and the rest of the visuals appear to be other cities.”

 There is reason to be skeptical of the claim, said Ryan Mauro, national security analyst for the Clarion Project and professor of homeland security at Liberty University. He said messages and hashtags can be written very quickly after an attack.

 “It is so obvious that this is ISIS-related that ISIS accounts who knew nothing about the forthcoming attacks don't risk their credibility very much by claiming credit,” Mauro said.

Meanwhile, Belgium in particular and Europe in general  were reeling following the attack.

"What we feared has happened, we were hit by blind attacks," said Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel.

"We are at war,” French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Tuesday. “We have been subjected for the last few months in Europe to acts of war."

The first two explosions rocked the departure hall at the Brussels airport shortly after 8 a.m. local time. Early reports placed the number of dead at 13, with as many as 81 wounded, although the death toll was later revised downward to 11.

Witnesses recounted a harrowing and chaotic scene.

“First there was one explosion. Everyone started to run and panic broke out. Then a second explosion was heard,” one witness told The Brussels Times about the airport explosion.

Zach Mouzoun, who arrived on a flight from Geneva about 10 minutes before the first blast, told BFM television that the second, louder explosion brought down ceilings and ruptured pipes, mixing water with blood from victims.

"It was atrocious. The ceilings collapsed," he said. "There was blood everywhere, injured people, bags everywhere."

"We were walking in the debris. It was a war scene," he said.

Marie-Odile Lognard, a traveler who was lining up in the departures hall for a flight to Abu Dhabi, told BFM television that people panicked after the first explosion about 65 feet from her and that a second explosion about 15 seconds later caused parts of the ceiling to collapse.

"I knew it was an explosion because I've been around explosions before," said Denise Brandt, an American woman interviewed by Sky television.

"I felt the explosion, the way it feels through your body. And we just looked at each other and I said 'let's go this way.' It was over there. There was just this instinct to get away from it. Then we saw people running, crying, toward us. So I knew we were going in the right direction and away from it. "

Amateur video shown on France's i-Tele television showed passengers -- including a child -- running with a backpack dashing out of the terminal in different directions as they tugged luggage. Belgian news channel RTBF reports a Kalashnikov rifle was found in the departure hall at the airport.

Marc Noel, 63, was about to board a Delta flight to Atlanta, to return to his home in Raleigh, N.C.

A Belgium native, Noel says he was in an airport shop buying automobile magazines when the first explosion occurred about 50 yards away.

"People were crying, shouting, children. It was a horrible experience," he told AP. He said his decision to buy the magazines might have saved his life. "I don't want to think about it, but I would probably have been in that place when the bomb went off."

Three Mormon missionaires, identified by the church as Richard Norby, 66; Joseph Empey, 20, and Mason Wells, 19, all of Utah, were the only Americans known to have been injured in the airport attack.

Moments later at the Metro station, another explosion was reported on a train that was stopped at the Maelbeek subway station, not far from the headquarters of the European Union. Ian McCafferty told The Irish Times he was just getting off the metro at the stop before Maelbeek around 8:20 a.m. when he heard a “loud muffled thud” but, because of construction at the metro, he “didn’t really think much of it.

“There was a large military presence and mass confusion,” he said. “People started to run. Some people were crying. The two stations are only a stone’s throw apart. We were the last train through the station before the blast.”

Rescue workers set up a makeshift treatment center in a local pub near the train station. Dazed and shocked morning travelers streamed from the metro entrances as police tried to set up a security cordon.

Brussels Mayor Yvan Majeur put the number of dead at the train station at 20, with more than 100 more injured.

Alexandre Brans, 32, who was wiping blood from his face, said: "The metro was leaving Maelbeek station when there was a really loud explosion. It was panic everywhere. There were a lot of people in the metro."

First responders ran through the street outside with two people on stretchers, their clothes badly torn.

The bombings in the European Union capital are certain to add new fire to the raging debate over refugees from Muslim nations where terrorist groups are active. Europe has taken in more than a million refugees, and terror groups including ISIS have said they are infiltrating the wave of migrants.

After his arrest on Friday, Abdeslam, who is suspected of taking part in the Nov. 13 Paris attack that killed 130 people, told authorities he had created a new network and was planning new attacks.

After Abdeslam's arrest and before Tuesday's attacks, authorities were frantically hunting a suspect identified as 24-year-old Najim Laachraoui, who allegedly traveled to Hungary with Abdeslam before the Paris attack on Nov. 13. It was unclear whether Laachraoui played any role in Tuesday's bombings, but prosecutors say Laachraoui played a key role in recruiting attackers for ISIS.

U.S. authorities were monitoring the situation, poised to assist in the investigation. A U.S. counter-terrorism source told Fox News the priority for investigators is identifying the suicide bomber or bombers through DNA because they cannot operate in isolation, and identifying them can lead to the broader network.

Speaking Havana, President Obama mentioned the attacks before giving prepared comments on the thawing relationship between the U.S. and Cuba. Obama called the attacks “outrageous,” and pledged that the thoughts and prayers of Americans are with the Belgian people.

“This is yet another reminder that the world must unite, we must be together, regardless of nationality or race or faith, in fighting the scourge of terrorism,” said Obama, who had also spoken to Michel by phone.

Belgium's interior minister announced that the terror threat was being raised to its maximum level. All flights were canceled and arriving planes and trains were diverted.

Authorities told people in Brussels to stay where they were, bringing the city to a standstill. Airport security was also tightened in Paris, London and other European cities. Flights due to land at Zaventem, which handles 21 million passengers a year, were sent to Antwerp, Liege, and Brussels Charleroi airports.

French President Francois Hollande said "terrorists struck Brussels but it was Europe that was targeted -- and all the world that is concerned," adding that "this war will be long."

Paris announced it would light the Eiffel Tower in the colors of the Belgian flag, and security around France's nuclear plants was reportedly increased, though no specific threat was cited.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #271 on: March 23, 2016, 04:21:59 PM »

ISIS has sent 400 fighters to attack Europe, officials say
Published March 23, 2016
Associated Press

Updated identifies Najim Laachraoui as the third Brussels bomber: graphic shows suspects in the Paris and Brussels attacks that are believed to be connected; 2c x 4 1/2 inches; 96.3 mm x 114 mm; (The Associated Press)
The Islamic State group has trained at least 400 fighters to target Europe in deadly waves of attacks, deploying interlocking terror cells like the ones that struck Brussels and Paris with orders to choose the time, place and method for maximum carnage, officials have told The Associated Press.

The network of agile and semiautonomous cells shows the reach of the extremist group in Europe even as it loses ground in Syria and Iraq. The officials, including European and Iraqi intelligence officials and a French lawmaker who follows the jihadi networks, described camps in Syria, Iraq and possibly the former Soviet bloc where attackers are trained to attack the West. Before being killed in a police raid, the ringleader of the Nov. 13 Paris attacks claimed he had entered Europe in a multinational group of 90 fighters, who scattered "more or less everywhere."

But the biggest break yet in the Paris attacks investigation — the arrest on Friday of fugitive Salah Abdeslam— did not thwart the multipronged attack just four days later on the Belgian capital's airport and metro that left 31 people dead and an estimated 270 wounded. Three suicide bombers also died.

Just as in Paris, Belgian authorities were searching for at least one fugitive in Tuesday's attacks — this time for a man wearing a white jacket who was seen on airport security footage with the two suicide attackers. The fear is that the man, whose identity Belgian officials say is not known, will find Abdeslam's path instructive.

After fleeing Paris immediately after the November attacks, Abdeslam forged a new network back in his childhood neighborhood of Molenbeek, long known as a haven for jihadis, and renewed plotting, according to Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders.

"Not only did he drop out of sight, but he did so to organize another attack, with accomplices everywhere. With suicide belts. Two attacks organized just like in Paris. And his arrest, since they knew he was going to talk, it was a response: 'So what if he was arrested? We'll show you that it doesn't change a thing,'" said French Senator Nathalie Goulet, co-head of a commission tracking jihadi networks.

Estimates range from 400 to 600 Islamic State fighters trained specifically for external attacks, according to the officials, including Goulet. Some 5,000 Europeans have gone to Syria.

"The reality is that if we knew exactly how many there were, it wouldn't be happening," she said.

Two of the suicide bombers in Tuesday's attacks, brothers Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui, had no known extremist links until an apartment one of them rented was traced to Abdeslam last week, according to Belgian state broadcaster RTBF. Similarly, an Algerian killed inside that apartment on March 15 had nothing but a petty theft record in Sweden — but he'd signed up as an Islamic State suicide bomber for the group in 2014 and returned to Europe as part of the Nov. 13 plot.

In claiming responsibility, the Islamic State group described a "secret cell of soldiers" dispatched to Brussels for the purpose. The shadowy cells were confirmed by Europol — the EU police agency which said in a late January report that intelligence officials believed the group had "developed an external action command trained for special forces-style attacks."

French speakers with links to North Africa, France and Belgium appear to be leading the units and are responsible for developing attack strategies in Europe, said a European security official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak about briefing material. He is also familiar with interrogations of former fighters who have returned to Europe. Some were jailed after leaving IS while others were kicked out of the terror group. The fighters include Muslims and Muslim converts from all across Europe.

Fighters in the units are trained in battleground strategies, explosives, surveillance techniques and counter surveillance, the security official said.

"The difference is that in 2014, some of these IS fighters were only being given a couple weeks of training," he said. "Now the strategy has changed. Special units have been set up. The training is longer. And the objective appears to no longer be killing as many people as possible but rather to have as many terror operations as possible, so the enemy is forced to spend more money or more in manpower. It's more about the rhythm of terror operations now."

Similar methods had been developed by al-Qaida but IS has taken it to a new level, he said. Another difference with these "external operation" units is that fighters are being trained to be their own operators — not necessarily to be beholden to specific orders from the IS stronghold in Raqqa, Syria, or elsewhere.

In the case of Tuesday's attacks, Abdeslam's arrest may have been a trigger for a plot that was already far along.

"This was not put together as a response to the arrest. However the timing of what has happened over the last few days has maybe hurried up the planning and execution," said Magnus Ranstorp, a Swedish security analyst. "I see the link to the environments either in France or in Belgium. Whether they're logistically linked ... they're probably part of the same batch of extremists that have come out of Syria."

Several security officials have said there is growing evidence to suggest the bulk of the training is taking place in Syria, Libya and elsewhere in North Africa.

"To pull off an attack of this sophistication, you need training, planning, materials and a landscape," said Shiraz Maher, a senior research fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation in London.

Maher has conducted extensive interviews with foreign fighters. The research center, based at Kings College in London, has one of the largest databases of fighters and their networks.

"Even if they worked flat out, the attackers in Brussels would have needed at least four days," Maher said.

The question for many intelligence and security officials is now turning to just how many more fighters have been trained and are ready for more attacks.

A senior Iraqi intelligence official who was not authorized to speak publicly said people from the cell that carried out the Paris attacks are scattered across Germany, Britain, Italy, Denmark and Sweden. Recently, a new group crossed in from Turkey, the official said.

The latest new name to surface this week, Najim Laachraoui, turned out to be the bombmaker who made the suicide vests used in the Paris attacks, according to French and Belgian officials. Attackers used an explosive known as Triacetone Triperoxide, or TATP, made from common household chemicals. DNA evidence indicates he died on Tuesday in the suicide attack on the airport, two officials briefed on the investigation told AP.

Fifteen kilos of TATP were found in an apartment linked to the Brussels attackers, along with other explosive material.

The unidentified man seen on security footage wearing a white jacket and black hat at the Brussels airport on Tuesday remains at large, a fugitive link in a chain still being forged.

Dos Equis

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #272 on: March 24, 2016, 08:08:18 PM »
I feel safer already.

Obama: Defeat ISIS 'By Saying You Are Not Strong, You Are Weak'
2:06 PM, MAR 23, 2016

President Obama has a new way to defeat the Islamic State: by telling the terror organization they are weak. Obama revealed his strategy at a press conference today in Argentina.

“It is very important for us to not respond with fear. As I said, that's hard to do because we see the impact in such an intimate way with the attacks that they make," Obama said at a press conference.

"But we defeat them in part by saying you are not strong, you are weak. We send a message to those who might be inspired by them to say you are not going to change our values of liberty and openness and the respect of all people. And I mentioned at the baseball game yesterday, one of my proudest moments as president was watching Boston respond after the Boston marathon attack."


  • Getbig V
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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #273 on: March 24, 2016, 08:52:12 PM »
His statement is valid, in the sense that terrorism only works if  you let it, but you still have to DO something.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #274 on: March 24, 2016, 09:41:20 PM »
His statement is valid, in the sense that terrorism only works if  you let it, but you still have to DO something.

Yes, his statement is valid - we should not allow ISIS to terrorize us even when their plans succeed. We should not change our way of life under the weight of the ISIS threat.

But, at the same time, it's not enough to stand our ground, unafraid and resolute. These are brutes who don't understand reason or share our values. These are thugs that understand one thing: force.

They chose to initiate force against us, and force is the only thing they understand. So we (and I don't mean just the United States when I say "we" here) need to show them force so overwhelming so that they are not only annihilated, but so that anyone thinking of initiating violence against the world in the future will know they're facing certain doom.

If it takes dropping conventional bombs for weeks or months, that's what it takes. If it takes an invasion, that's what it takes. And if it takes one or more nuclear weapons, then that's what it takes.

The world must make it clear that we will not tolerate this any longer and that even if we did not start it, we will end if.