Author Topic: Radical Islam  (Read 105617 times)

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #275 on: March 28, 2016, 09:11:55 AM »
American wife of Air Force colonel confirmed killed in Brussels terror attack after New York siblings also identified as being among the dead
26 March 2016

The American wife of an Air Force colonel has been confirmed among the 34 people killed during the terror attack in Belgium this week.

The woman, whose name was not revealed, died during a triple suicide bombing in Brussels at Zaventem Airport and a train station in the neighborhood of Molenbeek, sources told Fox News.

It was not immediately clear whether the woman was at the airport or the train station. She is one of two Americans believed to have been killed in the attacks.

The news comes after the family of Sascha and Alexander Pinczowski, siblings who were from Holland but had been living in New York, confirmed they were also killed during the bombing.

The siblings were on the phone to their mother in Holland from Zaventem Airport when the first explosions were heard and the line went dead.
Relatives had been preparing for the worst after a list of survivors' names was released, and neither of their names appeared.

On Friday the family released a statement saying: 'We received confirmation this morning from Belgian authorities and the Dutch Embassy of the positive identification of the remains of Alexander and Sascha.

'We are grateful to have closure on this tragic situation, and are thankful for the loving support, thoughts and prayers from all.'

Earlier Friday, U.S. officials said that two Americans had been confirmed dead, but did not reveal their identities.

An official told ABC News that the victims were the spouses of 'official' U.S. personnel.

Among the other Americans that remain missing after the attacks are married couple Justin and Stephanie Shults from Kentucky, who were working as accountants in Belgium.

James Cain, the former U.S. Ambassador to Denmark whose daughter Cameron was engaged to Alexander Pinczowski, released a statement on behalf of the family on Friday.

'We received confirmation this morning from Belgian Authorities and the Dutch Embassy of the positive identification of the remains of Alexander and Sascha.
'We are grateful to have closure on this tragic situation, and are thankful for the thoughts and prayers from all. The family is in the process of making arrangements,' the statement read. 

Duration Time 0:42

The news comes after siblings Alexander (left) and Sascha Pinczowski (right), who were born Dutch but grew up in New York, were confirmed dead in the Brussels airport attack
New York siblings Sascha (pictured)  and Alexander Pinczowski were at Brussels Airport at the time of the two explosions inside a terminal

The siblings were catching a flight back to the U.S. on Tuesday and were on the phone with their mother when the first explosions happened, causing the line to go dead

Cain, who now lives in Raleigh, Virginia, remembered Alexander as a 'brilliant young man' who was clever and 'intimidatingly smart'.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the blasts at Brussels Airport and a metro station, which have killed 34 in total and injured more than 270 people.

Alexander Pinczowski was living in New York with his girlfriend, and his sister Sascha was splitting her time between America and Europe after graduating from Marymount Manhattan College with a degree in business last May.

She reportedly had plans to settle permanently in Manhattan at the time of her death.

According to her Facebook page, Sascha was originally from the seaside town of  Vouliagmeni in Greece.

Their father lives in the Netherlands and traveled to Brussels to aid in the search when his children were first reported missing.

In the wake of their deaths, tributes to the Pinczowski siblings have been flooding social media sites.

Arielle Parker, who works at a New York law firm and attended high school with Sascha in Germany, told Daily Mail Online that she was 'a bright light and a joy of a person'.

'She was always herself and lived life to the fullest. We lost a beautiful person inside and out,' Parker said. 

While the total death count remains unconfirmed, many are still recorded as missing, and up to a dozen Americans are said to be injured, according to U.S officials.

At least two Americans remain missing. Stephanie and Justin Shults (pictured) had just dropped Mrs Shults' mother off at the airport when the first attack happened and they haven't been seen since

Among the missing are Stephanie and Justin Shults from Lexington Kentucky, who are currently living in Brussels and working as accountants.
The couple had just dropped Stephanie's mother Carolyn Moore at the airport when the first blasts went off.

While Moore survived the attack and has been in contact with family back home, her daughter and son-in-law have not been seen or heard from since and their phones keep going to voicemail.

Secretary of State John Kerry is in Brussels on Friday to meet with the Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel.

'The United States is praying and grieving with you for the loved ones of those cruelly taken from us, including Americans, and for the many who were injured in these despicable attacks,' Kerry said.

He also renewed vows to continue the fight against ISIS, which has claimed responsibility for the attack.

'We - all of us representing countless nationalities - have a message for those who inspired or carried out the attacks here or in Paris, or Ankara, or Tunis, or San Bernardino, or elsewhere: We will not be intimidated. We will not be deterred.

'We will come back with greater resolve - with greater strength - and we will not rest until we have eliminated your nihilistic beliefs and cowardice from the face of the Earth,' Kerry said.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #276 on: March 28, 2016, 11:48:21 AM »
The women marked for death by Islamic fatwa face threats with fear, courage
By  Hollie McKay 
Published March 28, 2016

Twenty-seven years ago, Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini called for the death of a British author, giving new fame to Salman Rushdie and infamy to the term “fatwa.”

Rushdie, whose “The Satanic Verses” had been deemed offensive to Muslims, remains threatened by the Islamic decree, but six American women who lack the resources of a best-selling author also have been marked for death by Muslim leaders. Some have been driven from their homes and jobs and even forced to live the rest of their lives in hiding, with little hope that the fatwa will be lifted.

“It is not safe, of course, not even in the West, for anyone who has a fatwa of death issued against them,” Nonie Darwish told

“I just look over my shoulder in the parking lot.”

- Raheel Raza, subject of fatwa

Darwish, an Egyptian-born U.S. citizen who was born Muslim and later converted to Christianity, spoke out against radical Islam following the 9/11 attacks. She has since been the subject of multiple fatwas issued by various Islamic clerics. Like others who bear a price on their heads, Darwish stays below the radar, and constantly looks over her shoulder.

“There are constant attempts to silence us by many Islamic organizations,” she said. “We are the No. 1 target of jihadists and ISIS sympathizers who are now in all 50 states.”

Ayaa Hirsi Ali has lived under a fatwa for years for speaking out against abuses of women in Muslim society. (Reuters)
Darwish is cut off from her family in Egypt, which disapproved of her decision to speak out. She has published several books, including “The Devil We Don’t Know: The Dark Side of Revolutions in the Middle East,” and is the founder and president of “Arabs for Israel.”

Molly Norris was a respected newspaper cartoonist in 2010, when Comedy Central censored a “South Park” episode that featured the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, amid outrage from extremists. Norris fought back with free speech, but it cost her her career.

Norris drew a cartoon of the religious figure, whom Islamist scholars believe must never be portrayed, on various items such as a teacup, a thimble and a domino. Her work was never formally published, but images went viral on the Internet and helped promote “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day.”

Suddenly, Norris was deluged with death threats. Influential U.S.-born Muslim cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki issued a fatwa calling for her death a year before he was killed by a U.S drone strike in Yemen.

Raza admits looking over her shoulder, but tries not to live in fear. (
Former FBI counter-terrorism agent David Gomez, who handled Norris’ case from the Seattle field office at the time, told that the bureau advised Norris of the “very legitimate” threats against her. The bureau stopped short of telling Gomez to go underground, but advised her to take certain precautions, including changing her appearance.

Norris opted to disappear, leaving her job and home and cutting off communication with friends and neighbors.

“Molly really took the advice to heart,” Gomez said. “She really went dark.”

A source told that Norris is alive and living a new, quiet life in an undisclosed location and that the decision to completely disappear was spurred by fear for the lives of her loved ones. However, many argue she was hardly given a choice.

Nonie Darwish was marked for death after converting to Christianity and speaking out against violence within Islam.
“People are shocked to realize a journalist inside the U.S. could be forced into hiding by radical Islam,” said author Larry Kelley, founder of the Free Molly Norris Foundation. “This issue is a really big one as far as our freedoms are concerned.

Kelley’s foundation has raised an undisclosed sum and hopes to give it to Norris to help her get by, but hasn’t been able to get in touch with her.

And the fatwa against Norris has not faded. She was again spotlighted three years ago in Al Qaeda’s “Inspire” magazine on its “Wanted: Dead or Alive for Crimes Against Islam” list alongside the likes of Rushdie and French cartoonist Stephane Charbonnier, known for his irreverent drawings of Muhammad.

The fatwa against Charbonnier ended Jan. 7, 2015, when two Muslim fanatics stormed the offices of his employer, the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, and killed him and 11 others.  If Norris had thought about resurfacing, the attack surely gave her new pause.

“I do hope she is okay,” said Mark Baumgarten, Norris’ old editor at Seattle Weekly. “But I have no way of knowing.”

Fatwas are not empty threats, according to experts. Many subjects in addition to Charbonnier have been killed by fanatics who believe they win eternal favor by making good on the threats. Egyptian academic  Forag Foda, who wrote in defense of secularism and Western values, was assassinated in 1992 after a fatwa from Sheikh Gad al-Haq Ali Gad al-Haq, who at the time was the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Egypt’s highest authority in Sunni Islamic thought and Islamic jurisprudence.

After the order went out against Rushdie, the British-Indian author hired armed guards, traveled under a phony name, wore disguises and rarely saw his own son. Stores that sold his books were burned and the Japanese translator of “The Satanic Verses” was murdered.

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini died in 1989, but his fatwa against Rushdie did not. (Reuters)
Just last month, 40 state-run Iranian media outlets added a reported $600,000 to the near $4 million bounty for Rushdie’s head and renewed calls for his death.

“Depending on the issue, a fatwa could be permanent or temporary. In the case of established principles like respecting prophet, it is permanent,” Daniel Akbari, an Islamic scholar and Shariah-certified lawyer for the Supreme Court of Iran, now an adjunct professor of law at St. Mary’s University in Texas, told “Going underground and living secretly is the first step the targets of fatwa take to avoid the life-threatening danger that could even threaten the life of their families. They have to limit the number of people they used to socialize with and in many cases leave their jobs.”

Fatwas were traditionally issued by muftis, who are very high-ranking imams. But in recent times, less respected scholars and figures with less credibility and followers have begun issuing fatwas.

Pamela Geller, co-founder of the controversial anti-Muslim extremist American Freedom Defense Initiative, is believed to have been the target of two men who tried to storm a “Draw Muhammad” cartoon competition in Garland, Texas, last year. She had already been threatened with death from various Islamist groups, including ISIS.

Geller has defiantly lived under Islamist death threats since at least 2006, when her blog, Atlas Shrugs, reprinted cartoon images of Muhammad originally published by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. Geller organized a "Draw the Prophet" cartoon contest held May 3, 2015, at the same site in Texas where a Muslim group had months earlier held a "Stand With the Prophet" event.

Two Muslim extremists were killed in a shootout with a Garland Independent School District police officer outside the event.

Geller is believed to have been the target of an attack last year in Garland, Texas.

“I was their prime target,” Gellar told “Muslims have called for my death and published on Twitter what they think is my home address. Shortly after the Garland event, ISIS issued a formal fatwa calling for my death.”

A month later, a 26-year-old Muslim man, Usaamah Rahim, was killed by Boston police after charging at them with a military knife. After his death, police revealed that Rahim was an ISIS follower who had planned to behead Geller in retaliation for her Muhammad art exhibit.

Gellar’s strong stance against radical Islam has angered more than just Muslims. She was denied entry into the UK in 2013 as “not conducive to the public good” and has been branded a bigot by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Geller, who lives in New York City under constant guard, said she will never give up her campaign to warn the world about radical Islam.

“I take nothing for granted. I’m aware of the risks,” Geller noted. “But I would rather die standing up than on my knees.”

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born, Dutch-American, routinely calls for a reformation of Islam, asserting that “we cannot get away from the reality that there is something within Islam that inspires, incites and mobilizes millions of people to engage in what our president euphemistically calls ‘violent extremism.’”

In 2004, Ali worked with Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh on a highly contentious short movie “Submission” regarding the subjugation of women under Islam. Death threats against the pair ran rampant and Van Gogh was soon murdered in the streets of Amsterdam, a note pinned to his body promising that Ali would be next.

Now a fellow at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, Ali, whose latest book, “Heretic,” was released last year, continues to rail against what she sees as the injustice of Islam.

Theo van Gogh, the great-grandson of Vincent van Gogh's brother, was killed by a Muslim fanatic in 2004 after working with Ali on the short film "Submission," which criticized the treatment of women in Islam. (Reuters)
Like Ali, Raheel Raza left her Islamic homeland and discovered freedom in North America. Twenty-eight years ago, she moved with her husband and two children from Pakistan to Canada, where she is an activist for the rights of Muslim women.

“I am most passionate about human rights and women’s rights in the Muslim world,” the Karachi University graduate and author of “Their Jihad, Not My Jihad: A Muslim Canadian Woman Speaks Out” said.

Her efforts, which include advocating for a burka ban, mixed-gender prayers for Muslims and opposiong plans to build a Muslim community center near New York’s Ground Zero, have yielded death threats, hate mail and a fatwa.

Raza does not have personal bodyguards, and is not provided protection by the Canadian government.

“Many people get full-time security, but I just leave it in God’s hands to protect me,” she told “If I allow myself to be afraid I can’t do the work I do, so I don’t wallow in the luxury of fear.

“I just look over my shoulder in the parking lot,” she said.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #277 on: April 01, 2016, 01:22:54 PM »
Dos Equis approved.   :)

Pentagon to ISIS Leader: 'Justice Will Look Like a Hellfire Missile'

Image: Pentagon to ISIS Leader: 'Justice Will Look Like a Hellfire Missile'  U.S. Army Col. Steve Warren (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo) 
By Joe Crowe   |    Friday, 01 Apr 2016
The Pentagon issued a stern warning Friday to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi: We will find you and you "will taste justice."

Army Col. Steve Warren, military spokesman in Baghadad, said this at a press conference, adding that he knew al-Baghdadi has been moving between Syria and Iraq, the Washington Times reports.

"I don't know if that justice will look like a Hellfire missile or it will look like a dark prison cell."

The U.S. has had some success with eliminating ISIS leaders, Warren said, and listed Abu Musab Zarqawi, who was killed in a bomb strike in 2006. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said that ISIS' finance minister Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli had been killed, according to a March 25 report on CNN.

Baghdadi orchestrated suicide bombings in Iraq after U.S. forces left in 2011. When civil war broke out in Syria, he captured territory there and began to form the Islamic State, also known as ISIS and ISIL.

"He was once a normal person," Baghdadi's ex-wife Saja el-Dulaimi said, in a report in the Washington Post.

"Whether we take them off and slam them into a dark cell somewhere or put a Hellfire missile at his location, either one of those would make us equally happy," said Warren.

"This is a terrorist who has to go," said Warren. "We're in the business of taking terrorists off the battlefield.


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #278 on: April 01, 2016, 05:26:02 PM »
Dos Equis approved.   :)
The Pentagon issued a stern warning Friday to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi: We will find you and you "will taste justice."

Army Col. Steve Warren, military spokesman in Baghadad, said this at a press conference, adding that he knew al-Baghdadi has been moving between Syria and Iraq, the Washington Times reports.

"I don't know if that justice will look like a Hellfire missile or it will look like a dark prison cell."

The U.S. has had some success with eliminating ISIS leaders, Warren said, and listed Abu Musab Zarqawi, who was killed in a bomb strike in 2006. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said that ISIS' finance minister Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli had been killed, according to a March 25 report on CNN.

Baghdadi orchestrated suicide bombings in Iraq after U.S. forces left in 2011. When civil war broke out in Syria, he captured territory there and began to form the Islamic State, also known as ISIS and ISIL.

"He was once a normal person," Baghdadi's ex-wife Saja el-Dulaimi said, in a report in the Washington Post.

"Whether we take them off and slam them into a dark cell somewhere or put a Hellfire missile at his location, either one of those would make us equally happy," said Warren.

"This is a terrorist who has to go," said Warren. "We're in the business of taking terrorists off the battlefield.

Hell m0therfuckin' yeah.  Pulverize that shitstain and his whole crew.


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #279 on: April 02, 2016, 10:12:00 AM »
Hell m0therfuckin' yeah.  Pulverize that shitstain and his whole crew.


Time to end this shit.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #280 on: May 09, 2016, 12:13:15 PM »
ISIS reportedly executes 7-year-old boy for cursing while playing with friends
Published May 09, 2016

Islamic State militants reportedly shot and killed a 7-year-old Syrian boy reportedly in front of his sobbing parents, all because he let a few curse words slip out of his mouth.

The execution took place Thursday in the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, ARA News reported, citing rights activists and witnesses.

An activist told the news agency that the boy was arrested “after they heard him ‘cursing divinity’ while playing in the street with his friends.”

The activist quoted an ISIS member of Islamic court as saying “the act was considered an insult to the Caliphate, regardless of the age of the boy.”

The ISIS-led Shariah Court sentenced the boy to death, and he was killed in a public square in front of a crowd of hundreds, including his parents, who collapsed after authorities shot him, witnesses told ARA News.


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #281 on: May 10, 2016, 03:33:54 AM »
Dos Equis approved.   :)

Pentagon to ISIS Leader: 'Justice Will Look Like a Hellfire Missile'

Image: Pentagon to ISIS Leader: 'Justice Will Look Like a Hellfire Missile'  U.S. Army Col. Steve Warren (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo) 
By Joe Crowe   |    Friday, 01 Apr 2016
The Pentagon issued a stern warning Friday to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi: We will find you and you "will taste justice."

Army Col. Steve Warren, military spokesman in Baghadad, said this at a press conference, adding that he knew al-Baghdadi has been moving between Syria and Iraq, the Washington Times reports.

"I don't know if that justice will look like a Hellfire missile or it will look like a dark prison cell."

The U.S. has had some success with eliminating ISIS leaders, Warren said, and listed Abu Musab Zarqawi, who was killed in a bomb strike in 2006. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said that ISIS' finance minister Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli had been killed, according to a March 25 report on CNN.

Baghdadi orchestrated suicide bombings in Iraq after U.S. forces left in 2011. When civil war broke out in Syria, he captured territory there and began to form the Islamic State, also known as ISIS and ISIL.

"He was once a normal person," Baghdadi's ex-wife Saja el-Dulaimi said, in a report in the Washington Post.

"Whether we take them off and slam them into a dark cell somewhere or put a Hellfire missile at his location, either one of those would make us equally happy," said Warren.

"This is a terrorist who has to go," said Warren. "We're in the business of taking terrorists off the battlefield.

Now we are talking :)

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #282 on: May 10, 2016, 03:59:27 PM »
ISIS 'Kill Lists' Target Average Americans
Lydia Tomkiw

The names of average Americans have begun to appear on “kill lists” published by supporters of the Islamic State group, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

The long lists from sympathizers of the group also known as ISIS contain the names, home addresses, email addresses and phone numbers of average Americans who reportedly have no links to the U.S. government. ISIS has encouraged its members and supporters to target people named on the lists.

Authorities have notified the people whose names have been included, but remain unsure if the lists pose a serious threat or are meant to be used as scare tactics by the terror group. More than 2,000 New Yorkers were named on one list released at the end of April by the United Cyber Caliphate while approximately 1,500 Texans were named on another. Those named on the New York list included stay at home mothers and media executives.

“They’re putting out the lists that they are finding online and they’re sending it to their followers and they are saying these are good people for you to attack,” Thomas Galati, chief of intelligence for the New York Police Department, told the Wall Street Journal. “You can’t discount it.”

ISIS Suspects by State | InsideGov

ISIS has issued “kill lists” through its social media channels for more than a year, but authorities said the length of the lists has increased and targets have shifted from people with links to the government and military to average citizens. No person named by ISIS on its lists in the U.S. has been killed.

The U.S. has been fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria since 2014 primarily through airstrikes as part of a coalition effort. Government officials said last month that the number of ISIS members has significantly decreased.

“In fact, we assess Daesh’s numbers are the lowest they’ve been since we began monitoring their manpower in 2014,” said Deputy U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken before the U.S. Senate in April using another name to refer to ISIS.

The CIA estimated in 2014 that as many as 31,500 ISIS fighters were on the ground in Iraq and Syria. The group has successfully utilized social media to communicate with its followers and attract recruits. Studies have estimated as many as 20,000 foreign fighters have joined ISIS with as many as 4,000 recruits coming from Western Europe.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #283 on: June 09, 2016, 12:28:26 PM »
Yazidi girls burned alive for refusing to have sex with ISIS captors
By Fox News
June 7, 2016

This skull was found on Feb. 3, 2015, in a mass grave containing members of the Yazidi community killed by ISIS near the Iraqi village of Sinuni. Photo: Getty Images
Nineteen Iraqi Yazidi girls who refused to have sex with their Islamic State captors were placed in iron cages and burned alive in front of a crowd of hundreds in Mosul on Thursday, activists and witnesses say.

“The 19 girls were burned to death, while hundreds of people were watching,” a witness told ARA News. “Nobody could do anything to save them from the brutal punishment.”

ISIS took the girls — and thousands of others — as sex slaves after overtaking a northern Iraqi region they called home in August 2014.

Modal TriggerAn Iraqi Yazidi woman rests in a Kurdish camp after fleeing from ISIS after the terror group advanced into Iraq in August 2014.Photo: Getty Images

“They were punished for refusing to have sex with ISIS militants,” local activist Abdullah al-Malla told ARA News.

Human Rights Watch and the United Nations have called on ISIS to release the girls, citing human rights abuses.

“The longer they are held by ISIS, the more horrific life becomes for Yazidi women, bought and sold, brutally raped, their children torn from them,” said Skye Wheeler, a women’s rights emergencies researcher at Human Rights Watch, according to ARA News.

The Kurdistan Regional Government estimates that ISIS in Iraq and Syria is holding 1,800 abducted women and girls, while the UN puts the number at 3,500 Yazidis.

Some of the girls have even been put up for sale on social media platforms, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #284 on: June 13, 2016, 12:48:46 PM »
Senseless tragedy, possibly aided by political correctness. 

Former co-worker says Orlando gunman was 'unhinged and unstable', went on racist, misogynistic rants
Published June 13, 2016
EDITOR'S NOTE: Orlando's mayor on Monday revised the death toll in the nightclub shooting to 49, from 50. The 50th body was identified as gunman Omar Mateen.

The gunman who killed at least 50 people at an Orlando nightclub early Sunday was described by a former colleague as an "unhinged and unstable" person who repeatedly made racist, misogynist and homophobic remarks.

Daniel Gilroy, a former police officer, worked as a security officer with G4S Security at the PGA Village complex in Port St. Lucie. Pulse nightclub shooter Omar Mateen worked the shift right after Gilroy at the complex's south gate.

Gilroy described Mateen as a devout Muslim who brought a prayer mat to work and prayed several times a day.

"There was never a moment where he didn't have anger and rage," Gilroy told "The Kelly File". "And he was always loud and cursing. And anytime a female or a black person came by, he would use horrible words."

On one occasion, Gilroy said, Mateen told him, "I would just like to kill all those [n-words]" after a conversation between Mateen and a black man. "A few times he mentioned homosexuals and Jewish people," Gilroy said, "but we didn't deal with them quite as often, so it was mostly women and blacks, because those were the people in front of us."

Gilroy told Florida Today that he complained to his superiors several times about Mateen, but they refused to take action because, Gilroy claimed, Mateen was Muslim. Gilroy said he quit G4S in 2015 after Mateen began sending him dozens of harassing text and phone messages per day.

"Everything he said was toxic," Gilroy told the paper, "and the company wouldn't do anything. This guy was unhinged and unstable. He talked of killing people."

PGA Village resident Eleanora Dori, however, described Mateen to Florida Today as "very polite" and "always a gentleman."

"You would never ever think that he would have done anything like this," she told the paper. "Scary, scary. Very scary."

In a statement late Sunday, G4S said Mateen had worked for the company since 2007 and had passed a company screening and background check twice, once when he was hired and again in 2013.

"In 2013, we learned that Mateen had been questioned by the FBI but that the inquiries were subsequently closed," the statement read in part. "We were not made aware of any alleged connections between Mateen and terrorist activities, and were unaware of any further FBI investigations."

Meanwhile, it emerged late Sunday that Mateen had sent a Facebook friend request to the owner of another gay club last week, raising the possibility that he may have considered targeting other LGBT nightspots in the area.

Micah Bass, the owner of the M Hotel and the Revere nightclub, told the East Orlando Post that Mateen sent him the friend request late last week.

Bass told The New York Times that he recognized Mateen's picture after he had been identified as the shooter at the Pulse nightclub early Sunday.

"I saw the picture and said ‘That guy tried to friend me," Bass said.

Bass said he deleted Mateen's friend request after noticing that his friends had Arabic writing on their Facebook pages. Bass said that because there are not many Arabic speakers in the gay subculture, he believed the friend request to have been a mistake.

Bass and his business partner had closed Revere Thursday, and planned to only make it available for private events.

"I feel terrible," Bass told the Times. “I’m hoping that my staff didn’t end up at Pulse."

"If we had not closed for restructuring ... We very well could have been the target this weekend," Bass said. He added that he had notified the FBI about Mateen's social media activity and was examining video footage to determine whether the gunman or any possible accomplices visited the club in recent weeks.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #285 on: June 14, 2016, 03:36:53 PM »
Obama unleashes on GOP critics over 'radical Islam' term
Published June 14, 2016

After years of brushing off criticism for avoiding the term “radical Islam,” President Obama fired a point-blank broadside Tuesday at his critics, calling the debate a “political distraction” that will do nothing to combat terrorism.

Speaking from the White House during what was expected to be an update for the public on the fight against the Islamic State, Obama lit into his critics and specifically presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. Their criticism has mounted in the wake of the Orlando terror attack, which Obama declined to publicly link to radical Islam.

“Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away. … There’s no magic to the phrase of radical Islam,” Obama countered Tuesday. “It’s a political talking point.”

Trump and Capitol Hill Republicans swiftly pushed back on the president's remarks.

Trump said Obama "claims to know our enemy, and yet he continues to prioritize our enemy over our allies, and for that matter, the American people."

He also said: "When I am president, it will always be America first."

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., said earlier: “With all due respect Mr. President, you’re wrong. ... Telling the truth about violent Islam is a prerequisite to a strategy -- a strategy you admitted you don’t have. It is the commander-in-chief’s duty to actually identify our enemies and to help the American people understand the challenge of violent Islam.”

Obama, though, went on to warn of a slippery slope in this debate, citing Trump’s call for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration – a proposal many in Trump’s party do not support, including House Speaker Paul Ryan.

“We don’t have religious tests here,” Obama said, without attacking Trump by name. But answering one of Trump’s most frequent accusations, the president said his reluctance to use the phrase “radical Islam” has “nothing to do with political correctness and everything to do with actually defeating extremism.”

He said groups like ISIS “want to claim that they are the true leaders of over a billion Muslims … who reject their crazy notions,” and a move to single out Muslims in America “betrays the very values America stands for.”

A day earlier, during a speech in New Hampshire, Trump had doubled down on his call for a Muslim immigration ban.

“It we don’t get tough, and we don’t get smart -- and fast -- we’re not going to have a country anymore. There will be nothing left,” Trump said.

Ryan, however, said Tuesday he does not support that proposal. "I do not think a Muslim ban is in our country's interest," Ryan said. "I do not think it is reflective of our principles, not just as a party but as a country."

Before tackling the “radical Islam” debate, Obama was speaking at the White House Tuesday to deliver a status report to the public on the fight against the Islamic State, after meeting with his National Security Council.

He claimed that campaign is making gains and ISIS is “on defense.”

A day earlier, presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton also claimed ISIS is losing ground in Iraq and Syria -- but addressed other concerns about the group’s reach.

“As ISIS loses actual ground in Iraq and Syria, it will seek to stage more attacks and gain stronger footholds wherever it can, from Afghanistan, to Libya, to Europe,” Clinton said. “The threat is metastasizing.”

Further, Clinton referred openly in a TV interview to the threat from “radical Islamism.”

Obama, though, joined Clinton Tuesday in pushing for gun control measures to thwart terror attacks including renewing the assault-weapons ban.

“Make it harder for terrorists to use these weapons to kill us,” Obama said.

On that point, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said, “We should not make it harder for law-abiding Americans to defend themselves when radical Islamic terrorists are successfully launching attacks on U.S. soil.”

John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. under the George W. Bush administration, said Tuesday that Obama's remarks were like a “lecture” and urged Clinton to break with the president on the terminology issue.

“It shows the president to be a small man,” Bolton told Fox News.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #286 on: June 16, 2016, 02:21:06 PM »
Orlando terrorist's chilling Facebook posts from inside club revealed
By  Malia Zimmerman 
Published June 15, 2016
In the hours after he blasted his way into an Orlando gay nightclub, and with his victims lying dead or wounded around him, Omar Mateen took to Facebook to pledge his loyalty to ISIS and threaten more attacks on the civilized world, a key lawmaker privy to the gunman’s posts told Wednesday.

Mateen, who killed 49 people and wounded 53 inside Pulse early Sunday, died when a SWAT team stormed the club. But in the roughly four hours between his initial rampage and his death, the 29-year-old radicalized Muslim broadcast his twisted message of hate on social media, according to Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wisc.

“I pledge my alliance to (ISIS leader) abu bakr al Baghdadi..may Allah accept me,” Mateen wrote in one post early Sunday morning. “The real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west” …“You kill innocent women and children by doing us taste the Islamic state vengeance.”

Mateen’s social media accounts were taken down before they could be widely viewed by the public, but Johnson’s committee investigators have uncovered some or all of them. The senator has also written a letter to Facebook executives expressing concern about Mateen’s postings and asking for more information on his activities.

“It is my understanding that Omar Mateen used Facebook before and during the attack to search for and post terrorism-related content,” read Johnson’s letter. “According to information obtained by my staff, five Facebook accounts were apparently associated with Omar Mateen.”

The posts uncovered by Johnson’s committee shed light on Mateen’s actions in the hours that followed his 2 a.m. raid on the nightclub. Mateen, armed with a Sig Sauer MCX rifle and a handgun, shot his way past an off-duty cop and sprayed bullets throughout the club, which was packed with more than 300 revelers when he arrived. Some escaped, many died or were wounded and scores more waited out the horrific ordeal, knowing each moment could be their last.

As survivors cowered in darkened rooms, praying and texting police and relatives, Mateen accessed his Facebook account to search for media reports, using search words such as “Pulse Orlando” and “Shooting.” An FBI source told he also made 16 phone calls from inside the club after the bloody spree began. Investigators are tracking down each of the recipients of those calls.

Mateen proclaimed his hatred for Westerners in one Facebook post uncovered by Johnson’s committee.

“America and Russia stop bombing the Islamic state,” Mateen wrote.

In his final post, Mateen made an ominous prediction.

“In the next few days you will see attacks from the Islamic state in the usa.”

Besides looking for information on himself, Johnson noted Mateen used Facebook to search for information on the jihadist couple behind the Dec. 2 San Bernardino attack, used the search term “Baghdadi Speech,” and scouted for posts by local law enforcement and FBI, Johnson told

Johnson called on Facebook to hand over all information the company has on Mateen for review and to brief his committee on all of Mateen’s activity logs, Facebook timeline information, Facebook messages, photos, and posts by June 29.

Facebook officials confirmed to they have received Johnson’s letter.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #287 on: June 16, 2016, 02:31:44 PM »
The Israeli Prime Minister gets it.  Our president does not. 


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #288 on: June 16, 2016, 02:56:27 PM »
The Israeli Prime Minister gets it.  Our president does not. 

which is why Netanyahu's own government is revolting against him right now and members of his cabinet are resigning

sigh................dest roying you is so amazingly easy

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #289 on: June 16, 2016, 02:58:03 PM »
which is why Netanyahu's own government is revolting against him right now and members of his cabinet are resigning

sigh................dest roying you is so amazingly easy

What the heck does that have to do with his comments??  You didn't even watch the clip.   ::)


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #290 on: June 16, 2016, 03:06:10 PM »
What the heck does that have to do with his comments??  You didn't even watch the clip.   ::)

you're right....I didn't..I am so used to destroying you early I forgot to..I'll watch it now and then come back to destroy you some more ;D ;D


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #291 on: June 16, 2016, 03:08:31 PM »
The Israeli Prime Minister gets it.  Our president does not. 

Would love to see this scumbag starring in an ISIS propaganda video.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #292 on: June 17, 2016, 01:20:01 PM »
Would love to see this scumbag starring in an ISIS propaganda video.

You would love to see the Prime Minister of Israel murdered by Islamic Terrorists? 

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #293 on: June 17, 2016, 01:25:48 PM »
The enemy is radical Islam, not the National Rifle Association
By  Todd Starnes 
Published June 15, 2016
Over the past eight years - the Obama administration has never let a crisis go to waste. The Orlando terrorist attack was no different.

President Obama co-opted an Islamic radical terrorist attack and turned it into a campaign to ban “assault rifles” (their words, not mine).

Click here to join Todd’s American Dispatch: a must-read for conservatives!

“We have to make it harder for people who want to kill Americans to get their hands on weapons of war that let them kill dozens of innocents,” the president declared.

So does he plan on confiscating our pressure cookers? What about fertilizer or cutlery or jetliners? Would that make us safer?

“Enough talking about being tough on terrorism,” the president said in a lecture to the nation on Tuesday. “Actually be tough on terrorism, and stop making it easy as possible for terrorists to buy assault weapons.”

Click here to get Todd’s latest book! It’s your primer on how to restore traditional American values!

If the president really wanted to be tough on terrorism, he would actually acknowledge the real enemy and he would stop making it easy for the jihadists to cross our borders.

“Reinstate the assault weapons ban,” he demanded. “Make it harder for terrorists to use these weapons to kill us.”

How about making sure Americans have the tools necessary to defend themselves and their families against the jihadists? How about you stop being an apologist for the Islamists – and start being a Commander-in-Chief for the United States?

The mainstream media has been more than willing to take up the president's cause.

The New York Daily News leading the charge with a front page headline blaming the National Rifle Association for the Orlando massacre.

In today's edition - they accused NRA members of being traitors. Traitors.

“Thanks, NRA. Because of your continued opposition to an assault rifle ban, terrorists like this lunatic can legally buy a killing machine and perpetrate the worst mass shooing in U.S. history,” another headline screamed.

Can you believe people actually read this garbage?

The anti-gun crowd has become unhinged. Truth is, most of them would not be able to tell the difference between an AR-15 and a Super Soaker.

They do not understand this central truth: the Second Amendment protects all of the other Amendments.

What happened in Orlando was the work of a jihadist - not a law-abiding NRA member. It was an Islamic radical who slaughtered those people -- not a deer hunter.

Chris Cox, the executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, summed it up nicely in a USA Today editorial:

“It’s time for us to admit that radical Islam is a hate crime waiting to happen. The only way to defeat them is to destroy them – not destroy the right of law-abiding Americans to defend ourselves.”

The enemy is radical Islam, folks -- not the NRA.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #294 on: June 22, 2016, 01:37:10 PM »
Anatomy of the terror threat: Files show hundreds of US plots, refugee connection
By  Judson Berger 
Published June 22, 2016

Newly obtained congressional data shows hundreds of terror plots have been stopped in the U.S. since 9/11 – mostly involving foreign-born suspects, including dozens of refugees.

. . .

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #295 on: June 22, 2016, 01:42:26 PM »
Somebody take that kid away from the microphone.  I hope she is just a mouthpiece and doesn't have any role in policymaking. 

State Department spokeswoman: Call for using jobs to combat terror ‘too nuanced’ for critics
Published February 18, 2015

State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf, after coming under fire for suggesting a way to fight the Islamic State and all terrorism is by creating jobs, has an answer for her critics: Her argument is just "too nuanced" for them to understand.

Harf, in TV interviews Tuesday night, stood by her original remarks and said she was speaking about a comprehensive approach to combating "extremism."

Harf said that means airstrikes in the short-term, and going after "root causes" like poor economic conditions in the long-term.

"Longer term, we cannot kill every terrorist around the world, nor should we try," Harf said on CNN. "How do you get at the root causes of this? Look, it might be too nuanced an argument for some, like I've seen over the past 24 hours some of the commentary out there, but it's really the smart way that Democrats, Republicans, military commanders, our partners in the Arab world think we need to combat this."

Harf went on to say the approach doesn't fit "into a sound bite," when asked to respond to the intense criticism, on social media and elsewhere, of her original remarks.

On Tuesday, Rob O'Neill, former Navy SEAL Team 6 member, told Fox News a "military strategy" is what's needed to fight ISIS.

"They get paid to cut off heads -- to crucify children, to sell slaves and to cut off heads and I don't think that a change in career path is what's going to stop them," he said.

O'Neill, who claims to have fired the shot that killed Usama bin Laden, warned that the problem is spreading.

"We can't let it happen," he said. "It'll go to Saudi Arabia, it'll hit Jordan."

Harf first pointed to jobs as a counter-ISIS strategy during an interview Monday night on MSNBC -- after ISIS-aligned militants slaughtered 21 Coptic Christians in Libya.   

"We're killing a lot of them, and we're going to keep killing more of them. ... But we cannot win this war by killing them," Harf said on MSNBC's "Hardball." "We need ... to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it's lack of opportunity for jobs, whether --"

At that point, Harf was interrupted by host Chris Matthews, who pointed out, "There's always going to be poor people. There's always going to be poor Muslims."

Harf continued to argue that the U.S. should work with other countries to "help improve their governance" and "help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people."

She said: "If we can help countries work at the root causes of this -- what makes these 17-year-old kids pick up an AK-47 instead of trying to start a business?"

Harf stood by the remarks Tuesday night on CNN, and on MSNBC. CNN host Wolf Blitzer challenged her statements, asking if she thinks these young men might not turn to terror if they just had a job.

Harf called that a "gross oversimplification."

Blitzer pointed out that some of the world's most notorious terrorists, including bin Laden, came from wealth and privilege.

Harf acknowledged that point. On Twitter, she also defended herself by quoting other leaders, including former President George W. Bush, who has pointed to the need to fight poverty as a way to fight terrorism.

So if I'm following this, terrorists need jobs and a hug.  Brilliant.   

Loretta Lynch: ‘Most effective’ response to Islamic terrorism ‘is love'
By Douglas Ernst  - The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Attorney General Loretta Lynch told Florida’s LGBT community that the “most effective” weapon at America’s disposal against Islamic terrorism is “love.”

Mrs. Lynch told reporters in Orlando on Tuesday that an ongoing investigation will determine the precise motive for 29-year-old Omar Mateen’s June 12 massacre at Pulse, a gay nightclub. Mateen, a former security guard, called 911 and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group while killing 49 people and wounding 53 others.

“To the LGBT community — we stand with you,” President Obama’s attorney general said. “The good in this world far outweighs the evil. Our common humanity transcends our differences, and our most effective response to terror is compassion, it’s unity and it’s love. We stand with you today because we grieve together, and long after the cameras are gone will continue to stand with you as we grow together in commitment and solidarity and in equality.”

Mrs. Lynch added that $1 million in emergency funding for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement would be allocated “as soon as possible,” the Miami Herald reported.

The federal funds will be used to cover overtime pay and other costs incurred by Orlando’s local law enforcement agencies during the massacre, the newspaper reported.

“The message of Orlando is a message of determination to remove hatred, to remove intolerance from our midst,” Mrs. Lynch said.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #296 on: June 29, 2016, 12:56:22 PM »
More carnage by the "desperate" JV team. 

'Defies reality': Kerry takes heat for claiming airport attack a sign of ISIS desperation
Published June 29, 2016

Secretary of State John Kerry faced swift criticism Wednesday for suggesting the terror attack at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport was evidence the Islamic State is getting “desperate” – an assessment one top Republican official said “defies reality.”

Kerry made the remarks late Tuesday at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Colorado, referring to ISIS by the name Daesh.

Crediting coalition efforts, Kerry said it’s been over a year since the group launched a “full-scale military offensive.”

"Now, yes, you can bomb an airport, you can blow yourself up. That's the tragedy. Daesh and others like it know that we have to get it right 24/7/365. They have to get it right for ten minutes or one hour. So it's a very different scale,” Kerry said. "And if you're desperate and if you know you’re losing, and you know you want to give up your life, then obviously you can do some harm.”

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul, R-Texas, slammed the secretary’s assessment.

“They’ve said they’re on the run for many years, and they’re not,” McCaul told Fox News Wednesday morning. “I think the airstrikes have ramped up external operations … This is an unprecedented pace of terror in modern times. And so to say they’re on the run … absolutely defies reality.”

Underscoring Kerry’s questionable characterization was news Wednesday that Islamic State militants were pushing back U.S.-trained Syrian rebels in a battle for control of a town on the Iraqi border.

While no terror group has claimed responsibility for the Istanbul attack, Turkish officials told The Associated Press and Reuters that ISIS was the prime suspect. The attack killed at least 42 and injured hundreds, with the body county expected to keep rising. The attack at one of the world's busiest airports was committed by three suicide bombers who opened fire with AK-47s before blowing themselves up.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani told Fox News these attacks – along with those in Paris, Brussels and, most recently, Orlando, Fla. – are “following their plan.”

“This isn’t accidental,” he said, adding “something’s wrong” with the secretary of state’s analysis.

Officials inside the Obama administration have given a conflicting picture of ISIS’ strength.

What’s clear is that the group is under pressure from coalition forces in its central territory of Iraq and Syria, even as it pushes back. The Iraqi government declared victory over the weekend in driving ISIS out of the Iraqi city of Fallujah, and the Pentagon confirmed that Iraqi security forces are in “100 percent control” of the city -- while also saying ISIS has not had a “strategic victory” in over a year.

The disconnect comes when administration officials discuss ISIS operations and strength outside Iraq and Syria.

Earlier this month, CIA Director John Brennan testified on Capitol Hill that despite progress against ISIS on the battlefield, “our efforts have not reduced the group's terrorism capability and global reach.”

He described the group as “resilient” and said they will wage their terror campaign globally in response.

“The group's foreign branches and global networks can help preserve its capacity for terrorism regardless of events in Iraq and Syria,” Brennan said. “In fact, as the pressure mounts on ISIL, we judge that it will intensify its global terror campaign to maintain its dominance of the global terrorism agenda.”

The chilling warning came after Obama said the anti-ISIS campaign “is firing on all cylinders” and the group “is under more pressure than ever before.”

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #297 on: June 29, 2016, 12:58:08 PM »
ISIS eyed as prime culprit in Istanbul airport terror attack
Published June 29, 2016

The coordinated massacre at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport came into clearer focus Wednesday as officials revealed a more detailed timeline of the terror attack that killed 42 and wounded 238.

After the three attackers arrived at the Turkish transit hub via taxi on Tuesday, one of the assailants entered the terminal, began shooting people and then blew himself up near X-ray machines, officials said. During the chaos, a second attacker rushed to the departures level and detonated his explosives. The third attacker waited outside during the entire episode, blowing himself up as scared travelers frantically flooded out of the airport.

"When the terrorists couldn't pass the regular security system, when they couldn't pass the scanners, police and security controls, they returned and took out their weapons out of their suitcases and opened fire at random at the security check," Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said Wednesday.

Several U.S. airports strengthened security measures due to the carnage in Istanbul, and, adding to the tension, a terminal at JFK Airport in New York was evacuated for a brief period Wednesday when a suspicious bag was spotted. It was later determined the unattended bag posed no threat and travelers were allowed back in the terminal.

Authorities viewed ISIS as the most likely culprit in the Istanbul attack, as the Turkey assault bore hallmarks similar to the March 22 coordinated terror attacks in Brussels, in which ISIS operatives killed 32 in coordinated bombings at Zaventem airport and a nearby metro station. But ISIS had not taken credit for Tuesday's attacks, and Ankara has battled Kurdish militants as well as ISIS.
Turkish officials told The Associated Press and Reuters that ISIS was the primary suspect, however, and the Islamic State released an infographic Wednesday in which it claimed to have "covert" units in Turkey. The infographic, sent out via ISIS' Amaq news agency, was made to commemorate the two-year anniversary of the militants establishing their so-called caliphate in areas of Syria and Iraq.

A U.S. government official told Fox News that the attack fits the profile of ISIS, which has stepped up its targeting of Turkey. The official said ISIS tends to attack internationally known targets with an economic impact, such as an airport, while the Kurdish terror group PKK generally targets Turkish military and law enforcement.

"If this Islamic State is indeed behind this attack, this would be a declaration of war," Analyst Soner Cagaptay, director of the Turkish Research Program at The Washington Institute, told AFP. "Turkey's vengeance will come down like rain from hell on the Islamic State."

Of the 238 people injured in the carnage, 109 had already been discharged from the hospital Wednesday morning, The Istanbul Governor's Office said. The Turkish Health Minister said 40 people remained in intensive care.

Most of those killed were Turkish, officials said. The 14 foreign travelers killed included six Saudis, two Iraqis and citizens from China, Iran, Jordan, Tunisia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, Reuters reported.

The assault began when one attacker blew himself up outside the Ataturk terminal, the Haber Turk newspaper reported. Two other terrorists then opened fire at a point where X-ray machines are located.

Fatalities and Injuries from Terrorist Attacks in Turkey | FindTheData
"He's shooting up, two times, and he's beginning to shoot people like that, like he was walking like a prophet," Otfah Mohamed Abdullah, who witnessed one of the attackers, told AFPTV.

One attacker was shot at while running amid fleeing passengers, then blew himself up at an exit. The third attacker went up one level to where the international departures terminal is, was shot by police and blew himself up.

A Turkish official told The Associated Press that authorities were going through CCTV footage and eyewitness statements to establish a more detailed timeline of the attack. "It is a jigsaw puzzle" said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with government protocol.

Airport surveillance video posted on social media showed the moment of one blast, a huge ball of fire, and passengers fleeing in terror. Another appeared to show an attacker, felled by a gunshot from a security officer, blowing himself up seconds later.

The recent attacks on Turkey, a key partner in the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS and a NATO member, have increased in scale and frequency. They have scared away tourists and hurt the Turkish economy, which relies heavily on tourism.

Hundreds of passengers who fled the airport in fear were left sitting on the grass outside. Several ambulances drove back and forth, and security vehicles surrounded the scene.

As if to underscore Turkey's determination to carry on in the face of a growing threat, the airport reopened Wednesday, just hours after the dead were carried away and glass and debris were cleared.

Adam Keally, from Boston, said he heard gunfire followed by several explosions, then saw people "very badly injured."

Hevin Zini, 12, had just arrived from Duesseldorf, Germany, with her family and was in tears.

"There was blood on the ground," she told the AP. "Everything was blown up to bits... if we had arrived two minutes earlier, it could have been us."

Two South African tourists, Paul and Susie Roos from Cape Town, were at the airport and due to fly home at the time of the explosions.

"We came up from the arrivals to the departures, up the escalator when we heard these shots going off," Paul Roos told the AP. "There was this guy going roaming around, he was dressed in black and he had a handgun."

Veysel Allay, who was waiting for a friend in the arrivals terminal, told the Daily Telegraph, "A  man ran up and ripped open his jacket, showing a bomb vest. I ran before he did anything."

Jim Hyong Lee of South Korea told the Telegraph he and his family were checking in for a flight home when "we heard gunshots."

"I grabbed my family and ran," Lee said. "Someone waved us into the prayer room and hid us there until the police came."

A State Department spokesman told Fox News late Tuesday that Americans in Turkey were being urged to contact family members immediately.

Saudi Arabia's Embassy in Turkey said at least seven Saudis were injured in the attack and all were in stable condition.

U.S. and world leaders immediately offered condolences following the attack.

In the U.S., President Obama was briefed about the attack by Lisa Monaco, his homeland security and counterterrorism adviser. A statement from the White House on Tuesday condemned the attack "in the strongest possible terms."

"We remain steadfast in our support for Turkey, our NATO Ally and partner, along with all of our friends and allies around the world, as we continue to confront the threat of terrorism," the statement said.

Turkey has stepped up controls at airports and land borders and deported thousands of foreign fighters, but has struggled to tackle the threat of ISIS militants while also conducting vast security operations against Kurdish rebels, who have also been blamed for recent deadly attacks.

Turkish airports have security checks at both the entrance of terminal buildings and then later before entry to departure gates.

Istanbul's Ataturk Airport was the 11th busiest airport in the world last year, with 61.8 million passengers, according to Airports Council International. It is also one of the fastest-growing airports in the world, seeing 9.2 percent more passengers last year than in 2014.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #298 on: June 29, 2016, 05:07:19 PM »
CIA chief Brennan looks at Turkish attack and sees a warning for Americans
Daniel Klaidman
Deputy Editor, Yahoo News
June 29, 2016

Four hours after three suicide bombers killed at least 41 people and wounded hundreds more at Istanbul’s Ataturk airport, CIA Director John Brennan said the attacks bore the grim hallmarks of ISIS and warned that the fanatically violent Islamic terrorist group wants to conduct similar large-scale attacks in the United States.

“I am worried from the standpoint of an intelligence professional who looks at the capabilities of Daesh … and their determination to kill as many as people as possible and to carry out attacks abroad,” Brennan said in an exclusive interview at CIA headquarters with Yahoo News. Brennan credited effective homeland security measures and intelligence for the fact that ISIS has been unable to attack America directly — the Orlando and San Bernardino shootings were carried out by radicals inspired by ISIS but not under its control — but he believes the group will keep trying to penetrate American defenses.

“You look at what happened in the Turkish airport, these were suicide vests. It’s not that difficult to actually construct and fabricate a suicide vest … so if you have a determined enemy and individuals who are not concerned about escape, that they are going into it with a sense that they are going to die, that really does complicate your strategy in terms of preventing attacks.”

He added: “I’d be surprised if Daesh is not trying to carry out that kind of attack in the United States.” Daesh is an acronym for the Arabic name of the Islamic State, better known as ISIS or ISIL.

Without confirming that the airport bombings were carried out by ISIS, which as of Wednesday morning had not claimed responsibility, Brennan indicated that the method of attack — suicide bombers wearing explosives-laden vests — pointed to the Islamic extremist group rather than to Kurdish nationalists, who have been waging a campaign of violence against the Turkish state. “It was a suicide bombing [which] is usually more a Daesh technique,” Brennan said.

Moreover, Brennan said that ISIS has a motive to spread its terror to Turkey, which has been targeting ISIS terrorists across the border in Syria. Until recently, Ankara’s failure to police its border with Syria was a sore point with Washington. “Turkey has been cracking down on some of the transit of foreign fighters who are flowing into, as well as out of, Turkey, and they are part of part of the coalition providing support, allowing their territory to be used by coalition aircraft, so there are a lot of reasons why Daesh would want to strike back.”

Brennan said ISIS is using terror tactics to “offset” tactical battlefield setbacks and losses of territory in Syria and Iraq. But he was quick to add that the wider offensive in the region and Europe and beyond is “not solely” a reaction to losses in Iraq and Syria. “Over the past year and a half they have made a more determined effort to carry out attacks abroad, and we see in terms of their plans, their preparations, the movement of people as well as propagandizing outside, exhorting, inciting a much more determined effort to carry out these external operations,” Brennan said.

In the interview, Brennan was blunt about the slow nature of progress both in the fight against ISIS and efforts to push Syrian President Bashar Assad out of power. He echoed somewhat pessimistic comments he made earlier this month before the Senate Intelligence Committee about the enduring strength of ISIS as a terrorist organization with global reach. “We’ve yet to really thwart Daesh’s ability to reach beyond the Syria-Iraqi borders and put in place some of the plans and preparations to carry out attacks,” Brennan said. He added, “I am very concerned we have not had the success against Daesh in that environment as we’ve had in the core areas of Syria and Iraq.”

A key prong of U.S. strategy to defeat ISIS is the removal of Assad, whom Brennan described as a “magnet” for a wide spectrum of extremist groups in Syria. But the CIA chief acknowledged that Assad is getting stronger rather than weaker. “Relative to where he was on the battlefield last year, [Assad] is in a better and stronger position [today],” he said. For that he blames Russia, which intervened last September to prop up its flagging client with thousands of troops and sophisticated weaponry. Frustrated with Moscow, Brennan said, “The Russians sometimes want their cake and eat it too as far as having the cooperation with us against terrorists but not wanting to do anything that’s going to lead to a political settlement that will have a more durable future as a far as a political agreement.”

Between the Syrian conflict and Russia’s invasion of Crimea in 2014, Moscow has been a persistent problem for Brennan. More recently, he had to confront his Russian counterparts over evidence that their intelligence operatives have been systematically harassing U.S. diplomats both in Moscow and Europe. According to a Washington Post report, Russian agents have paid journalists to write negative stories about Americans, have followed their kids home from school and, in one case, have even broken into a U.S. defense attache’s home and killed his dog. Brennan says he told his counterparts “in direct terms,” that the behavior was “unacceptable” and “destructive” to the relationship.

Another sort of irritant emanating from Moscow is Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor whose unauthorized disclosures of highly classified surveillance programs infuriated and embarrassed the U.S. intelligence community. A polarizing figure, who some see as a whistleblower and others as a traitor, Snowden was granted asylum by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s government in 2013 and later charged by U.S. prosecutors with violating the Espionage Act. In the twilight of Barack Obama’s presidency, there are mounting calls for Snowden to receive a pardon. Brennan is having none of it. “He has dishonored his oath,” he said, and should return to the U.S. to face charges. Asked to comment on former Attorney General Eric Holder’s recent comment that Snowden, while harming American interests, “actually performed a public service” by sparking a debate on civil liberties, Brennan bristled a bit and said, “I do not believe that at all. I respectfully but vehemently disagree with the former attorney general.”

In the Yahoo News interview, Brennan also weighed in on reports that state-sponsored hackers in Russia penetrated the computer systems of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in an effort to collect intelligence about the U.S. election — potentially to try to influence it. “There probably are concerns that people might have on this issue in terms of any types of external influences ,” Brennan said carefully about an active FBI investigation into the cyber-intrusion. “If there are efforts to get into different types of networks and databases, there’s absolutely that concern and I will defer to my FBI and Homeland Security and other colleagues to address their concerns in that cyber realm.”

Brennan was cautious in his comments about Donald Trump. Asked about Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric, Brennan declined to criticize the presumptive nominee directly but mentioned that his fellow spymasters, particularly in the Middle East, are concerned that comments coming from “some political quarters” in the U.S. are feeding extremist narratives. And Brennan sidestepped a question about whether he would be comfortable giving Trump a classified intelligence briefing, as protocol dictates, the day after he becomes the formal Republican nominee. “The agency will carry out its responsibilities as appropriate in the aftermath of the conventions,” Brennan said.

Toward the end of the interview, which took place in the director’s private dining room in Langley, overlooking the lush woods surrounding the CIA’s main campus, Brennan contemplated every spymaster’s darkest fear: the possibility, however remote, that a mole has penetrated his service. “If you’re part of an intelligence organization, counter-intelligence needs to pervade everything that you do,” Brennan said. “One should never assume that there is not a mole in your organization.” Lightning flashed across a cloud-darkened sky as Brennan mused on the chances of an enemy spy in his midst.


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #299 on: June 29, 2016, 06:39:01 PM »
Is there really an argument that radical Islam isn't a problem.

Fuck people.

The people who died in turkey were almost all Muslim!

Radical Islam is terrorizing not radical Islam. How does the Muslim community not get pissed off over this?