Author Topic: newt coming back from the dead?  (Read 2453 times)

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2012, 08:31:54 PM »
LOl!!!    You are setting yourself up for obamamania and we all know it!   LOL. 

you keep saying that.  when i am i gonna start trashing ron paul again?  ummmm

and seirously, comparing the top 2 contenders in the state i live in - suck me hard if you want to call that kneepadding.  We're a HUGE early voting state.  businesses are opening left and right in SW florida.  people are finding jobs suddenly.  i'm not crediting obama for it - i'm saying it'll lesseen romney's appeal as the economic guy.

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2012, 08:47:10 PM »
The Corner
The one and only.
The Man Who Gave Us Newt
By Mark Steyn
January 22, 2012 6:40 P.M.
The nature of this peculiar primary season – the reason it seems at odds with both the 2009-2010 political narrative and the seriousness of the times – was determined by Mitt Romney. Even if you don’t mind RomneyCare, or the abortion flip-flop, or any of the rest, there’s a more basic problem: He’s not a natural campaigner, and on the stump he instinctively recoils from any personal connection with the voters. So, in compensation, he’s bought himself a bunch of A-list advisors and a lavish campaign. He is, as he likes to say, the only candidate with experience in the private sector. So he knows better than to throw his money away, right? But that’s just what he’s doing, in big ways and small.

Small: It’s a good idea to get that telegenic gal (daughter-in-law?) to stand behind him during the concession speech, but one of those expensive consultants ought to tell her not to look so bored and glassy-eyed as the stiff guy grinds through the same-old-same-old for the umpteenth time. To those watching on TV last night, she looked like we felt.

Big: Why is the stump speech so awful? “I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that’s the America millions of Americans believe in. That’s the America I love.” Mitt paid some guy to write this insipid pap. And he paid others to approve it. Not only is it bland and generic, it’s lethal to him in a way that it wouldn’t be to Gingrich or Perry or Bachmann or Paul because it plays to his caricature – as a synthetic, stage-managed hollow man of no fixed beliefs. And, when Ron Paul’s going on about “fiat money” and Newt’s brimming with specifics on everything (he was great on the pipeline last night), Mitt’s generalities are awfully condescending: The finely calibrated inoffensiveness is kind of offensive.

And what’s with the wind up? The “shining city on the hill”? That’s another guy’s line – a guy with whom you have had hitherto little connection other than your public repudiation of him back in the Nineties. Can’t any of his highly paid honchos write him a campaign slogan that’s his own and doesn’t sound in his mouth so cheesily anodyne, as if some guy ran a focus-group and this phrase came up with the lowest negatives?

And where, among all the dough he’s handing out, is the rapid-response team? Newt’s “spontaneous” indignation at John King was carefully crafted by Gingrich himself. By contrast, Mitt has a ton of consultants, and not one of them thought he needed a credible answer on Bain or taxes? For a guy running as a chief exec applying proven private-sector solutions, his campaign looks awfully like an unreformable government bureaucracy: big, bloated, overstaffed, burning money, slow to react, and all but impossible to change.

Mitt’s strategy for 2012 as for 2008 was to sit on his lead and run out the clock: Four years ago, that strategy died in New Hampshire; this time round it died one state later. Congratulations! Years ago, I was chit-chatting with Arthur Laurents, the writer of West Side Story and The Way We Were and much else, about some show that was in trouble on the road that he’d been called in to “fix”. “The trouble with a bad show,” he sighed, “is that you can make it better but you can never make it good.” The Romney candidacy is better than it was four years ago, but it’s not clear that it’s good. Mitt needs to get good real fast: A real speech, real plan, real responses, and real fire in the belly. Does he have it in him?  


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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2012, 08:50:38 PM »
Newt is going to win this thing and it's a shame.

At least Mitt has experience in the world. Newt and Obama have never had to have a real job in their entire lives... They've lived off of the tax payer's money their entire lives.

Sad how the Republican voters are so easily shammed.

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2012, 08:52:13 PM »
Newt is going to win this thing and it's a shame.

At least Mitt has experience in the world. Newt and Obama have never had to have a real job in their entire lives... They've lived off of the tax payer's money their entire lives.

Sad how the Republican voters are so easily shammed.

not that I agree w this, but myth is an awful campaigner and so is RP.   

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2012, 08:54:15 PM »

Twitter: Report: Romney and Gingrich now tied in Florida
PPP Twiter ^ | 1/22/2012 | PPP
Posted on January 22, 2012 10:20:39 PM EST by TBBT

2 more people picked Mitt than Newt out of about 600 people we polled tonight...that's how close we're talking

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2012, 08:56:05 PM »

not that I agree w this, but myth is an awful campaigner and so is RP.   

Yeah, but at least he wasn't a welfare recipient like Newt or Obama has been their ENTIRE lives.

If you are a government employee for your entire life... or a consultant to the government your entire life. You are simply receiving a different type of welfare.

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2012, 08:59:30 PM »
I agree, but politics is what it is today.  The game is what it is, and those playing the game, need to play by the rules or perish

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2012, 04:23:26 AM »
early votes.  media won't talk about them.  but they're very real.

it'll be close in polls, a nailbiter, then "oh yeah, mitten won thru the absentees!' and "look, another florida mess" and "hanging chads, anyone?"

You can almost write their lame ass dialogue now.  Morning joe and steve douchy of fox alike. 

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2012, 06:32:32 AM »
Florida suddenly looks very different: If you thought Mitt's big lead in SC evaporated fast…
Salon's War Room ^ | January 23, 2012 | Steve Kornacki

Presumably, polling data that is more comprehensive and authoritative will be released in the next few days, but the initial indicators point to a Florida primary race that has been utterly transformed by Newt Gingrich’s resurgence.

Just a week ago, when he was coming off victories in Iowa* and New Hampshire and seemed on his way to a convincing South Carolina win, three different polls in the Sunshine State gave Mitt Rommey an average lead of 22 points, with Newt Gingrich running a very distant second in one of them and third (behind Rick Santorum) in the other. But now a new one-day survey from Insider Advantage conducted on Sunday finds Gingrich ahead by eight points, 34 to 26 percent, while the polling firm PPP announced late Sunday that the first night of its three-day poll in the state found a virtual tie, with just two more respondents out of 600 choosing Romney than Gingrich.

Mind you, there are some asterisks here. Insider Advantage is run by one of Gingrich’s former political lieutenants, Matt Towery, and its polling track record hasn’t always been reliable. And the results from just one night of polling can be deceptive (although it should be noted that PPP’s final night of polling in South Carolina ended up being virtually identical to the actual results the next day).

But it wouldn’t be surprising at all if the race in Florida now is a dead heat, or if Gingrich has even moved ahead, because Florida has been the epicenter of volatility in what has been an almost absurdly volatile GOP race. Just over a month ago, Gingrich found himself sitting on a gigantic lead in the state — 48 to 25 percent in a CNN poll and 47-17 in PPP’s. Those advantages evaporated as a Romney-aligned Super PAC moved into the state with an ad barrage and as panicked national Republican voices spent December chipping away at Gingrich’s standing with the party base. When the glowing press that accompanied his apparent successes in Iowa and New Hampshire was added to the mix, Romney suddenly looked invincible in Florida.

But the Republican universe in Florida is about as conservative and Tea Party-friendly as South Carolina’s. So if Gingrich could rally the GOP base back to his cause in the Palmetto State, there’s every reason to expect him to do the same in the Sunshine State, at least initially.


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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #34 on: January 23, 2012, 06:54:18 AM »
it's possible newt wins here in FL.  But he has to win BIG.  the early ballots here are HUGE.

if he kicks butt at tonights tampa debate, newt should be up 12 points.  but some of that lead is false, with the early ballots.

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #35 on: January 23, 2012, 06:57:52 AM »
it's possible newt wins here in FL.  But he has to win BIG.  the early ballots here are HUGE.

if he kicks butt at tonights tampa debate, newt should be up 12 points.  but some of that lead is false, with the early ballots.

Romney has a glass jaw.  He is awful and inspired no confidence whatsoever to GOP VOTERS.  I know obama voters like yourself and Hugo cant grasp that, but it is what it is.   

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2012, 07:15:07 AM »
Romney has a glass jaw.  He is awful and inspired no confidence whatsoever to GOP VOTERS.  I know obama voters like yourself and Hugo cant grasp that, but it is what it is.   

this is the problem, champ.  i'm making a rational, educated guess as to who will win florida.  you see that as me kneepadding ROMNEY, of all ppl?  LMAO

I think newt will lead in polls.  I think he'll be up 12 but will win by 5.  because of early votes, because of all the ads mitt is running and newt doesn't have a dump truck of $ to fire back.

see, you can't separate emotions from an actual prediction.  If you don't predict 'your guy' will win, then youre kneepadding the other guy?  doesn't work like that.

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #37 on: January 23, 2012, 07:18:53 AM »
this is the problem, champ.  i'm making a rational, educated guess as to who will win florida.  you see that as me kneepadding ROMNEY, of all ppl?  LMAO

I think newt will lead in polls.  I think he'll be up 12 but will win by 5.  because of early votes, because of all the ads mitt is running and newt doesn't have a dump truck of $ to fire back.

see, you can't separate emotions from an actual prediction.  If you don't predict 'your guy' will win, then youre kneepadding the other guy?  doesn't work like that.

Its really sad - because Newt is a train wreck, but he is doing what Romney and RP SHOULD BE DOING BUT WONT.   

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #38 on: January 23, 2012, 07:23:39 AM »
Its really sad - because Newt is a train wreck, but he is doing what Romney and RP SHOULD BE DOING BUT WONT.   

so stop calling me a romney kneepadder lmao...

i love ron paul.  i'd rather see newt, as much as a mess as he is, against obama.

I'm completely convinced i was wrong that romney is the best one to battle obama... he's so weak against the other repubs... obama is going to beat up on him.  romney is shaky and phony and the more people see, the more he stays at 25% in polls lol.

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #39 on: January 23, 2012, 07:23:49 AM »
you keep saying that.  when i am i gonna start trashing ron paul again?  ummmm

and seirously, comparing the top 2 contenders in the state i live in - suck me hard if you want to call that kneepadding.  We're a HUGE early voting state.  businesses are opening left and right in SW florida.  people are finding jobs suddenly.  i'm not crediting obama for it - i'm saying it'll lesseen romney's appeal as the economic guy.

hahaha because he is an idiot... duh.

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #40 on: January 23, 2012, 07:25:19 AM »

so stop calling me a romney kneepadder lmao...

i love ron paul.  i'd rather see newt, as much as a mess as he is, against obama.

I'm completely convinced i was wrong that romney is the best one to battle obama... he's so weak against the other repubs... obama is going to beat up on him.  romney is shaky and phony and the more people see, the more he stays at 25% in polls lol.

The problem w Romney is that he is a pussy.   The way he handled his taxes question left me convinced he will get beaten like a drum by obama and have no couter attack whatsoever. 

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #41 on: January 23, 2012, 07:30:44 AM »
The problem w Romney is that he is a pussy.   The way he handled his taxes question left me convinced he will get beaten like a drum by obama and have no couter attack whatsoever.

33, i know you hate obama, so it may be hard to admit...

but he's an egomaniac.  a very confident one.  he has spent 4 years dropping bombs and shooting pirates via armchair.  he's SO smug and pompous that he's singing al green in harlem as the millions pour in.

that kinda confidence can help him, if he smells fear on his opponent.  He'll be dropping 'your mama' jokes on mittens while mitt muddles thru the lyrics of 'who let the dogs out'.

however, that kinda confidence quickly turns to looking stupid when Newt gives him a "why dont you go work as a lounge singer and let the grownups handle running the country, you clown..."

Now, could that backfire on newt? sure.  but IMO, and i can't believe i'm saying this, Newt has a much better chance at beaitng obama than mitt.  there, i said it lol.  romney has turned into a trembling wussy.  you can tell he's never had to FIGHT for anything.  newt looks like his d**k gets hard every time someone makes him fight.  Romney, his balls shrink.

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #42 on: January 23, 2012, 07:35:51 AM »
33, i know you hate obama, so it may be hard to admit...

but he's an egomaniac.  a very confident one.  he has spent 4 years dropping bombs and shooting pirates via armchair.  he's SO smug and pompous that he's singing al green in harlem as the millions pour in.

that kinda confidence can help him, if he smells fear on his opponent.  He'll be dropping 'your mama' jokes on mittens while mitt muddles thru the lyrics of 'who let the dogs out'.

however, that kinda confidence quickly turns to looking stupid when Newt gives him a "why dont you go work as a lounge singer and let the grownups handle running the country, you clown..."

Now, could that backfire on newt? sure.  but IMO, and i can't believe i'm saying this, Newt has a much better chance at beaitng obama than mitt.  there, i said it lol.  romney has turned into a trembling wussy.  you can tell he's never had to FIGHT for anything.  newt looks like his d**k gets hard every time someone makes him fight.  Romney, his balls shrink.

Its sad - Romney starts stuttering, fumbling, and simply is not a fighter. 

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #43 on: January 23, 2012, 07:41:08 AM »
Its sad - Romney starts stuttering, fumbling, and simply is not a fighter. 

people really are a product of their experiences.

romney has been pampered.  he doesn't know what's hip, he doesn't know how to talk to people.  he's been surrounded by yes-men for way too long.

reminds me of bush1 AFTER he left office.  He hadn't shopped for foor in 12 years, and had no idea how a grocery scanner worked lol.

but Bush1 served the country and was a certifiable badass for decades before becoming soft and sheltered as president.

Romney - hell, he released a pic of him DOING LAUNDRY to try to relate to voters the other day - did you see that?  Insane.

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #44 on: January 23, 2012, 07:42:55 AM »

people really are a product of their experiences.

romney has been pampered.  he doesn't know what's hip, he doesn't know how to talk to people.  he's been surrounded by yes-men for way too long.

reminds me of bush1 AFTER he left office.  He hadn't shopped for foor in 12 years, and had no idea how a grocery scanner worked lol.

but Bush1 served the country and was a certifiable badass for decades before becoming soft and sheltered as president.

Romney - hell, he released a pic of him DOING LAUNDRY to try to relate to voters the other day - did you see that?  Insane.

Yeah, he is GHWB wo the military or CIA experience

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2012, 07:44:38 AM »

Yeah, he is GHWB wo the military or CIA experience

IMO, if romney looks like a scared wuss against santorum and newt, he'll look like a fool against obama.

and against he world?  lol Putin must be licking his chops.  he'd literally urinate on romney and mittens woudl thank him for letting him know how he truly feels.

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2012, 07:48:02 AM »
IMO, if romney looks like a scared wuss against santorum and newt, he'll look like a fool against obama.

and against he world?  lol Putin must be licking his chops.  he'd literally urinate on romney and mittens woudl thank him for letting him know how he truly feels.

That is why Obama wants romney first and foremost, his glass jaw.

At least Newt will call obama a Saul Alinsky socialist radical failure to his face and Obama will have to for once defend himself. 

Ghettobama has NEVEr faced a tough opponent from the GOP.  McLame was a pathetic joke and refused to attack obama's communist past.  .     

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2012, 07:51:18 AM »
1/2 the party think newt is an out of control psycho and will self destruct.  might be true, we know this.

2/3 the part think romney is a phony, rino wuss who is just trying to buy presidency.  yeah, probably right.

Ron paul will be 3rd with plenty of votes, and by then, the newsletter/iran stigma might have worn off to the point where levin/rush (and therefore you cnutflaps that believe everything they say) will tip to ron paul as the unscathed alternative to both of those guys

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #48 on: January 23, 2012, 07:53:56 AM »
1/2 the party think newt is an out of control psycho and will self destruct.  might be true, we know this.

2/3 the part think romney is a phony, rino wuss who is just trying to buy presidency.  yeah, probably right.

Ron paul will be 3rd with plenty of votes, and by then, the newsletter/iran stigma might have worn off to the point where levin/rush (and therefore you cnutflaps that believe everything they say) will tip to ron paul as the unscathed alternative to both of those guys

If RP had half the fight in him that newt does he would run away with this.   

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Re: newt coming back from the dead?
« Reply #49 on: January 23, 2012, 07:56:04 AM »
If RP had half the fight in him that newt does he would run away with this.   

i believe he CANT.  Because the media is BEGGING for a reason to dismiss him.  a dean "we're going to new hampshire!" scream they can play 24/7.

ron paul is wiser than you and i, 333386.  he knows the game.  he gives them any raised voice, and that is all we see for 6 months... "Ron paul melts down?"

it's like obama in 2008... i mean, mccain had affair and it was no problem.  If obama had one, he doesn't get nomination.  Obama had to be PERFECT.  Same with ron paul.  You can't give the media any reason to cite him as unstable - cause they will dude.  they will.