Author Topic: year long tren ace usage?  (Read 43419 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #50 on: March 21, 2012, 08:57:33 PM »
your going to lose size either way, bridging or coming off. might hold on to a little more by bridging, but your body will be much more sensitive to the drugs when you go back on after being off completely.  

ronnie and levrone. they took TIME OFF. not bridging.

i figure, if imma be on imma be ON. if imma take a break and let my body recoup, then im really gonna do it.

no. stop it. ronnie never fucking took time off.

you have a 3 week window given you have some long esther AAS in your system. THREE WEEK WINDOW. this is how long you can take off. and then every day you wait you start to gradually go back to your natural state, unless truly good GH is in the picture, and then still you are not just going to stay where you are at.

you are speaking about things you do not have experience about t bombs. i personally have come off LONG 4 gram cycles and then ran a 500 mg sustanon cruise for 6 weeks and not lost one bit of size, and my BF did not raise either. i lost some of the freakiness, like veins the size of my fingers coming out of my shoulders, but did I lose any size, or any body fat, or any true strength?

not at all.

i lost some aggressiveness in the gym, but i could still throw the same weight around. you are severely underestimating how much muscle the human body can maintain on 500-750 mg of testosterone for a period such as 6 weeks. and you are also not understanding what a fucking beautiful and nourishing thing that bridging/cruising does for your body.

your nuts grow back (i NEVER run hcg). you start to feel a bit human again (as opposed to feeling like superman. you know the feeling when you have 4 grams of AAS running through your veins and you suddenly out of nowhere want to put 5 plates on each side of the bar and flat bench. i'm talking about getting that feeling sitting at your desk in class for you grad students, sitting at your desk at work for others, driving in your fucking car AFTER a long session at the gym. you fucking know what I mean). you begin to feel HUMAN again, and there is something nourishing about it MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY.

and the most important part is that you don't lose any muscle and if you know what you are doing with your diet and training, you will not gain any body fat, or lose any size.

listen to me closely now. there are 2 aspects of bridging that are very important, and they all come down to will power:

1. do not train more than 3 times per week. dorian yates gave me a fucking SPEECH last year about not training more than 3 times per week when you are bridging. this is a time to give your body a break. NEVER train more than 3 times per week on your bridge, and honestly you can get away with 2.

2. keep your diet on point. do not eat like you were eating on 4 grams of AAS.

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #51 on: March 21, 2012, 09:31:56 PM »
tren has no effect on kidneys. That has been proven...However, I am more concerned about cholesterol than anything

If your cholesterol levels are currently healthy and you're not predisposed to cholesterol issues you should be fine if your diet is cholesterol friendly and you don't go overboard with the dosing. Of course, there's a cutoff point, but this can vary from one guy to the next.


  • Getbig II
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #52 on: March 21, 2012, 09:38:33 PM »
so you think all that stuff really helps? I always kind of thought it was all nonsense and a waste of money because the only true way to get everything back to normal is to come off whatever is causing it.

Also, yea cholesterol and stuff is really my main concern. Specifically HDL and triglycerides

it honestly does, because in the past, my BP(158/96) and cholesterol were TRASHED with a simple 800/wk of prop and 50mg/day dbol. Right now i'm on 1g/wk test, 800/wk tren e, 900/wk EQ, and 75mg/day dbol and viola BP was 117/79 yesterday lol. yes, it sounds like a lot of gear, but i'm in my last 6-8 weeks of my off-season, one last hope at a little more growth before prep starts. with prep, i plan to grow into the show as well. i'm doing everything i can to win the show this time around, but still in a semi-responsible manner.

i placed 4th in the open last time, just shy of going to nationals. i can't afford gh right now, hopefully that changes before the prep starts. so for now, it's full fucking speed ahead!!  :D i forgot to mention, i added masteron at 400/wk as well. the test and tren were increased as of yesterday, and the mast was just added yesterday as well. pinning EOD btw. i'm basically doing the absolute most that i can, with what i have on hand right now. i'm anxious to see the results. i don't recommend anyone do this, and after my show i'm taking a nice break and just cruising on test only for a while. the exact time will depend on bloodwork.


  • Getbig V
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #53 on: March 21, 2012, 09:39:52 PM »
no. stop it. ronnie never fucking took time off.

you have a 3 week window given you have some long esther AAS in your system. THREE WEEK WINDOW. this is how long you can take off. and then every day you wait you start to gradually go back to your natural state, unless truly good GH is in the picture, and then still you are not just going to stay where you are at.

you are speaking about things you do not have experience about t bombs. i personally have come off LONG 4 gram cycles and then ran a 500 mg sustanon cruise for 6 weeks and not lost one bit of size, and my BF did not raise either. i lost some of the freakiness, like veins the size of my fingers coming out of my shoulders, but did I lose any size, or any body fat, or any true strength?

not at all.

i lost some aggressiveness in the gym, but i could still throw the same weight around. you are severely underestimating how much muscle the human body can maintain on 500-750 mg of testosterone for a period such as 6 weeks. and you are also not understanding what a fucking beautiful and nourishing thing that bridging/cruising does for your body.

your nuts grow back (i NEVER run hcg). you start to feel a bit human again (as opposed to feeling like superman. you know the feeling when you have 4 grams of AAS running through your veins and you suddenly out of nowhere want to put 5 plates on each side of the bar and flat bench. i'm talking about getting that feeling sitting at your desk in class for you grad students, sitting at your desk at work for others, driving in your fucking car AFTER a long session at the gym. you fucking know what I mean). you begin to feel HUMAN again, and there is something nourishing about it MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY.

and the most important part is that you don't lose any muscle and if you know what you are doing with your diet and training, you will not gain any body fat, or lose any size.

listen to me closely now. there are 2 aspects of bridging that are very important, and they all come down to will power:

1. do not train more than 3 times per week. dorian yates gave me a fucking SPEECH last year about not training more than 3 times per week when you are bridging. this is a time to give your body a break. NEVER train more than 3 times per week on your bridge, and honestly you can get away with 2.

2. keep your diet on point. do not eat like you were eating on 4 grams of AAS.

i only use short esters and i take several weeks off every couple months. i dont just dissapear. i lose about some water weight and width to my delts, thats about it.

yes ronnie did take a couple months off from gear every year after the mr. olympia starting in 1998.  levrone would take a good 6 months off every year as well.  muscle memory is a beautiful thing, and a body that has lost its tolerance to drugs is as well.  

bridging is cool i guess but your not actually coming off the drugs, your body is never going back to normal.  and your not going to "resensitize" to the degree you would if you actually came off completely.

in the end.. if its working for you its working for you.. doesnt mean its optimal though, nor does it mean its gonna work that way for everybody else.  most bodybuilders i know do actually take time OFF. not just bridge. im talking about 5'8'' 245bs 7% bodyfat guys here, and an ifbb pro.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #54 on: March 21, 2012, 09:53:24 PM »
why would you trust them when they say they take time totally off lol


  • Getbig IV
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #55 on: March 22, 2012, 04:23:37 AM »
tren has no effect on kidneys. That has been proven...However, I am more concerned about cholesterol than anything

tren-hex (parabolan) does

high blood pressure also does

Aussie Duffman

  • Getbig III
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #56 on: March 22, 2012, 05:29:27 AM »
So sounds like you guys haven't had any real issues with tren sides. Haven't used it yet was just a bit put off with the dreaded tren cough and probably insomnia. Although the positives outweigh the sides from what I know.

where in aus mike ?


  • Getbig V
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #57 on: March 22, 2012, 05:31:28 AM »
1) Yes, on the high BP (for some) use Lisinopril
2) Yes, on insomnia. Nothing seems to work for long, you just simply wake up feeling leaner, stronger and ready to go do something. Not tired until maybe after the 4th day.

That is kind of a serious "side" if you like/need your sleep.

It can also be tough to eat on. Reminds me of AD - kind of takes appetite away- I suppose this is a plus when looking to lean out and get harder....

Sex drive : up and down depends on who your with. If you can't stand her, Tren isn't gonna make you wanna sniff her butt like Test will.

Tren may even make you indifferent on the matter.


  • Getbig I
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #58 on: March 22, 2012, 11:24:22 AM »
tren has no effect on kidneys. That has been proven...However, I am more concerned about cholesterol than anything

So you are saying that High Blood Pressure dose not have a negative effect on kidneys?? Tren is know to increase BP in most of the people that use it.


  • Getbig III
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #59 on: March 22, 2012, 04:58:56 PM »
couple questions for the vets....

what is your advise for a guy whose cholesterol is pretty bad (LDL, HDL is fine), like over 200ldl, but blood presssure is always perfect?  i guess my BP is always good because i do ton of cardio and im very lean, not bloofy, but cholesterol not so good.

and for brdige,,,,you say 500mg test,,,how about 300mg test and 100mg var ED?  how is this in terms of retaining gains, and how is in terms of damaging health?  not sure if the var is harder on the body than the test, always heard var was safe but not sure what dose and no personal experience with it.


  • Getbig V
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #60 on: March 22, 2012, 05:37:03 PM »
500mg of test for a bridge? Jezus! these "off cycles" keep getting bigger and bigger.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #61 on: March 22, 2012, 07:36:27 PM »
just found this post from gh15


100-300mg a day or every 2 day can be run 6 months straight ,, you dont have to go off but for your mental state i suggest sioem time off friend,,

100-300mg every day or 2 will make your physiqe move heads anywhere you go ,, with shirt and with out shirt,, you will be stopped and be complimented and asked what you do will say you take steroids...they will say is dianabola good ,, you will say trenbolona ace....they will say soo is that dianabola good i heard its good,, you will say lLOOK MORON IT IS TRENBOLONA ACE..and they will then wait a second and while you go drink water in the fountain ask if i can take double the dose dianabolona you think it wil do me well?

thast just what you deal with ,, bunch of morons that want to be bodybuildrs,,got to learn to live with it friend

gh15 approved "

Nasty Nate

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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #62 on: March 22, 2012, 08:20:57 PM »
just found this post from gh15


100-300mg a day or every 2 day can be run 6 months straight ,, you dont have to go off but for your mental state i suggest sioem time off friend,,

100-300mg every day or 2 will make your physiqe move heads anywhere you go ,, with shirt and with out shirt,, you will be stopped and be complimented and asked what you do will say you take steroids...they will say is dianabola good ,, you will say trenbolona ace....they will say soo is that dianabola good i heard its good,, you will say lLOOK MORON IT IS TRENBOLONA ACE..and they will then wait a second and while you go drink water in the fountain ask if i can take double the dose dianabolona you think it wil do me well?

thast just what you deal with ,, bunch of morons that want to be bodybuildrs,,got to learn to live with it friend

gh15 approved "

sweet, ill probly do 5 months on, 1 month off and repeat. god has spoken, he hasnt steered me wrong yet.


  • Getbig V
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #63 on: March 22, 2012, 09:29:10 PM »
just found this post from gh15


100-300mg a day or every 2 day can be run 6 months straight ,, you dont have to go off but for your mental state i suggest sioem time off friend,,

100-300mg every day or 2 will make your physiqe move heads anywhere you go ,, with shirt and with out shirt,, you will be stopped and be complimented and asked what you do will say you take steroids...they will say is dianabola good ,, you will say trenbolona ace....they will say soo is that dianabola good i heard its good,, you will say lLOOK MORON IT IS TRENBOLONA ACE..and they will then wait a second and while you go drink water in the fountain ask if i can take double the dose dianabolona you think it wil do me well?

thast just what you deal with ,, bunch of morons that want to be bodybuildrs,,got to learn to live with it friend

gh15 approved "

that post almost makes me regret trading in my 20ml vial of tren for 3 test prop's yesterday. I still chose hair, lol...


  • Getbig II
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #64 on: March 23, 2012, 08:51:00 AM »
couple questions for the vets....

what is your advise for a guy whose cholesterol is pretty bad (LDL, HDL is fine), like over 200ldl, but blood presssure is always perfect?  i guess my BP is always good because i do ton of cardio and im very lean, not bloofy, but cholesterol not so good.

and for brdige,,,,you say 500mg test,,,how about 300mg test and 100mg var ED?  how is this in terms of retaining gains, and how is in terms of damaging health?  not sure if the var is harder on the body than the test, always heard var was safe but not sure what dose and no personal experience with it.

Var is probably worst on your lipids than tren. Usually test, deca, eq, primo, tbol are used for bridging.


  • Getbig II
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Re: year long tren ace usage?
« Reply #65 on: March 23, 2012, 10:54:58 AM »
couple questions for the vets....

what is your advise for a guy whose cholesterol is pretty bad (LDL, HDL is fine), like over 200ldl, but blood presssure is always perfect?  i guess my BP is always good because i do ton of cardio and im very lean, not bloofy, but cholesterol not so good.

and for brdige,,,,you say 500mg test,,,how about 300mg test and 100mg var ED?  how is this in terms of retaining gains, and how is in terms of damaging health?  not sure if the var is harder on the body than the test, always heard var was safe but not sure what dose and no personal experience with it.

If your total cholesterol is elevated, but your hdl and ldl are within range, then I would honestly not worry about it. It isn't the total cholesterol number that should be focused on mainly, it is the hdl/ldl ratio that matters most. As for the bridge, 500mg test is too high IMO. 250-300 would be better, with maybe primo or eq added.