Author Topic: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?  (Read 44096 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #25 on: March 31, 2012, 06:22:07 PM »
what the fuck

you are NOT natural?

then you really aren't shit all things considered


(that or drugs really are the finishing touch)

nice gimmick


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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2012, 06:23:19 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #27 on: March 31, 2012, 06:23:50 PM »
true ther come a time when you need time off due to mental ....its not easy the trenbolona mind fucking,, but!...this is also the time when you take out of the closet that nice big shirt lol and dotn feel like million dolaros

gh15 approved
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #28 on: March 31, 2012, 06:26:20 PM »
true ther come a time when you need time off due to mental ....its not easy the trenbolona mind fucking,, but!...this is also the time when you take out of the closet that nice big shirt lol and dotn feel like million dolaros

gh15 approved

Ohhh, I know. Only been 2 - 3 days since my last trenbolone injection and veins are already disappearing. It's gonna be big baggy hoodies for me in the gym the next few weeks. ;D

Then it's blast time again, son. 8)


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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #29 on: March 31, 2012, 06:27:09 PM »
Ohhh, I know. Only been 2 - 3 days since my last trenbolone injection and veins are already disappearing. It's gonna be big baggy hoodies for me in the gym the next few weeks. ;D

Then it's blast time again, son. 8)
Eat cleaner,more cardio,and cover up!  ;D


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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #30 on: March 31, 2012, 07:35:00 PM »
tren is not liver toxic or kidney toxic, the BA is what fucks you.  the amount of benzyl alcohol in 1ml of most tren preperations is several times higher than an entire 10ml vial of testosterone.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #31 on: March 31, 2012, 09:23:34 PM »

Cycle for recomp. Pure tren or tren with a test base. Pray tell big G?

obviously you're gonna have to run some test along side tren bc tren shuts down natural test production. run a low dose though so to not ruin the tren look with a bunch of watery bloat.


  • Getbig III
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #32 on: March 31, 2012, 09:44:18 PM »
Did you notice an increase in energy when you added T4?

Yes, it made a huge difference when i started, and appetite also increased. It has stayed that way, unless i play around with androgens.

At first when i was prescribed T4 by endocrinologist, the dosage was 50mcg (April 2011). I've had the dosages adjusted twice since then.

Once when i was off 1st cycle to 75mcg. I was recovering at this time from my 2nd cycle.

The strong the androgen i used - the more the TSH levels went south the blood work indicated.
Then again the dosage was adjusted when i added Tren E every 7 days Jan 4/12 to 100mcg.
Numbers were off the charts. I could feel the difference within a few days -- energy and appetite wise once commencing the dosage. Two weeks later did additional blood work to confirm and stayed at that dosage.


  • Getbig III
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #33 on: March 31, 2012, 09:56:09 PM »
Your liver enzymes are elevated due to high doses of Tren and a prolonged use. Happened to me in January. Got off Tren and they are back to normal. Switched to just primo, gh, and test. I miss Tren a lot but gonna take a long break and not use for long time. My enzymes were a 1,000. Get your blood checked regularly. You may feel fine but something else could be going on.

Below are blood work results after being on Tren E for 3 weeks + Test + Eq (Been on cycle at this stage for 18 weeks total). Following this i saw a internal medicine specialist.

Copy and pasted from another thread

Blood Work completed Jan 27th/12

       Results                    Reference range
Creatinine 126                       60-110 umol/L (outside normal range)
eGFR 57                             >=60. mL/min/1.73**2   (outside normal range)
BUN - ratio not indicated
Cholesterol 6.45 (outside normal range)
Triglycerides 1.51
HDL Cholesterol 0.55 (outside normal range)
LDL Cholesterol calc 5.21
Vitamin B12 721 (sufficiency > 220 pmol/L)
Ferritin 34 (Iron stores are near depleted)
Sodium 140
Potassium 4.8
Chloride 103
Alkaline Phosphatase 89
CK 937 (reference range <225 U/L) (outside normal range)
ALT 49 (range <46 U/L) (outside normal range)
sTSH 20.47 (range 0.35 - 5.00 mIU/L) (outside normal range)
T4 Free 17
Free T4 5.6
Prostate specific As 1.02

Hemoglobin 174 g/L (outside normal range)
Hematocrit 0.52      (outside normal range)
RBC Indices  MCV 85 (outside normal range)
                 MCH 29
                 MCHC 338
RDW 14.8
WBC 8.4
Platelets 327
MPV 9.4
Differential WBC's
          Neutrophils 4.12
          Lymphocytes 3.19
          Monocytes 0.59
          Eosinophils 0.42 (outside normal range)
          Basophils 0.08

Glucose negative
Bilirubin neg
Ketones neg
S.G.  1.015  (range 1.005-1.030)
Blood neg
pH 6.5 (5.0-8.0) - reason for severe joint pain in knees?  Huh
Protein neg <0.4 g/L
UBG 3.2 (3.2 - 16 umol/L)
Nitrite neg
Leukocyte neg

Diet - vegetarian - protein primarily lentils, cheese, milk, and whey

History - no problems ever
No drinking (only occasionally on 1st cycle not this - not even once)
No recreational drugs of any kind (never)
No cigarettes (never)
Aspirin once in a while
Hydroxycut before workout (on days only)

mid to high range 235-240lb
(high 248lb - low 231lb on cycle)


  • Getbig III
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #34 on: March 31, 2012, 10:07:30 PM »
why do you want to use tren e rather than tren ace??


trenbolona ace,,

the trenbolona of choice,, we use trenbolona ace for daily changes ,, if one lean and in signle digit ...trenbolona ace create changed on the physiqe daily ,, NOTICABLE changes,, effective and hit the blood fast ,,does it thing and leave,,best thing about trenbolona ace is ....the ability to eat icecream before going to sleep..or really just eat lol,, with hgh forget about it you actualy need to push stuff into you otherwize you will be erased bodyfat wize,, but! on trenbolona ace...after gh been taken can eat much more balonie and stil get fat burning while lean muscle kept in WHOLE,, it is ofcourse the easter of choice of any serious bodybuilder,,

trenbolona enantato,,
side effect in a vial,,some fella dont get side effet no matter what due to their invinsibility as human beings,,,there are some fella with immune system and body that is just superior geneticaly and they just never get sides or get sick or anything,, still the acetate is alwaya the prefered method to use trenbolona ,, you want it in and out and you want it fast acting,,you want attack muscle and fat fast and then out,, enantato just doesnt do it the body get used to it and start breaking it little here little there,,just doenst give you the same effect

gh15 approved "

After doing a lot of due diligence before adding Tren E, I came to the conclusion that the fast onset of the Ace ester is causing most of the dreaded sides. So i decided on Tren E to see how i would respond. Didn't want to ruin the skin especially from some of the things i read - with acne over face, back, chest etc. So instead -- even when i started with Tren E, i started with a shot every 7-9 days for almost 2 months. Only over the last 4-5 weeks have i reduced the duration of the shot to get an increased effect. Since i am responding well - no sides (except insomnia), i figure i run it a little longer - even if not 6 months.

"we use trenbolona ace for daily changes"
Yes, ideally that's what i would like to do the next time -- after analyzing the red highlighted info i am not sure i fully got everything out of the Tren E. Hardly any sides besides insomnia. By the time it fully kicked in the gym - it was the 3rd - 4th week. Body recomposition started around the 6th week. Right around the same time i added T3 - then 2 weeks later clen.


  • Getbig III
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #35 on: March 31, 2012, 10:08:31 PM »
very scary just reading some of the things you list off.

just get tests done more often if you really want to do this...

don't play games with your health!

Yes, i had multiple tests done already.


  • Getbig III
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #36 on: March 31, 2012, 10:16:39 PM »
Tren cough..........only got it once.

Randy,you can stay on longer,that dosage isn`t really considered exorbitant.

The only sides I had were a bit of increased insomnia as I suffer from that already,and when I did a Tren only cycle one time I had libido issues coming off,but it cleared up fairly quickly.

I was only running 100mgs. EOD as I am not a boatload type of guy.

All the best!  ;)

Sounds reassuring Wes. 

Only insomnia side here too Wes. Gets a little irritating some days.

"I am not a boatload type of guy"
Same philosophical approach here Wes. I like low to moderate dosages with longer runs. I find i get more out it with less sides. Furthermore, i am still in the trial and error stage - learning how and what works best. That's why i wanted a little more input from the experienced users.


  • Getbig II
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #37 on: March 31, 2012, 10:19:22 PM »
You on anything for your high cholestrol? The eq is most likely causing your high hemo it did to me. Your liver readings are pretty good for being on what your on. PSA is good. Having any problems pissing? Does happen when on tren.


  • Getbig III
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #38 on: March 31, 2012, 10:27:51 PM »
You're already dead.

At one time, I was on a 12-24 hour retreat due to trauma injuries. So don't take life for granted. Make the most of your time.

I know sarcasm is hard and fast on this board, but we can all learn something from the aggregate knowledge of this board.


  • Getbig III
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #39 on: March 31, 2012, 10:31:26 PM »
i dont know sometime it i think i talk to bunch of monkys on trees in the zoo,,

YOU DO NOT NEED TO EVER! GO OFF TRENBOLONA...IF YOU DO ...DONT COMPLAIN LATER WHEN YOU ALMOST LOOK LIKE TH EPAST BUT NOT QUITE,,, ALMOST 2 MORE POUNDS 2 MORE POUNDS LOL,,rememebr stavio? he was im getting back my size...FAST lol ofcourse he didnt,, i told him when you lose lean muscle it is not easy to gain it back ,, muscle memory my europian ass,, you need T R E N B O L O N A to make the body go yum yum into shreddsness while keeping size and slightly INCREASING it if know what you doing with the hgh...

also trenbolona enantate is not good and not approved,, trenbolona ace is what i approve! i wrotre it milion time in bible

gh15 approved

Definitely next round GH15 - i will go with the Ace.

Is Parabolan even comparable to the Tren Ace?


  • Getbig III
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #40 on: March 31, 2012, 10:40:30 PM »
we have all read the bible. the question still remains, just because the change of the ester its
properties all of a sudden become magical?
that just doesnt make sense. im just trying to understand.

if the point of the ace is to ' get in n out quick ' , but now we are NOT getting off trenbolona,
wouldnt it make more sense to just run the long ester version?

That's one of the premises i used for adding Tren E (other option was the Parabolan with the Hex ester) and not Tren A + factored in less sides with TE, as blood plamsa levels more stable with Tren E i figured.


  • Getbig III
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #41 on: March 31, 2012, 10:43:52 PM »
true ther come a time when you need time off due to mental ....its not easy the trenbolona mind fucking,, but!...this is also the time when you take out of the closet that nice big shirt lol and dotn feel like million dolaros

gh15 approved

... lol  ;D


  • Getbig III
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #42 on: March 31, 2012, 10:47:20 PM »
tren is not liver toxic or kidney toxic, the BA is what fucks you.  the amount of benzyl alcohol in 1ml of most tren preperations is several times higher than an entire 10ml vial of testosterone.

Read a piece on the BA factor in Tren A a while back. BA concentration also pointed to the cause of the Tren cough. True?  ???


  • Getbig III
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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #43 on: March 31, 2012, 11:06:05 PM »
You on anything for your high cholestrol? The eq is most likely causing your high hemo it did to me. Your liver readings are pretty good for being on what your on. PSA is good. Having any problems pissing? Does happen when on tren.

No - nothing at this stage for cholesterol. Tried Niacin for a few weeks. Spoke to internal medicine specialist, she says not to touch that and even requested that i stop the Potassium, Zinc, Magnesium, and fish oil - so the body completely flushes itself. After stopping cycle, i am going in again for 2 check ups, then also to endocrinologist booked in July for now. Depending on when i end cycle, i will likely defer those dates a little.

BTW, upon adding Anavar in the 1st cycle, and then getting myself tested 3 weeks later - my cholesterol numbers were off too then. Took nothing for it. After PCT completion, i did another test 3 weeks later, then the numbers were within range.

"eq is most likely causing your high hemo"
Yes, the eq is definitely doing that. Up until last Sat (March 24), i was alternating every 4/5th day 125mg Eq then 125mg Test. Since, the hematocrit remains high - i have stopped even the low dosages. Internal medicine specialist pointed this as special concern with history of heart problems on dads sides.

"liver readings are pretty good"
Yes, the specialist pointed to the liver and kidney readings and looked at creatine monohydrate as the mitigating factor. Plus, report suggests more muscular heavy lifting individuals are more susceptible to abnormal numbers on these specific tests. Family doctor felt a little more assured after receiving this report. Coincidentally, the day before i received a flyer from the local funeral home for prearranged service plan. Oh the irony.  ;D Nevertheless, I went off the creatine the very next day following visit. As if ...

"Having any problems pissing?"
No, absolutely no problems.

"Does happen when on tren (pissing problems)."
         Pretty common?
         Dosage dependant?


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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #44 on: April 01, 2012, 12:05:55 AM »
if there were any side efect on trenbolona ace beside psycological....we would already be all dead,, we profesional count on this drug like its water h20,, there are no efect beside psycological and ONLY psyciological and also after long high dose usage ,,

you cant avoid this hormone ,, im talking only trenblona ace for the rest we dont care for and dont use in current day and age,, back in the day trenbolona hex we did use...but! it was alwys trenboona ace that deliver what needed and always be trenbolona ace that wil deliver what needed,,

we are trenbolona ace addicts,, every day or every 2 day in jections usualy the more you inject the bteter you look ...not size wise! but condition wize...which guess what it mean? if your condition is better? what else is better? YOUR LEAN MUSCLE ! so there are astetics changes into the lower singles...but when you do it with out losing any size....guess what the body is actualy doing?

the body ....actually ,, GROWING!

you cant avoid trenbolona ace,, with out it there is no modern bodybuilding,, and sadly many used much more than 500-700mg a week ,, MANY use 1-2 grams a week MANY!

trenbolona ace 500-700mg a week = finaly result of  195lb fella 6% dry usualy 5'9 or so ,, you realy in this level approach the max you can grow on steroids...but you can get to 205lb or so 5%...if you push the trenbolona ace higher,,after that...its all hgh and insulina

gh15 approved
fallen angel


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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #45 on: April 01, 2012, 04:12:08 AM »
if there were any side efect on trenbolona ace beside psycological....we would already be all dead,, we profesional count on this drug like its water h20,, there are no efect beside psycological and ONLY psyciological and also after long high dose usage ,,

you cant avoid this hormone ,, im talking only trenblona ace for the rest we dont care for and dont use in current day and age,, back in the day trenbolona hex we did use...but! it was alwys trenboona ace that deliver what needed and always be trenbolona ace that wil deliver what needed,,

we are trenbolona ace addicts,, every day or every 2 day in jections usualy the more you inject the bteter you look ...not size wise! but condition wize...which guess what it mean? if your condition is better? what else is better? YOUR LEAN MUSCLE ! so there are astetics changes into the lower singles...but when you do it with out losing any size....guess what the body is actualy doing?

the body ....actually ,, GROWING!

you cant avoid trenbolona ace,, with out it there is no modern bodybuilding,, and sadly many used much more than 500-700mg a week ,, MANY use 1-2 grams a week MANY!

trenbolona ace 500-700mg a week = finaly result of  195lb fella 6% dry usualy 5'9 or so ,, you realy in this level approach the max you can grow on steroids...but you can get to 205lb or so 5%...if you push the trenbolona ace higher,,after that...its all hgh and insulina

gh15 approved

I think Trenbolone Hex is very great stuff! legit parabolin is magic. Its hard to find high grade Trenbolone hex(parabolin) and trenbolone enanthate is not bad it is good if you do not want to inject everyday, Tren E you can shoot EOD and get the same gains. Tren E is a very beutiful drug so is parabolin lovely stuff.


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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #46 on: April 01, 2012, 04:28:12 AM »
if there were any side efect on trenbolona ace beside psycological....we would already be all dead,, we profesional count on this drug like its water h20,, there are no efect beside psycological and ONLY psyciological and also after long high dose usage ,,

you cant avoid this hormone ,, im talking only trenblona ace for the rest we dont care for and dont use in current day and age,, back in the day trenbolona hex we did use...but! it was alwys trenboona ace that deliver what needed and always be trenbolona ace that wil deliver what needed,,

we are trenbolona ace addicts,, every day or every 2 day in jections usualy the more you inject the bteter you look ...not size wise! but condition wize...which guess what it mean? if your condition is better? what else is better? YOUR LEAN MUSCLE ! so there are astetics changes into the lower singles...but when you do it with out losing any size....guess what the body is actualy doing?

the body ....actually ,, GROWING!

you cant avoid trenbolona ace,, with out it there is no modern bodybuilding,, and sadly many used much more than 500-700mg a week ,, MANY use 1-2 grams a week MANY!

trenbolona ace 500-700mg a week = finaly result of  195lb fella 6% dry usualy 5'9 or so ,, you realy in this level approach the max you can grow on steroids...but you can get to 205lb or so 5%...if you push the trenbolona ace higher,,after that...its all hgh and insulina

gh15 approved

thanks for this. LOL really opens your eyes, all the steroids in the world and you will be 200 pounds lol. :'(  Bodybuilding is all a peptide war, sadly.


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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #47 on: April 01, 2012, 09:30:54 AM »
if there were any side efect on trenbolona ace beside psycological....we would already be all dead,, we profesional count on this drug like its water h20,, there are no efect beside psycological and ONLY psyciological and also after long high dose usage ,,

you cant avoid this hormone ,, im talking only trenblona ace for the rest we dont care for and dont use in current day and age,, back in the day trenbolona hex we did use...but! it was alwys trenboona ace that deliver what needed and always be trenbolona ace that wil deliver what needed,,

we are trenbolona ace addicts,, every day or every 2 day in jections usualy the more you inject the bteter you look ...not size wise! but condition wize...which guess what it mean? if your condition is better? what else is better? YOUR LEAN MUSCLE ! so there are astetics changes into the lower singles...but when you do it with out losing any size....guess what the body is actualy doing?

the body ....actually ,, GROWING!

you cant avoid trenbolona ace,, with out it there is no modern bodybuilding,, and sadly many used much more than 500-700mg a week ,, MANY use 1-2 grams a week MANY!

trenbolona ace 500-700mg a week = finaly result of  195lb fella 6% dry usualy 5'9 or so ,, you realy in this level approach the max you can grow on steroids...but you can get to 205lb or so 5%...if you push the trenbolona ace higher,,after that...its all hgh and insulina

gh15 approved

what drug is better for who are in many  time using tren ace and wanna keep with the condition but gain clean size??
can't afford hgh and i'm thinking about bold or npp


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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #48 on: April 01, 2012, 10:04:45 AM »
what drug is better for who are in many  time using tren ace and wanna keep with the condition but gain clean size??
can't afford hgh and i'm thinking about bold or npp

More tren ace. Everyone asks GH15 questions that he has already answered a million freaking times. The guy has laid it all out for you, READ.


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Re: How long can Trenbolone E be used safely?
« Reply #49 on: April 01, 2012, 10:12:59 AM »

T3 - my thyroid with the addition of Trenbolone was shut or nearly shut. Doctor increased dosage right away to T4 100mcg. Even on 1st cycle i didn't know until months later my thyroid was not functioning properly - so endocrinologist started me with T4 50mcg.

When you got the results of your poor functional Thyroid were you using only tren without t3 ?