Author Topic: Kranks Log  (Read 179535 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #250 on: March 18, 2013, 08:53:59 PM »

Power Snatch: (Work up to a single then 75% of that) 3x2 - (Single  = 155) 115x2, 2, 2
Heaving Snatch: (Work up to a single then 80% of that) 3 x 2 - (Single = 125) 95x2, 2, 2

3 x ME T2B


- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort

- Wasn't feeling it today.  I left the gym after the T2B.  Just needed to clear my head


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #251 on: March 18, 2013, 08:57:34 PM »

Clean & Jerk: 5x2+1 (r:2m) - 135x2+1, 135x2+1, 155x2+1, 155x2+1, 175x2+1
Clean Pull: 3x3 (r:90s) - 175x3, 175x3, 175x3

Squat: 3x5 (r:90s) - 275 x 5, 275x5, 275x5
Hyper Extensions: 4x10 (r:60s) - BWx10, 10, 10, 10

7 min AMRAP
a) 5 Burpee pullups
b) 3 HSPU

6rds + a

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort

- The HSPU SUCKED!!!!  My shoulders DID NOT like these.  I don't get it.  I am somewhat strong with overhead pressing, but not with handstand pushups


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #252 on: March 18, 2013, 09:02:09 PM »

Power Snatch: 5x2 (r:2m) - 125x2, 135x2, 145x2, 145x2, 155x2
Power Clean: 5x2(1+1) - 135x2, 155x2, 155x2, 175x2, 175x2

Front Squat: 3x3 (r:90s) - 225x3, 225x3, 225x2


12 min AMRAP

a) 7 x 225# deadlift
b) 10 pullups (strict)
c) 200m row

4rds + b

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort

- I need to get the 'rack position' improved.  I can see that this is really going to hinder me in my progress on the clean based movements.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #253 on: March 18, 2013, 09:06:07 PM »

10 Mins to establish 3RM of OHS - 125#

Ring Pushups: 4x8 (r:60s) - BWx8, 8, 8, 8
GHD: 4x8 (r:60s) - BWx8, 8, 8, 8


95# Hang Clean Thruster
24# Box Jump
20# Wall ball squat

Time : 21:31

(The way this works is you do 3 reps of all, then to 6 reps of all, etc. until you are done)

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort

- Dont ask me why I did this.  I knew what was coming tomorrow.  The thruster combo was going to destroy my shoulder for sure


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #254 on: March 18, 2013, 09:11:08 PM »

10 Mins to find 1RM of Snatch : 135#!!!
10 Mins to find 1RM of Clean : 195#

10 Mins to find 1RM of Front Squat : 275#

12 Min AMRAP

a) 5x115# Shoulder to overhead
b) 10x115# deadlift
c) 15x24" box jump

8rds + a, b, and 4 of c (this totals to 259 reps)

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort

- Yep, the shoulders were destroyed today.  UGH.  I still managed to get some good numbers.  I know the 135# snatch is not all that impressive, but for me I think back to just November and doing just 65# was not pleasant.
- The conditioning workout is taken from the main site.  Its the second round workout for qualifying for regionals for the 2013 games.  With my 259 reps I was in the top 100 (well, number 99).  I know I have a lot more to go, but this is encouraging.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #255 on: March 25, 2013, 05:13:05 AM »

Clean and Jerk: 5x3+1 (r:2m) - 175 for all sets
Clean Pull: 4x3 (r:90s) - 175 for all sets

Squat: 5x5 (r:90s) - 275 for all sets
GHD: 4x10 (r:60s) - BW for all sets

No conditioning as I was running behind

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort

Feel beat up today.  The cleans have been harder for me than the snatches. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #256 on: March 25, 2013, 05:16:28 AM »

Snatch: 5x3 (r2m) - 120x3, failed, 95x3, 3, 3
Snatch Pull: 4x3 (r:90s) - 135 for all sets

Front Squat: 4x3 (r:90s) - 225 for all set

3 Rounds of :

10 Pushups
20 Burpee
30 K2E

Then -

1min of ME Wallball (20#)

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort

- The snatch just wasn't happening for me.  I couldn't get the weight locked in.  I was still beat up in the shoulders.  I am thinking I need a good deload week.  My mind just wasn't in the whole thing.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #257 on: March 25, 2013, 05:21:04 AM »

Power Snatch: 5x3 (r:2m) - 145 for all sets
Power Clean + Power Jerk: 5x3(1+1) - 145x3, 155x3, 3, 3, 3

OH Squat: 5x3 (r:90s) - 115x3, 3, 3, 3, 3


7 Rounds for time

7 Thrusters (75#)
7 Pullups
7 Burpees

Time = 10:41

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort

- I had to split this up into different training sessions.  Fucking meeting this morning that I didn't want to go to.  By the time I was done with the Olympic stuff I knew I was running too late to get anything done.  The conditioning at night smoked me.  My lungs were on fire at about the 3rd round.  I have to say that there was a 20yo kid who wants to play pro football that couldn't get through 2 rounds of this.  He 'tapped out'.  Still thinking I need a deload week


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #258 on: March 25, 2013, 05:24:03 AM »


10 Min to find 3rm on Deadlift - #425
10 Min to find 3rm on Push Press - #175

12 Min AMRAP
a) 4 rep 75# Shoulder press
b) 8 rep 75# SDHP 35# KB Swing
c) 12 Rep 75# Front Squat

Total Rounds - 7 + a

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort

- There was NO WAY I was going to be able to do the SDHP.  My shoulders gave me the big 'fuck off' the first rep.  So  had to switch to KB swings.  That was bad.  It was like someone put glass shavings in my shoulders.  Not happy.  I did this workout the first thing in the day.  That means about 12hrs after the conditioning workout from Thursday night, which was, in turn, about 10hrs from the heavy stuff in the morning.  What the fuck was I thinking??  I am not that young to be able to recover that fast


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #259 on: March 25, 2013, 05:42:56 AM »

Snatch: 6x1 90% 1RM (r:2m) - 120 x 1, 1, 1, 1, 125 x 1, 1
Clean: 6x1 90% 1RM (r:2m) - 155 x 1, 1, 1, 175 x 1, 1, 1

Front Squat: 3x1 90% 1RM (r:90s) - 245 x 1, 1, 1
GHD: 4 x 12 (r:60s) - BW for all sets

12 Min AMRAP

20 56# KB Swing
100m Row
20 Wallball Squat (20#)

4 Rounds....too tired

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort

- Well, today sealed it.  I need a deload week.  The olympic lifts were not what they should be.  I couldn't get the snatches to lock position.  The front squats felt like shit.  Even the KB swing felt like I was using 100# dumbell.  That settles it.  I am going to scale it down next week.  The old man needs a little break.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #260 on: March 25, 2013, 05:46:15 AM »

Rest day -

- I actually went to my old gym to work on double unders.  I have said this before, but I need to get these.  BADLY.  Well, both of the rooms I generally use were full.  Some yoga class (which I have been contemplating taking for flexibility) and the basketball court.  I ran into this one guy who I spoke with about 2 months ago.  Thinner guy who was holding a 20# db doing PERFECT pistol squats.  He had given me some tips on doing the double unders.  I worked on them today for about 20 mins.  I managed to do 5 singles, then a double, then more singles.  I actually had a nice rhythm  for a brief moment.  Tomorrow I am going to start with a deload and give myself a chance to recover.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #261 on: March 25, 2013, 11:31:06 AM »
nice load there krank,,how's body feeling overall?hand?clear up hrt doctor mess...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #262 on: March 25, 2013, 01:57:25 PM »
nice load there krank,,how's body feeling overall?hand?clear up hrt doctor mess...

The body is beat up....and bad.  I feel old.  LOL  I need a break.  I have never felt like this with the bodybuilding.  The shoulder is getting better because of the therapy, but the wrist is still feeling it.  It will heal completely.  Just takes time.  Regarding the HRT.  Nope.  The fucker actually never returned my last phone call and they actually added $25 late fee to my bill.  Then his office sent me a letter stating I either pay something or I get sent to collections.  Now the little POS has pissed me off.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #263 on: March 25, 2013, 02:24:47 PM »
The body is beat up....and bad.  I feel old.  LOL  I need a break.  I have never felt like this with the bodybuilding.  The shoulder is getting better because of the therapy, but the wrist is still feeling it.  It will heal completely.  Just takes time.  Regarding the HRT.  Nope.  The fucker actually never returned my last phone call and they actually added $25 late fee to my bill.  Then his office sent me a letter stating I either pay something or I get sent to collections.  Now the little POS has pissed me off.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #264 on: March 25, 2013, 02:40:15 PM »

20 mins to find 1rm of Snatch - 145#  Personal best for me!!





Deadlift #225
HSPU - modified with a band to allow me to perform the pushups.

Time = 4:21

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort

- This is going to be a 'deload' week of sorts.  I am just play beat the fuck up.  I am thinking tonight I am going to just chill out and have a nice burger with some fries.
- I am getting better at the snatch.  I still need to get the bar up faster and the hips under the bar faster.  I am actually finding that if I pause for a brief second after its overhead and I am in the squat position.  I probably could have gotten 150# but I just couldn't lock the arms out fast enough and in the proper position in order to land the lift.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #265 on: March 25, 2013, 02:41:27 PM »

Still the same shit as when I had the MRI.  Its getting better.  I have to do a lot of mobility prep before I train.  I would caution that losing sensation is a sure sign of nerve entrapment.  Get it checked out


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #266 on: March 26, 2013, 09:15:56 AM »


20 mins to find 1rm for High Bar Back Squat - 375#


Row 500m at 75% intensity - rest 3m
Row 500m at 85% intensity - rest 4m
Row 500m at 90% intensity - rest 5m

Row 500m - all out

Time = 1:35

- Alright...a couple of things.  The back squat is a personal best of sorts.  I was worried that I was not going to ever be able to go heavy like that again.  Its not 405 or anything like that, but still more than I have been doing.  Can't wait for the full on programming to start.  Still, it does suck recalling the days of repping with 405.  *sigh*
- The row is ANOTHER personal record for me.  I will look back, but my previous was 1:38.  The :03 may not seem like much, but you would be amazed at the difference.  This time I did not "shoot my wad" on the first :30.  I kept a nice pace of 1:40/500m until I was about 300m in.  Thats when I made the rowing strokes faster and longer.  

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #267 on: March 28, 2013, 09:01:14 PM »
3/27 - Rest Day (worked on Double unders...getting better)





30 Snatches (power) w/ 135#

Time : 5:02

- I broke them up into 3 sets of 10 (with about a 15 - 20 second breather in between sets).  The main thing that got me is getting the bar down from the over head position.  I had to drop it and make sure that the bar didn't bounce too far away from me.  I am sure if I see how others handle that problem I probably could shave about one minute off the time.

- Did another 25 mins of Double Under work.  I am doing so much of it I feel like I need to have my foot adjusted.  I am now able to do a couple of singles, then a double under, then singles, etc, etc.  The most DU's I can string together is 3.  Then I freak out and screw up my timing.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first

and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will

mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when

listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #268 on: March 31, 2013, 05:42:36 AM »


10min to establish 1rm on Push Press - 195#
1 attempt for ME on Muscle up - did not even try these
1 attempt for ME on Double under - I know this already.  Its 3....I suck
10 min to establish 1rm on Bench Press - 295#

Row 2000K - 7:58

- I am happy with the push press.  I have not had the strongest shoulders for as long as I can recall.  Most I have ever done with dumbell military is 90x1 or 2.  Pathetic
- The bench probably could be 300#.  I was NOT going to push it.  I am doing better with my shoulder and do not want to do anything that is going to cause any major set backs.  The shoulders are not 100% yet, but they feel good enough for this.  The programming I will be doing for the next eight weeks don't call for much heavy benching.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #269 on: March 31, 2013, 05:56:57 AM »



2012 Crossfit Regionals Event #4 (modified for masters) - 22:00 cap time limit

50 x 95# Back Squat
30 Pullups
30 x 95# Shoulder to overhead
50 x 65# Front Squat
30 Pullups
30 x 65# Shoulder to overhead
50 x 45# Overhead Squat
30 Pullup
30 x 45# Shoulder to overhead

Time- 26:24  :-[

- Looking at this, it would appear to be something that would not take more than 15 mins.  Well, the way its done is this.  You can only use one bar, which means you are responsible for loading the bar.  There is no "rack", so the bar starts from the floor every time.  The pullups are the things that kill your time.  I did the first 50rep squats 'unbroken'.  I took a couple deep breaths in the 50, but did not stop.  The front squat did me in as well.  I couldn't keep that front rack position.  I should have warmed up my shoulders more.  I broke the pullups into sets of 10.  You just have so little in your tank going continuous like that.  I laid on the ground for like 10 mins after doing this. 
- I did some double under work after this.  I think I am using too heavy of a rope.  I did this one rope that had NO WEIGHT to it and managed to string 5 in a row.  I am still getting thrown off when I string a few together.  I have to learn to remain calm.
- Next Monday is going to be a BITCH!  Its the start of my real time programming.  Maybe I will upload a document of what I am going to be doing.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #270 on: April 01, 2013, 07:44:32 PM »

7x1: 3-Position Snatch (r:60s) - 95x1, 115x1, 1, 1, 125x1, 1, 1
3x3: Snatch Pull (r:60s) - 185 x 3, 3, 3
3x3: Heaving Snatch (r:60s) - 105x3, 3, 115x2

3 x ME HSPU (r:60s) - 10, 10, 8
3x15 Reverse Hyper Extension (r:60s) - 15, 15, 15

12 min AMRAP

a) 5 x 165# Power Clean
b) 10 T2B
c) 15 20# Wall Ball

4rds + a

- I was suprised at how easy the snatch weight was, but was destroyed at how hard the 3-position set was.
- The heaving snatch also was somewhat easier than expected, but I was trashed by this point
- I moved my hands out wider with the HSPU and only stopped at 10 because I thought my shoulder would start hurting.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort

This week's routine:


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #271 on: April 02, 2013, 10:53:47 AM »

7x1: 3-Position Clean + Jerk (r:60s) - 135x1, 1, 1, 1, 145x1, 1, 1

3x5 Push Press (r:60s) - 135x5, 5, 5
3x5 Pendlay Row (r:60s) - 185x5, 5, 5
3x5 Squat (r:2m) - 255x5, 5, 5
3x3 Squat (r:2m) - 285x3, 3, 3

2 Min x Distance Handstand walk - 5ft.  (wow...pathetic)

3 rounds for total reps of:

1:00min ME KB swing 53# - 30, 28, 26
Then Rest 30s
1:30min ME Burpee Box Jumps 30″ - 15, 13, 13
Then Rest 30s
2:00 ME Row for Distance - 480m, 488m, 494m
Then Rest 30s

- The handstand walk will probably be removed and replaced with just a handstand hold.  I feel that if you can't even hold a handstand, how can you do a walk.
- The 3-position clean SUCKED.  It beats the shit out of your hands because you aren't putting the bar down.  I have a nice rip in a finger pad from yesterdays snatches.  The way these are done is that you do all three cleans, and then you do a jerk to finish.  The cleans are progressive (just like the snatches were : floor, 1" above floor, from the hips).  You still do a squat with it, just varying the height that the bar starts at.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #272 on: April 07, 2013, 05:52:01 AM »

Rest day....NEEDED IT


Snatch (From Blocks - just above knee) - 7x1 (r:60s) : 95x1,1, 115x1, 1, 125x,miss, 1, 1
Clean (From Blocks - just above knee) - 7x1 (r:60s) : 125x1, 1, 1, 135x1, 1, 155x1, 1


Run 5K - Time : 34:03

- I think I finally found the correct hand position for the cleans.  The cleans were actually easier than the snatches.
- The 5k was, shall we say, PATHETIC.  I hate running.  I have always hated running.  My shirt was soaked when done.  I didn't stop sweating for the next 3hrs after this.  Unreal

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #273 on: April 07, 2013, 06:02:04 AM »

20 Mins to establish 1rm Snatch - 160#
20 mins to establish 1rm Clean & Jerk - 210#

Pause Front Squats - 75% of 1rm (EMOM for 7 mins, pause 2 - 3 seconds in hole) : 205#x2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2


1000M row
50 Thruster (45#)
30 Pullups

Time : 10:05

- All I can say is that I am freaking out.  Thats a 15# increase in my weights for both snatch and C&J in under 1mo.  I like the snatch so much more than the C&J.  The hand position change for C&J helped from a couple of days ago.  I am getting better at the fast pull from the floor and not lagging with it.  Also, the fast drop down to the squat position for both movements is getting better.  I wrap my left knee and am finding that I am in less pain than I normally would.  The wrist wraps also help a ton.  Tomorrow I am going to work on some double unders at the gym  I need to get these down.
- Oh, and the front squats SUCKED after doing the olympic movements.  I will probably always hate them.
- I looked back at my last Jackie time and I was WAY slower.  It can only be from all the stuff I did previously.  I did well on the row (about 3:19 for the 1000m) but the thrusters kicked my ass.  

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #274 on: April 09, 2013, 02:15:32 PM »
Well, fuck all!!!  I am fighting off something.  Sunday night I couldn't get warm.  I slept with sweatshirt and warm up pants.  Normally when I am not feeling good I will debate if I am going to train.  Monday I legitimately had no desire to train.  I did train this morning, but didn't get through it all.  Strength wasn't there nor was there the drive.  I went home and slept from noon till about 2:15.  Unreal!  Going to take about two weeks just to come back to where I was on Saturday.