Author Topic: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality  (Read 10297 times)

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #50 on: May 18, 2013, 04:41:58 PM »
sigh..your umbrella non-scandal is even worse than the time when, according to you, Obama and Michelle were "overheard" by a white secret service agent making racist comments about whites..yet no such thing ever appeared in the news media

give it up will ya????'re delusional

Being a 3rd worlder yourself of course you see nothing wrong w this country being run like Cuba or Venzeuala

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #51 on: May 19, 2013, 08:00:54 AM »


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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #55 on: May 19, 2013, 08:36:59 AM »
Even Baucus is saying this is the tip of the iceberg on the IRS scandal


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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #56 on: May 19, 2013, 08:41:43 AM »
umbrella gate   the stupid party lives on


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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #57 on: May 19, 2013, 08:47:08 AM »
A Marine's response to the Presidential umbrella umbrage

I thought the reaction to this photo was interesting:

Yes, the President of the United States of America had a boot Corporal hold an umbrella for him while he gave a speech.
The reactions were interesting because people let their political butthurtedness flow into their opinions on the matter. People seem to forget that we’re Marines, and this is exactly the kind of shit that Marines do. Somehow, holding an umbrella for the President and the Turkish Prime Minister is seen as demeaning, while all of the other bullshit that Marines do every day is not. I find it entertaining to see Marines on my Facebook page saying things like, “I would have told him to fuck off and hold his own umbrella.”
No you wouldn’t.

Shut up.

We’re Marines, if the President of the fucking United States asks you to hold a fucking umbrella, you hold a fucking umbrella. As well, the day I give a shit about a boot Corporal holding an umbrella is the day I’ve forgotten what the Marine Corps is. Honestly, holding an umbrella for the President is probably the least demeaning thing I could imagine doing as a Marine, as opposed to the other bullshit I had to do every day. No one would think twice about asking a boot to police call cigarette butts across the entire base at 5am, but the minute this boot has to hold an umbrella for the Commander in Chief, people get upset.
He’s the President, he rates an umbrella.

Get over it.

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #58 on: May 19, 2013, 09:31:46 AM »

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #59 on: May 19, 2013, 09:52:08 AM »

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #60 on: May 19, 2013, 09:58:08 AM »
New Evidence IRS Laundering Money From Veterans Disability Checks ^ | May 18, 2013 | Kristin Tate

Posted on Sunday, May 19, 2013 12:51:41 PM by Whenifhow

You know what the IRS is really great at? Breaking its own laws. In addition to targeting conservative groups, the corrupt government agency has also been singling out disabled veterans. They do this by using banks to launder and then stealing the veterans’ disability checks.


The Veterans Disability Act of 2010 exempts VA disability from withholding of any sort. But the IRS has been stealing disabled veterans’ money anyways.

Kevin Lake is a 60% disabled veteran of the Iraq War. A few months ago, he noticed that his VA disability check had not been deposited, and that his bank account was in the negative. Lake contacted his bank, and was told that the IRS demanded all of the available funds be taken out of his account and wired to them. A confused Lake then called the IRS, and was placed on hold for a long time (bureaucratic government agencies tend to be efficient like that!) before he was finally able to speak with an agent. The agent claimed Lake had made $157,000 in 2010 and that he owed them money. Funny, since in 2010 Lake was still in the hospital recovering from injuries he’d sustained while in Iraq — he earned less than $10,000 that year.

Le After telling the IRS agent that VA disability money is 100% exempt, Lake was placed him on hold for another substantial chunk of time (surprise, surprise!) and was then told, “We do not take veterans’ disability money. We wait until the funds are deposited from the VA and then we take all of the funds from your bank account.”

Bureaucrat language for: “We stole your money.”

Lake was a contributing writer for key Tea Party personality “Joe the Plumber”. This likely played a role in Lake being targeted and stolen from by the IRS. Oh, never mind — I forgot that “partisanship or the perception of politics has no place in the IRS”, as acting commissioner Steven Miller put it.

Give me a break.

After a lot of persistence, Lake was eventually successful in having the IRS give back the money they stole. But other disabled veterans may be victims of this disgraceful (and seemingly partisan) crime. Vets fought tirelessly for all Americans, but now they are being forced to fight for themselves.

Someone must be held accountable for this obvious, disgusting government corruption

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #61 on: May 19, 2013, 10:16:06 AM »
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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #62 on: May 19, 2013, 10:58:40 AM »
33 are you bipolar?

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #63 on: May 19, 2013, 11:01:48 AM »
33 are you bipolar?

No - are you being paid by obama to defend his treason and corruption?

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #64 on: May 19, 2013, 01:21:30 PM »
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No Better for Obama Next Week, Either ^ | Marita Noon
Posted on May 19, 2013, 3:45:48 PM EDT by Kaslin

It’s been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week at the White House—and it isn’t looking like next week will be any better. You probably know about Obama’s trifecta of troubles: the Benghazi story about the attack that killed four Americans and the aftermath that falsely blamed a YouTube video that “continues to smolder on the far-right side of the dial,” the IRS targeting conservative groups for extra scrutiny while giving liberals a pass, and, the one that got the mainstream media engaged: the “broad and potentially chilling probe” conducted by the Justice Department on journalists’ phone calls at the Associated Press (AP).

The place in which the President finds himself has been compared to that of Nixon on May 17, 1973, about which US News and World Report states: “The scandal and cover-up came to define and destroy Richard Nixon's presidency. It’s too early to tell if the scandals plaguing President Barack Obama … rise to a similar level.”

It may be too early to tell whether the three scandals will “define and destroy” Barack Obama’s presidency—but they do reveal a propensity to massage the message and reward their friends while destroying their enemies. And, there are more than the trifecta of troubles that make this point, there’s a six-pack of scandals.

In addition to the three-widely covered stories, there are three more with the same characteristics.

EPA Favors Friendlies

We see favoritism in the EPAs treatment of friendly groups vs. a “concerted campaign to make life more difficult for those deemed unfriendly.” A few days ago, the Washington Examiner reported on the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s (CEI) review of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to see how equally the agency applies its fee waiver policy. The results are shocking.

Chris Horner, Senior Fellow at CEI, told me: “The IRS and EPA revelations are near-identical uses of the state to enable allies and disadvantage opponents. Granting or denying tax-exempt status can make or break a group. The same is true with FOIA fee waivers being tossed like Mardi Gras beads at greens, and denied to opponents of a bigger regulatory state. Fees for FOIA document productions can run into the six-figures.”

We’ll be hearing more about the EPA friendlies scandal. On Friday, May 17, Senator Vitter’s office sent a letter to EPA Acting Administrator Bob Perciasepe requesting “your prompt attention to this matter as we investigate EPA’s process for granting FOIA fee waivers.” The letter was signed by David Vitter, Ranking Member, Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate; Darrel Isa, Chairman, Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, U.S. House of Representatives; James Inhofe, Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Oversight Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate; and Charles E. Grassley, Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate.

The May 17 letter states: “According to documents obtained by the Committees, EPA readily granted FOIA fee waivers for liberal environmental groups–effectively subsidizing them–while denying fee waivers and making the FOIA process more difficult for states and conservative groups. This disparate treatment is unacceptable, especially in light of the recent controversy over abusive tactics at the Internal Revenue Service, which singled out conservative groups for special scrutiny.”

It reveals that the “EPA manipulated the FOIA fee waiver process.” Fee waiver requests sent by environmental groups were granted for 92% of the requests while EPA denied a fee waiver for 93% of requests from CEI and overall only granted fee waivers for other think tanks 27% of the time. “The startling disparity in treatment strongly suggests EPA’s actions are possibly part of a broader effort to collude with groups that share the agency’s political agenda and discriminate against states and conservative organizations. This is a clear abuse of discretion.”

The Washington Examiner reports: “all requests from Franklin Center and the Institute for Energy Research were denied.”

Wind farms get a pass

We see the same “startling disparity in treatment” in the way the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act is applied. Under both acts, the death of a single bird—without a permit—is illegal. On May 14, the AP reported on an investigation that showed that nearly 600,000 birds are killed each year by wind farms, including an average of about one golden eagle a month in Converse County, WY—which the AP calls: “one of the deadliest places in the country of its kind.” California’s Altamont Pass wind farms “kill more than 60 per year”—making it the “industry’s deadliest location.”

Yet, “so far, the companies operating industrial-sized turbines here and elsewhere that are killing eagles and other protected birds have yet to be fined or prosecuted—even though every death is a criminal violation. The Obama administration has charged oil companies for drowning birds in their waste pits, and power companies for electrocuting birds on power lines. But the administration has never fined or prosecuted a wind-energy company, even those that flout the law repeatedly.”

Back in August 2011, oil company executives were hauled into court, by Timothy Purdon, the US Attorney for North Dakota, over the death of 28 migratory birds—including ducks. Businessweek reported: “The maximum penalty for each charge under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act is six months in prison and a $15,000 fine.” The case was thrown out of federal court in January of 2012 by district Judge Daniel Hovland, who rejected US Attorney Purdon's “expansive interpretation of the law” because it “would yield absurd results.” The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) called the ruling “withering” and said: the “selective prosecution was probably an expression of its political hostility to oil and gas companies.” The report concludes with: “Mr. Purdon takes the prize for dodo prosecutor of the year.”

The WSJ didn’t point out Purdon’s resume. The LA Times reports: “Purdon is a prominent Democratic donor and fundraiser,” who served on the Democratic National Committee and who “has no experience as a prosecutor.” Purdon was chosen over several, apparently, more qualified candidates, who probably didn’t have Purdon’s pedigree. He was selected because he’s a loyalist who’d do what the White House wanted—and that included prosecuting oil companies for duck deaths.

Similarly, the AP reports that ExxonMobil paid $600,000 for killing 85 birds and BP was fined “$100 million for killing and harming migratory birds during the 2010 Gulf oil spill. And PacifiCorp, which operates coal plants in Wyoming, paid more than $10.5 million in 2009 for electrocuting 232 eagles along power lines and at its substations.”

“Meanwhile, the Obama administration has proposed a rule that would give wind-energy companies potentially decades of shelter from prosecution for killing eagles.” The wind-energy industry has been part of the committee that drafted and edited the guidelines that the Interior Department updated last year that “provided more cover for wind companies that violate the law.” The AP states: “In the end, the wind-energy industry … got almost everything it wanted.”

Former US Fish and Wildlife Service enforcement agent Tom Eicher aptly sums up the scandal: “What it boils down to is this: If you electrocute an eagle, that is bad, but if you chop it to pieces, that is OK.” Yet, in an interview with the AP before his departure, former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar “denied any preferential treatment for wind.”

Expect more coverage of the preferential application of regulatory enforcement. Rep. Doc Hasting, Chairman of the House Natural Resources committee, made the following statement through spokeswoman Jill Strait: “There are serious concerns that the Obama administration is not implementing this law fairly and equally.” The Committee is in “the beginning stages of an investigation.”

Propping up green energy

We see similar favoritism across the bigger energy spectrum. Despite President Obama’s frequent touting of increased domestic oil and gas production, “federal government policies are suppressing development,” says Kathleen Sgamma, Vice-President of Government and Public Affairs for the Western Energy Alliance (WEA). “Unfortunately, the federal government is standing in the way of increasing production of valuable energy resources that could spur further job creation, economic growth, and energy security.” To support her comments, the WEA press release offers the following numbers: “From FY2008 to FY2011 the Bureau of Land Management offered 81% less acreage, which has resulted in a 44% drop in leasing revenue, down from $356 million to $201 million. Nationwide, royalty and leasing revenue have declined 12% from $4.2 billion to $3.7 billion.” Meanwhile production and revenue on private lands increased.

Additionally, despite numerous reports regarding the positive economic impacts and environmental safety of the Keystone pipeline it has been continuously delayed—now for more than 1700 days. On Thursday, the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee passed a bill that, according to the WSJ, “effectively pushes through approval of the 875-mile pipeline by eliminating the need for Mr. Obama to issue a special permit for it.” Transportation committee chair Rep. Bill Shuster said: “After more than four years of bureaucratic delays, this bill will finally allow construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. This project has been studied more than any other project of its kind.”

While federal policies are suppressing traditional energy that is effective, efficient and economical, they are propping up projects that have been repeatedly found to be failures—but that benefit Democratic donors.

Through Obama’s 2009 Stimulus Bill—which Democratic donors such as John Doerr, and George Soros (personally and through the Soros-funded Apollo Alliance) helped craft—nearly $100 billion dollars have been made available for green energy projects. With the help of researcher Christine Lakatos who’s been working on it since 2009, I’ve been extensively covering the green-energy crony-corruption scandal for the past 12 months. We’ve found that nearly all of the Department of Energy-funded projects had meaningful political connections and many got special treatment—such as fast-tracked approvals with little scrutiny over environmental damages that would have taken any other energy company months, if not years, to get—from the Department of Interior. The policies benefitted insiders such as Treasury Secretary Jack Lewand Secretary of State John Kerry—just to name a few. To date, 25 have gone bankrupt and four are about to go under—though 29 others have various issues. Denying the dismal record, Obama’s 2014 budget calls for more taxpayer dollars for green energy projects. It’s scandalous.

Now that The Hill is holding hearings and investigations on Benghazi, the IRS, the AP, the EPA, and the green energy industry’s not-so-green slaughter of protected species, it is time to look at the financial and regulatory favors extended to friendlies while erecting obstacles to anything or anyone they oppose—and that includes the green-energy crony-corruption scandal that could be the biggest of them all.

These six scandalous stories illustrate the standard operating procedure of the Obama White House—and, as such, there’s likely to be even more. It may be too early to tell whether these scandals will “define and destroy” Barack Obama’s presidency, but they are certainly a distraction to his second-term agenda and display a side the administration didn’t want made public.

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #65 on: May 19, 2013, 01:36:15 PM »
i think thats 3 up and 3 down with obama scandal gate....

smellin like roses

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #66 on: May 19, 2013, 01:41:09 PM »
i think thats 3 up and 3 down with obama scandal gate....

smellin like roses

Lmfao.  Typical if the leftist like yourself to condone corruption and crimes by fellow leftist blacks simply cause they are black.   

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #68 on: May 19, 2013, 06:25:06 PM »


CBS' Bob Schieffer unleashes on White House official: 'Why are you here today?'


By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times

May 19, 2013, 11:10AM

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Veteran CBS newsman Bob Schieffer on Sunday morning unloaded on a top White House official, comparing the Obama administration’s handling of the ongoing Internal Revenue Service scandal to former President Richard Nixon’s initial strategy for dealing with Watergate.
The assertion came after White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer said the president will continue with his objectives and will not become bogged down by the IRS debacle, the Benghazi affair or other missteps.

SEE RELATED: White House aide: ‘Nothing that suggests’ IRS official at center of scandal ‘did anything wrong’


“I don’t want to compare this in any way to Watergate … but I have to tell you, that is exactly the approach the Nixon administration took. You’re taking exactly the same line,” Mr. Schieffer said.
He then castigated the White House for taking credit when the federal government does something right, but passing the buck when problems arise. Republicans and other critics have made similar claims that Mr. Obama seems to have little knowledge of what’s happening in his own federal government.
“When the executive branch does things right, there doesn’t seem to be any hesitancy for the White House to take credit for that,” Mr. Schieffer said, citing the killing of Osama bin Laden as an example. “When these [scandals] happen, you seem to send out officials many times who don’t even seem to know what’s happened.”
He even demanded to know why Mr. Pfeiffer was making the rounds on Sunday talk shows, rather than a higher-ranking official.
“Why are you here today? Why isn’t the chief of staff here today?” Mr. Schieffer asked.

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #69 on: May 19, 2013, 06:38:21 PM »

He then castigated the White House for taking credit when the federal government does something right, but passing the buck when problems arise. Republicans and other critics have made similar claims that Mr. Obama seems to have little knowledge of what’s happening in his own federal government.


4.5 fucking years of that.  Amazing that they are finally waking the fuck up.

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #70 on: May 19, 2013, 07:11:27 PM »

Sen. Portman: IRS will need special counsel
By Meghashyam Mali - 05/19/13 01:43 PM ET

Interview begins at 0:33 second mark.
Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) on Sunday said he believed a special counsel to investigate the IRS targeting scandal would ultimately be “necessary."
Speaking on ABC’s “This Week,” Portman welcomed an inspector general’s report and the launch of congressional hearings, but said there were still many unanswered questions.

“I also think that special counsel is going to end up being necessary here, because it has to be independent of the White House,” said Portman of the ongoing investigation.
“What we do know is that politics was put ahead of the public interest. And it was done in two of the most sensitive areas of our government. One, of course, the tax collection agency, which has this enormous power over all of us. And second, our national security,” said Portman referring to the Justice Department’s seizure of journalists’ phone records in a leak probe.
“There's a lot of issues here we need to get bottom of. We need to find out what really happened and ensure that we can begin to regain some trust in our government. That's my concern,” he added.

But other lawmakers expressed caution, saying that Congress needed more time to gather facts.
Fellow GOP lawmaker, Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), said that while the IRS actions were “chilling” it was still “premature” to say whether a special counsel would be needed.
“I do believe that the committees of jurisdiction in the House and in the Senate need to continue their investigation and determine exactly who made these decisions,” said Price, also appearing on ABC.
The IRS admitted to subjecting Tea Party groups seeking tax exempt status to higher scrutiny. The announcement led to criticism from both parties, with Obama requesting and accepting the resignation of the acting director of the IRS last week.

 •Rangel: Honest IRS agents 'getting a bad shake'
GOP lawmakers have pledged to find out if the political targeting was directed by anyone at the White House.
Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), however, said he did not see a need yet for a special counsel.
Menendez said that the law governing tax-exempt status should be the real focus of Congress.
“I think there are two scandals here.  And clearly what the IRS did in this regard is absolutely wrong and it's outrageous. It's a lack of management,” he said.
“But there's second scandal, and that fact is, is that hundreds of millions of dollars had been used in C-4s that are supposed to be used a nonprofit social welfare entities for political purposes,” Menendez added.
Senior Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer on Sunday said no one at the White House knew of the IRS targeting beforehand and vowed the president would investigate the scandal thoroughly.

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #71 on: May 19, 2013, 07:47:41 PM »
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Flood of bombshells to come,  FORWARD TO COMMUNISM

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #72 on: May 19, 2013, 07:57:30 PM »
Schieffer to Obama Advisor: ‘Why Are You Here? Why Isn’t the White House Chief of Staff here?'
 News Busters - CBS ^ | May 19, 2013 | Noel Sheppard

Posted on Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:42:42 PM by Xcoastie

See the video of the exchange via the link

DAN PFEIFFER, SENIOR WHITE HOUSE ADVISOR: The point that our Chief of Staff is making is that this is the Republican playbook here which is try, when they don't have a positive agenda, try to drag Washington into a swamp of partisan fishing expeditions, trumped up hearings and false allegations. We're not going to let that distract us and the President from actually doing the people's work and fighting for the middle class.

BOB SCHIEFFER, HOST: You know, I don’t want to compare this in any way to Watergate. I do not think this is Watergate by any stretch. But you weren't born then I would guess, but I have to tell you that is exactly the approach that the Nixon administration took. They said, “These are all second-rate things. We don't have time for this. We have to devote our time to the people's business.” You’re taking exactly the same line they did.

After Pfeiffer continued with evasive talking points, Schieffer again scolded:

SCHIEFFER: But Mr. Pfeiffer, and I don't mean to be argumentative here, but the President is in charge of the executive branch of the government. It’s my, I'll just make this as an assertion: when the executive branch does things right, there doesn't seem to be any hesitancy of the White House to take credit for that. When Osama bin Laden was killed, the President didn't waste any time getting out there and telling people about it.

But with all of these things, when these things happen, you seem to send out officials many times who don't even seem to know what has happened. And I use as an example of that Susan Rice who had no connection whatsoever to the events that took place in Benghazi, and yet she was sent out, appeared on this broadcast, and other Sunday broadcasts, five days after it happens, and I'm not here to get in an argument with you about who changed which word in the talking points and all that. The bottom line is what she told the American people that day bore no resemblance to what had happened on the ground in an incident where four Americans were killed.

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #73 on: May 19, 2013, 08:10:37 PM »

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #74 on: May 19, 2013, 09:15:11 PM »