Author Topic: does the npc/ifbb drug test for steroids/ are oral steroids a must to compete  (Read 31754 times)


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 583
Well that makes me happy to hear about orals because I always feel like shit when I take them. So I guess instead of doing some insane bulking cycle with high doses of testosterone and decca and maybe dbol to kick start it. I should just do a cycle of testosterone at somewhat high dosage like 700mgs a week but not go into the crazy gram plus zone. And just add some hgh. What do you think a good dosage for starting out with hgh is that will give good gains but not make my feet and cranium grow. And how long must it be ran I always hear to run it for at least 6 months. A lot of the stuff you say is pretty interesting to read. I like your views on the whole scene because you seem to have a risk to reward ratio that is pretty smart and accurate. I mean It is fun to read some times for entertainment some of those crazy cycles that are recommended to people by random members. But in the end of it all are those people really advanced enough to be taking those dosages and are they even going to stick with the sport long enough for the long term side effects to be worth it.

One thing ive noticed is its easy to find information about all this online that works. But it is hard to find information that works for the amount of experience a user has. I mean there is always the base cycle to start with at 500mgs of test e a week. But than after that it pretty much just drops off into never never land and its a anything go's type of scenario. Also it is alarming at how many people give out information about all this stuff who just know it all on paper from reading about it but have never done a cycle. Or don't have any experience with what they are recommending.  But from what I have gathered from what you have said it does sound like a hgh and test cycle would be a safer and more efficient cycle than some all out steroid based cycle with high dosages of multiple compounds. Lol maybe you never said safer I might have selective hearing but it seems safer to me. Would taking hgh cause a down regulation in my natural production to where I might be better off just using gear and use the hgh in a couple years what do you think.


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Well that makes me happy to hear about orals because I always feel like shit when I take them. So I guess instead of doing some insane bulking cycle with high doses of testosterone and decca and maybe dbol to kick start it. I should just do a cycle of testosterone at somewhat high dosage like 700mgs a week but not go into the crazy gram plus zone. And just add some hgh. What do you think a good dosage for starting out with hgh is that will give good gains but not make my feet and cranium grow. And how long must it be ran I always hear to run it for at least 6 months. A lot of the stuff you say is pretty interesting to read. I like your views on the whole scene because you seem to have a risk to reward ratio that is pretty smart and accurate. I mean It is fun to read some times for entertainment some of those crazy cycles that are recommended to people by random members. But in the end of it all are those people really advanced enough to be taking those dosages and are they even going to stick with the sport long enough for the long term side effects to be worth it.

One thing ive noticed is its easy to find information about all this online that works. But it is hard to find information that works for the amount of experience a user has. I mean there is always the base cycle to start with at 500mgs of test e a week. But than after that it pretty much just drops off into never never land and its a anything go's type of scenario. Also it is alarming at how many people give out information about all this stuff who just know it all on paper from reading about it but have never done a cycle. Or don't have any experience with what they are recommending.  But from what I have gathered from what you have said it does sound like a hgh and test cycle would be a safer and more efficient cycle than some all out steroid based cycle with high dosages of multiple compounds. Lol maybe you never said safer I might have selective hearing but it seems safer to me. Would taking hgh cause a down regulation in my natural production to where I might be better off just using gear and use the hgh in a couple years what do you think.

I think using HGH is way safer then many of the steroids out there. The younger you are the most likley you already have a high natural testosterone level and you probably secrete a decent amount of HGH in your rem sleep. I would guess if you are 20-21 years old your natural testosterone level is probably on the higher side a normal level is 250ng-778ng most 21yr olds are probably hitting around- 700-800ng however if you started using a good quality testosterone product I have gotten my testosterone levels go up to around 2,500-3,000ng at times. Of course the higher your testosterone level the more muscle you are going to put on. Testosterone is what makes a man a man. more testosterone more man!. I think at your age a safe cycle would be to start at 250mg of some kind of test ester a week and taper up. see what you can get out of 250mg of some Test ester preferably Test E  but any test ester will work. Test E is probably best because it is slower acting then if you don't get any side effects after a few weeks taper up to 500mg's a week then after a few more weeks try 750mg's a week.

HGH is the key. It does take a little time to get the full benefits of HGH. It also depends on the quality. I believe you would have better and faster results on serostim or genotropin then blue tops or any other well known chinese brand however price does become a factor so you might want to find a reliable chinese HGH. I would start at 4 IU's daily as a first timer and same with the test slowly taper up. after a few weeks if you don't notice any side effects bump it up 2Iu's every few weeks. I would use as  much HGH as you can handle without side-effects. But do it over a slow period of time! always taper up slowly. It can take months to get the full benefits of HGH.

You can use HGH without insulin but there are alot of people who like the synergistic effect HGH and insulin produces. I say do whatever you are comfortable doing but to get the best benefits out of HGH it is best to stack it with insulin and some testosterone ester. I think alot of people expect to much out of HGH and are dissapointed when they try HGH. These people either got a bad batch of HGH,did not use it long enough, or were in no way HGH deficient, or they didn't stack it with insulin or Testosterone.

I have used just HGH solo before(serostim) and I was only using 4 IU's a day and I still got some gains from it. I have also used HGH with insulin and testosterone and I did get alot more out of the drug stack. they all seemed to have a synergistic effect when used together. way better pumps,faster healing time, and way more lean muscle gains that were not watery.

Oral steroids def work if they are legit. The only problem is the gains are very temporary. Most users will not get permanent muscle gains from taking orals,but if you want to get jacked up fast orals will def do the trick. It dosn't hurt much to use Test,HGH, and a little anadrol or dbol to jumpstart just don't use the orals longer then a month however their are pro bodybuilders who just have great genetics who can use dbol or anadrol or sometimes both right up to show day. These are guys who know their bodys real well and don't hold as much water on these drugs or just have better luck killing the water retention with anchileries and diuretics.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 583
Ive tried test E at 500 mgs a week and got pretty decent gains and than I bumped it up to 750mgs a week. And I got pretty damn big gains from it. I think ill just start at a low dose like 500mgs a week when I try hgh just for the beginning and see how things work out. Do you think at 4ius a day I will get stomach growth or my head growing or any of those weird side effects. I would like to keep a normal stomach lol.


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Ive tried test E at 500 mgs a week and got pretty decent gains and than I bumped it up to 750mgs a week. And I got pretty damn big gains from it. I think ill just start at a low dose like 500mgs a week when I try hgh just for the beginning and see how things work out. Do you think at 4ius a day I will get stomach growth or my head growing or any of those weird side effects. I would like to keep a normal stomach lol.

No it should get your stomach ripped. shoot the HGH in your gutt and you should notice your mid-section will get leaner. ON 4IU's you will not notice much especially if it is chinese HGH. You should not get what I call "HGH head" or "Barry bonds head" on just 4 IU's. There is a myth that you get leaner wherever you shoot the HGH. Since so many guys noticed they got more ripped mid-sections when they shot HGH in their guts ,they started shooting HGH in their arms and delts and other places they wanted to lose fat and get more ripped. It is not proven but when you shoot HGH in your gutt you should notice your stomach and abs get leaner,most all users will back that up. That is why these bodybuilders started shooting it in their arms and other areas they wanted to get leaner in those areas even though you are not really suppose to shoot HGH in your biceps or delts but bodybuilders do it all the time and many claim it works.

I have not shot HGH anywhere except my gutt so I don't know if it really does make other muscles leaner but I def have noticed my mid-section has improved dramactically over the last few years.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 583
I got to thank you man for all the information honestly no body in my entire time of working out or pursuing knowledge about all this stuff has taken as much time as you have to tell me about all this stuff and ive been working out for 6 years. Most people are smug and secretive and when ive tried to ask them stuff for lack of a better word they are pretty much just ass holes. Ive talked to people on forrums that have helped me out and gave me some knowledge but none of them took any where close to the amount of time you have. So thank you man. I just don't want you to think im not grateful and that I take the information for granted.

I do feel like its a very valuable lesson you taught me about hgh and insulin being responsible for most the size I see on the pro's and that it is some what the trick to it all. Because I was honestly just going to load my self up with a lot of different steroids because that is what I heard from other people and is what the majority of people say to do on forums if you want to get bigger and more defined. So I do appreciate you saving me the money and time and possible health problems from doing crazy cycles. I will still experiment with different steroids I just won't keep pushing the envelope with them expecting to look like a pro when im missing half the equation. Which I honestly think a lot of people do that.


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I got to thank you man for all the information honestly no body in my entire time of working out or pursuing knowledge about all this stuff has taken as much time as you have to tell me about all this stuff and ive been working out for 6 years. Most people are smug and secretive and when ive tried to ask them stuff for lack of a better word they are pretty much just ass holes. Ive talked to people on forrums that have helped me out and gave me some knowledge but none of them took any where close to the amount of time you have. So thank you man. I just don't want you to think im not grateful and that I take the information for granted.

I do feel like its a very valuable lesson you taught me about hgh and insulin being responsible for most the size I see on the pro's and that it is some what the trick to it all. Because I was honestly just going to load my self up with a lot of different steroids because that is what I heard from other people and is what the majority of people say to do on forums if you want to get bigger and more defined. So I do appreciate you saving me the money and time and possible health problems from doing crazy cycles. I will still experiment with different steroids I just won't keep pushing the envelope with them expecting to look like a pro when im missing half the equation. Which I honestly think a lot of people do that.

well Steroids are still used by pros but the bread and butter is heavy HGH and insulin use along with Testosterone. HGH,insulin and testosterone is used all year round. All year round pros are  using their HGH,insulin and testosterone daily. The trenbolone,masteron,halotestin,winstrol, all comes into play  2-3 months from contest time synthol and diuretics also get used but not by every bodybuilder but a good amount also will use synthol close to contest time to bring up weaker muscles and diuretics like aldactone an dyazide are used a few days to hours before a show to get rid of any water retention. some steroids like halo only get used for maybe 3-4 weeks at 30-60mg a day just out from contest time same goes for winstrol most pros just use it for a few months , Trenbolone usually gets used in heavy amounts for about 8 weeks,same with masteron. No pros use Tren,masteron,halo all year round but HGH,insulin and Testosterone gets injected everyday by at least 80-90% of pro bodybuilders! very few bodybuilders take breaks from HGH,insulin and testosterone. It is harsh steroids like tren,masteron,halotestin,winstrol,anadrol,dianbol they take breaks from.

Trenbolone is the best steroid on the market! It will produce crazy protein synthesis wich promotes rapid lean gains and also makes you feel strong as a ox. If you have a great diet going on, you will get better gains and  less sides . A high carb diet will usually cause those awful Tren sweats and no matter what if you get potent Tren you will most likely get Tren cough and trensomnia. Tren is great stuff but the side effects can be bad and this is why most bodybuilders do not want to use it for months in a row. This is why Tren is not something pros use everyday but no steroid is more important when it comes contest say 8-10 weeks out. Tren will cause some pretty crazy physique transformations especially when you are stacking your Tren with HGH,insulin and Test. But like I said no one who is sane uses Tren all year round. However like I said HGH, insulin and Testosterone is used everyday 365 days a year by top amateurs and pro bodybuilders.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 583
Ya im gonna try tren one of these days I just need to wait tell I don't have anything important going on in life that I have to be 100 percent on for. I don't want to get a new girl friend for example and run tren for the first month im going out with her ha ha ha. Or go get a new job and be running tren. I had the chance to get a room mate and have cheaper rent and I actually thought to myself if I really start competing it might be smart to be on my own in case I get really aggravated from a low carb diet and the effects of all the different steroids im taking. I figured as long as I have a place where I can be alone at the end of the day and cool off ill be ok. But if I couldn't sleep from tren and I have a room mate who wakes me up when I finally do get to sleep it wouldn't make me to happy.

I always figured if I started tren I would just do it at like 300 to 400 mgs a week. And run test at like 500mgs a week. And get some caber, hcg, and arimadex and a good pct. There are so many different ideas on how to run tren. Low test high tren or high tren low test. I know at least I would be starting with a fast ester so if its to bad I can stop quick. I cant even imagine how crazy I would look on tren, hgh, test, and insulin. Sounds like that would be a stack to go into a contest with. I just think it would be funny to wear a sweat shirt and cover up all the muscle for like 3 months in front of every one and than one day just wear a tank top. And people would be like what the fuck happen to you man!. And I would say muscle milk and p90 x ha ha ha ha ha.


  • Guest
Ya im gonna try tren one of these days I just need to wait tell I don't have anything important going on in life that I have to be 100 percent on for. I don't want to get a new girl friend for example and run tren for the first month im going out with her ha ha ha. Or go get a new job and be running tren. I had the chance to get a room mate and have cheaper rent and I actually thought to myself if I really start competing it might be smart to be on my own in case I get really aggravated from a low carb diet and the effects of all the different steroids im taking. I figured as long as I have a place where I can be alone at the end of the day and cool off ill be ok. But if I couldn't sleep from tren and I have a room mate who wakes me up when I finally do get to sleep it wouldn't make me to happy.

I always figured if I started tren I would just do it at like 300 to 400 mgs a week. And run test at like 500mgs a week. And get some caber, hcg, and arimadex and a good pct. There are so many different ideas on how to run tren. Low test high tren or high tren low test. I know at least I would be starting with a fast ester so if its to bad I can stop quick. I cant even imagine how crazy I would look on tren, hgh, test, and insulin. Sounds like that would be a stack to go into a contest with. I just think it would be funny to wear a sweat shirt and cover up all the muscle for like 3 months in front of every one and than one day just wear a tank top. And people would be like what the fuck happen to you man!. And I would say muscle milk and p90 x ha ha ha ha ha.

LOL- you would be surprised alot of pros try to hide how they are looking. It seems kai greene always is training in a hoodie and always wearing a hoodie on the streets as well. Some pros want their physiques to be a surprise come contest time. I have seen alot of top guys cover up at my gym and they don't appear that big but then one day they wear shorts and a tank top and they just look so much diffrent! I knew a trainer who was so cutt and just had so much seperation but he never wore workout clothes to show off his physique,also if you did not know him he just looked average yet the guy was so unbelievably cutt and had crazy seperation.  There are guys like myself and others I train with who just hold so much muscle but are so lean you think they weigh like 200lbs at least but really they weigh 175lbs. I can get that look were I look 200lbs and am just 175-180lbs when I am at my peak. Then there are times I weigh look 200lbs and am 200lbs. when you pack on so much muscle and are super lean muscle gives a illusion where a guy can look 20-25lbs more then they weigh.

As far as Tren goes alot of people say roid rage is just a myth, but tren can cause someone to get irritated quickly and also get aggressive over stupid shit but it is mostly because alot of guys get sleep deprived on Tren or just hate dealing with the side -effects. Top notch Tren will cause that nasty Tren cough,Trensomnia,hypertension, alot of sweating if you are taking in alot of carbs. It can get bad!Tren leaves kind of a bad taste in my mouth as well it is not to pleasant.  I always use more Tren and way less Test. Their really is not a good reason to use more then 400-500mg of tren if you do not compete but anytime I am using heavy androgenic/anabolic compounds like tren or masteron I lower my Test dose down to around 250mg a week.

Alot of guys who just use steroids for a better physique but not to compete love using mainly just highly anabolic drugs and very low androgenic drugs so most stay away from tren and masteron and go with steroids with barely any DHT conversion like primo, anavar, Turinabol, low doses of Test,they love using drugs that are way more anabolic then androgenic . Trenbolone is for the more hardcore gymrats or amateur/pro competetive bodybuilders. If you can get used to taking Tren it is a pretty magical drug. Def one of the steroids that will transform a physique quickly.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 583
So is masteron a pretty good steroid to take at around 400 mgs a week. I was thinking of taking masteron at 400 mgs a week and test E for 500 to 600 a week. And I was going to try to just do a some what recomp cycle just to have fun with. I figured masteron wouldn't give me to bad of side effects and could help me get a better leaner look if I do cardio and have a decent diet. Compared to just taking test alone. I like just taking testosterone cycles it just seems like the bloat from it really can take away from having definition. And I just want to get a lean muscular look like you had talked about but without using something like tren.


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So is masteron a pretty good steroid to take at around 400 mgs a week. I was thinking of taking masteron at 400 mgs a week and test E for 500 to 600 a week. And I was going to try to just do a some what recomp cycle just to have fun with. I figured masteron wouldn't give me to bad of side effects and could help me get a better leaner look if I do cardio and have a decent diet. Compared to just taking test alone. I like just taking testosterone cycles it just seems like the bloat from it really can take away from having definition. And I just want to get a lean muscular look like you had talked about but without using something like tren.

masteron honestly is best when used when your bodyfat is real low and you are in dieting mode for a contest. however you can use masteron when you are bulking as well. I think stacking masteron with test is perfectly fine. Masteron has anti-estrogen propertys so it will help kill some of the estrogen when you are taking test and should give you a leaner look then if you just used test solo. But like I said the real magic of masteron shows when you get down below 6%. masteron is great because it will keep you nice and strong while dieting. No water retention,it is one of those compounds that has a higher androgenic /anabolic ratio so it does have DHt conversion but no estrogen like I said if anything it will block estrogen. Test E 500mg a week, masteron prop 100mg eod, and 50mg of proviron Eod would make a good little cycle-IMO.