I disagree. What is important is to rid the UK of Labour's client state and get the economy working so that there's enough revenue to build a better society.
They are all a bunch of self serving fuckers, but any vote for Labour is a peasant vote who can't see past his own nose. You need business builders and revenue generators and the Labour Party has always been the enemy of that. Between my brother and myself we employ over 800 people in the UK in businesses we both built from the ground up. Labour makes people like us want to leave personally (I have) and professionally. That's 800 jobs, pensions, 800 NI payments, corporation tax, and millions in VAT payments that would be at risk.
The world is so small and easy to move around now that all businesses, in order to be competitive on a decent scale, will go to the most favourable regimes. Any government that ignores this (France is the best example - brilliant people with a shit socialist regime so they have been fucked for years) is living in an ivory tower. And what happens when you have a bloated state sector? A huge contribution to the current mess that Brown pushed us towards and Spain / Greece find themselves in.
Singapore has the best regime in the world (yes, I have a business there so I know the place) and it is effectively a benign economically right wing dictatorship that supports its citizens and encourages businesses with tax laws that allow you to build a new business, delay paying tax, and when you are ready make a positive contribution. It makes generating wealth and building jobs and careers so much easier. Socialist countries, I also have a business in one of these, make it impossible and a grind from start to finish. The latter are always the poorest countries with the worst opportunities and help for their people.
The UK is a fantastic country, but the next GE for Labour will be about the NHS. They need to get rid of benefit scroungers and the 98% of the Somalian community who don't work, not raise more taxes to try to stick a finger in the dyke.
you make a lot of valid points
but you need a massive shift in social values to make the changes you want
any of the main stream parties will always tinker round the middle ground
as they want the popular vote
I agree that we need to get people in to work
problem is as you know as an employer
it costs a lot more to employ people over here than our new competitors like china
and we have fucked ourselves in the ass by building the economy on the financial sector
its always a house of cards now that can come tumbling down
problem is how do you make manufacturing more competitive when your overheads are huge compared to the middle east
there is a reason global manufacturers get all their kit from shit holes where the workers get paid nothing
the only way we can do it in the uk is to excel at tech like the formula one industry
where it is so specialised that the poor countries cant compete
none of the political parties will tow this line as its seen as elitist