No Evidence of Evolution: Letter to Editor of Christchurch Press
Philip Maxwell's letter to the Editor of February 19 said that my assertion that there is no fossil evidence for evolution is completely untrue. I challenged him to provide even one universally recognized bona fide case of evolution from one species to another.
Mr. Maxwell became somewhat insulting by claiming that those who subscribe to the 'bizarre world-view' of creationism are not scientists at all or have degrees from obscure Bible colleges. I suggest Mr. Maxwell is ill-informed. Let's look the comments of just a few and note their qualifications:
Charles Darwin: “Toward the end of his life, Darwin openly admitted: “Not one change of species into another is on record…. We cannot prove that a single species has changed into another.” Darwin, Charles, My life and Letters, Vol. 1. Page 210.
Dr. Austin H. Clark, noted biologist of the Smithsonian Institute, stated: “There is NOT THE SLIGHTEST EVIDENCE THAT ANY ONE OF THE MAJOR GROUPS AROSE FROM ANY OTHER. Each is a special animal complex, related more or less closely to all the rest, and appearing therefore as a species and distinct creation.” Meldau, Fred John, Witness Against Evolution, Christian Victory Publishing Co., Denver, Colo., 1953, page 39, 40, 73.
No Evidence of Evolution: Letter to Editor of Christchurch Press
Philip Maxwell's letter to the Editor of February 19 said that my assertion that there is no fossil evidence for evolution is completely untrue. I challenged him to provide even one universally recognized bona fide case of evolution from one species to another.
Professor Albert Fleishman, professor of Comparative Anatomy at Erlangen University, said, “The theory of evolution suffers from grave defects, which are becoming more and more apparent as time advances. It can no longer square with practical scientific knowledge, nor does it suffice for our theoretical grasp of the facts. The Darwinian theory of descent has not a single fact to confirm it in the realm of nature. It is not the result of scientific research, but purely the product of imagination.” Fleishman, Albert, Victoria Institute, Vol. 65, pages 194, 195.
Sir William Dawson, Canada’s great geologist, said of evolution: “It is one of the strangest phenomena of humanity; it is utterly destitute of proof.” Dawson, Sir William, Story of Earth and Man, page 317.
Dr. Robert A. Millikan, famous physicist and Nobel prize winner, said, “Everyone who reflects believes in God.” Millikan, Robert A., The Commentator, June 1937. In an address to the American Chemical Society, he said: “The pathetic thing about it is that many scientists are trying to prove the doctrine of evolution, which no scientists can do.”
Dr. George Wald, a Nobel prize winner, chooses to believe in evolution even though he said he regards it as a scientific impossibility. He says, “The only alternative to a spontaneous generation is a belief in supernatural creation….” Wald, George, “Innovation and Biology,” Scientific American, Vol. 199, Sept. 195 8, page 100.
Dr. Werner Von Braun, who masterminded the V2 rocket of Germany in World War II and the space program of the United States for two decades, said in a speech at Taylor University: “The idea of an orderly universe is inconceivable without God — the grandeur of the cosmos confirms the certainty of creation. One can’t be exposed to the law and order of the universe without becoming aware of a divine intent.” Keith, Bill, Scopes II the Great Debate, Huntington House, 1985, page 55.
Richard Goldschmidt, Ph.D., professor of zoology, University of California, said, “Geographic variation as a model of species formation will not stand under thorough scientific investigation. Darwin’s theory of natural selection has never had any proof .. yet it has been universally accepted. There may be wide diversification within the species … but the gap (between species) cannot be bridged …. Sub-species do not merge into the species either actually or ideally.” .” Keith, Bill, Scopes II the Great Debate, Huntington House, 1985, pages 55-56.
Dr. Warren Weaver, formerly chairman of the board of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, said, “Every new discovery of science is a further ‘revelation’ of the order which God has built into His universe.” Weaver, Warren, Look Magazine, April 5, 1955, page 30.
Dr. Michael Behe, author of Darwin's Black Box, Associate Professor of Biochemistry at Lehigh University, is not a creationist. He notes that biochemistry unlocked the secrets of the cell when Watson and Crick discovered the double-helical shape of DNA. Behe demonstrates, using the examples of vision, blood-clotting, cellular transport, and more, the biochemical world comprises an arsenal of chemical machines, made up of finely calibrated, interdependent parts. With the knowledge now available about the complexity of the cell, Behe concludes Darwinian evolution is impossible.