Author Topic: Hilary 2016  (Read 19304 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Hilary 2016
« Reply #150 on: April 18, 2015, 04:26:24 PM »
Can't wait.

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Re: Hilary 2016
« Reply #151 on: April 18, 2015, 04:34:51 PM »
If only he'd trade in the King James for a Jeffersonian.


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Re: Hilary 2016
« Reply #152 on: April 18, 2015, 05:46:00 PM »
Hillary has been living off tax payer's dollars since Bill Clinton was the State Attorney General in Arkansas in 1977. 1977!  That's THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS of being part of the system.  She is an elitist who knows nothing of the middle class and cares nothing for anyone other than another elitist.

She will be terrible but she will win. She automatically has all the votes from women, Mexicans, blacks and gays.  Even if she has Tony Romo as Vice President she will still win.

Did I mention how terrible Tony Romo is?


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Re: Hilary 2016
« Reply #153 on: April 18, 2015, 06:36:01 PM »

Hillary says they were "dead broke" when they left the White House or when Bill's term in office ended in 2001. If you do the math, this is 14 years ago. Perhaps it would have helped you be more accurate had you watched the interview with Hillary which is posted in this tread. BTW this is not new news. They said this at the time it happened. The fact that the Clinton's recovered financially is testimony to their resourcefulness and ambition.

I have concerns about how she handled the situation with the emails too. Her actions seem suspicious. This issue bears further investigation in my opinion. One would assume that had this action been illegal Republican's would be pursuing this.

In 1975, a 27-year-old Hillary Rodham, acting as a court-appointed attorney, attacked the credibility of a 12-year-old girl in mounting an aggressive defense for an indigent client accused of rape in Arkansas - using her child development background to help the defendant. The public defender, of course, exists to represent criminal defendants. If someone is unwilling to do that, they need to get into a different line of work.

Lawyers who do criminal defense work are committed to the concept of due process--the right of criminal defendants to be represented by counsel and ensuring that the state meets its burden of proof. Defense attorneys do not have to condone their clients' conduct or like them. Their job is make sure they get a fair trial and an competent defense.

Here is a link to an interesting take on the Benghazi situation: Whether Hillary's concussion was real or faked is privileged information under HIPAA rules. Only she and the treating physician know whether she had a concussion. That she faked it, is pure speculation. For and interesting read on Benghazi, try this: The Secretary of State holds and advisory position and does not necessarily call the shots.

Clinton resigned from her philanthropy's board of directors immediately after declaring her presidential campaign on Sunday. The Foundation will now only accept funding from Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom, according to new foundation policies that will be posted online.

Proving (or disproving) the genuineness of an anonymous second-hand report of information supposedly provided by an equally anonymous Secret Service agent is a formidable task, but several factors tend to indicate this piece is more likely something created for partisan political reasons than an actual Secret Service agent's account.
A link to these tapes you speak of would help let the rest of us decide there validity for for ourselves. Without the links, these are just insinuations, much like the one Rand Paul recently made.

You're progressive liberalness knows no bounds. Accepting millions for speaking over seas including Arab countries for money and accepting Arab money for their foundation is a fact. So making millions speaking at a Arab country is genuine work or payment for future considerations?They stopped taking Arab money when they realized they had no defense for their mistreatment of women and it would hurt her campaign. There is no other reason why they stopped taking Arab oil money. It's a fact she cried poverty and being poor. That is just out of touch with blue collar working people. It's a fact she lied about running for her life from snipers when they had CBS news film the event. How you could support someone like that is beyond me. Yes, she attacked a child's reputation and that is low no matter what capacity she was working at as a lawyer . Yes, she laughed that she knew her client was guilty but passed a lie detector test on audio tape. Anonymous secret service agent? So Ronald Kessler's book was fiction?  

     Sniper fire lie

     I was broke

    Laughing about how her client beat the lie detector test on audio tape when she knew the guy who raped a child so badly she could never have children again.

I can post more but a left progressive liberal living in a liberal state will never see the light. I hope this country can be righted before it's destroyed.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Hilary 2016
« Reply #154 on: April 18, 2015, 06:38:08 PM »
Hillary has been living off tax payer's dollars since Bill Clinton was the State Attorney General in Arkansas in 1977. 1977!  That's THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS of being part of the system.  She is an elitist who knows nothing of the middle class and cares nothing for anyone other than another elitist.

She will be terrible but she will win. She automatically has all the votes from women, Mexicans, blacks and gays.  Even if she has Tony Romo as Vice President she will still win.

Did I mention how terrible Tony Romo is?

The fact that Hillary and Bill have lived off tax payer dollars is relatively meaningless. All politicians and government employees live off taxpayer dollars. How else would you suggest they get paid for public service? Whatwever Hillary knows or cares about regarding the middle class only she knows. Unless you have personal experience with her, your comment is merely an opinion that is also of no value.

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Re: Hilary 2016
« Reply #155 on: April 18, 2015, 07:06:07 PM »
The fact that Hillary and Bill have lived off tax payer dollars is relatively meaningless. All politicians and government employees live off taxpayer dollars. How else would you suggest they get paid for public service? Whatwever Hillary knows or cares about regarding the middle class only she knows. Unless you have personal experience with her, your comment is merely an opinion that is also of no value.

It's said that politics makes for strange bedfellows, but I think that the ones that are truly getting screwed (without ever having been in the sack) are the public. 

To be specific, the working public.  And that would include those that are retired after a lifetime of work.  The evil that men do for their own sake may well be made insignificant by this shrill manlet of a woman. 

I would hate to see her personal "Dorian Gray".  Come to think of it, she most likely avoids garlic and mirrors too.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Hilary 2016
« Reply #156 on: April 18, 2015, 07:52:16 PM »
It's said that politics makes for strange bedfellows, but I think that the ones that are truly getting screwed (without ever having been in the sack) are the public. 

To be specific, the working public.  And that would include those that are retired after a lifetime of work.  The evil that men do for their own sake may well be made insignificant by this shrill manlet of a woman. 

I would hate to see her personal "Dorian Gray".  Come to think of it, she most likely avoids garlic and mirrors too.


I like some of this post. Often career politicians lose site of what they've been elected to do, which is represent the people. Hypothetically, they should champion the people's wishes regardless of their personal beliefs. Unfortunately the political machine is such that getting elected and reelected costs a ton of money. Big business doesn't hesitate to support politicians who they believe will feel obligated to return the favor by passing laws which protect them. Democrats like to tout that they are elected by the people, but in truth, that's not entirely true. Big business and collectives like unions who can donate large sums of money to their campaign's have the same expectation that the politician will return the favor.

I don't see Hillary as a manlet, but she is probably a tough cookie. One would have to be to accomplish what she has in a lifetime. A vote for Hillary is not a vote for someone claiming to be just another housewife. Sara Palin used that guise in her campaign. Fortunately, it didn't work. Now that's a shudder the thought. Sara Palin as President? Please.

The way the public gets screwed is when they aren't being well represented. They are also getting the shaft from a Congress that cannot work in unison to get things accomplished. The ongoing use of the filibuster is a disgusting tactic, which stalls any movement on the issues before us.


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Re: Hilary 2016
« Reply #157 on: April 18, 2015, 07:54:00 PM »
You're a real chump if you don't think at least 90 percent of this is true.

Anything is a possibility. Time will tell. At this point, Rand Paul is simply talking out his ass.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Hilary 2016
« Reply #158 on: April 18, 2015, 08:18:08 PM »

You're progressive liberalness knows no bounds. Accepting millions for speaking over seas including Arab countries for money and accepting Arab money for their foundation is a fact. So making millions speaking at a Arab country is genuine work or payment for future considerations?They stopped taking Arab money when they realized they had no defense for their mistreatment of women and it would hurt her campaign. There is no other reason why they stopped taking Arab oil money. It's a fact she cried poverty and being poor. That is just out of touch with blue collar working people. It's a fact she lied about running for her life from snipers when they had CBS news film the event. How you could support someone like that is beyond me. Yes, she attacked a child's reputation and that is low no matter what capacity she was working at as a lawyer . Yes, she laughed that she knew her client was guilty but passed a lie detector test on audio tape. Anonymous secret service agent? So Ronald Kessler's book was fiction?  

     Sniper fire lie

     I was broke

    Laughing about how her client beat the lie detector test on audio tape when she knew the guy who raped a child so badly she could never have children again.

I can post more but a left progressive liberal living in a liberal state will never see the light. I hope this country can be righted before it's destroyed.

Let's be clear here. I have not said I am voting for Hillary. Fact is I won't decide who I am voting for until we have a chance to vet all the candidates.

No doubt if the first video was recorded during the time it supposedly was, Hillary is glorifying that trip. I doubt she's take her daughter into a war zone.

The second video is all but inaudible, but it is the same interview I posted a link to. My problem with your post is that you implied being broke was the Clintons current financial state when clearly it is not. The video speaks to 2001 not 2015.

The third video is a real stretch on your part. If she even laughed, which it doesn't appear she did, she was laughing or smiling about how his passing the polygraph destroyed forever her faith in polygraphs.

I'm beginning to wonder if you even check what you post. It doesn't work to read the title or the headlines which are designed to grab your attention. You actually have to watch the whole video or read the whole article. This is not to say everything we see or read in the media is correct or honest. A lot of it is a matter of opinion which protects them from actually lying. It's a free speech county, people are entitled to an opinion whether it is supported by facts or not.

This whole liberals verses conservatives is nonsense. Maybe this is true for those on the fringes politically, but the average citizen and voter takes a more open view.

Like I said, it is too early to support any candidate for President in 2016. What I am about is keeping to the facts and leaving out opinions which truthfully mean nothing especially this early in the game....and it is a game, make no mistake about that.


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Re: Hilary 2016
« Reply #159 on: April 19, 2015, 04:15:57 AM »


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Re: Hilary 2016
« Reply #160 on: April 19, 2015, 01:14:52 PM »
I hope that's sarcasm.  Otherwise you need to do a little research.

Are you suggesting that Hillary is a liar?  :o

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Re: Hilary 2016
« Reply #161 on: September 06, 2016, 09:14:23 PM »
agreed - americans should see FULL medical history and scans.  No way we should just 'take her word for it'.


there's a huge precedent for us just taking the president's word for it.  Mccain was a 4x cancer survivor and all we got was a quick skim of records for selected media.  Palin had promiscious Glen-rice behavior and erratic rants - STDs and medication were definitely something to consider - we got one paragraph from her doc saying everything is awesome. 

JFK was addled with back issues and living on pain meds - dangerous, and his results were erratic.  Tsongas would have died in office - he lied about his cancer being healed, knowingly.  There is no real accountability for health - but they should be.  Many suspect hilary's medical probs are way worse - but we will never know.

What do you think about this article, 240? Are you still going to vote for her even with these obvious health problems?