Author Topic: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)  (Read 10694 times)


  • Getbig I
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Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« on: April 28, 2015, 05:06:31 PM »
Hey guys,

I'm looking to use the next 4 months (May, June, July, August) to bulk up and gain strength & muscle. Looking for advice on my strategy and routine.

I'm 120 lbs and around 5'7". Going to be working out at least 5-6 days per week.

I'll be using a few supplements to help me accomplish this:

1) ON's Serious Mass
2) ON's Gold Standard 100% Whey

Below is my routine:


Workout Routine - each workout will generally consist of 3 sets, 6-12 reps using the heaviest I can lift
-Nike Training Program (consists of various exercises that target the entire body- legs included)
-Bench press
-Bicep curls
-Tricep dips

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


Workout Routine - each workout will generally consist of 3 sets, 6-12 reps using the heaviest I can lift
-Nike Training Program (consists of various exercises that target the entire body- legs included)
-Bench press
-Bicep curls
-Tricep dips

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


Workout Routine - each workout will generally consist of 3 sets, 6-12 reps using the heaviest I can lift
-Nike Training Program (consists of various exercises that target the entire body- legs included)
-Bench press
-Bicep curls
-Tricep dips

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


Workout Routine - each workout will generally consist of 3 sets, 6-12 reps using the heaviest I can lift
-Nike Training Program (consists of various exercises that target the entire body- legs included)
-Bench press
-Bicep curls
-Tricep dips

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


Workout Routine - each workout will generally consist of 3 sets, 6-12 reps using the heaviest I can lift
-Nike Training Program (consists of various exercises that target the entire body- legs included)
-Bench press
-Bicep curls
-Tricep dips

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


Workout Routine - each workout will generally consist of 3 sets, 6-12 reps using the heaviest I can lift
-Nike Training Program (consists of various exercises that target the entire body- legs included)
-Bench press
-Bicep curls
-Tricep dips

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


Workout Routine
-No workout.

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


As you can see, my routine is pretty much the same everyday. There's little change in what I plan on doing or eating. Is this okay? Of course, as I progress with this, I'll add more weight to what I'm lifting, and perhaps increase my intake of foods & protein.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2015, 05:11:33 PM »
You can't be serious!


  • Getbig I
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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2015, 05:14:01 PM »
You can't be serious!

Any advice/suggestions?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2015, 05:40:35 PM »
Hey guys,

I'm looking to use the next 4 months (May, June, July, August) to bulk up and gain strength & muscle. Looking for advice on my strategy and routine.

I'm 120 lbs and around 5'7". Going to be working out at least 5-6 days per week.

I'll be using a few supplements to help me accomplish this:

1) ON's Serious Mass
2) ON's Gold Standard 100% Whey

Below is my routine:


Workout Routine - each workout will generally consist of 3 sets, 6-12 reps using the heaviest I can lift
-Nike Training Program (consists of various exercises that target the entire body- legs included)
-Bench press
-Bicep curls
-Tricep dips

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


Workout Routine - each workout will generally consist of 3 sets, 6-12 reps using the heaviest I can lift
-Nike Training Program (consists of various exercises that target the entire body- legs included)
-Bench press
-Bicep curls
-Tricep dips

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


Workout Routine - each workout will generally consist of 3 sets, 6-12 reps using the heaviest I can lift
-Nike Training Program (consists of various exercises that target the entire body- legs included)
-Bench press
-Bicep curls
-Tricep dips

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


Workout Routine - each workout will generally consist of 3 sets, 6-12 reps using the heaviest I can lift
-Nike Training Program (consists of various exercises that target the entire body- legs included)
-Bench press
-Bicep curls
-Tricep dips

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


Workout Routine - each workout will generally consist of 3 sets, 6-12 reps using the heaviest I can lift
-Nike Training Program (consists of various exercises that target the entire body- legs included)
-Bench press
-Bicep curls
-Tricep dips

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


Workout Routine - each workout will generally consist of 3 sets, 6-12 reps using the heaviest I can lift
-Nike Training Program (consists of various exercises that target the entire body- legs included)
-Bench press
-Bicep curls
-Tricep dips

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


Workout Routine
-No workout.

-Breakfast, dinner, lunch. These meals will vary.
-Serious Mass (3 half-scoops per day) (8AM, 12PM, 10PM)
-Gold Standard 100% Whey (1 full scoop after workout) (4PM)


As you can see, my routine is pretty much the same everyday. There's little change in what I plan on doing or eating. Is this okay? Of course, as I progress with this, I'll add more weight to what I'm lifting, and perhaps increase my intake of foods & protein.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2015, 05:49:32 PM »
Any advice/suggestions?

You must be new at this. Chances are there is no way you can bulk up in 4 months unless you take some illegal steroids, such as Dbol and testosterone cypionate, which isn't illegal, but you need a prescription for it, and it will be hard for you to find a doctor willing to prescribe it without some lab work that indicated you had low testosterone which isn't likely to be the case, assuming you are fairly young.

Assuming you have not worked out before this, go easy at first with a full body workout 3 days a week doing a routine that is something like this:

Squats, one warm up set, then 3 sets of 10 with the maximum weight you can handle
Bench Presses, warm up set, then 3 sets of 10 max weight
Pull ups or chins, as many as you can do in 3 sets
Biceps hammer curls, 3 sets of 10 max weight
Triceps push downs, 3 sets of 10 max weight

Do the cardio on your off days if it is something you enjoy. Otherwise, leave it out in the beginning as it is counter productive to your goal of bulking up.

Do not sacrifice form for weight. Try an increase the weight at least once per week. Do this routine for at least 6 weeks before changing it up some. I'd suggest you leave squats and bench presses in your routine for at least a year. You can add in any good back exercise whenever you start to feel comfortable with this routine. Switch out overhead presses for pull ups. Change out hammer curls for EZ bar curls and triceps pushdowns for behind the neck triceps extensions.

Diet, eat a well rounded diet which includes carbs, fats and protein. Go light on the supplements, maybe using them as 4th and 5th meals. You should reasonable amounts and eat five times a day.

Get plenty of rest 8 or more hours a night.

Keep your goals reasonable. If you are not using steroids, expect to gain maybe 10 or 15 lbs over the next year.

After six weeks, hit me up and I'll up date your routine for you.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2015, 06:24:41 PM »
I don't know if I believe you with that post. First stop the gain weight shakes. It will make you gain weight but it will be fat.  Don't fall for the supplement nonsense. If you want to take a vitamin and whey protein drink more power to you but it isn't necessary.  

Check with your doctor to find out if you are healthy enough to do vigorous exercise.

You're lucky that you are a beginner cause you will actually see gains quick as opposed to someone who has been lifting for years. Stay away from steroids. They work fantastic but the quick gains you make will be lost when you're off for months.

Here's a proven routine that has stood the test of time. Pick a major exercise for each body part. Normally that means a compound movement. Do a warm up set and two work sets. Try to work to failure or close to it meaning that last rep is just about impossible to get. Most body parts use 6 to 8 reps. The legs and back can go up to 10 reps. Work your body from the biggest body parts to the smallest unless something conflicts like doing two pressing motions back to back. Keep a journal and try to increase the weight used or try to gain a rep when you can. After two or three weeks change the exercises to stay fresh mentally. Here's and example of what I recommend.

Do this work out Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Remember one warm up and two work sets. If you feel you are warmed up enough from a previous exercise just go to the two work sets.

 1.squat 2 x 10
 2.leg extensions 2 x 15
 3.leg curls 2 x 15
 4.benching movement 2 x 6-8reps (Pick one: barbell, dumbell, incline)
 5.pull up 2 x max
 6.Rowing motion 2 x 10 (Pick one: barbell row, seated low cable row, dumbbell row.)
 7.delt pressing movement  2 x 8( military, dumbbell press or even Press behind the neck)
 8.delt lateral dumbbell 2 x 10
 9.tricep movement 2 x 10 ( dips with weights attached, tricep push down, close grips)
10.bicep movement 2 x 10 (pick one)
11. semi stiff leg deadlift off a block 2 x 6
12.calf raise 2 x 15 ( pick one standing, seated or even sitting in leg press machine)
13.abs 2 x max (sit ups, pulley crunches, hanging leg raise are a few to pick.

If you gain a pound a month of muscle that is actually insane. Imagine what 12 pounds of hamburger meat looks like. Imagine that as muscle on your body.



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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2015, 07:18:00 PM »
mmmm......delete thread?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2015, 08:39:06 PM »

You got my vote.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2015, 10:14:07 PM »
I don't know if I believe you with that post. First stop the gain weight shakes. It will make you gain weight but it will be fat.  Don't fall for the supplement non sense. If you want to take a vitamin and whey protein drink more power to you but it isn't necessary.  

Check with your doctor to find out if you are healthy enough to do vigorous exercise.

You're lucky that you are a beginner cause you will actually see gains quick as opposed to someone who has been lifting for years. Stay away from steroids. They work fantastic but the quick gains you make will be lost when you're off for months.

Here's a proven routine that has stood the test of time. Pick a major exercise for each body part. Normally that means a compound movement. Do a warm up set and two work sets. Try to work to failure or close to it meaning that last rep is just about impossible to get. Most body parts use 6 to 8 reps. The legs and back can go up to 10 reps. Work your body from the biggest body parts to the smallest unless something conflicts like doing two pressing motions back to back. Keep a journal and try to increase the weight used or try to gain a rep when you can. After two or three weeks change the exercises to stay fresh mentally. Here's and example of what I recommend.

Do this work out Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Remember one warm up and two work sets. If you feel you are warmed up enough from a previous exercise just go to the two work sets.

 1.squat 2 x 10
 2.leg extensions 2 x 15
 3.leg curls 2 x 15
 4.benching movement 2 x 6-8reps (Pick one: barbell, dumbell, incline)
 5.pull up 2 x max
 6.Rowing motion 2 x 10 (Pick one: barbell row, seated low cable row, dumbbell row.)
 7.delt pressing movement  2 x 8( miliatary, dumbbell press or even Press behind the neck)
 8.delt lateral dumbbell 2 x 10
 9.tricep movement 2 x 10 ( dips with weights attached, tricep push down, close grips)
10.bicep movement 2 x 10 (pick one)
11. semi stiff deadlift off a block 2 x 6
12.calf raise 2 x 15 ( pick one standing, seated or even sitting in leg press machine)
13.abs 2 x max (sit ups, pulley crunches, hanging leg raise are a few to pick.

If you gain a pound a month of muscle that is actually insane. Imagine what 12 pounds of hamburger meet looks like. Imagine that as muscle on your body.

This looks good, but I do have a couple of questions. If your advising he work large muscle groups first, why are the  dead lifts almost at the end of the routine? Next question; you and I have both assumed he's a beginner. I personally would recommend weighted dips to start with (I've known folks who have torn their delts doing this), maybe starting with unweighted dips would be safer for a newbie. Unless he is 4 ft. tall, he probably doesn't need to worry about abs in the beginning weighing only 120 lbs. Lastly, how long do you project this workout would take? Any workout that takes more then 45 minutes to complete when someone is just starting out is too long a workout.

I noticed, like me, you didn't emphasize cardio. When a person is as lean as this fellow, they probably don't need cardio.

It would be helpful to know his age. If he is in his late teens, he'll see some major changes, regardless of whether he works out or not. In the year since my grandson turned 17 he's gone from being a stick person to being pretty filled out. Unfortunately most if it seems to be fat. But then, he eats garbage foods with lots of fats and carbs and not so much protein.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2015, 10:19:01 PM »
mmmm......delete thread?

He hasn't replied to the suggestions posted. There is a chance he is just full of shit. I'd give it a little longer before deleting the thread. He might be for real and honestly need some advice....but then, I tend to be pretty gullible.


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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2015, 04:31:27 AM »
This looks good, but I do have a couple of questions. If your advising he work large muscle groups first, why are the  dead lifts almost at the end of the routine? Next question; you and I have both assumed he's a beginner. I personally would recommend weighted dips to start with (I've known folks who have torn their delts doing this), maybe starting with unweighted dips would be safer for a newbie. Unless he is 4 ft. tall, he probably doesn't need to worry about abs in the beginning weighing only 120 lbs. Lastly, how long do you project this workout would take? Any workout that takes more then 45 minutes to complete when someone is just starting out is too long a workout.

I noticed, like me, you didn't emphasize cardio. When a person is as lean as this fellow, they probably don't need cardio.

It would be helpful to know his age. If he is in his late teens, he'll see some major changes, regardless of whether he works out or not. In the year since my grandson turned 17 he's gone from being a stick person to being pretty filled out. Unfortunately most if it seems to be fat. But then, he eats garbage foods with lots of fats and carbs and not so much protein.

Stiff leg deads are a major lower back exercise. I want the lower back strong for the other exercises to prevent injuries. If you do lower back early in the program you can be at risk for injuries. I don't want a weakened lower back at risk while doing seated rows, even standing presses or other exercises.

  I put weighted dips as a tricep/ chest exercise grouped with arms because you are warmed up by then again decreasing the risk of injuries. Arthur Jones rightfully said train from biggest to smallest. In general it's legs, back, chest,delts, tricep, bicep, calves and abs. The adjustment have to be made the placing of training the lower back directly like stiff leg deadlift or weighted hyper extensions. I have in the past used conventional deadlifts early without conflict because it's more of a whole body exercise compared to the lower back targeting of the lower back like the previously mentioned stiff leg dead and weighted back extensions.

Regarding cardio it seemed from reading the real or phony post he wanted to gain weight.


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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2015, 07:23:42 AM »
Stiff leg deads are a major lower back exercise. I want the lower back strong for the other exercises to prevent injuries. If you do lower back early in the program you can be at risk for injuries. I don't want a weakened lower back at risk while doing seated rows, even standing presses or other exercises.

  I put weighted dips as a tricep/ chest exercise grouped with arms because you are warmed up by then again decreasing the risk of injuries. Arthur Jones rightfully said train from biggest to smallest. In general it's legs, back, chest,delts, tricep, bicep, calves and abs. The adjustment have to be made the placing of training the lower back directly like stiff leg deadlift or weighted hyper extensions. I have in the past used conventional deadlifts early without conflict because it's more of a whole body exercise compared to the lower back targeting of the lower back like the previously mentioned stiff leg dead and weighted back extensions.

Regarding cardio it seemed from reading the real or phony post he wanted to gain weight.
he could also do machine dips instead ... my order of bodyparts was always Chest,Back,shoulders,arms...legs last. Most do legs first because they think they will run out of energy. I dont think a beginner needs Deadifts. Squats will give enough lower back training and with Standard deadlifts would be too much i think...


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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2015, 07:28:28 AM »
He hasn't replied to the suggestions posted. There is a chance he is just full of shit. I'd give it a little longer before deleting the thread. He might be for real and honestly need some advice....but then, I tend to be pretty gullible.
My thought is he signed up 2 years ago, posts twice in this thread....seems fishy


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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2015, 07:29:15 AM »
He hasn't replied to the suggestions posted. There is a chance he is just full of shit. I'd give it a little longer before deleting the thread. He might be for real and honestly need some advice....but then, I tend to be pretty gullible.
of course itīs a wind up but Richīs adice was good so we can comment on that ;)


  • Getbig I
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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2015, 02:31:00 PM »
Lol, this isn't a troll post. Why would I register in 2013 only to make a trollpost in 2015? Obviously, I'm not too knowledgeable in this area- otherwise I wouldn't have created this thread. Is this forum section only for elitists? I guess the board description is rather misleading: "Beginning bodybuilding and fitness learning area from experts."

Anyhow, thanks to those who did chime in. @Primemuscle & @oldtimer1.

I guess the general rule of thumb is to lift around 6-10 reps, 3-4 sets, max weight, until failure. Correct?

I've been focusing on the below exercises:

CHEST: Pushups, bench press, dumbbell chest flys
BICEPS: Bicep & hammer curls
TRICEPS: Tricep dips

I do a bit of cardio- just to exercise and warm up my heart- but it's nothing serious. At most, it's roughly < 100 calories being lost from cardio activity.

I'll try implementing some of the other exercises you guys suggested into my workouts. I feel like I could go more than 3 days a week though, TBH. My logical belief is it'd push my body to work harder, thereby allowing my body to adapt to increased demands & faster recovery- ultimately making it stronger. Could be entirely wrong though.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2015, 03:23:34 PM »
He hasn't replied to the suggestions posted. There is a chance he is just full of shit. I'd give it a little longer before deleting the thread. He might be for real and honestly need some advice....but then, I tend to be pretty gullible. I'm trying to get nude pics from him.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2015, 04:43:04 PM »
Lol, this isn't a troll post. Why would I register in 2013 only to make a trollpost in 2015? Obviously, I'm not too knowledgeable in this area- otherwise I wouldn't have created this thread. Is this forum section only for elitists? I guess the board description is rather misleading: "Beginning bodybuilding and fitness learning area from experts."

Anyhow, thanks to those who did chime in. @Primemuscle & @oldtimer1.

I guess the general rule of thumb is to lift around 6-10 reps, 3-4 sets, max weight, until failure. Correct?

I've been focusing on the below exercises:

CHEST: Pushups, bench press, dumbbell chest flys
BICEPS: Bicep & hammer curls
TRICEPS: Tricep dips

I do a bit of cardio- just to exercise and warm up my heart- but it's nothing serious. At most, it's roughly < 100 calories being lost from cardio activity.

I'll try implementing some of the other exercises you guys suggested into my workouts. I feel like I could go more than 3 days a week though, TBH. My logical belief is it'd push my body to work harder, thereby allowing my body to adapt to increased demands & faster recovery- ultimately making it stronger. Could be entirely wrong though.

More is not always better. If you're trying to add size and weight, your body needs to rest. Again, I strongly recommend you broaden your routine to include squats. Also, I don't see where in your current routine you are working your back and shoulders directly. Beginners do best when they start out with a basic routine done three times a week. Remember, 5 meals a day is preferable to eating a ton food less often.

Pay no attention to the negative posts, it's just how Getbigger's minds work. They're just giving you shit to see what your made of and how much you can take. Pretty much everyone goes through this when they first post....some keep getting it. Really, it is all in good fun for the most part. This is no place for sensitive people.


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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2015, 09:10:23 PM »
Lol, this isn't a troll post. Why would I register in 2013 only to make a trollpost in 2015? Obviously, I'm not too knowledgeable in this area- otherwise I wouldn't have created this thread. Is this forum section only for elitists? I guess the board description is rather misleading: "Beginning bodybuilding and fitness learning area from experts."

Anyhow, thanks to those who did chime in. @Primemuscle & @oldtimer1.

I guess the general rule of thumb is to lift around 6-10 reps, 3-4 sets, max weight, until failure. Correct?

I've been focusing on the below exercises:

CHEST: Pushups, bench press, dumbbell chest flys
BICEPS: Bicep & hammer curls
TRICEPS: Tricep dips

I do a bit of cardio- just to exercise and warm up my heart- but it's nothing serious. At most, it's roughly < 100 calories being lost from cardio activity.

I'll try implementing some of the other exercises you guys suggested into my workouts. I feel like I could go more than 3 days a week though, TBH. My logical belief is it'd push my body to work harder, thereby allowing my body to adapt to increased demands & faster recovery- ultimately making it stronger. Could be entirely wrong though.

Do what oldtimer suggests


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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2015, 09:56:45 PM »
Agree on stiff legged deads. Should be mandatory once a week for every humanon the planet to prevent back troubles.


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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2015, 10:34:09 PM »
Agree on stiff legged deads. Should be mandatory once a week for every humanon the planet to prevent back troubles.
i like to use DBs on these... but letīs not forget, one mans meat is another mans poison. depends on the individual. I can tell quickly when i train people when they are ready for say an exercise like Bent leg Deadlifts. some start of with leg curls and 45 Degree Hypers.. when ready stiff Deads/Romanian Deads. both stiff Deads and standard Deads are great, sumo Deads i never really got into much.

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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2015, 09:49:43 AM »
My advice for any newby.... Monday upper body, wed lower, Fri upper etc etc

Then switch to  Monday-chest /arms.  Wed -legs.   fri-back /shoulders

Spend more money in the butchers than supplement shops, couple of protein shakes tops... Learn to deadlift, squat, bench, rows, wide grip chins etc etc

Volume is upto your self, I would suggest pyramiding to help you learn the exersize groove

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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2015, 09:53:48 AM »
Also..... I still cant believe people are buying weightgainers/ mrp's

Here's what you do.... Blender, two scoops of whey, couple of big scoops of oats, 1 banana, tsp natural peanut butter, handfull of frozen berries... Blend up and neck, you could even chuck a few scoops of ice cream in for a treat


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Re: Newbie here looking to bulk up in 4 months. (120 lbs)
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2015, 10:00:30 AM »
Also..... I still cant believe people are buying weightgainers/ mrp's

Here's what you do.... Blender, two scoops of whey, couple of big scoops of oats, 1 banana, tsp natural peanut butter, handfull of frozen berries... Blend up and neck, you could even chuck a few scoops of ice cream in for a treat
The ice cream i like  ;D