Author Topic: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.  (Read 213288 times)

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1125 on: February 09, 2022, 10:45:00 AM »

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1130 on: February 11, 2022, 01:14:05 AM »


I thought that the piece was very long, informative, and quite infuriating.  Thank you.

I believe that our departure from Vietnam was benign in comparison to our escape from Afghanistan.  The Taliban patiently waited 20 years to re-impose their Medieval way of life. 

You or I can visit Vietnam and have a great time, but our kids won’t be going to Afghanistan for Spring Break in our lifetimes. 

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1132 on: February 11, 2022, 10:41:07 AM »

Dos Equis

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1133 on: February 11, 2022, 12:33:06 PM »
'Worst 1st Year of a President': Nets Ignore Apocalyptic Biden Polling
Kevin Tober
February 10th, 2022

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1134 on: February 13, 2022, 01:12:14 AM »

Let's circle back, Jen? Damning newly declassified Pentagon after-action report says Biden WAS dangerously indecisive about Afghan withdrawal - despite Psaki claiming on Friday report did NOT exist
UK Daily Mail ^ | February 13 2022 | JAMES GORDON
Posted on 2/13/2022, 3:38:56 AM by knighthawk

Joe Biden's dithering withdrawal from Afghanistan has been blamed for worsening the chaos on the ground and putting American lives at risk by a newly-declassified US intelligence report.

Newly-released papers compiled in the aftermath of the August withdrawal found that deadly chaos was only made worse due to indecisiveness among officials with the Biden administration officials in Washington D.C.

Their reluctance to close down the U.S. embassy in Kabul only added to the confusion and made the mission even more dangerous, according to the damning documents.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1136 on: February 14, 2022, 04:37:22 AM »
Biden is Not Fit So He Must Quit ^ | February 14, 2022 | Jeff Crouere
Posted on 2/14/2022, 7:14:17 AM

The position of President of the United States is the most important and stressful job in the world. The person occupying this position serves as Commander-in-Chief of our military forces and can lead the country into war. The President also has access to the codes to launch nuclear weapons and end civilization on earth.

The President is extremely powerful and can issue executive orders that impact the economic and psychological well-being of our 330 million citizens, as well as people around the world.

In the last year, our country has been plunged into the depths of an economic crisis, as inflation is rising, and energy prices are skyrocketing. We are once again dependent on foreign countries for our energy needs.

There has been a crime explosion, an invasion of illegal immigrants at our southern border, a disastrous set of COVID-19 policies, and an embarrassing withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan that led to the death of thirteen military service members.

The person responsible for this unnecessary carnage is a 79-year man with significant physical frailties and an undeniable mental incompetence that renders him incapable and unfit for demanding position of President of the United States. As noted by an Australian journalist Rita Panahi of Sky News, Joe Biden should not be in the White House, but “needs a retirement home and a bowl of soup.”

Unfortunately, Biden was foisted on the American people in 2020 as the savior from the “mean and nasty” President Donald Trump. Biden was the favored Democratic Party candidate after he was left in a one-on-one match with socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Leading Democrats believed Sanders was too left-wing, so they boosted Biden into the Democratic Party nomination. After a very disputed election, in which Biden made continual gaffes and limited campaign appearances, he was elected President in November 2020.

Since that time, it has become apparent to even the most partisan Democrats that Biden is not equipped to be President. His performance has been so pathetic that a new CNN poll shows only 45% of Democrats want Biden to be the party’s nominee in 2024. In a poll we are conducting among our viewers and listeners, an amazing 96% of respondents give Biden an “F” in his first year in office.

One of the major reasons for this horrific performance is that Biden is not mentally competent, and the American people know it. He has continual lapses into forgetfulness. For example, he often does not remember the name of members of his cabinet such as his Defense Secretary. Biden has called his newly appointed “Infrastructure Czar,” former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, both the “Mayor of Louisiana” and Mitch McConnell, the U.S. Senate Majority Leader.

Biden has also mixed up his wife and sister and regularly forgets the wording of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. In speeches, he often verbally stumbles and fumbles his words and makes incoherent statements.

There is no confidence that Biden has the mental ability to solve critical problems in our country or deal with brewing conflicts internationally. In his first year in office, there are no Biden successes, only failures. It will only get worse until he leaves the presidency.

Henceforth, every nominee of the two major political parties must submit to an independent mental competency test. This must happen before the election and a winning candidate assumes the presidency.

Of course, Joe Biden has refused to take a mental competency test for good reason. He knows he would undoubtedly fail it. When asked about it during the campaign, he lashed out at the questioner, and wondered if the person was a “junkie.” As President, he has ignored any questions about his mental competency.

At this critical point, our country can no longer afford to ignore the issue. Thankfully, 38 Republicans in Congress are finally raising the issue in a letter sent to Biden. Spearheading the effort is former White House Physician and U.S. Congressman Ronny Jackson (R-TX).

Jackson noted that Biden’s “mental decline and forgetfulness have become more apparent over the past two years.” Jackson and his colleagues urged the President to undergo a “cognitive test as soon as possible” and release the results “immediately” to the “American people.”

Every Republican should join this effort and demand that Biden take this test and publish the results. A legitimate test will show Biden’s mental inadequacies, which will hopefully lead to pressure on him to resign. If not, Biden must be removed via the 25th Amendment or impeachment and conviction.

Unfortunately, the left-wing media and the Democrats will continue to ignore these dangers. Yet, the American people realize the truth and notice it every time Biden appears at a news conference, gives a speech, or conducts an interview.

His mental state is no laughing matter as the lives of millions of people are at risk. In addition, the radical nature of Vice President Kamala Harris is no excuse to ignore Biden’s mental incompetence.

Harris is a terrible Vice President and would be a dreadful President. She does not have adequate experience, lacks judgment, and conforms to an extremely progressive ideology. She may be impeached and removed or easily defeated at the next election. However, Harris is not suffering from dementia, while the same statement cannot be made about Joe Biden.

America can no longer afford the tremendous risks of a mentally incompetent President. With the potential of war, the worsening problems on our southern border, surging inflation and crime and idiotic pandemic policies, a mentally incapacitated Biden can only make these difficulties worse.

Since Biden does not have the mental capability to solve any problems or lead the nation, he is obviously being controlled by others in his White House, the federal government, or the Democratic Party.

The American people deserve to know who is leading our nation, because it is not Joe Biden. We deserve to have a functioning President; we do not have one now.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1137 on: February 14, 2022, 05:24:37 AM »
Biden’s Popularity is Sinking Like the Titanic
American ^ | February 14, 2022 | Brian C. Joondeph
Posted on 2/14/2022, 5:52:57 AM by

Edited on 2/14/2022, 7:00:05 AM by Admin Moderator. [history]
President Job Biden is beginning his second year in office. Just over a year ago when he was elected, or selected, tears of joy flowed in blue cities. Political experts, like Taylor Swift expressed, “Quiet, cautious elation and relief.” ABC News, a major player in the Biden campaign, proclaimed through their own tears of joy, “A new day of hope for America.”

Is the rest of America thrilled that Biden is in the White House? Was such optimism due Biden’s election, or was this just a sense of relief that the tweeting orange man was on his way out the door?

YouTube screen grab

Joe Biden was never a force of intellect, statesmanship, or wisdom, during his decades in the U.S. Senate, eight years as vice president, or his first year in the Oval Office. A recent example is how Biden, who now wants a black female on the U.S. Supreme Court, blocked the first black woman nominee to the court, Janice Rogers Brown in 2003, an inconvenient fact the corporate media and Biden’s dwindling supporters choose to gloss over.

Even his predecessor and teammate for eight years, President Barack Obama, famously noted, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” As we look at the landscape today, Obama’s words are prophetic.

Domestically we have inflation hitting a 40-year high, which along with rising unemployment, is reminding older Americans of a blast from the past called the misery index, a relic of the Jimmy Carter presidency. Our southern border is wide open to anyone and everyone from around the world, along with rising crime, homelessness, and squalor in American cities.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1138 on: February 15, 2022, 12:05:13 PM »

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1139 on: February 15, 2022, 01:04:45 PM »
Biden says he put a dead dog on a Republican's doorstep while serving as a Delaware county official and promises to 'work like the devil' to bring down gas prices in National Association of Counties speech
UK Daily Mail ^ | 14:36 EST, 15 February 2022
Posted on 2/15/2022, 3:17:10 PM

President Joe Biden reminisced about his time spent serving on the New Castle County Council during an address at the National Association of Counties Legislative Conference on Tuesday.

Biden told the crowd gathered at the Washington Hilton that, 'I know from personal experience how hard the job you have is.'

He recalled how he represented a middle class to working class district, with 'one very wealthy neighborhood' within its confines.

And I got a call one night, a woman said to me - obviously not of the same persuasion as I was politically - call me and say, "there's a dead dog on my lawn,"' the president said.

'And I said, "yes ma'am, did you call the county?" And she said, "yes, they're not here." And I said, "well, I'll get 'em in the morning,"' he recalled.

The woman wouldn't accept that answer.

'She said, "I want it removed now, I pay your salary,"' the president said.

'So I went over. I picked it up. She said I want it out of my front yard,' Biden said. 'I put it on her doorstep,' he added, to laughs.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1140 on: February 15, 2022, 01:44:21 PM »

If Russia does not invade, how fng retarded will Brandon look?   WTF.   What a failure and a mess. 

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1141 on: February 15, 2022, 05:44:50 PM »
CNN poll: Majority of Democrats don't want Biden back in 2024, and there's little enthusiasm for other DNC candidates
February 13, 2022

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1142 on: February 15, 2022, 06:05:31 PM »

CNN's Tapper RIPS Into Biden's Refusal to Admit He Was Wrong About Afghanistan
Kevin Tober
February 13th, 2022

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1143 on: February 16, 2022, 07:38:18 AM »
Joe Biden’s Policies Have Led to Surging Inflation ^ | February 16, 2022 | Isabelle Morales
Posted on 2/16/2022, 9:46:46 AM by Kaslin

resident Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed the U.S. economy is in good shape, even arguing that it is “stronger than before the pandemic.”

However, Americans are not experiencing the "strong" economy Biden describes. Instead, inflation is running rampant and increasing prices for American families and small businesses across the country.

In January, the consumer price index increased by 7.5 percent on an annualized basis, a 40-year high. This marks a sharp increase from January 2021, before Joe Biden took over the presidency, when annual inflation was at a stable 1.4 percent.

In 2021, the average U.S. household spent $3,500 more due to inflation, according to a Penn Wharton University of Pennsylvania Budget Model analysis.

The personal consumption expenditures price index, which measures prices paid by people for domestic purchases excluding food and energy, rose by 5.8 percent in December 2021.

This inflation is disproportionately harming low-income households -- 71 percent have reported experiencing financial hardship due to rising prices. Of the 71 percent, 28 percent of low-income households say they have experienced “severe hardship” due to rising prices, and 42 percent say they have experienced “moderate hardship.”

The administration touts Americans earning higher wages, but neglects to mention that inflation has outpaced this wage growth. As a result, real average hourly earnings have dropped by 1.7 percent on an annualized basis.

Since July, the Biden administration has been insisting this problem would go away. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen repeatedly described inflation as "transitory."

Evidently, this was not the case.

Now, 60 percent of Americans say they disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy.

Many of the policies being pushed by Biden have made the economy worse.

For instance, the Biden administration has undermined American energy independence. In the past year, resident Biden signed an executive order banning new drilling leases on federal lands, pursued more than $20 billion in new energy taxes on oil and natural gas production, and vetoed permitting for the Keystone XL pipeline.

Biden has also pushed trillions in new spending that have made inflation worse. After spending trillions in 2020 to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden administration passed an unnecessary, additional $1.9 trillion spending bill in March.

Almost a year after this last funding bill was passed, $1 trillion in COVID-19 funding has not been spent and $500 billion hasn’t even been allocated. The Biden spending bill also included extended a federal program that paid people not to work for months.

A new National Bureau of Economic Research working paper found these unemployment benefits prolonged the struggling job market and reduced employment.

States that continued to participate in additional unemployment benefit programs experienced a 0.8 percent higher unemployment rate in July and a 0.7 percent higher unemployment rate in August than they would have if they suspended benefits. In states that terminated the program early, the flow of unemployed workers into employment increased by two-thirds.

These benefits had such a severe depressive effect on employment that 18 states declined money from the federal government and ended their participation in the programs.

The policies being pushed by resident Biden has led to stagnant economy where inflation is out of control, energy prices are up, and Americans are being paid not to work.

However, Democrats continue to push trillions of dollars in new spending and tax increases that will make these problems worse.

For instance, House Democrats passed legislation which includes $1.5 trillion in tax increases on businesses and working families, including a 15 percent global minimum tax, a 15 percent domestic minimum tax, and a new surtax on adjusted gross income (AGI) that will hit pass through businesses. These taxes won’t be paid by wealthy corporations but will be passed along to consumers through higher prices and workers in the form of lower wages.

According to a 2020 National Bureau of Economic Research paper, 31 percent of the corporate tax rate is borne by consumers through higher prices of goods and services. Similarly, a study by the Tax Foundation finds that 70 percent of the corporate tax is paid by workers.

American families and businesses across the country are being hit with higher prices and stagnant wages. These are undoubtedly a result of the failed policies being pushed by Congressional democrats and resident Biden. However, instead of pushing to fix this problem, the Left is pushing new taxes and spending that will exacerbate this damage.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1144 on: February 16, 2022, 07:40:03 AM »

Double Whammy, Staglflation Style! US Rents Soaring (12%) As Real-time Q1 GDP Slows To 0.7%
Confounded Interest ^ | 02/16/2022 | Anthony B. Sanders
Posted on 2/16/2022, 7:40:57 AM by Browns Ultra Fan

Call this a double whammy! Red-hot rents combined with a slowing economy.

According to CoreLogic, single-family annual rent growth finished 2021 at a new record: 11.7% YoY for high tier rental properties and 10.4% YoY for low tier rental properties.

Of course, southern and southwest rental properties are seeing the fastest rent growth. Particularly Miami.

Inflation is really ripping the insides out of America’s working class. Especially with real-time GDP slowing to 0.7%.

Double whammy, indeed!

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1145 on: February 16, 2022, 08:55:38 AM »
Biden misery index on rise as Americans pessimistic about country's future..Public concern over crime, inflation, other issues could spell trouble for Dems in November. ^ | February 16, 2022 - 9:25am | By Aaron Kliegman
Posted on 2/16/2022, 11:17:41 AM

Americans are growing increasingly pessimistic about the current state and future of the country as the political phenomenon of misery takes hold, presenting problems for President Biden and Democrats ahead of this year's midterm elections.

As the national mood becomes gloomier under the Biden administration, a useful indicator for measuring economic pain has resurfaced after years of dormancy: the so-called misery index.

Created by the late economist Arthur Okun, the misery index became widely known in the 1970s and early 1980s during the presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. It adds together two measures of economic pain — the unemployment rate and inflation for consumers — to give a sense of the economic distress felt by everyday Americans.

The index hit 11% in November and December and reached 11.5% last month — higher than any month in 2008 when the Great Recession began and just behind its highest levels in late 2009 and early 2010 when unemployment was around 10%. The current level is the highest in a decade, not including the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Economists don't consider the misery index a sophisticated metric but say it's a useful tool.

"It's short-hand, it's a rule of thumb," David Wessel of the Brookings Institution told CNN. "The average person can understand it."

The rise in the misery index doesn't appear to match the economy's strong growth — on the surface.

Indeed, on paper, the economy appears to be doing well. Gross domestic product grew by 5.7% last year, the largest annual increase since 1984. The labor market is strong, with the unemployment rate at just 4%. And workers' wages have increased across multiple industries.

Yet, Americans aren't feeling good about the economy. Only 23% say the economic conditions in the country today are good or excellent, while 37% say they're poor, according to a Gallup poll from last month.

CNN's most recent poll on the economy found that 75% of Americans are worried about the state of the economy in their own community and 63% say the U.S. economy is in poor shape.

A primary reason for the gloomy outlook appears to be soaring inflation, which has caused prices to rise on everyday items from groceries to gasoline.

According to the same CNN poll, 80% of respondents expressed concern about this very problem.

U.S. wholesale prices increased by 1% in January, marking the largest gain in a year and doubling the surge expected by Wall Street economists. Meanwhile, the Labor Department said Tuesday the producer price index, which measures prices paid for the goods used to make products before they reach consumers, surged 9.7% in the last 12 months.

"Oof," wrote Axios chief economic correspondent Neil Irwin upon hearing the news. "Inflation is getting worse, not better."

These latest figures came after the Labor Department reported last week that consumer prices climbed 7.5% in January from the same time the previous year, the biggest increase since 1982 and above expectations.

Such price increases have eliminated any potential benefits of higher wages, leading to an actual pay cut for the average worker. Real hourly earnings decreased by 1.7% last year, according to the Labor Department.

Despite a growing economy with available jobs, many people are struggling to pay for basic items such as food, rent, and electricity — a fact that's above all hurting lower-income Americans, who spend a higher percentage of their income on necessities rather than luxuries.

Consumer confidence has tumbled to an 11-year low as inflation skyrockets.

Some 69% of Americans disapprove of how Biden has handled inflation, according to recent polls. Polling also shows a strong majority of the country — in some cases upwards of 62% — disapproving of Biden's handling of the overall economy.

These figures appear to be indicative of a larger issue. Over 70% of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, according to a recent NBC News poll. About 60% of respondents said their family income is falling behind the cost of living. Only 30% felt they're keeping up, and 7% responded their incomes are increasing faster than the cost of living.

The poll found Americans' most popular responses, when asked to describe the state of their country, were "bad," "lost," "downhill," "negative," "struggling," and "divisive."

Another recent poll — this one from Morning Consult and Politico — found 68% of voters believe the country is on the wrong path. Only 32% said the U.S. is on the right track.

On Monday, Rasmussen Reports unveiled its latest survey asking likely voters whether the country is heading in the right or wrong direction. Just 30% said the right direction, compared to 64% who responded the U.S. is on the wrong track.

This fits with a broader and recent pattern of some two-thirds of Americans saying the country is heading in the wrong direction.

The economy is a key driving factor leading to pessimism, but not the only one. For example, 58% of Americans are dissatisfied with the level of immigration into the U.S. today, while 34% are satisfied, according to Gallup. Other polling shows more than 80% of Americans are concerned about the ongoing spikes in violent crime nationwide.

One of the key factors in the nation's gloomy mood appears to be the public's plummeting trust in the federal government. According to Pew Research, less than one-quarter of Americans say they can trust the government to do what is right "just about always" or "most of the time," a near-historic low in the organization's polling.

Last year, meanwhile, 39% of Americans had a great deal or fair amount of trust in the federal government to handle either domestic or international affairs. The number for international affairs is the lowest in Gallup's history of asking the question; the number for domestic affairs is among the lowest.

These trends haven't helped Biden, whose own poll numbers have dropped significantly in recent months. Americans generally disapprove of Biden's handling of crime, immigration, and his overall job performance. Some pollsters have cited his support for teaching critical race theory and botched withdrawal from Afghanistan as factors that have contributed to his low approval ratings.

All this could prove problematic for Democrats heading into this November's midterm elections. In a new national survey from the Trafalgar Group, 54% of American voters prefer Republican candidates in the midterm elections, compared to 42% who prefer Democratic candidates. Inflation, immigration, and law and order were among the key issues determining voters' decisions, according to the data.

Another factor that both could hurt Democrats and, according to experts, has contributed to the national malaise felt by many Americans is the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdowns, pushed most ardently by Democrats and kept in place longer in blue states, were recently condemned in a study from Johns Hopkins University for imposing "enormous economic and social costs" where they were adopted.

"These costs to society must be compared to the benefits of lockdowns, which our meta-analysis has shown are marginal at best," the Johns Hopkins researchers wrote. "Such a standard benefit-cost calculation leads to a strong conclusion: Lockdowns should be rejected out of hand as a pandemic policy instrument."

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1146 on: February 16, 2022, 08:59:52 AM »
Joe Biden Promises to ‘Work Like the Devil’ to Bring Down Gas Prices After Strategic Oil Reserve Release Fails
Breitbart ^ | 02/16/2022 | Charlie Spiering
Posted on 2/16/2022, 10:50:36 AM by

President Joe Biden promised Monday to continue working to bring down the price of gasoline, less than three months after his historic release of oil from the strategic oil reserves.

“I’m going to work like the devil to get gas prices down,” Biden told attendees at the National Association of Counties 2022 Legislative Conference in Washington, DC.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1147 on: February 16, 2022, 10:07:25 AM »

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1148 on: February 16, 2022, 11:59:14 AM »

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1149 on: February 17, 2022, 08:09:39 AM »