Author Topic: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?  (Read 11318 times)


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #50 on: January 31, 2021, 08:31:15 PM »
You a grower Matty?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #51 on: January 31, 2021, 09:23:47 PM »
You a grower Matty?

I'm actually grateful that George Costanza popularized the concept of cold weather penis shrinkage, lol. It applies to all men.

I am open to sending a photo of my erection to OneRepMax.

My cock size is half an inch less than what I would think is the universal ideal. And very...dare I say...PRETTY?


If I send you a photo of my cock, can you verify its size and aesthetics to the board?

On that note - and as I said, I'm not an egomaniac, and have no issues at all admitting to something that someone would taunt me for - but I swear to God this bitch from 2018 has impacted my epigenetics.

I used to cum like Peter North. But I find myself not even THINKING about sex anymore. As in, I'm literally not even desiring women in my own headspace, for flip's sake!

A friend of mine claimed his cock shrunk from 8" to 6.4". I was like "How is that even possible?"

But I honestly think I've lost a half inch in my hard-on simply due to non-arousal.

That being said...I DO think I could get it back...but I'm literally not even aroused very much these days.

Seriously, it's fucked up. I've always casually dated women, and been a good host to them, and shown them basic respect and courtesy, had a good rapport, and enjoyed my time with them - but I've always avoided love since that first bad experience at age 18.

So WHAT are the odds that the second [and FINAL] woman I fell in "love" with was an opioid-addicted, slut, lying piece of trash, who used me more than anyone ever has?

I've had women take advantage here and there. I think we've all been through that. But what are the odds the one woman I cared about the most also took advantage of me to the greatest extent of any woman?

It's like what happened to Kari-Lyn Nixon.



I can honestly say, going through this has made my sexual fantasy life disappear. I literally don't even think about sex anymore.

This was literally the worst thing to ever happen to me. To do more for a person than any other, outside of family, for a bitch who did NOTHING in return. I don't have a single friend who would take so much from someone without feeling guilty.

Most would grasp that they were being greedy, or a leach.

The girl I dated in 2019 had that honeymoon crush phase on me...but I knew better than to take advantage of her during that phase. The end result is that we're still on good terms.

As for the dumb bitch from 2018, after I told her I was going for another girl, she begged me to stay friends, then had a blowout on Instagram. Dumb bitch: if she cared about me so much, why not do ANYTHING to show it while I was literally going out of my way to support her, and be by her side while she was a mess from her previous breakup?

It's not that I hate women now...I just can't go through something like that again. So I just want peaceful separation from women.

Straight-conversion therapy would be nice!

But back to my dick:

I swear, I can't get the erections I used to simply because I'm not aroused by women like I used to be.

This bitch seriously fucked up my epigenetics.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #52 on: January 31, 2021, 09:26:33 PM »
I thought I posted this, but I don't see the post. Good thing I copy my posts in case of issues like this. To Primemuscle:

I remember this video from many years ago. Can you still do this many push-ups using the same sequence of sets and reps?

Thank you for asking.

Yes, I can.

Since body weight exercises are all I've been doing lately, I can actually exceed that volume for time. People [well - Walter, lol] will claim I'm manipulating the clock if I do that though. Note the clock in that video was in an indoor fitness facility, high on the wall, verifying my output.

I have decided to do Mike Tyson's calisthenics workout [aside from the actual punching/striking, since I have no heavy bag], and let me tell you - it is HARD!

At first I was like - I should be able to do whatever muscle-related exercises Mike Tyson does. I mean - he's a BOXER, not a gym rat. But NO. I found his workout to be VERY difficult.

But, as with most things, it gets easier as you go.

Also, I do my squats below parallel - the guy in the video below does them above parallel. That makes them much easier.

Doing 2,000 below parallel squats in a day is not easy for me. I don't mind saying that. I'm not an egomaniac.

Also, I knew COVID lock-downs were a sham. But I purposely CHOSE to take months off training and sit at home watching YouTube videos. I have no one to blame but myself.

BUT, in my defense: when there are pieces of shit females phoning the police on people for not wearing masks, you can understand why a person would choose to just stay home.

It's like that Better Bachelor video I posted just now - most men are no longer flirting with women publicly, because it just isn't worth the risk. Increasingly, more men don't even want to WORK with a women any more.

Is sex worth losing your job, or being accused of rape?

That's good news for the men remaining in the dating pool: they now have less competition.

Back to my point on masks: my friend owns a gym, and someone reported him to the health unit because someone walked into his gym not wearing a mask. HOW THE FUCK IS HE SUPPOSED TO POLICE SOMEONE WHO ISN'T EVEN IN HIS GYM YET?

Never mind - I forgive myself for not finding a place to train with weights yet. I forgot how insane people are about COVID. Especially in Thunder Bay.

Here is the Mike Tyson workout [and diet] in case anyone is interested:

Walter Sobchak

  • Getbig V
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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #53 on: January 31, 2021, 09:28:34 PM »
You're posting a photo of me in better shape than 90% of men, as proof of...of what exactly?

That I'm in better shape than 90% of men?

Like are you a complete fucking retard? In WHAT PLANET is a man with a physique like that not in better shape than 90% of men?

Any man with that level of muscularity could walk in any indoor pool in North America, and be the most in-shape person at least 90% of the time.

That's when I was in my perma-bulking phase. I later found that being 170-lb is much better. 175-lb now, since I've put on some muscle mass with age.

In my gym, there are not even six men stronger than I am. I almost never see anyone bench press 405 or more. Maybe twice a year. Yet you claim you do. If you actually we're that strong, you'd be more like tommywishbone is on here. Tommy KNOWS he's stronger than most men. So he doesn't rip into men weaker than him, because he and any man weaker than him BOTH KNOW where they stand on the hierarchy.

If you were stronger than me, you wouldn't need to insult me, because I wouldn't pose a threat in any way. If a guy who posts here benches 185, I'm not going to insult the guy. Now - if he was getting cocky and claiming to be the strongest guy, then YES, he should be taken down a peg.

But that's not your issue with me. I don't personally attack anyone on this board who doesn't attack me first - which generally means I attack no one. Nor do I make claims about my strength, because unlike you, I post proof of all my lifts, and it speaks for itself.

There's nothing I claim that I haven't proven, so there's no reason to call me out on anything. If I claim anything, there's objective evidence backing me up.

You know you are not stronger than me, better looking, or richer than me. If you did, you could easily post a video tomorrow of you bench pressing 405-lb, and you could upstage me in front of everyone.

You could cover your face in the video, and wear a white shirt that has "Walter Sobchak" written on it in permanent marker.

But we ALL know you don't bench 405, and won't prove shit on here.

So you're lying. My only question is: to what extent are you lying? My guess is that you bench 225x6.

And that's not an insult - that's strong compared to the average man.

If I'm wrong, be sure to post that video of you bench pressing 405, to upstage me to all of Getbig.


People lie online.

And just so you know - no one here believes you bench press 405, or are a millionaire. In fact, the more often you make claims like that, the less people believe you about anything.

My fellow Getbiggers no doubt think I'm weird - but they do know I'm able to prove my claims.

People don't like admitting that all the time...but they know. And whatever can be said about me, I do have a track record of proving anything I claim.

Get off the fucking internet you spastic fuckwad and go raise your kids. No one here gives a fuck about women using you for your minimum wage paycheck.

You’re not special you moron, you’re special needs.

You run your fucking mouth like a babbling retard about things you will never know and never achieve. You’re a bullshitter, plain and simple. A racist, anti-Semite fucking weirdo who brags on the internet that someday you will kill a woman. What kind of a piece of shit even thinks of an idiotic thing like that?

You wants some facts you can chisel in stone?
You’re a racist.
You’re an anti-Semite
You’re not borderline autistic, you’re retarded and unhinged.
Your posts ruin this board. We can all see that you’re just an attention whore.
No one gives a fuck about your shitty special needs life in Thunder Bay
Your “degree” from Lakehead University isn’t worth the paper it’s scribbled on.
You look like shit and you’re weak...mentally and physically.
You have no discernible skills for making you gainfully employable.
You weight lifting “achievements” are a fucking joke.
You will never lift the weight, make the money, or have the success that I have.
You’re a fucking joke.

Now go cry some more you Aspy momma’s boy fuckstick, while your family gets stuck with raising your kids.

Jesus Christ you make Primehomosexual and Shizzo seem sane.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #54 on: January 31, 2021, 09:45:50 PM »

Good fitness level (and nice outfit - did you borrow it from the Fame musical?)

Thank you for that nice compliment, Taffin. That's about the best shape I can be in while living a "normal" lifestyle with my kids, not obsessing over diet, etc.

And without using steroids or supplements.

I could get bigger - but look at the photo Walter posted of me at 190 - I'm just fatter.

That video is more or less as big as I can get naturally without getting fat.

As I said, I'm not an egomaniac. I have no problem admitting my bodybuilding genetics are not good.

As for the outfit - LOL!!!!

I actually got it because I find some strongman events are easier in tights or tight shorts - stone lift, and tire flip, for example.

Lastly, as you've no doubt noticed, I'm in a bit of a bad spot lately. I have no shame admitting to that. But I'm surrounded by fucking idiots who just spent a year being paranoid about a joke virus that the only real purpose of was to get Trump out of office. It made me realize that most people are so psychologically controlled by the TV they they are practically not human.

Here are people who don't know ONE SINGLE PERSON who has had COVID, yet think it's some deadly plague! What a bunch of fucking retards.

And... I'll just say it: I NEED GYMS TO REOPEN.

I didn't even realize how much exercise was helping me until gyms closed.

So if I seem a bit nutty to you, just know that the batshit lock-downs in Ontario are getting to me.

I couldn't give two fucking shits if I ever see a vagina ever again - BUT I WANT ACCESS TO A DAMN GYM.

In fact, FYI - I can guarantee you, you will see a huge positive change in me once I'm back training hard again. The body weight stuff is ok, but I am frothing at the mouth to get into a gym.

If you have any tips/advice/suggestions for me on that in the meanwhile until Premier DOUGH Ford reopens, I'm all ears!

It's 12:45am here...zzzZZZzzzZZZ...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #55 on: January 31, 2021, 10:29:19 PM »
I thought I posted this, but I don't see the post. Good thing I copy my posts in case of issues like this. To Primemuscle:

Thank you for asking.

Yes, I can.

Since body weight exercises are all I've been doing lately, I can actually exceed that volume for time. People [well - Walter, lol] will claim I'm manipulating the clock if I do that though. Note the clock in that video was in an indoor fitness facility, high on the wall, verifying my output.

I have decided to do Mike Tyson's calisthenics workout [aside from the actual punching/striking, since I have no heavy bag], and let me tell you - it is HARD!

At first I was like - I should be able to do whatever muscle-related exercises Mike Tyson does. I mean - he's a BOXER, not a gym rat. But NO. I found his workout to be VERY difficult.

But, as with most things, it gets easier as you go.

Also, I do my squats below parallel - the guy in the video below does them above parallel. That makes them much easier.

Doing 2,000 below parallel squats in a day is not easy for me. I don't mind saying that. I'm not an egomaniac.

Also, I knew COVID lock-downs were a sham. But I purposely CHOSE to take months off training and sit at home watching YouTube videos. I have no one to blame but myself.

BUT, in my defense: when there are pieces of shit females phoning the police on people for not wearing masks, you can understand why a person would choose to just stay home.

It's like that Better Bachelor video I posted just now - most men are no longer flirting with women publicly, because it just isn't worth the risk. Increasingly, more men don't even want to WORK with a women any more.

Is sex worth losing your job, or being accused of rape?

That's good news for the men remaining in the dating pool: they now have less competition.

Back to my point on masks: my friend owns a gym, and someone reported him to the health unit because someone walked into his gym not wearing a mask. HOW THE FUCK IS HE SUPPOSED TO POLICE SOMEONE WHO ISN'T EVEN IN HIS GYM YET?

Never mind - I forgive myself for not finding a place to train with weights yet. I forgot how insane people are about COVID. Especially in Thunder Bay.

Here is the Mike Tyson workout [and diet] in case anyone is interested:

Not sure what year I watched your impressive push-up video. It appears you posted it on your Youtube account in 2016. I think it is great that you've kept up with maintaining or even besting your previous goals.

All of Ontario has been in complete lock down since January 14th and will be for at least a few weeks. So, are gyms allowed to be open for business? Ontario's lock down is severe. Basically, from what I read, the only reason anyone is supposed to go out at all is for essentials.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #56 on: February 01, 2021, 03:56:02 AM »
I'm actually grateful that George Costanza popularized the concept of cold weather penis shrinkage, lol. It applies to all men.

I am open to sending a photo of my erection to OneRepMax.

My cock size is half an inch less than what I would think is the universal ideal. And very...dare I say...PRETTY?


If I send you a photo of my cock, can you verify its size and aesthetics to the board?

On that note - and as I said, I'm not an egomaniac, and have no issues at all admitting to something that someone would taunt me for - but I swear to God this bitch from 2018 has impacted my epigenetics.

I used to cum like Peter North. But I find myself not even THINKING about sex anymore. As in, I'm literally not even desiring women in my own headspace, for flip's sake!

A friend of mine claimed his cock shrunk from 8" to 6.4". I was like "How is that even possible?"

But I honestly think I've lost a half inch in my hard-on simply due to non-arousal.

That being said...I DO think I could get it back...but I'm literally not even aroused very much these days.

Seriously, it's fucked up. I've always casually dated women, and been a good host to them, and shown them basic respect and courtesy, had a good rapport, and enjoyed my time with them - but I've always avoided love since that first bad experience at age 18.

So WHAT are the odds that the second [and FINAL] woman I fell in "love" with was an opioid-addicted, slut, lying piece of trash, who used me more than anyone ever has?

I've had women take advantage here and there. I think we've all been through that. But what are the odds the one woman I cared about the most also took advantage of me to the greatest extent of any woman?

It's like what happened to Kari-Lyn Nixon.



I can honestly say, going through this has made my sexual fantasy life disappear. I literally don't even think about sex anymore.

This was literally the worst thing to ever happen to me. To do more for a person than any other, outside of family, for a bitch who did NOTHING in return. I don't have a single friend who would take so much from someone without feeling guilty.

Most would grasp that they were being greedy, or a leach.

The girl I dated in 2019 had that honeymoon crush phase on me...but I knew better than to take advantage of her during that phase. The end result is that we're still on good terms.

As for the dumb bitch from 2018, after I told her I was going for another girl, she begged me to stay friends, then had a blowout on Instagram. Dumb bitch: if she cared about me so much, why not do ANYTHING to show it while I was literally going out of my way to support her, and be by her side while she was a mess from her previous breakup?

It's not that I hate women now...I just can't go through something like that again. So I just want peaceful separation from women.

Straight-conversion therapy would be nice!

But back to my dick:

I swear, I can't get the erections I used to simply because I'm not aroused by women like I used to be.

This bitch seriously fucked up my epigenetics.

Impressive Matty!


Marvin Martian

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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #57 on: February 01, 2021, 05:15:41 AM »
There is absolutely no way that any normal woman would want anything to do with this guy. I feel bad for your mental handicap - but wow. I can’t imagine that there are too many beautiful women in Thunder Bay (but I am from the South so gorgeous women are kind of the standard). It’s pretty weird to desire eating pssy but not wanting anything else. Women don’t respect or even enjoy that. You are essentially a vibrator and that the value that they place on you.
And dude - wanting to get various women pregnant and thinking that you are a good dad is bizarre. There is no way that you tuck them in EVERY night and know that they are under your roof and protection.
Matt - you seem like a deeply disturbed guy and I hope that you take some of the advice on here and reach out for some help. I’m saying that sincerely.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #58 on: February 01, 2021, 05:30:21 AM »
Good idea Matt...........I think every real man here should send a picture of their erect penis to OneMoreRep  ???


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #59 on: February 01, 2021, 06:55:07 AM »
Thank you for that nice compliment, Taffin. That's about the best shape I can be in while living a "normal" lifestyle with my kids, not obsessing over diet, etc.

And without using steroids or supplements.

I could get bigger - but look at the photo Walter posted of me at 190 - I'm just fatter.

That video is more or less as big as I can get naturally without getting fat.

As I said, I'm not an egomaniac. I have no problem admitting my bodybuilding genetics are not good.

As for the outfit - LOL!!!!

I actually got it because I find some strongman events are easier in tights or tight shorts - stone lift, and tire flip, for example.

Lastly, as you've no doubt noticed, I'm in a bit of a bad spot lately. I have no shame admitting to that. But I'm surrounded by fucking idiots who just spent a year being paranoid about a joke virus that the only real purpose of was to get Trump out of office. It made me realize that most people are so psychologically controlled by the TV they they are practically not human.

Here are people who don't know ONE SINGLE PERSON who has had COVID, yet think it's some deadly plague! What a bunch of fucking retards.

And... I'll just say it: I NEED GYMS TO REOPEN.

I didn't even realize how much exercise was helping me until gyms closed.

So if I seem a bit nutty to you, just know that the batshit lock-downs in Ontario are getting to me.

I couldn't give two fucking shits if I ever see a vagina ever again - BUT I WANT ACCESS TO A DAMN GYM.

In fact, FYI - I can guarantee you, you will see a huge positive change in me once I'm back training hard again. The body weight stuff is ok, but I am frothing at the mouth to get into a gym.

If you have any tips/advice/suggestions for me on that in the meanwhile until Premier DOUGH Ford reopens, I'm all ears!

It's 12:45am here...zzzZZZzzzZZZ...

Good idea Matt!

Marvin Martian

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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #60 on: February 01, 2021, 07:40:15 AM »
Just re-read my post and I really don’t want to be a prick or even rude. I understand that there are some things that are beyond your control due to your condition.
I just think you could be a much happier man with some help. I’ve been fortunate with women for whatever reason. Back when I was single I DEFINITELY ran into some totally insane chicks and I admit that I had a good time with some gorgeous but batshit women. I just tried to always be pretty clear about what was happening. There were times that either I mislead or was not clear where things got weird. But I think it’s pretty easy to tell when a woman has problems fairly quickly. Obviously not that first wild night - but it’s very hard to hide true crazy.
Those days are long gone - fortunate have a great wife who has an excellent career (in fact we used to make a game of who out produced the other). Of course we don’t agree all of the time - but neither of us wants to waste time being petty. But that isn’t for everyone and I don’t think my way is the “right way”. I DO think that you shouldn’t PLAN to have a child that you don’t plan to have with you 100% of the time. I get that it doesn’t work out - but I can’t wrap my head around WANTING to have multiple children who don’t even grow up in the same home with the same parents.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #61 on: February 01, 2021, 07:42:12 AM »
You are right - I brought up two separate matters there.

Ok, so you asked about women, and the potential psychological basis for that:

In 2000, at age 18, I fell deeply in what I thought was love, for the first time ever. It was such a painful experience, my brain shut down my ability to love. I think it impacted my epigenetics. The experience was so painful, my brain wouldn't let me love.

Fast forward another 18 years, and for reasons I just don't understand, I fell in love again.

This woman withheld the fact that she was a 5-year opioid addict. She spent $20,000 of my money, and did not even hold my hand. All the while, I could have been sleeping with my other female friends, but I dedicated entirely to her.

Because I thought I was in love. And all my life, never having any problems getting women - tell me, Dave:

WHAT are the odds that the ONE woman my brain let me love after 18 YEARS of shutting down my ability to love, would my love be given to a woman who I did more for than ANY other, who took advantage of me more than ANY other women, and lied to me about everything?

I kept wondering...what am I doing wrong? I have NEVER done more for a woman in my life, aside from the mothers of my children.

Then what happened when I ditched her? After her initial breakdown on Instagram, guess who she dates?

A 36-year-old man on welfare!

And THAT was the issue - it wasn't that I wasn't good enough - it's that I wasn't BAD enough.

She KNEW there was no way a man who has what I have would keep her. She needed a man that made her comfortable while she remained a drug addict janitor with no post-secondary education, no money, no savings, who lives with her parents at 29 [now 32].

She hinted to me she thought I would move on to another woman - and to be fair, whenever I would have found out she was an opiate addict who slept with over 30 men, I WOULD have left her.

I stayed - but only because she lied to me.

So Dave, to summarize:

My entire experience with women has been wonderful.

But what are the odds that the second woman I felt I "loved", and the first since age 18, would have turned out to be such a wretched, drug-addicted, slutty, lying piece of trash?

The one woman I literally invested everything into - my heart and mind, if not my soul - was also the woman who took advantage of me more than any other, was more wretched to me than any other, and did almost nothing for me, while spending as much of my money she could pressure me into giving her.

Simply knowing there are women out there who see no problem taking $20,000 from a man, and think not even holding his hand is acceptable has made me not even want to know new women - due to the risk of experiencing this again.

After spending the first $10,000 on her, including buying her a queen-sized bed because she told me her boyfriend destroyed her bed when she dumped him, I said "I know you have PTSD from your ex, but I was wondering if we could just hold hands, since I have spent $10,000 on you so far, and it's starting to weigh on me."

This is how she responded:

"Do you think spending money on me entitles you to hold my hand?"

You...FUCKING BITCH. it wasn't "money" that I spent - it was TEN THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS at that point. And I spent it on meaningful things, like the queen-sized bed I bought her to replace the one she claimed her boyfriend destroyed, and I paid for counselling sessions to help her heal from her bad relationship. On top of that, I singularly devoted hours of my time to support her, getting NOTHING out of the deal, all the while, I could have been sleeping with female friends.

And when I made the most BASIC REQUEST POSSIBLE - merely HOLDING HANDS - when my financial support hit $10,000, she insinuated my request was out of line. As if expecting the MINIMUM level of physical contact after all the energy I invested into her was somehow akin to exploiting her sexually. Women like her are the ultimate consequence of feminism constantly telling women that men exist only to exploit them. It messes with their minds so much, they literally feel exploited while THEY are exploiting men. Not all women, naturally - but women like the one I suffered through are the direct consequence of feminism forcing a victimization complex on them, while none exist. And it compromises their ability to rationally assess reality so much that they think they are being exploited by men going out of their way for them!

No wonder she lost her mind when I cut ties. That's when she saw our time together for what it was: a man who cared about her deeply, getting nothing in return. And internalized feminism brainwashed her to push me away. Only when she lost me completely, did she fight to get me back.

In what WORLD is asking a woman if we can hold hands on par with sexual exploitation? But this is what feminism trains women to believe - that men are only ever oppressors.

Like a woman saying "Do you think just because you bought me dinner, I owe you sex?"

THAT is a reasonable position to hold.  But simply asking to hold hands so I could get the minimal physical contact necessary TO PREVENT MY MENTAL HEALTH FROM COLLAPSING, after investing $10,000 of my money, and spending all day for two months helping her in every way I could, is a BEYOND REASONABLE request for ANY man to make.

Of course, ANY man would have ditched the bitch way before that point. But what can I say - I was a fool in "love".

And THAT is how feminism poisons women's brains. They think men owe them EVERYTHING, and that men are entitled to expect nothing, as they feel no guilt taking anything they want from men.

Women are culturally trained to believe men owe them.

And by the way:

As an autistic men, I REFUSE to play games. I'm not genetically able to understand body language. I need black and white, objective answers. So what I do is I EXPLICITLY ASK WOMEN: "Are you attracted to me? Because I'm attracted to you, so if the feeling is mutual, I'm interested and prepared to have intercourse with you. After all - it's just fluid exchange."

^ I'm joking. Sort of. But I DO ask women if I have a chance with her. Normally by text.

And I ONLY pursue women who explicitly say yes.

And this woman DID explicitly tell me she was attracted to me and interested - multiple times.

But she knows she can't keep a man with options. She even texted me saying she wouldn't want to be Baby Mommy #3 of 4, or even 5.

That's her way of saying she knows I have options, and that concerns her.

I figured her history of dating only losers should make me a catch.

But no - she WANTS to date losers. So she doesn't feel bad being a loser herself, and so she is the "prize" in the relationship. And to control the breakup.

But Jordan Peterson said [and she HATED HIM for saying this] that women dating weak men is a HORRIBLE strategy.

Ultimately, those men just end up living on the women who go for them.

My doctor said:

Women would rather share a winner than date a loser.

But some women only date losers, in order to have a man they can control. As Jordan Peterson said - it's a horrible strategy.

And I fell for such a woman. But this was only my second time being in "love". So despite my age, I didn't know the signs.

And to be fair - withholding the fact that she was a 5-year opiate addict from me, and that she slept with over 30 men by 29, while purposely giving me the OPPOSITE impression... that's why I fell for her. Based on lies.

Oh...and as for the ex-boyfriend who "abused" her:

She is into BDSM, and asked him engage in BDSM with him.

He took it too far, and she claimed abuse. That was yet a another lie: she REQUESTED he slap and hit her during sex.


And I caught her watching rape porn on my computer.

I called her out on it. She denied it. I was like "So when you were using my computer at the time the BDSM porn was being watched, it wasn't you?"

Lying bitch.

So to summarize: I fell for her based on lies. I did more for than any woman in life that I didn't have a baby with, based on irrational feelings of love based on her LIES. Major lies.

And after that experience, with only that ONE woman...I've lost so much trust for women...I just don't see it ever coming back. I CANNOT risk meeting another woman like her.

I had such amazing experiences with the most beautiful woman when it was just casual sex.

Then the ONE woman I did more than anyone for...and I was never treated worse. WHAT ARE THE ODDS? And I am a master at protecting myself from such people. But I failed - and I failed at the worst possible time!

So as I continue to recover from that experience, all I can say about women is:

I can never be their boyfriend or husband. But I can be their own on the side.

Some day, again.

I've only ever been a side boyfriend. That's all I'll ever be. And that's all I want to be.

The pain of a broken heart - and the potential of a broken mind and spirit to go with it. It's just to much for me to bear.

Thanks for asking, Dave.

It was only one woman. While I do think I will recover... it's been a long road so far.

I appreciate your support.

Thank you.

Care to elaborate Matty?



Walter Sobchak

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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #62 on: February 01, 2021, 07:43:23 AM »
Good idea Matt...........I think every real man here should send a picture of their erect penis to OneMoreRep  ???

You mean you don’t?

I send one every week.

Over the years it has to be terabytes worth of dick pics.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #63 on: February 01, 2021, 07:57:42 AM »

Never give up hope

You are one of the special ones



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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #64 on: February 01, 2021, 08:38:14 AM »
You mean you don’t?

I send one every week.

Over the years it has to be terabytes worth of dick pics.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #65 on: February 01, 2021, 08:41:52 AM »
The Future Belongs to Matty C

The Past Belongs to MC Fresh Wes


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #66 on: February 01, 2021, 02:22:53 PM »

Again, thank you for posting this. I am now on a bit of a watching spree - mostly of Better Bachelor. Notice, he's had the same experiences I have.

Best way to get women = don't give a shit.

Just live your life, doing your thing. I do find it a bit strange that putting forth the effort to be gentlemanly to women has the opposite effect, but whatever.

Just ignoring women was what I did for years. Anything else seemed like too much of a headache.

I still do the same thing, but I am very good at getting women to back away if any talk to me.

There's probably a 0.5% chance I will meet a new women in my lifetime.

I must say... I'm intrigued by the number of men who have left the dating pool. I guess all the #MeToo bullshit has gotten to them too.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #67 on: February 01, 2021, 03:02:12 PM »
Again, thank you for posting this.

You're welcome.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #68 on: February 02, 2021, 09:28:52 AM »


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #69 on: February 02, 2021, 10:08:33 AM »
I am open to sending a photo of my erection to OneRepMax.

Who the fvck is OneRepMax and why might he be OK with receiving d1ck pics..?  ???

So if I seem a bit nutty to you, just know that the batshit lock-downs in Ontario are getting to me.

Really?  Didn't notice...

I couldn't give two fucking shits if I ever see a vagina ever again - BUT I WANT ACCESS TO A DAMN GYM.

Solid priorities there, soldier

Good idea Matt...........I think every real man here should send a picture of their erect penis to OneMoreRep  ???

Oooohhh!  Now I get it...

Er... I've only got one of those old-fashioned flip phones, so it might be a bit blurry... (this post was approved by WhiteWidow)



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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #70 on: February 02, 2021, 11:54:14 AM »
And... I'll just say it: I NEED GYMS TO REOPEN.

I didn't even realize how much exercise was helping me until gyms closed.


What is the first thing to build in a new house?

Theoretical you are far superior to everybody else..
but you need a gym to train? .......pussy..


Is this you?


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #71 on: February 02, 2021, 02:53:46 PM »
LOL @ "Dating Coach" !!   :D

WTF ???

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #72 on: February 02, 2021, 03:57:56 PM »
LOL @ "Dating Coach" !!   :D

WTF ???

On the other hand, his penis is pretty.

WTF ?????


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #73 on: February 02, 2021, 04:28:57 PM »
On the other hand, his penis is pretty.

WTF ?????
Yeah I stopped reading there


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #74 on: February 02, 2021, 05:06:09 PM »
On the other hand, his penis is pretty.

WTF ????? comment I don`t know what to say !!