Author Topic: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.  (Read 9256 times)


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #75 on: January 29, 2021, 11:41:41 PM »

Sorry, I forgot to include that. Thank you for reminding me, Phantom Spunker:

- Walter Sobchak thinks I've a abandoned my three children, and posted comments to that effect numerous times on here. Each time he accuses me of abandoning my children, I MELT.

In fact, it's gotten so bad, that any time I even just see Walter Sobchak's user name, I MELT.

In fact, I've MELTED more over the past few days from reading Walter Sobchak's posts than I've MELTED in over 17 years on Getbig.

When I see Walter Sobchak has replied to one of my posts, I immediately MELT, even before reading a word of it.

Then when I do read one of Walter Sobchak's whole posts, I MELT multiple times over the course of reading it.

I've never MELTED so many times in my life than I have in the past three days of reading Walter Sobchak's posts.

I'm not really afraid of too much. I have no fear speaking my mind to the strongest men, even if we disagree. As long as I'm respectful and cordial, what's the big deal?

But Walter Sobchak is an exception - I can honestly say, if we met, I'd melt within the first ten seconds of being in his presence.

I'm not saying this as a compliment, precisely, but there's never been a Getbigger who has made me MELT again and again, like Walter Sobchak has been able too, especially over the past three days.

And honestly, I seldom melt - be it here in Getbig or elsewhere online, or anywhere else.

I welled up when my son was born. I may have outright cried, but I can't recall.

Is it safe to say that a grown man crying falls under the umbrella of melting?

In any case, the form of MELTING I consistently experience from Walter's posts comprise being thrown into a rage immediately upon reading his comments about my children.

I've always been overprotective of my children, and in a warped and unintended way, Walter Sobchak has really put my paternity instinct for protecting my children into overdrive.

Say whatever you want about me. My only request is to leave my family out of it.

My family are Salt of the Earth type people. They really don't deserve any stress or grief caused  by me.

My kids are 11, 10, and 4, for crying out loud.

I'd seriously rather get shanked by a Getbigger than have my innocent children dragged into any beef someone here has on me.

Also, I can't do much to an anonymous trash-talker, but I am hyper-overprotective of my children.

Let me put this on record:

If I ever go to jail for murder in my life, I can guarantee that it stemmed from protecting my children.

Walter Sobchak may well be 6'4" and 290-lb. I don't give a fuck how big or strong he is. When it comes to protecting my children, something just snaps in my brain - I go from brave to fool-hardy.

A man my size would have to be insane to fight a guy the size Walter Sobchak claims to be.  But I know myself. And if a man that size [allegedly - and allegedly that strong] disrespected my kids to me in person, I just imagine attacking such a man with the ferocity and rage of a day rabid dog.

I know I posted a lot here, but I love my kids - and frankly, I don't even want to think about what I'd do to keep them safe, because I just know I'd murder someone if I felt it came to that.

Jail is NOT a deterrent for me when it comes to defending my children.

I'll be honest, of all my loved ones and good friends, my kids are the only people I would commit murder to protect if I had to, in order to keep them safe. My kids are the best thing that ever happened to me. My kids are my life.

Walter Sobchak:

Who calls out small children?


Trash me all you want in ten threads a day for the next year, if that floats your boat. You seem to have some good [bad] material on me already, 85% of which is true. And I can get you plenty more.

But bringing my kids into it? My youngest child is literally the most innocent little 3-year-old girl I've ever been blessed to have in my life.

Does it make you feel like a big man talking about a child who isn't yet able to defend herself?


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #76 on: January 30, 2021, 12:07:05 AM »
Is it safe to say that a grown man crying falls under the umbrella of melting?

a man should never cry... that's some bitch made effeminate shit.

get a grip, man.


who gives a shit what some rando on the net says – u r acting like a bitch - get over it.

b that guy who punched a cop in the face.

Phantom Spunker

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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #77 on: January 30, 2021, 12:11:52 AM »
Matt, shut up and take a break from the internet. Walter never attacked your kids. He said something along the lines of you being a failure of a father. Your inability to follow a line of argument is legendary, but you're actually just lying for attention at this point.

You once accused me of 'attacking' your kids when I said you should be forced to undergo a sterilisation (or something along those lines), and I remember Wizard of Truth literally insulting your kids and calling them names like 'fridge magnets' when you were annoying the hell out of everyone years ago. All of these walls of texts right now aren't because you're upset. They're because you're a fat, bored bastard with nothing better to do!

In fact, here is one of the texts in full, and yes, I think it is below the belt:

Matt you've spent hours in this thread trying to convince people that being autistic is an advantage and a plus when it's clear it's a mental handicap. Just face it, you're horde of bastards you spend 75% of your money on (you're not rich, you dress like a pauper and your place is a shit hole) will never achieve more than counting to ten. Your genetics are shit, you're a spastic and your bastards are spastics. As well as this you aren't big, you aren't strong, and you aren't clever. Basically you're a failure, and you fathered failure children. Mongoloids.

Point is, you're lying about never seeing this sort of thing on Getbig before, and you can stop claiming that Walter's attacking your kids now.


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #78 on: January 30, 2021, 12:36:24 AM »
matt should run some testosterone... might cry less and would also help his depression.


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #79 on: January 30, 2021, 02:48:10 AM »
hazbin is one of the most humble rich guys on getbig.


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #80 on: January 30, 2021, 03:06:31 AM »
Walter Sobchak bashing adult Getbig members = seemed like he had a stick up his ass, but I didn't give it much thought.

Walter Sobchak trashing me as a father, and dragging my small children into this discussion = I thought: maybe he has psychotic depression, or some medicated psychiatric condition that he decided to reduce the intake of his prescription without consultation with his psychiatrist because the medication was making him "drowsy", or something.

I'm not normally one to speculate on the psychiatric status of anonymous negative people online. But who brings small children, one being only three years old, still learning to talk, into a discussion to trash a guy who never uttered a negative word to him prior to being the recipient of repeat personal attacks? In 17 years on Getbig, not ONE person has done that. And we've had our share of negative members here.

So Walter Sobchak - let's pretend all your claims are true:

You independently own two successful private companies, live in a home worth over one million dollars, bench press 405-lb, deadlift in the 500+ range for reps, earn a handsome annual income deep into the six figures, yet devote half the time you spend on Getbig personally attacking fellow members, some of whom [presumably not just me] literally didn't state a single negative word to you in all the time during which we both actively posted here.

Again - let's pretend all your personal claims are true:

It seems to me that your millions aren't making you happy.

Nor does being stronger than 99% of men make you happy. Nor does living in a big, expensive, no doubt very comfortable home made to your specifications, presumably in one of the safer urban areas near Chicago.

If you have all that going for you - if all those claims above that you've made about yourself in other threads are true - then you are in the top 1% of income, net worth, and physical strength. Independently owning two private companies would also put you in the top 1% of industriousness, risk-taking, and entrepreneurial ability. And if you carry the size and muscularity you claim, you would most likely be in the top 1% of male size/muscularity - effectively making you among the top 1% of biggest AND strongest men alive. That would mean you could walk into ANY gym in North America at any time, and always be in the top 10% of biggest and strongest men present.

If what you are saying is true, in most gyms, you would consistently be the strongest man in the facility, any time of day, any day of the week. The 10% figure is just in the event you walk into a gym, and happen into a group of top powerlifters training there. Most times you walk into a gym, there is NOT a 405-lb bench presser there.

And yet half your posts here are just taking other Getbiggers down a peg? Some of whom you have zero history with, and who have never posted a single iota of negativity towards you in their respective posting history?

If you have all the extensive business and personal success and vast financial and material wealth you claim to have, in addition to possessing a physical strength level which makes you stronger than 99% of men, why would you make fun of people beneath you?

If you are as strong as you claim, it would mean you are the strongest person at your gym almost every time you enter - and that would be true at almost any time in every gym in North America.

So here's the thing: men who are accustomed to being that strong have no need to tear down other people, consistently, with no basis. You'd be so accustomed to being the strongest man everywhere you go that you would take it for granted. And you'd also grasp that if a 175-lb lifetime lifter is consistently that size, that obviously he didn't ever devote to steroid cycling. And you would grasp that dabbling in steroids literally a decade or more earlier would have zero or next to zero benefit today.

If you are as strong as you claim, you either use steroids or eat high calories - or both. So you would be well aware that smaller lifters may do both, but at lower levels.

The fact that you think my 170-lb physique at around 15% body fat is the result of ANY serious level of steroid use just makes me wonder if you even work out.

If you were like "Did you take a month of Anavar to look like that?", THAT would be a reasonable question...but NOTHING in my results should make any long-term lifter think I even remotely take steroids seriously - or even a high-protein diet, for that matter.

Frankly, I should be flattered you think I actively use steroids.

But the ONLY people I get that suspicion from are those who don't work out.

If you are a legit 405-lb bench presser, by necessity, you know what it takes to achieve that. And a lifter in the 170's with 15% body fat shouldn't even register as a steroid user to you. If you don't work out, then yeah - I could see why you would think I use steroids.

When gyms reopen, you better believe I'll be benching 360-370 at 175-lb body weight.

And if another Getbigger was benching 280 and throwing his hat in strongman contests in his region, it wouldn't cross my mind to make fun of him - because everyone would know I'm stronger, so why point it out just to poke fun?

Do you think I'm a long-term steroid user, stuck at 175-lb?

If so, did you think that maybe I DON'T WANT to get any heavier than 175-lb? I have three small children who need me. Do you think I want to put on size to gain strength, knowing it can ONLY hurt my health? Did you ever stop and think that some of us don't want to reduce our organ integrity, tax the processes of our bodies, reduce mobility, potentially reduce our lifespans, and risk injury, just for a plastic trophy?

How about a friendly bet, Walter Sobchak?:

When gyms open in Ontario, I'll surpass all my previous best lifts at 175-lb, within six months. I'll give you a 70-lb weight advantage [245-lb], and we'll both upload our top lifts, and post them here. Let's see how much you can out-lift me with a full 70-lb body weight advantage. You can feel free to use whatever steroids you want, as well. I would do it drug-free - not like you'd believe me anyway.

Then let's see how much you make fun of me for being "weak".

I'll give you a 100-lb weight advantage if you want. I'm not saying I'd beat you - I just want you to eat your words, seeing my "weak" top lifts at 175.

And back to my previous point - do you think it's cool bringing my children into this discussion and speaking negatively about them?

Do you think it makes you a big man to talk badly about a 3-year-old girl, still in the process of learning to speak? Even my two oldest children are 11 and 10, and you have the audacity to state they were raised poorly?

I'll say this as a general statement:

If anyone in person ever bashed my commitment as a father, or insulted my children, I'd very politely ask them to apologize. If they refused to apologize, I'd give them one more warning.

Then a switch would flip in my brain, that I have no control over.

Then I'd go to jail.

So my STRONG SUGGESTION to you, Walter Sobchak, is: continue to be an internet tough guy, while you are safe behind your computer screen. But I must SERIOUSLY caution against you talking trash about a man's family in real life - especially insulting his commitment as a father, or telling him his children didn't receive a proper upbringing.

The odds of you travelling to Middle-of-Nowhere, Northern Ontario are about 0%, but I am absolutely, positively 100% confident that if anyone disrespected my commitment as a father, or insulted the upbringing of my children in person the way you did online, I'd very politely ask them to apologize.

And they would apologize.

And that would be the end of it.

Once again - my kids are my life. I take any issues involving my children very seriously.

And you would NEVER insult a father in real life. Or bring up his children in ANY context. Not just to me - but to ANY man with kids. You're too scared to post using your real name, and you're describing yourself as a badass. Do you REALLY think anyone here believes any of your claims?


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #81 on: January 30, 2021, 04:47:06 AM »
hazbin is one of the most humble rich guys on getbig.

Fantastic example - in fact, hazbin is so humble about it, you'd forget he's rich. I think he knows it just goes without saying...and he's so used to being wealthy, it wouldn't surprise me if he almost forgets he's even rich, lol [because he doesn't think about it]. Just like how he's one of the best former bodybuilders here - and I can't fathom him not knowing that.

I see NOTHING "cool" about bragging about wealth. We - most of us - are bodybuilding and fitness afficionados here, right? Well... I'm not sure if you remember the 2004 bodybuilding documentary "Raising The Bar", featuring Dave Pulcinelli in his quest to become the best Mr. Delaware competitor ever.

In it, Victor Delcampo [who later turned pro] gave a good analogy:

Some people buy a sportscar to be show it off, basically [to ultimately impress others]. But a bodybuilder doesn't need a sportscar - his BODY is his sportscar!

And that's my thought EVERY TIME that I see some out-of-shape person wearing expensive designer clothes, or buying expensive cars. I see out-of-shape women with mounds of makeup on, who never considered a treadmill.

Not to mention the masses of people living with massive debt just to APPEAR rich.

I just don't get it.

PS - it wasn't my attempt to brag about anything I have. 85% of the things I hear about myself are true. It's the 15% that I hear about myself that are lies that I can't stand. Walter Sobchak has been making statements about me that are objectively and provably false, and enough was enough.

As for his claim that I live with my mom... I'll ask this AGAIN to anyone who wants to call me out:

Give me a time tonight, in the dead of night, and I'll take a video of my entire house, going into every room to show they are ALL empty.


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #82 on: January 30, 2021, 04:47:38 AM »
LMAO @ Walter's moronic "logic" - I live in a house that "sucks" according to him, but he also thinks it's such a good house that it can't possibly belong to me. Hahahahahaha, what a dumb liar. And he's such a low IQ moron, he's too dense to grasp that he exposes his lies through posts like that.

- I posted photos of my house within MINUTES of Walter calling me poor. Walter still calls me poor.

LOL, what a fucking tool.

See...this is why I don't lie, and why autistic people in general, generally never lie. See how much of a tool you look like when caught in blatantly obvious lies, like Walter's above, and many more?

For example, he said he warms up with my workout. Who in the FUCK warms up with 315x8 on bench? In fact, that's SUCH a lie, it actually makes me think Walter doesn't work out AT ALL.

The thing about lying about what you lift, is that it NEEDS to be plausible. Was it Chris Cuomo who posted a video pressing a 100-lb dumbbell with one arm, while seated? NO ONE DOES THAT. Aside from high level strength athletes.

The dumb fuck knows so little about working out that he doesn't even know what a realistic lie is! What a moron!

Likewise with Walter Sobchak - if he's stronger than me [deadlifting 500 for reps, for example], he wouldn't make fun of people who lift.

The thing is, anyone stronger than me had to put a lot of time in to get that strong. And the experience is somewhat humbling. And there'd be no reason to make fun of someone weaker. A person stronger than me wouldn't attack me because they already know they are stronger.

A stronger person WOULD very likely make fun of a weaker lifter IF that weaker lifter was being cocky, of otherwise claiming to be the strongest, etc.

Stronger men have no reason to dump on weaker men because they pose no threat to them.

In fact, the existence of weaker men is the reason why stronger men get to be at the top of the physical hierarchy. Not only are they no threat, their existence is what creates the social status of stronger men.

If Walter Sobchak was stronger than me [assuming he even works out], he could buy a $5 Halloween mask, scribble "Walter" on it, and post a 15 second video of him benching 405-lb. He could maintain his anonymity, and upstage me at the same time.

Moot point: he's a bitch who probably doesn't even lift. I bet I could lift everything he does, even if he had 70-lb in body weight on me.

PS - LOL @ claiming to warm up with 315x8. What a fucking idiot.

Conversely, he may be very strong, but fat and bald, forced to painfully accept that women don't give a shit if a man benches 405, if he's a fat ugly bald guy. Not that this matters - he'll never post a video because he's either fat, bald, ugly, weak, or whatever else.


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #83 on: January 30, 2021, 04:56:57 AM »
Getbiggers own 50 75 150 ft minimum yachts.


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #84 on: January 30, 2021, 05:40:43 AM »


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #85 on: January 30, 2021, 05:55:11 AM »
Getbiggers own 50 75 150 ft minimum yachts.

Not bad.


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #86 on: January 30, 2021, 06:38:08 AM »
Matt made those posts at 4am and 545am his time. But hey, he thinks he is mentally ok.   ::)

Grape Ape

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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #87 on: January 30, 2021, 07:07:51 AM »
Walter Sobchak bashing adult Getbig members = seemed like he had a stick up his ass, but I didn't give it much thought.

<Morgan Freeman voice> ....but like with any calm before the storm, things were about to change...


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #88 on: January 30, 2021, 07:09:43 AM »
Rich in 2021 means having a roof over your head and having enough money to eat

Because of Covid you cant do anything else...


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #89 on: January 30, 2021, 07:20:39 AM »
Getbiggers own 50 75 150 ft minimum yachts.

Nice sized yacht, easy to maintain without money from Uncle Junior or bitcoins from gib.


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #90 on: January 30, 2021, 07:23:48 AM »
<Morgan Freeman voice> ....but like with any calm before the storm, things were about to change...

 :D :D well done


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #91 on: January 30, 2021, 07:31:36 AM »
Matt--you are exactly like I used to be. When Walter was all over me I would stay up all night at times furious at an anonymous screenname saying these things about me. I was losing it. I even hired these 18 year old hackers to try and find his real identity. My mental health was shot. The best thing that happened to me was getting a long term ban. Now I just dont care if anyone on the internet says anything about me. I cant control other peoples actions, all I can do is control mine. And wow, life is so much better. You will just ignore this post and keep yourself wound up and OBSESSED with Walter, maybe someday you will get it together.

As far as whether Walters behavior is right or wrong, who cares? Its his choice how to act on here, its your choice how to react. And your choices are pretty bad


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #92 on: January 30, 2021, 07:47:28 AM »
me after reading this thread


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #93 on: January 30, 2021, 08:18:21 AM »
me after reading this thread

Nice to have a black woman posting on getbig again.

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #94 on: January 30, 2021, 09:03:05 AM »

Good morning/afternoon fellas!

What did I miss?     🤣


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #95 on: January 30, 2021, 09:39:33 AM »
Good morning/afternoon fellas!

What did I miss?     🤣



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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #96 on: January 30, 2021, 10:53:27 AM »

Good morning/afternoon fellas!

What did I miss?     🤣

Oh my lord, I LOLed until I almost peed a little.

I’m a little bit miffed that this thread of beauty was going on and no one PMed me to let me know !


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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #97 on: January 30, 2021, 11:56:16 AM »
Think and grow rich!

Dave D

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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #98 on: January 30, 2021, 01:03:16 PM »
This thread is full of sorrow and heartache. And long responses by Matt.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: Define "Rich" by Getbig's Standards in 2021.
« Reply #99 on: January 31, 2021, 03:03:03 AM »