Author Topic: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?  (Read 25062 times)

Grape Ape

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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #125 on: July 17, 2021, 01:50:17 PM »
Getbig should have a mandatory vaccine stance. Too many anti-vaxxers here. The hypocrisy is overwhelming and just plain old dumb lowest common denominator regurgitated fears.

The trouble is anyone with rational skepticism about the vaccine, and someone who understands legitimately how masks work or don't work, generally gets lumped into the "anti-vax q anon" group, when both are very realistic positions to take.


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #126 on: July 17, 2021, 01:52:00 PM »
This type of honesty is refreshing. Someone finally admitting  they didn’t take it just to save Grandma👍

This has  to be the first time in human history where people are getting a medical treatment and saying that they’re doing it for somebody else.

I took it for similar reasons, i love getting around the world and have worked my ass off and want to get back to enjoying my life and not living through lockdowns and masks, I took the jab to get my freedoms back, i hate government and want them out of my life, I also opted for a non MRNA vaccine as im skeptical about new technology and the emergency use allowance, i saw AZ a traditionally made vaccine as a good compromise to balance my personal choice to get vaccinated to get back to living life to the fullest, after losing two family members one 75 old and ready to go and one 51 fit and healthy I just decided why take that very small chance that im in the very small percentage that got very sick or die, i have had other family members have it and not know they have had it, or just feel like they had an annoying dry cough. The vaccine is setting me free not placing me under government control, that to me is lockdowns and masks.

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #127 on: July 17, 2021, 02:24:06 PM »
I’m not gonna discourage anybody from taking the vaccine. It doesn’t affect me one way or the other. Personally, I don’t like taking pharmaceutical drugs at all. My high school job was in a drugstore across the street from major New York hospitals. I was in them every day. I’m very unimpressed with their ability to deal with disease. A pill for every ill is their lone strategy. The only drugs  I’ve taken in my adult life were for skin conditions (ringworm, jock itch) I contracted when I was spending a lot of time in martial arts dojos.

I also find interesting that on the internet everyone knows a younger healthy person who died of Covid but the official stats paint a different picture. What I see in my everyday life are fat out of shape pieces of shit that somehow managed to survive 2020 sans vaccines.


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #128 on: July 17, 2021, 04:32:46 PM »
I wonder who the bodybuilder is?

Majority of Covid misinformation came from 12 people, report finds

"Among the dozen are physicians that have embraced pseudoscience, a bodybuilder, a wellness blogger, a religious zealot, and, most notably Robert F Kennedy Jr, the nephew of John F Kennedy who has also linked vaccines to autism and 5G broadband cellular networks to the coronavirus pandemic."


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #129 on: July 17, 2021, 05:00:42 PM »
I took it for similar reasons, i love getting around the world and have worked my ass off and want to get back to enjoying my life and not living through lockdowns and masks, I took the jab to get my freedoms back, i hate government and want them out of my life, I also opted for a non MRNA vaccine as im skeptical about new technology and the emergency use allowance, i saw AZ a traditionally made vaccine as a good compromise to balance my personal choice to get vaccinated to get back to living life to the fullest, after losing two family members one 75 old and ready to go and one 51 fit and healthy I just decided why take that very small chance that im in the very small percentage that got very sick or die, i have had other family members have it and not know they have had it, or just feel like they had an annoying dry cough. The vaccine is setting me free not placing me under government control, that to me is lockdowns and masks.

I've already had both doses of Moderna so my question isn't about me so much as for general knowledge. Leaning on your research, which of the COVID vaccines did you find out are non MRNA? I can't find any information on this.


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #130 on: July 17, 2021, 05:05:24 PM »
it gave me peace of mind that i wouldn't kill some old person or that i wouldn't contribute to taking up hospital resources that may be needed for other things

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #131 on: July 17, 2021, 05:33:22 PM »

He seems like the type who believes his own bullshit.😂😂😂


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #132 on: July 17, 2021, 05:56:59 PM »
He seems like the type who believes his own bullshit.😂😂😂
Lmfao 😂😂😂

Grape Ape

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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #133 on: July 17, 2021, 06:08:39 PM »
I've already had both doses of Moderna so my question isn't about me so much as for general knowledge. Leaning on your research, which of the COVID vaccines did you find out are non MRNA? I can't find any information on this.

He said AZ.  I think that's Astra Zeneca.


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #134 on: July 17, 2021, 06:09:07 PM »
I've already had both doses of Moderna so my question isn't about me so much as for general knowledge. Leaning on your research, which of the COVID vaccines did you find out are non MRNA? I can't find any information on this.
For someone who claims to educate themselves you really prove your ignorance daily

Different types of COVID-19 vaccines: How they work

Different types of COVID-19 vaccines: How they work
Curious about how mRNA vaccines and other types of COVID-19 vaccines can help you develop immunity to the COVID-19 virus? Understand how different technologies work with the immune system to provide protection.

By Mayo Clinic Staff
A coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine can prevent you from getting COVID-19 or from becoming seriously ill or dying due to COVID-19. But how do the different types of COVID-19 vaccines work?

Each COVID-19 vaccine causes the immune system to create antibodies to fight COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines make use of a spikelike structure on the surface of the COVID-19 virus called an S protein. The S protein helps the COVID-19 virus get inside your cells and start an infection.

The main types of COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the U.S. or being studied include:

Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine. This type of vaccine uses genetically engineered mRNA to give your cells instructions for how to make the S protein found on the surface of the COVID-19 virus. After vaccination, your immune cells begin making the S protein pieces and displaying them on cell surfaces. This causes your body to create antibodies. If you later become infected with the COVID-19 virus, these antibodies will fight the virus.

After delivering instructions, the mRNA is immediately broken down. It never enters the nucleus of your cells, where your DNA is kept. Both the Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna COVID-19 vaccines use mRNA.

Vector vaccine. In this type of vaccine, genetic material from the COVID-19 virus is placed in a modified version of a different virus (viral vector). When the viral vector gets into your cells, it delivers genetic material from the COVID-19 virus that gives your cells instructions to make copies of the S protein. Once your cells display the S proteins on their surfaces, your immune system responds by creating antibodies and defensive white blood cells. If you later become infected with the COVID-19 virus, the antibodies will fight the virus.

Viral vector vaccines can't cause you to become infected with the COVID-19 virus or the viral vector virus. Also, the genetic material that's delivered doesn't become part of your DNA. The Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine is a vector vaccine. AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford also have a vector COVID-19 vaccine.

Protein subunit vaccine. Subunit vaccines include only the parts of a virus that best stimulate your immune system. This type of COVID-19 vaccine contains harmless S proteins. Once your immune system recognizes the S proteins, it creates antibodies and defensive white blood cells. If you later become infected with the COVID-19 virus, the antibodies will fight the virus.

Novavax is working on a protein subunit COVID-19 vaccine.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has given emergency use authorization to the Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna and Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines. The FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recommended that use of the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine continue in the U.S. because the benefits outweigh the risks. If you are given this vaccine, you should be educated about the possible risks and symptoms of a blood clotting problem. More types of vaccines are expected to be authorized for use in the coming months.

Check with your local health department for the latest information on how and when you can receive a vaccine.


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #135 on: July 17, 2021, 08:16:04 PM »
He said AZ.  I think that's Astra Zeneca.

Thank you. I missed that. And thank you a second time because using this information led me to this webpage which really explains the differences between the vaccines in layman's terms; It is interesting that all of them have the same side effects.


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #136 on: July 17, 2021, 09:01:27 PM »

The Scott

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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #137 on: July 17, 2021, 09:07:57 PM »
I think they should have tested (and continue to test) this crap on prisoners and democraps.  You know...the shitizens.  Both are worthless to Civilized Nations. 

Fuck the cucks.


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #138 on: July 17, 2021, 11:54:11 PM »
I wonder if the Russians or the Chinese feel their government is trying to kill them off, or at least enslave them, like so many Americans feel their government is trying to do to them? Currently, which countries are the most free? Belarus? Lukasjenko doesn't give a fuck about Covid, he's not afraid, unlike sissies like Biden, or even Trump.

Since the government is suddenly so concerned about our health, I'm expecting Biden to address the nation asking them to put the fork down and excercise more to combat obesity. Not only does it help to combat covid if you're infected, obesity is a leading contributor to poor health and exacerbates other ailments.

It doesn't cost anything. The poorest of people can combat obesity by eating less and moving more.

Do you think Americans are so out of shape and fat because the government hasn't told them they should eat less and move more? That they are so ignorant? What would you suggest Biden do about American obesity? Imagine Biden telling people to put the fork down and move more, lecturing people like little children. The obese Trump was a horrible example himself, McDonald's and full sugar Coke every day Lol.


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #139 on: July 18, 2021, 12:23:19 AM »
I wonder if the Russians or the Chinese feel their government is trying to kill them off, or at least enslave them, like so many Americans feel their government is trying to do to them? Currently, which countries are the most free? Belarus? Lukasjenko doesn't give a fuck about Covid, he's not afraid, unlike sissies like Biden, or even Trump.

Do you think Americans are so out of shape and fat because the government hasn't told them they should eat less and move more? That they are so ignorant? What would you suggest Biden do about American obesity? Imagine Biden telling people to put the fork down and move more, lecturing people like little children. The obese Trump was a horrible example himself, McDonald's and full sugar Coke every day Lol.

Too many Americans and many of those in other first world countries are out of shape because most of us have never experienced healthy lifestyles.


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #140 on: July 18, 2021, 01:07:18 AM »
I wonder if the Russians or the Chinese feel their government is trying to kill them off, or at least enslave them, like so many Americans feel their government is trying to do to them? Currently, which countries are the most free? Belarus? Lukasjenko doesn't give a fuck about Covid, he's not afraid, unlike sissies like Biden, or even Trump.

Do you think Americans are so out of shape and fat because the government hasn't told them they should eat less and move more? That they are so ignorant? What would you suggest Biden do about American obesity? Imagine Biden telling people to put the fork down and move more, lecturing people like little children. The obese Trump was a horrible example himself, McDonald's and full sugar Coke every day Lol.

How is asking obese people who already know they need to excercise and put the fork down any more silly than sending people to the doors or attempting to scare people who have absolutely no intention of getting the vaccine?

They're both silly. That was my point. The government only wants to appear to care about our health, all the while, the big motivation is pharma money.

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #141 on: July 18, 2021, 04:12:00 AM »
How is asking obese people who already know they need to excercise and put the fork down any more silly than sending people to the doors or attempting to scare people who have absolutely no intention of getting the vaccine?

They're both silly. That was my point. The government only wants to appear to care about our health, all the while, the big motivation is pharma money.

I regularly see commercials telling people to get vaxxed. Why not the same telling people to avoid fast food, cookies, cakes etc.? Given the data, it would certainly make sense:

Covid: CDC study finds about 78% of people hospitalized were overweight or obese


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #142 on: July 18, 2021, 04:20:44 AM »
Thank you. I missed that. And thank you a second time because using this information led me to this webpage which really explains the differences between the vaccines in layman's terms; It is interesting that all of them have the same side effects.

It is interesting. Also of interest to me is that the side effects are often the same as covid symptoms. Clotting, bleeding, endothelial damage, myocarditis, stroke. All vaccines to date, afaik, present the spike protein to your body in some way.

Don't know what ever happened to the virologist Byram Bridle from Canada. He claimed that the spike protein was toxic, even without the virus attached, and he claimed that it didn't stay localized at the injection site, as advertised. He claimed we've made a big mistake in using the spike protein as a target.

I have no idea if he's right or wrong, but he's not just some internet knucklehead. And it suggests a plausible hypothesis for vaccine side effects mirroring virus symptoms. I haven't seen any discussion about it. Not even one of his ideas being shot to shit. The dude is just gone from the face of the earth. That's interesting. You'd think explosive claims like those would at least yield a hurricane of criticism directed at him and a whole lot of talk about how the spike protein isn't harmful at all.


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #143 on: July 18, 2021, 04:31:39 AM »
Any government ads telling people to avoid sugary foods would incense the Big Sugar lobby.


50 Years Ago, Sugar Industry Quietly Paid Scientists To Point Blame At Fat

Report: The Sugar Lobby Threatens Organizations, Buries Science on Health Effects

Big Sugar burns fields, bends DeSantis and FL Legislature to do its bidding


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #144 on: July 18, 2021, 05:35:30 AM »
I regularly see commercials telling people to get vaxxed. Why not the same telling people to avoid fast food, cookies, cakes etc.? Given the data, it would certainly make sense:

Covid: CDC study finds about 78% of people hospitalized were overweight or obese

I TOTALLY agree, but the answer is simple - capitalist society thrives on excessive consumption - why would any government ask people to spend less?

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #145 on: July 18, 2021, 07:31:01 AM »
I TOTALLY agree, but the answer is simple - capitalist society thrives on excessive consumption - why would any government ask people to spend less?

The vaccine scam has nothing to do with Capitalism. It’s government colluding with favored businesses at the expense of the taxpayer.

You really need to vax entire populations for a so called disease that barely affects anyone but a very small segment of the population? C’mon.


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #146 on: July 18, 2021, 07:44:17 AM »
I regularly see commercials telling people to get vaxxed. Why not the same telling people to avoid fast food, cookies, cakes etc.? Given the data, it would certainly make sense:

Covid: CDC study finds about 78% of people hospitalized were overweight or obese

I TOTALLY agree, but the answer is simple - capitalist society thrives on excessive consumption - why would any government ask people to spend less?

The vaccine scam has nothing to do with Capitalism. It’s government colluding with favored businesses at the expense of the taxpayer.

You really need to vax entire populations for a so called disease that barely affects anyone but a very small segment of the population? C’mon.

Sorry, I think we missed each other there Liz - I agree that the vaccine thing is a scam - my reasons for partaking were self-serving as I've already 'confessed'

My response that you quoted is my take on why governments don't seem capable of grasping the (fat) nettle and advising restraint and will power when it comes to food consumption causing these fat fucking bloaters to drop like (fat) flies and/or swamp ICU - my point was that it would reduce the revenue of the elite, so it's never going to happen

Pretty sure you and I agree on both of the above  8)

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #147 on: July 18, 2021, 09:42:42 AM »

Pretty sure you and I agree on both of the above  8)


Thin Lizzy

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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #148 on: July 18, 2021, 09:45:22 AM »
Looks like the French people have figured it out. American Libs on the wrong side yet again:

In Paris, one demonstrator's blouse read "No to compulsory vaccination, freedom violated!", while another's placard said: "Macron, no to the health dictatorship."


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Re: Do you feel better or worse from The vaccine?
« Reply #149 on: July 18, 2021, 10:16:48 AM »
I wonder if the Russians or the Chinese feel their government is trying to kill them off, or at least enslave them, like so many Americans feel their government is trying to do to them?

Russians and the Chinese are far more anti vax than people in the West. Not so much because of tinfoil hat type theories. They just don't have much trust in their governments and state funded projects.