Author Topic: Kali Muscle Heart Attack  (Read 9147 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #150 on: November 14, 2021, 06:23:17 PM »
Part III

Kali is back to being a king in prison, mostly in San Quentin, and nothing really happens in those 10 months, except we learn he doesn't like to shower with men -

"Taking showers in prison reception centers were the worst and I never looked forward to being amongst other men and transsexuals. I had mastered the art of taking bird baths in my cell, but bird baths would still leave me with an unclean feeling so I would bite the bullet and take a shower every time I was given the opportunity to."

"The shower in San Quentin reception center was horrid. I made sure that when it was time for me to wash up that I would have one of my soldiers go and designate a shower just for me. I did that so that I could be the first one in and the first one out, because anyone after that was going to be standing in a sea of dirty water that could possibly cause athlete’s foot or maybe even gangrene or something. The reason the water rose the way it did was because the drains to the showers couldn’t drain fast enough for all the people that were in there, not to mention the hair that would clog up the drain."

"Of course my mother sent me a top of the line Sean Jean sweat suit with some clean ass Nikes again, while all the other inmates that were being released with me were leaving the prison in prison sweats. I looked at them all and thought to myself, “Ya’ll must have burnt your bridges!” They didn’t have anybody to send them any fucking clothes, so they had to go home broadcasting that they were just released from prison; now that’s fucked up."

Out of the Slam and out on the streets, looking for some pussy, and the broad done wrecked his car -

"As we approached the front of the prison, I saw Monique waiting for me to come. My heart started pounding with excitement because I knew that I was about to be a semi-free man. I say semi-free because when you’re on parole you are almost free until you get off. I jumped out of that van so fast I think it was still going. I hugged Monique for a second but I didn’t kiss her because I was leery of what she had been doing while I had been in prison for 10 months. I knew that Monique loved to have sex, so I didn’t trust her at all. As we walked to my car I was devastated; it looked nothing like it did when I last saw it. It was dirty as hell and there was a dent on the side rear panel. I wanted to cry and I immediately went into a rant about her not taking care of my car the way she should have. She gave me a lame reason why the car looked like it did and I let it go for that moment. I got in the car and let her drive while I soaked up the free world."

Kali and homeboy Q are dealing in San Fransisco's Tenderloin now -

"Q and I had things moving well. Q had a dope dealing broad that was like the queen bitch in the tenderloin, so when the word was out that she was outside, all the dope fiends in San Francisco would come and buy all the dope that Q had given her in less than one hour. I’m not talking one or two ounces either; I’m talking nine fucking ounces gone in one fucking hour. It was an incredible sight to watch. I, of course, would give my share of the dope to the Kumi [poster's note - this was Kali's prison and street gang] members I thought were trust worthy and to a few females that had taken a liking to me.

A couple of months went by since Q and I had gotten our first kilo and things weren’t going so good. The broad that Q had been working with was playing a lot of games with him concerning the dope. One particular time she said that she had been robbed for nine ounces of the dope at her hotel room in Vallejo. Q made her sell dope 24 hours a day until she covered the money she’d presumably lost.

I, of course, knew better, because I’d never trusted the bitch from the beginning. It wasn’t long before the broad came up with another lame ass excuse, saying that someone had gone into her hotel room while she was away and taken another nine ounces from her. Once again, Q made her sell dope until she made up the difference for what she’d lost. I saw it as a game she was playing but Q didn’t see it that way.

Eventually things got out of control in San Francisco. I had to act out some form of violence practically every day and I felt as if I were being influenced by some sort of demonic spirit. I decided I had to take a break from there and so I went back to my neighborhood. Things were getting better now that the police had calmed down with their hourly harassment. Being back in the neighborhood had me paranoid at all times because that’s where I had my terrible run in with the police that sent me away for the 10 months. Not only was I on parole at the time, but I was on probation as well, so I knew that I was an idiot waiting to go back to jail for being in the same area that landed me in prison to begin with.

Even though I was getting all the coke I could handle, I wasn’t seeing the money I knew I was supposed to be bringing in. I was moving at least nine ounces a day but the profit after I sold them was only about $400, which was good to the average citizen but I needed to be moving at least a half of a kilo a day to see the money that I wanted. You see, the thing about being a drug dealer was that as fast as the money came in it also went out; therefore, I knew that I needed to make at least a few thousand dollars a day to live the life I wanted to live from selling coke. It was at that point when I started to realize that the drug game wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be."

Kali is soon arrested again -

"I then went to my car and popped open the cap on my rims and pulled out an ounce of crack and started selling the rocks. I was almost finished selling the crack when Bootsy and I saw a car driving slowly down the street, so we ducked to the side of the house that we were selling the drugs in front of.

As we stood on the side of the house talking, we noticed what appeared to be a flash light flickering in the darkness. Then we heard, “Police! Come out with your hands up!” I made a mad dash for the fence behind the house we were at and I ended up on the next street over from E Street, which was D Street. I saw Bootsy trying to get over the gate but his pants got stuck and a cop apprehended him and handcuffed him. I was sitting on the porch of one of the neighbors on D Street, helplessly watching Bootsy get arrested, when all of a sudden I saw him trying to throw something from his waistband. To no avail, the gun he had in his waistband just dropped to the ground like the piece of heavy ass steel that it was.

The cop yelled out, “Help! He has a weapon!” and then pushed Bootsy to the ground until backup came to assist. As I sat scrunched over on the steps of people I didn’t even know, I heard someone coming to the door to see what was going on outside and I knew that if I were found on their front porch that they would definitely report me to the police. I proceeded to walk outside the gate and act as if I were any ordinary citizen that was walking at night, but my plans were immediately altered when a police officer started running towards me and screaming for me to freeze. The foot chase ensued. I jumped a gate to get back to E Street and I hid in the bed of a truck. All the police were running around the truck until one of them looked inside it.

“Freeze! Police! Get down on your stomach!” He screamed, with his gun drawn point blank range at me.

As I was getting down on my stomach, the entire task force ran up on me and one of the cops hit me hard on the head with his flash light, splitting my head. I then grabbed onto one of the windows of my neighbor Melody’s house, which had bars on it, as the police took turns hitting me with their fists and Billy clubs. I refused to let go of the bars on the window out of fear that if I fell to the ground they might kill me. I yelled out as loud as I could for all of the neighbors on E Street to hear so that they would hopefully come to my rescue. After a minute of yelling, Melody and some other neighbors came outside and asked the cops what they were doing to me. The cops told them all to shut up and go back into their houses. Melody told them that she wouldn’t go back into her house until they stopped hitting me. The cops were all trying to pry my hands from the bars, and finally one of the cops said that if I let them go they wouldn’t hurt me anymore. I released the bars and they all ran me into the ground, still punching me and trying to twist my arm in hopes of breaking it. While all this was going on, the Oakland Police Sergeant had his gun to my head saying, “Act like you’re going for a gun so that I can blow your fucking brains out you fucking no good dope dealing son of a bitch!” Melody screamed for them to stop until they finally did and then they handcuffed me and picked me up to my feet. As they pushed me towards the police car, my mom and pops were right there asking them why they beat me the way they did. At the time I didn’t know the extent of the police brutality that I had encountered but it must have been bad because my mother was crying asking why they had done that to her son.

I couldn’t believe that I was going back to prison, and not only that, but thanks to the Oakland police I had gotten my ass whooped pretty good for the first time in my life. After the police took me to Highland Hospital to get staples in my head from the deadly flashlight blow, I was transported to North County Jailhouse. When I got to the jailhouse, I was able to see my face and up until that point I had never seen my own blood. My head and my left eye were swollen like the Elephant Man. My fucking eye was closed and my head was covered with bumps. All I could think about was almost getting killed for a few fucking dollars that I would now have to spend on attorneys and commissary. I also knew that being on probation I could get up to five years in prison, so it was highly concerned with the situation. "

Kali's in the slam again, and Homebody Q gave Kali's lawyer a check that bounced :o, off to Santa Rita jail he goes. There he gets in more trouble -

"The two months in Santa Rita were very eventful. I met a guy that had  been living down the hall from me named “Crazy D”. Crazy D, come to find out, grew up around the corner from me. It was strange to think how Crazy D and I had never spoken until this one particular day. I guess it was because he rarely came out of his cell, but we hit it off as if we were friends for years. Crazy D and I became good friends and I told him about the dilemma I had with a witness in my brother’s case that was out right lying about him, saying that he had killed her boyfriend. I explained that my brother was in another city at the time of the murder and Crazy D listened attentively to my situation before suddenly asking me if I wanted the girl dead. He caught me by surprise with what he asked me, but I looked him in the eyes and I knew he was dead serious. I told Crazy D to do what he saw fit. I never thought in a million years that this dude would even pursue the situation when he got out of jail, because people always talk when they are in jail but when they are released they forget all about what they said they were going to do.

A month went by after Crazy D and I had talked about the situation with the lying witness, and the next thing I knew Crazy D was getting called on the loud speaker to be released. He came by my cell and told me that he was going to take care of that situation, and I told him thank you and that I would surely bless him when I was able to. Crazy D left the pod and as I watched him leave I got the feeling that he was going to carry out what he said he was going to do.

A few days had passed since Crazy D had been released and I talked to my mother on the phone. She was hysterical saying that I messed up my brother’s case by sending Crazy D over to that girl’s house. I asked her how she found out about that and she said that my little brother’s attorney called her and said that a guy was arrested for threatening the witness of the case. My mother asked me why I would have someone do that and I told her that I didn’t intend for it to happen the way it did. I could tell that she was upset with me and I definitely began to wonder whether I made the right move in doing what I did."

Kali get ready for his court date, but his lawyer hammers out a deal with the state, he gets 2 years, but since he was a ready being held,  the 2 years really amounted to about 9 months. The parole board gives him a year for the violation too. But he winds up with about a 16 month sentence between everything.

Kali will serve some of that sentence in Pelican Bay, he did not like the gym there, but enjoyed being a prison barber.

Kali goes home, and celebrates with a movie, he explains how he picks a movie theater on parole -

"My first weekend home, Monique, her daughter and I went to the movies in Union City CA. I didn’t want to go where a lot of niggas were because I didn’t get along with niggas. I preferred to go where the whites were because they respected the muscle, while the blacks were just intimidated by it."

Kali meets back up with "Q", and it's back it the dope game, he doesn't trust his partners so he gets his girlfriend to sling for him -

"I didn’t want to sell dope but my money was getting low and I didn’t know when my new found pimp life would start seeing some money, so I had to do something to bring in some cash and cocaine was the first accessible way to do it. I talked to Monique about her selling dope for me and she was hesitant but then she didn’t want another broad to sell my dope, so she agreed to do it. I was thinking about all the money I would make with Monique selling the dope instead of getting a fucking dope fiend to do it, who I would probably have to kill over a few hundred dollars."

Kali is now pimping a few girls, selling ex, and crack. Here he talks about his first hoe -

"I’ll never forget the night I got chosen by the first official prostitute that I had on Swole-Pimping Team. All my workers had sold all of the dope I’d given them and I was heading out of San Francisco, since it was around three o’clock in the morning. As I told all the drug dealers on the block that I would see them the next day, a thick broad that I had seen a few times asked me if I was leaving and whether or not I could give her a ride to her house. I told her that I was indeed leaving and I didn’t mind giving her a ride home. When we got to my car, her eyes got big and she asked me, “Is this your car?”

“Yes, do you like it?” I replied.

The bitch acted like she had hit the lottery or something. We got in the Lexus and I drove off and we started talking. We started the conversation by asking for one another’s name, and then I asked her what she was doing down in the tenderloin. She said that she was trying to make a few dollars and I asked her how? That’s when she told me she was selling a little dope but that wasn’t what she was good at; I asked her what it was that she was good at and she told me that she made most of her money being a prostitute but she couldn’t find a solid dude to team up with. I looked up to the pimp god and said thank you. I picked up Mocha (my new prostitute) the next day to let her sell some of my dope and she did it with no problems. The only reason I had her selling dope instead of pussy was because I still had dope that needed to be sold. I could tell that Mocha didn’t like selling drugs because she wasn’t getting a lot of sales. I finally asked her after two hours of being in the Tenderloin one day what the problem was and asked her why she hadn’t finished selling the dope yet? The bitch outright said, “I’m not a drug dealer, I am a prostitute, and I told you that!” I said OK and then asked her to give me the remainder of the dope. I explained to her that we were going to get her cleaned up and that I would take her to the hoe track. With an attitude the bitch was like, “Thank you because I told you when I met you how I got money!”

Kali, the chivalrous pimp -

"After I set the bitch down on the hoe stroll, I felt like I was a real pimp at that moment. I had my first hoe and she should be able to bring in some major dough because she was a nice looking hoe. After I set the bitch down on E 14th (International Blvd), I drove around and took care of some business. In about one hour I got a call from Mocha saying that a guy was trying to kidnap her and I needed to hurry up and get there. I checked my 40 cal. to make sure all the hollow point bullets were intact because I never underestimated Oakland’s mean streets. I got to E 14th in record time and as I drove down the track I saw Mocha in the hands of a big black guy. This guy was about 6’ 5” and had a shiny bald head. When I pulled up the bitch started trying to break free out of the niggas grasp. I rolled down my window with my trigger finger on the trigger of the 40. Cal and I said, “bruh, that’s my bitch so un-hands her!”

Kali loses a good hoe :( -

"I’ll never forget the night I lost Ree. I went to the San Francisco Bart Station to pick up Cam because he was going to hang with me. I had gotten wind of a lick and I wanted him to come with me as an intimidating force. When I got Cam, I immediately gave him a pill and told him that San Francisco was a different world from Oakland. Cam was with me the entire night and I had done one pickup from Ree of $300. I told her to make sure that she called me every hour on the hour and she agreed that she would. It was great having a seasoned hoe because I didn’t have to babysit the bitch like I did with the young hoes.

After I got the money from her, Cam and I went to a few clubs and had ourselves some drinks and were having a ball. After the last club we went to, it was about three o’clock in the morning and I hadn’t heard from Ree in about four hours so I was worried as hell because I couldn’t afford to lose a $500 a night hoe. Cam and I went to the room I had gotten for the bitch at Holiday Inn and we waited for her until the both of us dosed off and fell asleep. At around five o’clock in the morning my phone rang and it was Ree. “Bitch, where have you been? I been worried sick about your ass!” I said.

Ree said that she fell asleep at her trick’s house and that she was sorry for having me worried. I told the bitch to hurry up and get to the room because she deserved a smacking for having me worried. The phone hung up and I knew at that moment that I had lost the hoe.

Two weeks had passed and I hadn’t heard anything from the bitch and my pockets were once again getting low. I kept getting hoes that would stay with me for a couple of weeks and then they would go on to the next guy. All my hoes would end up going to the dope fiends – the so called “pimps” that would do dope with the bitches to keep them."

Kali no good at pimping, turns back to dealing extra hard, he is caught again after getting drunk at a strip club, and being found with other felons, a no-no on parole, he is sent back to Quentin -

"The word traveled fast that I was back at San Quentin and all the Kumi members that knew me came to talk to me while I was at the reception center getting booked into the prison. All the Kumi cats, as well as patnas from the streets, came to see if I needed anything and I told them that I didn’t but for them to find Abraham to tell him that I needed some food and cosmetics. They got on it immediately. It was, of course, embarrassing to be back in prison, but I just blamed the white man for my misfortunes and that made me feel better about myself and my predicament."


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #151 on: November 14, 2021, 06:24:20 PM »
Part III Continued -

Kali's out of prison again, and hooks up with some of his old crime partners -

"I’ll never forget the day that changed my outlook about Dog. I was supposed to meet Flo and I decided to take Dog with me, which was the wrong thing to do. When I picked up Dog he was real jittery and I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with the cat. I finally asked him if he was high and he said no. As I drove from Oakland to San Francisco, Dog kept asking me if he could see my gun so that he could rob somebody for some money. I told that guy that I didn’t have my gun on me, even though of course I had it, but I wasn’t going to tell a guy that, especially a guy I barely trusted. The entire ride across the Bay Bridge that guy Dog kept talking in his desperate tone about needing some money, and I knew that something fishy was going on with that cat. When I got to Flo’s spot, Flo pulled me to the side and asked me if the guy Dog was cool. I told Flo that the guy was cool but I made sure not to let Dog see the transaction that Flo and I were going to make.

It was about 6:00 p.m. and the sun was still out when I drove from San Francisco back to Oakland and at no time did I tell Dog that I had any drugs or gun on me. As I drove Dog to the entrance of his apartment complex, a police officer who had arrested me two times prior drove past me and we made eye contact. I then sped up and told Dog to hurry up and get out, and when I think back it seemed as though the guy was trying to stall me. I pulled off on him while he was still closing the door. I hit the gas and tried to get to the freeway. I saw a ton of cop cars closing in on me in my rear view mirror. All the cars behind me got over to let the cop cars pass and as I got over to do the same a cop car tried to block me in and that’s when I realized that the police were after me. I didn’t understand why the police were after
me, but I wasn’t about to give myself to them while I had a gun and dope in the car. I put the pedal to the metal and the Lexus shot off like a rocket. I had what looked like the whole police force after me and I didn’t know why. That was the first time that I’d ever heard my brother Archie talk to me, and it may sound weird but he told me that I had to get away and I listened to him. I sped up the 73rd hill and when I got to the freeway I had great distance away from the police so I threw out the heroin on the freeway and the gun was in my hider spot – which was in the trunk, so I couldn’t have gotten the gun out of the car.

I had that Lexus doing 140 mph on the freeway. It was all like a dream because my path was clear. There were a lot of cars on the freeway but for some odd reason no cars got in the way of my high speed pursuit. I decided to get off on the exit closest to Lisa’s apartment so I could try to make it to her spot. Once I got off the freeway I came to some lights, which were all red for me but I ran them anyway and almost got smashed by a car in the process. The car was coming right for me so I hit the gas and just barely escaped from getting killed. I then hit some corners and I jumped out of the car and ran through back yards until I got to Lisa’s house. By the time I got to her apartment, I was exhausted because I had jumped fences and ran through people’s back yards to get there. The entire time the police helicopter had on the spot light and they were having a mad search for me, but I refused to let the coppers take me down."

Kali gets away that day, but is busted months later while driving the Lexus his mom got out of the police impound lot for him -

"All the cops had their guns pointed at me and they told me to take the car keys out of the ignition, to drop them on the ground and to keep my hands where they could see them. I was a little nervous because I had about 20 ecstasy pills on me and I had tucked them in between my butt cheeks as soon as I noticed the police. The police took me out of the car and searched me. As they searched me I could feel the baggie of pills sliding down my pants. I knew that I couldn’t let those police find my pills because it would have been an entirely different charge from what I was going to jail for. After I was searched, the police put me in the cop car and that’s when I asked them what
was going on.

“What is all this about?” I said, acting genuinely confused.

“You know why you’re going to jail, Kali!” The asshole cop answered.

When I still acted confused, the cop continued, “You remember that high speed chase you did on the 73rd hill? Well now it’s time to do your time for that!”

I played dumb and replied that I didn’t know what they were talking about, and that my car was stolen. The two cops in the car started laughing like two crazed lunatics.

Asshole cop said, “We know that was you, so you can lie all you want but guess what, you’re going to jail to do your time for the high speed chase and also for the gun that was found inside the car!”

At that point I went mute and didn’t talk anymore that night. I knew in my spirit that I was going to do some real time on those charges."

Kali is taken back to Santa Rita Jail, where he beats up some White Boys to blow off some steam -

"I looked out of the small window to see what was going on and I saw a lot of movement. I saw the white boys on gurneys getting rushed to the hospital and I was somewhat nervous when I saw them getting wheeled out by paramedics because I knew that if they were severely hurt I had a chance at catching another case in Santa Rita. I started pacing the tiny cell out of nervousness. I knew that my hands were deadly weapons but damn I didn’t realize the damage I had done on those white boys. After a couple of hours a guard finally came to the cell I was in and asked me questions through the tiny window."

Kali gets news of his case, and a surprise transfer back San Quentin -

“It’s not that good!” The attorney laughed, but then he continued, “This is what’s on the table for you. You can either take the gun charge or the highspeed chase for a 16 month sentence, and you’ve already been incarcerated for 10 months so you would be getting out any day if you were to take the deal today!”

I asked the attorney, “What would you do if you were in this situation?”

“I would take the deal for the high speed chase because I wouldn’t want another gun charge, since you already have one prior!” He told me.
With that said, I told the attorney that I would take the 16 months for the high speed chase.

Two weeks after I was sentenced, I was called early in the morning to pack my things because I was being transferred to San Quentin."

Kali winds up doing 13 months all totaled for the car chase.

Pet shop boys

  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #152 on: November 14, 2021, 06:33:52 PM »
This guy sounds like a real piece of shit

Totally  ....

Only in  generartion nothingness he can be an influencer and make $$$$ out of fans

WoooSHHHHHHHHHH  The irony


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #153 on: November 14, 2021, 06:36:11 PM »
Kali is my nikka, he is literally like a muscular gorilla


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #154 on: November 14, 2021, 06:37:22 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #155 on: November 14, 2021, 06:38:34 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #156 on: November 14, 2021, 06:42:48 PM »
Kali is my nikka, he is literally like a muscular gorilla
Aren’t most of them.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #157 on: November 14, 2021, 06:49:01 PM »


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #158 on: November 14, 2021, 07:02:39 PM »
Now his best buddy is another guy who did years in prison, "BIG BOY" aka Jake John's who probably taught him how to launder money to start a supplement company. At least one of Kalis charges was armed robbery, despite his stories. Look at how these thugs glamorize criminals, and not once give any sorrow or repentance for their crimes. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #159 on: November 14, 2021, 07:08:06 PM »
Now his best buddy is another guy who did years in prison, "BIG BOY" aka Jake John's who probably taught him how to launder money to start a supplement company. At least one of Kalis charges was armed robbery, despite his stories. Look at how these thugs glamorize criminals, and not once give any sorrow or repentance for their crimes. 

Unfortunate trash for today’s youth.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #160 on: November 14, 2021, 07:23:22 PM »
Part IIII -

Kali fresh out of prison, decides to go straight. He gets a job at Bally's. Everything is going great till he gets transferred to San Ramon Bally’s -

"My second day of working in San Ramon was very eventful, as I talked to a lot of the gym’s members and got a better feel of the facility. I trained a few people on my second day and I felt that things were going to work out great in San Ramon. During break time my boss asked me if all the information on my application was correct, and of course I told him that everything was correct. My antennas went up because it was weird that my boss was asking me about my application after he had already hired me. I was kind of leery about why he asked me that, so I asked him about it. He told me that the general manager was just updating all the new employees’ information, which sounded highly fishy to me. I went on with my fulfilling day and trained a few more people, and then by the end of my work day I was approached by a beautiful lady saying that she wanted for me to be her personal trainer. I asked her if she was training with anybody at the present time and she told me that she was but that she trained with all the trainers to get a variety of fitness tips. I told the beautiful lady that I would love to train her, so I gave her one of my business cards – that was unrelated to Bally’s Gym – and after saying goodbye we went our separate ways.

I then went to the second floor of the gym to get my duffle bag that had my things in it, and as soon as I reached the staircase walking down the stairs I was met by one of the trainers and he said, “Did you give my client this card?” I responded that yes, I had, and asked him why he was asking. “Well, this is not a Bally’s card, therefore you can’t give them to members of the gym!” he said. I told him no problem and took my card back and put it in my pocket before leaving the gym.

I went to work the next day and as soon as I walked in the door it felt like everybody was looking at me with a strange look. I walked upstairs to the second floor where the personal trainer’s office was and I was greeted by my boss. He had a look of turmoil on his face. I asked him what was wrong, but deep down I already knew. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were convicted of a felony?” He asked me.
I asked him whether I would’ve got hired if I didn’t, and he told me that there was a chance that I could’ve been hired with a felony.

“Come on, there is no way you would’ve hired me if I put I had a felony,” I said, looking at him seriously.

“Kali, I am sorry but I have to let you go, on the premises that you lied on your application,” boss man said regretfully.

“Well thanks for the opportunity and I hope I didn’t make you look bad!” I told him, and I truly meant it.

“I wish I could keep you, but my higher ups made the call!” he said. "

Kali seeks a new path robbing drug dealers -

"After getting fired from the gym, I was mad at the world and I didn’t know what I was going to do for money, so the first thing that came to my mind was robbery. I made some calls to some of my comrades and one of my road dogs was ready to go do some dirt with me because he was short on his rent. I went and picked up my road dog and we popped us a pill and had a little drink, then we decided that we were going to rob some drug dealers out on the streets.

The next day I had remorse for what I had done to get the measly few hundred dollars I did, so I went to church with moms and pops. While I was at the church I felt as if the pastor were talking directly to me and I knew that God was upset with me for the wrong turn that I had made once again in my life. The pastor designated a time in the service for anyone who wanted to repent of their sins to God, to come to the front of the church and ask Him for forgiveness. By this time I was crying like a baby and I walked to the front of the church with head held down in shame for what I had become. I begged God to accept my repentance."

God accepts Kali's repentance, and he goes straight. And by straight, I mean he pimps hoes, deals guns, and cuts hair on the side. Here he talks of those days -

"Everybody in the area thought that Trae and I were doing very well financially, and we started to get a lot of unknown people coming to the barbershop but we thought nothing of it. I was still in the pimp game a little, and I had a couple of raggedy hoes at the time that were more of a problem than they were an asset. I had a raggedy black broad that had gold hair and weighed about 90 pounds. The only reason I had these problematic hoes was because they each brought me about $200 a day. I would’ve stopped pimping but that extra $400 a day was nice to get for not having to do much."

"There’s one day that I’ll never be able to forget for the rest of my life. It was a beautiful day and the sky was clear and I felt so good that it was actually scary. I got to the barbershop around nine am so I cleaned up the shop a little before it got too busy. After I cut a few heads, Trae strolled in and the fun began. I had received a call from one of my Kumi comrades that he wanted to buy the pistol grip shotgun that I had for sale, so I told him to come by as soon as possible before it got too busy. At 1:00 p.m. my comrade came to get the shotgun, which I had inside a duffle bag."

Soon after that, the barber shop would get robbed, and Kali would quit after helping the shop's owner get some unwritten about revenge.

In late 2007, he would also almost be arrested again after beating up a 17 year old kid that objecting to Kali offering to personally train his sister.

2008 sees him dealing Ecstacy again, he also deals with a girlfriend's miscarrige. 2008 is also the year he decides to give a go at becoming a pro bodybuilder.

2009 sees him get multiple high but non winning places in contests, various fights with his wife's family, getting ripped off by a friend in a bad drug deal (which mostly ends his drug dealing days according to the book), and him sending his dog to the pound because he didn't want to take care of it ( poster's note - fuck you for that Kali).

2010 - Kali Muscle the actor and Youtube star is born.

Book Ends.


Ran a little long, but those are the adult crimes Kali admits to in the book, which I will admit, is much better than I though it would be in terms of writing, and pure fuckery.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #161 on: November 14, 2021, 10:09:22 PM »
                  ;D.        ....                               ;D

                  ;D.                                            ;D


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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #162 on: November 14, 2021, 10:38:26 PM »


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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #163 on: November 15, 2021, 07:53:30 PM »
Part IIII -

Kali fresh out of prison, decides to go straight. He get a job at Bally's. Everything is going great till he gets transferred to San Ramon Bally’s -

"My second day of working in San Ramon was very eventful, as I talked to a lot of the gym’s members and got a better feel of the facility. I trained a few people on my second day and I felt that things were going to work out great in San Ramon. During break time my boss asked me if all the information on my application was correct, and of course I told him that everything was correct. My antennas went up because it was weird that my boss was asking me about my application after he had already hired me. I was kind of leery about why he asked me that, so I asked him about it. He told me that the general manager was just updating all the new employees’ information, which sounded highly fishy to me. I went on with my fulfilling day and trained a few more people, and then by the end of my work day I was approached by a beautiful lady saying that she wanted for me to be her personal trainer. I asked her if she was training with anybody at the present time and she told me that she was but that she trained with all the trainers to get a variety of fitness tips. I told the beautiful lady that I would love to train her, so I gave her one of my business cards – that was unrelated to Bally’s Gym – and after saying goodbye we went our separate ways.

I then went to the second floor of the gym to get my duffle bag that had my things in it, and as soon as I reached the staircase walking down the stairs I was met by one of the trainers and he said, “Did you give my client this card?” I responded that yes, I had, and asked him why he was asking. “Well, this is not a Bally’s card, therefore you can’t give them to members of the gym!” he said. I told him no problem and took my card back and put it in my pocket before leaving the gym.

I went to work the next day and as soon as I walked in the door it felt like everybody was looking at me with a strange look. I walked upstairs to the second floor where the personal trainer’s office was and I was greeted by my boss. He had a look of turmoil on his face. I asked him what was wrong, but deep down I already knew. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were convicted of a felony?” He asked me.
I asked him whether I would’ve got hired if I didn’t, and he told me that there was a chance that I could’ve been hired with a felony.

“Come on, there is no way you would’ve hired me if I put I had a felony,” I said, looking at him seriously.

“Kali, I am sorry but I have to let you go, on the premises that you lied on your application,” boss man said regretfully.

“Well thanks for the opportunity and I hope I didn’t make you look bad!” I told him, and I truly meant it.

“I wish I could keep you, but my higher ups made the call!” he said. "

Kali seeks a new path robbing drug dealers -

"After getting fired from the gym, I was mad at the world and I didn’t know what I was going to do for money, so the first thing that came to my mind was robbery. I made some calls to some of my comrades and one of my road dogs was ready to go do some dirt with me because he was short on his rent. I went and picked up my road dog and we popped us a pill and had a little drink, then we decided that we were going to rob some drug dealers out on the streets.

The next day I had remorse for what I had done to get the measly few hundred dollars I did, so I went to church with moms and pops. While I was at the church I felt as if the pastor were talking directly to me and I knew that God was upset with me for the wrong turn that I had made once again in my life. The pastor designated a time in the service for anyone who wanted to repent of their sins to God, to come to the front of the church and ask Him for forgiveness. By this time I was crying like a baby and I walked to the front of the church with head held down in shame for what I had become. I begged God to accept my repentance."

God accepts Kali's repentance, and he goes straight. And by straight, I mean he pimps hoes, deals guns, and cuts hair on the side. Here he talks of those days -

"Everybody in the area thought that Trae and I were doing very well financially, and we started to get a lot of unknown people coming to the barbershop but we thought nothing of it. I was still in the pimp game a little, and I had a couple of raggedy hoes at the time that were more of a problem than they were an asset. I had a raggedy black broad that had gold hair and weighed about 90 pounds. The only reason I had these problematic hoes was because they each brought me about $200 a day. I would’ve stopped pimping but that extra $400 a day was nice to get for not having to do much."

"There’s one day that I’ll never be able to forget for the rest of my life. It was a beautiful day and the sky was clear and I felt so good that it was actually scary. I got to the barbershop around nine am so I cleaned up the shop a little before it got too busy. After I cut a few heads, Trae strolled in and the fun began. I had received a call from one of my Kumi comrades that he wanted to buy the pistol grip shotgun that I had for sale, so I told him to come by as soon as possible before it got too busy. At 1:00 p.m. my comrade came to get the shotgun, which I had inside a duffle bag."

Soon after that, the barber shop would get robbed, and Kali would quit after helping the shop's owner get some unwritten about revenge.

In late 2007, he would also almost be arrested again after beating up a 17 year old kid that objecting to Kali offering to personally train his sister.

2008 sees him dealing Ecstacy again, he also deals with a girlfriend's miscarrige. 2008 is also the year he decides to give a go at becoming a pro bodybuilder.

2009 sees him get multiple high but non winning places in contests, various fights with his wife's family, getting ripped off by a friend in a bad drug deal (which mostly ends his drug dealing days according to the book), and him sending his dog to the pound because he didn't want to take care of it ( poster's note - fuck you for that Kali).

2010 - Kali Muscle the actor and Youtube star is born.

Book Ends.


Ran a little long, but those are the adult crimes Kali admits to in the book, which I will admit, is much better than I though it would be in terms of writing, and pure fuckery.

Thanks for posting all of these. This guy is a real douche bag!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #164 on: November 15, 2021, 08:35:37 PM »
Thanks for posting all of these. This guy is a real douche bag!
I thank you as well for posting this BB. There is a term "might makes right" but it seems in our culture it's become "likes makes right". Whoever is popular or in the media determines morality. These people of low character, including the steroid gurus/drug dealers, rioters and looters masquerading as human rights activists, flag burners, millionaire athletes hating the country that created their opportunity, sick demented Hollywood(that's a whole fucking book in itself), hating police but expecting them at your door in minutes when you're in danger and call 911, the culture has come to a crossroads when it comes to morality. If we even have an American culture anymore. I won't pontificate more than that, but thanks for the  info on this scumbag. BTW,  how about a thank you to the doctor's that saved your life and the nurses that cared for you and lifted your heavy steroid ass around the hospital Kali before shouting out your scumbag homies and "makin dat money man"? Not one fucking thank you.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #165 on: November 15, 2021, 10:35:09 PM »
Quite alright, a few other things -

1) I forgot that the site changes the N-word to guy, but Kali uses it 108 times in the book. He also seems to dislike White men, there's 80- 90 instances of him using cracker or "White boy" as a put down, it's the standard hard Black dudes vs soft, evil White guys through the book. He's fine with Mexicans, and most Asians, but hates a "China man" that did him dirty.

There's also tons of the standard bitches and hoes stuff.

2) I didn't clip it because it was long, but Kali would send his girlfriend to beat up other female drug dealers while he watched.

3) This was his main gang inside and out - .


4) Just saw it now, but there's a young Kali molestation story he claims is a lie -

"My school year became tragic for me when, during this one particular day while watching Spoiled, things got eerie. Something wasn’t right about this particular day, and I strongly felt like something bad was going to happen. I remember Spoiled throwing a lot of tantrums and demanding me to get him this and get him that. He was telling me that he was going to get mein trouble. I just couldn’t understand that demon. Meany ( Note Kali's Mom ) came home early with a messed up attitude, so I hurried up and went in my room to play my video games and get some peace.

That was when I overheard my mother asking Spoiled, “He touched you where?”

“Down there on my private!” Spoiled told her.

“What! He touched my baby!” Meany said, furious.

I went in the room and asked my mother what was wrong and I saw a look from her that I had never seen before; she really looked like a demon then. She was beet red and crying, her veins popping out of her head like she was about to explode.

“You touched my baby you guy you! You not going to turn my son into no homo! I’m about to kill yo black ass!” she screamed at me. I yelled back at her that I didn’t touch him, “He lying!” I said to her, and then I turned towards Spoiled, “You better tell her you are lying boy!” I shouted at him.

As I was talking, I saw my mother reaching for her gun, a .38 snub nose Saturday night special that she kept in her closet in a shoe box. I pleaded with her that I didn’t touch him, that I was in my room all day playing my video games, but she wasn’t hearing what I was saying. She had her mind made up that she was going to kill me that day, and that was the only time in my life that I felt as if I were about to die. I was frightened, sitting nervously on the bed in my room and wondering how this could be real. She searched through the box in her closet until she found what she was looking for and then appeared out of nowhere in my room. She looked like a gargoyle ready to kill. She slowly raised her gun and pointed it at me.

“You touched my baby! I’m about to kill your black ass!” she said to me, crying."

Kali escapes when his mother stops to talk a phone call to a neighbor's house -

" Meany pulled up and honked the horn for me to come out, but I didn’t budge. Julius’ mom told me to go ahead and I told them both that if I never saw them again that it was their fault. I went to the car and opened the door and Meany told me to get in the back seat because she didn’t want to see my face. I got in the back seat quietly. The house wasn’t even a mile from Julius’ house, yet that was the longest ride I think I I’ve ever taken in my life.

When we reached the house I got out of the car, knees shaking, and I walked inside. Archie ( Kali's other brother ) was home by that point and I looked at him and gave a quick nod. Archie seemed to know right off the bat that I was in a shit load of trouble, and he looked at me with obvious solace in his eyes. I went into my room and got under the covers reluctantly, not knowing whether or not it was safe for me to live in that house any longer. I drifted off to sleep, and as soon as I started dreaming, I felt the covers snatched back. My hands were in my pants in order to keep my hands warm and Meany snatched them out and told me that she never wanted to see my hands in my pants again or she would chop off my little dick. She reached back like she was a lumberjack about to chop some wood, and she violently came across my face with a vicious extension cord. My mother kept going until she was tired, and I was bruised and battered up.

“Bet not never hear about you touching my son again, I will kill you!” she yelled.

I lived a life of fear after that day because of Spoiled and Meany. It seemed as though they were put on Earth to make my life a living hell, and they were doing a damn good job. The weirdest part of it all was that I still had to babysit Spoiled every day after school. I would have thought that if someone would have touched your child that you wouldn’t have continued to let that person watch them anymore, but that’s not what happened. I still had full babysitting responsibilities. The only difference now was that Spoiled had to stay in my mother’s room and I had to stay in mine. That was a method that I had been doing anyway, even on that dreadful day when Spoiled lied about me the way he did. My mother used to call every 30 minutes and Spoiled would answer the phone at four years old and tell her what was going on. He used to call me “Blacky” and would say stuff like, “Blacky in there playing the video game” or “Blacky in there watching television.” This went on for a few more months until one day my babysitting responsibilities came to an abrupt stop. "


Kali goes into foster care soon after, and then is adopted by an Aunt.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #166 on: November 15, 2021, 10:54:40 PM »
I don't believe anything from his book.

He's a fraud and a hustler.

Why people follow this idiot is beyond me.

His videos are complete shit.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #167 on: November 15, 2021, 11:58:13 PM »
Now his best buddy is another guy who did years in prison, "BIG BOY" aka Jake John's who probably taught him how to launder money to start a supplement company. At least one of Kalis charges was armed robbery, despite his stories. Look at how these thugs glamorize criminals, and not once give any sorrow or repentance for their crimes. 

Look at the ethnicity and culture of these individuals, it’s no surprise

A heart attack is in big boys future, that will be his demise


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kali Muscle Heart Attack
« Reply #168 on: November 16, 2021, 12:01:09 AM »

Look at the ethnicity and culture of these individuals, it’s no surprise

A heart attack is in big boys future, that will be his demise

Big Boy is more annoying than Kali.

Based on his size and bloated red face, he's not far behind Kali for a PIP thread on here.