Author Topic: Russia has penetrated Ukraine  (Read 385550 times)


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2225 on: July 13, 2022, 08:49:45 PM »
Seems like the sanctions against Russia didn't have the expected outcome. Turdeau, the little cuck, acquiesced to Russia and returned the Russian turbines. Zelensky is not happy.

How Justin Trudeau caved to Putin

When Russia invaded Ukraine, the West was certain that its sanctions were worth the pain. But there always was a question as to whether this resolve would last once the domestic difficulties actually started. This week, western countries moved closer to admitting it might be too much to bear.

At the time of the invasion in February, a massive Russian turbine was being repaired in Montreal. It was one of many turbines used to send gas through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline from Russia to Germany. When the Russians moved into Ukraine, it was kept in Canada as punishment. Over the next few weeks and months Russia replied, cutting off gas supplies to the continent. Gazprom – the Russian state-owned energy giant – last month said it would only ramp up gas supplies to Europe if it got its turbine back. Germany asked the Canadians to send it to Moscow, and Trudeau has now agreed. In Kyiv, this is seen as a sign that blackmail is working.

In Kyiv, they’re less pleased. Zelensky last night said that bowing to blackmail means more blackmail. Ukraine’s foreign ministry said that Trudeau’s decision ‘violates international solidarity’ and that ‘it will have only one consequence: to strengthen Moscow’s sense of impunity’.

But the decision to send the turbine has been supported throughout the West. The US State Department has backed the move. The EU – Germany especially – is terrified that Putin will turn off the gas in the winter, so is building storage facilities in preparation. As energy bills continue to soar, western leaders are recognising that the damage from an economic war is two-sided.

Sadly Many on here will see your Post as Support for Russia - Not for what it is
The simple Facts & How the dependency on Russian Energy reserves of other Countries out weighs what the Ukraine wants as they got Zero to offer.

Hard uncomfortable Facts that some Don't like to hear or Know.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2226 on: July 13, 2022, 08:52:52 PM »
They just can't.

Former senior U.S. official John Bolton admits to planning attempted foreign coups

John Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and former White House national security adviser, said on Tuesday that he had helped plan attempted coups in foreign countries.

Bolton made the remarks to CNN after the day's congressional hearing into the Jan 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. The panel's lawmakers on Tuesday accused former President Donald Trump of inciting the violence in a last-ditch bid to remain in power after losing the 2020 election. read more

Speaking to CNN anchor Jake Tapper, however, Bolton suggested Trump was not competent enough to pull off a "carefully planned coup d'etat," later adding: "As somebody who has helped plan coups d'etat - not here but you know (in) other places - it takes a lot of work. And that's not what he (Trump) did."

Tapper asked Bolton which attempts he was referring to.

"I'm not going to get into the specifics," Bolton said, before mentioning Venezuela. "It turned out not to be successful. Not that we had all that much to do with it but I saw what it took for an opposition to try and overturn an illegally elected president and they failed," he said.

Exactly - i'm waiting to see Automations insightful reply to what you have pointed out ..........
Probably that Your also Pro Russia & Putin  ::)

Hurry up Auto we're waiting ..........


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2227 on: July 13, 2022, 08:59:37 PM »
Exactly there are a lot of morons on this forum the Russian military is a joke without there nukes they are not shit I remember when people said this will be over with in a month. Non nukes nato would crush Russia in a conflict in conventional warfare

I don't think many really thought it'd be over in a month -
Russia hasn't carpet bombed the Ukraine - it appears they've gone into
the ares that wanted to be Russian 1st - they haven't just Bombed Everyone into Oblivion - They're advancing slowly.
And Like It or Not Russia Does Have Nuclear Weapons & That Changes Everything - Awful invention they were, Now we're stuck with Them.

As For NATO aren't they partly responsible for what's happened in the Ukraine?? 
Keep on poking the bear isn't a Good Idea.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2228 on: July 13, 2022, 09:27:18 PM »
You have it all ass backwards. The reason Russia aims to demilitarize Ukraine is because USA and NATO were expanding to Russia's border. It was the USA that had imperialist ambitions. USA is not even 250 years old and it is already a complete mess. Totally corrupt politics. Russia existed long before USA and has a right to protect itself. And it will. Nothing USA or anyone else can do about it.

Utterly false. Putin’s twisted logic. It’s a defence pact. Completely justified given Rissia’s aggression and historical land grabs in the area. Shit, Putin has stated that he doesn’t think UA is a state and invaded for resources. The NATO aggression is completely bogus. Russia is the aggressor in the area.

A pre-emotive war with a peaceful neighbour, because Nato. Pull the other one. It’s denazification, it’s liberation of Russian speakers, it’s it’s it’s. It’s the same old Russian bullshit, they want the resources, and are trying to take it by force. Only this time they are meeting resistance.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2229 on: July 13, 2022, 09:30:48 PM »
Sweden requires an intervention. They are replacing their own population with third world Muslims and Africans. I'd prefer Russia invading Sweden as opposed to the treasonous migration replacement currently going on in Sweden. So I fully support Russia invading Sweden. If Norway and Finland follow the same steps as Sweden then I support Russia invading them as well. Basically any nation in Europe should be up for grabs. I support Russia invading France to prevent France from turning into a third world Islamic State. Because that is the path France is on. Never really cared for Britain so I support Russia invading Britain as well. This is the nation where the police look the other way while young white girls are being sexually groomed and raped in their towns, by the tens of thousands. Britain requires an intervention and perhaps that should come from Russia.

I voted for Brexit, in part, due to immigration. But to support a mafia run state invading sovereign nations is ridiculous in the extreme.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2230 on: July 13, 2022, 09:39:17 PM »

America is Choosing to be in a Proxy war with Russia.
And America hasn't land grabbed / or put in puppet governments Then ?
Were America Arseholes for what they've done or only Russia is it?

Ahh excuses about what went wrong for America fighting Afghanistan  ::)
Oh they didn't fight fairly/ by the Rules-well no Shit Sherlock its a Fucking War.
I notice You didn't even touch on the other war's America lost !!!

What about the & countries that Obumer had Bombed ??  That was Ok was it.?

FFS you really are very Blinkered in your Views.
I have Zero Axe to grind against America - Only having an open & fair Perspective of what's happened & is Happening.

Many Countries Believe America also hates Them & would Bomb kill them all
if it could get away with it.

Try widening your Mind.

My mind is wide open.

I chose not to go into detail about historical wars, other to make the point that Russia is going to lose this one, due to its conventional nature, and why conventional warfare was not successful in the long run in Afghanistan, as Whataboutism is a waste of time. I don’t agree with a lot of what the west has done.

Whatabout the monguls, whatabout the British empire, whatabout whatabout whatabout…

Sure, people in the past fucked up and did heinous shit. Putin is doing that now and I disagree with it.

You think it’s fine and don’t see it as a problem for the world. I think that to be a narrow view. So, we cannot agree. Ok. Not a problem. Diversity of thought is a good thing.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2231 on: July 13, 2022, 09:43:10 PM »
Exactly - i'm waiting to see Automations insightful reply to what you have pointed out ..........
Probably that Your also Pro Russia & Putin  ::)

Hurry up Auto we're waiting ..........

Not familiar with the facts around this. Of course the west has been a shit in the past, I’m under no illusions about what constitutes being a good global citizen, the west has failed at this many times. See post above re: whataboutism.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2232 on: July 13, 2022, 11:14:42 PM »
I voted for Brexit, in part, due to immigration. But to support a mafia run state invading sovereign nations is ridiculous in the extreme.

And now you're still going to get the same amount of Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Iranian, Arab and African immigrants displacing your population with higher birth rates without any Europeans to offset those numbers.

The Europeans assimilated as British and were not anti-UK. Not so much so with the other demographics.

Already have a Moslem mayor of London.

Not long now and you'll have an Indian prime minister.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2233 on: July 13, 2022, 11:57:32 PM »
And now you're still going to get the same amount of Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Iranian, Arab and African immigrants displacing your population with higher birth rates without any Europeans to offset those numbers.

The Europeans assimilated as British and were not anti-UK. Not so much so with the other demographics.

Already have a Moslem mayor of London.

Not long now and you'll have an Indian prime minister.

Still, better chance of controlling immigration now we’re out of the EU. If the whites don’t breed, who can they blame other than themselves?


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2234 on: July 14, 2022, 12:13:51 AM »
My mind is wide open.

I chose not to go into detail about historical wars, other to make the point that Russia is going to lose this one, due to its conventional nature, and why conventional warfare was not successful in the long run in Afghanistan, as Whataboutism is a waste of time. I don’t agree with a lot of what the west has done.

Whatabout the monguls, whatabout the British empire, whatabout whatabout whatabout…

Sure, people in the past fucked up and did heinous shit. Putin is doing that now and I disagree with it.

You think it’s fine and don’t see it as a problem for the world. I think that to be a narrow view. So, we cannot agree. Ok. Not a problem. Diversity of thought is a good thing.

You choose not to go into detail about American wars - yet go overboard about Russia  ::)
Correct people countries Fucked up in the past & still do - why do you Just single out putin ?

I've merely pointed out America & NATO are No Saints - which you seem very happy / ok with them behaving / doing
As They want. I find that kind of an odd & contradictory .

Nowhere have I said I think its Fine - Where have I said That ?

I voted for Britain to Leave The EU .


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2235 on: July 14, 2022, 12:15:37 AM »
Utterly false. Putin’s twisted logic. It’s a defence pact. Completely justified given Rissia’s aggression and historical land grabs in the area. Shit, Putin has stated that he doesn’t think UA is a state and invaded for resources. The NATO aggression is completely bogus. Russia is the aggressor in the area.

A pre-emotive war with a peaceful neighbour, because Nato. Pull the other one. It’s denazification, it’s liberation of Russian speakers, it’s it’s it’s. It’s the same old Russian bullshit, they want the resources, and are trying to take it by force. Only this time they are meeting resistance.

NATO only ever acts in aggression. Only an idiot thinks it's a defence pact especially considering most of the founding countries were under no threat from Russia. NATO is US imperialism, quite clearly. NATO has expanded eastwards and now threatens the stability of the region after the US sponsored a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and since then democracy has been impossible with anti-American parties banned and arrested. Substantial number of Russians live in eastern Ukraine and there has been a genocide campaign against them for 8 years, rockets fired into towns, no political representation, electricity and water deliberately cut off, language officially banned, all censored by the NATO media. Putin should have really gone to war in 2014 but the Minsk Agreement was supposed to end the situation, it didn't as Ukraine broke the agreement and resumed their genocide.

Putin is being remarkably restrained given the circumstances. I think he would be justified in levelling Kiev and purged all remnants of NATO from the country itself rather than only taking the Russian regions.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2236 on: July 14, 2022, 12:20:58 AM »
And now you're still going to get the same amount of Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Iranian, Arab and African immigrants displacing your population with higher birth rates without any Europeans to offset those numbers.

The Europeans assimilated as British and were not anti-UK. Not so much so with the other demographics.

Already have a Moslem mayor of London.

Not long now and you'll have an Indian prime minister.

Very sadly Britain & England/ English people are Fcuked - all by design & successive Puppet Governments Following
WEF / EU Nazi run Agenda.  They want rid of the British People & England.

And Yes FFS our Capital City Has A Muslim Mayor - WTF !! 
Jeez That's absolutely Fucking Hideous State of Affairs. 🤬🤬🤬


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2237 on: July 14, 2022, 12:27:38 AM »
NATO only ever acts in aggression. Only an idiot thinks it's a defence pact especially considering most of the founding countries were under no threat from Russia. NATO is US imperialism, quite clearly. NATO has expanded eastwards and now threatens the stability of the region after the US sponsored a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and since then democracy has been impossible with anti-American parties banned and arrested. Substantial number of Russians live in eastern Ukraine and there has been a genocide campaign against them for 8 years, rockets fired into towns, no political representation, electricity and water deliberately cut off, language officially banned, all censored by the NATO media. Putin should have really gone to war in 2014 but the Minsk Agreement was supposed to end the situation, it didn't as Ukraine broke the agreement and resumed their genocide.

Putin is being remarkably restrained given the circumstances. I think he would be justified in levelling Kiev and purged all remnants of NATO from the country itself rather than only taking the Russian regions.

X2  Great Post.
Auto Needs to open his mind & learn a lot more - has a very Rosy Limited view of NATO .

Anyone who has an open non biased view is Pro Putin/Russia to him.   ::)
Not so we may just have a broader knowledge of whats gone on before.

Super Natural

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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2238 on: July 14, 2022, 04:38:25 AM »

X2  Great Post.
Auto Needs to open his mind & learn a lot more - has a very Rosy Limited view of NATO .

Anyone who has an open non biased view is Pro Putin/Russia to him.   ::)
Not so we may just have a broader knowledge of whats gone on before.

Exactly, if one takes some time and go do a deep dive on the history of the region, the founding of Ukraine, the civil war in the East of the country, the different factions and insane corruption, the baiting of Russia from Nato over the years, the threat to the US Dollar from the Rubble being backed by the gold standard, The global bankers being kicked out of Russia, the impact of the sanctions,the gas deals between Russia and Europe and Russia’s vast fresh water supply to name but a few.

This thing is so much more than the Corporate media wants us to believe. It is deep with roots planted in WW2 and coming to a climax now.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2239 on: July 14, 2022, 05:16:27 AM »

X2  Great Post.
Auto Needs to open his mind & learn a lot more - has a very Rosy Limited view of NATO .

Anyone who has an open non biased view is Pro Putin/Russia to him.   ::)
Not so we may just have a broader knowledge of whats gone on before.

FYI: Nato has only ever invoked article 5 once, after 911.

People have joined the pact precisely because of what autocratic countries invariably spiral into, and what we are seeing now, despotic, nationalistic revanchism.

Seems like a smart move.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2240 on: July 14, 2022, 05:20:10 AM »
If people here want to understand Soviet history and it’s legacy on the Russian mindset, I suggest you widen your minds, by…….. reading a book!

The Gulag Archipelago

Rose tinted glasses will be smashed under the truth of the Soviet jackboot!


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2241 on: July 14, 2022, 06:58:08 AM »
Still, better chance of controlling immigration now we’re out of the EU. If the whites don’t breed, who can they blame other than themselves?

Blame he billionaires, NGOs and others who are funding, promoting, and facilitating a mass immigration invasion by the third world into Europe.

Europeans aren't going to outbreed the entire world dumped into their continent.

For decades Europeans were told to have less children to save the planet. Suddenly, the script was flipped and the "solution" was to ethnically dilute Europeans. European countries should be paying native Europeans to have more children.

If billionaires, NGOs and others suddenly began flooding the third world into Israel would anyone say "if Jews don't breed, who can they blame but themselves?"

Read with The Gulag Archipelago and am familiar with The Perestroika Deception. Several people here are familiar with Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, and others associated with the mass murder, enslavement and torture of the native Russian people and of those who funded the Bolshevik revolution.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2242 on: July 14, 2022, 08:17:13 AM »
Blame he billionaires, NGOs and others who are funding, promoting, and facilitating a mass immigration invasion by the third world into Europe.

Europeans aren't going to outbreed the entire world dumped into their continent.

For decades Europeans were told to have less children to save the planet. Suddenly, the script was flipped and the "solution" was to ethnically dilute Europeans. European countries should be paying native Europeans to have more children.

If billionaires, NGOs and others suddenly began flooding the third world into Israel would anyone say "if Jews don't breed, who can they blame but themselves?"

Read with The Gulag Archipelago and am familiar with The Perestroika Deception. Several people here are familiar with Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, and others associated with the mass murder, enslavement and torture of the native Russian people and of those who funded the Bolshevik revolution.

The elites don't give a fuck about the colour of their slaves, this much is true. That said, the entire world dumped into the UK is not going to happen, but taking the sentiment of your statement: Brexit at least gives us a fighting chance, better than the rest of the EU. Current white percentage is around the 84% mark, down 1.2% since 2011.

So, it really is in our balls as to what happens.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2243 on: July 14, 2022, 08:24:01 AM »
The elites don't give a fuck about the colour of their slaves, this much is true. That said, the entire world dumped into the UK is not going to happen, but taking the sentiment of your statement: Brexit at least gives us a fighting chance, better than the rest of the EU. Current white percentage is around the 84% mark, down 1.2% since 2011.

So, it really is in our balls as to what happens.

No argument against Brexit. That's a given.

Immigration must be halted and most of the "refugees" must be repatriated. European governments must subsidize native European procreativity.

With AI and automation(the other automation), there should be increasingly less need for workers in general, much less foreign workers.

As low as 84% of Europe being of European descent should be considered horrific for Europeans, not encouraging.

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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2244 on: July 14, 2022, 10:09:36 AM »
We just watched a 20 year war exposed as a fraud. So, pardon us if we’re not rushing into this latest adventure yelling “USA, USA.”


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2245 on: July 14, 2022, 12:15:04 PM »
If people here want to understand Soviet history and it’s legacy on the Russian mindset, I suggest you widen your minds, by…….. reading a book!

The Gulag Archipelago

Rose tinted glasses will be smashed under the truth of the Soviet jackboot!

i'm surprised you haven't directly replied to The 2 very Good posts
by NGZ & Super Natural - do you Think they're also Wrong in what they're
Saying. ??

So only NATO & America are Right in Whatever They say or Do - Correct ?


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2246 on: July 14, 2022, 12:33:23 PM »
The elites don't give a fuck about the colour of their slaves, this much is true. That said, the entire world dumped into the UK is not going to happen, but taking the sentiment of your statement: Brexit at least gives us a fighting chance, better than the rest of the EU. Current white percentage is around the 84% mark, down 1.2% since 2011.

So, it really is in our balls as to what happens.

hasn't net immigration to the UK increased since Brexit ?


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2247 on: July 14, 2022, 12:54:04 PM »

i'm surprised you haven't directly replied to The 2 very Good posts
by NGZ & Super Natural - do you Think they're also Wrong in what they're
Saying. ??

So only NATO & America are Right in Whatever They say or Do - Correct ?

Hey mate, re NATO aggression and Soviet history, feel like I covered those on the previous page.

If it was something specific you would like to know my view on, happy to revisit.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2248 on: July 14, 2022, 02:03:42 PM »
Still, better chance of controlling immigration now we’re out of the EU. If the whites don’t breed, who can they blame other than themselves?
The elite are creating conditions that make it difficult for whites to breed. They spread white guilt and shaming through the media. Promote abortions. Increase taxation. Ads are made to depict interracial couples. They flood white nations with non-whites. The promote deviant behaviors like homosexuality and transgenderism. The demographic shift in the west is so much more than just white people not breeding.

The blame lies with the anti-white globalist elite and treasonous politicians. They did not have to flood the west with non-whites. There will probably be a jihad declared on the elite eventually by whites. A jihad that will last centuries and the elite and their offspring could very well be held accountable for their crimes. Why the offspring? To deter future transgressions like these. A cockroach like Soros will probably realize eventually that his grandchildren will pay the price along with his own bloodline.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #2249 on: July 14, 2022, 02:06:16 PM »
hasn't net immigration to the UK increased since Brexit ?
Wouldn't surprise me. Tony Blair's regime went out to seek non-whites and flooded Britain with up to 500,000 non-whites per year with the sole goal being to rub the right's nose in diversity. Oh well, sucks to be British.